Fáilte Romhat
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Ahern Catherine Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Ahern Jeremiah Lisheens Athnowen Cork Ahern John Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Allen Rep. Kyrle Clashanure Athnowen Cork Barrett James Lackenmareague Athnowen Cork Barry James Grange Athnowen Cork Brien James Castleinch Athnowen Cork Buckley Anne Lisheens Athnowen Cork Buckly Cornelius Lackenmareague Athnowen Cork Butler Mary Grange Athnowen Cork Cagney Joseph Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Cagney Matthew Barnagore Athnowen Cork Callaghan Denis Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Callaghan Denis Lackenmareague Athnowen Cork Callaghan Edward Barnagore Athnowen Cork Callaghan Honoria Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Callaghan Patrick Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Callaghan Timothy Lisheens Athnowen Cork Callaghan William Barnagore Athnowen Cork Callaghan William Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Callahan Patrick Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Callanane Johanna Lackenmareague Athnowen Cork Cantton Edward Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Carbery Lady ??? Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Coghlan Jeremaih Walshestown Athnowen Cork Coleman Denis Dan Walshestown Athnowen Cork Coleman Denis Daniel Walshestown Athnowen Cork Coleman Denis Tim Walshestown Athnowen Cork Coleman Ellen Walshestown Athnowen Cork Coleman Mary Walshestown Athnowen Cork Coleman Michael Walshestown Athnowen Cork Collins William Mullaghroe Athnowen Cork Connell Mary Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Connor Jeremiah Castleinch Athnowen Cork Constable Rev. W. Grange Athnowen Cork Contillon Matthew Lackenmareague Athnowen Cork Conway John Grange Athnowen Cork Cooney Patrick Barnagore Athnowen Cork Corcoran Johanna Mullaghroe Athnowen Cork Corcoran Michael Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Corcoran Timothy Barnagore Athnowen Cork Crean John Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Crean Timothy Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Crowley John Barnagore Athnowen Cork Crowley Patrick Grange Athnowen Cork Cullanane Johanna Lackenmareague Athnowen Cork Cunningham John Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Curtis Henry Grange Athnowen Cork Curtis Henry Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Delany John Lackenmareague Athnowen Cork Delea Michael Grange Athnowen Cork Desmond Johanna Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Donovan Richard Barnagore Athnowen Cork Donovan Richard Lisheens Athnowen Cork Downey Johanna Walshestown Athnowen Cork Downey Julia Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Driscoll Cornelius Grange Athnowen Cork Duane Daniel Lisheens Athnowen Cork Duggan John Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Finn Patrick Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Flanagan Daniel Classes Athnowen Cork Ford Johanna Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Galvin Catherine Classes Athnowen Cork Galvin Cornelius Lackenmareague Athnowen Cork Geary Thomas Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Gehin Patrick Grange Athnowen Cork Golden James Walshestown Athnowen Cork Hallaghan William Classes Athnowen Cork Hallney William Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Hawkes John Grange Athnowen Cork Hawkes Quaile Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Hawkes Samuel Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Hayes James Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Healy Andrew Walshestown Athnowen Cork Healy Daniel Castleinch Athnowen Cork Healy Denis Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Healy John Walshestown Athnowen Cork Healy John, Jr. Walshestown Athnowen Cork Healy John, Sr. Walshestown Athnowen Cork Healy Maurice Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Healy Patrick Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Hegarty Cain Barnagore Athnowen Cork Hegarty Ellen Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Hegarty John Lackenmareague Athnowen Cork Hegarty Michael Castleinch Athnowen Cork Hegarty Peter Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Hegearty John Lackenareague Athnowen Cork Hennessy Mary Clashanure Athnowen Cork Herlihy Denis Castleinch Athnowen Cork Herlihy John Mullaghroe Athnowen Cork Horgan Jeremiah Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Horigan Denis Lisheens Athnowen Cork Horrigan Matthew Barnagore Athnowen Cork Hurlihy Daniel Castleinch Athnowen Cork Hurly Florence Lackenmareague Athnowen Cork Huxley Elizabeth Barnagore Athnowen Cork Kean Samuel Classes Athnowen Cork Keane Jeremiah Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Keely Denis Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Keily Denis Lackenmareague Athnowen Cork Keleher Cornelius Castleinch Athnowen Cork Keleher Cornelius Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Keleher Cornelius Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Keleher Daniel Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Keleher Daniel Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Kelly Daniel Grange Athnowen Cork Kidney Cornelius Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Kidney Mary Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Lane John Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Lane Judith Walshestown Athnowen Cork Leany Daniel Lisheens Athnowen Cork Leary Charles Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Leary Cornelius Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Leary Daniel Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Leary Daniel Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Leary Denis Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Leary Denis Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Leary Ellen Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Leary Jeremiah Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Leary Johanna Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Leary Patrick Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Leary Peter Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Leary Timothy Clashanure Athnowen Cork Lee Honora Walshestown Athnowen Cork Lehane Denis Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Lombard Rev. Edward Carrigane Athnowen Cork Lombard Rev. Edward Grange Athnowen Cork Lombard Rev. Edward Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Long Daniel Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Long Jeremiah Castleinch Athnowen Cork Lynch Patrick Knockanemore Athnowen Cork M'Carthy Denis Clashanure Athnowen Cork M'Carthy Owen Knockanemore Athnowen Cork M'Carthy Samuel Castleinch Athnowen Cork M'Carthy Samuel Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork M'Carthy Samuel Lackenmareague Athnowen Cork M'Sweeny Jeremiah Barnagore Athnowen Cork M'Sweeny Jeremiah Carrigane Athnowen Cork Madden Roger Grange Athnowen Cork Magnor John Grange Athnowen Cork Mahony Anne Castleinch Athnowen Cork Mahony Cornelius Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Mahony Cornelius Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Mahony Daniel Castleinch Athnowen Cork Mahony Denis Grange Athnowen Cork Mahony Florence Mullaghroe Athnowen Cork Mahony James Lisheens Athnowen Cork Mahony Jeremiah Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Mahony Jeremiah Grange Athnowen Cork Mahony Jeremiah Lisheens Athnowen Cork Mahony John Barnagore Athnowen Cork Mahony John Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Mahony Patrick Grange Athnowen Cork Mahony Timothy Grange Athnowen Cork Manning Matthew Barnagore Athnowen Cork Martin James Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Martin John Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Molony James Lackenmareague Athnowen Cork Molony Samuel Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Morgan Thomas Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Mullane Denis Mullaghroe Athnowen Cork Mullane Thaddeus Clashanure Athnowen Cork Mullane Timothy Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Murphy Barth. Martin Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Murphy Daniel Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Murphy Daniel Lackenmareague Athnowen Cork Murphy Daniel Mullaghroe Athnowen Cork Murphy Denis Classes Athnowen Cork Murphy Denis Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Murphy Denis Mullaghroe Athnowen Cork Murphy Edmond Barnagore Athnowen Cork Murphy Jeremiah Castleinch Athnowen Cork Murphy Jeremiah Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Murphy Jeremiah Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Murphy Jeremiah M. Mullaghroe Athnowen Cork Murphy Jeremiah, Jr. Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Murphy John Classes Athnowen Cork Murphy John Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Murphy John Lisheens Athnowen Cork Murphy Martin Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Murphy Michael Barnagore Athnowen Cork Murphy Michael Classes Athnowen Cork Murphy Michael Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Murphy Michael Walshestown Athnowen Cork Murphy Michael, Jr. Barnagore Athnowen Cork Murphy Patrick Mullaghroe Athnowen Cork Murphy Timothy Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Murphy Timothy Mullaghroe Athnowen Cork Noonan Denis Lisheens Athnowen Cork Noonan Michael Barnagore Athnowen Cork O'Callaghan William Classes Athnowen Cork O'Connell Maurice Barnagore Athnowen Cork O'Donovan Richard Grange Athnowen Cork Patterson Mary Mullaghroe Athnowen Cork Reed Henry Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Reed John Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Ring Michael Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Riordan James Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Roche John Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Roundtree Denis Lisheens Athnowen Cork Sheehan Daniel Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Sheehan James Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Sheehan John Clashanure Athnowen Cork Sheehan John Lackenmareague Athnowen Cork Smith Henry Lisheens Athnowen Cork Sullivan Catherine Castleinch Athnowen Cork Sullivan Daniel Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Sullivan Denis Classes Athnowen Cork Sullivan Denis Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Sullivan Ellen Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Sullivan John Castleinch Athnowen Cork Sullivan John Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Sullivan Maurice Classes Athnowen Cork Sullivan Michael Barnagore Athnowen Cork Sweeney Denis Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork Sweeney Ellen Barnagore Athnowen Cork Sweeney Owen Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Toohig Dniel Barnagore Athnowen Cork Toomey Denis Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Toomey Laurence Grange Athnowen Cork Toomy Daniel Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Wagner Cornelius Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Wagner John Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Walsh Edmond Castleinch Athnowen Cork Walsh Edmond Knockanemore Athnowen Cork Walsh Patrick Grange Athnowen Cork Walsh Sir John Grange Athnowen Cork Weir Henry Curraghbeg Athnowen Cork White Johanna Barnagore Athnowen Cork White Margaret Knockanemore Athnowen Cork White Maurice Knockanemore Athnowen Cork