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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Clonloghan, County Clare
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Clonloghan, County Clare
Ahern Patk. Lislea Clonloghan Clare Ahern Patrick Lislea Clonloghan Clare Blake John Leamaneigh More Clonloghan Clare Blake Michael Ballinooskny Clonloghan Clare Blake Michael Leamaneigh More Clonloghan Clare Bresnehan John Clonloghan Clonloghan Clare Burke Mary Lislea Clonloghan Clare Canny Denis Caherteige Clonloghan Clare Casey James Lisconor Clonloghan Clare Clara Denis Leamaneigh Beg Clonloghan Clare Clara Michael Leamaneigh More Clonloghan Clare Clara Patrick Leamaneigh More Clonloghan Clare Coffey John Ballinooskny Clonloghan Clare Coffey Patrick J. Leamaneigh More Clonloghan Clare Cologhty Patrick Caherteige Clonloghan Clare Cologhty Patrick Clonloghan Clonloghan Clare Connellan Michael Caherteige Clonloghan Clare Connellan Patrick Leamaneigh More Clonloghan Clare Cooley Martin Lisconor Clonloghan Clare Cooney James Leamaneigh Beg Clonloghan Clare Corbett James Tullyvarragh Clonloghan Clare Corbett Patrick Caherteige Clonloghan Clare Creagh James Leamaneigh More Clonloghan Clare Enright John Tullyvarragh Clonloghan Clare Finn Patrick Killulla Clonloghan Clare Frost George Lismacleane Clonloghan Clare Frost James Caherteige Clonloghan Clare Frost Robert Caherteige Clonloghan Clare Gloster James Tullyglass Clonloghan Clare Gorman John Tullyvarragh Clonloghan Clare Greene James Caherteige Clonloghan Clare Greene James Killulla Clonloghan Clare Hannan James Killulla Clonloghan Clare Hannan Timothy Killulla Clonloghan Clare Hehir James Leamaneigh More Clonloghan Clare Hickey Margaret Clonloghan Clonloghan Clare Hogan Michael Caherteige Clonloghan Clare Horan John Leamaneigh More Clonloghan Clare Keane Thomas Leamaneigh Beg Clonloghan Clare Kelly John Ballymurtagh Clonloghan Clare Kennedy James Caherteige Clonloghan Clare Kennedy James Lisconor Clonloghan Clare Kennedy Patrick Lisconor Clonloghan Clare Leader Anne Killulla Clonloghan Clare Liddy James Caherteige Clonloghan Clare Liddy John Caherteige Clonloghan Clare Liddy Patrick Caherteige Clonloghan Clare Malone Patrick Lisconor Clonloghan Clare Mc Inerney John Tullyglass Clonloghan Clare Mc Inerney Matthew Tullyvarragh Clonloghan Clare Mc Mahon James Caherteige Clonloghan Clare Mc Mahon James Tullyvarragh Clonloghan Clare Mc Mahon John Clonloghan Clonloghan Clare Mc Mahon Michael Ballinooskny Clonloghan Clare Mc Mahon Michael Lisconor Clonloghan Clare Mc Mahon Michl. Ballinooskny Clonloghan Clare Mc Mahon Ml. Ballinooskny Clonloghan Clare Mc Mahon Patrick Knockaun Clonloghan Clare Mc Namara Anne Drumgeely Clonloghan Clare Mc Namara James Ballinooskny Clonloghan Clare Mc Namara James Caherteige Clonloghan Clare Mc Namara James Clonloghan Clonloghan Clare Mc Namara James Drumgeely Clonloghan Clare Mc Namara James Leamaneigh More Clonloghan Clare Mc Namara James, Jr. Clonloghan Clonloghan Clare Mc Namara John Clonloghan Clonloghan Clare Mc Namara Michael Drumgeely Clonloghan Clare Mc Namara Michael Tullyvarragh Clonloghan Clare Mc Namara Patrick Drumgeely Clonloghan Clare Mc Namara Ptk. Drumgeely Clonloghan Clare Meany James Clonloghan Clonloghan Clare Meehan Margaret Leamaneigh More Clonloghan Clare Minahan Michael Tullyvarragh Clonloghan Clare Moloney Honoria Lisconor Clonloghan Clare Moloney Thomas Ballinooskny Clonloghan Clare Moloney Thomas Lisconor Clonloghan Clare Morris John Leamaneigh More Clonloghan Clare Mulconry James Killulla Clonloghan Clare Murnane John Lisconor Clonloghan Clare Neeman Timothy Clonloghan Clonloghan Clare O'Brien Morgan Killulla Clonloghan Clare O'Brien Patrick Leamaneigh Beg Clonloghan Clare O'Brien Patrick Lisconor Clonloghan Clare O'Brien Terence Killulla Clonloghan Clare O'Connor Patrick Lisconor Clonloghan Clare Power Ambrose Tullyvarragh Clonloghan Clare Quinlivan Michael Tullyvarragh Clonloghan Clare Quinlivan Patrick Tullyvarragh Clonloghan Clare Quinn Stephen Leamaneigh Beg Clonloghan Clare Reynolds James Clonloghan Clonloghan Clare White James Island in The River Shannon No 1 Clonloghan Clare