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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Tullowphelim, County Carlow
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Tullowphelim, County Carlow
Abbey William Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Aughney Ellen Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Bailey Abraham Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Bailey Abraham Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Bearney James Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Bearney William Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Bolger Edward Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Bolger James Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Bolger James Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Bolger Mary Anne Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Bolger Mary Anne Tullow Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Bolger Michael Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Bolger Patrick Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Bolger Thomas Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Bolger William Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Boulger Michael Market Square Tullowphelim Carlow Breen Patrick Market Square Tullowphelim Carlow Breen Patrick Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Breene Patrick Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Brennan Edward Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Brennan James Barrack Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Brennan John Rathlyon Tullowphelim Carlow Brennan John The Course Tullowphelim Carlow Brennan Lawrence Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Brennan Lawrence Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Brennan Patrick Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Brennan Patrick Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Brennan Peter Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Brewster Michael Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Brien Catheine Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Brien Daniel Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Brien Denis Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Brien Denis Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Brien Edward Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Brien Eliza Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Brien James Hoare's Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Brien Jeremiah Ballymurphy Tullowphelim Carlow Brien Margaret Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Brien Patrick Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Brien Terence Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Brien Thomas Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Brophy Michael Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Brophy Patrick Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Broughan Denis Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Broughan Patrick Coppenagh Tullowphelim Carlow Browne John Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Browne William Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Brownrigg William Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Bulger Edward Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Bulger Edward Church St. Tullowphelim Carlow Bulger Elizabeth Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Bulger James Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Bulger James Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Bulmer Thomas Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Burgess George Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Burgess Robert Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Burgess Robert Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Burnett Robert Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Burnett Robert Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Butler John Church St. Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne Catherine Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne Denis Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne Edward Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne George Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne James Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne James Church St. Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne James Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne James Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne James Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne Jeremiah Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne John Butlersgrange Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne John Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne John Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne John Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne John Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne Lawrence Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne Lawrence Pound Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne Luke Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne Mary Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne Mary Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne Mary Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne Matthew Butlersgrange Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne Michael Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne Michael Hoare's Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne Michael Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne Patrick Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne Patrick Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne Richard Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne Thomas Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne Thomas Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne Timothy Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne Timothy Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne William Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Byrne William Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Cahill John Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Callaghan Philip Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Canning Michael Rathlyon Tullowphelim Carlow Carr John Kilmagarvoge Tullowphelim Carlow Carr Richard Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Carroll Anastasia Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Carroll Daniel Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Carroll John Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Carroll Patrick Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Carroll William Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Carroll William Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Carroll William Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Carter Robert Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Carty Bridget Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Carty John Castle-Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Carty Richard Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Castles Judith Crosskeys Tullowphelim Carlow Castles Judith Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Castles Thomas Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Cleary Patrick Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Cleary Patrick Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Cleary William Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Codd George Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Codd William Butlersgrange Tullowphelim Carlow Cody James Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Coghlan Edward Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Connor Terence Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Connor Thomas Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Connors James Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Connors James Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Coogan Anne Crosskeys Tullowphelim Carlow Coogan James Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Coogan Jermiah Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Crawford George The Course Tullowphelim Carlow Creighton James Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Cullen Hugh Butlersgrange Tullowphelim Carlow Cullen Michael Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Culm Michael Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Curran Michael Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Curran Michael Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Dalton James Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Dalton John Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Darcy Edward Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Darcy James Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Darcy John Hoare's Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Darcy John Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Darcy Margaret Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Darcy Michael Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Darcy Patrick Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Darcy Sylvester Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Darcy Sylvester Market Square Tullowphelim Carlow Darey John Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Dargan James Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Davis Thomas Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Dawson Bridget Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Dawson John Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Dawson Lawrence Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Dawson Patrick Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Dawson Thomas Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Dawson Timothy Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Deegan Edward Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Deegan James Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Deegan Mary Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Deerin William Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Deerin William M. Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Deerin William M. Market Square Tullowphelim Carlow Deering William M. Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Delany Mary Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Dempsey Edward Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Dempsey Mary Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Dempsey Patrick Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Dillon James Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Disney Frances Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Dixon John Market Square Tullowphelim Carlow Dobbin James Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Dogherty James Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Doherty James Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Doherty Peter Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Donohoe Anastasia Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Donohoe Anne Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Donohoe Daniel Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Donohoe Daniel Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Donohoe Daniel Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Donohoe Daniel Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Donohoe Henry Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Donohoe James Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Donohoe John Coppenagh Tullowphelim Carlow Donohoe John, Jr. Coppenagh Tullowphelim Carlow Donohoe Patrick Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Donohoe Patrick Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Donohoe Patrick Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Donohoe Patrick Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Donohoe Thomas Coppenagh Tullowphelim Carlow Doolan Eliza Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Doolan James Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Doolan James Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Doolan John Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Doolan John Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Doolan Michael Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Doolan William Coppenagh Tullowphelim Carlow Doran Patrick Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Dowse John Ballymurphy Tullowphelim Carlow Dowse John Coppenagh Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle Andrew Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle Catherine Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle Charles The Course Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle Ellen Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle James Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle James Church St. Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle James Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle James Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle James Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle James Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle James, Jr. Market Square Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle John Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle John Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle John Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle John A. Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle Lawrence Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle Lawrence Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle Lawrence Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle Margaret Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle Martin Rathlyon Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle Miles Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle Patrick Butlersgrange Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle Patrick Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle Patrick Hoare's Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle Patrick Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle Patrick Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Doyle Thomas Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Doyne Charles H. Church St. Tullowphelim Carlow Doyne Charles H. Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Doyne Charles H. Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Driver Thomas Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Duckett William Rathlyon Tullowphelim Carlow Duff James Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Duff John Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Dunn John Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Dunne George Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Dunne James Church St. Tullowphelim Carlow Dunne Michael Church St. Tullowphelim Carlow Dwyer Mary Church St. Tullowphelim Carlow Dwyer Mary Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Dwyer Michael Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Earl James The Course Tullowphelim Carlow Edge William Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Edge William Kilmagarvoge Tullowphelim Carlow Farrell James Church St. Tullowphelim Carlow Farrell Jeremiah Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Farrell Jeremiah Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Farrell John Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Farrell John Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Farrell Judith Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Farrell Martin Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Farrell Martin Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Farrell Mary Church St. Tullowphelim Carlow Farrell Matthew Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Farrell Michael Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Farrell Patrick Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Fenelon Andrew Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Fenelon David Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Fenelon Michael Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Fenelon Patrick Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Fenelon Peter Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Fenelon William Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Fenlon David Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Fennell Edward Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Finn Patrick Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Fitzgerald Anne Ballymurphy Tullowphelim Carlow Fitzgerald John Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Fitzgerald Patrick Ballymurphy Tullowphelim Carlow Fitzgerald Thomas Pound Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Fitzpatrick Peter Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Fleming John Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Flynn Catherine Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Foley Edward Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Foley Francis Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Foley John Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Foley Mary The Course Tullowphelim Carlow Foley Michael Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Foley Stephen Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Foley William Church St. Tullowphelim Carlow Foley William Hoare's Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Foster James Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Fox Thomas Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Fox Thomas Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Galway Thomas Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Germaine Thomas Market Square Tullowphelim Carlow Germaine Thomas Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Gilman Joseph Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Gilman Joseph B. Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Gilman Joseph B. Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Giltrap Robert Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Gooddison William Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Goold Valentine Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Greene Catherine Market Square Tullowphelim Carlow Greene Catherine Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Gregg Catherine Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Griffin John Coppenagh Tullowphelim Carlow Griffin Matthew Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Groves Alice Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Hackett James Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Hackett John The Course Tullowphelim Carlow Hackett Luke Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Hackett Pierce Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Hagarty Patrick Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Halligan Thomas Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Halpin James Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Hanlon John Pound Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Hanlon Robert Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Hanlon William Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Harman Anne Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Harmon Edward Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Hayden Anne Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Hayden John Ballymurphy Tullowphelim Carlow Hayden Margaret Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Hayden Peter Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Healy Catherine Coppenagh Tullowphelim Carlow Henderson Elizabeth The Course Tullowphelim Carlow Hennessy John Pound Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Hickey John Hoare's Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Hickey John Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Hickey Joseph Market Square Tullowphelim Carlow Hickey Michael Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Hickey Michael Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Hill John Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Hogan Edward Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Holden James Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Holden Michael Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Holden Patrick Church St. Tullowphelim Carlow Holden Patrick Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Holden Patrick Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Holden Patrick, Jr. Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Holden Thomas Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Holligan William Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Hopkins Jane Kilmagarvoge Tullowphelim Carlow Hughes Matthew Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Hughes Michael Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Hunt Michael Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Hurley Felix The Course Tullowphelim Carlow Hurley George Castle-Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Hurley Henry Pound Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Hurley Martha Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Hurly Thomas Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Hutton Henry Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Hutton James Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Irwin Jarritt Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Irwine Jarrett Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Ivy Joseph Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Jackson George Hoare's Lane Tullowphelim Carlow James Thomas Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Kavanagh Catherine Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Kavanagh Jeremiah Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Kavanagh Jeremiah Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Kavanagh Luke Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Kavanagh Luke Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Kavanagh Maurice Rathlyon Tullowphelim Carlow Kavanagh Nicholas Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Kealy Daniel Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Keating Patrick Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Keenan Michael Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Kehoe Anthony Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Kehoe Elizabeth The Course Tullowphelim Carlow Kehoe Mary Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Kehoe Michael Church St. Tullowphelim Carlow Kehoe Patrick Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Keiley Mary Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Keily Thomas Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Kelly Bridget Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Kelly Cornelius Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Kelly Hugh Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Kelly James Butlersgrange Tullowphelim Carlow Kelly John Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Kelly Lawrence Butlersgrange Tullowphelim Carlow Kelly Michael Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Kelly Michael Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Kelly Owen Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Kelly Thomas Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Kelly William Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Kennedy Marcella Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Kenny Anne Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Kenny Edward Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Kenny James Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Kenny William Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Keogh Daniel Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Keogh Honoria Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Keogh James Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Keogh James Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Keppel John Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Keppel John Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Kerzy Gabriel Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Kincella Jane Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Kinchella John Kilmagarvoge Tullowphelim Carlow Kinsella Anne Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Kinsella John Market Square Tullowphelim Carlow Kinsella Mary Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Kinsella Mary Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Lacy Michael Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Lalor James Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Lamb Michael Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Lambert John Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Lancaster Thomas Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Land Thomas Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Lawler Denis Coppenagh Tullowphelim Carlow Lawler James Market Square Tullowphelim Carlow Lawler James Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Lawler Martin Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Lawler Thomas Coppenagh Tullowphelim Carlow Leggett William Market Square Tullowphelim Carlow Lennon Daniel Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Lennon James Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Lynam Matthew Market Square Tullowphelim Carlow Lyons Denis Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Lyons Eliza Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Lyons James Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Maher James Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Maher John Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Maher Richard Rathlyon Tullowphelim Carlow Mangan Owen Crosskeys Tullowphelim Carlow Mangan Patrick Pound Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Marshall Elizabeth Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Massey Hugh Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Masterson Anne Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Matthews Stephen Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow May Christopher Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Ardle Michael Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Auliffe Anne Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Auliffe Anne Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Auliffe Catherine Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Carthy Anne Market Square Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Donald Michael Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Donnell Anne The Course Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Donnell Daniel Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Donnell Edward Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Donnell Michael Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Donnell Owen Pound Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Donnell Patrick Pound Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Donnell Peter Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Donnell Thomas Church St. Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Donnell Winifred Pound Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Donough James Church St. Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Grath Patrick Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Grath Peter Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Guirk Margaret Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Manus Thomas Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Nabb Joseph Crosskeys Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Nally Andrew Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Nally Charles Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Nally Charles Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Namara Michael Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Mc Williams Robert Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Mcardell James Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Mcgear Martin Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Mcgrath Patrick Kilmagarvoge Tullowphelim Carlow Mcgrath Peter Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Meade John Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Meredith Edward Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Meredith Mary Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Merna Anne Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Minnion Robert Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Minnion Stephen Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Minnion Stephen Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Minnion Stephen Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Minnion Stephen, Jr. Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Minnion Stephen, Jr. Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Minorgan Charles Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Minorgan Charles Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Molloy Thomas Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Moore Daniel Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Moore Edward Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Moore Eliza The Course Tullowphelim Carlow Moore Francis Barrack Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Moore Francis Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Moore Francis Market Square Tullowphelim Carlow Moore Francis Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Moore Garrett Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Moore Garrett Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Moore Patrick Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Muldowney Rev. Denis Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Muldowney Rev. Denis Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Murphy Bryan Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Murphy Edward Pound Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Murphy James Castle-Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Murphy James Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Murphy James Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Murphy James Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Murphy John Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Murphy John Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Murphy Martin Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Murphy Mary Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Murphy Michael Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Murphy Michael Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Murphy Patrick Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Murphy Patrick Butlersgrange Tullowphelim Carlow Murphy Patrick Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Murphy Patrick Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Murphy Thomas Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Murphy William Market Square Tullowphelim Carlow Murphy William Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Murphy William Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Murphy William Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Murphy William Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Murphy William Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Murray Catherine Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Mustard Margaret The Course Tullowphelim Carlow Nagle Lawrence Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Neill Charles Pound Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Neill Edward Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Neill Eliza Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Neill James Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Neill James Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Neill John Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Neill John Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Neill Patrick Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Neill Peter Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Neill William Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Nicholson John Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Nicholson Richard Hoare's Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Nolan Arthur Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Nolan Bryan Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Nolan Catherine Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Nolan Christopher Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Nolan Daniel Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Nolan Denis Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Nolan Eliza Church St. Tullowphelim Carlow Nolan Garrett Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Nolan Garrett Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Nolan John Rathlyon Tullowphelim Carlow Nolan Judith Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Nolan Lawrence Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Nolan Margaret Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Nolan Mary Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Nolan Mary Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Nolan Michael Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Nolan Patrick Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Nolan Philip Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Nolan Pierce Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Nourse James Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Nourse James Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Nourse James Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Nourse James, Jr. Market Square Tullowphelim Carlow Nourse Sarah Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Nourse Sarah Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Nowlan Ellen Church St. Tullowphelim Carlow Nugent Denis Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Nugent Michael Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow O'Brien Edward Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow O'Neill John Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow O'Neill Margaret Bridge-St. Tullowphelim Carlow Oak Patrick Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Ounahan Patrick Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Paul Baronet Robert J. Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Ponde Denis Butlersgrange Tullowphelim Carlow Porter Henry Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Power John Ballymurphy Tullowphelim Carlow Power Peter Rathlyon Tullowphelim Carlow Prendergast Winifred The Course Tullowphelim Carlow Prosser William The Course Tullowphelim Carlow Putland Charles Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Quinn Matthew Rathlyon Tullowphelim Carlow Rainsford Eliza Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Ralph Thomas Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Ralphe Thomas Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Reddy Bridget Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Redmond Catherine Butlersgrange Tullowphelim Carlow Redmond Owen Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Reilly John Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Reilly Thomas Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Richards Rev. James Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Roche James Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Roche John Kilmagarvoge Tullowphelim Carlow Rowney Gregory Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Ryan Mary Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Ryan Patrick Market Square Tullowphelim Carlow Sharpe John Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Shaw John Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Shaw William Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Sheils Peter Castle-Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Shepard Patrick Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Sheppard John Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Sillinger Patrick Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Sillinger William Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Sinnott Patrick Church St. Tullowphelim Carlow Smith Alice Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Smith James Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Smith Michael Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Smith Samuel Kilmagarvoge Tullowphelim Carlow Smith William Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Smyth Edward The Course Tullowphelim Carlow Sommers Bartholomew Rathlyon Tullowphelim Carlow Sommers Bridget Butlersgrange Tullowphelim Carlow St. Clair John Hoare's Lane Tullowphelim Carlow St. Leger Patrick Market Square Tullowphelim Carlow St. Leger Thomas Market Square Tullowphelim Carlow Stone Edward Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Sullivan Margaret Pound Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Sunderland James Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Sunderland Robert Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Sunderland William Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Sutton Lawrence Ouragh Tullowphelim Carlow Swaine Martin Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Taylor Edward Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Thackaberry William Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Thackaberry William Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Thompson Anne Market Square Tullowphelim Carlow Tierney Jane Market Square Tullowphelim Carlow Timmins Catherine Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Timmins Eliza Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Timmins James Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Timmons Michael Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Tomkins John Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Tomlin Edward Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Tomney David Butlersgrange Tullowphelim Carlow Tomney David Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Tomney John Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Tomney Michael Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Tomney Michael Church St. Tullowphelim Carlow Toole Phelim Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Townsell Henry Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Traynor William Pound Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Twamley Patrick Pound Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Walsh Anastasia Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Walsh James Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Walsh James Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Walsh James Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Walsh Michael Crosskeys Tullowphelim Carlow Walsh Michael Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Walsh Michael Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Walsh Michael The Course Tullowphelim Carlow Walsh Stephen Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Washhorn Thomas Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Waters Mary Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Wedock James Downings Tullowphelim Carlow Whaley Anne Barrack-Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Whaley Anne Market Square Tullowphelim Carlow Whaley Anne Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Whelan John Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Whelan John Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Whelan Mary Mill Street Tullowphelim Carlow Whelan Maurice Pound Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Whelan Maurice Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Whelan Michael Mullaun Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Whelan Patrick Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow Whelan Rep. John Butlersgrange Tullowphelim Carlow Whelan Stephen Old Chapel Lane Tullowphelim Carlow Whelan Thomas Butlersgrange Tullowphelim Carlow Whelan Thomas Rathlyon Tullowphelim Carlow Whelan Thomas Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow White James Tankardstown Tullowphelim Carlow Whitty James Rathglass Tullowphelim Carlow Wolseley Clement Mountwolseley or Crosslow Tullowphelim Carlow Woodland William Market Square Tullowphelim Carlow Young Thomas Castle-Hill Tullowphelim Carlow Young William Coppenagh Tullowphelim Carlow Young William Rathlyon Tullowphelim Carlow Young William Tullowphelim Tullowphelim Carlow