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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Hacketstown, County Carlow
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Hacketstown, County Carlow
Baldwin Eliza Hacketstown Pennyhill Hacketstown Carlow Barry Daniel Tombeagh Hacketstown Carlow Barry Michael Tombeagh Hacketstown Carlow Barry Michael, Jr. Tombeagh Hacketstown Carlow Barry Thomas Tombeagh Hacketstown Carlow Beahan Michael Ballysallagh Upper Hacketstown Carlow Bennett Patrick Hacketstown Bridge Lane Hacketstown Carlow Bennett Patrick Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Carlow Bennett Samuel Constablehill Hacketstown Carlow Bermingham James Brownbog Hacketstown Carlow Betty William Ballyedmond Hacketstown Carlow Betty William Rathnagrew Lower Hacketstown Carlow Betty William Rathnagrew Upper Hacketstown Carlow Boland Thomas Tombeagh Hacketstown Carlow Bolger John Borough Hacketstown Carlow Bolger Thomas Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Brien George Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Carlow Brien Michael Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Brien Thomas Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Brownrigg John Ballykillane Hacketstown Carlow Bruff Thompson Kilconnaught Hacketstown Carlow Bulger John Hacketstown Moffet's Lane Hacketstown Carlow Burke Patrick Hacketstown Mill Lane Hacketstown Carlow Butler John Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Byrne Anne Constablehill Hacketstown Carlow Byrne Daniel Rathnagrew Lower Hacketstown Carlow Byrne Edward Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Byrne Elizabeth Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Byrne James Blindennis Hacketstown Carlow Byrne James Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Carlow Byrne James Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Byrne James Hacketstown Pennyhill Hacketstown Carlow Byrne James Hacketstown Water Lane Hacketstown Carlow Byrne James Porchavodda Hacketstown Carlow Byrne John Ballykillane Hacketstown Carlow Byrne John Brownbog Hacketstown Carlow Byrne John Constablehill Hacketstown Carlow Byrne John Curragh Hacketstown Carlow Byrne John Drumguin Hacketstown Carlow Byrne Lawrence Tombeagh Hacketstown Carlow Byrne Mary Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Byrne Mary Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Byrne Patrick Ballykillane Hacketstown Carlow Byrne Patrick Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Byrne Patrick Drumguin Hacketstown Carlow Byrne Patrick Porchavodda Hacketstown Carlow Byrne Peter Hacketstown Penny Hill Hacketstown Carlow Byrne Thomas Ballysallagh Upper Hacketstown Carlow Byrne Thomas Borough Hacketstown Carlow Byrne Thomas Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Carlow Byrne Thomas Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Byrne Thomas Porchavodda Hacketstown Carlow Carney John Hacketstown Moffet's Lane Hacketstown Carlow Carr Rev. Elliott Hacketstown Moffet's Lane Hacketstown Carlow Carthy Michael Monastill Hacketstown Carlow Cleary Anne Constablehill Hacketstown Carlow Codd Bernard Ballyedmond Hacketstown Carlow Codd Robert Rathnagrew Lower Hacketstown Carlow Codd Thomas Ballyedmond Hacketstown Carlow Codd Thomas Hacketstown Mill Lane Hacketstown Carlow Coe Robt Hacketstown Moffet's Lane Hacketstown Carlow Comerford Mary Hacketstown Pennyhill Hacketstown Carlow Connell Andrew Rathnagrew Upper Hacketstown Carlow Connell Matthew Ballyedmond Hacketstown Carlow Connell Matthew Rathnagrew Upper Hacketstown Carlow Connor Terence Constablehill Hacketstown Carlow Conran Hugh Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Carlow Conran James Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Conran Thomas Hacketstown Bridge Lane Hacketstown Carlow Cooke Charles Curragh Hacketstown Carlow Cooke Richard Curragh Hacketstown Carlow Cooke Robert Rathnagrew Lower Hacketstown Carlow Cooke Thomas Hacketstown Bridge Lane Hacketstown Carlow Cullen Denis Ballyedmond Hacketstown Carlow Cullen John Ballyedmond Hacketstown Carlow Dalton John Hacketstown Penny Hill Hacketstown Carlow Darcy Garrett Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Darcy Thomas Borough Hacketstown Carlow Delany Michael Rathnafushoge Hacketstown Carlow Dempsey Francis Ballykillane Hacketstown Carlow Devlin James Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Donnelly Edward Kilmacart Hacketstown Carlow Donnelly James Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Donohoe Matthew Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Doran Myles Hacketstown Penny Hill Hacketstown Carlow Doran Richard Tombeagh Hacketstown Carlow Doran Thomas Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Dowling Edward Borough Hacketstown Carlow Dowling John Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Carlow Dowling John Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Dowling Thomas Rathnafushoge Hacketstown Carlow Dowzer Charles Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Dowzer Charles Hacketstown Upper Hacketstown Carlow Doyle Anne Hacketstown Mill Lane Hacketstown Carlow Doyle Denis Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Doyle John Constablehill Hacketstown Carlow Doyle Lawerence Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Doyle Margaret Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Doyle Michael Ballysallagh Upper Hacketstown Carlow Doyle Terence Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Doyle Thomas Constablehill Hacketstown Carlow Duke Thomas Ballykillane Hacketstown Carlow Dunn Elizabthe Scotland Hacketstown Carlow Dunn Ellen Rathnagrew Lower Hacketstown Carlow Dunne James Scotland Hacketstown Carlow Dunne John Hacketstown Pennyhill Hacketstown Carlow Dunne Margaret Rathnagrew Lower Hacketstown Carlow Dunne Mary Ballyedmond Hacketstown Carlow Dunne Michael Constablehill Hacketstown Carlow Ellis James Hacketstown Mill Lane Hacketstown Carlow Ellis Robert Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Carlow Ellis' James Hacketstown Mill-Lane Hacketstown Carlow Evans John Scotland Hacketstown Carlow Fallon Lawrence Hacketstown Penny Hill Hacketstown Carlow Fallon Michael Hacketstown Bridge Lane Hacketstown Carlow Fallon Michael Scotland Hacketstown Carlow Farrell Catherine Hacketstown Penny Hill Hacketstown Carlow Farrell Joseph Tombeagh Hacketstown Carlow Farrell Lawerence Ballysallagh Upper Hacketstown Carlow Farrell Thomas Rathnagrew Upper Hacketstown Carlow Farrell William Hacketstown Moffet's Lane Hacketstown Carlow Ferris Joseph Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Finlan John Rathnafushoge Hacketstown Carlow Finn Patrick Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Carlow Fitzpatrick William Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Fleming Thomas Ballykillane Hacketstown Carlow Flynn Michael Constablehill Hacketstown Carlow Flynn Thomas Hacketstown Penny Hill Hacketstown Carlow Fox Rep. Thomas Rathnagrew Upper Hacketstown Carlow Gale Michael Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Gallagher James Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Gibbins Alex Rathnagrew Upper Hacketstown Carlow Gibbins James Rathnagrew Upper Hacketstown Carlow Gibbon Fergus Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Gibbons Alexander Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Giddons Thomas Ballysallagh Upper Hacketstown Carlow Gilcrist James Rathnagrew Lower Hacketstown Carlow Gortland Bryan Hacketstown Mill-Lane Hacketstown Carlow Goss James Tombeagh Hacketstown Carlow Goss John Tombeagh Hacketstown Carlow Goss Michael Scotland Hacketstown Carlow Gouger Mary Rathnagrew Lower Hacketstown Carlow Gouger Patrick Rathnagrew Lower Hacketstown Carlow Hanbidge Joseph Hacketstown Mill Lane Hacketstown Carlow Hanning John Hacketstown Mill Lane Hacketstown Carlow Hanning John Hacketstown Penny Hill Hacketstown Carlow Hanning Joseph Hacketstown Mill-Lane Hacketstown Carlow Hanning William Hacketstown Mill Lane Hacketstown Carlow Hanning William Hacketstown Water Lane Hacketstown Carlow Hannon Catherine Scotland Hacketstown Carlow Hannon Joseph Monastill Hacketstown Carlow Hannon Joseph Scotland Hacketstown Carlow Hannon Matthew Monastill Hacketstown Carlow Hannon Richard Monastill Hacketstown Carlow Hannon Richard Scotland Hacketstown Carlow Hardy Thomas R. Borough Hacketstown Carlow Hardy Thomas R. Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Carlow Hardy Thomas R. Kilmacart Hacketstown Carlow Harris Richard Ballykillane Hacketstown Carlow Haskins Thomas Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Healy Patrick Porchavodda Hacketstown Carlow Hinch James Curragh Hacketstown Carlow Hinch James Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Carlow Hinch James Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Hinch James Hacketstown Pennyhill Hacketstown Carlow Hobson Edward Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Hore Patrick Ballykillane Hacketstown Carlow Hosier James Constablehill Hacketstown Carlow Hosier William H. Constablehill Hacketstown Carlow Hughes Lawrence Scotland Hacketstown Carlow Ireland Benjamin Hacketstown Mill Lane Hacketstown Carlow Jackson Benjamin Ballysallagh Upper Hacketstown Carlow Jackson Benjamin Hacketstown Pound Lane Hacketstown Carlow Jackson Benjamin Hacketstown Water Lane Hacketstown Carlow Jackson John Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Jackson Joseph Hacketstown Mill Lane Hacketstown Carlow Jackson Susan Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Carlow Jackson Susanna Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Johnston William Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Jones Francis Curragh Hacketstown Carlow Jones Lydia Rathnafushoge Hacketstown Carlow Jones Sheppard Curragh Hacketstown Carlow Jones Sheppard Eaglehill Hacketstown Carlow Jones Sheppard Woodside Hacketstown Carlow Jones William S. Rathnafushoge Hacketstown Carlow Jordan Patrick Ballysallagh Upper Hacketstown Carlow Kane Bridget Kilmacart Hacketstown Carlow Kavanagh Charles Eaglehill Hacketstown Carlow Kavanagh Charles Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Carlow Kavanagh Charles Hacketstown Moffet's Lane Hacketstown Carlow Kavanagh Edward Rathnagrew Lower Hacketstown Carlow Kavanagh Mary Hacketstown Bridge Lane Hacketstown Carlow Kavanagh Patrick Hacketstown Bridge Lane Hacketstown Carlow Kealy Edward Ballysallagh Upper Hacketstown Carlow Kealy Edward, Jr. Ballysallagh Upper Hacketstown Carlow Kealy James Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Kealy John Eaglehill Hacketstown Carlow Kealy John Hacketstown Mill Lane Hacketstown Carlow Kealy John Hacketstown Penny Hill Hacketstown Carlow Kealy Patrick Ballysallagh Upper Hacketstown Carlow Kearney John Curragh Hacketstown Carlow Kearney John Eaglehill Hacketstown Carlow Keatly John Hacketstown Mill-Lane Hacketstown Carlow Keeffe William Hacketstown Moffet's Lane Hacketstown Carlow Keegan John Hacketstown Water Lane Hacketstown Carlow Kehoe John Hacketstown Pound Lane Hacketstown Carlow Kehoe Lawrence Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Kehoe Michael Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Kelly Denis Ballyedmond Hacketstown Carlow Kelly Edward Tombeagh Hacketstown Carlow Kelly James Hacketstown Water Lane Hacketstown Carlow Kelly John Hacketstown Mill Lane Hacketstown Carlow Kelly John Hacketstown Moffet's Lane Hacketstown Carlow Kelly Lawerence Ballyedmond Hacketstown Carlow Kelly Mary Ballyedmond Hacketstown Carlow Kelly Michael Ballysallagh Upper Hacketstown Carlow Kelly Richard Curragh Hacketstown Carlow Kelly Richard Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Kemp James Hacketstown Mill Lane Hacketstown Carlow Kennedy John Eaglehill Hacketstown Carlow Kennedy Lawrence Hacketstown Moffet's Lane Hacketstown Carlow Kennedy Thomas Ballysallagh Upper Hacketstown Carlow Kenny Alice Hacketstown Moffet's Lane Hacketstown Carlow Kenny Alice Hacketstown Pennyhill Hacketstown Carlow Kenny James Borough Hacketstown Carlow Kenny James Kilmacart Hacketstown Carlow Kenny Michael Rathnagrew Upper Hacketstown Carlow Kenny Thomas Hacketstown Penny Hill Hacketstown Carlow Keogh Patrick Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Keogh William Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Carlow Keogh William Hacketstown Water Lane Hacketstown Carlow King Matthew Eaglehill Hacketstown Carlow King Matthew Hacketstown Penny Hill Hacketstown Carlow Lamb John Curragh Hacketstown Carlow Lamb John Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Carlow Lamb John Hacketstown Moffet's Lane Hacketstown Carlow Lamb Thomas Eaglehill Hacketstown Carlow Lamb Thomas Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Lawler Patrick Hacketstown Bridge Lane Hacketstown Carlow Lennon Peter Ballysallagh Upper Hacketstown Carlow Leonard John Eaglehill Hacketstown Carlow Leyne Anne Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Loughlin James Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Loughlin Thomas Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Lyons John Ballykillane Hacketstown Carlow Lyons Mary Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Marshall Alexander Hacketstown Penny Hill Hacketstown Carlow Marshall Alexander Rathnafushoge Hacketstown Carlow Mathews William Hacketstown Bridge Lane Hacketstown Carlow Mc Ardle Lawrence Drumguin Hacketstown Carlow Mc Ardle Lawrence Porchavodda Hacketstown Carlow Mc Ardle Lawrence Tombeagh Hacketstown Carlow Mc Ardle Patrick Drumguin Hacketstown Carlow Mc Ardle Patrick Tombeagh Hacketstown Carlow Mc Ardle Rev. Michael Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Carlow Mc Ardle Rev. Michael Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Mc Cabe Edward Hacketstown Bridge Lane Hacketstown Carlow Mc Clane Judith Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Mc Donald Garrett Ballyedmond Hacketstown Carlow Mc Donald John Ballyedmond Hacketstown Carlow Mc Donnell Edward Hacketstown Penny Hill Hacketstown Carlow Mc Donnell James Hacketstown Penny Hill Hacketstown Carlow Mc Donnell Michael Rathnagrew Upper Hacketstown Carlow Mc Guirke Anne Hacketstown Moffet's Lane Hacketstown Carlow Meara Charles Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Meredith John Hacketstown Penny Hill Hacketstown Carlow Merrin Mary Rathnagrew Lower Hacketstown Carlow Miley Michael Rathnagrew Lower Hacketstown Carlow Millea Martin Tombeagh Hacketstown Carlow Mitchell William Tombeagh Hacketstown Carlow Moore Edward Rathnagrew Upper Hacketstown Carlow Moore Lawrence Rathnagrew Upper Hacketstown Carlow Moriarty Denis Borough Hacketstown Carlow Morris Andrew Hacketstown Penny Hill Hacketstown Carlow Morris Francis Blindennis Hacketstown Carlow Morris William R. Hacketstown Moffet's Lane Hacketstown Carlow Murphy Anne Ballysallagh Upper Hacketstown Carlow Murphy Catherine Brownbog Hacketstown Carlow Murphy Catherine Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Carlow Murphy Edward Hacketstown Pound Lane Hacketstown Carlow Murphy John Rathnagrew Lower Hacketstown Carlow Murphy Lawrence Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Carlow Murphy Peter Hacketstown Water Lane Hacketstown Carlow Murphy Thomas Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Carlow Murray Daniel Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Murray Martin Ballysallagh Upper Hacketstown Carlow Neill Andrew Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Neill Catherine Hacketstown Moffet's Lane Hacketstown Carlow Neill Denis Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Neill James Brownbog Hacketstown Carlow Neill James Kilconnaught Hacketstown Carlow Neill James Kilmacart Hacketstown Carlow Neill John Ballyedmond Hacketstown Carlow Neill John Tombeagh Hacketstown Carlow Neill Mary Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Carlow Neill Michael Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Carlow Neill Michael Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Neill Michael Scotland Hacketstown Carlow Neill Thomas Rathnagrew Lower Hacketstown Carlow Noblett Joseph Hacketstown Penny Hill Hacketstown Carlow Noblett Joseph Hacketstown Penny- Hill Hacketstown Carlow Noblett Joseph Hacketstown Penny-Hill Hacketstown Carlow Noblett Richard Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Noblett Richard Monastill Hacketstown Carlow Noblett Richard Scotland Hacketstown Carlow Nolan John Rathnagrew Upper Hacketstown Carlow Norton James Brownbog Hacketstown Carlow Norton James Scotland Hacketstown Carlow Norton Natheniel Ballysallagh Upper Hacketstown Carlow Norton Samuel Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Carlow Norton Samuel Hacketstown Mill Lane Hacketstown Carlow Nowlan James Hacketstown Moffet's Lane Hacketstown Carlow Owens Charles Hacketstown Bridge Lane Hacketstown Carlow Pollard John Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Pollard Joseph Tombeagh Hacketstown Carlow Pollard Thomas Ballykillane Hacketstown Carlow Pollard Thomas Scotland Hacketstown Carlow Pollard William Tombeagh Hacketstown Carlow Quigley Denis Constablehill Hacketstown Carlow Quinn Patrick Hacketstown Moffet's Lane Hacketstown Carlow Read Patrick Ballyedmond Hacketstown Carlow Redmond Elizabeth Porchavodda Hacketstown Carlow Reilly James Eaglehill Hacketstown Carlow Reilly John Eaglehill Hacketstown Carlow Reilly John Hacketstown Mill Lane Hacketstown Carlow Reilly Mary Hacketstown Moffet's Lane Hacketstown Carlow Reilly Michael Hacketstown Penny Hill Hacketstown Carlow Reilly Miles Rathnagrew Lower Hacketstown Carlow Reilly Thomas Eaglehill Hacketstown Carlow Reilly Thomas Hacketstown Penny Hill Hacketstown Carlow Reilly Thomas Hacketstown Upper Hacketstown Carlow Rice James Hacketstown Mill Lane Hacketstown Carlow Rice Matthew Hacketstown Moffet's Lane Hacketstown Carlow Robinson William Rathnafushoge Hacketstown Carlow Roche Thomas Rathnagrew Lower Hacketstown Carlow Roney Richard Hacketstown Penny Hill Hacketstown Carlow Ryan Benjamin Hacketstown Pennyhill Hacketstown Carlow Ryan Margaret Eaglehill Hacketstown Carlow Scott Francis Constablehill Hacketstown Carlow Scott Rev. William Curragh Hacketstown Carlow Scott Rev. William Eaglehill Hacketstown Carlow Scott Rev. William Hacketstown Penny Hill Hacketstown Carlow Shannon Denis Duffery Hacketstown Carlow Shannon Denis Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Carlow Shannon Denis Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Shannon Denis Scotland Hacketstown Carlow Sharkey Mary Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Sharkey Owen Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Sharpe John Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Sharpe Richard Scotland Hacketstown Carlow Shea James Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Smee James Hacketstown Main St. Hacketstown Carlow Smith Thomas Rathnagrew Lower Hacketstown Carlow Smyth John Hacketstown Penny Hill Hacketstown Carlow Stewart Robert Hacketstown Pound Lane Hacketstown Carlow Strahan John Hacketstown Mill Lane Hacketstown Carlow Strahan William Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Carlow Strahan William Scotland Hacketstown Carlow Tallon Patrick Rathnagrew Lower Hacketstown Carlow Thompson Dorah Hacketstown Pound Lane Hacketstown Carlow Thorpe James Tombeagh Hacketstown Carlow Toole James Scotland Hacketstown Carlow Toole John Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Toole John Ballysallagh Upper Hacketstown Carlow Toole Nicholas Scotland Hacketstown Carlow Toole Patrick Ballysallagh Upper Hacketstown Carlow Toole Patrick Rathnagrew Upper Hacketstown Carlow Toole Sylvester Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Valentine Dorah Ballysallagh Lower Hacketstown Carlow Vanston John Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Carlow Vine John Brownbog Hacketstown Carlow Vine John Drumguin Hacketstown Carlow Walsh Robert Rathnafushoge Hacketstown Carlow Ward Michael Eaglehill Hacketstown Carlow Ward Michael Hacketstown Water Lane Hacketstown Carlow Whelan Dorah Porchavodda Hacketstown Carlow Whelan Eliza Rathnagrew Upper Hacketstown Carlow Whelan Garrett Hacketstown Penny Hill Hacketstown Carlow Whelan James Constablehill Hacketstown Carlow Whelan James Kilmacart Hacketstown Carlow Whelan John Hacketstown Mill Lane Hacketstown Carlow Whelan John Hacketstown Moffet's Lane Hacketstown Carlow Whelan Mary Rathnafushoge Hacketstown Carlow Whelan Matthew Ballysallagh Upper Hacketstown Carlow Whelan Patrick Rathnafushoge Hacketstown Carlow Whelan Patrick Rathnagrew Upper Hacketstown Carlow Whelan Peter Rathnafushoge Hacketstown Carlow Whelan Thomas Ballysallagh Upper Hacketstown Carlow Whelan Thomas Hacketstown Mill Lane Hacketstown Carlow Whelan Thomas Rathnafushoge Hacketstown Carlow Whelan William Ballysallagh Upper Hacketstown Carlow Whelan William Rathnagrew Upper Hacketstown Carlow Whelan William, Jr. Rathnagrew Upper Hacketstown Carlow White James Hacketstown Bridge Lane Hacketstown Carlow White Thomas Hacketstown Penny Hill Hacketstown Carlow Whitestone Rep. Jas. Ballysallagh Upper Hacketstown Carlow Wilson Anne Rathnagrew Lower Hacketstown Carlow Wilson George Rathnafushoge Hacketstown Carlow Wilson John Eaglehill Hacketstown Carlow Wright John Hacketstown Moffet's Lane Hacketstown Carlow