Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Corkbeg, County Cork
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Corkbeg, County Cork
Ahearne Edmond Carlislefort Corkbeg Cork Ahearne Frances Glanturkin Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Ahearne James Glanturkin Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Ahearne John Carlislefort Corkbeg Cork Ahearne Laurence Ballyvaloon Corkbeg Cork Ahearne Owen Ballyvaloon Corkbeg Cork Ahearne Richard Ballyvaloon Corkbeg Cork Ahearne Richard Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Aherne Catherine Ballintra West Corkbeg Cork Aherne John Ballintra West Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Aherne Mary Ardnabourkey Corkbeg Cork Aherne Richard Ballintra West Corkbeg Cork Bannin James Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Barry John Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Barry William Glanagow Corkbeg Cork Bible John Ballintra West Corkbeg Cork Bible Jonas Ballintra West Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Bible Stephen Ballintra East Corkbeg Cork Bohin James Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Brien Johanna Ballintra East Corkbeg Cork Brien Michael Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Brien Patrick Ballintra East Corkbeg Cork Brien Thomas Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Brien Timothy Ballintra East Corkbeg Cork Brien Timothy Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Broderick Thomas Ballintra West Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Browne James Ardnabourkey Corkbeg Cork Buckmaster William Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Burke James Ardnabourkey Corkbeg Cork Burns Daniel Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Cahill Thomas Ballyhook Corkbeg Cork Callaghan Anastasia Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Callaghan Denis Ballyhook Corkbeg Cork Callaghan John Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Callaghan Patrick Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Callaghan Thomas Ballyhook Corkbeg Cork Canavan John Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Carey Ellen Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Carey John Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Carney Michael Ardnabourkey Corkbeg Cork Carsha Joseph Glanagow Corkbeg Cork Carty Maurice Glanagow Corkbeg Cork Cilligan John Ballyhook Corkbeg Cork Coleman David Glanagow Corkbeg Cork Collins Edmond Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Collins Elizabeth Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Collins Ellen Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Collins John Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Condon Catherine Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Condon Daniel Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Connolly Maurice Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Connors Jeremiah Ballintra West Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Connors Mary Ballintra West Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Conway Johanna Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Conway Patrick Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Corrigan Michael Ballyhook Corkbeg Cork Cosgrave Anastasia Ardnabourkey Corkbeg Cork Cosgrave Edmond Ardnabourkey Corkbeg Cork Cosgrave Elizabeth Ardnabourkey Corkbeg Cork Cosgrave John Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Cosgrave Michael Finure Corkbeg Cork Cosgrave William Ardnabourkey Corkbeg Cork Cotter Edmund Finure Corkbeg Cork Cotter John Glanagow Corkbeg Cork Cotter Margaret Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Cotter Mathew Ballintra West Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Coulthird James Ballintra East Corkbeg Cork Cox William Ardnabourkey Corkbeg Cork Cox William Corkbeg Corkbeg Cork Cox William Glanagow Corkbeg Cork Curtin Ellen Glanagow Corkbeg Cork Curtin James, Sr. Glanagow Corkbeg Cork Curtin John Glanagow Corkbeg Cork Custeen Ellen Finure Corkbeg Cork Custeen Richard Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Daly Michael Finure Corkbeg Cork Daly Timothy Finure Corkbeg Cork Donohue Margaret Ballintra West Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Donovan Denis Finure Corkbeg Cork Doohig Catherine Ballintra West Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Doohig James Finure Corkbeg Cork Doohig Jeremiah Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Doohig Mary Finure Corkbeg Cork Doohig Mary Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Doohig Michael Ballintra West Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Doohig Thomas Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Doohig William Finure Corkbeg Cork Dooly John Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Dooly Timothy Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Dooly William Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Downing John Ballyhook Corkbeg Cork Dunne David Glanturkin Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Dunne William Ballintra West Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Dwyer Michael Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Field James Balltigeen Corkbeg Cork Finnis James Ballintra East Corkbeg Cork Fitzgerald Garrett Finure Corkbeg Cork Fitzgerald Garrett Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Fitzgerald James Finure Corkbeg Cork Fitzgerald Maurice Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Fitzgerald Robert U. P. Ardnabourkey Corkbeg Cork Fitzgerald Robert U. P. Corkbeg Corkbeg Cork Fitzgerald William Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Fleming Ellen Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Fleming Honoria Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Garde Patrick Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Geary Catherine Glanagow Corkbeg Cork Geary James Glanagow Corkbeg Cork Geary Michael Glanagow Corkbeg Cork Geary Redmond Glanagow Corkbeg Cork Griffin Mary Glanturkin Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Guiry John Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Guiry Patrick Ballyvaloon Corkbeg Cork Halloran Bartholomew Glanagow Corkbeg Cork Hegarty James Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Hegarty Patrick Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Hennessy Margaret Ballintra West Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Higgins Michael Ballyvaloon Corkbeg Cork Holland Patrick Ballintra East Corkbeg Cork Horrigan Johanna Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Horrigan John Finure Corkbeg Cork Hynes Michael Glanagow Corkbeg Cork Jordan John Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Jordan Michael Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Kearney Mary Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Kearns Maurice Ballintra West Corkbeg Cork Keeffe Edmond Carlislefort Corkbeg Cork Keeffe John Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Keleher Edmond Corkbeg Corkbeg Cork Kennedy Margaret Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Kennefick Johanna Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Kerns James Ballintra West Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Kerns Margaret Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Kerns Maurice Ballintra West Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Kidney Colman Ardnabourkey Corkbeg Cork Kidney Michael Ardnabourkey Corkbeg Cork Kinealy Peter Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Kingwell John Ballintra East Corkbeg Cork Leary John Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Lynch Andrew Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Lynch James Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Lynch John Ardnabourkey Corkbeg Cork Lynch Maurice Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Lynch Michael Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Lynch Michael, Jr. Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Lynch Michael, Sr. Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Lynch Patrick Ballyvaloon Corkbeg Cork Lynch William Ballyhook Corkbeg Cork M'Donald Anne Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Mackey James Finure Corkbeg Cork Mackey Johanna Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Mahony Anne Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Mahony Catherine Ballintra West Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Mahony Ellen Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Mahony Johanna Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Mahony John Ballyvaloon Corkbeg Cork Mahony John Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Mahony Laurence Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Mahony Michael Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Mahony William Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Malone John Ballintra West Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Malony Michael Balltigeen Corkbeg Cork Manning James Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Manning John Finure Corkbeg Cork Manning Michael Finure Corkbeg Cork Manning Michael Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Manning Patrick Ballintra East Corkbeg Cork Mollis William Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Mullins Timothy Glanturkin Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Murphy Edmond Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Murphy Peter Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Murphy William Ballintra East Corkbeg Cork Murray Jeremiah Ballyvaloon Corkbeg Cork Murray Richard Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Neill James Ballyvaloon Corkbeg Cork Noonan Abigail Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Noonan John Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Noonan Michael Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork O'Brien Henry Ballintra West Corkbeg Cork Pine John Ballintra West Corkbeg Cork Power Martin Balltigeen Corkbeg Cork Reilly James Finure Corkbeg Cork Reilly Patrick Finure Corkbeg Cork Roche Edmond B. Balltigeen Corkbeg Cork Roche Edmond B. Ballyhook Corkbeg Cork Roche Honoria Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Roche James Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Roche John Ballintra West Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Roche John Glanturkin Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Roche John W. Balltigeen Corkbeg Cork Roche John W. Ballyhook Corkbeg Cork Roche Laurence Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Roche Mary Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Roche Maurice Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Roche Patrick Glanturkin Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Roche Richard Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Rogers Bridget Carlislefort Corkbeg Cork Saddler Denis Ballintra West Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Saddler Garret Ballintra West Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Saddler George Ballintra West Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Sadler John Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Scully Margaret Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Sharpe Lt. Jas. H. Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Shea David Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Shea Thomas Ballintra West Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Shearman William Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Short Rev. Francis Ardnabourkey Corkbeg Cork Shortt Rev. Francis Corkbeg Corkbeg Cork Shortt Rev. Francis Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Sisk John Ballyvaloon Corkbeg Cork Sisk Matthias Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Sisk Michael Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Sisk Michael Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Sisk Richard Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Smyth Jonas Ballyvaloon Corkbeg Cork Smyth Jonas Finure Corkbeg Cork Spillane Johanna Ballintra West Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Spillane Maurice Finure Corkbeg Cork Spillane Patrick Finure Corkbeg Cork Spillane Simon Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Stafford James Ballyvaloon Corkbeg Cork Stafford Johanna Ballyvaloon Corkbeg Cork Stafford John Ballyvaloon Corkbeg Cork Stafford Patrick Ballyvaloon Corkbeg Cork Stafford Thomas Ballyvaloon Corkbeg Cork Stafford Thomas, Jr. Ballyvaloon Corkbeg Cork Stafford Thomas, Sr. Ballyvaloon Corkbeg Cork Sullivan Daniel Ballyhook Corkbeg Cork Sullivan Edmond Balltigeen Corkbeg Cork Sullivan Edmond Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Ballyhook Corkbeg Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Finure Corkbeg Cork Sullivan William Ardnabourkey Corkbeg Cork Sullivan William Finure Corkbeg Cork Sweeny Daniel Finure Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Sweeny Mary Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Sweeny Morgan Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Taylor Thomas Corkbeg Village of Whitegate Corkbeg Cork Toomy William Ardnabourkey Corkbeg Cork Tuomy Thomas Corkbeg Corkbeg Cork Wafer Dominick Finure Corkbeg Cork Wall Edmond Finure Corkbeg Cork Wall Patrick Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Wall William Glanturkin Corkbeg Cork Walsh Bridget Finure Corkbeg Cork Walsh James Ballintra West Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Warren Denis Ballintra West Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork Warren Johanna Ballintra West Village of Gyleen Corkbeg Cork