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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Carrigtohill, County Cork
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Carrigtohill, County Cork
Ahern Cornelius Ballyadam Carrigtohill Cork Ahern Daniel Lackenbehy Carrigtohill Cork Ahern David Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Ahern Garret Barryscourt Carrigtohill Cork Ahern James Barryscourt-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Ahern John Anngrove Carrigtohill Cork Ahern John Barryscourt Carrigtohill Cork Ahern John Chapel-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Ahern John Garrancloyne Carrigtohill Cork Ahern Mary Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Ahern Mary Water Rock Carrigtohill Cork Ahern Michael Barryscourt Carrigtohill Cork Ahern Michael Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Ahern Michael Tibbotstown Carrigtohill Cork Ahern Patrick Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Alpin Thomas Ballycurreen Carrigtohill Cork Arnold John Longstone Carrigtohill Cork Barrett Patrick Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Barry David Ballyleary Carrigtohill Cork Barry David Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Barry David Gortnamucky Carrigtohill Cork Barry David Lackenbehy Carrigtohill Cork Barry David Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Barry Edmund Ballynabointra Carrigtohill Cork Barry Edmund Lysaghtstown Carrigtohill Cork Barry Garret Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Barry Garret Fahydorgan Carrigtohill Cork Barry Garret Gortnamucky Carrigtohill Cork Barry Garret Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Barry Garrett Barryscourt Carrigtohill Cork Barry Henry Ballyadam Carrigtohill Cork Barry Henry Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Barry Henry Gortagousta Carrigtohill Cork Barry Henry Tullagreen Carrigtohill Cork Barry James Ballyadam Carrigtohill Cork Barry James Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Barry James Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Barry James, Jr. Garranes Carrigtohill Cork Barry James, Sr. Garranes Carrigtohill Cork Barry John Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Barry John Ballyleary Carrigtohill Cork Barry John Ballyrichardmore Carrigtohill Cork Barry John Carrigane Carrigtohill Cork Barry John Gortnamucky Carrigtohill Cork Barry John Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Barry John Water Rock Carrigtohill Cork Barry Michael Ballynabointra Carrigtohill Cork Barry Michael Carrigane Carrigtohill Cork Barry Michael Killacloyne Carrigtohill Cork Barry Michael, Jr. Lackenbehy Carrigtohill Cork Barry Michael, Sr. Lackenbehy Carrigtohill Cork Barry Patrick Gortnamucky Carrigtohill Cork Barry Patrick Water Rock Carrigtohill Cork Barry Richard Gortnamucky Carrigtohill Cork Barry Richard Johnstown Carrigtohill Cork Barry Thomas Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Barry Thomas Poulaniska Carrigtohill Cork Barry Thomas Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Barry William Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Barry William Chapel-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Barry William Garranes Carrigtohill Cork Barry William Water Rock Carrigtohill Cork Bourke William Burges Land Carrigtohill Cork Bray John Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Bray John Chapel-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Bray John Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Bray Maurice Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Brien Cornelius Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Brien Mary Carhoo Carrigtohill Cork Brien Michael Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Brien Richard Water Rock Carrigtohill Cork Brien Timothy Chapel-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Broderick Jeremiah Lysaghtstown Carrigtohill Cork Buchannon Catherine Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Buckley Denis Water Rock Carrigtohill Cork Buckley James Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Buckley Jeremiah Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Buckley John Barryscourt Carrigtohill Cork Buckley Mary Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Buckley William Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Buckley William Clyduff Carrigtohill Cork Buckley William Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Burke Abigail Labaun Carrigtohill Cork Burke David Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Burke James Ballyregan Carrigtohill Cork Burke Johanna Chapel-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Burke Mary Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Burke Patrick Burges Land Carrigtohill Cork Burke Patrick Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Burke Thomas Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Burke William Ballyregan Carrigtohill Cork Bury Rev. Robert Johnstown Carrigtohill Cork Butler Ellen Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Cahill Daniel Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Callaghan John Johnstown Carrigtohill Cork Callaghan Michael Ballycurreen Carrigtohill Cork Callaghan Timothy Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Canavan John Fahydorgan Carrigtohill Cork Carney Simon Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Carty John Fahydorgan Carrigtohill Cork Cashman Ellen Forest Town Carrigtohill Cork Cashman James Forest Town Carrigtohill Cork Cashman Jeremiah Forest Town Carrigtohill Cork Cashman Jeremiah Garranes Carrigtohill Cork Cashman John Burges Land Carrigtohill Cork Clancy Patrick Foaty Carrigtohill Cork Clancy Timothy Foaty Carrigtohill Cork Clarke John Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Clarke John Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Cleary William Woodstock Carrigtohill Cork Cody David Lysaghtstown Carrigtohill Cork Coghlan Bridget Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Coleman David Ballyregan Carrigtohill Cork Coleman John Ballyregan Carrigtohill Cork Collins Denis Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Collins Patrick Johnstown Carrigtohill Cork Collins Timothy Chapel-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Connell Jeremiah Ballynabointra Carrigtohill Cork Connell John Water Rock Carrigtohill Cork Connell Patrick Ballyregan Carrigtohill Cork Connell William Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Connor John Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Connor John Chapel-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Connors Catherine Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Conroy Johanna Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Coonahan Thomas Clyduff Carrigtohill Cork Coppinger William Barryscourt Carrigtohill Cork Corcoran Darby Curragh Carrigtohill Cork Costin Richard Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Cotreral Francis Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Cotter Anne Woodstock Carrigtohill Cork Cotter Bartholomew Ballynabointra Carrigtohill Cork Cotter Edmund Ballyrichardmore Carrigtohill Cork Cotter Edmund Barryscourt Carrigtohill Cork Cotter Edmund Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Cotter Edmund Garranes Carrigtohill Cork Cotter Edmund Woodstock Carrigtohill Cork Cotter Garret Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Cotter James Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Cotter John Ballycurreen Carrigtohill Cork Cotter John Brown Island Carrigtohill Cork Cotter John Island, East of Brown Island Carrigtohill Cork Cotter Laurence Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Cotter Mary Barryscourt-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Cotter Patrick Ballyregan Carrigtohill Cork Cotter Patrick Ballyrichardmore Carrigtohill Cork Cotter Thomas Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Cotter Thomas Carrigane Carrigtohill Cork Cotter William Ballyrichardmore Carrigtohill Cork Cottor Bartholomew Chapel-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Courtenay John Ballyrichardbeg Carrigtohill Cork Courtenay John Water Rock Carrigtohill Cork Courtney John Curragh Carrigtohill Cork Courtney John Johnstown Carrigtohill Cork Cramer John Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Cronin Timothy Chapel-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Cronin William Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Crotty John Foaty Carrigtohill Cork Crotty William Barryscourt Carrigtohill Cork Crowe Ellen Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Crowley Denis Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Crowley Thomas, Jr. Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Crowley William Barryscourt Carrigtohill Cork Cummins Nicholas M. Ballycurreen Carrigtohill Cork Daly Cornelius Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Daly Daniel Carrigane Carrigtohill Cork Daly Daniel Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Daly Daniel Tullagreen Carrigtohill Cork Daly Denis Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Daly Jeremiah Foaty Carrigtohill Cork Daly John Killacloyne Carrigtohill Cork Daly John Lackenbehy Carrigtohill Cork Daly Mary Carrigane Carrigtohill Cork Daly Norah Garranes Carrigtohill Cork Daly Patrick Garranes Carrigtohill Cork Daly Patrick Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Daly Thomas Lackenbehy Carrigtohill Cork Daly William Foaty Carrigtohill Cork Danahy Thadde Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Dargan James Gortnamucky Carrigtohill Cork Deasy Bridget Killacloyne Carrigtohill Cork Deasy Cornelius Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Deasy Cornelius Killacloyne Carrigtohill Cork Deasy John Killacloyne Carrigtohill Cork Delier Charles Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Desmond John Carrigane Carrigtohill Cork Desmond John Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Dinan Thomas Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Dinneen James Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Dinneen John Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Dinneen Michael Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Doherty Patrick Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Doherty Thomas Barryscourt Carrigtohill Cork Doherty Thomas Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Doherty Thomas Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Donohoe Denis Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Donohoe John Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Donovan Daniel Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Donovan Michael Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Donovan Thomas Ballycurreen Carrigtohill Cork Dooly Maurice Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Dooly William Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Dorgan Daniel Ballynabointra Carrigtohill Cork Dorgan David Ballynabointra Carrigtohill Cork Dowling William Woodstock Carrigtohill Cork Driscoll Daniel Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Driscoll James Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Driscoll John Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Dwyer John Ballyrichardmore Carrigtohill Cork Edwards Owen Ballycurreen Carrigtohill Cork Egan James Lysaghtstown Carrigtohill Cork F Eliza Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Fenton Edmund Woodstock Carrigtohill Cork Fenton John Killacloyne Carrigtohill Cork Fenton Margaret Poulaniska Carrigtohill Cork Fenton Patrick Killacloyne Carrigtohill Cork Finn Daniel Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Finn John Tibbotstown Carrigtohill Cork Finnessy Johanna Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Finton Jane Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Finton John Ballynabointra Carrigtohill Cork Fitzgerald Edmund Garranes Carrigtohill Cork Fitzgerald James Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Fitzgerald Jno. Woodstock Carrigtohill Cork Fitzgerald John Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Fitzgerald John Woodstock Carrigtohill Cork Fitzgerald Laurence Water Rock Carrigtohill Cork Fitzgerald Maurice Garranes Carrigtohill Cork Fitzgerald Thomas Woodstock Carrigtohill Cork Fitzgerald William Barryscourt-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Fitzgibbon Mary Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Flaherty Mary Chapel-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Flavin Patrick Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Flynn Catherine Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Flynn David Ballyregan Carrigtohill Cork Flynn David Springhill Carrigtohill Cork Flynn Eliza Ballyregan Carrigtohill Cork Flynn Johanna Ballyregan Carrigtohill Cork Flynn Michael Cloneen Carrigtohill Cork Flynn Patrick Foaty Carrigtohill Cork Flynn William Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Flynn William Tibbotstown Carrigtohill Cork Foley Daniel B. Ballycurreen Carrigtohill Cork Foley Ellen Ballyregan Carrigtohill Cork Foohy Jeremiah Barryscourt Carrigtohill Cork Foohy William Barryscourt Carrigtohill Cork Forrest John Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Forrest Richard Barryscourt-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Forrestal James Carrigane Carrigtohill Cork Freeman Rev. Christopher Johnstown Carrigtohill Cork Gaggin George Ballyrichardmore Carrigtohill Cork Gaggin Henry Ballyrichardmore Carrigtohill Cork Gaggin John Ballyrichardmore Carrigtohill Cork Gaggin Mary Foaty Carrigtohill Cork Geary John Carrigane Carrigtohill Cork Goulding Philip Garranes Carrigtohill Cork Grandon Rep. William Ballynabointra Carrigtohill Cork Grandon William Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Grogan Joseph Johnstown Carrigtohill Cork Grumbleton Richard Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Hannan James Barryscourt Carrigtohill Cork Hannan James Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Hartnett David Woodstock Carrigtohill Cork Harty James Tullagreen Carrigtohill Cork Harty Thomas Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Hayes Ellen Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Hayes Patrick Ballyadam Carrigtohill Cork Hayes Redmond Carrigane Carrigtohill Cork Healy Garret Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Healy Michael Killacloyne Carrigtohill Cork Healy Michael Springhill Carrigtohill Cork Healy Patrick Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Healy Patrick Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Hegarty Ellen Carrigane Carrigtohill Cork Hegarty John Ballyadam Carrigtohill Cork Hegarty John Ballycurreen Carrigtohill Cork Hegarty Michael Garranes Carrigtohill Cork Hennessy J. C. Chapel-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Hennessy J. C. Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Higgins David Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Higgins James Ballyregan Carrigtohill Cork Higgins James Lysaghtstown Carrigtohill Cork Higgins John Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Higgins John Lackenbehy Carrigtohill Cork Higgins John Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Higgins John Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Hogan John Killacloyne Carrigtohill Cork Holmes Henry Chapel-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Horrigan Bartholomew Ballyregan Carrigtohill Cork Horrigan John Ballyregan Carrigtohill Cork Horrigan John Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Hourigan Mary Ballyregan Carrigtohill Cork Howard Edmund Woodstock Carrigtohill Cork Howard James Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Howard Michael Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Howard Timothy Woodstock Carrigtohill Cork Hyde Garret Woodstock Carrigtohill Cork Hyde Honoria Woodstock Carrigtohill Cork Hyde John Barryscourt Carrigtohill Cork Hyde Philip Woodstock Carrigtohill Cork Keadaher John Ballyadam Carrigtohill Cork Kearns Cornelius Carrigane Carrigtohill Cork Kearns Jeremiah Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Keating Ellen Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Keeffe David Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Keeffe Jeremiah Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Keeffe John Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Keeffe John Woodstock Carrigtohill Cork Keeffe Laurence Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Keeffe Margaret Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Keeffe Mary Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Keeffe Mary Woodstock Carrigtohill Cork Keeffe Thomas Water Rock Carrigtohill Cork Keily John Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Kelcher Abigail Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Keleher John Carrigane Carrigtohill Cork Keleher Mary Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Keleher Michael Cloneen Carrigtohill Cork Keleher Thomas Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Keleher Thomas Lackenbehy Carrigtohill Cork Kelleher John Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Kelleher Margaret Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Kelly Patrick Garranes Carrigtohill Cork Kelly William Garranes Carrigtohill Cork Keneiry Michael Cloneen Carrigtohill Cork Kennagh William Water Rock Carrigtohill Cork Kennedy Michael Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Kerns John Clyduff Carrigtohill Cork Kidney David Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Kidney John Killacloyne Carrigtohill Cork Kinealy Denis Longstone Carrigtohill Cork Kirby Daniel Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Lane Timothy Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Lane Timothy Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Lawton David Carrigane Carrigtohill Cork Lawton James Carrigane Carrigtohill Cork Lawton Mary Anne Woodstock Carrigtohill Cork Lawton Michael Ballyrichardmore Carrigtohill Cork Lawton Michael Water Rock Carrigtohill Cork Lawton William Woodstock Carrigtohill Cork Leahy John Barryscourt-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Leahy John Woodstock Carrigtohill Cork Leahy Thomas Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Leahy Thomas Chapel-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Leary Arthur Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Leary Denis Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Leary Peter Garranes Carrigtohill Cork Lenihan Bartholomew Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Lenihan Denis Gortagousta Carrigtohill Cork Lenihan Denis Springhill Carrigtohill Cork Lenihan Thade Ballycurreen Carrigtohill Cork Lenihan William Ballyregan Carrigtohill Cork Lenihan William Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Leyhan John Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Lunham Robert Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Lunham Robert Cloneen Carrigtohill Cork Mahony Daniel Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Mahony Florence Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Mahony John Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Mahony Margaret Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Mahony Michael Ballynabointra Carrigtohill Cork Mahony Thade Ballyrichardmore Carrigtohill Cork Mahony Timothy Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Mahony William Ballyrichardmore Carrigtohill Cork Mahony William Gortagousta Carrigtohill Cork Malowney Denis Foaty Carrigtohill Cork Malowney John Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Mangan Patrick Lysaghtstown Carrigtohill Cork Mangan Thomas Ballyrichardbeg Carrigtohill Cork Manning John Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Mara Honoria Killacloyne Carrigtohill Cork Mara James Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Mara Mary Killacloyne Carrigtohill Cork Martin Hughes Anngrove Carrigtohill Cork Martin Hughes Carhoo Carrigtohill Cork Martin Hughes Forest Town Carrigtohill Cork Martin Hughes Garrancloyne Carrigtohill Cork Martin Hughes Killacloyne Carrigtohill Cork Martin Hughes Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Martin Hughes Tullagreen Carrigtohill Cork Martin John Cloneen Carrigtohill Cork Martin Joseph Cloneen Carrigtohill Cork Martin Robert Cloneen Carrigtohill Cork Martin Robert Tibbotstown Carrigtohill Cork Mc Auliffe Cornelius Ballyleary Carrigtohill Cork Mc Carthy Jeremiah Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Mc Carthy Jeremiah Chapel-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Mc Carthy Jeremiah Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Mc Carthy John Barryscourt Carrigtohill Cork Mc Carthy Maurice Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Mc Carthy Michael Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Mc Carthy Michael Barryscourt Carrigtohill Cork Mc Carthy Patrick Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Mc Grath Catherine Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Mc Grath Daniel Clyduff Carrigtohill Cork Mc Grath Jeremiah Water Rock Carrigtohill Cork Meade John Ballynabointra Carrigtohill Cork Meenahan Michael Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Meenahan William Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Menahan Thomas Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Moore Bartholomew Ballyrichardmore Carrigtohill Cork Moore James Ballyrichardmore Carrigtohill Cork Morey James Forest Town Carrigtohill Cork Morrissy David Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Morrisy John Garranes Carrigtohill Cork Moynahan Thomas Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Mulcahy David, Jr. Garranes Carrigtohill Cork Mulcahy David, Sr. Garranes Carrigtohill Cork Mulcahy John Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Mulcahy John Garranes Carrigtohill Cork Mulcahy John Gortnamucky Carrigtohill Cork Mulcvahy Patrick Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Murphy Bartholomew Johnstown Carrigtohill Cork Murphy Bridget Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Murphy Catherine Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Murphy Cornelius Ballycurreen Carrigtohill Cork Murphy Daniel Ballynabointra Carrigtohill Cork Murphy Daniel Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Murphy Ellen Johnstown Carrigtohill Cork Murphy Florence Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Murphy James Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Murphy James Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Murphy John Foaty Carrigtohill Cork Murphy John Johnstown Carrigtohill Cork Murphy Michael Barryscourt-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Murphy Michael Foaty Carrigtohill Cork Murphy Patrick Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Murphy Patrick Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Murphy Peter Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Murphy Timothy Foaty Carrigtohill Cork Murphy William Woodstock Carrigtohill Cork Murray Michael Water Rock Carrigtohill Cork Nagle Eliza Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Nagle Elizabeth Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Nagle John Barryscourt-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Nagle John Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Nagle John Fahydorgan Carrigtohill Cork Nagle Mary Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Nagle Mary Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Nagle Richard Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Neil James Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Neil Mary Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Neill Mary Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Nevil Patrick Barryscourt Carrigtohill Cork Ngle Eliza Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Noonan Denis Foaty Carrigtohill Cork O'Brien Rev. Daniel Main St. Carrigtohill Cork O'Hea Letitia Lysaghtstown Carrigtohill Cork Parker James Carrigane Carrigtohill Cork Power Edmond Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Power John Springhill Carrigtohill Cork Power Patrick Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Power Richard Barryscourt Carrigtohill Cork Price John Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Reilly David Carrigane Carrigtohill Cork Reilly Mary Ballynabointra Carrigtohill Cork Reilly William Ballynabointra Carrigtohill Cork Riordan John Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Riordan John Cloneen Carrigtohill Cork Riordan John Johnstown Carrigtohill Cork Riordan Michael Barryscourt-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Riordan Michael Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Riordan Thomas Barryscourt-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Riordan Timothy Ballynabointra Carrigtohill Cork Roche James Chapel-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Roche Maurice Burges Land Carrigtohill Cork Roche Patrick Burges Land Carrigtohill Cork Roche William Burges Land Carrigtohill Cork Rooney Edward Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Rooney Redmond Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Sarsfield Bingham Cloneen Carrigtohill Cork Saunders Rev. Wm. H. Ballyrichardmore Carrigtohill Cork Savage Michael Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Scannell Abigail Lysaghtstown Carrigtohill Cork Scannell Patrick Cloneen Carrigtohill Cork Scannell William Ballyadam Carrigtohill Cork Scully Anne Johnstown Carrigtohill Cork Sexton Ellen Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Sexton John Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Seymour Rev. Richard Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Shanahan Michael Foaty Carrigtohill Cork Shanahan Michael Lysaghtstown Carrigtohill Cork Shanahan Patrick Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Shanahan Timothy Ballyadam Carrigtohill Cork Shanahan Timothy Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Shea Edmund Woodstock Carrigtohill Cork Shea Margaret Woodstock Carrigtohill Cork Shea Michael Anngrove Carrigtohill Cork Shea Michael Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Shea Michael Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Shea Michael Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Shea William Ballyadam Carrigtohill Cork Sheehan James Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Sheehan Johanna Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Sheehan Maurice Ballycurreen Carrigtohill Cork Sheelian Michael Gortnamucky Carrigtohill Cork Sheridan Daniel Chapel-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Sheridan John Chapel-Lane Carrigtohill Cork Sheridan John Kilcurfin Glebe Carrigtohill Cork Sheridan Norah Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Sheridan Patrick Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Smith Barry James H. Foaty Carrigtohill Cork Stedman Patrick Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Sugrue Bartholomew Ballyrichardbeg Carrigtohill Cork Sullivan James Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Sullivan Margaret Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Sullivan Michael Carhoo Carrigtohill Cork Sweeny Timothy Burges Land Carrigtohill Cork Terry Patrick Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Tuomy Eliza Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Tuomy John Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Tuomy Michael Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Tuomy William Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Tuomy William Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Twomey James Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Twomy William Killacloyne Carrigtohill Cork Vereker Capt. J. Ballyregan Carrigtohill Cork Wakeham John Water Rock Carrigtohill Cork Wakeham Joseph Water Rock Carrigtohill Cork Wakeham Joseph B. Ballyregan Carrigtohill Cork Wakeham Joseph B. Springhill Carrigtohill Cork Wakeham William Water Rock Carrigtohill Cork Wakeham Wm. John Johnstown Carrigtohill Cork Wall Michael Curragh Carrigtohill Cork Wallace Edmund Ballynabointra Carrigtohill Cork Wallace John Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Wallace Mary Ballynabointra Carrigtohill Cork Wallace Michael Ballynabointra Carrigtohill Cork Wallace Winifred Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Walsh Edmund Ballinbrittig Carrigtohill Cork Walsh Eliza Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Walsh James Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Walsh James Main St. Carrigtohill Cork Walsh James Woodstock Carrigtohill Cork Walsh Johanna Burges Land Carrigtohill Cork Walsh Thomas Burges Land Carrigtohill Cork Walsh Thomas Carrigane Carrigtohill Cork Whelan Patrick Ballyleary Carrigtohill Cork Wilson Henry Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Wyse Francis Anngrove Carrigtohill Cork Wyse Francis Carrigtohill Carrigtohill Cork Wyse Francis Longstone Carrigtohill Cork Wyse Francis Terrtsland Carrigtohill Cork Wyse Francis Tibbotstown Carrigtohill Cork Wyse Francis Woodstock Carrigtohill Cork