Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Ahern Catherine Town of Ennistimon Lane Off Bogberry St. Kilmanaheen Clare Anderson William Town of Ennistimon Market Place Kilmanaheen Clare Anderson William Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Bakey Patrick Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare Bakey Peter Deerpark Middle Kilmanaheen Clare Barrett Margaret Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Barrett Michael Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare Barrington James Fahanlunaghta Beg Kilmanaheen Clare Barrington John Furraglaun Kilmanaheen Clare Barry Patrick Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Bellett Michael Fahanlunaghta More Kilmanaheen Clare Bennis James Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare Bennis Patrick Lane Off Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Blackwell George Deerpark Middle Kilmanaheen Clare Blackwell George Deerpark Upper Kilmanaheen Clare Blackwell George Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Blackwell Mrs. ??? Town of Ennistimon Parliament Street Kilmanaheen Clare Blake Peter Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Boland Margaret Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Brann Patrick Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Brennan John Knockpatrick Kilmanaheen Clare Brennan Mary Ennistimon Old Town Street Kilmanaheen Clare Brennan Patrick Lane Off Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Brody John Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Burke Mrs. ??? Town of Ennistimon Parliament Street Kilmanaheen Clare Burke Thomas Fahanlunaghta More Kilmanaheen Clare Bushell Matthew Tullygarvan East Kilmanaheen Clare Cahill Mrs. ??? Crag Kilmanaheen Clare Calcutt Mrs. ??? Deerpark Upper Kilmanaheen Clare Calcutt Mrs. ??? Ennistimon Kilmanaheen Clare Calcutt Mrs. ??? Town of Ennistimon Parliament Street Kilmanaheen Clare Callaghan Patrick Calluragh South Kilmanaheen Clare Callan John Calluragh East Kilmanaheen Clare Campbell Henry Lehinch Town of Lehinch Chapel Street Kilmanaheen Clare Campbell Johanna Ballingaddy East Kilmanaheen Clare Cannole John Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Canulty Michael Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Carmody Denis Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Carmody John Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Carmody John Town of Ennistimon Parliament Street Kilmanaheen Clare Carmody Thomas Lissatunna Kilmanaheen Clare Carney Connor Lane Off Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Carney Mary Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Carrig Austin Attycristora Kilmanaheen Clare Carrig Bridget Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Carrig Charles Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Carrig John Ennistimon Old Town Street Kilmanaheen Clare Carthy Ellen Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Carthy John Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Carthy John Woodmount Kilmanaheen Clare Carthy Owen Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Casey Patrick Cloonaveige Kilmanaheen Clare Cassidy William Cloonaveige Kilmanaheen Clare Cavey Hannah Fahanlunaghta More Kilmanaheen Clare Clancy Honor Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare Clancy Patrick Maghera Kilmanaheen Clare Clancy Thomas Lehinch Kilmanaheen Clare Clare Michael Calluragh East Kilmanaheen Clare Clare Thomas, Jr. Crag Kilmanaheen Clare Clare Thomas, Sr. Crag Kilmanaheen Clare Cleary Jane Lane Off Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Cloon Matthias Town of Ennistimon Lane Off Newtown St. Kilmanaheen Clare Cloon Matthias Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Coffey Patrick J. Carrowgar Kilmanaheen Clare Collins John Lehinch Town of Lehinch Chapel Street Kilmanaheen Clare Comber Edward Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Comer Edward Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Comer Edward Ennistimon Old Town Street Kilmanaheen Clare Comer Edward Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare Conlin Michael Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Connaulty Michael Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare Connealy Catherine Ardnacullia South Kilmanaheen Clare Connell James Clooncoul Kilmanaheen Clare Connell John Clooncoul Kilmanaheen Clare Connell Michael Clooncoul Kilmanaheen Clare Connell Michael Lane Off Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Connole John Deerpark Lower Kilmanaheen Clare Connole John Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Connole Michael Ennistimon Kilmanaheen Clare Connor Edward Ardnacullia North Kilmanaheen Clare Connor Eliza Town of Ennistimon Chapel Road Kilmanaheen Clare Conoulty John Tullygarvan East Kilmanaheen Clare Considine Daniel Tullygarvan West Kilmanaheen Clare Considine Honoria Lehinch Town of Lehinch Chapel Street Kilmanaheen Clare Considine John Tullygarvan East Kilmanaheen Clare Considine John Tullygarvan West Kilmanaheen Clare Considine Patrick Tullygarvan East Kilmanaheen Clare Considine Patrick Tullygarvan West Kilmanaheen Clare Considine Thomas Tullygarvan East Kilmanaheen Clare Considine Thomas Tullygarvan West Kilmanaheen Clare Conway Denis Calluragh East Kilmanaheen Clare Conway John Knockpatrick Kilmanaheen Clare Conway Patrick Gortnaclohy Kilmanaheen Clare Cooney James Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Corbett John Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Corbett John Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Corbett Patrick Ennistimon Old Town Street Kilmanaheen Clare Corcoran Thomas Lehinch Town of Lehinch Chapel Street Kilmanaheen Clare Coughlin Denis Ardnacullia South Kilmanaheen Clare Crea Barbara Town of Ennistimon Parliament Street Kilmanaheen Clare Crimmins Michael Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Cross Thomas Calluragh East Kilmanaheen Clare Cullen Thomas Woodmount Kilmanaheen Clare Cullinane Margaret Ennistimon Kilmanaheen Clare Curran John Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Curtin Austen Calluragh South Kilmanaheen Clare Curtin Austin Tullygarvan West Kilmanaheen Clare Curtin Christopher Tullygarvan West Kilmanaheen Clare Cushen John Sroohil Kilmanaheen Clare D'Arcy Francis Ennistimon Kilmanaheen Clare Daly Anthony Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare Daly Francis Town of Ennistimon Parliament Street Kilmanaheen Clare Daly James Maghera Kilmanaheen Clare Daly James Tullygarvan West Kilmanaheen Clare Daly John Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare Daly Patrick Ennistimon Kilmanaheen Clare Daly Patrick Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Darcy James Crag Kilmanaheen Clare Darcy John Ennistimon Kilmanaheen Clare Darcy Joseph Crag Kilmanaheen Clare Darcy Thomas Crag Kilmanaheen Clare Davern Margaret Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Davis Constantine Ballingaddy East Kilmanaheen Clare Davis George Crag Kilmanaheen Clare Davitt James Fahanlunaghta More Kilmanaheen Clare Devitt James Fahanlunaghta Beg Kilmanaheen Clare Devitt John Fahanlunaghta More Kilmanaheen Clare Devitt Michael Ardnacullia South Kilmanaheen Clare Devitt Michael Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Devitt Michael Knockpatrick Kilmanaheen Clare Devitt Owen Knockpatrick Kilmanaheen Clare Devitt William Knockpatrick Kilmanaheen Clare Dinan Denis Ardnacullia South Kilmanaheen Clare Doherty John Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Donnellan Bridget Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Donnolly Bridget Fahanlunaghta More Kilmanaheen Clare Donohoe Francis Town of Ennistimon Parliament Street Kilmanaheen Clare Donohoe Jane Knockbrack Kilmanaheen Clare Donohoe Margaret Lehinch Town of Lehinch Chapel Street Kilmanaheen Clare Donohoe Patrick Ennistimon Kilmanaheen Clare Doody Michael Deerpark Middle Kilmanaheen Clare Dougherty John Clooncoul Kilmanaheen Clare Dougherty Thomas Clooncoul Kilmanaheen Clare Drew Thomas Town of Ennistimon Parliament Street Kilmanaheen Clare Droaney James Calluragh East Kilmanaheen Clare Droany Henry Kilcornan Kilmanaheen Clare Droany Michael Woodmount Kilmanaheen Clare Dundon James Ennistimon Old Town Street Kilmanaheen Clare Dwyer John Fahanlunaghta More Kilmanaheen Clare Dwyer Margaret Town of Ennistimon Parliament Street Kilmanaheen Clare Edwards Margaret Lehinch Town of Lehinch Chapel Street Kilmanaheen Clare Egan Daniel Tullygarvan East Kilmanaheen Clare Egan Daniel Tullygarvan West Kilmanaheen Clare Feneral Patrick Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare Finucane Charles Deerpark Upper Kilmanaheen Clare Finucane Charles Town of Ennistimon Market Place Kilmanaheen Clare Finucane Charles, M.D. Ennistimon Kilmanaheen Clare Finucane James Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare Finucane Patrick Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare Fitzgerald Austin Tullygarvan West Kilmanaheen Clare Fitzgerald Baronet Edw. Attycristora Kilmanaheen Clare Fitzgerald Baronet Edw. Carrowgar Kilmanaheen Clare Fitzgerald Baronet Edw. Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare Fitzgerald Baronet Edw. Tullygarvan West Kilmanaheen Clare Fitzgerald John Attycristora Kilmanaheen Clare Fitzpatrick Barthw. Ennistimon Old Town Street Kilmanaheen Clare Fitzpatrick John Calluragh West Kilmanaheen Clare Fitzpatrick John Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare Fitzpatrick John Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Fitzpatrick Patrick Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Fitzpatrick Patrick Lehinch Kilmanaheen Clare Flanagan Catherine Calluragh South Kilmanaheen Clare Flanagan Hannah Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare Flanagan James Calluragh South Kilmanaheen Clare Flanagan Jn. Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Flanagan John Calluragh South Kilmanaheen Clare Flanagan John Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare Flanagan John Sroohil Kilmanaheen Clare Flanagan Michael Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare Flanagan Michael Lane Off Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Flanagan Murtagh Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare Flanagan Patrick Calluragh South Kilmanaheen Clare Flanagan Patrick Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare Flanagan Patrick Maghera Kilmanaheen Clare Flannigan John Deerpark Upper Kilmanaheen Clare Fogarty John Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Foley John Maghera Kilmanaheen Clare Foley Michael Attycristora Kilmanaheen Clare Foley Patrick Attycristora Kilmanaheen Clare Foley Patrick Maghera Kilmanaheen Clare Foran Jeremiah Rinneen Kilmanaheen Clare Foran John Rinneen Kilmanaheen Clare Foran Matthew Rinneen Kilmanaheen Clare Foran Terence Rinneen Kilmanaheen Clare Foran Thomas Rinneen Kilmanaheen Clare Frawley Terence Knockpatrick Kilmanaheen Clare Gahagan Bridget Lane Off Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Gallagher Michael Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Gallagher Thomas Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare Gallary Francis Attycristora Kilmanaheen Clare Gallary Francis Lehinch Kilmanaheen Clare Gallery Francis Lehinch Town of Lehinch Chapel Street Kilmanaheen Clare Gardin Michael Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Gardiner Andrew Town of Ennistimon Lane Off Bogberry St. Kilmanaheen Clare Garraghy Daniel Woodmount Kilmanaheen Clare Garraghy James Clooncoul Kilmanaheen Clare Garrahy Daniel Maghera Kilmanaheen Clare Garrahy Honoria Gortnaclohy Kilmanaheen Clare Garrahy James Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare Garrahy James Fahanlunaghta Beg Kilmanaheen Clare Garrahy Jeremiah Attycristora Kilmanaheen Clare Garrahy John Shanbally Kilmanaheen Clare Garrahy Michael Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare Garrahy Michael Tullygarvan East Kilmanaheen Clare Garrahy Michael Tullygarvan West Kilmanaheen Clare Garrahy Patrick Tullygarvan West Kilmanaheen Clare Garrahy Terence Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare Gately Patrick Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Glennane Patrick Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Glynn Michael Ennistimon Kilmanaheen Clare Glynn Michael Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Grady John Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Grady John Ennistimon Old Town Street Kilmanaheen Clare Grady Michael Lissatunna Kilmanaheen Clare Griffey Michael Furraglaun Kilmanaheen Clare Griffin Patrick Ardnacullia South Kilmanaheen Clare Griffin Patrick Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Griffin Patrick Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare Gutherie Michael Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Gutherie Michael Town of Ennistimon Lane Off Church St. 2 Kilmanaheen Clare Gutherie Patrick Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Guthrie Michael Town of Ennistimon Parliament Street Kilmanaheen Clare Guthrie Patrick Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Guthrie Patrick Lane Off Parliament St. Kilmanaheen Clare Halloran John Rinneen Kilmanaheen Clare Halloran Michael Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Halloran Michael Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Hanburry Ellen Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare Hanlon Bridget Lane Off Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Hassett Patrick Town of Ennistimon Chapel Road Kilmanaheen Clare Hayes James Kilcornan Kilmanaheen Clare Hayes James Tullygarvan West Kilmanaheen Clare Hayes John Lane Off Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Hayes Patrick Deerpark Upper Kilmanaheen Clare Hayes Patrick Rinneen Kilmanaheen Clare Hayes Peter Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Hayes Peter Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare Hayes Peter Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Healy ???, M.D. Town of Ennistimon Parliament Street Kilmanaheen Clare Healy Daniel Calluragh East Kilmanaheen Clare Healy Daniel Calluragh West Kilmanaheen Clare Healy James Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare Healy James Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Healy John Ardnacullia South Kilmanaheen Clare Healy John Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Healy John Kilcornan Kilmanaheen Clare Healy Michael Ardnacullia South Kilmanaheen Clare Healy Michael Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Healy Patrick Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare Healy Patrick Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Healy Patrick Kilcornan Kilmanaheen Clare Hegarty Patrick Carrowgar Kilmanaheen Clare Hehir Michael Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Hehir Patrick Ardnacullia North Kilmanaheen Clare Hehir Patrick Town of Ennistimon Lane Off Bogberry St. Kilmanaheen Clare Hehir Patrick Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Heiher Michael Ardnacullia South Kilmanaheen Clare Heiher Thomas Furraglaun Kilmanaheen Clare Hennessy John Deerpark Middle Kilmanaheen Clare Hennessy John Deerpark Upper Kilmanaheen Clare Herbert John Ardnacullia North Kilmanaheen Clare Herbert John Ardnacullia South Kilmanaheen Clare Herbert John Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare Hickman Rep. Anthy. Clooncoul Kilmanaheen Clare Hinchy Joseph Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare Hinchy Michael Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare Hoey John Attycristora Kilmanaheen Clare Hogan Connor Deerpark Upper Kilmanaheen Clare Hogan Connor Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Hogan Mary Woodmount Kilmanaheen Clare Hogan Michael Ballingaddy East Kilmanaheen Clare Honan Michael Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare Hopkins Anne Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Howard Anthony Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare Howard Anthony Rinneen Kilmanaheen Clare Howard Michael Ennistimon Kilmanaheen Clare Hughes Patrick Ennistimon Kilmanaheen Clare Hurley Daniel Rinneen Kilmanaheen Clare Hurly James Ennistimon Old Town Street Kilmanaheen Clare Hynes Anthony Ballingaddy West Kilmanaheen Clare Hynes Patrick Clooncoul Kilmanaheen Clare Hynes Thaddeus Knockbrack Kilmanaheen Clare Hynes Thaddeus Lissatunna Kilmanaheen Clare Jones John Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Jordan James Ballingaddy East Kilmanaheen Clare Jordan Patrick Attycristora Kilmanaheen Clare Jordan Thomas Lane Off Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Kane Patrick Tullygarvan West Kilmanaheen Clare Kavanagh Richard Knockbrack Kilmanaheen Clare Kavanagh Richard Town of Ennistimon Parliament Street Kilmanaheen Clare Keaghary Ellen Ennistimon Old Town Street Kilmanaheen Clare Kean Mrs. ??? Deerpark Middle Kilmanaheen Clare Keane Bridget Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Keane Matthew Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Keane Michael Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Keavy Michael Deerpark Upper Kilmanaheen Clare Keavy Michael Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Keiran Anne Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Keliher Patrick Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare Kelliher James Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Kelly Darby Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Kelly John Ballingaddy East Kilmanaheen Clare Kelly John Deerpark Upper Kilmanaheen Clare Kelly John Ennistimon Kilmanaheen Clare Kelly John Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Kelly John Maghera Kilmanaheen Clare Kelly Patrick Ballingaddy East Kilmanaheen Clare Kelly Peter Lehinch Town of Lehinch Chapel Street Kilmanaheen Clare Kenna Bridget Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Kennedy Catherine Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Kenny John Attycristora Kilmanaheen Clare Kenny Michael Rinneen Kilmanaheen Clare Kerin Thomas Calluragh South Kilmanaheen Clare Kilderry Patrick Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare King James Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare King Michael Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Kinnane Paul Deerpark Lower Kilmanaheen Clare Kinneally Michael Calluragh East Kilmanaheen Clare Kinnucane Denis Knockpatrick Kilmanaheen Clare Lafferty Patrick Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare Lalor John Clooncoul Kilmanaheen Clare Lawless Mary Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare Lawney John Kilcornan Kilmanaheen Clare Leahan Daniel Carrowgar Kilmanaheen Clare Lean John Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare Lennon Patrick Attycristora Kilmanaheen Clare Leo Michael Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Leyden John Woodmount Kilmanaheen Clare Leyden Patrick Knockpatrick Kilmanaheen Clare Liddy Catherine Lehinch Town of Lehinch Chapel Street Kilmanaheen Clare Liddy Michael Lehinch Town of Lehinch Chapel Street Kilmanaheen Clare Lillis Richarde Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Listin John Lane Off Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Long Hugh Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare Loughlin Andrew Lane Off Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Louney Daniel Knockpatrick Kilmanaheen Clare Louney Daniel Shanbally Kilmanaheen Clare Louney John Ennistimon Kilmanaheen Clare Louney Mary Shanbally Kilmanaheen Clare Louney Thomas Clooncoul Kilmanaheen Clare Lucas Bridget Ballingaddy East Kilmanaheen Clare Lucas Thomas Ballingaddy East Kilmanaheen Clare Lyddy Michael Crag Kilmanaheen Clare Lynch Patrick Castlequarter Kilmanaheen Clare Lynch Patrick Deerpark Middle Kilmanaheen Clare Lynch Patrick Sroohil Kilmanaheen Clare Lynch Patrick Town of Ennistimon Parliament Street Kilmanaheen Clare Lyons John Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare Lysaght Christopher Woodmount Kilmanaheen Clare Lysaght Connor Town of Ennistimon Chapel Road Kilmanaheen Clare Lysaght Daniel Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Lysaght Henry Ballingaddy East Kilmanaheen Clare Lysaght Henry Ballingaddy West Kilmanaheen Clare Lysaght James Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Lysaght James D. Town of Ennistimon Chapel Road Kilmanaheen Clare Lysaght John Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Lysaght John Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare Lysaght Patrick Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare Lysaght Stephen Ardnacullia South Kilmanaheen Clare Lysaght Stephen Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Macnamara Capt. Fras. Castlequarter Kilmanaheen Clare Macnamara Capt. Fras. Ennistimon Kilmanaheen Clare Macnamara Capt. Fras. Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Macnamara Capt. Fras. Sroohil Kilmanaheen Clare Macnamara Capt. Fras. Town of Ennistimon Chapel Road Kilmanaheen Clare Macnamara Capt. Fras. Town of Ennistimon Market Place Kilmanaheen Clare Macnamara Francis Town of Ennistimon Parliament Street Kilmanaheen Clare Madigan Denis Calluragh East Kilmanaheen Clare Madigan Denis Calluragh West Kilmanaheen Clare Maguire Michael Ballingaddy West Kilmanaheen Clare Mahony Ellen Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare Mallon Honoria Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Malone Bridget Ballingaddy East Kilmanaheen Clare Malone John Crag Kilmanaheen Clare Malone Mary Ballingaddy East Kilmanaheen Clare Malone Michael Ballingaddy East Kilmanaheen Clare Malone Michael Calluragh East Kilmanaheen Clare Malone Patrick Ballingaddy West Kilmanaheen Clare Malone Patrick Deerpark Middle Kilmanaheen Clare Malony Daniel Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare Malony John Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare Malony John Ennistimon Old Town Street Kilmanaheen Clare Malony Michael Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare Malony Michael Knockbrack Kilmanaheen Clare Malony Michael Lissatunna Kilmanaheen Clare Malony Nicholas Knockbrack Kilmanaheen Clare Malony Patrick Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Malony Patrick Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Malony Patrick Town of Ennistimon Parliament Street Kilmanaheen Clare Malony Thaddeus Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare Malony Thads. Ennistimon Old Town Street Kilmanaheen Clare Malony William Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Maninen James Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare Maninen Thaddeus Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare Mannion Patrick Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Mantle Michael Ennistimon Kilmanaheen Clare Mantle Michael Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Markham John Lissatunna Kilmanaheen Clare Markham Michael Deerpark Lower Kilmanaheen Clare Markham Michael Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Markham Michael Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Markham Michael Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Marnon Thomas Carrowgar Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Carthy Bridget Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Carthy Bridget Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Carthy John Calluragh East Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Carthy Owen Cloonaveige Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Carthy Owen Ennistimon Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Carthy Owen Town of Ennistimon Lane Off Newtown St. Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Cormack Bridget Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Donagh Edward Deerpark Upper Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Dongoh Mrs. ??? Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Donogh Bridget Calluragh South Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Donogh Bridget Castlequarter Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Donogh Bridget Crag Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Donogh Bridget Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Donogh Mrs. ??? Ennistimon Old Town Street Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Donogh Patrick Lane Off Parliament St. Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Enerney John Town of Ennistimon Lane Off Church St. 2 Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Gowan Felix Kilcornan Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Gowan Michael Kilcornan Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Gowan Patrick Deerpark Middle Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Gowan Peter Calluragh East Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Gowan Peter Kilcornan Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Inerhy Patrick Ardnacullia South Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Inerney Bridget Calluragh West Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Inerney Johanna Ballingaddy East Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Inerney Matthew Ballingaddy East Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Inerney Matthew Calluragh East Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Inerney Matthew Calluragh West Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Inerny John Rinneen Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Mahon Anne Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Mahon Catherine Lehinch Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Mahon Catherine Lehinch Town of Lehinch Chapel Street Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Mahon Hannah Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Mahon James Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Mahon John Tullygarvan West Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Mahon Mary Attycristora Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Mahon Patrick Deerpark Upper Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Mahon Patrick Lehinch Town of Lehinch Chapel Street Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Mahon Thomas Ballingaddy West Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Namara Anthony Ballingaddy East Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Namara Bridget Fahanlunaghta More Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Namara Capt. Fras. Cloonaveige Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Namara Capt. Fras. Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Namara Daniel Town of Ennistimon Chapel Road Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Namara Lott Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Namara Michael Fahanlunaghta Beg Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Namara Patrick Ardnacullia North Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Namara Patrick Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare Mc Namara Winifred Fahanlunaghta More Kilmanaheen Clare Meade John Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Mealy John Furraglaun Kilmanaheen Clare Mealy John Gortnaclohy Kilmanaheen Clare Minniter Thomas Ennistimon Old Town Street Kilmanaheen Clare Molloy Patrick Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Moloney Bridget Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Moloney James Ardnacullia North Kilmanaheen Clare Moloney James Attycristora Kilmanaheen Clare Moloney James Furraglaun Kilmanaheen Clare Moloney Mary Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Molony James Attycristora Kilmanaheen Clare Moore John Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare Moore Mary Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Moran Cornelius Lehinch Kilmanaheen Clare Moran Michael Lehinch Kilmanaheen Clare Moran Thomas Ardnacullia South Kilmanaheen Clare Moran Thomas Lehinch Kilmanaheen Clare Morgan James Deerpark Upper Kilmanaheen Clare Morgan James Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare Morgan James Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Morgan John Deerpark Lower Kilmanaheen Clare Morgan John Ennistimon Kilmanaheen Clare Morgan John Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Morgan Mary Ennistimon Kilmanaheen Clare Morgan Michael Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare Morony Edward Carrowgar Kilmanaheen Clare Mulcunry James Fahanlunaghta More Kilmanaheen Clare Mulqueeny Patrick Carrowgar Kilmanaheen Clare Mulquinny Catherine Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Mulquinny Catherine Knockbrack Kilmanaheen Clare Mulquinny Mary Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Mungovan Michael Clooncoul Kilmanaheen Clare Murphy Timothy Clooneybreen Kilmanaheen Clare Murraghy Austin Ballingaddy West Kilmanaheen Clare Murrahy Denis Ardnacullia South Kilmanaheen Clare Murrahy Denis Lehinch Kilmanaheen Clare Nagle John Ballingaddy West Kilmanaheen Clare Nagle John Deerpark Lower Kilmanaheen Clare Nagle John Deerpark Middle Kilmanaheen Clare Neagle John Ennistimon Old Town Street Kilmanaheen Clare Neagle John Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Neagle John Tullygarvan West Kilmanaheen Clare Neagle Michael Tullygarvan West Kilmanaheen Clare Neylan Edward Maghera Kilmanaheen Clare Neylan Simon Lehinch Kilmanaheen Clare Neylon Catherine Woodmount Kilmanaheen Clare Neylon Edward Attycristora Kilmanaheen Clare Neylon Patrick Cloonaveige Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Anne Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Cornelius Islands in The Dealagh River Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Daniel Woodmount Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Denis Ennistimon Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Denis Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Ellen Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Francis Deerpark Lower Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Francis Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Francis Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Francis Kilcornan Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Francis Lehinch Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Francis Town of Ennistimon Lane Off Church St. 1 Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Francis Town of Ennistimon Lane Off Church St. 2 Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Francis Town of Ennistimon Parliament Street Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Henry Ennistimon Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Henry Knockbrack Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Henry Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien James Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien James Town of Ennistimon Parliament Street Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien John Ardnacullia South Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien John Cloonaveige Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Patk. Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Patrick Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Patrick Maghera Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Patrick Rinneen Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Stephen Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Terence Deerpark Upper Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Thomas Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare O'Brien Thomas Ennistimon Kilmanaheen Clare O'Connell Henry Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare O'Connell John Rinneen Kilmanaheen Clare O'Connell Michael Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare O'Connor Bridget Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare O'Connor Mary Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare O'Dwyer Anthony Tullygarvan West Kilmanaheen Clare O'Dwyer Denis Calluragh South Kilmanaheen Clare O'Dwyer Denis, Jr. Rinneen Kilmanaheen Clare O'Dwyer Denis, Sr. Rinneen Kilmanaheen Clare O'Dwyer James Calluragh South Kilmanaheen Clare O'Dwyer Patrick Ardnacullia North Kilmanaheen Clare O'Dwyer Patrick Ennistimon Old Town Street Kilmanaheen Clare O'Dwyer Patrick Sroohil Kilmanaheen Clare O'Dwyer Patrick Town of Ennistimon Market Place Kilmanaheen Clare O'Dwyer Patrick Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare O'Dwyer Patrick John Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare O'Dwyer Patrick John Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare O'Dwyer Thomas Rinneen Kilmanaheen Clare O'Grady Thomas, M.D. Town of Ennistimon Parliament Street Kilmanaheen Clare O'Loughlin Catherine Gortnaclohy Kilmanaheen Clare O'Loughlin John Deerpark Lower Kilmanaheen Clare O'Loughlin John Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare O'Loughlin John Town of Ennistimon Parliament Street Kilmanaheen Clare O'Loughlin Simon Town of Ennistimon Lane Off Bogberry St. Kilmanaheen Clare O'Neil Michael Ballingaddy West Kilmanaheen Clare O'Neill Anthony Attycristora Kilmanaheen Clare O'Neill Anthony Knockbrack Kilmanaheen Clare O'Neill Thomas Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Pilkington Michael Deerpark Upper Kilmanaheen Clare Pollens Bemigna Castlequarter Kilmanaheen Clare Power Jane Ennistimon Old Town Street Kilmanaheen Clare Power Patrick Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Quailly Michael Calluragh East Kilmanaheen Clare Quailly Murtagh Clooncoul Kilmanaheen Clare Qualey James Crag Kilmanaheen Clare Qualey John Attycristora Kilmanaheen Clare Qualey Michael Attycristora Kilmanaheen Clare Qualey Thomas Attycristora Kilmanaheen Clare Quinn James Ennistimon Kilmanaheen Clare Quinn John Castlequarter Kilmanaheen Clare Quinn John Deerpark Upper Kilmanaheen Clare Quinn John Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare Quinn John Lissatunna Kilmanaheen Clare Quinn John Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Quinn John Woodmount Kilmanaheen Clare Quinn Michael Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare Quinn Patrick Calluragh West Kilmanaheen Clare Quinn Patrick Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare Quirk Susan Town of Ennistimon Lane Off Bogberry St. Kilmanaheen Clare Reddan Mary Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare Regan Mary Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Regan Mary Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Reilly Michael Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare Reilly Thomas Town of Ennistimon Lane Off Bogberry St. Kilmanaheen Clare Reynolds George Deerpark Middle Kilmanaheen Clare Reynolds John Maghera Kilmanaheen Clare Reynolds Michael Clooncoul Kilmanaheen Clare Reynolds Patrick Attycristora Kilmanaheen Clare Reynolds Patrick Maghera Kilmanaheen Clare Reynolds Stephen Calluragh East Kilmanaheen Clare Reynolds Thomas Attycristora Kilmanaheen Clare Rinn Bridget Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare Rinn Patrick Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Rinn Thomas Ennistimon Kilmanaheen Clare Rinn Thomas Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Rinn Thomas Lane Off Parliament St. Kilmanaheen Clare Rinn Thomas Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Rinn Thomas Town of Ennistimon Parliament Street Kilmanaheen Clare Riordan Austin Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Roche Ellen Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare Roche John Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Roche John Town of Ennistimon Lane Off Church St. 1 Kilmanaheen Clare Rowan Denis Deerpark Upper Kilmanaheen Clare Rowan Denis Lane Off Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Russell Thomas Ardnacullia North Kilmanaheen Clare Russell Thomas Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare Russell Thomas Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Ryan James Fahanlunaghta Beg Kilmanaheen Clare Ryan Patrick John Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Scale John Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare Shanahan Bridget Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Shannahan Connor Lane Off Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Shannon ???, M.D. Town of Ennistimon Parliament Street Kilmanaheen Clare Shannon Dr. ??? Deerpark Upper Kilmanaheen Clare Sharry Charles Kilcornan Kilmanaheen Clare Sheehan Rev. John Cloonaveige Kilmanaheen Clare Sheehan Rev. John Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Slattery David Ardnacullia South Kilmanaheen Clare Slattery John Lehinch Kilmanaheen Clare Slattery John Lehinch Town of Lehinch Chapel Street Kilmanaheen Clare Slattery Matthew Islands in The River Inagh Kilmanaheen Clare Slattery Matthew Lissatunna Kilmanaheen Clare Smith Bridget Fahanlunaghta Beg Kilmanaheen Clare Smith Michael Fahanlunaghta Beg Kilmanaheen Clare Stack James Calluragh East Kilmanaheen Clare Stack James Cloonaveige Kilmanaheen Clare Stack Thomas Deerpark Middle Kilmanaheen Clare Stack Thomas Ennistimon Kilmanaheen Clare Stack Thomas Town of Ennistimon Market Place Kilmanaheen Clare Stack Thomas Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Stanton George Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Stapleton Honoria Town of Ennistimon Lane Off Bogberry St. Kilmanaheen Clare Stapleton Michael Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Sterrick Fredderick Town of Ennistimon Chapel Road Kilmanaheen Clare Sweeney A., M.D. Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Sweeney Dr. ??? Deerpark Middle Kilmanaheen Clare Talty Patrick Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare Talty Patrick Rinneen Kilmanaheen Clare Tasnan Matthew Clooneybreen Kilmanaheen Clare Thynne Anne Attycristora Kilmanaheen Clare Thynne Anne Lehinch Kilmanaheen Clare Thynne Augustine Deerpark Upper Kilmanaheen Clare Thynne John Lehinch Kilmanaheen Clare Thynne John Lehinch Town of Lehinch Chapel Street Kilmanaheen Clare Thynne Mary Deerpark Upper Kilmanaheen Clare Thynne Mary Town of Ennistimon Market Place Kilmanaheen Clare Thynne Peter Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Thynne Wynifred Ballingaddy East Kilmanaheen Clare Tobin William Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Toohy Margaret Town of Ennistimon Parliament Street Kilmanaheen Clare Tooney Richard Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Tooney William Ennistimon Town of Ennistimon Church St. Kilmanaheen Clare Touhy John Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare Tyrrell Bridget Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare Vaughan Margaret Carrowntedaun Kilmanaheen Clare Vaughan Patrick Carrowgar Kilmanaheen Clare Wall Patrick Carrowgar Kilmanaheen Clare Wallace William Deerpark West Kilmanaheen Clare Walsh Francis Town of Ennistimon Bogberry Street Kilmanaheen Clare Walsh John Ennistimon Ennis Road Kilmanaheen Clare Walsh John Ennistimon Old Town Street Kilmanaheen Clare Walsh Margaret Ennistimon Old Church Hill Street Kilmanaheen Clare Walsh Maurice Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Walsh Michael Carrowgar Kilmanaheen Clare Walsh Michael Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare Walsh Patrick Town of Ennistimon Newtown Street Kilmanaheen Clare West Henry Town of Ennistimon Lane Off Church St. 1 Kilmanaheen Clare Whitty Rev. John Calluragh West Kilmanaheen Clare Whitty Rev. John Glebe Kilmanaheen Clare Whitty Rev. John Kilcornan Kilmanaheen Clare Woods Honoria Town of Ennistimon Lane Off Church St. 1 Kilmanaheen Clare Woods John Town of Ennistimon Parliament Street Kilmanaheen Clare