Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Ahern Michael Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Annesly Lt. Gen. Arthur G. Annesgrove Castletownroche Cork Atkins John, Esq. Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Baker John Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Barrett Andrew Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Barry Christopher Sleemana Castletownroche Cork Barry David Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Barry Ellen Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Barry John Lougharuane Castletownroche Cork Barry Mary Old Doneraile Rd Castletownroche Cork Barry Patrick Garranachole Castletownroche Cork Barry Richard Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Barry Richard Main St Castletownroche Cork Barry Thomas New Road Castletownroche Cork Barry William Main St Castletownroche Cork Blake James Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Blake John Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Blake Martin Ballinaltig Beg Castletownroche Cork Blake Martin Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Boardman Denis Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Boardman John Lisnagoorneen Castletownroche Cork Brien Cornelius, Jr. Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Brien Cornelius, Sr. Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Brien Daniel Church Lane Castletownroche Cork Brien Edmund Lougharuane Castletownroche Cork Brien James Lougharuane Castletownroche Cork Brien James New Road Castletownroche Cork Brien John Lougharuane Castletownroche Cork Brien John Main St Castletownroche Cork Brien John Rathnacarton Castletownroche Cork Brien Michael Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Brien Patrick Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Brien William Main St Castletownroche Cork Brodrick J. New Road Castletownroche Cork Brodrick John New Road Castletownroche Cork Browne Margaret Main St Castletownroche Cork Browne Mary Lisnagoorneen Castletownroche Cork Browne Thomas Main St Castletownroche Cork Buckley Bridget Ballyveelick Castletownroche Cork Buckley Ellen Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Buckley James Main St Castletownroche Cork Buckley Maurice Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Buckley William Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Bullman Thomas Lisnagoorneen Castletownroche Cork Burke Judith Lisnagoorneen Castletownroche Cork Burns Patrick Ballyveelick Castletownroche Cork Butler Richard Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Butler William Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Callaghan Denis Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Callaghan Denis Lougharuane Castletownroche Cork Callaghan Edward Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Callaghan Jeremiah Ballygrillihan Castletownroche Cork Callaghan John Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Callaghan Richard Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Callaghan Richard Lougharuane Castletownroche Cork Carey Johanna Main St Castletownroche Cork Carey Johanna New Road Castletownroche Cork Carey William Sleemana Castletownroche Cork Carroll Andrew Main St Castletownroche Cork Carter John Main St Castletownroche Cork Carter William Main St Castletownroche Cork Chambers Thomas Parkacunna Castletownroche Cork Chambers William New Road Castletownroche Cork Clancy Edmund Old Doneraile Rd Castletownroche Cork Clancy Patrick Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Clancy Patrick Skenakilla Castletownroche Cork Clancy Thomas Rathnacarton Castletownroche Cork Clancy Timothy Sleemana Castletownroche Cork Clancy William Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Clarke Charles Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Clarke Ellen Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Coghlan John Ballyhimock Castletownroche Cork Collins Denis Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Collins Matthew Parkacunna Castletownroche Cork Collins Thomas Castlewidenham Castletownroche Cork Condon Mary Church Lane Castletownroche Cork Condon Mary Main St Castletownroche Cork Connell James Old Doneraile Rd Castletownroche Cork Connell Judith Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Connor Jeremiah Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Connor John Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Connor John Main St Castletownroche Cork Connor Michael Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Connor Michael Main St Castletownroche Cork Connor William Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Cooke Anne Main St Castletownroche Cork Corbett Thomas Skenakilla Castletownroche Cork Cotter James Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Cotter Patrick Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Cox James Ballygrillihan Castletownroche Cork Creagh G. W. B., Esq. Lougharuane Castletownroche Cork Creevy James Main St Castletownroche Cork Crimmins Michael Old Doneraile Rd Castletownroche Cork Crimmins Patrick Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Cronigan John Main St Castletownroche Cork Cronin Catherine Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Cudmore Christopher Main St Castletownroche Cork Curtin David Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Curtin Patrick Main St Castletownroche Cork Dalton Mary Lisnagoorneen Castletownroche Cork Daly Catherine New Road Castletownroche Cork Daly John Main St Castletownroche Cork Daly Timothy Sleemana Castletownroche Cork Daune Daniel Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Dawley David Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Dawley Richard Lisnagoorneen Castletownroche Cork Deady Thomas Ballygrillihan Castletownroche Cork Dennehy William Main St Castletownroche Cork Dingavin Michael Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Drake Richard Rathnacarton Castletownroche Cork Driscoll Daniel Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Driscoll Jeremiah Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Drishlane Daniel Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Drishlane David Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Drishlane Margaret Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Drishlane Mary Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Drishlane William Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Duane Daniel Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Duane Matthew Main St Castletownroche Cork Duggan John New Road Castletownroche Cork Dungavin John Lisnagoorneen Castletownroche Cork Dungavin Owen Lisnagoorneen Castletownroche Cork Dwyer Dorothy Main St Castletownroche Cork Dwyer John Sleemana Castletownroche Cork Dwyer Thomas Ballyhimock Castletownroche Cork Dwyer Thomas Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Dwyer Thomas Sleemana Castletownroche Cork Edwards James Lisnagoorneen Castletownroche Cork Egan Patrick Ballygrillihan Castletownroche Cork Eustace Stannard, Esq. Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Farrell James Rathnacarton Castletownroche Cork Farrell William Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Finn Mary Main St Castletownroche Cork Fitzgerald Richard Rathnacarton Castletownroche Cork Fitzgerald William Main St Castletownroche Cork Fitzpatrick C. Main St Castletownroche Cork Fitzpatrick Cornelius Main St Castletownroche Cork Fitzpatrick Michael Main St Castletownroche Cork Fitzpatrick Rev. James Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Fitzpatrick Rev. James Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Fitzpatrick Rev. James Old Doneraile Rd Castletownroche Cork Fitzpatrick Rev. James Old Doneraile Road Castletownroche Cork Fitzpatrick Rev. James Sleemana Castletownroche Cork Fitzpatrick Rev. Jas. Old Doneraile Road Castletownroche Cork Fitzpatrick Sarah Old Doneraile Road Castletownroche Cork Fleming John Main St Castletownroche Cork Flynn Ellen Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Flynn Honoria Lougharuane Castletownroche Cork Flynn John Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Flynn John Main St Castletownroche Cork Flynn Lawrence Main St Castletownroche Cork Flynn Patrick Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Flynn Richard Scrarour Castletownroche Cork Flynn Ulick Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Foley Catherine Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Foley Edward New Road Castletownroche Cork Foley Margaret Main St Castletownroche Cork Foley Mary Ballyhimock Castletownroche Cork Frazer Cornelius Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Frazer Johanna Parkacunna Castletownroche Cork Frazer Mary Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Frazer Nicholas Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Furlong William Ballinaltig Beg Castletownroche Cork Gallagher David, Sr. Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Gallagher James Main St Castletownroche Cork Garvin David Old Doneraile Rd Castletownroche Cork Garvin Ellen New Road Castletownroche Cork Garvin Thomas Old Doneraile Rd Castletownroche Cork Gibbons John Skenakilla Castletownroche Cork Gibbons Matthew Skenakilla Castletownroche Cork Goold Henry Main St Castletownroche Cork Goold Henry B. Church Lane Castletownroche Cork Goold Henry B. Main St Castletownroche Cork Goold Henry B. New Road Castletownroche Cork Goold Henry B. Old Doneraile Road Castletownroche Cork Goold Miss ??? Old Doneraile Road Castletownroche Cork Gorman Daniel Main St Castletownroche Cork Grace John Lisnagoorneen Castletownroche Cork Greene Eliza Church Lane Castletownroche Cork Greene Jn. Lisnagoorneen Castletownroche Cork Greene Laurence Scrarour Castletownroche Cork Greene William Scrarour Castletownroche Cork Griffin Patrick Main St Castletownroche Cork Gubbin John Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Gwynn William Main St Castletownroche Cork Halloran John Main St Castletownroche Cork Handrigan Barthw. Parkacunna Castletownroche Cork Hartigan John Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Heafy Bartholomew Main St Castletownroche Cork Heafy James Main St Castletownroche Cork Heafy John Church Lane Castletownroche Cork Heafy Margaret Main St Castletownroche Cork Heafy Patrick Main St Castletownroche Cork Healy David Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Hennessy Anne Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Hennessy Charles Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Hennessy Charles Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Hennessy John Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Hennessy Margaret Main St Castletownroche Cork Hennessy Michael Lisnagoorneen Castletownroche Cork Hennessy Michael Main St Castletownroche Cork Herlehy Cornelius Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Herlehy Daniel Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Herlehy Margaret Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Higgins Daniel New Road Castletownroche Cork Higgins Denis Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Higgins Maurice New Road Castletownroche Cork Higgins Patrick Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Hill Thomas Main St Castletownroche Cork Hoare Mary Anne Ballygrillihan Castletownroche Cork Hoare Mary Anne Lougharuane Castletownroche Cork Hoare Mrs. Mary Anne Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Horgan David Ballyhimock Castletownroche Cork Howard Eliza Naglesborough Castletownroche Cork Hunter Michael Main St Castletownroche Cork Hunter Michael St Castletownroche Cork Hunter Thomas Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Hunter Thomas Main St Castletownroche Cork Hunter Thomas Old Doneraile Rd Castletownroche Cork Hunter Thomas Old Doneraile Road Castletownroche Cork Hunter Thomas Sleemana Castletownroche Cork Hunter Thomas Town of Castleroche St Castletownroche Cork Hunter Thos. New Road Castletownroche Cork Hunter William Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Hunter William Main St Castletownroche Cork Johnston George Lisnagoorneen Castletownroche Cork Joy Ellen Main St Castletownroche Cork Joyce Bartholomew Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Kayes Thomas Main St Castletownroche Cork Kayes Thomas Old Doneraile Road Castletownroche Cork Kean John New Road Castletownroche Cork Keating William Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Keefe Cornelius Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Keeffe Charles Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Keeffe David Ballyhimock Castletownroche Cork Keeffe Ellen Main St Castletownroche Cork Keeffe Patrick Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Keeffe Patrick Naglesborough Castletownroche Cork Keeffe Pk. Lisnagoorneen Castletownroche Cork Keeffe Timothy Naglesborough Castletownroche Cork Keeffe William Main St Castletownroche Cork Keleher William Old Doneraile Road Castletownroche Cork Kelly Michael Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Kenna David Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Kenny Denis Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Kenny John Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Kenny William Scrarour Castletownroche Cork Kiely Ellen Main St Castletownroche Cork Kiely Thomas Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Kinealy Jane Old Doneraile Road Castletownroche Cork Kirby Ellen Old Doneraile Rd Castletownroche Cork Kirby John Old Doneraile Rd Castletownroche Cork Laffin William Main St Castletownroche Cork Leahy Honora Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Leahy John Ballyhimock Castletownroche Cork Leahy John Old Doneraile Road Castletownroche Cork Leary David Lisnagoorneen Castletownroche Cork Linehan Denis Main St Castletownroche Cork Linehan John Sleemana Castletownroche Cork Linehan Myles Garranachole Castletownroche Cork Linehan William Main St Castletownroche Cork Lombard James Sleemana Castletownroche Cork Lombard Rd. Main St Castletownroche Cork Lombard Richard Main St Castletownroche Cork Long Richard Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Lowe John Lisnagoorneen Castletownroche Cork Lowe Rep. Wm. B., Esq. Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Lyons Timothy Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork M'Auliffe Daniel Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork M'Cann James Church Lane Castletownroche Cork M'Cann James New Road Castletownroche Cork M'Carthy Jeremiah Ballyveelick Castletownroche Cork M'Carthy Johanna New Road Castletownroche Cork M'Kenna William Lougharuane Castletownroche Cork M'Namara Patrick Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Maginn Rev. Charles Church Lane Castletownroche Cork Maginn Rev. Chas. Church Lane Castletownroche Cork Magner James Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Magner John New Road Castletownroche Cork Magner Patrick Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Magner Patrick Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Mahoney Edmund Rathnacarton Castletownroche Cork Mahony John Ballyhimock Castletownroche Cork Mahony Michael Sleemana Castletownroche Cork Mahony Patrick Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Mansfield Charles Main St Castletownroche Cork Meany John Main St Castletownroche Cork Meara Thomas Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Mehigan Daniel Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Mehigan Robert Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Miller William Main St Castletownroche Cork Morgan David Church Lane Castletownroche Cork Morgan David New Road Castletownroche Cork Mulchinock Patrick New Road Castletownroche Cork Mullane Daniel Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Mullane Thomas Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Murphy Daniel Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Murphy Denis Ballygrillihan Castletownroche Cork Murphy John Main St Castletownroche Cork Murphy Michael Main St Castletownroche Cork Murphy Rosanna Main St Castletownroche Cork Murphy Thomas Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Nagle David Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Nagle David Sleemana Castletownroche Cork Nagle Ellen Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Nagle Garret Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Nagle John Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Nagle John Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Nagle Mary Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Nagle Richard Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Nalty Ellen Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Neal James Ballyveelick Castletownroche Cork Neal John Ballyveelick Castletownroche Cork Neal John Lougharuane Castletownroche Cork Neal John Main St Castletownroche Cork Neal Michael Rathnacarton Castletownroche Cork Noonan Bridget Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Noonan Honora Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Nowlan Garret Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Nugent Walter, Esq. Ballyveelick Castletownroche Cork O'Brien John Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork O'Brien Patrick Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork O'Brien William Ballygrillihan Castletownroche Cork O'Callaghan Leslie Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Oliver Richard A., Esq. Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Oliver Richd A., Esq. Old Doneraile Rd Castletownroche Cork Oliver Richd. A., Esq. Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Oliver Richd. A., Esq. Old Doneraile Rd Castletownroche Cork Oliver Sarah Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Patterson William Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Pigott Michael Castlewidenham Castletownroche Cork Power John Main St Castletownroche Cork Power Michael Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Power Richard Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Quinlan Margaret Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Quirk Michael Ballyhimock Castletownroche Cork Ray James New Road Castletownroche Cork Reddin James Old Doneraile Rd Castletownroche Cork Reddiu Michael Main St Castletownroche Cork Regan John Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Regan Michael Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Regan Patrick Naglesborough Castletownroche Cork Regan Thomas Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Reynolds David Main St Castletownroche Cork Reynolds George Main St Castletownroche Cork Reynolds John Main St Castletownroche Cork Reynolds Patrick Main St Castletownroche Cork Reynolds Richard Main St Castletownroche Cork Reynolds Tim. Main St Castletownroche Cork Reynolds Timothy Main St Castletownroche Cork Reynolds William Lisnagoorneen Castletownroche Cork Roche Alexander Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Roche Bridget Main St Castletownroche Cork Roche David Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Roche Edmund Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Roche Edmund, Jr. Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Roche Francis Ballygrillihan Castletownroche Cork Roche Francis Main St Castletownroche Cork Roche James Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Roche James New Road Castletownroche Cork Roche John Main St Castletownroche Cork Roche John New Road Castletownroche Cork Roche Michael Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Roche Michael Main St Castletownroche Cork Roche Michael New Road Castletownroche Cork Roche Patrick New Road Castletownroche Cork Roche William Main St Castletownroche Cork Roche William Rathnacarton Castletownroche Cork Scanlan Catherine Main St Castletownroche Cork Scully Jeremiah Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Shea John Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Shea Thomas Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Sheedy John Main St Castletownroche Cork Sheedy Owen Old Doneraile Road Castletownroche Cork Sheehan Anne Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Sheehan John Main St Castletownroche Cork Sheehan Michael Ballygrillihan Castletownroche Cork Sheridan James Main St Castletownroche Cork Sheridan Patrick Main St Castletownroche Cork Shine Cornelius Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Shine Mary Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Smith David Lisnagoorneen Castletownroche Cork Smith Henry M., Esq. Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Smith John Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Smith John Castlewidenham Castletownroche Cork Smith John Main St Castletownroche Cork Smith Mary Main St Castletownroche Cork Smith Mary Town of Castletoche Street Castletownroche Cork Smyth Henry M., Esq. Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Smyth Henry M., Esq. Castlewidenham Castletownroche Cork Smyth Henry M., Esq. Connaberry Castletownroche Cork Smyth Henry M., Esq. Main St Castletownroche Cork Sullivan Daniel Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Sullivan Francis Rathnacarton Castletownroche Cork Sullivan Honora Main St Castletownroche Cork Sullivan John Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Sullivan John Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Sullivan John Main St Castletownroche Cork Sullivan Mary Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Sullivan Michael Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Sullivan Patrick Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Sullivan Patrick Old Doneraile Road Castletownroche Cork Sullivan William Main St Castletownroche Cork Sweeney Michael Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Sweeney Thomas Lisnagoorneen Castletownroche Cork Tatten Henry Main St Castletownroche Cork Taylor Robert Main St Castletownroche Cork Thornhill Edw. B., Esq. Rathnacarton Castletownroche Cork Troy John Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Troy John Main St Castletownroche Cork Troy Mary Main St Castletownroche Cork Troy Michael Main St Castletownroche Cork Troy Richard Chapel Road Castletownroche Cork Troy Thomas Main St Castletownroche Cork Tuckey Charles, Esq. Old Doneraile Rd Castletownroche Cork Tuckey Chas., Esq. Old Doneraile Road Castletownroche Cork Veal Patrick Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Veal Patrick Main St Castletownroche Cork Wall Mrs. Robert Main St Castletownroche Cork Wallace James Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Wallace John Ballygrillihan Castletownroche Cork Walsh Mary Ballydoyle Castletownroche Cork Warner Bridget Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Webb Robert Ballygrillihan Castletownroche Cork Webb Robert Castletownroche Castletownroche Cork Webb Robert New Road Castletownroche Cork Webb Robert Sleemana Castletownroche Cork Webb Robert, Esq. Ballyadeen Castletownroche Cork Webb Robert, Esq. Old Doneraile Rd Castletownroche Cork Welsted Barbara Main St Castletownroche Cork Welsted Margaret New Road Castletownroche Cork Whelan Honora Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Whelan Mary Ballycottin Castletownroche Cork Willett Ellen Main St Castletownroche Cork Wilson George Main St Castletownroche Cork Woods Denis New Road Castletownroche Cork