Fáilte Romhat
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Allen William Town of Scarriff Moynoe Road Tomgraney Clare Balton John Capparoe Tomgraney Clare Balton Thomas Capparoe Tomgraney Clare Balton William Capparoe Tomgraney Clare Bennett John Town of Scarriff Moynoe Road Tomgraney Clare Bennett Mary Town of Scarriff Chapel Lane Tomgraney Clare Bleach Catherine Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Bolan Edmond Ballycorban Tomgraney Clare Bolan Michael Callahy Tomgraney Clare Bolan Patrick Callahy Tomgraney Clare Boland Patrick Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Boland Patrick Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Bolton Patrick Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Boltwin Patrick Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Bourke Edmond Aughrim Tomgraney Clare Bourke John Capparoe Tomgraney Clare Bourke John Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Bourke John Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Bourke Mary Drewsborough Tomgraney Clare Bourke Mary Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Bourke Mary Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Bourke William Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Brady James Ballyminoge Tomgraney Clare Brady James Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Brady James Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Brady Jas. Callahy Tomgraney Clare Brady Mary Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Brady Rev. Thomas B. Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Brady Thomas Aughrim Tomgraney Clare Brady Thomas Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Bready James Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Bready Rev. Thos. B. Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Brien Daniel Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare Brien Denis Ballyvannan Tomgraney Clare Brien Jeremiah Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Brien Timothy Ballyvannan Tomgraney Clare Brisland Jeremiah Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Brisland John Ballyminoge Tomgraney Clare Brislane John Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Broderick Anne Corrakyle Tomgraney Clare Brody John Corrakyle Tomgraney Clare Brohan Thomas Town of Scarriff Chapel Lane Tomgraney Clare Broughan Denis Aughrim Tomgraney Clare Broughan Denis Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare Broughan Thomas Cloonusker Tomgraney Clare Bunch Patrick Corrakyle Tomgraney Clare Byrnes Denis Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Byrnes Denis Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Byrnes Peter Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Callaghan Denis Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Callaghan Patrick Capparoe Tomgraney Clare Campbell Edmond Town of Scarriff Moynoe Road Tomgraney Clare Canny James Callahy Tomgraney Clare Canny Michael Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Canny Michael Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Canny Thomas Callahy Tomgraney Clare Canny Thomas Drewsborough Tomgraney Clare Canny Thomas Teeroneer Tomgraney Clare Canny Thomas Town of Scarriff Moynoe Road Tomgraney Clare Carroll Patrick Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Cluen George Capparoe Tomgraney Clare Collins Patrick Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare Connor Michael Ballyminoge Tomgraney Clare Connor Michael Town of Scarriff Feakle Road Tomgraney Clare Connors Mary Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Conway Michael Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Conway Michael Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Conway Patrick Gortaderry Tomgraney Clare Conway Thomas Gortaderry Tomgraney Clare Corbett John Ballyminoge Tomgraney Clare Corbett Michael Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Corbit John Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Cox John Callahy Tomgraney Clare Cox John Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Cravan Roderick Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Crotty James Ballyvannan Tomgraney Clare Crotty John Ballycorban Tomgraney Clare Crotty John Poulagower Tomgraney Clare Crotty Martin Ballycorban Tomgraney Clare Crotty Martin Gortaderry Tomgraney Clare Crotty Martin Poulagower Tomgraney Clare Crotty Michael Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Crotty Michael Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Crotty Patrick Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Crotty Thomas Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Curren Patrick Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Cusack John Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Davis James Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Davis Thomas Cloonusker Tomgraney Clare Deering William Town of Scarriff Chapel Lane Tomgraney Clare Deering William Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Donnolon Margaret Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Dowdall Susan Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Dowdall William Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Downes Daniel Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Downes Daniel Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Doyle Edmond Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare Doyle Edmond Poulagower Tomgraney Clare Doyle James Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare Doyle John Gortaderry Tomgraney Clare Dugan Patrick Ballyminoge Tomgraney Clare Dugan Patrick Raheen Tomgraney Clare Duggan Patrick Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Durick Patrick Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Dwyer Patrick Gortaderry Tomgraney Clare Dynan Edmund Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Dynan John Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Dynan John Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Dynan Patrick Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Egan John Ballyminoge Tomgraney Clare Egan John Ballyvannan Tomgraney Clare Fahy Francis Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare Farrell Daniel Town of Scarriff Chapel Lane Tomgraney Clare Farrell Daniel Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Farrell James Town of Scarriff Moynoe Road Tomgraney Clare Farrell John Capparoe Tomgraney Clare Farrell John Town of Scarriff Moynoe Road Tomgraney Clare Farrell Michael Town of Scarriff Feakle Road Tomgraney Clare Farrell Michael Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Farrell Patrick Capparoe Tomgraney Clare Fennessy Edmond Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare Fennessy Pat. Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare Fennessy Patrick Gortaderry Tomgraney Clare Fitzgerald Francis J. Drewsborough Tomgraney Clare Fitzgerald Francis J. Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Fitzgerald George F. Corrakyle Tomgraney Clare Fitzgerald Thomas Corrakyle Tomgraney Clare Flannagan Anne Town of Scarriff Chapel Lane Tomgraney Clare Flannery David Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Flannery David Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Flannery Honoria Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Flannery John Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Flannery John Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Flannery John Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Flannery Mary Town of Scarriff Moynoe Road Tomgraney Clare Flannery Matthew Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Flannery Michael Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Flannery Owen Capparoe Tomgraney Clare Flannery Patrick Ballyminoge Tomgraney Clare Flannery Patrick Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Flannery Patrick Town of Scarriff Moynoe Road Tomgraney Clare Flannery Simon Ballyminoge Tomgraney Clare Fletcher Margaret Town of Scarriff Moynoe Road Tomgraney Clare Flynn Patrick Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Flynn Patrick Raheen Tomgraney Clare Flynn Patrick Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Fnnessy Pat. Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare Foohy Margaret Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Gallagher Mary Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Geoghegan Joseph Callahy Tomgraney Clare Ginnaun Michael Town of Scarriff Moynoe Road Tomgraney Clare Gooney Anne Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Grace James Corrakyle Tomgraney Clare Grace Michael Corrakyle Tomgraney Clare Griffin John Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Griffin Mary Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Griffin Mchl. Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Griffin Michael Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Griffin Patrick Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Griffy Anne Town of Scarriff Chapel Lane Tomgraney Clare Griffy James Capparoe Tomgraney Clare Griffy John Capparoe Tomgraney Clare Grogan Bridget Capparoe Tomgraney Clare Guilfoyle John Gortaderry Tomgraney Clare Guilfoyle Thomas Aughrim Tomgraney Clare Hacket Anne Town of Scarriff Chapel Lane Tomgraney Clare Hackett Edmond Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Halloran Patrick Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Halpin Bridget Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Halpin John Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Halpin John, Jr. Callahy Tomgraney Clare Halpin John, Sr. Callahy Tomgraney Clare Halpin Michael Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Hanly William Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Hanrahan Mary Poulagower Tomgraney Clare Hanrahan Roger Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare Harhin John Gortaderry Tomgraney Clare Harhin Martin Gortaderry Tomgraney Clare Harhin Michael Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Harhin Michael Gortaderry Tomgraney Clare Harkin James Town of Scarriff Chapel Lane Tomgraney Clare Hartnady Hannah Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Hassett John Aughrim Tomgraney Clare Heiher Michael Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Hickey John Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Hickie John Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Hill Michael Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Hill Thomas Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Hill Thomas Town of Scarriff Chapel Lane Tomgraney Clare Hill Thomas Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Hogan Dominick Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Hogan Francis Corrakyle Tomgraney Clare Hogan Matthew Callahy Tomgraney Clare Hogan Patrick Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Hogan Thaddeus Drewsborough Tomgraney Clare Hogan Thaddeus Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Hogan Timothy Town of Scarriff Moynoe Road Tomgraney Clare Hollaran John Ballyminoge Tomgraney Clare Hollaran John Corrakyle Tomgraney Clare Hollaran Michael Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Hourahan John Ballyminoge Tomgraney Clare Howe Matthew Town of Scarriff Moynoe Road Tomgraney Clare Hunt Charles Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Hynes John Drewsborough Tomgraney Clare Hynes John Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Jones John Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Jones Patrick Aughrim Tomgraney Clare Jones William Aughrim Tomgraney Clare Keane Charles Ballyvannan Tomgraney Clare Keane Michael Cloonusker Tomgraney Clare Keane Patrick Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Kelly Michael Ballyminoge Tomgraney Clare Kelly Michael Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Kelly Michael Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Kenna Edmond Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Kennedy John Ballyvannan Tomgraney Clare Kennelly Patrick Ballycorban Tomgraney Clare Kirby Margaret Drewsborough Tomgraney Clare Kirby Margaret Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Kirby Margaret Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Lahive James Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Lahive John Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Law Hamilton Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Leonard Martin Town of Scarriff Moynoe Road Tomgraney Clare Leonard Patrick Ballyminoge Tomgraney Clare Leonard Patrick Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Linehan Daniel Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Loftus Martin Town of Scarriff Chapel Lane Tomgraney Clare Long James Callahy Tomgraney Clare Long Patrick Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Long Patrick Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Long Thomas Callahy Tomgraney Clare Lott Frances Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Lynch James Cappacannaun Tomgraney Clare Lynch John Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare Lyons Patrick Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Madden John Town of Scarriff Moynoe Road Tomgraney Clare Madden Patrick Town of Scarriff Moynoe Road Tomgraney Clare Madden Sarah Town of Scarriff Chapel Lane Tomgraney Clare Maher John Town of Scarriff Moynoe Road Tomgraney Clare Malone Daniel Ballyminoge Tomgraney Clare Malone Daniel Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Malone Daniel Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Malone John Ballyminoge Tomgraney Clare Malone John Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Malone Mary Town of Scarriff Feakle Road Tomgraney Clare Malone Thaddeus Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Malone Timothy Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Manix Denis Town of Scarriff Chapel Lane Tomgraney Clare Marony Penny Ballycorban Tomgraney Clare Marsh Michael Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Marsh Patrick Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Mc Cormack Mary Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Mc Donnell Patrick Callahy Tomgraney Clare Mc Grath Honoria Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Mc Grath Patrick Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Mc Mahon Daniel Ballyvannan Tomgraney Clare Mc Mahon Denis Ballyminoge Tomgraney Clare Mc Mahon Denis Drewsborough Tomgraney Clare Mc Mahon John Gortaderry Tomgraney Clare Mc Mahon Michael Gortaderry Tomgraney Clare Mc Mahon Patrick Ballyvannan Tomgraney Clare Mc Mahon Patrick Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Mc Mahon Timothy Corrakyle Tomgraney Clare Mc Mahon William Poulagower Tomgraney Clare Mc Namara Daniel Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Mc Namara Honoria Callahy Tomgraney Clare Mc Namara James Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Mc Namara James Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare Mc Namara James Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Mc Namara Jane Cloonusker Tomgraney Clare Mc Namara John Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Mc Namara Michael Corrakyle Tomgraney Clare Mc Namara Michael Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Mc Namara Michael Gortaderry Tomgraney Clare Mc Namara Michael Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Mc Namara Patrick Callahy Tomgraney Clare Mc Namara Patrick Cappacannaun Tomgraney Clare Mc Namara Stephen Ballycorban Tomgraney Clare Mc Namara Timothy Corrakyle Tomgraney Clare Meagher Matthew Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Melody James Poulagower Tomgraney Clare Melody John Poulagower Tomgraney Clare Melody Patrick Capparoe Tomgraney Clare Melody Thomas Cappacannaun Tomgraney Clare Minogue David Capparoe Tomgraney Clare Minogue David Poulagower Tomgraney Clare Minogue Edmond Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Minogue James Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Minogue John Cloonusker Tomgraney Clare Minogue John Poulagower Tomgraney Clare Minogue Joseph Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Minogue Michael Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Minogue Michael Gortaderry Tomgraney Clare Minogue Michael Poulagower Tomgraney Clare Minogue Patrick Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Minogue Patrick Ballyvannan Tomgraney Clare Minogue Patrick Cappacannaun Tomgraney Clare Minogue Patrick Cloonusker Tomgraney Clare Minogue Patrick Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Minogue Peter Ballyvannan Tomgraney Clare Minogue Peter Callahy Tomgraney Clare Minogue Roger Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Minogue Thomas Ballyvannan Tomgraney Clare Minogue Thomas Town of Scarriff Feakle Road Tomgraney Clare Minogue William Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare Molloy James Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Molloy John Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Moloney Bridget Town of Scarriff Chapel Lane Tomgraney Clare Moloney John Town of Scarriff Chapel Lane Tomgraney Clare Moloney John Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Molony Denis Ballyvannan Tomgraney Clare Molony Honoria Corrakyle Tomgraney Clare Molony John Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Molony John Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Molony John Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Molony Michael Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Molony Michael Gortaderry Tomgraney Clare Molony Patrick Ballycorban Tomgraney Clare Molony Richard Callahy Tomgraney Clare Molony Thaddeus Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Molony Thomas Gortaderry Tomgraney Clare Molony Timothy Gortaderry Tomgraney Clare Moran Lawrence Corrakyle Tomgraney Clare Morland William J. H. Ballyquin Tomgraney Clare Morland William J. H. Gortaderry Tomgraney Clare Morland William J. H. Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Morland William J. H. Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Morland Wm. J. H. Raheen Tomgraney Clare Morrissy James Ballycorban Tomgraney Clare Mugavan Patrick Fossa More Tomgraney Clare Mugavan Thomas Gortaderry Tomgraney Clare Mulcahy Michael Town of Scarriff Chapel Lane Tomgraney Clare Mullins Anne Town of Scarriff Moynoe Road Tomgraney Clare Mulready Michael Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Nelson John Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Nolan Mary Town of Scarriff Chapel Lane Tomgraney Clare Noonan Catherine Town of Scarriff Chapel Lane Tomgraney Clare Noonan Patrick Town of Scarriff Chapel Lane Tomgraney Clare Noonan Thomas Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Noonan William Ballyvannan Tomgraney Clare Noonan William Poulagower Tomgraney Clare Nugent Edmond Corrakyle Tomgraney Clare Nugent Michael Corrakyle Tomgraney Clare O'Brien Ellen Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare O'Brien James Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare O'Brien Jeremiah Ballyminoge Tomgraney Clare O'Brien John Ballyvannan Tomgraney Clare O'Brien John Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare O'Brien Martin Poulagower Tomgraney Clare O'Brien Matthew Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare O'Brien Matthew Gortaderry Tomgraney Clare O'Brien Michael Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare O'Brien Patrick Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare O'Brien Patrick Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare O'Donnell Edmond Corrakyle Tomgraney Clare O'Neill Michael Town of Scarriff Moynoe Road Tomgraney Clare Parker Joseph Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Perry Michael Callahy Tomgraney Clare Power Mary Town of Scarriff Moynoe Road Tomgraney Clare Power Patrick Ballycorban Tomgraney Clare Purcell Garrett Town of Scarriff Chapel Lane Tomgraney Clare Purcell Michael Poulagower Tomgraney Clare Quillan Michael Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Quinn Anne Town of Scarriff Chapel Lane Tomgraney Clare Ready Rev. Michael Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Reddin Matthew Ballyquin Tomgraney Clare Reddin Matthew Drewsborough Tomgraney Clare Reddin Matthew Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Reddin William Aughrim Tomgraney Clare Reeves James Aughrim Tomgraney Clare Reeves William Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Reilly Martin Town of Scarriff Moynoe Road Tomgraney Clare Rogers Daniel Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare Rogers Edmond Ballycorban Tomgraney Clare Rogers Eliza Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Rogers Jeremiah Aughrim Tomgraney Clare Rogers John Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare Rogers John Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Rogers Patrick Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Rogers Timothy Cappacannaun Tomgraney Clare Rogers Timothy Cloonusker Tomgraney Clare Ronan Daniel Ballycorban Tomgraney Clare Rouhan Denis Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare Rouhan Edmond Capparoe Tomgraney Clare Rouhan Edmond Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare Rouhan William Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare Russell Thomas Town of Scarriff Chapel Lane Tomgraney Clare Ryan Catherine Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Ryan Edmond Corrakyle Tomgraney Clare Ryan John Corrakyle Tomgraney Clare Ryan Thomas Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Sampson Cornelius, M.D. Callahy Tomgraney Clare Sampson George Capparoe Tomgraney Clare Scanlon Michael Ballyminoge Tomgraney Clare Scanlon Owen Ballyvannan Tomgraney Clare Scanlon Peter Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Sexton Martin Ballyminoge Tomgraney Clare Shaughnessy John Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Sheedy Denis Ballyminoge Tomgraney Clare Sheridan Bartholomew Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Sheridan Michael Ballyvannan Tomgraney Clare Skehan Michael Drewsborough Tomgraney Clare Slattery Matthew Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Smack James Town of Scarriff Moynoe Road Tomgraney Clare Smarks Mary Town of Scarriff Moynoe Road Tomgraney Clare Sparling Henry Cappacannaun Tomgraney Clare Sparling Henry Cloonusker Tomgraney Clare Sparling Henry Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Sparling Henry Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare Sullivan John Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Sullivan Patrick Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Sullivan William Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Thornton John Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Thornton Michael Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Toohy Daniel Capparoe Tomgraney Clare Toohy Denis Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare Toohy Jeremiah Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare Toohy John Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Toohy Michael Capparoe Tomgraney Clare Toohy Michael Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare Toohy Michl. Capparoe Tomgraney Clare Toohy Simon Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare Toohy Thomas Cloonogory Tomgraney Clare Torpey Mary Aughrim Tomgraney Clare Torpey Michael Corrakyle Tomgraney Clare Torpey Patrick Aughrim Tomgraney Clare Torpey Patrick Ballyvannan Tomgraney Clare Tracy Bryan Callahy Tomgraney Clare Tracy Bryan Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Tracy Bryan Village of Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Tracy Patrick Poulagower Tomgraney Clare Tubbs Michael Fossa Beg Tomgraney Clare Tuohy Michael Capparoe Tomgraney Clare Vaughan Daniel Ballymalone Tomgraney Clare Wallnutt Charles Ballyminoge Tomgraney Clare Watson Benjamin Tomgraney Tomgraney Clare Watson Thomas Ballyvannan Tomgraney Clare Whelan Daniel Town of Scarriff Main-Street Tomgraney Clare White John Corrakyle Tomgraney Clare White William Town of Scarriff Moynoe Road Tomgraney Clare Wiley James Capparoe Tomgraney Clare Williams John Town of Scarriff Moynoe Road Tomgraney Clare Woods Patrick Callahy Tomgraney Clare