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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Cullen, County Cork
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Cullen, County Cork
Ahern James Ballynacourty Cullen Cork Ahern John Ballynacourty Cullen Cork Ahern Maurice Ballynacourty Cullen Cork Ahern Thomas Ballynacourty Cullen Cork Barrett John Cleanrath Cullen Cork Barry David Coolcloher, East Cullen Cork Barry John Ballywilliam Cullen Cork Barry Michael Ballywilliam Cullen Cork Bolton Justice John Knockagarrane, West Cullen Cork Bourke Thomas Knockastuckane Cullen Cork Bowes Catherine Boulaling Cullen Cork Bowes Robert Boulaling Cullen Cork Bowes Walter Boulaling Cullen Cork Bowler Daniel Gorteennafinnoge Cullen Cork Bride Benjamin Cleanrath Cullen Cork Brien Daniel Rathroe Cullen Cork Brien Lewis Coolcloher, East Cullen Cork Brien Michael Boulaling Cullen Cork Brien Patrick Coolcloher, East Cullen Cork Broe Mary Keale, North Cullen Cork Browne William Knockacarracoosh Cullen Cork Buckley Bridget Keale, South Cullen Cork Buckley Daniel Ahane Upper Cullen Cork Buckley Daniel, Jr. Keale, South Cullen Cork Buckley Daniel, Sr. Keale, South Cullen Cork Buckley Ellen Coolcloher, West Cullen Cork Buckley Ellen Skagh Cullen Cork Buckley James Rathroe Cullen Cork Buckley Jeremiah Ahane Upper Cullen Cork Buckley Jeremiah Derragh Cullen Cork Buckley John Glantanebeg Cullen Cork Buckley John Knockagarrane, East Cullen Cork Buckley John Knockagarrane, West Cullen Cork Buckley John Lisnashearshane Cullen Cork Buckley John Moher Cullen Cork Buckley Julia Coolcloher, South Cullen Cork Buckley Mary Knockeenadal Lane Cullen Cork Buckley Michael Ballynacourty Cullen Cork Buckley Michael Knockeenadal Lane Cullen Cork Buckley Michael Lislehane Cullen Cork Buckley Patrick Ballynacourty Cullen Cork Buckley Timothy Kealmanagh Cullen Cork Buckley Timothy Skagh Cullen Cork Buckley William Knockeenadal Lane Cullen Cork Buckly Daniel Coalpits Cullen Cork Buckly Jeremiah Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork Callaghan Cornelius Gortageen Cullen Cork Callaghan Denis Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork Callaghan Denis Kealmanagh Cullen Cork Callaghan Jeremiah Moher Cullen Cork Callaghan John Cloonbannin, West Cullen Cork Callaghan John Keale, South Cullen Cork Callaghan Joseph Lyravuckane Cullen Cork Callaghan Joseph Moher Cullen Cork Callaghan Kate Boulaling Cullen Cork Callaghan Mary Gortnacreha Cullen Cork Callaghan Mary Moher Cullen Cork Callaghan Patrick Knockastuckane Cullen Cork Callaghan Patrick Knocknageeha, West Cullen Cork Callaghan Simon Lyravuckane Cullen Cork Callaghan Timothy Knockeenadal Lane Cullen Cork Callanan Charles Boulaling Cullen Cork Carroll Mary Knockeenadal Lane Cullen Cork Carthy Denis Coolcloher, East Cullen Cork Carthy John Lissaniska Cullen Cork Carthy John Moher Cullen Cork Carthy Mary Coolcloher, East Cullen Cork Casey Honora Knockduff, Upper Cullen Cork Casey Julia Cloonbannin, West Cullen Cork Casey Mary Gortageen Cullen Cork Casey William Knocknageeha, North Cullen Cork Chinnery Rev. Sr. Nicholas Lisnashearshane Cullen Cork Clifford Bridget Knockastuckane Cullen Cork Clifford John Meenagloghrane Cullen Cork Clifford Mary Knockastuckane Cullen Cork Coghlan Jeremiah Knocknageeha, North Cullen Cork Coghlan John Boulaling Cullen Cork Colclough Cornelius Moher Cullen Cork Colclough Daniel Moher Cullen Cork Colclough Jeremiah Moher Cullen Cork Colclough Timothy Ahane Beg Cullen Cork Colclough Timothy Ahane Lower Cullen Cork Coleman Daniel Carrigeen Cullen Cork Coleman Jeremiah Ballynacourty Cullen Cork Coleman John Carrigeen Cullen Cork Coleman Patrick Ballynacourty Cullen Cork Collins Denis Knocknashannagh Cullen Cork Collins Denis Moher Cullen Cork Collins Mary Ballady Cullen Cork Collins Michael Cleanrath Cullen Cork Condon Patrick Coalpits Cullen Cork Connell Daniel Knockeennagearagh Cullen Cork Connell Daniel Moher Cullen Cork Connell Jeremiah Knockeennagearagh Cullen Cork Connell John Lissaniska Cullen Cork Connell John Lyravuckane Cullen Cork Connell John Moher Cullen Cork Connell John, Jr. Knockacarracoosh Cullen Cork Connell John, Jr. Meenskeha, West Cullen Cork Connell John, Sr. Knockacarracoosh Cullen Cork Connell John, Sr. Meenskeha, West Cullen Cork Connell Judith Knocknashannagh Cullen Cork Connell Maurice Ballinvragnosig Cullen Cork Connell Philip Rathroe Cullen Cork Connell William Coolcloher, East Cullen Cork Connor Cornelius Knockagarrane, East Cullen Cork Connor Cornelius Lisnashearshane Cullen Cork Connor Daniel Knockduff, Upper Cullen Cork Connor Honora Knockane Cullen Cork Connor Hugh Gortnacreha Cullen Cork Connor Hugh Knockduff, Upper Cullen Cork Connor Jeremiah Duarrigle Cullen Cork Connor John Knockduff, Lower Cullen Cork Connor John Meenagloghrane Cullen Cork Connor Margaret Meenagloghrane Cullen Cork Connor Mary Lisnashearshane Cullen Cork Connor Michael Mullaghroe, North Cullen Cork Conway Daniel Knocknageeha, West Cullen Cork Conway Joseph Knocknageeha, West Cullen Cork Cooper Sarah Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork Corbett Jeremiah Knockduff, Lower Cullen Cork Corbett Jeremiah Knocknageeha, West Cullen Cork Corcoran Michael Coolcloher, East Cullen Cork Corkery Timothy Derragh Cullen Cork Cowhig James Ballywilliam Cullen Cork Creedon Catherine Lislehane Cullen Cork Crimmin Denis Knockagarrane, West Cullen Cork Crimmin Margaret Ardnageeha Cullen Cork Crimmin Patrick Meenagloghrane Cullen Cork Croneen David Ballynacourty Cullen Cork Cronin Cornelius Ballady Cullen Cork Cronin Cornelius Gorteennafinnoge Cullen Cork Cronin Daniel Keale, North Cullen Cork Cronin Daniel Meenskeha, East Cullen Cork Cronin David Mullaghroe, North Cullen Cork Cronin Deborah Knocknageeha, West Cullen Cork Cronin Denis Mullaghroe, South Cullen Cork Cronin Elizabeth Knocknashannagh Cullen Cork Cronin Francis Skagh Cullen Cork Cronin Honora Knockduff, Upper Cullen Cork Cronin Hugh Knockduff, Upper Cullen Cork Cronin Jeremiah Derragh Cullen Cork Cronin Jeremiah Keale, North Cullen Cork Cronin Jeremiah Meenskeha, East Cullen Cork Cronin Jeremiah, Jr. Knockduff, Upper Cullen Cork Cronin John Ardnageeha Cullen Cork Cronin John Dromsicane Cullen Cork Cronin John Gorteennafinnoge Cullen Cork Cronin John Knockagarrane, East Cullen Cork Cronin John, Jr. Mullaghroe, South Cullen Cork Cronin John, Sr. Mullaghroe, South Cullen Cork Cronin Mary Keale, North Cullen Cork Cronin Mary Meenskeha, East Cullen Cork Cronin Mary Skagh Cullen Cork Cronin Patrick Cleanrath Cullen Cork Cronin Patrick Knockduff, Upper Cullen Cork Cronin Patrick Meenskeha, East Cullen Cork Cronin Philip Gorteennafinnoge Cullen Cork Cronin Timothy Knockduff, Upper Cullen Cork Crowley Cornelius Ballynacourty Cullen Cork Crowley Daniel Ballinvragnosig Cullen Cork Crowley Mary Ballinvragnosig Cullen Cork Cunningham Cornelius Skagh Cullen Cork Cunningham Johanna Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork Cunningham Johanna Coolcloher, South Cullen Cork Curran Daniel Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork Curtin Daniel Knocknageeha, West Cullen Cork Daly Charles Boulaling Cullen Cork Daly John Meenagloghrane Cullen Cork Daly Michael Knockagarrane, West Cullen Cork Daly Timothy Coolcloher, West Cullen Cork Dawson Roger Ballady Cullen Cork Delea Bartholomew Boulaling Cullen Cork Delea Michael Boulaling Cullen Cork Delea Robert Ballady Cullen Cork Denahy Daniel Mullaghroe, North Cullen Cork Denahy Ellen Mullaghroe, North Cullen Cork Denahy Francis Knockacarracoosh Cullen Cork Denahy Francis Meenskeha, West Cullen Cork Denahy Jeremiah Gortageen Cullen Cork Denahy Jeremiah Knocknageeha, West Cullen Cork Denahy John Church Hill Cullen Cork Denahy John Knockagarrane, West Cullen Cork Denahy John Meenskeha, West Cullen Cork Dennehy Julia Coolcloher, East Cullen Cork Desmond Andrew Ardnageeha Cullen Cork Desmond Denis Ardnageeha Cullen Cork Dillon John Duarrigle Cullen Cork Dineen Timothy Gortageen Cullen Cork Dinneen Timothy Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork Donohoe Daniel Coolcloher, West Cullen Cork Donohoe Ellen Boulaling Cullen Cork Donohoe John Knockane Cullen Cork Donohoe John Mullaghroe, South Cullen Cork Donohoe Mary Euglaune Cullen Cork Dowd Denis Gorteennafinnoge Cullen Cork Downey Patrick Boulaling Cullen Cork Doyle Nicholas Knocknageeha, West Cullen Cork Driscoll Cornelius Keale, North Cullen Cork Driscoll Daniel Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork Driscoll Daniel Cloonbannin, West Cullen Cork Driscoll Daniel Coolcloher, East Cullen Cork Driscoll Daniel Mullaghroe, North Cullen Cork Driscoll Daniel Skagh Cullen Cork Driscoll Timothy Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork Duggan Cornelius Knockeennagearagh Cullen Cork Duggan Cornelius Lisnaboy, Lower Cullen Cork Duggan Denis Knockeennagearagh Cullen Cork Duggan Honora Knockeennagearagh Cullen Cork Duggan Jeremiah Cloonbannin, West Cullen Cork Duggan John Knockeennagearagh Cullen Cork Duggan Michale Ahane Lower Cullen Cork Dunn George, Esq. Boulaling Cullen Cork Egmont ??? Knocknageeha, West Cullen Cork Feeheen Daniel Knocknageeha, East Cullen Cork Field Honora Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork Fitzgerald Abigail Lisheenafeela Cullen Cork Fitzgerald Daniel Knockeenadal Lane Cullen Cork Fitzgerald Daniel Lisnaboy, Lower Cullen Cork Fitzgerald Edmond Lisheenafeela Cullen Cork Fitzgerald Ellen Mullaghroe, North Cullen Cork Fitzgerald Maurice Knockduff, Upper Cullen Cork Fitzgerald Michael Meenagloghrane Cullen Cork Fitzgerald Thomas Knockagarrane, West Cullen Cork Fitzgibbon Mary Knockagarrane, West Cullen Cork Fitzpatrick Daniel Knockduff, Upper Cullen Cork Fitzpatrick John Derragh Cullen Cork Fitzpatrick Michael Derragh Cullen Cork Fitzpatrick William Derragh Cullen Cork Fitzsimons James Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork Flaherty John Ballywilliam Cullen Cork Flynn Margaret Mullaghroe, South Cullen Cork Flynn William Mullaghroe, North Cullen Cork Foley Patrick Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork Foley Thade Glantanebeg Cullen Cork Ford Johanna Meenskeha, East Cullen Cork Forde Michael Gorteennafinnoge Cullen Cork Forhan Timothy Mullaghroe, South Cullen Cork Freeman Edward D. Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork French Thomas G. Ahane Beg Cullen Cork French Thomas G. Ahane Lower Cullen Cork Gallivan Humphrey Two Gneeves Cullen Cork Galvin Michael Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork Geaney William Coolcloher, East Cullen Cork Ginvin Thomas Keale, South Cullen Cork Godeil William Meenskeha, West Cullen Cork Godson William Mullaghroe, South Cullen Cork Goggan Michael Ballynacourty Cullen Cork Goggan Patrick Ballynacourty Cullen Cork Goggin Edmund Ballynacourty Cullen Cork Goolden Cornelius Glantanebeg Cullen Cork Goolden Ellen Glantanebeg Cullen Cork Goolden Jeremiah Glantanebeg Cullen Cork Goolden John Meenagloghrane Cullen Cork Goolden Johnathan Glantanebeg Cullen Cork Halloran Michael Derragh Cullen Cork Hannon Daniel Derragh Cullen Cork Hannon Ellen Mullaghroe, South Cullen Cork Hannon Maurice Knockagarrane, West Cullen Cork Hannon Michael Lisnashearshane Cullen Cork Hartnett Daniel Derragh Cullen Cork Hartnett Daniel Meenskeha, West Cullen Cork Hartnett Jeremiah Knockagarrane, East Cullen Cork Hartnett Timothy Meenskeha, East Cullen Cork Hartnett William Knocknageeha, North Cullen Cork Hayes Maurice Derragh Cullen Cork Herlihy Laurence Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork Herlihy Timothy Gortnacreha Cullen Cork Hetherton William Duarrigle Cullen Cork Hickey Andrew Ahane Upper Cullen Cork Hickey Andrew Knockagarrane, West Cullen Cork Hickey Cornelius Glantanebeg Cullen Cork Hickey Daniel Ahane Beg Cullen Cork Hickey Daniel Ahane Upper Cullen Cork Hickey Daniel Coolcloher, East Cullen Cork Hickey Daniel Euglaune Cullen Cork Hickey Daniel Lisnaboy, Upper Cullen Cork Hickey Denis Keale, North Cullen Cork Hickey Denis Kealmanagh Cullen Cork Hickey Denis Knockeennagearagh Cullen Cork Hickey Denis Knocknageeha, West Cullen Cork Hickey Denis Lisnaboy, Lower Cullen Cork Hickey Honora Kealmanagh Cullen Cork Hickey James Derragh Cullen Cork Hickey Johanna Gortnacreha Cullen Cork Hickey Johanna Lisnaboy, Upper Cullen Cork Hickey John Euglaune Cullen Cork Hickey John Gortnacreha Cullen Cork Hickey John Knockduff, Upper Cullen Cork Hickey John Lisnashearshane Cullen Cork Hickey John Mullaghroe, South Cullen Cork Hickey John, Jr. Lisnaboy, Lower Cullen Cork Hickey Margaret Lisnashearshane Cullen Cork Hickey Timothy Gortnacreha Cullen Cork Hickey Timothy Knocknageeha, South Cullen Cork Hickey William Glantanebeg Cullen Cork Hickey William Lisnaboy, Upper Cullen Cork Hinch Jeremiah Keale, North Cullen Cork Holmes Justice Thomas Knockagarrane, West Cullen Cork Horgan Cornelius Kealmanagh Cullen Cork Horgan Jeremiah Gortageen Cullen Cork Horgan Johanna Boulaling Cullen Cork Horgan Mary Keale, South Cullen Cork Howard Mary Glantanebeg Cullen Cork Howard Richard Knockeenadal Lane Cullen Cork Jordan John Ballady Cullen Cork Justice Charles Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork Justice Charles Skagh Cullen Cork Justice Robert Knockagarrane, West Cullen Cork Justice Thomas Duarrigle Cullen Cork Keeffe Benjamin Knockduff, Upper Cullen Cork Keeffe Daniel Coolcloher, East Cullen Cork Keeffe Daniel Coolcloher, South Cullen Cork Keeffe Daniel Meenskeha, East Cullen Cork Keeffe Daniel Mullaghroe, North Cullen Cork Keeffe Denis Gorteennafinnoge Cullen Cork Keeffe Denis Knockduff, Upper Cullen Cork Keeffe Denis Moher Cullen Cork Keeffe Ellen Glantanebeg Cullen Cork Keeffe Honora Knockastuckane Cullen Cork Keeffe Honora Knockduff, Upper Cullen Cork Keeffe Jeremiah Knockduff, Upper Cullen Cork Keeffe Johanna Euglaune Cullen Cork Keeffe Joseph Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork Keeffe Manus Keale, South Cullen Cork Keeffe Margaret Mullaghroe, North Cullen Cork Keeffe Mary Skagh Cullen Cork Keeffe Michael Lisnaboy, Lower Cullen Cork Keeffe Patrick Gortnacreha Cullen Cork Keeffe Patrick Knockagarrane, West Cullen Cork Keeffe Timothy Knockacarracoosh Cullen Cork Keleher Daniel Lyravuckane Cullen Cork Keleher Thomas Meenskeha, West Cullen Cork Keliher Daniel Meenskeha, West Cullen Cork Keliher James Gorteennafinnoge Cullen Cork Keliher John Knockagarrane, East Cullen Cork Keliher Mortimer Moher Cullen Cork Keliher Patrick Meenskeha, West Cullen Cork Keliher Timothy Gortageen Cullen Cork Kelleher Daniel Cleanrath Cullen Cork Kelliher Patrick Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork Kelliher Patrick Dromsicane Cullen Cork Kelly Laurence Keale, South Cullen Cork Kennelly Honoria Ballinvragnosig Cullen Cork Kennelly John Cleanrath Cullen Cork Kiely Cornelius Cloonbannin, West Cullen Cork Kiely Daniel Cloonbannin, West Cullen Cork Kiely Daniel Mullaghroe, North Cullen Cork Kiely Jeremiah Ballinvragnosig Cullen Cork Kiely Johanna Gorteennafinnoge Cullen Cork Kiely Johanna Knocknageeha, West Cullen Cork Kinnelly Daniel Knocknashannagh Cullen Cork Kinnelly Ellen Kealmanagh Cullen Cork Leader Benjamin Cloonbannin, West Cullen Cork Leader Benjamin Knockacarracoosh Cullen Cork Leader Benjamin Knockastuckane Cullen Cork Leader Benjamin Meenskeha, East Cullen Cork Leader Benjamin Skagh Cullen Cork Leader John Keale, North Cullen Cork Leader John Keale, South Cullen Cork Leader John Kealmanagh Cullen Cork Leader Patrick Knockacarracoosh Cullen Cork Leahy Ellen Lissaniska Cullen Cork Leane Denis Derragh Cullen Cork Leane Mary Mullaghroe, North Cullen Cork Leary Cornelius Knocknageeha, South Cullen Cork Leary Denis Ahane Beg Cullen Cork Leary Denis Lissaniska Cullen Cork Leary Denis Meenagloghrane Cullen Cork Leary Denis Meenskeha, East Cullen Cork Leary Ellen Meenagloghrane Cullen Cork Leary Honora Meenskeha, East Cullen Cork Leary Jeremiah Mullaghroe, North Cullen Cork Leary John Meenskeha, West Cullen Cork Leary Julia Meenskeha, West Cullen Cork Leary Matthew Milleenylegane Cullen Cork Leary Patrick Milleenylegane Cullen Cork Lenihan Cornelius Ballywilliam Cullen Cork Lenihan Denis Knocknageeha, West Cullen Cork Lenihan Timothy Derragh Cullen Cork Linehan Mary Meenskeha, East Cullen Cork Lucy Denis Moher Cullen Cork Lynch John Kealmanagh Cullen Cork Lyons Matthew Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork Lyons Matthew Cloonbannin, West Cullen Cork M'Carthy Daniel Boulaling Cullen Cork M'Carthy Daniel Coolcloher, East Cullen Cork M'Carthy Denis Lyravuckane Cullen Cork M'Carthy Denis Moher Cullen Cork M'Carthy Denis Mullaghroe, North Cullen Cork M'Carthy Denis Rathroe Cullen Cork M'Carthy Florence Gortnacreha Cullen Cork M'Carthy Jeremiah Gortnacreha Cullen Cork M'Carthy John Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork M'Carthy John Gortageen Cullen Cork M'Carthy John Knocknageeha, West Cullen Cork M'Carthy Mary Knockagarrane, West Cullen Cork M'Carthy Michael Ardnageeha Cullen Cork M'Carthy Patrick Ballynacourty Cullen Cork M'Grath David Ballynacourty Cullen Cork M'Grath Denis Ballynacourty Cullen Cork Mahony Bridget Meenagloghrane Cullen Cork Mahony Cornelius Glantanemore Cullen Cork Mahony Daniel Gorteennafinnoge Cullen Cork Mahony Daniel Lisnashearshane Cullen Cork Mahony James Ballady Cullen Cork Mahony John Boulaling Cullen Cork Mahony Mary Knockagarrane, West Cullen Cork Mahony William Ballady Cullen Cork Mangan Maurice Rathroe Cullen Cork Mc Auliffe Cornelius Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork Mc Auliffe Eugene Gorteennafinnoge Cullen Cork Mc Auliffe Jeremiah Moher Cullen Cork Mc Auliffe John Moher Cullen Cork Mc Auliffe Michael Two Gneeves Cullen Cork Mc Auliffe Timothy Skagh Cullen Cork Mc Cartie Anne Ardnageeha Cullen Cork Mc Cartie Anne Derragh Cullen Cork Mc Cartie Mary Church Hill Cullen Cork Mc Cartie Robert Glantanemore Cullen Cork Mc Cartie Robert Knockduff, Upper Cullen Cork Mc Sweeny Eugene Lisheenafeela Cullen Cork Meade Honora Ahane Beg Cullen Cork Meade John Ahane Lower Cullen Cork Meade William R., Esq. Ballinvragnosig Cullen Cork Meany Cornelius Knockagarrane, West Cullen Cork Morgan Johanna Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork Moynihan Johanna Moher Cullen Cork Mulcahy Daniel Ahane Upper Cullen Cork Mulcahy John Skagh Cullen Cork Mullane Daniel Ardnageeha Cullen Cork Mullane Timothy Ardnageeha Cullen Cork Murley Abigail Coalpits Cullen Cork Murley Daniel Coalpits Cullen Cork Murley Daniel Coolcloher, East Cullen Cork Murley Daniel Knockacarracoosh Cullen Cork Murley Daniel Meenskeha, West Cullen Cork Murley Ellen Meenagloghrane Cullen Cork Murley John Meenskeha, East Cullen Cork Murley Thomas Coalpits Cullen Cork Murphy Andrew Knockduff, Lower Cullen Cork Murphy Bartholomew Rathroe Cullen Cork Murphy Bridget Knocknashannagh Cullen Cork Murphy Cornelius Lyravuckane Cullen Cork Murphy Cornelius Skagh Cullen Cork Murphy Cornelius, Sr. Gortageen Cullen Cork Murphy Daniel Knockeennagearagh Cullen Cork Murphy Daniel Knocknashannagh Cullen Cork Murphy Daniel Lisnaboy, Lower Cullen Cork Murphy Daniel Mullaghroe, South Cullen Cork Murphy Denis Coolcloher, West Cullen Cork Murphy Denis Knockeennagearagh Cullen Cork Murphy Denis Knocknashannagh Cullen Cork Murphy Denis Lyravuckane Cullen Cork Murphy Denis Mullaghroe, North Cullen Cork Murphy Elizabeth Boulaling Cullen Cork Murphy Honora Mullaghroe, North Cullen Cork Murphy Jane Knocknageeha, West Cullen Cork Murphy Jeremiah Lisnaboy, Upper Cullen Cork Murphy Jeremiah Lyravuckane Cullen Cork Murphy Johanna Gortnacreha Cullen Cork Murphy Johanna Knockeennagearagh Cullen Cork Murphy Johanna Mullaghroe, South Cullen Cork Murphy John Keale, South Cullen Cork Murphy John Knockeennagearagh Cullen Cork Murphy John Lisheenafeela Cullen Cork Murphy John Lyravuckane Cullen Cork Murphy John, Sr. Knocknashannagh Cullen Cork Murphy Julia Keale, North Cullen Cork Murphy Margaret Lissaniska Cullen Cork Murphy Mary Coolcloher, South Cullen Cork Murphy Mary Gortageen Cullen Cork Murphy Mary Knocknageeha, West Cullen Cork Murphy Matthew Coolcloher, West Cullen Cork Murphy Michael Knocknageeha, West Cullen Cork Murphy Michael Knocknashannagh Cullen Cork Murphy Michael Rathroe Cullen Cork Murphy Mortough Meenagloghrane Cullen Cork Murphy Patrick Knocknageeha, North Cullen Cork Murphy Timothy Church Hill Cullen Cork Murphy Timothy Gortageen Cullen Cork Murphy Timothy Knockeennagearagh Cullen Cork Murphy Timothy Lisnaboy, Lower Cullen Cork Naughten Joseph Glantanebeg Cullen Cork Naughten William Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork Neill Jeremiah Boulaling Cullen Cork Neill John Ballynacourty Cullen Cork Neill John Boulaling Cullen Cork Neill Matthew Ballynacourty Cullen Cork Nolan Mary Knockduff, Lower Cullen Cork Noonan Daniel Knockeenadal Lane Cullen Cork Noonan Joseph Knocknashannagh Cullen Cork O'Connell Denis Gortageen Cullen Cork O'Keeffe Daniel Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork Philpot John Knockagarrane, West Cullen Cork Philpott John Knocknageeha, North Cullen Cork Rahilly Daniel Skagh Cullen Cork Rahilly Mary Knockane Cullen Cork Reen Humphrey Coolcloher, South Cullen Cork Regan Timothy Ballady Cullen Cork Regan Timothy Ballynacourty Cullen Cork Reynolds John Ballady Cullen Cork Rielly Daniel Ballady Cullen Cork Rielly Jeremiah Ballinvragnosig Cullen Cork Ring Daniel Glantanebeg Cullen Cork Rinn Catherine Ahane Upper Cullen Cork Riordan Bartholomew Keale, South Cullen Cork Riordan Cornelius Knockacarracoosh Cullen Cork Riordan Daniel Church Hill Cullen Cork Riordan Denis Gorteennafinnoge Cullen Cork Riordan Denis Mullaghroe, South Cullen Cork Riordan Elizabeth Gorteennafinnoge Cullen Cork Riordan Francis Dromsicane Cullen Cork Riordan Honora Glantanebeg Cullen Cork Riordan Humphrey Dromsicane Cullen Cork Riordan James Cleanrath Cullen Cork Riordan James Moher Cullen Cork Riordan Jeremiah Dromsicane Cullen Cork Riordan John Lislehane Cullen Cork Riordan John, Jr. Ballady Cullen Cork Riordan John, Jr. Gorteennafinnoge Cullen Cork Riordan John, Sr. Ballady Cullen Cork Riordan John, Sr. Gorteennafinnoge Cullen Cork Riordan Mary Lislehane Cullen Cork Riordan Matthew Knocknageeha, North Cullen Cork Riordan Michael Skagh Cullen Cork Riordan Thade Lislehane Cullen Cork Riordan Timothy Mullaghroe, South Cullen Cork Roach Mary Ballinvragnosig Cullen Cork Roach Michael Ballinvragnosig Cullen Cork Roach William Ballinvragnosig Cullen Cork Roberts Thomas Ballynacourty Cullen Cork Rourke Andrew Gortageen Cullen Cork Savil Roger Skagh Cullen Cork Scannell William Ballynacourty Cullen Cork Scannell William Knocknageeha, North Cullen Cork Scannell William Knocknageeha, West Cullen Cork Shea Bartholomew Gorteennafinnoge Cullen Cork Shea Denis Derragh Cullen Cork Shea Jeremiah Gortageen Cullen Cork Shea John Skagh Cullen Cork Shea Mary Keale, South Cullen Cork Sheehan Ellen Ballinvragnosig Cullen Cork Sheehan John Knockastuckane Cullen Cork Sheehan Julia Coolcloher, West Cullen Cork Sheehan Julia Skagh Cullen Cork Sheehan Mary Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork Sheehan Rep. Thomas Knocknageeha, West Cullen Cork Sheehan William Cloonbannin, East Cullen Cork Shine Cornelius Knockeennagearagh Cullen Cork Shine Daniel Knockagarrane, West Cullen Cork Shine John Ahane Upper Cullen Cork Shine John Mullaghroe, North Cullen Cork Shine Mary Mullaghroe, South Cullen Cork Shine Thade Meenskeha, West Cullen Cork Singleton John Mullaghroe, South Cullen Cork Smith George Knocknageeha, East Cullen Cork Spillane Jeremiah Gortageen Cullen Cork Spillane William Ballynacourty Cullen Cork Stack Edmond Coolcloher, East Cullen Cork Sugrue Timothy Ahane Upper Cullen Cork Sulivan Florence Church Hill Cullen Cork Sullivan Alexander Two Gneeves Cullen Cork Sullivan Cornelius Knockeenadal Lane Cullen Cork Sullivan Daniel Coolcloher, West Cullen Cork Sullivan Denis Meenagloghrane Cullen Cork Sullivan Edmond Meenagloghrane Cullen Cork Sullivan Eugene Knockeenadal Lane Cullen Cork Sullivan Florence Ardnageeha Cullen Cork Sullivan James Ballady Cullen Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Ballady Cullen Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Knockeenadal Lane Cullen Cork Sullivan John Meenskeha, East Cullen Cork Sullivan John Mullaghroe, South Cullen Cork Sullivan Margaret Meenskeha, East Cullen Cork Sullivan Mary Ballady Cullen Cork Sullivan Michael Glantanebeg Cullen Cork Sullivan Michael Kealmanagh Cullen Cork Sullivan Michael Knockeenadal Lane Cullen Cork Sullivan Michael Lyravuckane Cullen Cork Sullivan Timothy Knocknageeha, North Cullen Cork Sullivan William Ballady Cullen Cork Sweeney Daniel Glantanebeg Cullen Cork Sweeney Morgan Derragh Cullen Cork Sweeny Bryan Knocknageeha, South Cullen Cork Sweeny Daniel Ahane Upper Cullen Cork Sweeny Daniel Skagh Cullen Cork Sweeny Denis Knockane Cullen Cork Sweeny Ellen Lisheenafeela Cullen Cork Sweeny Jeremiah Meenskeha, East Cullen Cork Sweeny John Ahane Upper Cullen Cork Sweeny John Ardnageeha Cullen Cork Sweeny John Moher Cullen Cork Sweeny Mary Keale, South Cullen Cork Sweeny Mary Lisheenafeela Cullen Cork Sweeny Morgan Ahane Upper Cullen Cork Sweeny Morgan Knockagarrane, East Cullen Cork Sweeny Morgan Knockane Cullen Cork Sweeny Morgan Meenagloghrane Cullen Cork Sweeny Owen Coalpits Cullen Cork Sweeny Timothy Lyravuckane Cullen Cork Sweeny William Lyravuckane Cullen Cork Taaffe Margaret Derragh Cullen Cork Taaffe William Gortnacreha Cullen Cork Tarrant Nicholas Ahane Beg Cullen Cork Tarrant Nicholas Knockeennagearagh Cullen Cork Thornton Edward Lisheenafeela Cullen Cork Thornton Francis Lisheenafeela Cullen Cork Tobin Mary Ballady Cullen Cork Torrent Nicholas Lissaniska Cullen Cork Tuomy Elizabeth Church Hill Cullen Cork Twohig James Cleanrath Cullen Cork Twomey John Lislehane Cullen Cork Twomey John Moher Cullen Cork Twomy John Cleanrath Cullen Cork Twomy Michael Moher Cullen Cork Twomy Timothy Lyravuckane Cullen Cork Twomy Timothy Meenskeha, West Cullen Cork Twomy Timothy Moher Cullen Cork Vaughan Jeremiah Glantanemore Cullen Cork Walsh David Boulaling Cullen Cork Walsh James Knocknageeha, West Cullen Cork Walsh John Derragh Cullen Cork Walsh John Knocknageeha, West Cullen Cork Walsh Maurice Ballynacourty Cullen Cork Walsh Patrick Knockagarrane, West Cullen Cork Walsh Richard Ballynacourty Cullen Cork Walsh Thomas Ballywilliam Cullen Cork Walsh William Ballynacourty Cullen Cork Warren Jeremiah Gortageen Cullen Cork White Edward Knocknageeha, North Cullen Cork Winter William Lisheenafeela Cullen Cork