Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Abbey John Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Bailey Andrew Ballynalour St. Mullins Carlow Bates Michael Carriglead St. Mullins Carlow Blanchfield James Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Boland Philip Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Bolger Bridget Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Bolger Honoria Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Bolger James Ballyknock St. Mullins Carlow Bolger John Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Bolger Margaret Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Bolger Mary Glebe St. Mullins Carlow Bolger Mary Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Bolger Myles Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Bolger Patrick Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Bolger Simon Ballymurphy St. Mullins Carlow Bolger Thomas Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Brahan Edmund Templenaboe St. Mullins Carlow Brahan Michael Ballybeg Big St. Mullins Carlow Brahan Michael Templenaboe St. Mullins Carlow Brahan William Ballybeg Big St. Mullins Carlow Breen Martin Glebe St. Mullins Carlow Breen Martin St. Mullins St. Mullins Carlow Breen Michael Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Brennan Edmund Drummin St. Mullins Carlow Brennan John Ballyknockcrumpin St. Mullins Carlow Brennan John Drummin St. Mullins Carlow Brennan Michael Ballynalour St. Mullins Carlow Brien Henry Ballynalour St. Mullins Carlow Brien John Ballybeg Big St. Mullins Carlow Brien John Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Brien Lawrence Knockymullgurry St. Mullins Carlow Brien Mary Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Brien Michael Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Brien Patrick Harristown St. Mullins Carlow Brien Patrick Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Bryne John Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Burtchaell David Harristown St. Mullins Carlow Burtchaell Henry Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Burtehaell Henry Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Butler Patrick Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Byan Martin Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Byrne Bridget Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Byrne Cecilia R. Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Byrne Cecilia R. Bauck St. Mullins Carlow Byrne Cecilia R. St. Mullins St. Mullins Carlow Byrne Elizabeth Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Byrne James Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Byrne James Ballybeg Big St. Mullins Carlow Byrne James Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Byrne James Mullannavode St. Mullins Carlow Byrne James Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Byrne John Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Byrne John Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Byrne Judith Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Byrne Judith Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Byrne Martin Mullannaskeagh St. Mullins Carlow Byrne Martin Mullannavode St. Mullins Carlow Byrne Mary Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Byrne Michael Ballymurphy St. Mullins Carlow Byrne Patrick Ballybeg Big St. Mullins Carlow Byrne Patrick Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Byrne Patrick Rocksavage St. Mullins Carlow Byrne Philip Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Byrne Thomas Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Byrne Thomas Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Byrne Thomas Ballymurphy St. Mullins Carlow Byrne Thomas Mullanagaun St. Mullins Carlow Byrne Thomas Mullannavode St. Mullins Carlow Byrne Thos. Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Byrne William Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Byron James Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Callaghan Owen Coolyhune St. Mullins Carlow Callaghan Owen Slievedurda St. Mullins Carlow Cantlan Adam Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Cantlan Jacob Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Cantlan John Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Cantlan Peter St. Mullins St. Mullins Carlow Cantlan Peter Templenaboe St. Mullins Carlow Carr John Aghnaglear St. Mullins Carlow Carroll James St. Mullins St. Mullins Carlow Carroll Maurice Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Carroll Thomas St. Mullins St. Mullins Carlow Clear James Harristown St. Mullins Carlow Clear James Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Clear John Harristown St. Mullins Carlow Clear Mary Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Clear Michael Harristown St. Mullins Carlow Clear Thomas Harristown St. Mullins Carlow Cleary John Bauck St. Mullins Carlow Cloven Patrick Knockymullgurry St. Mullins Carlow Cody Elizabeth Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Cody James Glebe St. Mullins Carlow Cody James Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Cody James St. Mullins St. Mullins Carlow Cody John Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Cody Martin Templenaboe St. Mullins Carlow Cody Patrick Bauck St. Mullins Carlow Cody Patrick Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Cody Pierce Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Cody Thomas Kilmissan St. Mullins Carlow Cody Walter Ballybeg Big St. Mullins Carlow Colleton Catherine Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Colleton John Knockeen St. Mullins Carlow Colleton Lawrence Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Collins Thomas Coolyhune St. Mullins Carlow Commins Anne Clanagh St. Mullins Carlow Commins Daniel Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Commins John Ballybeg Little St. Mullins Carlow Commins John Clanagh St. Mullins Carlow Commins Judith Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Commins Simon Inch or Inchaphuca St. Mullins Carlow Connell Martin Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Connors Michael Drummin St. Mullins Carlow Conroy Michael Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Conway Thomas Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Cooney Morgan Aghnaglear St. Mullins Carlow Corcoran Lawrence Ballybeg Big St. Mullins Carlow Corcoran Mary Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Corcoran Mary C. Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Corcoran Mary C. Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Corcoran Matthew Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Corcoran Patrick Drummin St. Mullins Carlow Corcoran Sarah Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Corcoran Sarah Ballyling St. Mullins Carlow Corcoran Terence Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Corcoran Thomas Ballybeg Big St. Mullins Carlow Coreorah Edmund Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Coreoran Patrick Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Cowman Anne Ballymurphy St. Mullins Carlow Cox Patrick Kilmissan St. Mullins Carlow Cox Thomas Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Crimmin Michael Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Crowe Edmund Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Crowe James Bauck St. Mullins Carlow Crowe William Bauck St. Mullins Carlow Cummins James Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Cummins William Ballybeg Big St. Mullins Carlow Curran Michael Glebe St. Mullins Carlow Curran Michael Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Curran Richael Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Cushen Bernard Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Dalton James Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Dalton Joseph Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Dalton Michael Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Dalton Michael Ballyling St. Mullins Carlow Dalton Michael Mullanagaun St. Mullins Carlow Dalton Thomas Mullannaskeagh St. Mullins Carlow Dalton Thomas, Jr. Clanagh St. Mullins Carlow Dalton Thomas, Jr. Mullannaskeagh St. Mullins Carlow Dalton Thomas, Jr. Mullannavode St. Mullins Carlow Daly Edmund Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Daly Ellen St. Mullins St. Mullins Carlow Daly Michael Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Daly Patrick Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Daly Peter Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Deegan James Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Deegan Pierce Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Deering John Drummin St. Mullins Carlow Delahunt Nicholas Ballymurphy St. Mullins Carlow Delahunt William Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Delany Michael Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Denham Patrick Ballynalour St. Mullins Carlow Dooley Anne Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Dooling Michael Turra St. Mullins Carlow Dooly Bridget Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Doran Bridget Mullanagaun St. Mullins Carlow Doran Edward Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Doran James Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Doran Mary Mullanagaun St. Mullins Carlow Doran Michael Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Alexander Ballyling St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Alexander Carriglead St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Alexander, Jr. Ballyling St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Andrew Drummin St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Bridget Ballynalour St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Bridget Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Daniel Ballyling St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Denis Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Denis Ballyknockcrumpin St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Edmund Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Ellen Aghnaglear St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Felix Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Doyle George Ballynabranagh,Walshstown St. Mullins Carlow Doyle James Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Doyle James Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Doyle James Ballyknock St. Mullins Carlow Doyle James Ballyling St. Mullins Carlow Doyle James Ballynalour St. Mullins Carlow Doyle James Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Doyle James Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Jeremiah Ballyknock St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Jeremiah Rocksavage St. Mullins Carlow Doyle John Ballyhegan St. Mullins Carlow Doyle John Ballyling St. Mullins Carlow Doyle John Coolyhune St. Mullins Carlow Doyle John Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Doyle John Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Doyle John Templenaboe St. Mullins Carlow Doyle John Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Joseph Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Joseph Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Joseph Mullanagaun St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Judith Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Lawrence Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Lawrence Coolyhune St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Loughlin Ballyling St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Margaret Ballynalour St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Martin Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Mary Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Mary Ballyknock St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Mary Coolyhune St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Mary Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Mary St. Mullins St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Michael Aghnaglear St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Michael Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Michael Ballyblake St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Michael Ballyknockcrumpin St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Michael Ballyling St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Michael Ballynalour St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Michael Drummin St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Michael Glebe St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Michael Mullannavode St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Michael Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Michael Templenaboe St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Morgan Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Owen Knockeen St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Patrick Aghnaglear St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Patrick Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Patrick Ballyknock St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Patrick Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Patrick Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Peter Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Sahah Coolyhune St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Thomas Ballynalour St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Thomas Drummin St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Thomas Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Doyle Thomas Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Doyle William Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Doyne Charles Bauck St. Mullins Carlow Doyne Charles St. Mullins St. Mullins Carlow Doyne Charles Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Dreeling John Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Dreeling John Turra St. Mullins Carlow Dreeling Richard Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Dreeling William Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Dunphy James Ballyknock St. Mullins Carlow Dunphy John Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Dunphy John, Jr. Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Dwyer James Ballyknock St. Mullins Carlow Dwyer James Ballymurphy St. Mullins Carlow Dwyer James Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Dwyer Patrick Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Dwyer Walter Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Farrell Bridget Mullanagaun St. Mullins Carlow Fenlon Anne Ballynabranagh,Walshstown St. Mullins Carlow Fenlon Anne Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Fenlon James Ballymurphy St. Mullins Carlow Fenlon James Rocksavage St. Mullins Carlow Fenlon John Ballybeg Big St. Mullins Carlow Fenlon John Rocksavage St. Mullins Carlow Fenlon John Slievedurda St. Mullins Carlow Fenlon Martin Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Fenlon Michael Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Fenlon Patrick Knockymullgurry St. Mullins Carlow Finn John Bauck St. Mullins Carlow Finn John Drummin St. Mullins Carlow Finn Michael Drummin St. Mullins Carlow Finn Patrick Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Fitzgerald Patrick Coolyhune St. Mullins Carlow Fitzgerald Patrick Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Fitzhenry Mary Ballynabranagh,Walshstown St. Mullins Carlow Fleming Edmund Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Fleming Michael Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Fleming Michael Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Fleming Patrick Ballynalour St. Mullins Carlow Fleming William Ballybeg Big St. Mullins Carlow Flood Bridget Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Flood John Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Flood John Knockymullgurry St. Mullins Carlow Flood Mary Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Flood Patrick Aghnaglear St. Mullins Carlow Flood Patrick Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Flood Patrick Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Flood Sylvester Knockymullgurry St. Mullins Carlow Flood Thomas Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Fogarty Daniel Seskin St. Mullins Carlow Fogarty James Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Fogarty James Drummin St. Mullins Carlow Fogarty James Lacken St. Mullins Carlow Fogarty Lawrence Lacken St. Mullins Carlow Fogarty Lawrence Mullanagaun St. Mullins Carlow Fogarty Michael Mullanagaun St. Mullins Carlow Fogarty Michael Seskin St. Mullins Carlow Fogarty Thomas Mullanagaun St. Mullins Carlow Fogarty Thomas Seskin St. Mullins Carlow Foley Edmund Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Foley James Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Foley John Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Foley Michael Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Foley Owen Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Foley Paul Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Foley Simon Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Foley Thomas Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Foley Thomas Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Foley William Aghnaglear St. Mullins Carlow Fowler Patrick Drummin St. Mullins Carlow Fox Mary Ballynabranagh,Walshstown St. Mullins Carlow Fox Patrick Ballynabranagh,Walshstown St. Mullins Carlow Freany John Turra St. Mullins Carlow Furlong Philip Turra St. Mullins Carlow Gahan James Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Gahan John Coolyhune St. Mullins Carlow Gahan John Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Gahan John Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Gahan John, Jr. Coolyhune St. Mullins Carlow Gahan Martin Coolyhune St. Mullins Carlow Gahan Michael Coolyhune St. Mullins Carlow Gahan Thomas Coolyhune St. Mullins Carlow Gahan Thomas Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Gall John Carriglead St. Mullins Carlow Gallivan Bridget Carriglead St. Mullins Carlow Gallivan Bridget Coolyhune St. Mullins Carlow Geoghegan Ellen Knockeen St. Mullins Carlow Geoghegan James Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Geoghegan John Knockeen St. Mullins Carlow Geoghegan Michael Knockeen St. Mullins Carlow Gladney John Ballyknock St. Mullins Carlow Gorman Andrew Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Gorman John Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Gorman Patrick Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Grace James Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Grace William Ballymurphy St. Mullins Carlow Grenane James Ballybeg Little St. Mullins Carlow Grenane Martin Slievedurda St. Mullins Carlow Grennan Edmund Ballybeg Big St. Mullins Carlow Grennan Francis Slievedurda St. Mullins Carlow Grennan Matthew Ballybeg Big St. Mullins Carlow Griffin Lawrence Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Griffin Matthew Ballyblake St. Mullins Carlow Griffin Matthew Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Griffin Sarah Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Hackshaw Rev. Samuel Bauck St. Mullins Carlow Hanlon Michael Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Hawkshaw Rev. Samuel St. Mullins St. Mullins Carlow Hayden Michael Ballynabranagh,Walshstown St. Mullins Carlow Hayden Patrick Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Hayes Michael Ballyknockcrumpin St. Mullins Carlow Hayes Sylvester Carriglead St. Mullins Carlow Heffernan John Carriglead St. Mullins Carlow Heffernan Michael Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Hendrick James Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Hill Jonathan Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Hoban Bridget Ballymurphy St. Mullins Carlow Holding John Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Holding Michael Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Holohan Margaret Knockeen St. Mullins Carlow Hughes Edward Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Jackman Thomas Ballybeg Big St. Mullins Carlow Jeffers Joseph St. Mullins St. Mullins Carlow Joyce Anne Kilmissan St. Mullins Carlow Joyce Catherine Kilmissan St. Mullins Carlow Joyce Edmund Ballymurphy St. Mullins Carlow Joyce Edmund Kilmissan St. Mullins Carlow Joyce Edward Coolyhune St. Mullins Carlow Joyce Edward Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Joyce Henry Kilmissan St. Mullins Carlow Joyce James Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Joyce James, Jr. Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Joyce John Kilmissan St. Mullins Carlow Joyce John Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Joyce Michael Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Joyce Pierce Ballynabranagh,Walshstown St. Mullins Carlow Joyce Thomas Ballymurphy St. Mullins Carlow Kane Mary Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Kane Patrick Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Kane Patrick Mullanagaun St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Arthur Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Catherine Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Daniel Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Denis Carriglead St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Dudley Ballyknock St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Dudley Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Dudley Turra St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Edmund Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Eleanor Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Garrett Turra St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh John Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Judith Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Mary Ballyknock St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Mary Rocksavage St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Michael Bauck St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Michael Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Michael St. Mullins St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Michael Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Morgan Ballymurphy St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Mortimer Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Patrick Knockymullgurry St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Patrick Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Stephen Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Thomas Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Thomas Ballybeg Big St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Thomas Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Thomas Bauck St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Thomas Carriglead St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Thomas Coolyhune St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Thomas Drummin St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Thomas Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Thomas Kilmissan St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Thomas Knockymullgurry St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Thomas Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Thomas Mullanagaun St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Thomas Mullannaskeagh St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Thomas Mullannavode St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Thomas Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Thomas St. Mullins St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Thomas Templenaboe St. Mullins Carlow Kavanagh Thomas Turra St. Mullins Carlow Kealy Bridget Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Kealy Jeremiah Ballynabranagh,Walshstown St. Mullins Carlow Kealy Jeremiah Knockymullgurry St. Mullins Carlow Kealy John Bauck St. Mullins Carlow Kealy Martin Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Keane John Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Keating Philip Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Keatinge James Ballyhegan St. Mullins Carlow Keatinge John Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Keatinge John Ballymurphy St. Mullins Carlow Keatinge John Kilmissan St. Mullins Carlow Keatinge Michael Coolyhune St. Mullins Carlow Keeffe Bryan Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Keeffe Patrick Harristown St. Mullins Carlow Keetfe Nicholas Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Kehoe Cecilia Ballymurphy St. Mullins Carlow Kehoe Edmund Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Kehoe John Glebe St. Mullins Carlow Kehoe Mary Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Kehoe Michael Coolyhune St. Mullins Carlow Kehoe Micheal Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Kelly James Ballyknockcrumpin St. Mullins Carlow Kelly James Knockeen St. Mullins Carlow Kelly John Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Kelly Mary Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Kenny Michael Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow King Michael Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Kinsella Denis Drummin St. Mullins Carlow Kinsella Lawrence Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Kinsella Solomon Ballyknockcrumpin St. Mullins Carlow Lacey John Ballyknockcrumpin St. Mullins Carlow Lacey Mary Ballyknockcrumpin St. Mullins Carlow Lacey Patrick Drummin St. Mullins Carlow Laffan Patrick Coolyhune St. Mullins Carlow Lalor John Knockymullgurry St. Mullins Carlow Lalor John Mullanagaun St. Mullins Carlow Lalor John Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Lalor Mortimer Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Lalor Patrick Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Lalor Patrick Mullanagaun St. Mullins Carlow Lalor Stephen Ballymurphy St. Mullins Carlow Lannon Catherine Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Lannon David Carriglead St. Mullins Carlow Lannon James Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Lannon James Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Lannon John Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Lannon John Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Lannon Joseph Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Lannon Mary Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Lannon Michael Carriglead St. Mullins Carlow Lawless Margaret Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Leary Patrick Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Lennon John Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Long Catherine Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Long William Knockymullgurry St. Mullins Carlow Mackey Catherine Bauck St. Mullins Carlow Maher Rev. Daniel St. Mullins St. Mullins Carlow Mahon Lawrence Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Malone Daniel Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Malone James Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Malone Patrick Glebe St. Mullins Carlow Martin James Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Martin John Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Mc Cabe David Ballymurphy St. Mullins Carlow Mc Cabe John Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Mc Cabe Thomas Rocksavage St. Mullins Carlow Mc Evoy Daniel Ballynabranagh,Walshstown St. Mullins Carlow Mc Evoy James Ballynabranagh,Walshstown St. Mullins Carlow Mc Grath Catherine Clanagh St. Mullins Carlow Mc Guire James Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Meaney John Ballynabranagh,Walshstown St. Mullins Carlow Minogue Edmund Ballyling St. Mullins Carlow Miskella Philip Ballynalour St. Mullins Carlow Monaghan Bryan Ballyling St. Mullins Carlow Monahan Patrick Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Moore John Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Morrisey Michael Aghnaglear St. Mullins Carlow Morrissey Bridget Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Morrissey James Drummin St. Mullins Carlow Morrissey James Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Morrissey John Ballybeg Big St. Mullins Carlow Morrissey John Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Morrissey John Ballyknock St. Mullins Carlow Morrissey John Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Morrissey Michael Aghnaglear St. Mullins Carlow Morrissey Michael Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Morrissey Michael Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Morrissey Myles Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Morrissey Patrick Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Morrissey Patrick Ballyknock St. Mullins Carlow Morrissey Patrick Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Morrissey Thomas Carriglead St. Mullins Carlow Morrissey Thomas Knockeen St. Mullins Carlow Morrissey Thomas Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Morrissey William Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Morrissey William Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Moylett James Templenaboe St. Mullins Carlow Mulligan Michael Knockeen St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Andrew Knockymullgurry St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Bridget Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Bridget Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Catherine Ballynalour St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Catherine Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Catherine Glebe St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Charles Drummin St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Daniel Ballynalour St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Daniel Slievedurda St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Edmund Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Edmund Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Edward Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Elizabeth Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Elizabeth Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Elizabeth Slievedurda St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Ellen Ballynalour St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Francis Ballyknock St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Garrett Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Gregory Inch or Inchaphuca St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Henry Ballynabranagh,Walshstown St. Mullins Carlow Murphy James Ballymurphy St. Mullins Carlow Murphy James Ballynabranagh,Walshstown St. Mullins Carlow Murphy James Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Murphy James Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Murphy James Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Murphy James Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Murphy James Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Murphy John Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Murphy John Ballymurphy St. Mullins Carlow Murphy John Ballynalour St. Mullins Carlow Murphy John Carriglead St. Mullins Carlow Murphy John Coolyhune St. Mullins Carlow Murphy John Kilmissan St. Mullins Carlow Murphy John Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Joseph Coolyhune St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Judith Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Lawrence Ballybeg Big St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Margaret Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Martin Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Martin Bauck St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Martin Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Martin Templenaboe St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Mary Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Mary Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Mary Drummin St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Mary Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Mich. Ballynalour St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Michael Ballybeg Big St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Michael Ballymurphy St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Michael Ballynalour St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Michael Drummin St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Michael Mullanagaun St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Michael Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Michael Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Morgan Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Patrick Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Patrick Ballynalour St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Patrick Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Patrick Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Patrick Slievedurda St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Peter Knockymullgurry St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Pierce Ballyknock St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Pierce Kilmissan St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Pierce Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Rep. Stephen Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Thomas Ballybeg Big St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Thomas Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Thomas Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Thomas Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Murphy Thomas Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Murray Edmund Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Murray Martin Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Murray Patrick Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Murray Patrick, Jr. Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Murray Thomas Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Murrin David Mullanagaun St. Mullins Carlow Murrin Elizabeth Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Murrin Patrick Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Neill Andrew Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Neill Bridget Bauck St. Mullins Carlow Neill Catherine Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Neill Daniel Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Neill Henry Ballyknockcrumpin St. Mullins Carlow Neill James Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Neill James Ballynabranagh,Walshstown St. Mullins Carlow Neill James Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Neill Martin Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Neill Mary Ballynabranagh,Walshstown St. Mullins Carlow Neill Michael Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Neill Morgan Bauck St. Mullins Carlow Neill Morgan Harristown St. Mullins Carlow Neill Patrick Ballynabranagh,Walshstown St. Mullins Carlow Neill Terence Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Neill Thomas Harristown St. Mullins Carlow Nolan Margaret Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Nolan Owen Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Nurney Thomas St. Mullins St. Mullins Carlow O'Brien John Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow O'Neill Neal Slievedurda St. Mullins Carlow Pender James Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Power Patrick Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Prendergast James Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Prendergast Michael Mullannavode St. Mullins Carlow Prendergast William Knockeen St. Mullins Carlow Purcell Catherine Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Purcell John Ballyknockcrumpin St. Mullins Carlow Purcell John Ballynalour St. Mullins Carlow Purcell Patrick Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Redmond Elizabeth Ballynabranagh,Walshstown St. Mullins Carlow Redmond James Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Reilly Charles Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Ring Bridget Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Roche Michael Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Roe Margaret Ballybeg Big St. Mullins Carlow Roe Robert Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Roe Robert Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Rourke Bridget Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Rourke Catherine Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Rourke Francis Ballyling St. Mullins Carlow Rourke Hugh Ballyling St. Mullins Carlow Rourke James Ballynalour St. Mullins Carlow Rourke James Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Rourke Jeremiah Ballynalour St. Mullins Carlow Rourke Jeremiah Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Rourke John Ballyknock St. Mullins Carlow Rourke John Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Rourke Michael Ballyknock St. Mullins Carlow Rourke Michael Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Rourke Michael Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Rourke Owen Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Rourke William Ballyknock St. Mullins Carlow Ryan Andrew Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Ryan Andrew Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Ryan Catherine Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Ryan Denis Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Ryan Honoria Ballyling St. Mullins Carlow Ryan James Ballybeg Big St. Mullins Carlow Ryan James Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Ryan James Ballyling St. Mullins Carlow Ryan James Drummin St. Mullins Carlow Ryan Johanna Ballyknock St. Mullins Carlow Ryan John Ballybeg Big St. Mullins Carlow Ryan John Ballybeg Little St. Mullins Carlow Ryan John Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Ryan John Ballyknock St. Mullins Carlow Ryan John Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Ryan John Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Ryan John Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Ryan John Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Ryan John Turra St. Mullins Carlow Ryan Lawrence Knockeen St. Mullins Carlow Ryan Lawrence Mullannaskeagh St. Mullins Carlow Ryan Michael Dranagh St. Mullins Carlow Ryan Michael Mullanagaun St. Mullins Carlow Ryan Patrick Ballybeg Big St. Mullins Carlow Ryan Patrick Ballybeg Little St. Mullins Carlow Ryan Patrick Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Ryan Patrick Knockeen St. Mullins Carlow Ryan Patrick Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Ryan Patrick Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Ryan Patrick Turra St. Mullins Carlow Ryan Patrick, Jr. Knockeen St. Mullins Carlow Ryan Thomas Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Ryan Thomas Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Ryan Thomas Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Senior Richard Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Shanahan Bridget Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Shanahan Dorothea Rocksavage St. Mullins Carlow Shanahan John Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Shanahan Thomas Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow Shannon Mary Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Shaughnessy Patrick Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Shea Anne Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Shea Catherine Ballyhegan St. Mullins Carlow Shea Catherine Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Shea James Ballyhegan St. Mullins Carlow Shea Luke Ballyhegan St. Mullins Carlow Shea Mary St. Mullins St. Mullins Carlow Shea William Knockeen St. Mullins Carlow Sheehy John Drummin St. Mullins Carlow Somers Bridget Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Somers Michael Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Somers Moses Glebe St. Mullins Carlow Sommers Michael Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Staunton Thomas Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Sullivan Andrew Gowlin St. Mullins Carlow Sullivan James Turra St. Mullins Carlow Sutley James Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Timmins Bridget Aghnaglear St. Mullins Carlow Timmins Daniel Aghnaglear St. Mullins Carlow Timmins James Aghnaglear St. Mullins Carlow Timmins John Aghnaglear St. Mullins Carlow Timmins Peter Aghnaglear St. Mullins Carlow Timmins Thomas Aghnaglear St. Mullins Carlow Tobin Edward Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Tobin Michael Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Tobin Michael St. Mullins St. Mullins Carlow Tynan James Bauck St. Mullins Carlow Tynan Judith Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Tynan Patrick Ballycrinnigan St. Mullins Carlow Walsh Catherine Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Walsh Catherine Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Walsh Ellen Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Walsh Lawrence Ballyglisheen St. Mullins Carlow Walsh Lawrence Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Walsh Martin Coolyhune St. Mullins Carlow Walsh Martin Marley or Knockduff St. Mullins Carlow Walsh Martin Newtown St. Mullins Carlow Walsh Thomas Bahana St. Mullins Carlow Walsh Thomas Tinnahinch St. Mullins Carlow Watson Catherine Aghnaglear St. Mullins Carlow Whelan Michael Rathgeran St. Mullins Carlow