Fáilte Romhat
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Acheson Thomas Rathbeg Donegore Antrim Adair Henry Donegore Donegore Antrim Agnew Henry Ballysavage Donegore Antrim Agnew James Ballysavage Donegore Antrim Agnew James Tobergill Donegore Antrim Agnew John Ballysavage Donegore Antrim Agnew Robert S. Tobergill Donegore Antrim Agnew Rose Freemanstown Donegore Antrim Agnew Samuel Cromy & Taggart's Land Donegore Antrim Agnew Samuel Freemanstown Donegore Antrim Agnew Thomas Freemanstown Donegore Antrim Alexander Anne Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Allen James Cromy & Taggart's Land Donegore Antrim Allen James Freemanstown Donegore Antrim Allen Matthew Browndod Donegore Antrim Allen Sarah Donegore Donegore Antrim Armstrong Benjamin Browndod Donegore Antrim Armstrong William Tobergill Donegore Antrim Bailey Quintin Donegore Donegore Antrim Baird Anne Rathbeg Donegore Antrim Baird John Ballywee Donegore Antrim Barber Mary Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim Barrow Robert Freemanstown Donegore Antrim Bartley Anne Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim Bartley Jane Ballywee Donegore Antrim Bartly Anne Ballyclaverty Donegore Antrim Baxter Hugh Cromy & Taggart's Land Donegore Antrim Beatty Nathaniel Donegore Donegore Antrim Beatty Robert Tobergill Donegore Antrim Beatty Samuel Donegore Donegore Antrim Beatty William Ballysavage Donegore Antrim Beck David J. Donegore Donegore Antrim Beck Henderson Donegore Donegore Antrim Beck John Donegore Donegore Antrim Beck John, Jr. Donegore Donegore Antrim Beck John, Sr. Donegore Donegore Antrim Beck Josiah Donegore Donegore Antrim Beck Samuel Tobergill Donegore Antrim Beckett Joseph Browndod Donegore Antrim Bell Alexander Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim Bell Andrew Browndod Donegore Antrim Bell Andrew Donegore Donegore Antrim Bell Andrew Halftown Donegore Antrim Bell William S. Ballyclaverty Donegore Antrim Bell William S. Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim Beresford Isabella Tobergill Donegore Antrim Beresford James Rathbeg Donegore Antrim Beresford William Donegore Donegore Antrim Blair Edward Cromy & Taggart's Land Donegore Antrim Blair Edward Freemanstown Donegore Antrim Blair Edward Village of Parkgate,Durhamsland Donegore Antrim Blane John Tobergill Donegore Antrim Blealock Thomas Rathbeg Donegore Antrim Blealock Thos. Rathbeg Donegore Antrim Boal Robert Rathbeg Donegore Antrim Boswell Emily Donegore Donegore Antrim Boyce John Village of Parkgate,Durhamsland Donegore Antrim Boyd John Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim Boyd Malcolm Browndod Donegore Antrim Boyd Thomas Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Boyle Elizabeth Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Bryson Francis Ballysavage Donegore Antrim Caldwell William Drumagorgan Donegore Antrim Callan Robert Ballywee Donegore Antrim Calvert Henry Cromy & Taggart's Land Donegore Antrim Campbell Elizabeth Rathmore Donegore Antrim Campbell James Rathmore Donegore Antrim Campbell Samuel Rathmore Donegore Antrim Cathcart James Rathbeg Donegore Antrim Christy Robert Browndod Donegore Antrim Clarke Alexander Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Clarke George J. Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Clarke John Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Clarke John Donegore Donegore Antrim Clarke William Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim Clarke William, Jr. Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Clarke William, Sr. Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Connor Daniel Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Connor Jane Dunamuggy Donegore Antrim Coulter Robert Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim Craig David Ballywee Donegore Antrim Craig Francis Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Craig Stewart Browndod Donegore Antrim Crawford Adam Tobergill Donegore Antrim Crawford Andrew Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim Crawford John Tobergill Donegore Antrim Crawford Malcolm Halftown Donegore Antrim Crawford William J. Halftown Donegore Antrim Curry Archibald Dunamuggy Donegore Antrim Davidson James Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim Davidson John Freemanstown Donegore Antrim Dixon Richard Cromy & Taggart's Land Donegore Antrim Donald Leonard Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Donnell Jane Rathbeg Donegore Antrim Drummond Margt. Tobergill Donegore Antrim Duncan Andrew Drumagorgan Donegore Antrim Duncan John Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Elliott Richard Browndod Donegore Antrim Elliott Samuel Browndod Donegore Antrim Ellison James Ballysavage Donegore Antrim Ellison James Cromy & Taggart's Land Donegore Antrim Ellison John Tobergill Donegore Antrim Erson James Ballywee Donegore Antrim Ferguson Francis Browndod Donegore Antrim Ferguson James Ferguson's Land Donegore Antrim Ferguson James Halftown Donegore Antrim Ferguson Jane Ballygowan Donegore Antrim Ferguson John Cromy & Taggart's Land Donegore Antrim Ferguson John Ferguson's Land Donegore Antrim Ferguson John Rathbeg Donegore Antrim Ferguson Thomas Ballywee Donegore Antrim Ferguson William Ballygowan Donegore Antrim Finlay Isabella Freemanstown Donegore Antrim Finlay James Freemanstown Donegore Antrim Finlay William Browndod Donegore Antrim Finton Saml. G. Freemanstown Donegore Antrim Fleming James Browndod Donegore Antrim Fleming Jane Ferguson's Land Donegore Antrim Fleming John Browndod Donegore Antrim Fleming Nathaniel Browndod Donegore Antrim Fleming Robert Browndod Donegore Antrim Foster James Ballywee Donegore Antrim Foster James Cromy & Taggart's Land Donegore Antrim Foster Thomas Ferguson's Land Donegore Antrim French Thomas Rathbeg Donegore Antrim Frew Stuart Donegore Donegore Antrim Gawn John Donegore Donegore Antrim Gawn John Halftown Donegore Antrim Gawn Thomas Halftown Donegore Antrim Gawn William Halftown Donegore Antrim Gibb James Donegore Donegore Antrim Gibb John Donegore Donegore Antrim Gibb John, Jr. Donegore Donegore Antrim Gibb Robert Donegore Donegore Antrim Gibb William J. Donegore Donegore Antrim Gordon Edward Rathbeg Donegore Antrim Gourley Samuel Tobergill Donegore Antrim Gray James Tobergill Donegore Antrim Gray Robert Browndod Donegore Antrim Grindy James Ballysavage Donegore Antrim Harpur Anne Rathbeg Donegore Antrim Hassett John Browndod Donegore Antrim Hayes Robert Ballywee Donegore Antrim Herberson Mary Ferguson's Land Donegore Antrim Hollas Abraham Drumagorgan Donegore Antrim Hoy Malcolm Ballyclaverty Donegore Antrim Hoy Robert Ballyclaverty Donegore Antrim Hoy Samuel Ballyclaverty Donegore Antrim Hunter Anne Donegore Donegore Antrim Hunter George Browndod Donegore Antrim Hunter James Ferguson's Land Donegore Antrim Hymans Lenny Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Ingram Andrew Ballysavage Donegore Antrim Ingram Jane Cromy & Taggart's Land Donegore Antrim Irwin John Tobergill Donegore Antrim Jameson Jane Browndod Donegore Antrim Johnston Elizabeth Browndod Donegore Antrim Johnston Henry Browndod Donegore Antrim Johnston John Browndod Donegore Antrim Johnston Samuel Ferguson's Land Donegore Antrim Johnston William J. Donegore Donegore Antrim Kelly Jane Ballywee Donegore Antrim Kennedy Andrew Donegore Donegore Antrim Kennedy Richard Browndod Donegore Antrim Knott James Tobergill Donegore Antrim Knott William Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim Knox Alex. Donegore Donegore Antrim Larmer James Ballygowan Donegore Antrim Lavery Francis Drumagorgan Donegore Antrim Lavery William Rathbeg Donegore Antrim Lawther Andrew Donegore Donegore Antrim Lawther Henry Rathbeg Donegore Antrim Lawther Henry M. Donegore Donegore Antrim Lawther James Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Lawther John Tobergill Donegore Antrim Lawther Margaret Donegore Donegore Antrim Lawther Robert D. Drumagorgan Donegore Antrim Little William Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Magee Eliza Freemanstown Donegore Antrim Magee William Freemanstown Donegore Antrim Malcolm David Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Mc Ardle Thomas Village of Parkgate,Durhamsland Donegore Antrim Mc Atomly John Village of Parkgate,Durhamsland Donegore Antrim Mc Bride James Ballysavage Donegore Antrim Mc Bride James Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim Mc Bride James Tobergill Donegore Antrim Mc Caig James Tobergill Donegore Antrim Mc Caig William Ballywee Donegore Antrim Mc Caig William Village of Parkgate,Durhamsland Donegore Antrim Mc Call John Tobergill Donegore Antrim Mc Caul William John Tobergill Donegore Antrim Mc Cauley Daniel Cromy & Taggart's Land Donegore Antrim Mc Cauley James Village of Parkgate,Durhamsland Donegore Antrim Mc Cauly Josephine Tobergill Donegore Antrim Mc Cleary Stephen Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Mc Cleery Stephen Donegore Donegore Antrim Mc Clelland David Halftown Donegore Antrim Mc Clelland Elizabeth Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Mc Cluskey James Browndod Donegore Antrim Mc Combe Hugh Donegore Donegore Antrim Mc Connell Francis Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim Mc Connell James Ballysavage Donegore Antrim Mc Connell James Ballywee Donegore Antrim Mc Connell James Cromy & Taggart's Land Donegore Antrim Mc Connell James Ferguson's Land Donegore Antrim Mc Connell John Ballysavage Donegore Antrim Mc Coslin John Halftown Donegore Antrim Mc Crom Robert Freemanstown Donegore Antrim Mc Crum Francis Browndod Donegore Antrim Mc Curley John Ballywee Donegore Antrim Mc Curley Wm. John Ballywee Donegore Antrim Mc Dermod Francis Browndod Donegore Antrim Mc Dowell David Ballyclaverty Donegore Antrim Mc Fee James Ballygowan Donegore Antrim Mc Fee James Browndod Donegore Antrim Mc Kee Rev. Joseph Ballywee Donegore Antrim Mc Knight Robert Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim Mc Knight William Tobergill Donegore Antrim Mc Meeken Anne Ballywee Donegore Antrim Mc Meeken Margaret Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Mc Million John Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim Mc Million John Browndod Donegore Antrim Mc Mullen William Ballywee Donegore Antrim Mc Trestery James Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Mc Vey John Ballysavage Donegore Antrim Mc Williams Letitia Ferguson's Land Donegore Antrim Meehan Joseph Donegore Donegore Antrim Melligan Samuel Tobergill Donegore Antrim Menford William Ballywee Donegore Antrim Millar Matthew Freemanstown Donegore Antrim Miller Andrew Donegore Donegore Antrim Miller Matthew Ballywee Donegore Antrim Minford Robert Village of Parkgate,Durhamsland Donegore Antrim Molyneux Arthur Ballyclaverty Donegore Antrim Molyneux Arthur Dunamuggy Donegore Antrim Montgomery James Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim Montgomery Johnston Tobergill Donegore Antrim Montgomery Malcolm Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim Montgomery Malcolm Browndod Donegore Antrim Montgomery Sarah Tobergill Donegore Antrim Moore David Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Moore Mary Cromy & Taggart's Land Donegore Antrim Moore William Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim Morrison Mary Halftown Donegore Antrim Mullan Francis Ballysavage Donegore Antrim Murdoch James Ballygowan Donegore Antrim Murdoch John Halftown Donegore Antrim Murdoch Rep. Wm. Halftown Donegore Antrim Murdoch William Donegore Donegore Antrim Murdock Hugh Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim Neal John Drumagorgan Donegore Antrim Neill William Donegore Donegore Antrim Nesbitt Alice Donegore Donegore Antrim Nicholl Alexander Ballywee Donegore Antrim O'Neill Eleanor Ballywee Donegore Antrim O'Neill Greene Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim O'Neill Greene Halftown Donegore Antrim O'Neill Greenhall Browndod Donegore Antrim O'Neill James Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim O'Neill James Halftown Donegore Antrim O'Neill John Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim O'Neill John Halftown Donegore Antrim Parker Euphemia Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Parker Thomas Rathbeg Donegore Antrim Peyton John Village of Parkgate,Durhamsland Donegore Antrim Phillips Charles Ballyclaverty Donegore Antrim Potter William J. Ballysavage Donegore Antrim Quinn Eliza Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim Ramsay Isaac Tobergill Donegore Antrim Ramsay James Ballyclaverty Donegore Antrim Ramsay Patrick Ballyclaverty Donegore Antrim Ray James Rathmore Donegore Antrim Rea Hannah Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Rea James Tobergill Donegore Antrim Rea William Rathbeg Donegore Antrim Reid Anne Ballywee Donegore Antrim Reid James Ballywee Donegore Antrim Reid John Cromy & Taggart's Land Donegore Antrim Ryan James Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim Sarsfield James Ballygowan Donegore Antrim Scott Mary Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Service David Ballygowan Donegore Antrim Service Mary Cromy & Taggart's Land Donegore Antrim Sharkey Matthew Browndod Donegore Antrim Simms William Tobergill Donegore Antrim Sloan William Dunamuggy Donegore Antrim Sloane Adam Ballysavage Donegore Antrim Sloane Adam Tobergill Donegore Antrim Smyth James Browndod Donegore Antrim Smyth John Browndod Donegore Antrim Snoddy Andrew Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim Steele James Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Steele John Halftown Donegore Antrim Steele Robert Ballygowan Donegore Antrim Stevenson Alexander Ballyclaverty Donegore Antrim Stevenson Andrew Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim Stevenson Andrew Browndod Donegore Antrim Stevenson John Ballysavage Donegore Antrim Stevenson John Donegore Donegore Antrim Stevenson Martha Donegore Donegore Antrim Stirling Eliza Anne Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Stirling Hugh Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Stirling Robert Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Stirling Thomas Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Stirling Thos. Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Stirling William Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Stirling William Donegore Donegore Antrim Taggart Andrew Tobergill Donegore Antrim Taggart James Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Taggart James Browndod Donegore Antrim Taggart Joseph Freemanstown Donegore Antrim Tallon John Ballywee Donegore Antrim Thompson David Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Thompson Eliza Village of Parkgate,Durhamsland Donegore Antrim Thompson James Freemanstown Donegore Antrim Thompson James Village of Parkgate,Durhamsland Donegore Antrim Thompson John Donegore Donegore Antrim Thompson Joseph Dunamuggy Donegore Antrim Thompson William Ballyclaverty Donegore Antrim Todd Robert Halftown Donegore Antrim Warwick David Tobergill Donegore Antrim Warwick James Browndod Donegore Antrim Warwick James Tobergill Donegore Antrim Warwick John Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Warwick John Browndod Donegore Antrim Warwick Samuel Tobergill Donegore Antrim Warwick Susan Ballywoodock Donegore Antrim Warwick William Donegore Donegore Antrim Watt James Browndod Donegore Antrim Williamson Hugh Ballywee Donegore Antrim Williamson Shaw Ballywee Donegore Antrim Williamson Shaw Freemanstown Donegore Antrim Wilson Fanny Freemanstown Donegore Antrim Wilson Francis Ballygowan Donegore Antrim Wilson James Ballyclaverty Donegore Antrim Wilson James Drumagorgan Donegore Antrim Wilson James Dunamuggy Donegore Antrim Wilson Margaret Ballywee Donegore Antrim Wilson Samuel Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Wilson Samuel Drumagorgan Donegore Antrim Wilson Samuel Rathbeg Donegore Antrim Wilson William Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Wilson William Donegore Donegore Antrim Wilson William Henry Ballynoe Donegore Antrim Woodside John Tobergill Donegore Antrim Wright John Donegore Donegore Antrim Wright Thomas Donegore Donegore Antrim Young John Cromy & Taggart's Land Donegore Antrim Young John Village of Parkgate,Durhamsland Donegore Antrim