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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Grangeford, County Carlow
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Grangeford, County Carlow
Allen John Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Allen John, Jr. Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Bessborough ??? Moanamanagh Grangeford Carlow Brennan James Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Brennan Mary Moanamanagh Grangeford Carlow Brien John Grangeford Old Grangeford Carlow Brophy Eliza Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Butler James Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Byrne James Moanamanagh Grangeford Carlow Byrne James Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Byrne John Moanalow Grangeford Carlow Byrne Lawrence Moanalow Grangeford Carlow Byrne Mary Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Byrne Michael Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Byrne Patrick Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Carty Lawrence Aghwater Grangeford Carlow Connors Lawrence Aghwater Grangeford Carlow Connors Michael Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Crimmin James Grangeford Old Grangeford Carlow Curran Henry Moanamanagh Grangeford Carlow Curran James Moanamanagh Grangeford Carlow Curran William Grangeford Old Grangeford Carlow Curran William Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Dagg David Farranaphlure Grangeford Carlow Dargan Gregory Baunogephlure Grangeford Carlow Deering John Grangeford Old Grangeford Carlow Donohoe Edward Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Doyle Denis Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Doyle Edmund Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Doyle Owen Baunogephlure Grangeford Carlow Doyle Patrick Moanalow Grangeford Carlow Doyle Timothy Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Dunne Bridget Glenoge Grangeford Carlow Dunne Elizabeth Glenoge Grangeford Carlow Dunne Francis Glenoge Grangeford Carlow Dunne Francis Inchisland or Moatalusha Grangeford Carlow Dunne John Moanalow Grangeford Carlow Dunne Patrick Aghwater Grangeford Carlow Dwyer James Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Dwyer Patrick Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Dwyer William Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Farrell Judith Baunogephlure Grangeford Carlow Fitzpatrick Bernard Grangeford Old Grangeford Carlow Foley Edward Slaneyquarter Grangeford Carlow Frankley John Grangeford Old Grangeford Carlow Frankley Michael Moanamanagh Grangeford Carlow Franklin Michael Glenoge Grangeford Carlow Gallagher John Grangeford Old Grangeford Carlow Gaynor Anne Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Gaynor David Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Gaynor James Baunogephlure Grangeford Carlow Gaynor John Baunogephlure Grangeford Carlow Gaynor John Slaneyquarter Grangeford Carlow Gaynor Mary Baunogephlure Grangeford Carlow Gaynor William Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Gorman Thomas Grangeford Old Grangeford Carlow Griffin Anne Slaneyquarter Grangeford Carlow Halligan Michael Slaneyquarter Grangeford Carlow Hanlon Alice Baunogenasraid Grangeford Carlow Hanlon John Grangeford Old Grangeford Carlow Hanlon John Moanalow Grangeford Carlow Hayden Anne Grangeford Old Grangeford Carlow Hayden James Grangeford Old Grangeford Carlow Hayden Patrick Grangeford Old Grangeford Carlow Hayden Richard Grangeford Old Grangeford Carlow Hayes Thomas Moanamanagh Grangeford Carlow Hendricken William Moanamanagh Grangeford Carlow Hennessy Simon Baunogephlure Grangeford Carlow Hickey Johanna Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Hickey Patrick Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Hutchinson William Baunogephlure Grangeford Carlow Kavanagh Bridget Slaneyquarter Grangeford Carlow Keeffe Elizabeth Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Keely John Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Keely Sarah Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Kennedy Joseph Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Kinsella James Moanamanagh Grangeford Carlow Kinsella Luke Grangeford Old Grangeford Carlow Kinsella Luke Slaneyquarter Grangeford Carlow Kinsella William Inchisland or Moatalusha Grangeford Carlow Lalor Anne Slaneyquarter Grangeford Carlow Lalor Elizabeth Slaneyquarter Grangeford Carlow Lalor Patrick Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Lawless Jane Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Lynch Anne Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Lynch John Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Lynch Michael Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Lyons John Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Mackessy James Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Mackessy John Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Magrath Catherine Moanalow Grangeford Carlow Mahon Patrick Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Mahon William Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Mc Donnell Hugh Slaneyquarter Grangeford Carlow Mc Donnell Patrick Inchisland or Moatalusha Grangeford Carlow Mc Evoy Anne Baunogephlure Grangeford Carlow Mc Evoy Maria Moanamanagh Grangeford Carlow Mc Evoy William Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Mc Guirk Catherine Baunogephlure Grangeford Carlow Muldowney Michael Slaneyquarter Grangeford Carlow Muldowney Rev. Denis Slaneyquarter Grangeford Carlow Murphy Catherine Baunogephlure Grangeford Carlow Murray Edmund Slaneyquarter Grangeford Carlow Murray John Baunogephlure Grangeford Carlow Neill Anne Baunogephlure Grangeford Carlow Neill John Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Neill Mary Slaneyquarter Grangeford Carlow Nolan Catherine Moanamanagh Grangeford Carlow Nolan John Baunogephlure Grangeford Carlow Nolan John Grangeford Old Grangeford Carlow Nolan John Moanamanagh Grangeford Carlow Nolan Lewis Moanalow Grangeford Carlow Nolan Mary Baunogephlure Grangeford Carlow Nolan Michael Baunogephlure Grangeford Carlow Nolan Michael Farranaphlure Grangeford Carlow Nolan Patrick Moanalow Grangeford Carlow Nolan Philip Baunogephlure Grangeford Carlow Nolan Philip, Jr. Baunogephlure Grangeford Carlow Nolan Thomas Baunogephlure Grangeford Carlow Nolan Thomas Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Nolan Thomas Moanalow Grangeford Carlow Nolan Thomas Slaneyquarter Grangeford Carlow Power John Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Redmond John Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Reilly Bryan Grangeford Old Grangeford Carlow Roche Anne Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Roche Elizabeth Glenoge Grangeford Carlow Roche Michael Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Roche Michael Slaneyquarter Grangeford Carlow Sheil Patrick Moanamanagh Grangeford Carlow Silk John Slaneyquarter Grangeford Carlow Slattery Anne Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Smith John Farranaphlure Grangeford Carlow Smith John Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Smith Mary Rathnashannagh Grangeford Carlow Smith William Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Stafford Peter Baunogephlure Grangeford Carlow Thorpe Samuel Farranaphlure Grangeford Carlow Thorpe William Farranaphlure Grangeford Carlow Toole Anne Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Tracy Mary Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Travers James Baunogephlure Grangeford Carlow Travers Thomas Slaneyquarter Grangeford Carlow Walsh John Slaneyquarter Grangeford Carlow Walsh Patrick Slaneyquarter Grangeford Carlow Watson John Baunogenasraid Grangeford Carlow Whelan Bridget Slaneyquarter Grangeford Carlow Whelan Catherine Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Whelan Michael Farranaphlure Grangeford Carlow Whelan Patrick Rathbaun Grangeford Carlow Whelan Thomas Baunogephlure Grangeford Carlow