Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Clear Island, County Cork
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Clear Island, County Cork
Becher Baronet H. W. Illaunnagart Clear Island Cork Bryan Cornelius Glen, East Clear Island Cork Bryan Mary Glen, East Clear Island Cork Buhin John Ballyieragh South Clear Island Cork Burke Cornelius Ballyieragh South Clear Island Cork Burke Honoria Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Burke John Lissamona Clear Island Cork Burke Margaret Lissamona Clear Island Cork Cadigan Cornelius Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Cadigan Cornelius Comillane Clear Island Cork Cadigan Daniel, Jr. Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Cadigan Daniel, Sr. Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Cadigan Denis Ballyieragh South Clear Island Cork Cadigan Denis Comillane Clear Island Cork Cadigan Denis Lissamona Clear Island Cork Cadigan Denis, Sr. Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Cadigan Ellen Ballyieragh South Clear Island Cork Cadigan Honoria Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Cadigan Jeremiah Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Cadigan John Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Cadigan John Keenleen Clear Island Cork Cadigan John Knockanacohig Clear Island Cork Cadigan John, Jr. Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Cadigan John, Sr. Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Cadigan Margaret Knockannamaurnagh Clear Island Cork Cadigan Mary Croha, East Clear Island Cork Cadigan Timothy Ballyieragh South Clear Island Cork Cadigan William, Jr. Keenleen Clear Island Cork Cadigan William, Sr. Keenleen Clear Island Cork Coghlan Cornelius Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Coghlan Mary Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Connolly Cornelius Lissamona Clear Island Cork Connolly Daniel Lissamona Clear Island Cork Connolly George Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Cotter James, Sr. Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Cotter Kieran, Jr. Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Cotter Kieran, Sr. Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Cotter Patrick Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Curtin Ellen Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Dacey Patrick Keenleen Clear Island Cork Daly Honoria Knockannamaurnagh Clear Island Cork Daly John Croha, East Clear Island Cork Daly Joseph Gortnalour Clear Island Cork Daly Owen, Jr. Killickaforavane Clear Island Cork Daly Patrick Ardgort Clear Island Cork Daly Patrick Carhoona Clear Island Cork Davis Catherine Glen, East Clear Island Cork Donohoe Cornelius, Jr. Lissamona Clear Island Cork Donohoe Cornelius, Sr. Lissamona Clear Island Cork Donohoe Eleanor Glen, East Clear Island Cork Donohoe Julia Lissamona Clear Island Cork Donohoe Mary Lissamona Clear Island Cork Donovan Margaret Knockanacohig Clear Island Cork Driscoll Catherine Lissamona Clear Island Cork Driscoll Cornelius Ballyieragh South Clear Island Cork Driscoll Cornelius, Jr. Comillane Clear Island Cork Driscoll Cornelius, Sr. Comillane Clear Island Cork Driscoll Daniel Lissamona Clear Island Cork Driscoll Denis Ardgort Clear Island Cork Driscoll Denis Comillane Clear Island Cork Driscoll Denis Gortnalour Clear Island Cork Driscoll Denis Lissamona Clear Island Cork Driscoll Edward Lissamona Clear Island Cork Driscoll Elizabeth Lissamona Clear Island Cork Driscoll Ellen Comillane Clear Island Cork Driscoll Florence Ardgort Clear Island Cork Driscoll Florence Carhoona Clear Island Cork Driscoll Florence Gortnalour Clear Island Cork Driscoll Florence Killickaforavane Clear Island Cork Driscoll Florence Knockannamaurnagh Clear Island Cork Driscoll Florence, Sr. Gortnalour Clear Island Cork Driscoll James Comillane Clear Island Cork Driscoll Jeremiah Ballyieragh South Clear Island Cork Driscoll Johanna Ballyieragh South Clear Island Cork Driscoll John Ardgort Clear Island Cork Driscoll John Comillane Clear Island Cork Driscoll Kieran Lissamona Clear Island Cork Driscoll Mary Glen, East Clear Island Cork Driscoll Michael Ardgort Clear Island Cork Driscoll Michael Comillane Clear Island Cork Driscoll Michael Lissamona Clear Island Cork Driscoll Thomas Glen, East Clear Island Cork Driscoll Timothy Ardgort Clear Island Cork Driscoll Timothy Carhoona Clear Island Cork Driscoll Timothy, Jr. Carhoona Clear Island Cork Fennelly James Glen, Middle Clear Island Cork Field Eleanor Glen, West Clear Island Cork Fitzgerald Edward Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Fitzgerald Edward Glen, Middle Clear Island Cork Fitzgerald Garrett Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Fitzgerald John Knockanacohig Clear Island Cork Fitzgerald Stephen Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Fuhil John Gortnalour Clear Island Cork Fuhil Mary Gortnalour Clear Island Cork Fuhill Cornelius Killickaforavane Clear Island Cork Fuhill Mortimer Killickaforavane Clear Island Cork Glavin Cornelius Comillane Clear Island Cork Griffin John Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Hayes Thomas Lissamona Clear Island Cork Hayes William Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Hurley Patrick Knockannamaurnagh Clear Island Cork Hurley Timothy Knockannamaurnagh Clear Island Cork Hurly Mary Gortnalour Clear Island Cork Johnson Thomas Glen, Middle Clear Island Cork Kilty Johanna Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Leader Rev. Henry Lissamona Clear Island Cork Leonard John Lissamona Clear Island Cork Mahony Denis Knockanacohig Clear Island Cork Mahony Honoria Ballyieragh South Clear Island Cork Mahony Honoria Carhoona Clear Island Cork Mahony Michael Ballyieragh South Clear Island Cork Mahony Timothy Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Mc Carthy Andrew Killickaforavane Clear Island Cork Mc Carthy John Keenleen Clear Island Cork Minihan Catherine Keenleen Clear Island Cork Minihan Jeremiah Glen, East Clear Island Cork Minihan Jeremiah Keenleen Clear Island Cork Neale James Ballyieragh South Clear Island Cork Nolan Eleanor Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Nolan Michael Ballyieragh South Clear Island Cork Nolan Nathaniel Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork O'Brien Rev. John Keenleen Clear Island Cork Parkey Denis Ardgort Clear Island Cork Parkey Florence Ardgort Clear Island Cork Regan Denis Lissamona Clear Island Cork Regan Jeremiah, Jr. Croha, East Clear Island Cork Regan John Croha, East Clear Island Cork Regan John Glen, Middle Clear Island Cork Regan Kieran Knockanacohig Clear Island Cork Regan Patrick Croha, East Clear Island Cork Reilly John Glen, East Clear Island Cork Sauntry Timothy Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Shea Jeremiah Ballyieragh South Clear Island Cork Shea Jeremiah, Jr. Keenleen Clear Island Cork Shea Thomas, Jr. Keenleen Clear Island Cork Sheehan Cornelius Knockannamaurnagh Clear Island Cork Sheehan Cornelius Lissamona Clear Island Cork Sheehan Daniel Ardgort Clear Island Cork Sheehan Jeremiah Lissamona Clear Island Cork Sheehan Mary Lissamona Clear Island Cork Sheehan Timothy Comillane Clear Island Cork Shipsey Edward Glen, Middle Clear Island Cork Shipsey Edward Glen, West Clear Island Cork Shipsey Edward Keenleen Clear Island Cork Shipsey Isaac Keenleen Clear Island Cork Shipsey Thomas Croha, West Clear Island Cork Spring Rev. Edward Glen, Middle Clear Island Cork Sweeny Jeremiah Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Thomas Daniel Ballyieragh Clear Island Cork Whelan Catherine Ballyieragh South Clear Island Cork Wilson Robert Glen, East Clear Island Cork