Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Seagoe, County Armagh
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Seagoe, County Armagh
Abraham          John                Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Abraham          John                Knockmenagh                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Abraham          Richard             Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Abraham          Robert              Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Adamson          William             Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Alexander        John                Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Allan            James               Knockramer                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Allan            Margaret            Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Allen            John                Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Allen            Nicholas            Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Anderson         Francis             Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Anderson         James               Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Anderson         John                Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Anderson         John                Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Archer           Joseph              Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Armstrong        ???                 Township of Portadown, Watson's Street       Seagoe     Armagh
Armstrong        ???                 Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Armstrong        George              Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Armstrong        George              Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Armstrong        Jane                Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Armstrong        Robert              Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Armstrong        Thomas              Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Armstrong        Thomas              Township of Portadown                        Seagoe     Armagh
Asden            James               Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Atkinson         Arthur              Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Atkinson         Charlotte           Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Atkinson         Dynes               Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Atkinson         Dynes               Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Atkinson         James               Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Atkinson         John                Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Atkinson         Mary                Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Atkinson         Richard             Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Atkinson         Robert              Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Atkinson         Robert              Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Atkinson         William             Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Atkinson         Woolsey             Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Atkinson         Woolsey             Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Baily            John                Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Barelay          Jane                Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Baxter           Elizabeth           Annaloist                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Baxter           George              Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Baxter           John                Annaloist                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Baxter           Joseph              Annaloist                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Baxter           Rep. Wm., Sr.       Annaloist                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Baxter           Samuel              Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Baxter           William             Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Baxter           William, Jr.        Annaloist                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Beatty           James               Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Bell             Anne                Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Bell             Ellen               Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Bell             Ellen               Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Bell             Joseph              Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Bell             Richard             Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Bell             William             Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Bell             William             Knock                                        Seagoe     Armagh
Bell             William             Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Bell             William             Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Bell             William John        Bocombra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Berry            Mary Anne           Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Best             David               Bocombra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Best             David               Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Best             Henry               Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Best             Isaac               Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Best             James               Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Best             James               Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Best             James               Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Best             James               Knockmenagh                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Best             Jane                Bocombra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Best             Jane                Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Best             John                Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Best             John                Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Best             John                Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Best             John, Jr.           Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Best             John, Sr.           Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Best             Mary                Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Best             Mary Anne           Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Best             Ralph               Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Best             Richard             Bocombra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Best             Richard             Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Best             Richard             Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Best             Ritchie             Bocombra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Best             Robert              Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Best             Sarah, Jr.          Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Best             Sarah, Sr.          Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Best             William John        Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Best             William John        Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Bicket           William             Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Bickett          James               Kilvergan                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Bickett          Pierce              Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Bickett          William             Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Bingham          Margaret            Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Black            Alexander           Knock                                        Seagoe     Armagh
Black            Elizabeth           Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Black            Jane                Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Black            John                Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Black            Joseph              Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Black            Matthew             Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Black            William             Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Blacker          George              Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Blacker          Stewart             Carrick                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Blacker          Stewart             Drumlisnagrilly                              Seagoe     Armagh
Blayney          James               Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Blayney          Jas                 Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Blayney          John                Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Blayney          Patrick             Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Bonis            Elizabeth           Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Bonis            Mary Anne           Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Bonis            Sarah               Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Boston           James               Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Boston           John                Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Boston           Rebecca             Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Boyce            James               Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Boyce            James               Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Boyd             Elizabeth           Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Boyd             Hugh                Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Boyd             Mary                Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Boyd             Thomas              Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Boyd             Thomas              Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Boyd             Thomas              Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Boyd             William             Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Boyle            Henry               Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Boyle            John                Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Boyle            Jonathan            Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Boyle            Thomas              Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Boyle            William             Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Bradshaw         James               Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Bradshaw         Joseph              Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Bradshaw         Joseph              Drumnacanvy                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Brady            Hannah              Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Brady            James               Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Brady            John                Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Brankin          Henry               Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Breen            Thomas              Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Brennan          Joseph              Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Brennan          Rev. R.             Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Brennan          Rev. R.             Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Bridget          Isaac               Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Bridget          James               Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Bright           George              Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Bright           George              Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Brown            Elizabeth           Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Brown            George              Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Brown            Grisella            Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Brown            James               Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Brown            Joseph              Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Brown            Patrick             Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Brown            Thomas              Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Brown            William             Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Brown            William             Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Brown            William             Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Browne           Aaron               Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Browne           Elizabeth           Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Browne           John                Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Browne           John                Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Browne           Richard             Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Browne           Robert              Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Browne           William             Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Browne           William             Township of Portadown, Watson's Lane         Seagoe     Armagh
Bull             John                Knockmenagh                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Bulla            James               Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Bulla            James, Jr.          Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Bulla            John                Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Bullock          George              Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Bullock          George              Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Bullock          Jane                Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Bullock          John                Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Bullock          Ralph               Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Bullock          Ralph               Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Bullock          Ralph               Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Bullock          Richard William     Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Bullock          Robert              Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Bullock          Samuel              Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Bullock          William             Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Bullock          William             Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Bullock          William             Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Bullock          William             Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Bullock          William, Jr.        Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Bullock          William, Sr.        Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Bunting          Anthony             Knockmenagh                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Bunting          Mary                Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Bunting          William             Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Bunton           Thomas              Kilvergan                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Burell           Anne                Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Burke            William             Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Burns            George, Jr.         Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Burns            George, Sr.         Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Burns            James               Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Burns            John                Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Burns            John                Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Burns            Thomas              Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Burns            Thomas              Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Burns            William             Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Burns            William             Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Burrel           Robert              Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Burrell          Anne                Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Burrell          Anne                Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Burrell          John                Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Burrell          John                Knock                                        Seagoe     Armagh
Burrell          Robert              Bocombra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Burrell          Robert              Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Cadell           James               Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Cairns           John                Lisnamintry                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Calvert          Edward              Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Calvert          Edward              Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Calvert          Edward              Drumnacanvy                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Calvert          John                Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Calvert          Leonard             Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Calvert          Leonard             Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Calvert          Robert              Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Calvert          William             Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Calvert          William J.          Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Calvert          William John        Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Campbell         Daniel              Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Campbell         David               Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Campbell         George              Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Campbell         Henry               Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Campbell         John                Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Campbell         John                Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Campbell         John                Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Campbell         Joseph              Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Campbell         Nicholas            Knock                                        Seagoe     Armagh
Campbell         Robert              Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Campbell         Robert              Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Campbell         Robert              Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Campbell         William             Knock                                        Seagoe     Armagh
Campbell         Wm. John            Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Capper           John                Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Capper           William             Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Carberry         Hugh                Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Carberry         James               Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Carberry         John                Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Carberry         Joseph              Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Carberry         William             Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Carey            James               Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Carleton         Thomas              Township of Portadown                        Seagoe     Armagh
Carroll          Andrew              Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Carroll          Rose                Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Carvill          Francis             Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Carvill          James               Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Carvill          James               Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Carvill          John                Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Carvill          William             Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Carvill          William             Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Cassell          Richard             Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Cassells         Edward              Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Cassidy          Henry               Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Cassidy          James               Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Cassidy          Thomas              Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Castles          Catherine           Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Castles          Elizabeth           Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Castles          James               Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Castles          Jane                Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Caulfield        Bernard             Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Chambers         Anne                Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Chambers         George              Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Chambers         James               Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Chambers         John                Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Chambers         William             Ballydonaghy                                 Seagoe     Armagh
Chambers         William             Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Chambers         William             Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Chase            George              Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Cherry           John                Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Cherry           William             Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Cinnamond        D'Arcy              Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Clarke           Mary                Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Clarke           Mary                Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Clayton          David               Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Clayton          John                Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Clayton          Sarah Jane          Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Clifford         Owen                Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Cochrane         Thomas              Ballydonaghy                                 Seagoe     Armagh
Collins          Francis             Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Collins          Henry               Derryvore                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Collins          James               Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Collins          James               Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Collins          John                Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Collins          John                Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Collins          Joseph              Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Collins          William             Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Collins          William             Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Colman           James               Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Colman           James               Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Colman           Margaret            Knockramer                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Colman           Patrick             Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Colman           Philip              Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Conlan           George              Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Connery          Andrew              Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Connolly         James               Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Connor           Michael             Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Connor           Patrick             Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Connor           Richard             Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Connor           Thomas              Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Cooke            John                Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Cooke            Jonh                Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Cooke            Matthew             Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Cooper           James               Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Cooper           John                Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Cooper           Robert              Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Cooper           Robert              Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Cooper           William             Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Cordner          William             Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Cordy            Anne                Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Cordy            Jane                Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Cordy            John                Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Cordy            Margaret            Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Corkan           James               Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Corkan           James               Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Corkan           William             Lisnamintry                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Corr             James               Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Corr             John                Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Corr             John                Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Corr             Margaret            Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Corr             Michael, Jr.        Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Corr             Michael, Sr.        Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Corr             Patrick             Derryvore                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Corry            John                Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Corry            John                Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Corry            Ruth                Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Costelloe        James               Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Coulter          Calvert             Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Coulter          David               Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Coulter          John                Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Coulter          John, Jr.           Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Coulter          John, Sr.           Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Coulter          Joseph              Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Coulter          Michael             Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Coulter          Robb                Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Coulter          Robert              Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Coulter          Samuel              Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Coulter          Samuel              Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Coulter          William             Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Courtney         Thomas              Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Cowley           Anthony             Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Coyle            James               Township of Portadown, Bright Street.        Seagoe     Armagh
Craig            Charles             Drumlisnagrilly                              Seagoe     Armagh
Craig            James               Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Craig            John                Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Craig            Joseph              Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Craig            Richard             Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Craig            Robert              Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Craig            William             Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Craig            William             Drumlisnagrilly                              Seagoe     Armagh
Craig            William             Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Craig            William             Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Crawford         Thomas              Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Creany           Margaret            Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Croghan          Thomas              Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Crossy           Rachel              Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Cuddy            Margaret            Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Cullen           Hugh                Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Cullen           Loughlin            Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Cummins          Denis               Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Cummins          James               Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Cummins          Moses               Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Cummins          William             Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Cunningham       John                Township of Portadown, Foundry Street        Seagoe     Armagh
Cunningham       Walter              Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Cunningham       William             Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Cuppage          Rep. Thos.          Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Cuppage          Thomas              Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Curran           John                Lisnamintry                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Curran           John                Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Curry            John                Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Curry            William             Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Cush             William             Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Daly             Archibald           Township of Portadown, Bright Street.        Seagoe     Armagh
Dalzell          Robert              Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Dalzell          Robert              Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Darragh          Henry               Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Davis            Alexander           Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Davis            George              Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Davis            John                Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Davison          Elizabeth           Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Davison          Isaac               Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Davison          James               Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Davison          Joseph              Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Davison          Mary                Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Dawson           Letitia             Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Dawson           Rev. Abraham        Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Dawson           William             Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Dawson           William             Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Dennison         Anne                Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Dickson          Dickey              Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Dickson          James, Jr.          Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Dickson          James, Sr.          Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Dickson          Thomas              Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Dickson          William             Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Dillon           James               Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Dilworth         James               Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Dilworth         Robert              Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Dilworth         Robert              Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Dilworth         Robert              Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Dilworth         Robert              Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Dilworth         Thomas              Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Dilworth         William, Jr.        Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Dilworth         William, Sr.        Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Dixon            Dickie              Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Dixon            George              Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Dixon            James               Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Dixon            James               Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Dixon            John                Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Dixon            John                Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Dixon            William             Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Doherty          Edward              Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Doherty          John                Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Doherty          Robert              Knockmenagh                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Doherty          William             Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Donaghy          John                Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Donaghy          Patrick             Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Donaghy          Patrick             Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Donnelly         James               Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Doon             Hugh                Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Doon             Rep. Edward         Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Doran            Edward              Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Douglas          Hilary              Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Douglas          John                Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Douglas          Moses               Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Douglas          Robert              Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Dowd             Matthew             Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Dowey            William             Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Down             Meridith            Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Doyle            Denis               Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Doyle            Elizabeth           Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Doyle            James               Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Duck             Sarah               Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Duffy            John                Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Duffy            Joseph              Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Duffy            Margaret            Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Duffy            William             Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Dunbar           John                Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Dynes            George              Township of Portadown, Watson's Lane         Seagoe     Armagh
Dynes            Isaac               Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Dynes            Margaret            Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Dynes            Oliver              Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Dynes            Ralph               Knockmenagh                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Dynes            Thomas              Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Dynes            Thomas              Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Dynes            Valentine           Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Dynes            William             Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Elliott          George              Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Elliott          Rev. Leonard D.     Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Elliott          Rev. Leonard D.     Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Ellis            Jane                Boconnell                                    Seagoe     Armagh
England          David               Drumnacanvy                                  Seagoe     Armagh
England          David               Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
England          George              Ballydonaghy                                 Seagoe     Armagh
England          Henry               Ballynaghy                                   Seagoe     Armagh
England          James               Ballydonaghy                                 Seagoe     Armagh
England          James               Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
England          James               Knock                                        Seagoe     Armagh
England          John                Ballydonaghy                                 Seagoe     Armagh
England          John                Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
England          Joseph              Knock                                        Seagoe     Armagh
England          Nicholas            Knock                                        Seagoe     Armagh
England          Phoebe              Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
England          Rachel              Ballydonaghy                                 Seagoe     Armagh
England          Robert              Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
England          Samuel              Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
England          Thomas              Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
England          Thomas              Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
England          William, Jr.        Ballydonaghy                                 Seagoe     Armagh
England          William, Sr.        Ballydonaghy                                 Seagoe     Armagh
Erne             John                Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Erne             Joseph              Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Erskine          William             Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Evans            John                Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Evans            Terence             Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Ewart            Thomas              Lisnamintry                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Ewings           Henry               Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Falloon          Charles             Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Falloon          Henry               Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Falloon          James               Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Falloon          Peter               Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Farr             David               Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Feenan           James               Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Ferguson         John                Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Fernan           Mary                Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Ferris           Bernard             Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Ferris           Mary                Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Finlay           John                Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Finn             Rose                Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Finnigan         Elizabeth           Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Fitzsimmons      Joshua              Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Fitzsimmons      Nathl               Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Fitzsimmons      Robert              Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Flavelle         James               Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Flavelle         Robert              Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Fleming          Henry               Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Fleming          Richard             Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Fleming          Susan               Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Fleming          Thomas              Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Fleming          Thomas              Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Fleming          William             Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Fleming          William             Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Fletcher         James               Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Fletcher         James               Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Fletcher         Sarah               Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Forbes           Andrew              Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Forde            William             Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Forseyth         Thomas              Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Forsythe         James               Derryvore                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Forsythe         Robert              Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Fowler           Joseph              Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Fowler           William             Ballydonaghy                                 Seagoe     Armagh
Fox              John                Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Fox              Joseph              Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Fox              Thomas              Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Freeland         Mary                Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Freeland         William             Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Frew             Arthur              Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Friars           Samuel              Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Friars           William             Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Friars           William             Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Friers           George              Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Fulton           Robert              Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Furvey           James               Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Furvey           William John        Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Gallagher        Arabella            Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Gallagher        Charles             Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Gardner          Bradshaw            Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Gardner          George              Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Gaskin           James               Kilvergan                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Gaskin           John                Kilvergan                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Gaskin           Richard             Kilvergan                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Geddis           Andrew              Annaloist                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Geddis           Andrew              Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Geddis           Andrew              Knockramer                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Geddis           Henry               Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Geddis           John                Knockramer                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Gibson           Elizabeth           Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Gibson           Esther              Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Gibson           James               Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Gibson           James               Township of Portadown, Bright Street.        Seagoe     Armagh
Gibson           John                Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Gibson           Robert              Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Gibson           Robert              Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Gibson           Thomas              Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Gibson           Thomas              Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Gibson           William             Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Gibson           William             Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Giffin           James               Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Gilbert          Jonathan            Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Gilbert          Richard             Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Gilbert          Thomas              Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Gilbert          William             Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Gilkinson        Francis             Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Gilkinson        William             Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Gillespie        John                Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Gillespie        Joseph              Ballynaghy                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Gillespie        Joseph              Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Gilpin           Anne                Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Gilpin           Dynes               Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Gilpin           Dynes               Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Gilpin           Dynes, Sr.          Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Gilpin           George              Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Gilpin           Henry               Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Gilpin           James               Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Gilpin           James               Kilvergan                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Gilpin           James               Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Gilpin           Jane                Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Gilpin           John                Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Gilpin           John                Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Gilpin           John                Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Gilpin           John                Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Gilpin           John, Jr.           Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Gilpin           John, Sr.           Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Gilpin           Thomas              Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Gilpin           William             Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Gilpin           William             Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Gilpin           William             Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Gilpin           William             Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Gilpin           William             Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Gilpin           William             Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Gilson           Jane                Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Ginniff          Hugh                Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Goold            William             Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Gordon           James               Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Gordon           James               Boconnell                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Gordon           James               Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Gordon           James               Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Gordon           John                Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Gordon           Thomas              Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Gordon           Thomas              Boconnell                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Gracey           Anne                Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Gracey           Daniel              Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Gracey           Halliday            Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Gracey           Jane                Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Gracey           John                Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Gracey           Rachel              Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Gracey           Thomas, Jr.         Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Graham           Archibald           Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Graham           Boyd                Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Graham           Charles             Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Graham           George              Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Graham           James, Jr.          Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Graham           James, Sr.          Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Graham           Jane                Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Graham           Jane                Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Graham           John                Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Graham           John                Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Graham           Nathaniel           Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Graham           Robert              Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Graham           Robert              Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Graham           Thomas              Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Graham           William             Lisnamintry                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Graham           William             Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Grant            Thomas              Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Grayson          Edward              Boconnell                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Grayson          Francis             Boconnell                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Grayson          John                Boconnell                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Grayson          Rachel              Boconnell                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Grayson          Thomas              Boconnell                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Grayson          William             Boconnell                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Grayson          William             Knockramer                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Greacy           Abraham             Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Greacy           John                Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Greene           John                Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Greene           Mary                Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Greenlee         Elizabeth           Township of Portadown, Foundry Street        Seagoe     Armagh
Greenway         Francis             Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Greenway         George              Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Greenwood        Isaac               Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Greer            John W.             Annaloist                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Greer            John W.             Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Gregson          Alexander           Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Gregson          James               Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Gregson          Robert              Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Gregson          William             Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Grew             Mary                Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Grew             Mary                Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Gribben          Sarah               Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Gribbin          James               Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Gribbin          Mary                Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Grimes           Anne                Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Grimes           Archibald           Kilvergan                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Grimes           John                Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Grimson          William             Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Grimson          Zacharish           Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Gullery          Henry               Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Gullery          Patrick             Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Guy              Andrew              Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Guy              Anne                Derryvore                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Guy              Francis             Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Guy              John                Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Guy              Thomas, Jr.         Derryvore                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Guy              Thomas, Sr.         Derryvore                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Guy              William             Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Haddick          John                Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Hagan            Henry               Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Hagan            Terence             Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Hagan            Terence             Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Haggen           James               Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Haggin           James               Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Haizley          James               Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Hall             Andrew              Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Hall             Isaac               Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Hall             Isaac               Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Hall             Isaac               Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Hall             Isabella            Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Hall             John                Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Hall             Joseph              Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Hall             Moses               Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Hall             Thomas              Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Hall             William             Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Halliday         James               Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Halliday         John                Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Hamilton         David               Knockramer                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Hamilton         James               Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Hamilton         Samuel              Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Hamilton         William             Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Hampton          John                Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Hanlon           Hugh                Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Hanlon           John                Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Hanna            Andrew              Boconnell                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Hanna            Eakins              Boconnell                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Hanna            Henry               Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Hanna            John                Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Hanna            William             Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Hanratty         John                Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Hanratty         Thomas              Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Hara             Anne                Bocombra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Hara             Daniel              Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Hara             John                Bocombra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Hara             Margaret            Bocombra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Hardy            Anne                Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Hare             Henry               Township of Portadown, Watson's Lane         Seagoe     Armagh
Hare             James               Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Harlan           Thomas              Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Harlan           William             Township of Portadown, Watson's Lane         Seagoe     Armagh
Harland          William J.          Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Harris           Benjamin            Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Harris           John                Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Harrison         Jane                Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Harrison         John                Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Harrison         John                Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Harrison         John, Jr.           Lisnamintry                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Harrison         John, Sr.           Lisnamintry                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Harrison         Pierce              Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Harrison         Robert              Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Harrison         Sibby               Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Hart             George              Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Hart             John                Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Hart             Thomas              Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Harte            David               Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Harte            John                Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Harvey           Catherine           Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Harvey           John                Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Hazelton         Hamilton            Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Hazelton         Thomas              Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Hazleton         Hamilton            Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Healy            Dominick            Boconnell                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Healy            Dominick            Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Healy            Peter               Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Heany            Daniel              Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Heany            Margaret            Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Henderson        Felix, Jr.          Boconnell                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Henderson        Felix, Sr.          Boconnell                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Henderson        Hannah              Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Henderson        Hannah              Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Henderson        James               Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Hendron          Thomas              Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Hennon           Luke                Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Hennon           Peter               Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Henry            William             Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Hepburn          Neill               Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Hepburn          Owen                Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Hewitt           Esther              Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Hewitt           Hall                Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Hewitt           James               Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Hewitt           James               Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Hewitt           Jane                Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Hewitt           John                Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Hewitt           Joseph              Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Hewitt           Joseph              Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Hewitt           Mary Anne           Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Hewitt           Samuel              Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Hewitt           Samuel              Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Hewitt           William             Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Hickland         Elizabeth           Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Hickland         Thomas              Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Hickland         William             Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Higginson        John                Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Higginson        William             Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Hill             Isaac               Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Hinnen           John                Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Hinnen           Patrick             Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Hinnen           Paul                Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Hobbs            John                Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Hoey             Bernard             Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Hoey             Michael             Ballydonaghy                                 Seagoe     Armagh
Hogan            John                Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Holland          George              Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Holland          John                Derryvore                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Holland          Martha              Derryvore                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Holland          Robert              Derryvore                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Holland          William             Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Hollywood        Francis             Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Holmes           Sarah               Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Holmes           William J.          Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Holywood         John                Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Honeyford        Benjamin            Ballydonaghy                                 Seagoe     Armagh
Hopps            William             Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Hopps            William             Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Hopps            William             Lisnamintry                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Hospital         William             Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Howard           William             Township of Portadown, Bright Street.        Seagoe     Armagh
Hoy              Bernard             Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Hughes           Cinnamond           Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Hughes           Henry               Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Hughes           John                Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Hughes           John                Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Hughes           Patrick             Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Hughes           Richard             Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Hughes           Robert              Knockmenagh                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Hughes           William             Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Hughes           William             Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Hughes           William             Township of Portadown, Watson's Lane         Seagoe     Armagh
Hull             Adam                Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Hull             John                Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Hull             Joseph              Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Humphreys        James               Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Humphreys        John                Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Hunter           William             Knock                                        Seagoe     Armagh
Hutchinson       David               Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Hutchinson       Thomas              Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Hutton           Henry               Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Irwin            David               Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Irwin            David               Township of Portadown, Bright Street.        Seagoe     Armagh
Irwin            James               Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Irwin            James               Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Irwin            John                Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Irwin            John                Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Irwin            John                Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Irwin            John                Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Irwin            Thomas              Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Irwin            Thomas              Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
James            William             Township of Portadown, Foundry Street        Seagoe     Armagh
Jelly            William             Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Jenkinson        Thomas              Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Jennett          Anne                Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Jennett          John                Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Jennett          Robert              Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Jennett          William             Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Jennings         Margaret            Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Jennings         Susan               Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Johnson          Francis             Knockmenagh                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Johnson          Francis             Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Johnson          Frederick           Knockramer                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Johnson          James               Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Johnson          John                Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Johnson          John                Knockmenagh                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Johnson          Mordecai            Knockmenagh                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Johnson          Philip              Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Johnson          Wilson              Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Johnston         James               Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Johnston         John                Township of Portadown, Foundry Street        Seagoe     Armagh
Johnston         Mordecai            Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Jones            Charles             Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Jones            Eliza               Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Jones            Elizabeth, Jr.      Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Jones            Elizabeth, Sr.      Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Jones            Henry               Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Jones            James               Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Jones            James               Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Jones            James               Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Jones            John                Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Jones            John                Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Jones            Thomas              Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Jones            Valentine           Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Jones            Valentine           Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Jones            William             Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Jordan           John                Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Joyce            George              Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Joyce            James               Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Joyce            James               Knock                                        Seagoe     Armagh
Joyce            James               Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Joyce            Jane                Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Joyce            John                Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Joyce            Valentine           Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Kane             Arthur              Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Kane             Bernard             Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Kane             James               Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Kane             John                Drumnacanvy                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Kane             Mary                Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Kane             Owen                Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Kane             Thomas              Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Kavanagh         Elizabeth           Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Kavanagh         James               Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Kavanagh         James               Drumlisnagrilly                              Seagoe     Armagh
Kavanagh         James               Drumnacanvy                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Kearney          Daniel              Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Kearns           John                Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Kellow           Charles             Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Kellow           Thomas              Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Kellow           Thomas              Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Kelly            Charles             Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Kelly            Elizabeth           Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Kelly            George              Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Kelton           Matthew             Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Kennedy          Christopher         Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Kennedy          James               Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Kennedy          James               Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Kennedy          Timothy             Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Keogh            William             Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Kernan           Sarah               Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Kerr             George              Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Kerr             George              Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Kerr             Hugh                Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Kerr             James               Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Kerr             John                Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Kettleton        Mary                Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Key              James               Knock                                        Seagoe     Armagh
Kidd             James               Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Kiddel           Henry               Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Kilpatrick       George              Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Kilpatrick       Isaiah              Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Kilpatrick       John                Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Kilpatrick       John                Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Kingham          William             Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Kingsborough     Robert              Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Kinkead          Alexander           Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Kinnear          Joseph              Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Kirk             Alphonso            Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Kirk             David               Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Kirk             David               Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Kittle           Elizabeth           Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Kittle           Hugh                Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Kittle           James               Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Kittle           James               Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Lamb             Margaret            Township of Portadown, Foundry Street        Seagoe     Armagh
Lappen           Mary                Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Laverty          John                Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Lavery           Arthur              Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Lavery           Edward              Kilvergan                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Lavery           Henry               Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Lavery           Henry               Kilvergan                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Lavery           Hugh                Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Lavery           Hugh                Kilvergan                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Lavery           James               Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Lavery           John                Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Lavery           John                Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Lavery           Leonard             Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Lavery           Mary                Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Lavery           Patrick             Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Lavery           Robert              Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Lawnsdale        George              Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Leggitt          Peter               Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Lennon           Bernard             Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Lennon           Henry               Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Lennon           James               Annaloist                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Lennon           James               Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Lennon           John                Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Lennon           Patrick             Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Lennon           William             Annaloist                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Leslie           Thomas              Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Leveson          John                Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Levingston       Anne                Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Levingston       Grace               Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Levingston       James               Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Levingston       James               Knockramer                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Levingston       John                Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Levingston       Joseph              Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Levingston       Richard             Lisnamintry                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Levingston       Thomas              Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Levingston       Valentine           Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Lewie            John                Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Lewis            David               Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Lewis            John                Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Lindsay          Charles             Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Lindsay          James               Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Lindsay          William             Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Little           Elizabeth           Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Little           Thomas              Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Livingston       James               Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Lockhart         Rachel              Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Logan            Henry               Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Lougheed         Joseph              Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Loughlin         John                Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Loughran         Edward              Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Loughran         Patrick             Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Lowry            William             Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Lurgan           Lord ???            Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Lurgan           Lord ???            Boconnell                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Lurgan           Lord ???            Knockramer                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Lurgan           Lord ???            Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Lutten           William             Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Lutten           William             Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Lutton           Andrew J.           Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Lutton           Andrew J.           Township of Portadown                        Seagoe     Armagh
Lutton           Andrew J.           Township of Portadown, Foundry Street        Seagoe     Armagh
Lutton           Andrew James        Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Lutton           Andrew. J.          Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Lutton           James               Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Lutton           Rep. Abraham        Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Lutton           William             Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Lynas            David               Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Lynas            James               Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Lynas            Jane                Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Lynas            John                Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Lynas            Joseph              Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Lynas            Mary                Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Lynas            Thomas              Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Lynas            Thomas, Jr.         Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Lynas            Thomas, Sr.         Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Lynch            Edward              Boconnell                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Lynch            James               Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Lynch            Patrick             Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Lynch            Peter               Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Lynn             Charles             Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Lynn             Elizabeth           Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Lynn             William J.          Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Macamson         Hugh                Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Macan            John                Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Macartney        John                Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mackle           John                Kilvergan                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mackle           Joseph              Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mackle           William             Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Maclure          James               Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Macoun           Harriett            Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Macoun           John                Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Macoun           John                Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Macoun           John                Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Macoun           John                Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Macoun           Robert              Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Macredy          John                Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Macrory          Henry               Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Madden           John                Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Madden           Wilson              Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Magee            Catherine           Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Magee            Edward              Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Magee            George              Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Magee            Henry               Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Magee            Henry               Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Magee            Isabella            Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Magee            James               Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Magee            John                Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Magee            Margaret            Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Magee            Sarah               Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Magee            William             Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Magennis         Roger               Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Magill           Henry               Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Magill           James               Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Magill           James               Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Magill           John                Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Magill           Joseph              Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Maginn           John                Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Maginn           William             Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Maginn           William             Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Maglone          John                Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Magowan          Samuel              Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Magrath          James               Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Magrath          Richard             Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Majorr           Robert              Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Malcomson        James               Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Malcomson        James               Boconnell                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Malcomson        Jane                Bocombra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Malcomson        John                Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Malcomson        John                Lisnamintry                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Malcomson        Joseph              Lisnamintry                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Malcomson        Robert              Lisnamintry                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Malcomson        Thomas              Bocombra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mallard          William             Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mallen           Archibald           Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mallon           Patrick             Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Manchester       ???                 Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Manchester       ???                 Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Marlay           Samuel              Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Marsden          Anne                Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Marsden          George              Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Marsden          Robert              Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Marsden          Thomas              Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Marshall         Edward              Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Marshall         Isaac               Knockmenagh                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Marshall         Mary                Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Martin           Catherine           Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Martin           Hamilton            Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Martin           John                Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Martin           John                Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Martin           Robert              Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Martin           Robert              Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Martin           William             Township of Portadown                        Seagoe     Armagh
Martin           William             Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Matchett         Richard             Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Matchett         Thomas              Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mathers          William             Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Mathers          William             Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Mathews          Anne                Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mathews          Henry               Annaloist                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mathews          James               Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mathews          William             Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Mawell           Ellen               Township of Portadown, Bright Street.        Seagoe     Armagh
Mawhirt          Aaron               Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mawhirt          James               Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mawhirt          John                Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mawhirt          John                Boconnell                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mawhirt          John                Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mawhirt          Thomas              Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
May              William             Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Mayers           Samuel              Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Maynes           Samuel              Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Maze             Anne                Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Maze             James               Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Maze             Jane                Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Maze             Mary                Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Maze             Sheppard            Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Alinden       Hugh                Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Alinden       William             Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Alindon       Arthur, Jr.         Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Alindon       Arthur, Sr.         Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Alindon       Hugh, Jr.           Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Alindon       Hugh, Sr.           Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Alindon       James, Jr.          Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Alindon       John                Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Alister       Charles             Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Alister       William             Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Allister      Joseph              Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Allister      Michael             Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Anulty        James               Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Anulty        James, Jr.          Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Atamney       Eugene              Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Atamney       Sarah               Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Bride         James               Bocombra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Bride         Mary                Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cabe          Alexander           Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cabe          John                Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cabe          Mary                Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cabe          Matthew             Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cabe          Samuel              Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cabe          Thomas              Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Caffrey       Henry               Township of Portadown, Bright Street.        Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Caghey        Joseph              Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Caghley       Arthur              Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Caghley       Richard             Derryvore                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Caghley       William             Derryvore                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cahilly       Patrick             Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Call          John                Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Anne                Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Bernard             Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Charles             Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Charles             Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Edmond              Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Edward              Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Edward              Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Edward              Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Edward              Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Ellen               Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Felix               Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Felix               Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Henry               Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Hugh                Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Hugh                Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Hugh                Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          James               Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          James               Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          James               Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          James               Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          John                Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          John                Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          John                Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          John                Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Mary                Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Matthew             Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Nicholas            Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Nicholas            Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Oliver              Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Owen                Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Patrick             Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Patrick             Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Richard             Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Sarah               Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          Thomas              Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          William             Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          William             Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cann          William             Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Carron        James               Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cart          Robert              Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cart          William             Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Caughey       Jonh                Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Chrystal      William             Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Clean         Henry               Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Clelland      James               Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Clelland      Thomas              Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cloghan       Sarah               Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Clure         Mary Jane           Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Clure         Richard             Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cluskey       Bernard             Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cluskey       Bernard             Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cluskey       Charles             Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cluskey       James               Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cluskey       James               Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cluskey       John                Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Collum        Andrew              Kilvergan                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Collum        James               Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Collum        Mary                Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Conaghy       Bernard             Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Conaghy       Rebecca             Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Conchy        Andrew              Kilvergan                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Conchy        Joseph              Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Conchy        Joseph              Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Conchy        William             Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Connell       James               Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Convile       Anne                Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Convill       Bernard             Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Convill       David               Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Convill       David               Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Convill       James               Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Convill       James               Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Convill       John                Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Convill       John                Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Convill       Mary                Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Conville      Cecilia             Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Conville      Edw., Jr.           Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Conville      Edward              Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Conville      Edward, Sr.         Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Conville      George              Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Conville      James               Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Conville      John                Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Conville      John                Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Conville      John                Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Conville      John                Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Conville      Joseph              Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Conville      Mary                Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Conville      Owen                Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Conville      Sarah               Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Conville      Thomas              Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Conville      William             Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cord          Andrew              Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cormack       James               Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cormack       James               Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cormick       George              Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cormick       James               Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cormick       John                Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cormick       Margaret            Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cormick       Mary Anne           Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cormick       Nicholas            Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cormick       Thomas              Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cormick       William             Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Corr          James               Boconnell                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Corry         Cormac              Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Corry         Henry               Boconnell                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Corry         Henry               Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Corry         Henry               Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Corry         James               Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Corry         James               Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Corry         John                Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Court         John                Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Court         John                Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Court         Owen                Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Coy           Anne                Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Creary        Thomas              Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Creedy        Robert              Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Creery        Thomas              Knockmenagh                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Creery        William             Knockmenagh                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Crory         William             Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cullagh       John                Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cullagh       Robert              Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cullough      Elizabeth           Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cully         James               Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cully         James               Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cully         John                Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cusker        Henry               Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cusker        Hugh                Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cusker        Hugh                Knockramer                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cusker        James               Knockramer                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cusker        Jane                Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cusker        John                Boconnell                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cusker        Patrick             Boconnell                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cusker        Thomas              Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cutchen       William             Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cutcheon      Blacker             Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Cutcheon      Samuel              Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Donnell       Anne                Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Donnell       John                Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Donnell       John                Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Donnell       Thomas              Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Dowell        Alevander           Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Dowell        Alexander           Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Dowell        Andrew              Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Dowell        James               Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Dowell        James               Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Dowell        Jane                Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Dowell        Mary                Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Dowell        Samuel              Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Evoy          Bernard             Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Evoy          Lucas               Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Evoy          Thomas              Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Fadden        James               Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Fadden        Thomas              Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Geough        Ellen               Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Geown         Daniel              Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Geown         Daniel              Kilvergan                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Geown         James               Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Gibben        Henry               Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Gibbon        Felix               Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Gill          James               Knockramer                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Glade         Catherine           Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Gladery       William             Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Grane         Thomas              Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Grane         William             Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Guiggan       Charles             Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Guinness      Anne                Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Guinness      Bernard             Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Guinness      Christopher         Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Guinness      John                Ballydonaghy                                 Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Guinness      John                Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Guinness      John                Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Guinness      John                Ballynaghy                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Guinness      John                Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Guinness      Sarah               Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Guinness      William             Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Guire         John                Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Guirk         Peter               Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Guirk         Thomas              Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Gurgan        James               Township of Portadown, Foundry Street        Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Gurk          James               Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Ilduff        Bernard             Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Ilduff        Richard             Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Ilernan       Ruth                Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Ilroy         George              Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Ilveen        St. John            Township of Portadown Bridge Street          Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Iver          William             Township of Portadown, Bright Street.        Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Kane          John                Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Kay           Eliza               Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Kee           Alexander           Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Kee           Alexander           Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Kee           Andrew              Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Kee           Andrew              Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Kee           Andrew              Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Kee           Elizabeth           Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Kee           John                Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Kee           John, Jr.           Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Kee           John, Sr.           Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Kee           Samuel              Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Keon          Robert              Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Keown         Bernard             Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Keown         James               Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Keown         James               Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Keown         John                Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Keown         John                Derryvore                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Keown         Mary                Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Keown         Michael             Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Keown         Patrick             Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Keown         Terence             Bocombra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Keown         William             Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Keown         William             Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Kerr          Hugh                Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Kerr          James               Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Kerr          James               Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Kerr          Jane                Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Kerr          John                Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Kerr          Robert              Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Kerr          Thomas              Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Kew           Hugh                Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Kinstry       John                Ballynaghy                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Kinstry       Samuel              Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Knight        William             Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Knight        William             Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Leveny        Thomas              Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Linden        Culla               Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Lindon        James               Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Loughlin      James               Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Loughlin      John                Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Loughlin      Margaret            Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Loughlin      Robert              Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Loughlin      Thomas              Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Loughlin      Thomas              Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Loughlin      William John        Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Mahon         Anne                Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Mahon         John                Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Manus         Richard             Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Mullan        John                Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Mullen        Eliza               Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Mullen        James               Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Murray        Arthur              Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Murray        David               Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Murray        Dynes               Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Murray        George              Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Murray        James               Ballynaghy                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Murray        James E.            Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Murray        John                Ballynaghy                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Murray        John                Drumlisnagrilly                              Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Murray        John                Drumnacanvy                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Murray        Robert              Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Murray        Samuel              Ballynaghy                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Murray        Samuel              Crossmacamilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Murray        Sarah               Knock                                        Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Murray        Thomas              Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Murray        William             Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Murray        William             Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Murray        William             Ballynaghy                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Murray        William             Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Murray        William             Drumnacanvy                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Murry         Arthur              Township of Portadown, Bright Street.        Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Murtagh       James               Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Nab           James               Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Nab           John                Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Nally         James               Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Nally         John                Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Nally         Thomas              Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Nally         William             Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Nally         William             Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Neece         Mary                Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Neill         John                Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Neill         Malcolm             Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Neill         Patrick             Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Parland       William             Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Quaid         Margaret            Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Roberts       John                Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Rory          Jane                Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Rory          Thomas              Bocombra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Rory          Thomas              Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Shane         John                Knockramer                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Shane         John                Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Shane         Thomas              Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Sherry        Anne                Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Sherry        John                Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Sherry        Patrick             Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Sherry        Sarah               Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Sherry        Valentine           Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Stavock       Neill               Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Stea          Henry               Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Veagh         Maria               Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Veagh         Thomas              Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Veigh         Ellen               Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Veigh         Patrick             Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Mc Whinny        Robert              Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Mccann           Charles             Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Mccann           Edward              Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Mccann           James               Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mccann           John                Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mccann           Luke                Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mccann           Mark                Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Mccaughley       James               Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mcconaghy        Michael             Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mcconaghy        Richard             Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Mccorry          Henry               Annaloist                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mccourt          John                Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Mclindon         Hugh                Annaloist                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mclindon         Hugh                Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mclindon         John                Annaloist                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mclindon         John                Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mclindon         Patrick             Annaloist                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Mcnab            Thomas              Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Mcnally          John                Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mcnally          Nicolas             Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mcnally          Richard             Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mcshane          Elizabeth           Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mcshane          Hugh                Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mears            Joseph              Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Medlow           Samuel              Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Metcalf          Henry               Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Metcalf          Henry               Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Metcalf          John                Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Metcalf          John                Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Metcalf          Joseph              Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Metcalf          Sarah               Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Metcalf          William             Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Middleton        James               Lisnamintry                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Miles            Henry               Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Miller           Henry               Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Miller           James               Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Miller           John                Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Miller           William             Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Minnis           James               Township of Portadown, Foundry Street        Seagoe     Armagh
Mitchell         Andrew              Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mitchell         John                Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Mitchell         Robert              Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mitchell         Samuel              Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mitchell         William             Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Moffett          Malcomson           Lisnamintry                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Moffett          Richard             Lisnamintry                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Moffitt          James               Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Moffitt          John                Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Moffitt          Richard             Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Moffitt          William             Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Molloy           Neill               Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Monahan          John                Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Monroe           Daniel              Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Monroe           James               Drumlisnagrilly                              Seagoe     Armagh
Monroe           James               Drumnacanvy                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Monroe           James               Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Monroe           Mary                Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Monroe           William             Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Montgomery       Ellen               Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Montgomery       John                Derryvore                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Montgomery       Mary                Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Montgomery       Robert              Derryvore                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Montgomery       Stewart             Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Moore            Andrew              Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Moore            George              Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Moore            James               Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Moore            William             Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Morgan           Rev. Laurence       Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Morgan           Thomas              Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Morrison         James               Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Morrison         John                Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Morrison         Robert              Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Morrison         Samuel              Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Morrow           Arthur              Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Morrow           Arthur              Bird's Island                                Seagoe     Armagh
Morrow           Arthur              Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Morrow           James               Bird's Island                                Seagoe     Armagh
Morrow           James               Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Morrow           James               Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Morrow           John                Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Morrow           William J.          Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Moyers           John                Boconnell                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Moyers           John                Knockramer                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mucklagh         John                Township of Portadown, Bright Street.        Seagoe     Armagh
Mulholland       Elizabeth           Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mulholland       George              Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mulholland       Thomas              Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Mulholland       William             Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mullan           Francis             Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Mullen           John                Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Mulligan         John                Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Munro            James               Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Murphy           John                Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Murphy           Mary                Kilvergan                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Murphy           Patrick             Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Murray           Andrew              Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Murray           Henry               Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Murray           John                Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Murray           John                Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Murray           John                Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Murray           John                Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Murray           Sarah               Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Murray           Thomas              Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Murtagh          Henry               Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Murtagh          James               Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Murtagh          James               Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Murtagh          John                Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Neill            David               Knock                                        Seagoe     Armagh
Neill            Henry               Ballydonaghy                                 Seagoe     Armagh
Neill            James               Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Neill            John                Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Neill            Mary                Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Neill            Mary                Knock                                        Seagoe     Armagh
Neill            Ruth                Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Neill            William             Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Neill            William             Knock                                        Seagoe     Armagh
Nelson           Hugh                Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Nelson           James               Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Nesbitt          George              Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Nesbitt          John                Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Nesbitt          Margaret            Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Nesbitt          Rep. Robert         Lisnamintry                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Nesbitt          Robert              Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
News             Edward              Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
News             James               Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
News             John                Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Nichol           Patrick             Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Nicholas         John                Knock                                        Seagoe     Armagh
Nicholson        James               Boconnell                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Nicholson        John                Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Nicholson        John                Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Nicholson        Robert              Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Nicholson        Thomas              Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Nixon            James               Kilvergan                                    Seagoe     Armagh
O'Brien          Joseph              Knockramer                                   Seagoe     Armagh
O'Hagan          John                Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
O'Hanlon         Jane                Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
O'Hara           Arthur              Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
O'Hara           Charles             Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
O'Hara           Jacob               Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
O'Hara           Patrick             Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
O'Hare           Elizabeth Anne      Kilvergan                                    Seagoe     Armagh
O'Neill          Arthur              Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
O'Neill          Arthur              Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
O'Neill          Charles             Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
O'Neill          James               Derryvore                                    Seagoe     Armagh
O'Neill          John                Derryvore                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Orr              John                Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Orr              Joseph              Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Overend          Elizabeth           Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Overend          John                Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Owens            Elizabeth           Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Paiden           William             Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Parks            Thomas              Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Partland         George              Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Patten           Edward              Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Patten           Greenway, Jr.       Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Patten           Greenway, Sr.       Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Patten           Jno.                Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Patten           John                Ballydonaghy                                 Seagoe     Armagh
Patten           John                Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Patten           John                Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Patten           John                Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Patten           Lucy                Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Patten           Thomas              Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Patten           Thomas              Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Patton           Thomas              Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Patton           William             Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Pentland         Edward              Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Pentland         John                Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Pentleton        Alexander           Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Pentleton        Alexander           Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Pentleton        Elizabeth Anne      Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Pentleton        John                Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Pentleton        Robert              Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Pentleton        Thomas              Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Phayre           William             Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Phelps           Thomas              Ballydonaghy                                 Seagoe     Armagh
Phillips         Samuel              Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Pickering        Alexander           Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Pickering        James               Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Porter           David               Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Porter           David               Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Porter           George              Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Porter           Henry               Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Porter           Henry               Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Porter           James               Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Porter           John                Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Porter           Margaret            Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Porter           Richard             Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Quail            James               Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Quail            John                Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Quarry           George              Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Quigley          William             Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Quinn            Ellen               Knock                                        Seagoe     Armagh
Quinn            Francis             Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Raverty          Hugh                Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Ray              Fanny               Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Rea              Joseph              Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Reany            Anne                Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Reavy            Hugh                Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Reavy            John                Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Reddy            Dynes               Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Reddy            James               Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Redmond          Arthur              Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Redmond          Henry               Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Redmond          Thomas              Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Redpath          John                Ballynaghy                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Reed             Robert              Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Reid             Archibald           Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Reid             James               Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Reid             John                Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Reid             John                Kilvergan                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Reid             Robert              Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Reid             Thomas              Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Reid             William             Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Reid             William             Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Reid             William J.          Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Reilly           Judith              Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Reilly           Sarah               Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Reside           Isabella            Township of Portadown, Watson's Lane         Seagoe     Armagh
Reynolds         Alice               Township of Portadown, Foundry Street        Seagoe     Armagh
Rice             John                Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Richardson       James               Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Richardson       John G.             Ballydonaghy                                 Seagoe     Armagh
Robb             Hamilton            Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Robb             Mary                Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Robinson         Anne                Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Robinson         Anthony             Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Robinson         Dawson              Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Robinson         Elizabeth           Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Robinson         Elizabeth           Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Robinson         Ellen               Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Robinson         George              Drumnacanvy                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Robinson         Hugh                Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Robinson         John                Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Robinson         John                Lisnamintry                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Robinson         John                Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Robinson         John. A.            Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Robinson         Margaret            Lisnamintry                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Robinson         Mary                Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Robinson         Susannah            Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Robinson         Thomas              Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Robinson         Watson              Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Robinson         William             Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Robinson         William             Lisnamintry                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Robinson         William             Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Robinson         Wm.                 Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Rock             Alexander           Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Rock             Denis, Jr.          Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Rock             Denis, Sr.          Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Rock             Mary                Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Rogers           Alexander           Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Rogers           George              Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Rogers           James               Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Rogers           James               Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Rogers           John                Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Rogers           John                Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Rogers           John                Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Rogers           Matthew             Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Rogers           Thomas              Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Rogers           Thomas              Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Rogers           William             Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Rooney           Felix               Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Rooney           Felix               Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Rooney           Isabella            Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Rooney           Jacob               Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Rooney           James               Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Rooney           John                Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Rooney           Mark                Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Rooney           Sarah               Township of Portadown                        Seagoe     Armagh
Rooney           Thomas              Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Rowan            Mary Anne           Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Rowley           James               Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddell          Anne                Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddell          David               Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddell          David               Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddell          David, Jr.          Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddell          Frederick           Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddell          Frederick           Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddell          George              Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddell          George              Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddell          George              Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddell          Harrison            Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddell          James               Township of Portadown, Bright Street.        Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddell          John                Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddell          Mary                Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddell          Samuel              Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddell          Samuel              Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddell          Thomas              Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddell          Thomas              Knockmenagh                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddell          Thomas              Knockramer                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddell          Thomas              Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddell          William             Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddell          William             Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddell          William John        Tamnafiglassan                               Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddle           David               Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddock          John                Ballynaghy                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Ruddy            Joseph              Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Rusk             Eleanor             Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Rusk             William             Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Russell          Alex                Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Russell          Alexander, Sr.      Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Russell          David               Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Russell          James               Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Russell          John                Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Russell          John                Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Russell          Thomas              Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Russell          Thomas              Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Russell          William             Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Russell          William             Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Sands            John                Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Sargent          Alice               Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Sargent          Joseph              Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Sargent          Robert              Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Sargent          Susan               Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Saunders         Valentine           Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Saunderson       John                Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Saurin           James               Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Saurin           James               Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Savage           John                Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Scott            James               Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Scott            John                Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Scott            Robert              Carn                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Scullion         Jeremiah            Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Scully           Charles             Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Shankes          James               Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Shanks           James               Knockmenagh                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Shanks           John                Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Sharman          Stuart              Township of Portadown, Foundry Street        Seagoe     Armagh
Shearman         George              Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Shearman         George              Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Shearman         Thomas              Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Sheehy           Mary                Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Sheeky           Bernard             Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Sheeky           James               Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Sheeky           Loughlin            Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Sheeky           Patrick             Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Sheenan          James               Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Sheils           Arthur              Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Sheils           Rep. Henry          Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Sheppard         Elliott             Drumlisnagrilly                              Seagoe     Armagh
Sheppard         George              Drumlisnagrilly                              Seagoe     Armagh
Sheppard         James               Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Sheppard         John                Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Sheppard         Richard             Drumlisnagrilly                              Seagoe     Armagh
Sheppard         Robert              Drumlisnagrilly                              Seagoe     Armagh
Sherman          George, Jr.         Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Sherman          George, Sr.         Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Shillington      Thomas A.           Township of Portadown, Foundry Street        Seagoe     Armagh
Simonton         Charles             Knockmenagh                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Simpson          George              Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Simpson          Rachel              Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Slevin           James               Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Sloan            John                Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Sloan            John                Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Sloan            Joshua              Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Sloan            Mary Anne           Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Sloan            Thomas              Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Sloan            William             Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Smith            John                Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Smith            Mary                Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Smith            William             Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Somerville       Adam                Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Somerville       Henry               Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Somerville       Rebecca             Knock                                        Seagoe     Armagh
Somerville       Robert, Jr.         Knock                                        Seagoe     Armagh
Somerville       Robert, Sr.         Knock                                        Seagoe     Armagh
Somerville       Thomas              Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Somerville       William             Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Spence           John                Drumnacanvy                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Spence           John                Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Spence           John                Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Spence           Thomas              Ballydonaghy                                 Seagoe     Armagh
Spence           Thomas              Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Spence           Thomas              Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Spiddell         Lemmy               Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Spratt           John                Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Sprint           Isabella            Township of Portadown, Watson's Lane         Seagoe     Armagh
Steenson         James               Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Steenson         John                Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Stephenson       William             Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Stevenson        Henry               Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Stevenson        James               Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Stevenson        John                Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Stevenson        Thomas              Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Stevenson        William             Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Stewart          Elizabeth Anne      Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Stewart          Henry               Township of Portadown, Bright Street.        Seagoe     Armagh
Stewart          John                Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Stoops           Robert              Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Story            Jane                Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Sturgeon         John                Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Sturgeon         John                Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Sturgeon         William             Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Summerland       Thomas              Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Surplis          Anne                Annaloist                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Surplis          Edward              Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Surplis          Elizabeth           Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Surplis          James               Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Surplis          James, Jr.          Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Surplis          James, Sr.          Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Surplis          Sarah               Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Surplis          Thomas              Annloist                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Sweeny           John                Derryvore                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Sweeny           John                Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Sweeny           Richard             Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Sweeny           Thomas              Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Sweeny           William             Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Sye              William             Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Taggart          John                Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Tapley           Thomas              Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Tate             John                Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Tate             Samuel              Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Tate             William             Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Taylor           Sarah               Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Thomond          James               Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Thompson         Hannah              Knockramer                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Thompson         John                Township of Portadown, Bright Street.        Seagoe     Armagh
Thompson         Joshua              Knock                                        Seagoe     Armagh
Thompson         Richard             Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Thompson         Robert              Ballydonaghy                                 Seagoe     Armagh
Thompson         William             Bocombra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Thompson         William             Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Thompson         William             Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Thornton         Joseph              Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Tiffony          James               Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Tilworth         Richard             Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Tippen           James               Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Tippen           Matthew             Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Toner            Henry               Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Toner            Henry, Jr.          Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Toner            Mary                Kinnegoe                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Trench           James               Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Trodden          Maurice             Derryvore                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Tuft             William             Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Turbell          Stewart             Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Turk             Sarah               Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Turkington       Edward              Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Turkington       Edward              Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Turkington       Geo., Jr.           Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Turkington       George              Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Turkington       George, Sr.         Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Turkington       James               Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Turkington       John                Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Turkington       John                Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Turtle           James               Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Twibill          Joseph              Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Twybles          Stewart             Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Twynam           Charles             Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Twynam           Charles             Derryvore                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Twynam           Ellen               Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Twynam           Ellen               Tarsan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Twynam           James               Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Twynam           Leonard             Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Twynam           Mary Anne           Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Twynam           Robert              Crossmacahilly                               Seagoe     Armagh
Twynam           Robert              Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Twynam           Thomas              Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Twynam           William             Knockmenagh                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Twynam           William             Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Twynam           William             Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Twynham          Emily               Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Uprichard        James               Drumgask                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Vannert          John                Ballynacor                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Vaughan          Anne                Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Vaughan          Elizabeth           Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Vaughan          George              Ballydonaghy                                 Seagoe     Armagh
Vaughan          George              Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Vaughan          James               Ballygargan                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Vaughan          Jane                Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Vaughan          Joseph              Hacknahay                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Vaughan          William             Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Veitch           Robert              Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Wait             William             Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Wakefield        Thomas              Ballynaghy                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Wakefield        Thomas              Drumnacanvy                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Walker           ???                 Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Walker           Abraham             Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Walker           Isaac               Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Walker           Isaac               Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Walker           John                Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Walker           John                Seagoe, Lower.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Walker           John                Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Walker           Joseph              Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Walker           Maria               Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Walker           Maria               Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Walker           Moses, Sr.          Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Walker           Robert              Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Walker           Stewart             Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Walker           Thomas              Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Walker           Wetheral            Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Wallace          Mary                Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Wallace          Thomas              Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Wallace          William             Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Wallace          William             Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Walsh            Arthur              Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Walsh            Eliza               Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Walsh            James               Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Walsh            Richard             Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Walsh            William             Aghacommon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Waterson         John                Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Waterson         William J.          Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Watson           ???                 Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Watson           ???                 Township of Portadown, Watson's Street       Seagoe     Armagh
Watson           ???                 Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Watson           James               Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Watson           John                Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Watson           Joseph              Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Watson           Richard             Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Watson           Thomas              Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Watson           William             Bocombra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Watson           William             Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Watson           William             Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Webb             David               Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Webb             Edward              Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Webb             Edward              Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Webb             Henry               Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Webb             James               Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Webb             James               Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Webb             James               Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Webb             John                Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Webb             Joseph              Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Webb             Joseph              Knockramer                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Webb             Mary                Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Webb             Richard             Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Webb             Watson              Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Webb             William             Lylo                                         Seagoe     Armagh
Weir             Anne                Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Weir             James               Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Weir             James               Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Weir             John                Ballynaghy                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Weir             John, Jr.           Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Weir             John, Sr.           Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Weir             Joseph              Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Weir             Noble               Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Weir             Robert              Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Weir             Samuel              Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Weir             William             Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Wells            Robert              Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Whaley           Jane                Derryvore                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Whaley           Jonathan            Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Whisker          Hamilton            Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
White            David               Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
White            James               Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
White            Jane                Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
White            Robert              Bocombra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
White            Robert              Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
White            William             Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
White            William             Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Whiteside        John                Lisnamintry                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Whitton          Eliza               Township of Portadown, Watson's Street.      Seagoe     Armagh
Whitton          Robert              Levaghery                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Wier             Joseph              Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Wilkinson        John                Drumnakelly                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Williams         Robert              Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Williams         Thomas              Silverwood                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Williamson       George              Kilvergan                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Williamson       George              Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Williamson       James               Kilvergan                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Williamson       James               Tannaghmore, West.                           Seagoe     Armagh
Williamson       John                Drumnagoon                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Wilson           Alexander           Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Wilson           Anne                Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Wilson           George              Drumgor                                      Seagoe     Armagh
Wilson           James               Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Wilson           James               Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Wilson           James               Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Wilson           John                Balteagh                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Wilson           John                Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Wilson           John                Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Wilson           John                Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Wilson           Joseph              Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Wilson           Leonard             Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Wilson           Mary                Lisnisky                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Wilson           Mary                Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Wilson           Mary                Township of Portadown, Bright Street.        Seagoe     Armagh
Wilson           Matthew             Clanrolla                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Wilson           Meredyth            Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Wilson           Robert              Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Wilson           Robert              Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Wilson           Thomas              Ballymacrandal                               Seagoe     Armagh
Wilson           Thomas              Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Wilson           Thomas              Township of Portadown, Carrickblacker Rd     Seagoe     Armagh
Wilson           William             Moyraverty                                   Seagoe     Armagh
Wilson           William             Turmoyra                                     Seagoe     Armagh
Winchester       James               Knocknamuckly                                Seagoe     Armagh
Windsor          Conway              Ballynamony                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Wolsey           Jno                 Seagoe, Upper.                               Seagoe     Armagh
Woodhouse        James               Township of Portadown Bridge Steet.          Seagoe     Armagh
Woods            Peter               Breagh                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Woods            William John        Drumnacanvy                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Woolsey          John                Township of Portadown, Foundry Street        Seagoe     Armagh
Wright           George              Kernan                                       Seagoe     Armagh
Wright           James               Edenderry                                    Seagoe     Armagh
Wright           John                Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Wright           John                Knock                                        Seagoe     Armagh
Wright           Mary                Tamnaficarbet                                Seagoe     Armagh
Wright           Robert              Ballyhannon                                  Seagoe     Armagh
Young            James               Killycomain                                  Seagoe     Armagh