Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Grange of Dundermot, County Antrim
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Grange of Dundermot, County Antrim
Adams Hannah Lisnasoo Grange of Dundermot Antrim Adams John Lisnasoo Grange of Dundermot Antrim Adams William Drumakeely Grange of Dundermot Antrim Alexander William Drumbare Grange of Dundermot Antrim Anderson James Outal Grange of Dundermot Antrim Barclay John Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Blair Alexander Lisnasoo Grange of Dundermot Antrim Boyd David Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Boyd James Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Boyd James Dowgry Grange of Dundermot Antrim Boyd Robert Ballynamaddy Grange of Dundermot Antrim Boyd Simpson Dowgry Grange of Dundermot Antrim Boyd Thomas Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Boyd William Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Brangan Thomas Drumnaglea Grange of Dundermot Antrim Browne James Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Browne James Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Brumley Anne Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Buchanan Joshua Outal Grange of Dundermot Antrim Callwell James Lisnasoo Grange of Dundermot Antrim Campbell Alexander Drumbare Grange of Dundermot Antrim Campbell John Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Campbell John Drumnaglea Grange of Dundermot Antrim Campbell William Drumbare Grange of Dundermot Antrim Connor Henry Drumnaglea Grange of Dundermot Antrim Coulter John Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Crawford James Ballynamaddy Grange of Dundermot Antrim Creelman Catherine Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Creelman Daniel Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Curry Anne Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Curry James Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Curry John Ballynamaddy Grange of Dundermot Antrim Curry Robert Drumbare Grange of Dundermot Antrim Davidson Mark Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Dowds Jane Drumakeely Grange of Dundermot Antrim Elliott David Drumakeely Grange of Dundermot Antrim Finlay Andrew Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Fulton Jackson Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Gage Marcus Drumbare Grange of Dundermot Antrim Gasten Alexander Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Gasten John Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Gasten Margaret Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Graham David Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Gregg Andrew Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Gregg Anne Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Gregg David Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Gregg James Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Gregg John Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Gregg John, Jr. Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Gregg Joseph, Sr. Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Gregg Lititia Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Gregg Samuel Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Gregg William Drumbare Grange of Dundermot Antrim Gregg William Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Hall Hugh Ballynamaddy Grange of Dundermot Antrim Hall James A. Ballynamaddy Grange of Dundermot Antrim Hall Rev. John Drumakeely Grange of Dundermot Antrim Hanna Robert Outal Grange of Dundermot Antrim Hanna William J. Drumnaglea Grange of Dundermot Antrim Hasty Elizabeth Drumbare Grange of Dundermot Antrim Hasty William Drumnaglea Grange of Dundermot Antrim Henry John Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Houston Thomas Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Hughes Thomas Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Hunter Ellen Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Huston John Lisnasoo Grange of Dundermot Antrim Irwin Donaghy Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Irwin James Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Irwin Richard Ballynamaddy Grange of Dundermot Antrim Irwin Robert Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Irwin Robert Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Isdale John Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Jack Hugh Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Jack James Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Jeffers James Drumbare Grange of Dundermot Antrim Johnston Anne Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Johnston James Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Kenny Alexander Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Kenny Archibald Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Kenny James Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Kenny William Drumbare Grange of Dundermot Antrim Kerr Thomas Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Knox Hugh Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Knox James Outal Grange of Dundermot Antrim Kyle Andrew Drumnaglea Grange of Dundermot Antrim Kyle George Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Kyle Hugh Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Kyle Isaac Drumnaglea Grange of Dundermot Antrim Linton Alexander Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Linton Anne Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Linton David Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Linton Hannah Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Linton Jane Drumnaglea Grange of Dundermot Antrim Linton Joseph Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Linton Joseph Lisnasoo Grange of Dundermot Antrim Linton Joseph, Jr. Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Linton Robert Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Linton Robert Lisnasoo Grange of Dundermot Antrim Lowry Adam Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Lowry Anne Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Lowry David Dundermot Grange of Dundermot Antrim Lowry Robert Dowgry Grange of Dundermot Antrim Luke Alexander Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mc Allister Francis Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mc Allister John Drumakeely Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mc Auley William Drumnaglea Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mc Caughey James Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mc Cauley Thomas Springmount Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mc Clure Samuel Drumnaglea Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mc Clure Thomas Drumnaglea Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mc Clure William Drumnaglea Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mc Cullum William Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mc Grogan Isabella Drumbare Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mc Ilmoil James Drumakeely Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mc Ilmoil John Drumakeely Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mc Ilroy William Drumbare Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mc Kay Hugh Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mc Keevers Helena Drumbare Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mc Kelvy William Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mc Killip Neal Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mc Kindry Charles Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mc Millan John Dowgry Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mc Murray Robert Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mc Neile Henry Hugh Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mc Shannon Neal Lisnasoo Grange of Dundermot Antrim Miller Robert Dundermot Grange of Dundermot Antrim Miskelly James Drumbare Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mitchell James Lisnasoo Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mitchell John Lisnasoo Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mitchell Mary Drumbare Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mitchell William Dowgry Grange of Dundermot Antrim Moore James S. Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Moore James S. Lisnasoo Grange of Dundermot Antrim Moore John Drumbare Grange of Dundermot Antrim Morrison Hugh Drumbare Grange of Dundermot Antrim Morrow Matthew Dundermot Grange of Dundermot Antrim Mullen John Drumnaglea Grange of Dundermot Antrim Murdock John Dowgry Grange of Dundermot Antrim Nicholl James Ballynamaddy Grange of Dundermot Antrim O'Neill Higginson Jno. Springmount Grange of Dundermot Antrim Orr John Ballynamaddy Grange of Dundermot Antrim Orr Thomas Dowgry Grange of Dundermot Antrim Orr William Ballynamaddy Grange of Dundermot Antrim Osborne John Dowgry Grange of Dundermot Antrim Parteen Robert Lisnasoo Grange of Dundermot Antrim Patten Adam Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Patton Adam Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Patton David Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Patton James Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Patton Jane Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Patton John Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Patton Robert Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Patton Samuel Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Patton William Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Purdy Mary Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Ramsay Simms Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Reid John Springmount Grange of Dundermot Antrim Reynolds Daniel Springmount Grange of Dundermot Antrim Ross John Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Shaw Thomas Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Simpson Mary Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Sloan James Drumbare Grange of Dundermot Antrim Sloan Joseph Drumbare Grange of Dundermot Antrim Sloan William Lisnasoo Grange of Dundermot Antrim Smith William Ballynamaddy Grange of Dundermot Antrim Steenson Robert Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Stephenson John Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Stewart Samuel Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Stewart Sarah Ballynamaddy Grange of Dundermot Antrim Taggart John Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Taylor John Drumnaglea Grange of Dundermot Antrim Taylor William Drumnaglea Grange of Dundermot Antrim Templeton James Drumnaglea Grange of Dundermot Antrim Templeton Robert Drumbare Grange of Dundermot Antrim Torrens John Drumbare Grange of Dundermot Antrim Torrens William Ballynamaddy Grange of Dundermot Antrim Traynor Hugh Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Wallace James Drumnaglea Grange of Dundermot Antrim Walsh James Ballynamaddy Grange of Dundermot Antrim Warnock James Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim Watson John Dowgry Grange of Dundermot Antrim Watson Peter Dowgry Grange of Dundermot Antrim Watson Peter Frosses Grange of Dundermot Antrim White John Dowgry Grange of Dundermot Antrim Wiley Andrew Ballyhutherland Grange of Dundermot Antrim Wilson David Drumnaglea Grange of Dundermot Antrim Wilson Gaun Dowgry Grange of Dundermot Antrim Wilson Henry Dowgry Grange of Dundermot Antrim Wilson Rose Springmount Grange of Dundermot Antrim