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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Caherlag, County Cork
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Caherlag, County Cork
Abbott Margaret Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Abbott William Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Ahern Michael Killahora Caherlag Cork Ahern Michael Lackenroe Village of New Glanmire Caherlag Cork Ahern Richard Lackenroe Village of New Glanmire Caherlag Cork Aherne Daniel Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Aherne Daniel Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Aherne Ellen Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Aherne John Rowcarrane Caherlag Cork Barrett David Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Barrett Michael Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Barry Catherine Rowcarrane Caherlag Cork Barry James Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Barry James Ballynagarbragh Caherlag Cork Barry John Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Barry William Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Barton John Rowcarrane Caherlag Cork Beer George Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Bell Charles Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Bell Ellen Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Boyce Mary Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Brickley Thomas Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Brien James Killahora Caherlag Cork Brien John Ballynagarbragh Caherlag Cork Brien William Ballynagarbragh Caherlag Cork Buckley Patrick Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Bury Eliza Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Bury Rev. Robert Killahora Caherlag Cork Bury Rev. Robert Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Byrne Ellen Lackenroe Village of New Glanmire Caherlag Cork Carnegie James Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Carnegie James, Jr. Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Carnegie Thomas R. Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Casey Edmond Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Casey Jeremiah Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Casey Thomas Rowcarrane Caherlag Cork Cashman Ellen Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Cashman James Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Cashman John Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Cashman Michael Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Cashman William Rowcarrane Caherlag Cork Coaly David Killahora Caherlag Cork Coffey Jeremiah Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Coghlan Rev. C. L. Lackenroe Village of New Glanmire Caherlag Cork Colbert Patrick Lackenroe Village of New Glanmire Caherlag Cork Coleman Patrick Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Collins Jeremiah Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Connor Jeremiah Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Corcoran Philip Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Cornegie James Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Cotter Edmund Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Cotter John Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Cotter Lawrence Vill of New Glanmire,Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Cotter Michael Vill of New Glanmire,Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Cotter Patrick Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Cotter Richard Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Cotter Thomas Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Crowly Charles Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Cummins James Killacloyne Caherlag Cork Cummins Nicholas M. Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Cummins Nicholas M. Lackenroe Village of New Glanmire Caherlag Cork Cummons Nicholas M. Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Curtin Bartholomew Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Daly Bridget Lackenroe Village of New Glanmire Caherlag Cork Daly Edward Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Daly Edward Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Dargan Mary Vill of New Glanmire,Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Deasy Cornelius Killacloyne Caherlag Cork Deasy Denis Rowcarrane Caherlag Cork Deasy John Killacloyne Caherlag Cork Deasy John Rowcarrane Caherlag Cork Dempsey Daniel Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Desmond Mary Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Donovan Patrick Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Donovan Peter Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Donovan William Killahora Caherlag Cork Donovan William Rowcarrane Caherlag Cork Dorgan John Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Dorgan John Rowcarrane Caherlag Cork Dring Simon Ballyhennick Caherlag Cork Dring Simon Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Dring William Ballynagarbragh Caherlag Cork Driscoll Denis Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Driscoll Michael Killahora Caherlag Cork Falvey Daniel Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Falvey Denis Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Falvey John Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Fenton John Killacloyne Caherlag Cork Fenton Michael Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Fenton Patrick Killacloyne Caherlag Cork Finnessy John Killahora Caherlag Cork Fitzgerald Michael Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Fitzgerald Richard Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Fitzgibbon John Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Flynn David Ballynaroon Caherlag Cork Flynn John Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Flynn Margaret Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Flynn Thomas Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Foley Michael Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Foley Stephen Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Foley William Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Forrest Bartholomew Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Forrest Thomas Ballynaroon Caherlag Cork Freeman Thomas Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Galvin Thomas Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Geaney Patrick Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Geary Thomas Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Gibbings John T. C. Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Gillespie Lucy Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Gould Thomas Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Greany Michael Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Griffin James Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Griffin Michael Ballynaroon Caherlag Cork Grogan Joseph Ballynaroon Caherlag Cork Grogan Joseph Lackenroe Village of New Glanmire Caherlag Cork Hannan Nora Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Harrington William Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Hart James Rowcarrane Caherlag Cork Hawkins Thomas Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Healy Andrew Lackenroe Village of New Glanmire Caherlag Cork Healy John Rowcarrane Caherlag Cork Healy Michael Killacloyne Caherlag Cork Hickey James Vill of New Glanmire,Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Hill John Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Hogan John Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Horgan Edward Killahora Caherlag Cork Howard David Killacloyne Caherlag Cork Hudh Ellen Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Hyde Thomas Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Isaack Richard B. Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Joyce David Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Keeffe Thomas Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Kenny Michael Killahora Caherlag Cork Kidney John Killacloyne Caherlag Cork Kinealy Bartholomew Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Kinealy John Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Kinealy Matthew Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Kinnelly John Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Kirby James Killacloyne Caherlag Cork Kirby John Killacloyne Caherlag Cork Lane Alexander W. Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Lane Denny Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Lane Edward Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Larrymore William Killahora Caherlag Cork Legg Wiliam Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Lenihan David Killahora Caherlag Cork Lenihan Denis Lackenroe Village of New Glanmire Caherlag Cork Lichfield William Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Lichfield William Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Looney Daniel Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Mahigan John Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Mahony John Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Mahony Thaddeus Killahora Caherlag Cork Mannix Ellen Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Mannix Henry Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Mannix Henry Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Mannix Henry Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Mannix John Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Mannix Patrick Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Martin John Killahora Caherlag Cork Martin Joseph Killahora Caherlag Cork Martin Thomas Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Martin Thomas Killahora Caherlag Cork Mathews Andrew Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Mc Carthy Charles Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Mc Carthy Charles Rowcarrane Caherlag Cork Mc Carthy Elizabeth Lackenroe Village of New Glanmire Caherlag Cork Mc Carthy Mary Rowcarrane Caherlag Cork Mc Carthy Michael Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Mc Carthy Thaddeus Rowcarrane Caherlag Cork Mc Caul Eliza Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Mc Grath Mary, Jr. Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Moore Ellen Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Moore Margaret Rowcarrane Caherlag Cork Morris Capt. Jonas Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Morris Jonas Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Morrissey Patrick Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Mulcahy Cornelius Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Mullins Timothy Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Murphy Cornelius Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Murphy Denis Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Murphy Edmund Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Murphy Edmund Killahora Caherlag Cork Murphy Nicholas Killahora Caherlag Cork Murphy Thomas Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Murphy Thomas Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Murphy Thomas Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Neil Michael Killahora Caherlag Cork Neill Michael Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Newsom Edward Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork O'Connor Rep. Wm. Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Oliver Sliver C. Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Pigot David Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Prendergast Patrick Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Punch James Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Quirk Patrick Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Reardon James Ballyhennick Caherlag Cork Reardon Patrick Vill of New Glanmire,Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Reardon William Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Ringstone Timothy Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Riordan Denis Lackenroe Village of New Glanmire Caherlag Cork Riordan Michael Rowcarrane Caherlag Cork Roirdan John Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Roirdan Margaret Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Roirdan Patrick Ballynaroon Caherlag Cork Roirdan William Ballynaroon Caherlag Cork Sandes Anna Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Savage John Killahora Caherlag Cork Sexton Patrick Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Sexton Thomas Rowcarrane Caherlag Cork Shee Ellen Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Sheehan Denis Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Sheehan Henry Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Sheehan John Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Sheridan Garret Killahora Caherlag Cork Sheridan Mary Ballinglanna Caherlag Cork Sheridan William Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Stuart Capt. Thomas, R.N. Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Taffe Henry William Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Tivey Philip R. Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Tuomy Daniel Rowcarrane Caherlag Cork Tuomy Ellen Killacloyne Caherlag Cork Tuomy William Killacloyne Caherlag Cork Twomey Timothy Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Wakeham William J. Killahora Caherlag Cork Walsh Edward Kilcoolishal Caherlag Cork Walsh Eliza Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Walsh William Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Warren Cornelius Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Warren James Lackenroe Caherlag Cork Warren Johanna Killahora Caherlag Cork Watts Bridget Dunkettle Caherlag Cork Welland Cahrles W. Ballynaroon Caherlag Cork