Fáilte Romhat
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Ahern James Rathlaheen North Tomfinlough Clare Ahern Thomas Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Armstrong James Town of Newarket-On-Fergus Limmerick Rd. Tomfinlough Clare Armstrong Rbt. Langough Tomfinlough Clare Arthur Bridget Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Bailey Michael Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Bannatyne Alexander Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare Bennett Edward Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Blackwell John Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Bourke Mary Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Bowles George Boheraroan Tomfinlough Clare Bowles George Town of Newarket-On-Fergus Limmerick Rd. Tomfinlough Clare Brady Mary Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Branley Thomas Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Brazill Hannah Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Brazill John Muckanagh (Butler) Tomfinlough Clare Brennan Patrick Snugborough Tomfinlough Clare Bridgman Henry Carrowmeer Tomfinlough Clare Brien Michael Mooghaun North Tomfinlough Clare Brody Daniel Muckanagh (Vandeleur) Tomfinlough Clare Buckley Martin Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Burke Margaret Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Burke Michael Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Burke Thomas Kilnacrandy Tomfinlough Clare Burke Thomas Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Burns Martin Snugborough Tomfinlough Clare Butler James Muckanagh (Butler) Tomfinlough Clare Cahill Anne Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare Cahill Bridget Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Cahill Mary Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Cahill Patrick Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Callinan David Mausnarylaan Tomfinlough Clare Callinan Michael Mausnarylaan Tomfinlough Clare Carmody Thomas Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Carrick John Ayleacotty Tomfinlough Clare Carthy John Ayleacotty Tomfinlough Clare Casey John Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Casey John Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Casey Patrick Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Casey Thomas Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Clancy James Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Clancy Michael Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Clancy Thomas Caherscooby Tomfinlough Clare Clancy Thomas Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Connell Michael Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Connell Timothy Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Connellan Margaret Granaghan More Tomfinlough Clare Connellan Margt., Jr. Granaghan More Tomfinlough Clare Considine Roger Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare Considine Thomas Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare Conway Martin Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare Coote Ellen Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Corbett Sarah Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Corry Cornelius Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare Creagh Pierce Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Croghan Daniel Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Croghan Mary Granaghan Beg Tomfinlough Clare Croghan Patrick Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Croghan Timothy Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Cruise John Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Cuddihy Anne Ayleacotty Tomfinlough Clare Cullen James Boheraroan Tomfinlough Clare Cullen James Town of Newarket-On-Fergus Limmerick Rd. Tomfinlough Clare Cullen Michael Boheraroan Tomfinlough Clare Cullen Thomas Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Cummins William Town of Newarket-On-Fergus Limmerick Rd. Tomfinlough Clare Cunneen Michael Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Cunneen Patrick Langough Tomfinlough Clare Curry Edmond Ayleacotty Tomfinlough Clare Cusack James Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Cusack James Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare Cusack John Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Cusack Thomas Boheraroan Tomfinlough Clare Cusack Thomas Town of Newarket-On-Fergus Limmerick Rd. Tomfinlough Clare Cussen Thomas Granaghan Tomfinlough Clare Daly Michael Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Darcy Margaret Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Deegidan James Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Dillon Mary Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Dillon Michael Town of Newarket-On-Fergus Limmerick Rd. Tomfinlough Clare Dillon William Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Doherty James Ayleacotty Tomfinlough Clare Doherty James Mooghaun North Tomfinlough Clare Doherty James, Sr. Ayleacotty Tomfinlough Clare Doherty Michael Ayleacotty Tomfinlough Clare Doherty Patrick Mooghaun North Tomfinlough Clare Donnellan Myles Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Donohoe Bridget Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Donohoe Daniel Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Donohoe John Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Donohoe Michael Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Donohoe Stephen Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare Donovan Si John Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Donovan Si John Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare Doyle Henry Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Duloughery Andrew Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Dwyer Edmond Ayleacotty Tomfinlough Clare Dwyer Ellen Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Egan James Town of Newarket-On-Fergus Limmerick Rd. Tomfinlough Clare Egan John Ayleacotty Tomfinlough Clare Egan Patrick Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Egan Peter Ayleacotty Tomfinlough Clare Egan Thomas Town of Newarket-On-Fergus Limmerick Rd. Tomfinlough Clare English James Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Enright John Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Enright Timothy Muckanagh (Vandeleur) Tomfinlough Clare Enright Timothy, Jr. Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Enright Timothy, Sr. Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Evans Samuel P., M.D. Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Fahy Andrew Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Fahy Catherine Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Fahy Martin Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare Fahy Thomas Ayleacotty Tomfinlough Clare Fahy Thomas Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Faul Patrick Boheraroan Tomfinlough Clare Faul Patrick Town of Newarket-On-Fergus Limmerick Rd. Tomfinlough Clare Fennell Michael Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Finucane Matthew Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Finucane William Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Fitzgerald Maurice Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Fitzgerald Richard Granaghan Beg Tomfinlough Clare Fitzpatrick Denis Granaghan More Tomfinlough Clare Flanagan Patrick Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Flood Ellen Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare Fogarty Bridget Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Fogarty Catherine Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Foran Patrick Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Fraley Francis Muckanagh (Vandeleur) Tomfinlough Clare Fraley James Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Fraley John Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Fraley Michael Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Fraley Michael Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Fraley Michl. Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Fraley Patrick Muckanagh (Vandeleur) Tomfinlough Clare Fraley Patrick Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Fraley Thomas Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Frost Thomas Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Gallagher Terence Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Garvey Anne Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Garvey John Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Garvey Julia Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Garvey Michael, Jr. Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Gleeson James Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Gleeson Michael, Jr. Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Gleeson Michael, Sr. Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Gleeson William Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Gleeson William Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Gleeson William Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare Glynn Thomas Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Grady Francis Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Grady James Langough Tomfinlough Clare Grady John Langough Tomfinlough Clare Grady Mary Mooghaun North Tomfinlough Clare Gray Anne Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Greene Michael Boheraroan Tomfinlough Clare Greene Patrick Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare Greer James Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Gregan Thomas Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare Griffin Catherine Mausnarylaan Tomfinlough Clare Guerin Daniel Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Guerin John Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Guerin Michael Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Hallinan Cornelius Mausnarylaan Tomfinlough Clare Hallinan John Granaghan More Tomfinlough Clare Hallinan Michael Mausnarylaan Tomfinlough Clare Hallinan Thomas Mausnarylaan Tomfinlough Clare Halloran Anne Langough Tomfinlough Clare Halloran Jeremiah Mooghaun North Tomfinlough Clare Halloran John Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Halloran Martin Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Halloran Mary Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare Halloran Michael Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Halpin Denis Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare Halpin John Carrowmeer Tomfinlough Clare Halpin Margaret Mooghaun North Tomfinlough Clare Halpin Mary Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Halpin Patrick Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare Halpin William Boheraroan Tomfinlough Clare Halpin William Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Hannan Patrick Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Hannan Patrick Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Hanneen Margaret Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Hanneen Mary Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Hanneen Timothy, Jr. Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Hartigan Matthew Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Hartigan Patrick Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Hartigan Thos. Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Harty Michael Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Hassett Patrick Carrowmeer Tomfinlough Clare Hassett Sarah Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Hastings Michael Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Hastings Michael Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Hastings Michl. Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Hastings Michl., Sr. Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Hastings Peter Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Hayes Patrick Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare Hayes Patrick Langough Tomfinlough Clare Hayes Simon Snugborough Tomfinlough Clare Healy James Snugborough Tomfinlough Clare Healy Jane Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Healy Mary Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Healy Peter Caherscooby Tomfinlough Clare Healy Peter Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Healy Roger Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Heffernan John Mooghaun North Tomfinlough Clare Heffernan Sarah Boheraroan Tomfinlough Clare Hennessy John Mausnarylaan Tomfinlough Clare Hennessy Michael Langough Tomfinlough Clare Hennessy Michael Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Hennessy Timothy Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Hewitt Thomas Granaghan Beg Tomfinlough Clare Hewitt Thomas Granaghan More Tomfinlough Clare Hickey Bridget Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Hickey John Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Hickey Patrick Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Hickey Patrick Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Hickey Timothy Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Hickman Hugh P. Carrowmeer Tomfinlough Clare Hickman Hugh P. Finlough Tomfinlough Clare Hickman Hugh P. Muckanagh (Vandeleur) Tomfinlough Clare Higgins Denis Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Higgins John Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare Higgins John Langough Tomfinlough Clare Higgins John Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Higgins Margaret Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Higgins Michael Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Higgins Michael Granaghan Beg Tomfinlough Clare Higgins Patrick Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Hinchy James Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Hinchy John Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare Hinchy Patrick Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Hoare James Town of Newarket-On-Fergus Limmerick Rd. Tomfinlough Clare Hoare Mary Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Hogan John Mooghaun North Tomfinlough Clare Hogan Patrick Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Hogan Thomas Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Hunt Maria Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Hynes Patrick Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Hynes Patrick Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Inchiquin Lord ??? Ayleacotty Tomfinlough Clare Inchiquin Lord ??? Langough Tomfinlough Clare Inchiquin Lord ??? Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Inchiquin Lord ??? Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Keane John Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Keane Martin Kilnacrandy Tomfinlough Clare Keane Mary Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Keane Thomas Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Kelly James Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Kelly James Newmarket Limerick Road Tomfinlough Clare Kelly John Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Kelly Mary Boheraroan Tomfinlough Clare Kelly Thomas Boheraroan Tomfinlough Clare Kendall Henry Newmarket Limerick Road Tomfinlough Clare Kendall Henry Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare Kendall Martin Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Kendall Martin Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare Kendall Patrick Newmarket Limerick Road Tomfinlough Clare Kendall Patrick Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Kenny James, M.D. Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare Kenny John Mooghaun North Tomfinlough Clare Kenny Margaret Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Keogh Mary Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Kett John Boheraroan Tomfinlough Clare Kiely Mary Snugborough Tomfinlough Clare Kiely Patrick Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Larkin Jeremiah Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Larkin John Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Leary Bridget Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare Leary Denis Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Leary Denis Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare Leary Denis Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Leary James Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Leary James Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare Leary John Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Leary Michael Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Leary Michael, Jr. Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Leary Michael, Sr. Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Lewis Thomas Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare Liddy James Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare Liddy James Granaghan Beg Tomfinlough Clare Liddy James Langough Tomfinlough Clare Liddy James Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Liddy Johanna Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Liddy John Ayleacotty Tomfinlough Clare Liddy Michael Ayleacotty Tomfinlough Clare Liddy Michael Caherscooby Tomfinlough Clare Liddy Michael Granaghan Beg Tomfinlough Clare Liddy Michael Langough Tomfinlough Clare Liddy Michael Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Liddy Patrick Caherkine Tomfinlough Clare Liddy Patrick Langough Tomfinlough Clare Liddy Patrick Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Lillis James Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Lindsay William Kilnacrandy Tomfinlough Clare Long John Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Looney Mary Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Lynch Anne Granaghan More Tomfinlough Clare Lynch John Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Lynch John Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Lynch Matthew Caherscooby Tomfinlough Clare Lynch Michael Langough Tomfinlough Clare Lynch Michael Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Lynch Patrick Mooghaun North Tomfinlough Clare Lynch Patrick Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Lynch Thomas Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Magrath Patrick Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Maher Daniel Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Mahon Patrick Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare Mahony Jeremiah Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Malley Mary Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Malley Patrick Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Malone Thomas Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Markham Thomas Caherkine Tomfinlough Clare Martin Eliza Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare Mc Cormack Cornelius Caherscooby Tomfinlough Clare Mc Cormack Matthias Mooghaun North Tomfinlough Clare Mc Cormack Michael Mooghaun North Tomfinlough Clare Mc Donagh Michael Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Mc Donagh Ml. Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Mc Gee John Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Mc Grath Marcus Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Mc Grath Patrick Langough Tomfinlough Clare Mc Grath Patrick Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Mc Inerney John Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Mc Inerney John Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Mc Inerney John Town of Newarket-On-Fergus Limmerick Rd. Tomfinlough Clare Mc Inerney Patrick Boheraroan Tomfinlough Clare Mc Inerney Patrick Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Mc Inerney Peter Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Mc Inerney Thomas Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Mc Mahon Honoria Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Mc Mahon James Langough Tomfinlough Clare Mc Mahon John Caherkine Tomfinlough Clare Mc Mahon John Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Mc Mahon Margaret Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Mc Mahon Thomas Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Mc Mahon Thomas Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Mc Namara Edmond Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Mc Namara James Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Mc Namara John Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Mc Namara John Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare Mc Namara John Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Mc Namara Margaret Granaghan Beg Tomfinlough Clare Mc Namara Margaret Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Mc Namara Margt., Jr. Granaghan Beg Tomfinlough Clare Mc Namara Mary Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Mc Namara Michael Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare Mc Namara Michael Town of Newarket-On-Fergus Limmerick Rd. Tomfinlough Clare Mc Namara Michl. Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare Mc Namara Patrick Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare Mc Namara Patrick Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Mc Namara Thomas Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Mc Namara Thomas Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Mc Namara Timothy Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare Mc Namara William Granaghan Beg Tomfinlough Clare Mc Namra James Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Mc Walter James Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare Meade Bridget Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Meade James Granaghan More Tomfinlough Clare Meade John Granaghan Beg Tomfinlough Clare Meade Thomas Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Meehan Patrick Mooghaun North Tomfinlough Clare Meehan Thomas Boheraroan Tomfinlough Clare Meehan Thomas Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Moloney Bridget Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Moloney C., Jr. Kilnacrandy Tomfinlough Clare Moloney Catherine Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Moloney Daniel Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare Moloney John Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Moloney John Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Moloney Matthew Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare Moloney Michael Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare Molony Honoria Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare Moore Anthony Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Moran Martin Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Moran Patrick Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Moroney Honoria Ayleacotty Tomfinlough Clare Moroney John Granaghan More Tomfinlough Clare Moroney John Mausnarylaan Tomfinlough Clare Moroney Thomas Granaghan Beg Tomfinlough Clare Moroney Winifred Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Moynehan Anne Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Moynehan John Granaghan More Tomfinlough Clare Mullins Thomas Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Mulqueeny Lott Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Mulville Thomas Boheraroan Tomfinlough Clare Mulville Thomas Town of Newarket-On-Fergus Limmerick Rd. Tomfinlough Clare Murphy George Muckanagh (Vandeleur) Tomfinlough Clare Murphy Margaret Muckanagh (Vandeleur) Tomfinlough Clare Murphy Michael Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare Murrin William Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Neill James Granaghan Beg Tomfinlough Clare Neville Bridget Mausnarylaan Tomfinlough Clare Neville James Caherscooby Tomfinlough Clare Neville John Granaghan Beg Tomfinlough Clare Neville Laurence Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Neville Matthew Ayleacotty Tomfinlough Clare Neville Patrick Granaghan More Tomfinlough Clare Nolan Patrick Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare O'Brien Charles Mooghaun North Tomfinlough Clare O'Brien Grace Ayleacotty Tomfinlough Clare O'Brien Grace Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare O'Brien Michael Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare O'Brien Michael Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare O'Brien Thomas Mooghaun North Tomfinlough Clare O'Connor Michael Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare O'Dea John Granaghan More Tomfinlough Clare O'Dea John Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare O'Keeffe Mary Granaghan Tomfinlough Clare O'Loughlin Bridget Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare O'Loughlin James Caherscooby Tomfinlough Clare O'Neill Denis Langough Tomfinlough Clare O'Neill Denis Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare O'Neill Frances Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare O'Neill John Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare O'Neill Margaret Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare O'Neill Michael Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare O'Neill Michael Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare O'Neill Patrick Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare O'Neill Timothy Mooghaun North Tomfinlough Clare O'Neill Timothy Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare O'Neill Timothy Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare Powell Edmond Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Powell Patrick Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare Quillinan John Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Quillinan Timothy Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Quinlivan James Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Quinlivan Rev. Michael Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Reidy Denis Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare Reidy Edward Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Reidy John Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Reidy Michael Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Reidy Patrick Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Reidy Patrick, Jr. Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Reidy Patrick, Jr. Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare Reynolds Stephen Ayleacotty Tomfinlough Clare Reynolds Stephen Mooghaun North Tomfinlough Clare Rice Mary Mooghaun North Tomfinlough Clare Robinson Thomas Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Rourke Daniel Mooghaun North Tomfinlough Clare Rourke Denis Mooghaun North Tomfinlough Clare Rourke Denis Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Rourke John Mooghaun North Tomfinlough Clare Rourke Michael Granaghan Beg Tomfinlough Clare Rourke Thomas Town of Newarket-On-Fergus Limmerick Rd. Tomfinlough Clare Ryan James Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Ryan John Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Ryan Mary Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Ryan Patrick Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Ryan Patrick Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Sarsfield James Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Scanlan John Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Scanlon Matthew Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Shannon Michael Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus Ennis Road Tomfinlough Clare Sharry Matthew Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Shaughnessy James Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Shaughnessy Patrick Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Shea John Carrowmeer Tomfinlough Clare Sheahan Michael Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Sheehan Michael Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Sheehan Patrick Ayleacotty Tomfinlough Clare Sheehan Thos. Granaghan More Tomfinlough Clare Slattery Patrick Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Slattery Roger Town of Newarket-On-Fergus Limmerick Rd. Tomfinlough Clare Slattery Thomas Town of Newarket-On-Fergus Limmerick Rd. Tomfinlough Clare Spellacy Michael Mooghaun North Tomfinlough Clare Studdert Maria Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Studdert Maria Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Studdert William Muckanagh (Studdert) Tomfinlough Clare Sweeney Margaret Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Sweeney Margt. Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Tierney Patrick Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Tierney Patrick Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Toole John Newmarket Tomfinlough Clare Tyrell Patrick Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Tyrrell Catherine Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Vandeleur Arthur Muckanagh (Vandeleur) Tomfinlough Clare Vandeleur Arthur Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare Walton Michael Town of Newmarket-On-Fergus The Green Tomfinlough Clare Ward James Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Ward Michael Granaghan Beg Tomfinlough Clare Whelan James Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Whelan Johanna Newmarket Sixmilebridge Road Tomfinlough Clare Whelan Michael Mooghaun South Tomfinlough Clare Whelan Patrick Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare White Jane Rathlaheen South Tomfinlough Clare White John Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare White Patrick Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare White Winifred Ballycar Tomfinlough Clare Woods Joseph Carrownakilly Tomfinlough Clare