Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Newton Cromlin, County Antrim
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Newton Cromlin, County Antrim
Aikens William Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Aikin Francis Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Alexander James Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Alexander Thomas Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Alexander William Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Anderson James Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Anderson Samuel Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Armstrong James Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Bailey Andrew Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Birt Eleanor Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Boner Samuel Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Boyd James Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Boyd Samuel Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Bradshaw Hugh Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Browne Isaac Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Browne Leonard Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Burke Patrick Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Burns Ulick Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Burns William Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Cameron Mary Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Carey Charles Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Carey Hugh Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Carey Patrick Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Carothers John Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Carothers Robert Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Carson James Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Christy John Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Connor Francis Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Coughran James Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Craig James Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Crommelin Samuel A. H. D. Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Crommelin Samuel A. H. D. Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Crommelin Samuel A. H. D. Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Curry Andrew Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Dawson James Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Delargy Anne Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Derargy Patrick Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Dogherty John Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Donaghy John Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Donnelly James Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Doran Anne Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Doran Margaret Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Dornan John Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Dornan Robert Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Dornan William Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Dornan William Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Dowds Hector Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Duff Nathan Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Dunbar William Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Dunlap James Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Dunlop Joseph Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Faulkener George, Sr. Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Faulkner George Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Fyffe James Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Gillen Catherine Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Glenn Hugh Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Graham Andrew Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Graham Jeremiah Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Hall William Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Hamilton Alexander Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Henry John Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Higgins Patrick Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Houston John Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Hyndman Archibald Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Johnston Thomas Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Keely Patrick Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Kelly Felix Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Kennedy William Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Kilpatrick John Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Kincart Matthew Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Lockeridge David Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Macartney John Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Mack John Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Madigan James Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Martin James Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Martin Richard Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Aleese Bernard Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Aleese Patrick Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Alinn Denis Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Alister Robert Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Atamney Daniel Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Ateer Patrick Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Cambridge Archibald Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Cann Daniel Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Cann Daniel Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Cann Donald Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Cartney Mary Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Cartney Samuel Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Cartney William Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Cauley Jane Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Clelland Eliza Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Clelland Rev. Robt. Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Clung Joseph Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Cormick Charles Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Cormick James Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Cosh James Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Cosh John Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Entire William J. Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Gill Hugh Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Gill Robert Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Gill Thomas Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Grath Bernard Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Guire Thomas Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Ilhatton Alexander Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Ilhatton John Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Kenla Alexander Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Killen Patrick Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Killip Donald Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Kinla James Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Michael John Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Michael John Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Mullen Charles Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Mullen William Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Naughton John Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Quillan John Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Shane Owen Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Shane Terence Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Sweeny Isaac Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Sweeny James Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Veigh Jane Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Veigh Robert Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Mc Waters John Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Millen Edward Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Miller John Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Miller William Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Murdock James Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Murphy William Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Murray Jane Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Murray John Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim O'Boyle Mary Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim O'Hagan Archibald Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim O'Loan James Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim O'Neill Bernard Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim O'Neill Charles Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim O'Neill Felix Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim O'Neill John Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim O'Raw James Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Orr John Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Price William Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Reid Hugh Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Ross Patrick Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Rudd John Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Russell Joseph Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Ryan James Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Scullion Patrick Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Shalliday Robert Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Shannon Abraham Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Shannon Samuel Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Simpson Robert Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Simpson William Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Sinclair Francis Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Sinclair George Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Smiley Daniel Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Steed John Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Steed Robert Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Steele John Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Stewart Daniel Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Stewart Hannah Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Stewart William Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Surgener John Scotchomerbane Newton Cromlin Antrim Tate Charles Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Tate John, Jr. Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Tate John, Sr. Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Tomb John Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim Tosh William Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Walker Samuel Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Walker Thomas Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Wallace William Skerry East Newton Cromlin Antrim Walsh John Skerry West Newton Cromlin Antrim