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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Lorum, County Carlow
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Lorum, County Carlow
Agar Edward Kilgraney Lorum Carlow Agar Henry Kilgraney Lorum Carlow Agar John Sliguff Lorum Carlow Ashmore James Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Ashmore John Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Ashmore Luke Skahanrane Lorum Carlow Ashmore William Skahanrane Lorum Carlow Barron Patrick Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Barron Roderick Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Barry Edward Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Barry James Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Beresford Viscount ??? Sliguff Lorum Carlow Brennan Ellen Clomoney Lorum Carlow Brennan Ellen Kilgraney Lorum Carlow Brennan Michael Donore Lorum Carlow Brennan William Kilgraney Lorum Carlow Brophy Johanna Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Brophy Michael Clomoney Lorum Carlow Bryan John Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Buren Henry Lorum Lorum Carlow Burgess William Ballycormick Lorum Carlow Burrowes John Sliguff Lorum Carlow Burrowes William Kilgraney Lorum Carlow Burrowes William Sliguff Lorum Carlow Byrne Bridget Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Byrne Edward Lorum Lorum Carlow Byrne Eliza Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Byrne Elizabeth Clomoney Lorum Carlow Byrne Esther Lorum Lorum Carlow Byrne John Ballycormick Lorum Carlow Byrne John Sliguff Lorum Carlow Byrne Joseph Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Byrne Mary Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Byrne Mary Lorum Lorum Carlow Byrne Maurice Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Byrne Michael Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Byrne Morgan Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Byrne Patrick Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Byrne Simon Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Byrne Sylvester Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Byrne Sylvester Heath Lorum Carlow Byrne Thomas Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Byrne Walter Lorum Lorum Carlow Cahill Daniel Sliguff Lorum Carlow Cahill Patrick Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Carr William Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Caulfield John Kilgraney Lorum Carlow Cleary Walter Heath Lorum Carlow Cody Michael Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Collier Margaret Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Connolly James Donore Lorum Carlow Connolly Peter Donore Lorum Carlow Connor John Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Cooke Rev. ??? Sliguff Lorum Carlow Cullerton Daniel Heath Lorum Carlow Cullerton Thomas Kilgraney Lorum Carlow Cummins Martin Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Cummins Martin Skahanrane Lorum Carlow Curry John Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Dargan James Seskinryan Lorum Carlow Dobbyn Terence Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Doherty John Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Donohoe Darby Donore Lorum Carlow Downes Samuel Lorum Lorum Carlow Doyle James Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Doyle James Heath Lorum Carlow Doyle Thomas Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Fagan Ambrose Donore Lorum Carlow Farrell David Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Farrell Martin Kilgraney Lorum Carlow Fenelon Anne Seskinryan Lorum Carlow Fenelon John Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Fenelon Thomas Seskinryan Lorum Carlow Fitzpatrick William Heath Lorum Carlow Flanagan Patrick Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Flanagan William Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Gascoyne John Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Gorman Michael Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Guihan Daniel Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Guihan Patrick Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Guihan Thomas Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Hanlon Mary Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Harris George Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Harvey James W. Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Hatton Loftus Sliguff Lorum Carlow Hennessy John Ballycormick Lorum Carlow Hickey Eliza Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Hogan Anastasia Kilgraney Lorum Carlow Hogan Batholomew Heath Lorum Carlow Hogan Judith Kilgraney Lorum Carlow Hogan Patrick Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Hughes Anne Donore Lorum Carlow Hughes John Sliguff Lorum Carlow James William Sliguff Lorum Carlow Joyce Michael Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Kealy Thomas Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Kearney John Glannaharry Lorum Carlow Kearney William Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Kearney William Lorum Lorum Carlow Keating Patrick Ballycormick Lorum Carlow Kehoe James Gormona Lorum Carlow Kelly Bridget Glannaharry Lorum Carlow Kelly James Skahanrane Lorum Carlow Kelly John Ballycormick Lorum Carlow Kelly Thomas Kilcruit Lorum Carlow Kenmare ??? Clomoney Lorum Carlow Kidd George Sliguff Lorum Carlow Kinsella Andrew Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Kinsella Denis Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Kinsella Ellen Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Kirwan James Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Kirwan Mary Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Lawler Michael Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Leahy James Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Lewis Edward Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Mackessy Andrew Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Mackessy Patrick Lorum Lorum Carlow Maher Catherine Clomoney Lorum Carlow Maher Jermiah Gormona Lorum Carlow Maher Mary Lorum Lorum Carlow Maher Patrick Clomoney Lorum Carlow Malcolmson Francis R. Ballycormick Lorum Carlow Malcolmson Francis R. Kilcruit Lorum Carlow Malcolmson Francis R. Kilgraney Lorum Carlow Malcolmson Francis R. Sliguff Lorum Carlow Mc Donnell Bridget Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Mc Donnell David Lorum Lorum Carlow Mc Donnell John Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Mc Donnell Owen Donore Lorum Carlow Mc Donnell Thomas Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Mc Dowell Robert Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Mc Dowell Robert Kilgraney Lorum Carlow Mc Evoy Mary Seskinryan Lorum Carlow Meany Ellen Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Miren William Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Moore Charlotte Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Moylan Robert Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Mullen Richard Kilgraney Lorum Carlow Mulrooney James Heath Lorum Carlow Murphy Anne Seskinryan Lorum Carlow Murphy Daniel Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Murphy Daniel Ballycormick Lorum Carlow Murphy Denis Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Murphy John Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Murphy Michael Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Murphy Michael Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Murphy Patrick Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Murphy Peter Heath Lorum Carlow Murphy Thomas Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Murphy Thomas Clomoney Lorum Carlow Murphy William Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Murphy William Donore Lorum Carlow Murray Judith Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Neill Mary Ballycormick Lorum Carlow Neill Michael Kilgraney Lorum Carlow Neill Michael Lorum Lorum Carlow Neill Patrick Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Newton John Ballycormick Lorum Carlow Nowlan James Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Nowlan James Clomoney Lorum Carlow O'Neill John Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Odum Frances Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Odum Patrick Lorum Lorum Carlow Paine Caleb Kilgraney Lorum Carlow Paine John Kilgraney Lorum Carlow Phelan Patrick Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Redmond John Heath Lorum Carlow Redmond Michael Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Redmond Moses Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Redmond Peter Sliguff Lorum Carlow Roberts Ellen Sliguff Lorum Carlow Rooney Bridget Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Rooney Michael Skahanrane Lorum Carlow Rudkin John Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Rudkin Mark Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Ryan Thomas Sliguff Lorum Carlow Shea Bridget Lorum Lorum Carlow Sheane John Skahanrane Lorum Carlow Shirley Francis Clowater Lorum Carlow Styles Richard Sliguff Lorum Carlow Sullivan Margaret Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Tennant Richard Clowater Lorum Carlow Tennant Richard Kilgraney Lorum Carlow Thorpe Samuel Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Timmins Patrick Seskinryan Lorum Carlow Timmins Thomas Ballycormick Lorum Carlow Todd Elizabeth Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Toole Michael Lorum Lorum Carlow Tracey Elizabeth Donore Lorum Carlow Tracey Mary Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Tracey Thomas Donore Lorum Carlow Tyndall Caleb Sliguff Lorum Carlow Walsh Denis Seskinryan Lorum Carlow Walsh James Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Walsh Patrick Lorum Lorum Carlow Walsh Patrick Skahanrane Lorum Carlow Walton Michael Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Watkins John Sliguff Lorum Carlow Whelan Thomas Donore Lorum Carlow White Elizabeth Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow White Patrick Clowater Lorum Carlow Whyte Martha Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Williams William Sliguff Lorum Carlow Wynne George Kilgraney Lorum Carlow Wynne James Sliguff Lorum Carlow Wynne Rev. John G. Corrymore,Corries Lorum Carlow Wynne Rev. John G. Lorum Lorum Carlow Wynne Richard Kilgraney Lorum Carlow Wynne Richard Sliguff Lorum Carlow Young George Sliguff Lorum Carlow Young Matthew Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow