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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Ogonnelloe, County Clare
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Ogonnelloe, County Clare
Bartley John Ballyheefy Ogonnelloe Clare Barton John Carrowena Ogonnelloe Clare Boland John Bealkelly (Purdon) Ogonnelloe Clare Boland Michael Bealkelly (Eyre) Ogonnelloe Clare Boyd Rev. Adam Ballybroghan Ogonnelloe Clare Boyd Rev. Adam Ballylaghnan Ogonnelloe Clare Brann David Carrowgar Ogonnelloe Clare Brann David Islandcosgry Ogonnelloe Clare Brann Robin Ballybran Ogonnelloe Clare Brann Robin Carrowcore Ogonnelloe Clare Brann Robin Islandcosgry Ogonnelloe Clare Brann Robin Rahena Beg Ogonnelloe Clare Brien Henry Bealkelly (Purdon) Ogonnelloe Clare Brien Mary Carrowgar Ogonnelloe Clare Brogan James Ballybroghan Ogonnelloe Clare Burke Edmund Rahena Beg Ogonnelloe Clare Burke John Rahena More Ogonnelloe Clare Burke Martin Rahena Beg Ogonnelloe Clare Burke Michael Bealkelly (Eyre) Ogonnelloe Clare Burke Rev. Michael Ballyheefy Ogonnelloe Clare Bush John Ballynagleragh Ogonnelloe Clare Cameron James Ballybran Ogonnelloe Clare Carey Michael Aughinish Ogonnelloe Clare Clune Rev. Michael Bealkelly (Purdon) Ogonnelloe Clare Cody John, Jr. Ballybroghan Ogonnelloe Clare Cody John, Sr. Ballybroghan Ogonnelloe Clare Cody Nicholas Ballybroghan Ogonnelloe Clare Connor Martin Ballynagleragh Ogonnelloe Clare Connors James Ballybroghan Ogonnelloe Clare Connors Michael Ballybroghan Ogonnelloe Clare Connors Michael Carrowena Ogonnelloe Clare Conway Patrick Carrowena Ogonnelloe Clare Cooney Timothy Ballybroghan Ogonnelloe Clare Corbett John Aughinish Ogonnelloe Clare Corbett Mary Carrowena Ogonnelloe Clare Corbett Patrick Ballybran Ogonnelloe Clare Corbett Patrick Ballyheefy Ogonnelloe Clare Corbett Patrick Caher Ogonnelloe Clare Corbett Patrick Caher Island Ogonnelloe Clare Corbett Patrick Rahena Beg Ogonnelloe Clare Corbett Thomas Carrowena Ogonnelloe Clare Costelloe James Ballylaghnan Ogonnelloe Clare Costelloe John Ballylaghnan Ogonnelloe Clare Costelloe Michael Ballynagleragh Ogonnelloe Clare Costelloe Roger Ballyhurley Ogonnelloe Clare Courneen Daniel Ballybroghan Ogonnelloe Clare Courneen Daniel Ballylaghnan Ogonnelloe Clare Courneen Daniel Rahena More Ogonnelloe Clare Cox Michael Bealkelly (Purdon) Ogonnelloe Clare Crotty Catherine Ballybroghan Ogonnelloe Clare Crotty Martin Bealkelly (Eyre) Ogonnelloe Clare Curtin Hannah Ballynagleragh Ogonnelloe Clare Curtin Martin Ballybran Ogonnelloe Clare Curtin Mary Ballybran Ogonnelloe Clare Curtin Peter Carrowgar Ogonnelloe Clare Darcy Daniel Ballybroghan Ogonnelloe Clare Davoran John Ballylaghnan Ogonnelloe Clare Deering Eliza Rahena Beg Ogonnelloe Clare Devitt Patrick Rahena Beg Ogonnelloe Clare Digan William Ballyheefy Ogonnelloe Clare Dinan David Rahena Beg Ogonnelloe Clare Dinan James Ballylaghnan Ogonnelloe Clare Dinan John Rahena Beg Ogonnelloe Clare Dinan Thomas Rahena Beg Ogonnelloe Clare Dinan Thomas Rahena More Ogonnelloe Clare Ellis Margaret Rahena More Ogonnelloe Clare Farrell John Ballyhurley Ogonnelloe Clare Farrell John Islandcosgry Ogonnelloe Clare Farrell Patrick Bealkelly (Purdon) Ogonnelloe Clare Farrell Peter Ballybran Ogonnelloe Clare Farrell Peter Caher Ogonnelloe Clare Farrell Peter Islandcosgry Ogonnelloe Clare Farrell Peter Rahena Beg Ogonnelloe Clare Fitzgibbon James Ballyhurley Ogonnelloe Clare Fitzgibbon James Ballynagleragh Ogonnelloe Clare Flanery Patrick Ballynagleragh Ogonnelloe Clare Gallagher John Ballylaghnan Ogonnelloe Clare Gallagher Michael Carrowena Ogonnelloe Clare Gallagher Patrick Carrowcore Ogonnelloe Clare Gallagher Patrick Islandcosgry Ogonnelloe Clare Gavan Daniel Aughinish Ogonnelloe Clare Gavan Michael Aughinish Ogonnelloe Clare Gavan Michael Ballynagleragh Ogonnelloe Clare Gavan Michael Carrowgar Ogonnelloe Clare Gavan Patrick Aughinish Ogonnelloe Clare Gavan Patrick Ballynagleragh Ogonnelloe Clare Gaynon Denis Ballybran Ogonnelloe Clare Gaynon Denis Islandcosgry Ogonnelloe Clare Gaynon Denis Rahena Beg Ogonnelloe Clare Gaynor Denis Ballyheefy Ogonnelloe Clare Gaynor John Ballyheefy Ogonnelloe Clare Gully Maurice Carrowgar Ogonnelloe Clare Gunn Henry Carrowcore Ogonnelloe Clare Gunn Robert Bealkelly (Purdon) Ogonnelloe Clare Gunn Robert Carrowena Ogonnelloe Clare Halloran Denis Ballyhurley Ogonnelloe Clare Halloran Judith Carrowena Ogonnelloe Clare Halpin William Carrowena Ogonnelloe Clare Harrison Henry Rahena Beg Ogonnelloe Clare Hartnedy Patrick Carrowena Ogonnelloe Clare Hayes John Carrowgar Ogonnelloe Clare Healy John Carrowcore Ogonnelloe Clare Healy Patrick Carrowcore Ogonnelloe Clare Healy Roger Bealkelly (Purdon) Ogonnelloe Clare Hickey John Carrowena Ogonnelloe Clare Hogan Edmund Ballylaghnan Ogonnelloe Clare Hogan Isabella Bealkelly (Purdon) Ogonnelloe Clare Hogan James Ballylaghnan Ogonnelloe Clare Hogan Mary Ballylaghnan Ogonnelloe Clare Holland Michael Bealkelly (Purdon) Ogonnelloe Clare Hynes John Bealkelly (Purdon) Ogonnelloe Clare Kavanagh Patrick Ballybroghan Ogonnelloe Clare Kealy James Ballyhurley Ogonnelloe Clare Kealy James Carrowgar Ogonnelloe Clare Kealy Michael Carrowgar Ogonnelloe Clare Keeffe John Rahena More Ogonnelloe Clare Keehan Timothy Carrowcore Ogonnelloe Clare Kenna Bridget Rahena More Ogonnelloe Clare Kenna Denis Carrowgar Ogonnelloe Clare Kenna John Ballybroghan Ogonnelloe Clare Kenna Lot Ballybroghan Ogonnelloe Clare Kenna Michael Ballybran Ogonnelloe Clare Kenna Michael Bealkelly (Purdon) Ogonnelloe Clare Kenna Michael Rahena More Ogonnelloe Clare Kenna Patrick Ballylaghnan Ogonnelloe Clare Kenna Thomas Ballylaghnan Ogonnelloe Clare Kenna Thomas Rahena More Ogonnelloe Clare Lynch James Bealkelly (Purdon) Ogonnelloe Clare Lynch James Caher Ogonnelloe Clare Lynch James Carrowena Ogonnelloe Clare Lynch Patrick Carrowena Ogonnelloe Clare Lynch William Carrowena Ogonnelloe Clare Madden Bartholomew Aughinish Ogonnelloe Clare Madden Batholomew Ballynagleragh Ogonnelloe Clare Madden Patrick Aughinish Ogonnelloe Clare Madden Patrick Carrowcore Ogonnelloe Clare Malone Michael Ballyhurley Ogonnelloe Clare Malony Edmund Carrowcore Ogonnelloe Clare Malony Michael, Jr. Carrowcore Ogonnelloe Clare Malony Michael, Sr. Carrowcore Ogonnelloe Clare Manege Michael Ballybroghan Ogonnelloe Clare Mc Carthy Charles Islandcosgry Ogonnelloe Clare Mc Namara Denis Bealkelly (Purdon) Ogonnelloe Clare Mc Namara Denis Islandcosgry Ogonnelloe Clare Mc Namara Denis Rahena Beg Ogonnelloe Clare Mc Namara Denis Rahena More Ogonnelloe Clare Mc Namara John Carrowcore Ogonnelloe Clare Mc Namara John Islandcosgry Ogonnelloe Clare Mc Namara Sarah Aughinish Ogonnelloe Clare Mc Namara Thomas Ballynagleragh Ogonnelloe Clare Moloney Michael Carrowena Ogonnelloe Clare Molony James Caher Ogonnelloe Clare Molony James Carrowena Ogonnelloe Clare Molony John Caher Ogonnelloe Clare Molony John Carrowena Ogonnelloe Clare Molony Mary Carrowena Ogonnelloe Clare Molony Matthew Rahena More Ogonnelloe Clare Molony Patrick Ballybroghan Ogonnelloe Clare Mooney Henry Ballybran Ogonnelloe Clare Mooney Henry Ballyhurley Ogonnelloe Clare Mooney Henry Islandcosgry Ogonnelloe Clare Mooney Thomas Ballyhurley Ogonnelloe Clare Mulcahy James Ballyhurley Ogonnelloe Clare Mulcahy Martin Ballyhurley Ogonnelloe Clare Muleahy Bridget Ballynagleragh Ogonnelloe Clare Muleahy James Caher Ogonnelloe Clare Muleahy Margaret Ballynagleragh Ogonnelloe Clare Muleahy Martin Ballynagleragh Ogonnelloe Clare Muleahy Martin Caher Ogonnelloe Clare Muleahy Patrick Rahena Beg Ogonnelloe Clare Muleahy Timothy Ballynagleragh Ogonnelloe Clare O'Brien Daniel Caher Ogonnelloe Clare O'Brien Henry Caher Ogonnelloe Clare O'Brien Jeremiah Bealkelly (Purdon) Ogonnelloe Clare O'Brien John Aughinish Ogonnelloe Clare O'Brien John Ballyhurley Ogonnelloe Clare O'Brien John Ballynagleragh Ogonnelloe Clare O'Brien John Bealkelly (Purdon) Ogonnelloe Clare O'Brien John Carrowena Ogonnelloe Clare O'Brien Matthew Ballynagleragh Ogonnelloe Clare O'Brien Winifred Ballylaghnan Ogonnelloe Clare O'Brien Winifred Bealkelly (Purdon) Ogonnelloe Clare O'Dea Michael Carrowgar Ogonnelloe Clare O'Hara John Ballybroghan Ogonnelloe Clare Powell Giles Ballybran Ogonnelloe Clare Powell Giles Islandcosgry Ogonnelloe Clare Purdon Simon G. Aughinish Ogonnelloe Clare Purdon Simon G. Ballybran Ogonnelloe Clare Purdon Simon G. Bealkelly (Purdon) Ogonnelloe Clare Purdon Simon G. Islandcosgry Ogonnelloe Clare Purdon Simon George Rahena Beg Ogonnelloe Clare Purdon Simon George Rahena More Ogonnelloe Clare Quilligan Thomas Bealkelly (Purdon) Ogonnelloe Clare Quinn John Bealkelly (Purdon) Ogonnelloe Clare Reddin James Carrowena Ogonnelloe Clare Rogers Michael Ballybran Ogonnelloe Clare Ryan Francis Rahena Beg Ogonnelloe Clare Ryan John Ballyhurley Ogonnelloe Clare Ryan Patrick Ballynagleragh Ogonnelloe Clare Ryan Patrick Carrowcore Ogonnelloe Clare Ryan Thomas Ballybroghan Ogonnelloe Clare Ryan Thomas Carrowgar Ogonnelloe Clare Ryan William Ballylaghnan Ogonnelloe Clare Seaton Catherine Caher Ogonnelloe Clare Sexton Catherine Bealkelly (Purdon) Ogonnelloe Clare Sexton Patrick Caher Ogonnelloe Clare Shanahan Bartholomew Ballyhurley Ogonnelloe Clare Shanahan Michael Caher Ogonnelloe Clare Shea William Aughinish Ogonnelloe Clare Sheedy Mary Carrowcore Ogonnelloe Clare Sheedy Michael Carrowcore Ogonnelloe Clare Sheedy Timothy Ballybran Ogonnelloe Clare Sheedy William Carrowcore Ogonnelloe Clare Sheridan Daniel Ballybran Ogonnelloe Clare Sheridan Daniel Islandcosgry Ogonnelloe Clare Sheridan Daniel Rahena Beg Ogonnelloe Clare Sheridan John Ballynagleragh Ogonnelloe Clare Sheridan John Carrowcore Ogonnelloe Clare Slattery Denis Aughinish Ogonnelloe Clare Slattery Edmund Bealkelly (Eyre) Ogonnelloe Clare St. Lawrence John Bealkelly (Eyre) Ogonnelloe Clare St. Lawrence Patrick Bealkelly (Eyre) Ogonnelloe Clare Stewart Dominick Ballybroghan Ogonnelloe Clare Stewart Dominick Rahena More Ogonnelloe Clare Stewart Edmund Ballybroghan Ogonnelloe Clare Stewart Edmund Ballylaghnan Ogonnelloe Clare Stewart Edmund Rahena More Ogonnelloe Clare Stewart James Ballybroghan Ogonnelloe Clare Stritch Patrick Ballyheefy Ogonnelloe Clare Stritch Patrick Carrowcore Ogonnelloe Clare Stritch Patrick Islandcosgry Ogonnelloe Clare Stritch Thomas Ballybroghan Ogonnelloe Clare Sullivan John Bealkelly (Eyre) Ogonnelloe Clare Toohey James Rahena More Ogonnelloe Clare Toohy James Ballyheefy Ogonnelloe Clare Torpy Michael Ballybroghan Ogonnelloe Clare Vaughan Denis Aughinish Ogonnelloe Clare Vaughan Margaret Carrowgar Ogonnelloe Clare