Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Alpin Stephen Coolnasheegan Myshall Carlow Angel James Knockdramagh Myshall Carlow Angel Martin Knockdramagh Myshall Carlow Ashmore William Raheenwood Myshall Carlow Baggott James J. Ballinrush Myshall Carlow Bathe John W. Raheenwood Myshall Carlow Bearney Michael Straduff Myshall Carlow Bench James Ballinrush Myshall Carlow Bermingham Patrick Cappawater Myshall Carlow Bessborough ??? Knockdramagh Myshall Carlow Bonham Rev. John Aclare Myshall Carlow Bonham Rev. John Coolnasheegan Myshall Carlow Bradley William Booldurragh Myshall Carlow Bradley William Raheenwood Myshall Carlow Brady John B. Kilmaglush Myshall Carlow Brady John B. Myshall Myshall Carlow Brady William Myshall Myshall Carlow Brennan John Myshall Myshall Carlow Brennan Winifred Ballaghmore Myshall Carlow Brien Alice Straduff Myshall Carlow Brien Christopher Knockbrack Myshall Carlow Brien Denis Rosslee Myshall Carlow Brien Denis, Jr. Rosslee Myshall Carlow Brien Michael Myshall Myshall Carlow Brien Michael Sheean Myshall Carlow Brien Timothy Ullardbeg Myshall Carlow Brophy Jane Ballaghmore Myshall Carlow Brophy Micheal Myshall Myshall Carlow Bryan James Clashganny Myshall Carlow Bryne Bridget Lasmaconly Myshall Carlow Butler Alice Straduff Myshall Carlow Butler Bridget Straduff Myshall Carlow Butler John Straduff Myshall Carlow Butler Michael Straduff Myshall Carlow Byrne Bridget Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Byrne Daniel Ullardbeg Myshall Carlow Byrne James Ballaghmore Myshall Carlow Byrne James Myshall Myshall Carlow Byrne John Clonnee West Myshall Carlow Byrne John Myshall Myshall Carlow Byrne John Sheean Myshall Carlow Byrne John Ullardbeg Myshall Carlow Byrne Michael Ballinrush Myshall Carlow Byrne Patrick Sheean Myshall Carlow Byrne Thomas Raheenwood Myshall Carlow Carey Edward Raheenwood Myshall Carlow Carey William Myshall Myshall Carlow Carty Andrew Sheean Myshall Carlow Carty Andrew Straduff Myshall Carlow Carty Mary Sheean Myshall Carlow Clowey Jeremiah Kilmaglush Myshall Carlow Clowry Daniel Rosslee Myshall Carlow Clowry Jeremiah Rosslee Myshall Carlow Clowry Patrick Ballaghmore Myshall Carlow Clowry Patrick Lasmaconly Myshall Carlow Clowry William Ballaghmore Myshall Carlow Clowry William Lasmaconly Myshall Carlow Collier Robert Myshall Myshall Carlow Collier Robert C. Myshall Myshall Carlow Collier Samuel Ullardmore Myshall Carlow Connery John Myshall Myshall Carlow Connery Patrick Lasmaconly Myshall Carlow Connor Catherine Ballinrush Myshall Carlow Connors James Rosslee Myshall Carlow Connors Sarah Rosslee Myshall Carlow Coogan James Kilmaglush Myshall Carlow Corrigan John Ballinacrea Myshall Carlow Corrigan Samuel Ballinacrea Myshall Carlow Corrigan Samuel Myshall Myshall Carlow Corrigan Samuel Ullardmore Myshall Carlow Corrigan Samuel, Jr. Ballinacrea Myshall Carlow Corrigan Thomas Ballinacrea Myshall Carlow Cullen Catherine Myshall Myshall Carlow Cullen Lawerence Myshall Myshall Carlow Cummins Mary Ullardmore Myshall Carlow Cummins Owen Turtane Myshall Carlow Cummins Patrick Turtane Myshall Carlow Curran Andrew Myshall Myshall Carlow Dawson Denis Ullardbeg Myshall Carlow Dean Catherine Knockbrack Myshall Carlow Deane Francis Ullardmore Myshall Carlow Deegan Catherine Myshall Myshall Carlow Deegan John Myshall Myshall Carlow Dempsey Edward Ullardbeg Myshall Carlow Devereux Patrick Shangarry Myshall Carlow Dixy Catherine Straduff Myshall Carlow Donohoe Anne Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Donohoe Ellen Myshall Myshall Carlow Donohoe James Myshall Myshall Carlow Donohoe Michael Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Donohoe Patrick Myshall Myshall Carlow Donohoe Patrick Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Donohoe Wiliam Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Donohoe William Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Doolan John Ballaghmore Myshall Carlow Doolan John Ballinrush Myshall Carlow Doolan Margaret Myshall Myshall Carlow Dooley Mary Bealalaw Myshall Carlow Doyle Anastasia Knockdramagh Myshall Carlow Doyle Daniel Bealalaw Myshall Carlow Doyle Edward Bealalaw Myshall Carlow Doyle Edward Sheean Myshall Carlow Doyle Ellen Myshall Myshall Carlow Doyle James Bealalaw Myshall Carlow Doyle John Bealalaw Myshall Carlow Doyle John Knockdramagh Myshall Carlow Doyle Lawrence Knockdramagh Myshall Carlow Doyle Michael Ballinacrea Myshall Carlow Doyle Michael Bealalaw Myshall Carlow Doyle Myles Knockdramagh Myshall Carlow Doyle Patrick Knockbrack Myshall Carlow Doyle Patrick Knockdramagh Myshall Carlow Doyle Thomas Myshall Myshall Carlow Doyle Thomas Shangarry Myshall Carlow Doyle William Bealalaw Myshall Carlow Dunne Michael Croanruss Myshall Carlow Dunne Patrick Bealalaw Myshall Carlow Dunne Patrick Myshall Myshall Carlow Ellard Margaret Shangarry Myshall Carlow Eustace Oliver Myshall Myshall Carlow Fagan Judith Coolnasheegan Myshall Carlow Fagan Lawrence Aclare Myshall Carlow Farrell Lawrence Coolnasheegan Myshall Carlow Farrell Michael Straduff Myshall Carlow Feltus Benjamin B. Bealalaw Myshall Carlow Feltus Benjamin B. Shangarry Myshall Carlow Feltus Jane Bealalaw Myshall Carlow Fenlon Hugh Clonee, East Myshall Carlow Fenlon John Sheean Myshall Carlow Finlan Bridget Knockbrack Myshall Carlow Finlan Daniel Shangarry Myshall Carlow Finlan James Shangarry Myshall Carlow Finlan Margaret Ballaghmore Myshall Carlow Finlan Margaret Rosslee Myshall Carlow Finlan Michael Ballaghmore Myshall Carlow Finlan Patrick Cappawater Myshall Carlow Finlan Peter Ballaghmore Myshall Carlow Finlan Peter Shangarry Myshall Carlow Finlan Timothy Ballaghmore Myshall Carlow Finlan Timothy Shangarry Myshall Carlow Finlan William Myshall Myshall Carlow Finlon Patrick Straduff Myshall Carlow Finn Bridget Ballaghmore Myshall Carlow Fitzpatrick Daniel Myshall Myshall Carlow Fitzpatrick John Bealalaw Myshall Carlow Fitzpatrick John Myshall Myshall Carlow Fitzpatrick John Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Fitzpatrick Patrick Ballinrush Myshall Carlow Fitzpatrick Patrick Bealalaw Myshall Carlow Fitzpatrick Patrick Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Flynn Charles Knockdramagh Myshall Carlow Flynn Thomas Ballinrush Myshall Carlow Fogarty Cornelius Knockbrack Myshall Carlow Fogarty Martin Myshall Myshall Carlow Foley Jeremiah Ballinacrea Myshall Carlow Fox Denis Sheean Myshall Carlow Fox Peter Sheean Myshall Carlow Gahan James Shangarry Myshall Carlow Gahan Judith Sheean Myshall Carlow Gahan Martin Ballinrush Myshall Carlow Gorman Edward Aclare Myshall Carlow Gorman Michael Aclare Myshall Carlow Harris John Shangarry Myshall Carlow Harris Patrick Ballaghmore Myshall Carlow Hayden Anne Ballinrush Myshall Carlow Hayden Catherine Myshall Myshall Carlow Hayden James Knockdramagh Myshall Carlow Hayden Luke Shangarry Myshall Carlow Hayden Thomas Shangarry Myshall Carlow Hayes John Myshall Myshall Carlow Hayes Mary Myshall Myshall Carlow Hennessy James Raheenwood Myshall Carlow Hogan James Knockdramagh Myshall Carlow Hogan Patrick Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Hogan Patrick Sheean Myshall Carlow Hogan Patrick, Jr. Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Hogan Thomas Knockdramagh Myshall Carlow Hogan Thomas Sheean Myshall Carlow Hughes Thomas Lasmaconly Myshall Carlow Ivory Patrick Clonee, East Myshall Carlow Jacob Francis Shangarry Myshall Carlow James Elizabeth Myshall Myshall Carlow James George Clonee, East Myshall Carlow James George Clonnee West Myshall Carlow James George Straduff Myshall Carlow Jones Lawrence Sheean Myshall Carlow Kananagh Mary Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Kananagh Matthew Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Kananagh Patrick Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Kavanagh Bridget Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Kavanagh Edward Ballinacrea Myshall Carlow Kavanagh Edward Myshall Myshall Carlow Kavanagh Garrett Ullardmore Myshall Carlow Kavanagh James Croanruss Myshall Carlow Kavanagh James Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Kavanagh James Shangarry Myshall Carlow Kavanagh John Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Kavanagh Judith Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Kavanagh Luke Aclare Myshall Carlow Kavanagh Mary Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Kavanagh Matthew Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Kavanagh Maurice Myshall Myshall Carlow Kavanagh Michael Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Kavanagh Patrick Aclare Myshall Carlow Kavanagh Patrick Myshall Myshall Carlow Kavanagh Patrick Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Kayes John Ballinacrea Myshall Carlow Kearney Denis Kilmaglush Myshall Carlow Kearney Simon Kilmaglush Myshall Carlow Keating Andrew Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Keating John Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Keating Joseph Bealalaw Myshall Carlow Keating Mary Bealalaw Myshall Carlow Keely Maurice Shangarry Myshall Carlow Kehoe John Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Kehoe William Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Kelly John Bealalaw Myshall Carlow Kelly John Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Kelly Jonn Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Kelly Mary Myshall Myshall Carlow Kelly Micheal Knockdramagh Myshall Carlow Kelly Moses Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Kelly Nicholas Knockbrack Myshall Carlow Kelly Patrick Ballinacrea Myshall Carlow Kelly Patrick Knockbrack Myshall Carlow Kennedy Edward Rossacurra Myshall Carlow Kennedy James Myshall Myshall Carlow Kennedy John Rossacurra Myshall Carlow Kennedy Mary Rossacurra Myshall Carlow Kennedy Thomas Myshall Myshall Carlow Kenny Mary Knockdramagh Myshall Carlow Kepple James Rosslee Myshall Carlow Kepple James Turtane Myshall Carlow Kinchela Thomas Ballinrush Myshall Carlow Kirwan John Myshall Myshall Carlow Lalor James Aclare Myshall Carlow Lennor Peter Ballaghmore Myshall Carlow Leviston Mary Myshall Myshall Carlow Litchford Edward B. Raheenwood Myshall Carlow Lomax Mary Rosslee Myshall Carlow Loughlin Denis Aclare Myshall Carlow Loughlin James Aclare Myshall Carlow Lucas Alexander Raheenwood Myshall Carlow Lucas James Clashganny Myshall Carlow Lucas James Raheenwood Myshall Carlow Lucas John Clashganny Myshall Carlow Lucas Robert Clashganny Myshall Carlow Lyons John Raheenwood Myshall Carlow Mackey Rev. Robert Myshall Myshall Carlow Madgett Henrietta Booldurragh Myshall Carlow Madgett Henrietta Garryhill Myshall Carlow Madgett Henrietta Raheenwood Myshall Carlow Maher John Kilmaglush Myshall Carlow Mahon James Bealalaw Myshall Carlow Mahon James Clonnee West Myshall Carlow Manwan Patrick Shangarry Myshall Carlow May John Myshall Myshall Carlow Mc Clean Francis Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Mc Clean Michael Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Mc Donald Brian Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Mc Donald Hugh Sheean Myshall Carlow Mc Grath Timothy Clashganny Myshall Carlow Mc Nally Dorah Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Mcclean David Shangarry Myshall Carlow Mcclean Francis Bealalaw Myshall Carlow Mcclean Michael Bealalaw Myshall Carlow Mcclean Patrick Bealalaw Myshall Carlow Meara Hannah Sheean Myshall Carlow Moore Martin Sheean Myshall Carlow Morrissey Patrick Myshall Myshall Carlow Morrissy James Shangarry Myshall Carlow Morrissy Judith Myshall Myshall Carlow Morrissy Simon Shangarry Myshall Carlow Murphy Bridget Kilmaglush Myshall Carlow Murphy Edward Croanruss Myshall Carlow Murphy Edward Myshall Myshall Carlow Murphy Ellen Knockbrack Myshall Carlow Murphy James Knockbrack Myshall Carlow Murphy James Myshall Myshall Carlow Murphy James Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Murphy James Ullardmore Myshall Carlow Murphy John Aclare Myshall Carlow Murphy Mark Raheenwood Myshall Carlow Murphy Mary Ballinrush Myshall Carlow Murphy Micheal Myshall Myshall Carlow Murphy Thomas Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Murphy Winifred Knockdramagh Myshall Carlow Murray Lawrence Sheean Myshall Carlow Neill Daniel Ballinrush Myshall Carlow Neill John Ballinacrea Myshall Carlow Neill John Coolnasheegan Myshall Carlow Neill John Myshall Myshall Carlow Nolan Bryan Clashganny Myshall Carlow Nolan Henry Booldurragh Myshall Carlow Nolan Jeremiah Clashganny Myshall Carlow Nolan John Raheenwood Myshall Carlow Nolan Luke Raheenwood Myshall Carlow Nolan Martin Knockdramagh Myshall Carlow Nolan Micheal Knockdramagh Myshall Carlow Nolan Patrick Shangarry Myshall Carlow Nolan Rev. Michael Myshall Myshall Carlow Nolan Thomas Raheenwood Myshall Carlow Nowlan Anne Ballaghmore Myshall Carlow Nowlan Anne Rosslee Myshall Carlow Nowlan Bridget Ballaghmore Myshall Carlow Nowlan Bryan Rosslee Myshall Carlow Nowlan Catherine Rossacurra Myshall Carlow Nowlan Charles Straduff Myshall Carlow Nowlan Edmund Ballinrush Myshall Carlow Nowlan Edmund Lasmaconly Myshall Carlow Nowlan Edmund Shangarry Myshall Carlow Nowlan Edward Kilmaglush Myshall Carlow Nowlan Elizabeth Knockbrack Myshall Carlow Nowlan Ellen Ballaghmore Myshall Carlow Nowlan James Ballaghmore Myshall Carlow Nowlan James Ballinacrea Myshall Carlow Nowlan James Kilmaglush Myshall Carlow Nowlan James Myshall Myshall Carlow Nowlan James Rossacurra Myshall Carlow Nowlan James Rosslee Myshall Carlow Nowlan James Shangarry Myshall Carlow Nowlan James Straduff Myshall Carlow Nowlan John Aclare Myshall Carlow Nowlan John Sheean Myshall Carlow Nowlan Lawerence Myshall Myshall Carlow Nowlan Margaret Clonee, East Myshall Carlow Nowlan Mary Ballaghmore Myshall Carlow Nowlan Mary Ballinrush Myshall Carlow Nowlan Mary Myshall Myshall Carlow Nowlan Matthew Ballaghmore Myshall Carlow Nowlan Michael Ballinrush Myshall Carlow Nowlan Patrick Ballinrush Myshall Carlow Nowlan Peter Knockbrack Myshall Carlow Nowlan Thomas Shangarry Myshall Carlow Nowlan William Myshall Myshall Carlow Nowlan Willian Myshall Myshall Carlow O'Brien William Shangarry Myshall Carlow Parker William Shangarry Myshall Carlow Prandy John Straduff Myshall Carlow Reddy Patrick Knockbrack Myshall Carlow Reddy Terence Ullardbeg Myshall Carlow Roche Joesph Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Rourke Hugh Knockbrack Myshall Carlow Rourke James Knockbrack Myshall Carlow Rowe Anne Straduff Myshall Carlow Ryan Luke Straduff Myshall Carlow Scully Peter Knockbrack Myshall Carlow Shiel Patrick Ballaghmore Myshall Carlow Shiply Robert Sheean Myshall Carlow Smith George Sheean Myshall Carlow Smith Joseph Myshall Myshall Carlow Smith Mary Sheean Myshall Carlow Smith Robert Myshall Myshall Carlow Stannard Margaret Ballinrush Myshall Carlow Timmins Moses Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Tobin John Myshall Myshall Carlow Toole Mary Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Tracey John Raheenwood Myshall Carlow Tracy Patrick Knockbrack Myshall Carlow Troy James Knockdramagh Myshall Carlow Tumpkin Patrick Shangarry Myshall Carlow Walsh James Coolnasheegan Myshall Carlow Walsh Micheal Knockdramagh Myshall Carlow Watson Joseph Ballaghmore Myshall Carlow Whelan Michael Raheenliegh Myshall Carlow Whelan Rep. John Ballinacrea Myshall Carlow Williams Robert Rosslee Myshall Carlow