Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Behan Sinon Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Behan Timothy Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Behen Mary Tonavoher Killimer Clare Behen Michael Tarmon Killimer Clare Behen Michael Tonavoher Killimer Clare Behen Timothy Burrane Upper Killimer Clare Birmingham John Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Birmingham John Tonavoher Killimer Clare Birmingham Matthew Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare Bown Edmond Dunneill Killimer Clare Bradly Denis Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare Brady Thomas Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Breen Denis Tarmon Killimer Clare Brew George, Jr. Clooneylissaun Killimer Clare Brew George, Sr. Clooneylissaun Killimer Clare Brien Anastasia Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Brown David Tonavoher Killimer Clare Brown Edmund Burrane Upper Killimer Clare Brown Honoria Tonavoher Killimer Clare Brown James Derrylough Killimer Clare Brown James Dunneill Killimer Clare Brown John Burrane Upper Killimer Clare Brown Mary Derrylough Killimer Clare Brown Mary Dunneill Killimer Clare Brown Patrick Tonavoher Killimer Clare Brown Thomas Burrane Upper Killimer Clare Brown Thomas Tonavoher Killimer Clare Bunfield Martin Clooneylissaun Killimer Clare Burke John Clooneylissaun Killimer Clare Butler John Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Butler John Dunneill Killimer Clare Butler Rev. Theobald Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Butler Rev. Theobald Killimer Intake Killimer Clare Butler Rev. Theobald Poulnadarree Killimer Clare Cain Patrick Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Calligan John Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Canty John Tarmon Killimer Clare Carthy Michael Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Carty Joseph Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Casey Ellen Poulnadarree Killimer Clare Casey Honoria Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Casey Michael Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare Casey Sinon Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Cathro James Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare Cleary James Carrowdotia North Killimer Clare Cleary John Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare Cleary Michael Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare Cleary Michael Clooneylissaun Killimer Clare Cleary Patrick Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare Cleary Stephen Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare Cleary Thomas Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare Cleary Thomas Clooneylissaun Killimer Clare Cleary Timothy Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare Clune James Tonavoher Killimer Clare Comyns Bridget Dysert Killimer Clare Comyns John Dysert Killimer Clare Connell Ellen Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare Connell Ellen Poulnadarree Killimer Clare Connell Joseph Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare Connell Michael Clooneylissaun Killimer Clare Connell Patrick Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare Connell Patrick Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare Connelly Ellen Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare Cooney Michael Knocknahooan Killimer Clare Cooper Isaac Dunneill Killimer Clare Cooper John Dunneill Killimer Clare Cooper William Dunneill Killimer Clare Corry Daniel Clooneylissaun Killimer Clare Crehan Ellen Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Crehan John Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Crehan Martin Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Crehan Patrick Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Crehen Mary Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Crowe Michael Tarmon Killimer Clare Crowe Patrick Tarmon Killimer Clare Crowley John Clooneylissaun Killimer Clare Crowley Mary Knocknahooan Killimer Clare Crowley Patrick Knocknahooan Killimer Clare Cuinnan Patrick Tonavoher Killimer Clare Culligan Bridget Burrane Upper Killimer Clare Culligan Denis Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare Culligan John Tonavoher Killimer Clare Culligan Laurence Burrane Upper Killimer Clare Culligan Martin Dunneill Killimer Clare Culligan Martin Tonavoher Killimer Clare Culligan Michael Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Culligan Michael Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Culligan Michael Knocknahooan Killimer Clare Culligan Michael Tonavoher Killimer Clare Culligan Michael, Sr. Burrane Upper Killimer Clare Culligan Michl. Tonavoher Killimer Clare Culligan Michl., Jr. Burrane Upper Killimer Clare Culligan Ml. Dunneill Killimer Clare Culligan Sinon Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Culligan Timothy Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Cullinan Ml. Dunneill Killimer Clare Cunningham Daniel Burrane Upper Killimer Clare Cunningham John Burrane Upper Killimer Clare Cunningham Margaret Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Cunningham Matthew Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare Cunningham Matthew Clooneylissaun Killimer Clare Cunningham Peter Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Cunningham Peter Dunneill Killimer Clare Cunningham Peter Teervarna Killimer Clare Daly Catherine Burrane Upper Killimer Clare Daly James Dunneill Killimer Clare Daly John Tonavoher Killimer Clare Daly Margaret Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Daly Sinon Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Daxon George Carrowdotia North Killimer Clare Daxon George Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare Dooly Bridget Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Downes John Knocknahooan Killimer Clare Driscoll John Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Driscoll Martin Carrowdotia North Killimer Clare Driscoll Sinon Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare Driscoll Thomas Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Driscoll Thomas Teervarna Killimer Clare Farrell Charles Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Fennell Austin Knocknahooan Killimer Clare Finucane John Clooneylissaun Killimer Clare Finucane Thomas Tarmon Killimer Clare Fitzgibbon James Carrowdotia North Killimer Clare Flanagan James Dysert Killimer Clare Flanagan John Knocknahooan Killimer Clare Foley Peter Dunneill Killimer Clare Fox John Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Frawley Peter Knocknahooan Killimer Clare Frawly John Tonavoher Killimer Clare Gorman John Knocknahooan Killimer Clare Grady Michael Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare Grady Michael Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare Greene Mary Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare Haherny Thomas Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Haire Thomas Tarmon Killimer Clare Halpin John Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare Haneen Martin Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Hassett John Burrane Upper Killimer Clare Hassett Patrick Burrane Upper Killimer Clare Hickey John Dysert Killimer Clare Hickman Letitia Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Hickman Letitia Tonavoher Killimer Clare Hodges Emily Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Hodges George Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Hodges George Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Hoolahan Bridget Dysert Killimer Clare Houlihan Patrick Tarmon Killimer Clare Houlihan Thomas Tonavoher Killimer Clare Houneen John Tarmon Killimer Clare Howard Denis Dunneill Killimer Clare Howard John Knocknahooan Killimer Clare Howard Michael Tarmon Killimer Clare Kane Bridget Clooneylissaun Killimer Clare Kane Cornelius Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare Kane John Carrowdotia North Killimer Clare Kane Martin Carrowdotia North Killimer Clare Kane Michael Carrowdotia North Killimer Clare Kelly Ellen Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Keogh Ellen Poulnadarree Killimer Clare Keogh John Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Lennan Thomas Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Lennane Thomas Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Leo Michael Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare Loughery Cornelius Dunneill Killimer Clare Loughery Margaret Dunneill Killimer Clare Loughery Michael Derrylough Killimer Clare Loughery Michael Dunneill Killimer Clare Loughman Martin Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Lynch Daniel Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Lynch John Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Lynch John Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Lynch Patrick Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare Lynch Thomas Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Lynch Timothy Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Madigan Bartholomew Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare Madigan Bridget Tonavoher Killimer Clare Madigan Daniel Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Madigan Denis Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare Madigan Denis Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Madigan Elizabeth Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare Madigan Honoria Burrane Upper Killimer Clare Madigan John Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Madigan John Derrylough Killimer Clare Madigan John Dunneill Killimer Clare Madigan Margaret Clooneylissaun Killimer Clare Madigan Martin Carrowdotia North Killimer Clare Madigan Mary Tonavoher Killimer Clare Madigan Michael Clooneylissaun Killimer Clare Madigan Sinon Tonavoher Killimer Clare Madigan Thomas Clooneylissaun Killimer Clare Magrath John Dysert Killimer Clare Magrath Laurence Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare Magrath Michael Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare Magrath Thomas Dysert Killimer Clare Mangan Austin Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare Mangan Bridget Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Mangan Michael Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare Mangan Patrick Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Mangan Thomas Carrowdotia North Killimer Clare Martin James Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare Martin James Dysert Killimer Clare Martin Michael Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare Mc Auliffe Patrick Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare Mc Carthy Michael Dunneill Killimer Clare Mc Dermott Cornelius Knocknahooan Killimer Clare Mc Donnell Daniel Tarmon Killimer Clare Mc Donnell Patrick Tarmon Killimer Clare Mc Donnell Timothy Tarmon Killimer Clare Mc Enerney Honoria Knocknahooan Killimer Clare Mc Enerney John Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Mc Enerney Thomas Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Mc Enerney Timothy Dunneill Killimer Clare Mc Inerny Mary Dysert Killimer Clare Mc Inerny Thomas Dysert Killimer Clare Mc Mahon Bridget Poulnadarree Killimer Clare Mc Mahon Margaret Dysert Killimer Clare Mc Mahon Martin Tonavoher Killimer Clare Mc Mahon Patrick Knocknahooan Killimer Clare Mc Tighe Patrick, Jr. Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare Mc Tighe Patrick, Sr. Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare Meany Sinon Carrowdotia North Killimer Clare Meehan Bridget Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Meehan James Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Meehan Terence Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Meehan Terence Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Mescell James Tarmon Killimer Clare Mescell Johanna Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Molony Bridget Tonavoher Killimer Clare Molony Eliza Dunneill Killimer Clare Molony John Carrowdotia North Killimer Clare Molony John Tonavoher Killimer Clare Molony Michael Tonavoher Killimer Clare Molony Thomas Tonavoher Killimer Clare Molony Timothy Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Monsell Timothy Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Moore Vandeleur Col. Crofton Dysert Killimer Clare Mulligan Catherine Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Mullowney Patrick Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Mullowney Patrick Tarmon Killimer Clare Mullowney Sinon Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Mullowny Anne Tonavoher Killimer Clare Mulqueeny Sinon Dunneill Killimer Clare Mulvihill Daniel Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Mulvihill Daniel Poulnadarree Killimer Clare Mulvihill Denis Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Mulvihill Denis Poulnadarree Killimer Clare Mulvihill James Poulnadarree Killimer Clare Mulvihill Patrick Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Mulvihill Patrick Poulnadarree Killimer Clare Murphy Michael Knocknahooan Killimer Clare Neville James Poulnadarree Killimer Clare Nolan Margaret Clooneylissaun Killimer Clare Noonan Michael Tarmon Killimer Clare Nugent George Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Nugent John Burrane Upper Killimer Clare O'Brien John, Jr. Tarmon Killimer Clare O'Brien John, Sr. Tarmon Killimer Clare O'Brien Patrick Knocknahooan Killimer Clare O'Brien Patrick Tarmon Killimer Clare O'Dea Anthony Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare O'Dea Connor Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare O'Dea John Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare O'Dea Patrick Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare O'Donnell John Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare O'Loughlin Thomas Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare O'Neill Thomas Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Pequin Thomas Poulnadarree Killimer Clare Quin Ellen Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare Quinlivan John Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare Quinlivan Michael Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare Quinlivan Patrick Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare Ready John Poulnadarree Killimer Clare Reeves William M. Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Reeves William M. Burrane Upper Killimer Clare Reidy John Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare Rochford Michael Clooneylissaun Killimer Clare Rody Anty Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Ryan Michael Dysert Killimer Clare Scanlan Patrick Tarmon Killimer Clare Sexton Bridget Burrane Upper Killimer Clare Sexton Cornelius Tarmon Killimer Clare Sexton John Burrane Upper Killimer Clare Sexton Patrick Tarmon Killimer Clare Sexton Thomas Tarmon Killimer Clare Shannon Honoria Clooneylissaun Killimer Clare Shannon James Ballymacrinan Killimer Clare Shannon James Dysert Killimer Clare Shannon Martin Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare Shannon Martin Dysert Killimer Clare Shannon Sinon Dysert Killimer Clare Sheehan James Derrylough Killimer Clare Sheehan John Derrylough Killimer Clare Sheehan Michael Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Slattery Bridget Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Slattery John Carrowdotia North Killimer Clare Slattery John Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare Spellasy John Dunneill Killimer Clare Stapleton Thomas Poulnadarree Killimer Clare Studdert Frances Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Sullivan John Burrane Lower Killimer Clare Talty John Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare Vandeleur Col. C. M. Carrowdotia South Killimer Clare Vandeleur Col. C. M. Clooneylissaun Killimer Clare Wilson Margaret Carrowdotia North Killimer Clare Wilson Thomas Tonavoher Killimer Clare Wolfe Patrick Doonnagurroge Killimer Clare