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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Tulla, County Clare
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Tulla, County Clare
Armstrong James Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Armstrong Robert Ballyslattery or Newgrove Tulla Clare Arthur John Cloonaleary Tulla Clare Baggott James John Lisduff Tulla Clare Barron James Knockdoocunna Tulla Clare Baulton John Ardbooly Upper Tulla Clare Bennis John Maryfort or Lismeehan Tulla Clare Bernard Edward Rosslare Tulla Clare Birmingham James Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Birmingham Mary Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Blake Michael Milltown Tulla Clare Boland Andrew Liscullaun Tulla Clare Boland James Liscullaun Tulla Clare Boland John Garruragh Tulla Clare Bolton John Tome Tulla Clare Bolton Thomas Tome Tulla Clare Bowles John Glendree Tulla Clare Boyce James Milltown Tulla Clare Boyce James Town of Tulla Church Road Tulla Clare Brassil Daniel Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Brassil John Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Brassill James Lecarrow North Tulla Clare Brennan Thomas Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Breslane John Craggaunkeel Tulla Clare Brew Alice Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Brew Maria Furhee Tulla Clare Brew Maria Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Brody John Craggaunkeel Tulla Clare Brody Michael Craggaunkeel Tulla Clare Brody Michael Drumcharley Tulla Clare Brown Burke Thomas Ballyslattery or Newgrove Tulla Clare Browne Bridget Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Browne Bridget Town of Tulla New Road Tulla Clare Browne Bridget Tulla Tulla Clare Browne Eliza Ballyslattery or Newgrove Tulla Clare Browne Eliza Town of Tulla Church Road Tulla Clare Browne Eliza Tulla Tulla Clare Browne Eliza Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Burke Margaret Affick Tulla Clare Burke Martin Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Burke Michael Rannagh Tulla Clare Burke Miles Derryulk Upper Tulla Clare Burke Miles Kilduff Upper Tulla Clare Burke Walter Doonaun Tulla Clare Burke William Craggaunkeel Tulla Clare Butler Anne Affick Tulla Clare Butler James Lahardaun Tulla Clare Byrne Henry Affick Tulla Clare Byrne John Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Byrne Mary Cutteen More Tulla Clare Byrne Michael Cutteen Beg Tulla Clare Byrne Michael Cutteen More Tulla Clare Byrne Thaddeus Ballyblood Tulla Clare Calaher Michael Garruragh Tulla Clare Canny Edward Knockdoocunna Tulla Clare Canny John Derryulk Upper Tulla Clare Canny Michael Kilduff Lower Tulla Clare Canny Patrick Glendree Tulla Clare Carroll Michael Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Carter Bridget Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Carty John Uggoon Upper Tulla Clare Carty Michael Uggoon Upper Tulla Clare Carty Patrick Uggoon Upper Tulla Clare Casey Patrick Glendree Tulla Clare Chadwick Thomas Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Clancy James Derryulk Middle Tulla Clare Clancy Judith Tome Tulla Clare Clancy Patrick Tome Tulla Clare Clancy Thaddeus Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Cloughassy John Cloondoorney More Tulla Clare Cloughassy Michael Cloondoorney More Tulla Clare Cloughnessy Michael Gorteennaguppoge Tulla Clare Clune James Milltown Tulla Clare Clune John Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Clune Michael Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Clune Patrick Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Clune Thomas Rosslare Tulla Clare Clune Thomas Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Coghlan Thomas Doonaun Tulla Clare Colbourne Richard Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Collins John Ballyblood Tulla Clare Collins John Derrymore West Tulla Clare Collins Michael Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Conheady James Milltown Tulla Clare Conheady John Ballyslattery or Newgrove Tulla Clare Conheady John Milltown Tulla Clare Conheady Michael Milltown Tulla Clare Conheady Patrick Milltown Tulla Clare Conheady Thomas Cloonteen Tulla Clare Conheady Thomas Lissofin Tulla Clare Conheady Thomas Moymore Tulla Clare Conlan Michael Garruragh Tulla Clare Connell Bryan Ballyblood Tulla Clare Connell Bryan Derrymore West Tulla Clare Connell Denis Cloondanagh Tulla Clare Connell Denis Derrymore West Tulla Clare Connell John Derrymore West Tulla Clare Connell John James Ballyblood Tulla Clare Connell John James Derrymore West Tulla Clare Connell Michael Derrymore West Tulla Clare Connell Michael Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Connell Michael Town of Tulla Market Land and Fair Hill Tulla Clare Connell Thomas Derrymore West Tulla Clare Connellan John Gorteenaneelig Tulla Clare Connellan Michael Gorteenaneelig Tulla Clare Connellan Patrick Gorteenaneelig Tulla Clare Connolly John Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Connolly Patrick Rosslare Tulla Clare Connor John Fortane Beg Tulla Clare Connors James Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Connors John Affick Tulla Clare Connors John Fortane Beg Tulla Clare Connors John Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Considine John Affick Tulla Clare Considine Patrick Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Cooney Denis Ballyoughtra Tulla Clare Cooney Denis Lahardaun Tulla Clare Cooney Hannah Lecarrow North Tulla Clare Cooney Matthew Kilmore Tulla Clare Cooney Michael Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Cooney Michael Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Cooney Patrick Kilmore Tulla Clare Cooney Patrick Milltown Tulla Clare Cooney Thomas Ballyblood Tulla Clare Corbett John Affick Tulla Clare Corbett John Cragroe Tulla Clare Corbett Patrick Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Creagh Cornelius Lissofin Tulla Clare Crowley Michael Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Cudmore Patrick Kilboggoon Tulla Clare Cuigney John Glendree Tulla Clare Cullinan James Ballyslattery or Newgrove Tulla Clare Cullow Daniel Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Cullow Daniel Tulla Tulla Clare Cullow John Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Cullow Michael Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Cullow Michael Tulla Tulla Clare Cullow Michl. Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Cullow Thomas Gorteennaguppoge Tulla Clare Cunningham James Kilmore Tulla Clare Cunningham Michael Ardbooly Upper Tulla Clare Cunningham Peter Town of Tulla School House Lane Tulla Clare Curry Edmond Doonaun Tulla Clare Curry John Milltown Tulla Clare Curry Margaret Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Curry Patrick Glendree Tulla Clare Curry Patrick Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Curry Simon Garruragh Tulla Clare Curtin Patrick Fortane Beg Tulla Clare Curty Michael Kilboggoon Tulla Clare Curty Patrick Kilboggoon Tulla Clare Cusack Daniel Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Cusack James Derrymore West Tulla Clare Cusack James Doonaun Tulla Clare Cusack James Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Cusack James Tulla Tulla Clare Cusack Michael Ballyblood Tulla Clare Daffy John Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Daly Bridget Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Daly Carroll Garruragh Tulla Clare Daly Carroll Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Daly Carroll Tulla Tulla Clare Daly John Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Daly Michael Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Daly Michael Tulla Tulla Clare Daly Patrick Ballyblood Tulla Clare Daly Thomas Derrymore West Tulla Clare Danaher John Lahardaun Tulla Clare Dconnell Catherine Town of Tulla Church Road Tulla Clare Digidan John Affick Tulla Clare Digidan John Derryulk Lower Tulla Clare Digidan Judith Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Dinan Patk. Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Dinan Philip Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Donahoe Patrick Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Donnellan Francis Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Donohoe Martin Affick Tulla Clare Donohoe Michael Doonaun Tulla Clare Donohoe Michael Liscullaun Tulla Clare Donohoe Peter Affick Tulla Clare Donohoe Thomas Glendree Tulla Clare Doogan Jeremiah Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Doogan Kate Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Doogan Patrick Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Dooly Bridget Ballyoughtra Tulla Clare Dooly Michael Ardbooly Upper Tulla Clare Dooly Simeon Ballyoughtra Tulla Clare Downes Michael Affick Tulla Clare Doyle Daniel Rosslare Tulla Clare Doyle Edmond Cloondanagh Tulla Clare Doyle Hugh Rosslare Tulla Clare Doyle Maurice Rosslare Tulla Clare Driscoll Edward Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Driscoll James Knockadoon Tulla Clare Dwyer Patrick Craggaunkeel Tulla Clare Dwyer Rev. Philip Tulla Tulla Clare Dwyer Thomas Cloondanagh Tulla Clare Dynan Peter Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Egan James Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Falvey Kean Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Fitzgerald John Derrymore, East Tulla Clare Flaherty John Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Flaherty Patrick Town of Tulla Church Road Tulla Clare Flaherty Patrick Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Flanagan Anne Moymore Tulla Clare Flanagan John Moymore Tulla Clare Flanagan Martin Affick Tulla Clare Flanagan Michael Moymore Tulla Clare Flanagan Patrick Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Flannery John Town of Tulla School House Lane Tulla Clare Floyd Mary Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Flynn John Affick Tulla Clare Flynn John Milltown Tulla Clare Fogarty Mary Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Foley John Loughaun North Tulla Clare Foley Michael Glendree Tulla Clare Foley Thomas Glendree Tulla Clare Ford Thomas Ballyslattery or Newgrove Tulla Clare Frawley Bridget Ballyslattery or Newgrove Tulla Clare Gallagher Michael Town of Tulla Church Road Tulla Clare Gallaher James Milltown Tulla Clare Galway Patrick Glendree Tulla Clare Gavin Michael Fortane More Tulla Clare Gavin Patrick Ballyblood Tulla Clare Geraghty John Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Gleeson William Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Gore Mary Tyredagh Lower Tulla Clare Gore Mary Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Gorman Patrick Kilmore Tulla Clare Grady Francis Town of Tulla School House Lane Tulla Clare Grady James Tulla Tulla Clare Grady John Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Grady Margaret Town of Tulla Market Land and Fair Hill Tulla Clare Grady Martin Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Grady Patrick Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Greene James Ballyblood Tulla Clare Gregg John Knockadoon Tulla Clare Griffy Michael Glendree Tulla Clare Gurnell James Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Hallinan Michael Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Halloran Charles Doonaun Tulla Clare Halloran Charles Fomerla Tulla Clare Halloran Cornelius Knockdoocunna Tulla Clare Halloran Cornelius Liscullaun Tulla Clare Halloran Honoria Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Halloran John Ballyblood Tulla Clare Halloran John Lahardaun Tulla Clare Halloran Mary Ballyoughtra Tulla Clare Halloran Matthew Rosslare Tulla Clare Halloran Patrick Ballyblood Tulla Clare Halloran Patrick Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Halloran Patrick Tulla Tulla Clare Halpin Denis Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Halpin James Ballyoughtra Tulla Clare Halpin John Affick Tulla Clare Halpin William Cloonaleary Tulla Clare Halpin William Drumullan Tulla Clare Halvey Bridget Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Halvey James Garruragh Tulla Clare Halvey Mary Fortane Beg Tulla Clare Halvey Michael Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Halvey Michael Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Halvey Michael Town of Tulla New Road Tulla Clare Hanley Thomas Derrymore, East Tulla Clare Hanly Patrick Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Hanly Thomas Derrymore, East Tulla Clare Hannan James Town of Tulla School House Lane Tulla Clare Hanrahan Daniel Affick Tulla Clare Hanrahan Daniel Derryulk Upper Tulla Clare Hanrahan Daniel Loughaun North Tulla Clare Hanrahan Michael Liscullaun Tulla Clare Hanrahan Michael, Jr. Lecarrow South Tulla Clare Hanrahan Michael, Sr. Lecarrow South Tulla Clare Harrison James Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Harrison Martin Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Hassett Mary Glendree Tulla Clare Hastings John Affick Tulla Clare Hawkins Patrick Cragroe Tulla Clare Hawkins Thaddeus Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Hawkins Thomas Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Hayes Roger Lisduff Tulla Clare Hayes Roger Rannagh Tulla Clare Hegarty Anne Town of Tulla Church Road Tulla Clare Hehir Daniel Derryulk Middle Tulla Clare Hehir John Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Hehir Matthew Doonaun Tulla Clare Hennessy James Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Hennessy John Fomerla Tulla Clare Hennessy Michael Ballyslattery or Newgrove Tulla Clare Hennessy Patrick Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Hennessy Patrick Town of Tulla Market Land and Fair Hill Tulla Clare Hickey Charles Doonaun Tulla Clare Hickey James Doonaun Tulla Clare Hickey Laurence Cutteen More Tulla Clare Higgins Patrick Fortane More Tulla Clare Hogan Cornelius Derryulk Upper Tulla Clare Hogan Daniel Knockdoocunna Tulla Clare Hogan Denis Lisduff Tulla Clare Hogan John Affick Tulla Clare Hogan Martin Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Hogan Michael Annagh Tulla Clare Hogan Michael Cloondanagh Tulla Clare Hogan Michael Derryulk Upper Tulla Clare Hogan Michael Rine Tulla Clare Hogan Patrick Derrymore, East Tulla Clare Hogan Patrick Town of Tulla Market Land and Fair Hill Tulla Clare Hogan Robert Glendree Tulla Clare Hogan Thomas Kilduff Upper Tulla Clare Holloran John Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Holloran Michael Lecarrow South Tulla Clare Holloran Michael Rannagh Tulla Clare Holloran Michael Town of Tulla Church Road Tulla Clare Holloran Patrick Town of Tulla Church Road Tulla Clare Holmes Robert Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Houlihan James Glendree Tulla Clare Howard Henry Rannagh Tulla Clare Howard James Rannagh Tulla Clare Howard John Ballyblood Tulla Clare Howard John Rannagh Tulla Clare Howard John, Sr. Ballyblood Tulla Clare Howard Patrick Lecarrow South Tulla Clare Hurley James Loughaun South Tulla Clare Hurley Mary Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Hurly Patrick Cragroe Tulla Clare Hynes George Derrymore, East Tulla Clare Hynes James Town of Tulla Church Road Tulla Clare Hynes John Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Hynes Michael Fortane Beg Tulla Clare Hynes Patrick Liscullaun Tulla Clare Jones John Town of Tulla School House Lane Tulla Clare Jones Patrick Glendree Tulla Clare Kean James Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Keeffe Jeremiah Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Keeffe Jeremiah, Jr. Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Keeffe John Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Keeffe Margaret Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Keeffe Michael Milltown Tulla Clare Keevan Martin Glendree Tulla Clare Keevin Catherine Fomerla Tulla Clare Kelly Bridget Town of Tulla Church Road Tulla Clare Kelly James Cragg Tulla Clare Kelly James Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Kelly John Doonaun Tulla Clare Kelly John Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Kelly Mary Town of Tulla Market Land and Fair Hill Tulla Clare Kelly Patrick Affick Tulla Clare Kelly Thomas Ballyblood Tulla Clare Kenmare ??? Lisduff Tulla Clare Kennedy James Ballyslattery or Newgrove Tulla Clare Kennedy John Fortane Beg Tulla Clare Kennedy John Glendree Tulla Clare Kennedy John Tulla Tulla Clare Kennedy Patrick Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Kennedy Patrick Uggoon Upper Tulla Clare Kennedy Terence Milltown Tulla Clare Kennedy Thomas Milltown Tulla Clare Kenniry Anne Ballyblood Tulla Clare Keogh Thomas Doonaun Tulla Clare Kiley David Fortane Beg Tulla Clare Kilfoyle Daniel Uggoon Upper Tulla Clare King James Rannagh Tulla Clare Lacey John Poulaforia Tulla Clare Lambert George Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Leamy John Affick Tulla Clare Lean Michael Lisduff Tulla Clare Lennane Michael Glendree Tulla Clare Leo Jn., Sr. Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Leo John Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Leo John Tulla Tulla Clare Liddy James Fortane More Tulla Clare Liddy James Rosslare Tulla Clare Liddy Patrick Liscullaun Tulla Clare Liddy Thomas Cragroe Tulla Clare Liddy Thomas Fortane Beg Tulla Clare Liddy Thomas Liscullaun Tulla Clare Liddy Thomas Tome Tulla Clare Lillis Jane Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Lillis John Ardbooly Upper Tulla Clare Lillis Mary Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Lillis Michael Affick Tulla Clare Lillis Patrick Cloondoorney More Tulla Clare Little Michael Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Little Sarah Kiltanon Tulla Clare Loughlin Michael Fortane Beg Tulla Clare Lucas Charles Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Lynch Cath. Garruragh Tulla Clare Lynch Edmond Liscullaun Tulla Clare Lynch James Kilduff Upper Tulla Clare Lynch Matthew Garruragh Tulla Clare Lynch Matthew Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Lynch Michael Fortane Beg Tulla Clare Lynch Michael Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Lynch Michael Tulla Tulla Clare Lynch Thaddeus Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Lynch Thomas Liscullaun Tulla Clare Lynch William Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Macnamara Thomas Ballyslattery or Newgrove Tulla Clare Madigan Mary Liscullaun Tulla Clare Maher Laurence Affick Tulla Clare Maher Michael Affick Tulla Clare Maher Patrick Ballyslattery or Newgrove Tulla Clare Maher Patrick Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Mahon Jane Commons Tulla Clare Maily Michael Glendree Tulla Clare Maily Michael, Sr. Glendree Tulla Clare Maily Owen Glendree Tulla Clare Maily Patk. Glendree Tulla Clare Mara Michael Glendree Tulla Clare Mara Thomas Glendree Tulla Clare Markahan John Kiltanon Tulla Clare Markham Catherine Ballyslattery or Newgrove Tulla Clare Markham John Garruragh Tulla Clare Martin William Affick Tulla Clare Mason Mary Liscullaun Tulla Clare Mc Cann Ellen Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Mc Carthy Felix Joseph Knockdoocunna Tulla Clare Mc Carthy James Knockdoocunna Tulla Clare Mc Cormack Patrick Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Mc Dermott Laurence Town of Tulla School House Lane Tulla Clare Mc Donnell John Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Mc Donnell Martin Glendree Tulla Clare Mc Eniry Michael Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Mc Evoy Daniel Glendree Tulla Clare Mc Grath Cornelius Ballyblood Tulla Clare Mc Grath Cornelius Derrymore West Tulla Clare Mc Grath Daniel Derryulk Middle Tulla Clare Mc Grath James Garruragh Tulla Clare Mc Grath James Glendree Tulla Clare Mc Grath James Lissofin Tulla Clare Mc Grath John Ballyblood Tulla Clare Mc Grath John Eyrehill Tulla Clare Mc Grath John Glendree Tulla Clare Mc Grath Margaret Ballyblood Tulla Clare Mc Grath Mary Glendree Tulla Clare Mc Grath Mary Kilmore Tulla Clare Mc Grath Matthew Ballyblood Tulla Clare Mc Grath Michael Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Mc Grath Miles Glendree Tulla Clare Mc Grath Patrick Derryulk Lower Tulla Clare Mc Grath Patrick Glendree Tulla Clare Mc Grath Patrick Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Mc Grath Stephen Ballyblood Tulla Clare Mc Grath Stephen Lissofin Tulla Clare Mc Grath Thomas Ballyblood Tulla Clare Mc Inerney Daniel Drumcharley Tulla Clare Mc Inerney Ignatius Cloondoorney More Tulla Clare Mc Inerney James Cloghaun Tulla Clare Mc Inerney John Lissofin Tulla Clare Mc Inerney Michael Derrymore, East Tulla Clare Mc Inerney Michael Lissofin Tulla Clare Mc Inerney Thomas Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Mc Inerny John Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Mc Inerny Michael Derryulk Lower Tulla Clare Mc Inertney James Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Mc Inertney Thaddeus Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Mc Kee Darby Rosslare Tulla Clare Mc Kee Patrick Knockdoocunna Tulla Clare Mc Mahon John Ballyblood Tulla Clare Mc Mahon John Glendree Tulla Clare Mc Mahon John Gorteennaguppoge Tulla Clare Mc Mahon Margaret Cutteen Beg Tulla Clare Mc Mahon Michael Affick Tulla Clare Mc Mahon Michael Cutteen Beg Tulla Clare Mc Mahon Michael Derrymore West Tulla Clare Mc Mahon Michael Glendree Tulla Clare Mc Mahon Patrick Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Mc Mahon Patrick Town of Tulla Market Land and Fair Hill Tulla Clare Mc Namara Andrew Glendree Tulla Clare Mc Namara Andrew Uggoon Upper Tulla Clare Mc Namara Aw. Glendree Tulla Clare Mc Namara Bridget Glendree Tulla Clare Mc Namara Bridget Town of Tulla Market Land and Fair Hill Tulla Clare Mc Namara Daniel Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Mc Namara Denis Gorteennaguppoge Tulla Clare Mc Namara Hannah Derryulk Middle Tulla Clare Mc Namara James Derrymore, East Tulla Clare Mc Namara John Ballyoughtra (O'Callaghan) Tulla Clare Mc Namara John Ballyslattery or Newgrove Tulla Clare Mc Namara John Derryulk Middle Tulla Clare Mc Namara John Fortane Beg Tulla Clare Mc Namara John Kilmore Tulla Clare Mc Namara John Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Mc Namara John Town of Tulla School House Lane Tulla Clare Mc Namara Judith Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Mc Namara Matthew Lissofin Tulla Clare Mc Namara Matthew Tome Tulla Clare Mc Namara Matthew Uggoon Upper Tulla Clare Mc Namara Michael Fomerla Tulla Clare Mc Namara Michael Glendree Tulla Clare Mc Namara Michael Lissofin Tulla Clare Mc Namara Michael Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Mc Namara Patrick Cloondanagh Tulla Clare Mc Namara Patrick Derrymore, East Tulla Clare Mc Namara Patrick Glendree Tulla Clare Mc Namara Patrick Kilmore Tulla Clare Mc Namara Patrick Knockdoocunna Tulla Clare Mc Namara Patrick Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Mc Namara Patrick Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Mc Namara Thos. Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Mc Namara William Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Mc Namra Andrew Glendree Tulla Clare Mc Namra Michael Glendree Tulla Clare Mdc Namara William Cloondanagh Tulla Clare Meany James Affick Tulla Clare Meany Martin Glendree Tulla Clare Meany Patrick Affick Tulla Clare Meany Patrick Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Meehan Catherine Gorteennaguppoge Tulla Clare Meehan John Derrymore, East Tulla Clare Meehan John Derryulk Middle Tulla Clare Meehan Margaret Town of Tulla Church Road Tulla Clare Meehan Margaret Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Meehan Patrick Ballyblood Tulla Clare Meehan Patrick Moymore Tulla Clare Meehan Thomas Derryulk Middle Tulla Clare Melehan Daniel Affick Tulla Clare Melehan Thomas Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Minihan Thomas Lisduff Tulla Clare Minogue Michael Gorteennaguppoge Tulla Clare Molloy Catherine Ballyblood Tulla Clare Molloy Darby Cutteen More Tulla Clare Molloy Jeremiah Loughaun South Tulla Clare Molloy Patrick Ballyblood Tulla Clare Molloy Thomas Rannagh Tulla Clare Moloney Daniel Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Moloney Ellen Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Moloney Michael Fortane More Tulla Clare Moloney Michael Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Moloney Michael Town of Tulla Market Land and Fair Hill Tulla Clare Moloney Michael Town of Tulla New Road Tulla Clare Molony Anne Cragg Tulla Clare Molony Anne Doonaun Tulla Clare Molony Anne Drummaghmartin Tulla Clare Molony Daniel Glendree Tulla Clare Molony Daniel Liscullaun Tulla Clare Molony Denis Cutteen Beg Tulla Clare Molony Denis Glendree Tulla Clare Molony James Annagh Tulla Clare Molony James Ballyoughtra Tulla Clare Molony James Bunavory Tulla Clare Molony James Cloonaleary Tulla Clare Molony James Cloondoorney More Tulla Clare Molony James Commons Tulla Clare Molony James Drumullan Tulla Clare Molony James Eyrehill Tulla Clare Molony James Kiltanon Tulla Clare Molony James Knockdrumleague Tulla Clare Molony James Liscullaun Tulla Clare Molony James Poulaforia Tulla Clare Molony James Rannagh Tulla Clare Molony James Tulla Tulla Clare Molony James, M.D. Derrykeadgran Tulla Clare Molony James, M.D. Tulla Tulla Clare Molony John Cragroe Tulla Clare Molony John Glendree Tulla Clare Molony John Lecarrow North Tulla Clare Molony John Uggoon Upper Tulla Clare Molony Mary Doonaun Tulla Clare Molony Miles Kilmore Tulla Clare Molony Miles Uggoon Upper Tulla Clare Molony Patrick Ballyoughtra Tulla Clare Molony Patrick Drumcharley Tulla Clare Molony Patrick Glendree Tulla Clare Molony Patrick Kilduff Upper Tulla Clare Molony Patrick Kilmore Tulla Clare Molony Patrick Town of Tulla Church Road Tulla Clare Molony Patrick Uggoon Lower Tulla Clare Molony William Fortane More Tulla Clare Molony William Garruragh Tulla Clare Moran James Doonaun Tulla Clare Moran James Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Moray Michael Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Moriarty Thomas Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Moroney James Lecarrow South Tulla Clare Moroney Patrick Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Morony Bryan Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Morony James Glendree Tulla Clare Morony John Knockdoocunna Tulla Clare Morony Michael Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Morony Patrick Lahardaun Tulla Clare Morony Patrick Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Morony Thomas Glendree Tulla Clare Mulconry Anne Affick Tulla Clare Mulconry James Ballyoughtra Tulla Clare Mulconry Margaret Ballyoughtra Tulla Clare Muleunry John Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Murdock William Cloondoorney Beg Tulla Clare Murphy Anthony Doonaun Tulla Clare Murphy Daniel Derrymore, East Tulla Clare Murphy Daniel Lahardaun Tulla Clare Murphy Denis Lahardaun Tulla Clare Murphy Ellen Furhee Tulla Clare Murphy Ellen Garruragh Tulla Clare Murphy Ellen Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Murphy Ellen Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Murphy Martin Lecarrow North Tulla Clare Murphy Michael, Sr. Lahardaun Tulla Clare Murphy Michl. Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Murphy Ml., Jr. Lahardaun Tulla Clare Murphy Patrick Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Murphy Peter Affick Tulla Clare Murphy Silvester Derrymore, East Tulla Clare Murphy Thaddeus Affick Tulla Clare Murphy Thaddeus Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Murphy Thomas Lahardaun Tulla Clare Nash John Glendree Tulla Clare Nash Patrick Cloondoorney More Tulla Clare Neilan Patrick Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Neilan Patrick Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Neill Daniel Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Neill John Furhee Tulla Clare Nelan Michael Garruragh Tulla Clare Nelson Patrick Derryulk Middle Tulla Clare Nihill Jane Town of Tulla Church Road Tulla Clare Nihill John, M.D. Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Nihill John, M.D. Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Nixon Andrew Cloonaleary Tulla Clare Nixon Catherine Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Nixon Catherine, Jr. Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Nixon James Cragroe Tulla Clare Nixon James Doonaun Tulla Clare Nixon James, Jr. Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Nixon James, Jr. Tulla Tulla Clare Nixon James, Sr. Tulla Tulla Clare Noonan Patrick Glendree Tulla Clare O'Brien Bridget Knockdoocunna Tulla Clare O'Brien Eliza Tulla Tulla Clare O'Brien John Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare O'Brien John Tulla Tulla Clare O'Brien Patrick Derryulk Upper Tulla Clare O'Brien William Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare O'Brien William Town of Tulla New Road Tulla Clare O'Callaghan Capt. John Craggaunkeel Tulla Clare O'Callaghan Capt. John Tulla Tulla Clare O'Callaghan Chas. G. Commons Tulla Clare O'Callaghan Chas. G. Kilboggoon Tulla Clare O'Callaghan Chas. Geo. Garruragh Tulla Clare O'Callaghan John Fortane Beg Tulla Clare O'Callaghan John Maryfort or Lismeehan Tulla Clare O'Connell Maurice Knockdoocunna Tulla Clare O'Connell Maurice Lecarrow North Tulla Clare O'Connell Maurice Tome Tulla Clare O'Dea John Ballyoughtra Tulla Clare O'Dea Judith Drumcharley Tulla Clare O'Dea Michael Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare O'Donnell Michael Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare O'Donnell Patrick Tome Tulla Clare O'Driscoll Richard Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare O'Dwyer John Moymore Tulla Clare O'Grady Patrick Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare O'Halloran James Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare O'Halloran Michael Town of Tulla Church Road Tulla Clare O'Halloran Michael Tulla Tulla Clare O'Hara Catherine Glendree Tulla Clare O'Loughlin John Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare O'Neill Jas. Town of Tulla Church Road Tulla Clare O'Neill John Rannagh Tulla Clare O'Neill John Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare O'Neill Owen Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare O'Neill Owen Town of Tulla Church Road Tulla Clare O'Neill Thomas Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare O'Regan William Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare O'Reilly Rev. Edw. J. Lisduff Tulla Clare O'Shea James Affick Tulla Clare Pepper John Ardbooly Lower Tulla Clare Pepper John Kilduff Lower Tulla Clare Pepper John Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Pepper John Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Perry John Fomerla Tulla Clare Pitcairn Mary J. Cloondanagh Tulla Clare Powel Martin Affick Tulla Clare Powell Bridget Knockadoon Tulla Clare Powell Bridget Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Powell Christopher Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Powell Martin Affick Tulla Clare Powell Patrick Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Powell Peter Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Powell Thomas Garruragh Tulla Clare Powell Thomas Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Powell Thomas Tulla Tulla Clare Purcell Denis Town of Tulla Church Road Tulla Clare Quigley Michael Affick Tulla Clare Quigley Patrick Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Quigly Hugh Affick Tulla Clare Quigly Michl. Affick Tulla Clare Quigny Thomas Town of Tulla Market Land and Fair Hill Tulla Clare Quinlivan Dominick Cutteen Beg Tulla Clare Quinlivan Dominick Cutteen More Tulla Clare Quinlivan James Lahardaun Tulla Clare Quinlivan James Liscullaun Tulla Clare Quinlivan James Lissofin Tulla Clare Quinlivan Jas. Garruragh Tulla Clare Quinlivan Michael Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Quinlivan Michael Town of Tulla Market Land and Fair Hill Tulla Clare Quinlivan Thomas Liscullaun Tulla Clare Ready Bartholomew Garruragh Tulla Clare Ready James Affick Tulla Clare Ready John Maryfort or Lismeehan Tulla Clare Reddan Catherine Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Reddan Cornlius Rannagh Tulla Clare Reddan Daniel Ballyblood Tulla Clare Reddan Denis Ballyblood Tulla Clare Reddan John Knockadoon Tulla Clare Reddan John Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Reidy Bartholomew Ballyslattery or Newgrove Tulla Clare Reidy Patrick Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Roach John Milltown Tulla Clare Robb James Kiltanon Tulla Clare Rochford David Fortane Beg Tulla Clare Rochford John Fortane More Tulla Clare Rochford John Lisduff Tulla Clare Rochford John Rannagh Tulla Clare Rochford John Tome Tulla Clare Rochford Michael Kilboggoon Tulla Clare Rogers John Ballyoughtra (O'Callaghan) Tulla Clare Rogers Michael Glendree Tulla Clare Rooney Cornelius Doonaun Tulla Clare Roughan John Town of Tulla Church Road Tulla Clare Roughan Martin Ballyblood Tulla Clare Roughan Michael Cragg Tulla Clare Russell Bridget Uggoon Upper Tulla Clare Russell John Uggoon Upper Tulla Clare Russell Kate Ballyoughtra Tulla Clare Ryan Anne Cragroe Tulla Clare Ryan Bridget Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Ryan Catherine Liscullaun Tulla Clare Ryan Catherine Lisduff Tulla Clare Ryan Denis Derryulk Middle Tulla Clare Ryan Denis Kilduff Upper Tulla Clare Ryan Margaret Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Ryan Mary Cutteen More Tulla Clare Ryan Michael Fortane More Tulla Clare Ryan Miles Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Ryan Richard Lisduff Tulla Clare Ryan Richard Rannagh Tulla Clare Ryan Roger Derryulk Middle Tulla Clare Scanlan Patrick Rosslare Tulla Clare Scanlan William Bunavory Tulla Clare Scanlan William Craggaunkeel Tulla Clare Scanlan William Cragroe Tulla Clare Scanlan William Tulla Tulla Clare Scanlon Edmond Lecarrow North Tulla Clare Scanlon William Knockdrumleague Tulla Clare Scanlon William Poulaforia Tulla Clare Shank Stephen Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Shea James Affick Tulla Clare Sheedy Mary Craggaunkeel Tulla Clare Sheehy Rev. Patk. Liscullaun Tulla Clare Sheehy Rev. Patk. Lisduff Tulla Clare Sheehy Rev. Patk. Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Sheelian John Gorteennaguppoge Tulla Clare Shinners Patrick Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Shinners Patrick Town of Tulla Market Land and Fair Hill Tulla Clare Sinclair Peter Derryulk Upper Tulla Clare Sinclair Peter Kilduff Lower Tulla Clare Sinclair Peter Kilduff Middle Tulla Clare Sinclair Peter Kilduff Upper Tulla Clare Slattery Denis Fortane Beg Tulla Clare Slattery John Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Slattery Michael Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Slattery Roger Liscullaun Tulla Clare Spaight Henry Affick Tulla Clare Spaight Henry Knockdrumleague Tulla Clare Spaight Henry Rine Tulla Clare Stanner Thomas Fortane Beg Tulla Clare Stanton Mary Town of Tulla Church Road Tulla Clare Stephens Thaddeus Ballyblood Tulla Clare Sullivan Denis Kilmore Tulla Clare Sullivan John Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Sullivan John Town of Tulla Market Land and Fair Hill Tulla Clare Sullivan John Tulla Tulla Clare Sullivan Martin Cragroe Tulla Clare Sullivan Michael Knockdoocunna Tulla Clare Sullivan Michael Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Sullivan Michael Town of Tulla Market Land and Fair Hill Tulla Clare Sullivan Patrick Doonaun Tulla Clare Sullivan Patrick Garruragh Tulla Clare Sullivan Patrick Town of Tulla Church Road Tulla Clare Sullivan Patrick Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Taylor Denis Town of Tulla Church Road Tulla Clare Toomy Michael Liscullaun Tulla Clare Toomy Thomas Liscullaun Tulla Clare Torpy John Affick Tulla Clare Torpy Thaddeus Affick Tulla Clare Torpy Thaddues Affick Tulla Clare Torpy Thomas Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Toughy Patrick Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Tuohy Jeremiah Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Vaughan James Town of Tulla Church Road Tulla Clare Verlin Eliza Cloondanagh Tulla Clare Wade Robert Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Walker Thomas Fortane Beg Tulla Clare Walker Thomas Lecarrow North Tulla Clare Walker Thomas Maryfort or Lismeehan Tulla Clare Wallace Edward Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Walsh Bridget Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Walsh Michael Milltown Tulla Clare Walsh Michael Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Walsh Thaddeus Kilduff Upper Tulla Clare Walsh Thomas Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Watson William Cloghaun Tulla Clare Watson William Knockadoon Tulla Clare Watson William Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare Watson William Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Westropp Robert Fortane Beg Tulla Clare Westropp Thomas Town of Tulla Market Land and Fair Hill Tulla Clare Whelan Hannah Town of Tulla School House Lane Tulla Clare Whelan James Ballyslattery or Newgrove Tulla Clare Whelan James Tyredagh Upper Tulla Clare Whelan John Town of Tulla Market Land and Fair Hill Tulla Clare White Mary Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare White Patrick Rosslare Tulla Clare White Thomas Town of Tulla Main Street Tulla Clare White Thomas Town of Tulla Market Land and Fair Hill Tulla Clare White Thomas Tulla Tulla Clare Willis Margaret Town of Tulla Chapel Street Tulla Clare Woods John Glendree Tulla Clare Wyndham Col. Geo. Ballyblood Tulla Clare Wyndham Col. George Derrymore West Tulla Clare