Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Ahern John Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Ahern Maurice Kilmartin Lower Donaghmore Cork Ahern Patrick Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Ahern William Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Baldwin John Knockyrourke Donaghmore Cork Barrett Edmond Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Barrett Ellen Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Barrett Ellen Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Barrett Honoria Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Barrett James Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Barrett John Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Barrett John Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Barrett John Andrew Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Barrett John Thomas Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Barrett Michael Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Barrett Thomas Derry Donaghmore Cork Barrett Thomas Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Barry James Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Barry John Meenahony Donaghmore Cork Barry Laurence Coollicka Donaghmore Cork Beechiner Rev. Jeremiah Ballykerwick Donaghmore Cork Bennett Joseph H., Esq. Pluckanes West Donaghmore Cork Bourke John Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Bourke Michael Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Brady Ellen Scarteen Donaghmore Cork Brew James Kilcullen North Donaghmore Cork Brew James Kilmartin Lower Donaghmore Cork Brew Jeremiah Kilmartin Lower Donaghmore Cork Brew William Kilmartin Lower Donaghmore Cork Brian Matthew Ballycunningham Donaghmore Cork Brien Margaret Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Brien William Garraunredmond Donaghmore Cork Bryan Denis Pluckanes North Donaghmore Cork Bryan Ellen Pluckanes North Donaghmore Cork Buckley Bartholomew Kilmartin Lower Donaghmore Cork Buckley Bartholomew Kilmartin Upper Donaghmore Cork Buckley Bridget Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Buckley Cornelius Kilmartin Upper Donaghmore Cork Buckley Daniel Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Buckley Daniel Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Buckley Daniel Kilmartin Upper Donaghmore Cork Buckley Daniel Pluckanes West Donaghmore Cork Buckley Denis, Jr. Rathcoola West Donaghmore Cork Buckley Denis, Sr. Rathcoola West Donaghmore Cork Buckley Jeremiah Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Buckley Jeremiah Kilmartin Lower Donaghmore Cork Buckley Jeremiah, Jr. Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Buckley Jeremiah, Sr. Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Buckley John Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Buckley John Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Buckley John Rathcoola West Donaghmore Cork Buckley Michael Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Buckley Michael Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Buckley Owen Timmy Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Buckley Timothy Kilmartin Upper Donaghmore Cork Buckley William Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Buckley William Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Buckly Bartholomew Monataggart Donaghmore Cork Buckly Catherine Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Buckly Cornelius Coollicka Donaghmore Cork Buckly Daniel Coollicka Donaghmore Cork Buckly Elizabeth Monataggart Donaghmore Cork Buckly Ellen Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Buckly Jeremiah Commeenaplaw Donaghmore Cork Buckly Jeremiah Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Buckly Owen Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Buckly Owen Denis Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Burke Charles Ballykerwick Donaghmore Cork Burke William Derry Donaghmore Cork Burns Catherine Knockanare Donaghmore Cork Butler Denis Gowlane North Donaghmore Cork Butler Margaret Gowlane North Donaghmore Cork Byrne William Ballycraheen Donaghmore Cork Calaghan Jeremiah Kilcullen North Donaghmore Cork Callaghan Cornelius Garraunredmond Donaghmore Cork Callaghan Cornelius Gowlane North Donaghmore Cork Callaghan Cornelius Gowlane South Donaghmore Cork Callaghan Daniel Ballyvodane Donaghmore Cork Callaghan Daniel Gowlane North Donaghmore Cork Callaghan Daniel Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Callaghan Daniel Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Callaghan Daniel Rathcoola West Donaghmore Cork Callaghan Denis Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Callaghan Denis Kilcullen North Donaghmore Cork Callaghan Denis Rathcoola West Donaghmore Cork Callaghan Honoria Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Callaghan Jeremiah Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Callaghan John Ballycunningham Donaghmore Cork Callaghan John Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Callaghan John Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Callaghan John Kilmartin Upper Donaghmore Cork Callaghan John Pluckanes South Donaghmore Cork Callaghan Julia Ballyvodane Donaghmore Cork Callaghan Maurice Knockane Donaghmore Cork Callaghan Michael Gowlane North Donaghmore Cork Callaghan Patrick Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Callaghan Patrick Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Callaghan Richrd Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Callaghan Silvester Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Callaghan Thomas Pluckanes North Donaghmore Cork Callaghan Timothy Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Callaghan Timothy Gowlane South Donaghmore Cork Callaghan Timothy Rathcoola East Donaghmore Cork Callaghan William Gowlane South Donaghmore Cork Cambridge Margaret Bunkilla Donaghmore Cork Carroll Ellen Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Carroll James Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Carroll Thomas Commeenaplaw Donaghmore Cork Carroll Thomas Kilmartin Upper Donaghmore Cork Carroll Thomas Denis Commeenaplaw Donaghmore Cork Carroll William Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Casey Catherine Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Casey Cornelius Knockyrourke Donaghmore Cork Casey Edmond Garraunredmond Donaghmore Cork Casey James Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Casey John Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Casey John Garraunredmond Donaghmore Cork Casey John Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Casey Patrick Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Casey William Knockyrourke Donaghmore Cork Coakley Elizabeth Rathcoola East Donaghmore Cork Coakly Denis Gowlane South Donaghmore Cork Coakly Elizabeth Rathcoola East Donaghmore Cork Coffee Timothy Knockyrourke Donaghmore Cork Cogan Edmond Ballycunningham Donaghmore Cork Cogan Edmond Monataggart Donaghmore Cork Cogan James Ballycunningham Donaghmore Cork Cogan John Monataggart Donaghmore Cork Coghlan John Scarteen Donaghmore Cork Coghlan William Firmount Donaghmore Cork Colclough Denis Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Colclough John Pluckanes East Donaghmore Cork Colclough Patrick Pluckanes East Donaghmore Cork Colclough Timothy Pluckanes East Donaghmore Cork Coleman Timothy Ballycunningham Donaghmore Cork Collins Joseph Kilmartin Lower Donaghmore Cork Connell Denis Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Connell Denis Garraunredmond Donaghmore Cork Connell Denis Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Connell Denis Kilmartin Upper Donaghmore Cork Connell Elizabeth Kilmartin Upper Donaghmore Cork Connell James Derry Donaghmore Cork Connell Michael Bunkilla Donaghmore Cork Connell Michael Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Connell Patrick Curragh Donaghmore Cork Connell Patrick Knockyrourke Donaghmore Cork Connell Timothy Kilmartin Upper Donaghmore Cork Connell William Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Connor John Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Connor John Pluckanes North Donaghmore Cork Connor Mary Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Connor Patrick Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Connors Catherine Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Connors Honora Kilcullen North Donaghmore Cork Connors Jeremiah Ballyhennessy Donaghmore Cork Connors Jeremiah Kilmartin Lower Donaghmore Cork Connors John Coollicka Donaghmore Cork Connors Maurice Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Connors Patrick Kilcullen North Donaghmore Cork Connors Thomas Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Connors Thomas Kilmartin Lower Donaghmore Cork Connors Timothy Gowlane North Donaghmore Cork Corkerry Jeremiah Meenahony Donaghmore Cork Corkerry Michael Knockanare Donaghmore Cork Corkery Catherine Pluckanes West Donaghmore Cork Corkery John Knockanare Donaghmore Cork Cotter Rev. Joseph Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Cotter Rev. Joseph Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Cotter Rev. Joseph R. Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Couhig Mary Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Creagh George H. B. Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Creagh Goerge W. P. Ballycunningham Donaghmore Cork Creane Richard Derry Donaghmore Cork Creedon William Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Crimmin Denis Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Crimmin Denis Rathcoola East Donaghmore Cork Crimmin John Meenahony Donaghmore Cork Crimmin John, Jr. Meenahony Donaghmore Cork Crimmin Michael Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Crimmins Patrick Meenahony Donaghmore Cork Crimmins Timothy Meenahony Donaghmore Cork Cronin Catherine Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Cronin Honoria Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Cronin John Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Cronin John Bunkilla Donaghmore Cork Cronin John Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Crowley Humphrey Gowlane North Donaghmore Cork Crowley John Kilcullen North Donaghmore Cork Crowley Patrick Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Crowley Timothy Kilcullen North Donaghmore Cork Crowley Timothy Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Curtin Eugene Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Curtin Margaret Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Curtin Michael Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Curtin Patrick Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Daly Charles Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Daly Denis Ballycraheen Donaghmore Cork Daly Thomas Ballycraheen Donaghmore Cork Danahy Cornelius Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Danahy Jeremiah Curragh Donaghmore Cork Danahy Michael Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Deloherty Margaret Garraun, South Donaghmore Cork Delohery Catherine Meenahony Donaghmore Cork Delohery Daniel Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Delohery John, Jr. Ballycraheen Donaghmore Cork Delohery John, Sr. Ballycraheen Donaghmore Cork Delohery Mary Knockyrourke Donaghmore Cork Delohery Matthew Ballycraheen Donaghmore Cork Delohery Timothy Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Delohery Timothy Meenahony Donaghmore Cork Delowhery Patrick Ballycunningham Donaghmore Cork Desmond Daniel Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Desmond James Meenahony Donaghmore Cork Desmond Johanna Knockane Donaghmore Cork Dinan Jeremiah Coollicka Donaghmore Cork Dinan Michael Ballykerwick Donaghmore Cork Dinan Patrick Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Dinane Jeremiah Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Dinneen Jeremiah Gowlane North Donaghmore Cork Dinneen John Garraun, South Donaghmore Cork Dinneen John Knockane Donaghmore Cork Dinneen Patrick Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Dohery Denis Ballycraheen Donaghmore Cork Donohoe Catherine Kilcullen North Donaghmore Cork Donohoe Ellen Kilcullen North Donaghmore Cork Donohoe James Gowlane South Donaghmore Cork Donohoe Patrick Coollicka Donaghmore Cork Donovan Mary Knockyrourke Donaghmore Cork Donovan Michael Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Donovan Michael Rathcoola West Donaghmore Cork Donovan Timothy Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Donovan Timothy Garraunredmond Donaghmore Cork Donovan Timothy Gowlane South Donaghmore Cork Donovan Timothy Pluckanes East Donaghmore Cork Dorney Edward Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Downey John Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Downey William Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Duggan Daniel Ballycunningham Donaghmore Cork Duggan Edmond Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Duggan Ellen Curragh Donaghmore Cork Duggan Jeremiah Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Duggan Jeremiah Meenahony Donaghmore Cork Duggan John Curragh Donaghmore Cork Dwyer Daniel Pluckanes East Donaghmore Cork Dwyer Jeremiah Curragh Donaghmore Cork Finnegan Timothy Kilmartin Lower Donaghmore Cork Fitzgerald Honoria Meenahony Donaghmore Cork Fitzgerald Michael Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Fleming John Ballykerwick Donaghmore Cork Flinn Judith Garraun, South Donaghmore Cork Flynn Thomas Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Foley Cornelius Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Foley Cornelius Garraunredmond Donaghmore Cork Foley Cornelius, Sr. Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Foley Ellen Gowlane North Donaghmore Cork Foley Jeremiah Commeenaplaw Donaghmore Cork Foley John Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Foley John Meenahony Donaghmore Cork Foley Margaret Derry Donaghmore Cork Foley Mary Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Foley Maurice Knockyrourke Donaghmore Cork Foley Michael Gowlane South Donaghmore Cork Foley Michael Knockyrourke Donaghmore Cork Foley Timothy Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Foley Timothy Ballykerwick Donaghmore Cork Ford Bartholomew Ballykerwick Donaghmore Cork Ford Denis Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Ford Ellen Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Ford Honoria Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Ford Jeremiah Coollicka Donaghmore Cork Ford Jeremiah Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Ford John Coolmona Donaghmore Cork French Thomas George Pluckanes North Donaghmore Cork Galway John Derry Donaghmore Cork Gibbs Rev. Robert Knockanare Donaghmore Cork Goggin Jeremiah Ballyvodane Donaghmore Cork Golden Bartholomew Garraun, South Donaghmore Cork Golden Bartholomew Gowlane North Donaghmore Cork Golden David Garraun, South Donaghmore Cork Golden John Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Golden John Garraun, South Donaghmore Cork Golden Michael Garraun, South Donaghmore Cork Golden Michael Gowlane North Donaghmore Cork Graney Abigail Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Graney Daniel Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Graney Patrick Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Green Anthony Knockanare Donaghmore Cork Green George Knockanare Donaghmore Cork Green Henry Knockanare Donaghmore Cork Green John Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Griffin James Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Hagle Michael Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Hanlon Bartholomew Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Hanlon Daniel Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Hanlon Denis Rathcoola East Donaghmore Cork Hanlon John Kilcullen North Donaghmore Cork Hanlon John Pluckanes West Donaghmore Cork Hanlon Michael Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Hanlon Patrick Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Hanlon Timothy Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Hanlon Timothy Pluckanes West Donaghmore Cork Hanlon Timothy Rathcoola East Donaghmore Cork Hanlon Timothy, Jr. Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Harold Robert Gowlane North Donaghmore Cork Harrington Mary Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Harrold Robert Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Hassett John Derry Donaghmore Cork Hassett John Knockanare Donaghmore Cork Hassett John Meenahony Donaghmore Cork Hassett Patrick Commeenaplaw Donaghmore Cork Hassett Patrick Derry Donaghmore Cork Hayes James Commeenaplaw Donaghmore Cork Hayes Owen Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Hayes Patrick Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Healy Catherine Knockyrourke Donaghmore Cork Healy Catherine Rathcoola East Donaghmore Cork Healy Cornelius Rathcoola East Donaghmore Cork Healy Daniel Curragh Donaghmore Cork Healy Honoria Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Healy Jeremaih Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Healy Jeremiah Commeenaplaw Donaghmore Cork Healy Jeremiah Garraunredmond Donaghmore Cork Healy Jeremiah Gowlane North Donaghmore Cork Healy Jeremiah Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Healy Jeremiah Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Healy Jeremiah Meenahony Donaghmore Cork Healy Jeremiah Monataggart Donaghmore Cork Healy John Ballycunningham Donaghmore Cork Healy John Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Healy John Monataggart Donaghmore Cork Healy John Pluckanes West Donaghmore Cork Healy Margaret Garraunredmond Donaghmore Cork Healy Mary Ballycunningham Donaghmore Cork Healy Mary Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Healy Mary Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Healy Maurice Curragh Donaghmore Cork Healy Maurice Garraunredmond Donaghmore Cork Healy Maurice Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Healy Maurice Pluckanes North Donaghmore Cork Healy Michael Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Healy Michael Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Healy Michael Garraunredmond Donaghmore Cork Healy Michael Gowlane South Donaghmore Cork Healy Michael Knockanare Donaghmore Cork Healy Patrick Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Healy Patrick Garraunredmond Donaghmore Cork Healy Patrick Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Healy Thomas Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Healy Thomas Garraunredmond Donaghmore Cork Healy Thomas Knockanare Donaghmore Cork Hegarty Daniel Coollicka Donaghmore Cork Hegarty Daniel Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Hegarty Denis Firmount Donaghmore Cork Hegarty Denis Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Hegarty Jeremiah Rathcoola West Donaghmore Cork Helon John Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Horgan Cornelius Derry Donaghmore Cork Horgan Jeremiah Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Horgan Johh Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Horgan John Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Horgan John Coollicka Donaghmore Cork Horgan John Kilmartin Lower Donaghmore Cork Horgan Julia Kilmartin Upper Donaghmore Cork Horgan Michael Knockanare Donaghmore Cork Horgan Richard Garraunredmond Donaghmore Cork Horigan David Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Horigan John Pluckanes North Donaghmore Cork Horrigan John Pluckanes West Donaghmore Cork Hounihan Johanna Ballykerwick Donaghmore Cork Hounihan John Ballycunningham Donaghmore Cork Hounihan John Derry Donaghmore Cork Hounihan Robert Ballycunningham Donaghmore Cork Hounihan Robert Derry Donaghmore Cork Hounihan William Derry Donaghmore Cork Hounihan William Robert Ballykerwick Donaghmore Cork Hourigan Cornelius Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Hourigan Thomas Pluckanes West Donaghmore Cork Hubbert Peter Knockane Donaghmore Cork Hurley Patrick Ballyvodane Donaghmore Cork Hurley Patrick Gowlane North Donaghmore Cork Hurly William Curragh Donaghmore Cork Hyde Thomas Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Hyde Timothy Knockane Donaghmore Cork Hyland Eliza Pluckanes West Donaghmore Cork Jennings Joseph Coollicka Donaghmore Cork Keeffe Ellen Rathcoola West Donaghmore Cork Keeffe Patrick Rathcoola West Donaghmore Cork Keily Timothy Garraun, South Donaghmore Cork Keleher Jeremiah Ballykerwick Donaghmore Cork Keleher John Kilcullen North Donaghmore Cork Keleher Patrick Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Keliher Jeremiah Gowlane North Donaghmore Cork Keliher Timothy Gowlane North Donaghmore Cork Kelly Owen Pluckanes South Donaghmore Cork Kennedy John Pluckanes South Donaghmore Cork Kiely Catherine Garraun, South Donaghmore Cork Laby Margaret Bunkilla Donaghmore Cork Lane Ellen Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Lane John Curragh Donaghmore Cork Lane John Kilmartin Lower Donaghmore Cork Lane Maurice Pluckanes North Donaghmore Cork Lane Michael Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Lane Rev. Michael Coollicka Donaghmore Cork Lane Rev. Michael Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Lane Timothy Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Leary Bartholomew Monataggart Donaghmore Cork Leary Denis Derry Donaghmore Cork Leary Honoria Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Leehane Daniel Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Lehane Cornelius Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Lehane Jeremiah Curragh Donaghmore Cork Lehane John Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Lehane Patrick Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Lehane Patrick Commeenaplaw Donaghmore Cork Lehane Patrick Monataggart Donaghmore Cork Lenihan Catherine Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Lenihan Margaret Rathcoola East Donaghmore Cork Leonard Timothy Knockanare Donaghmore Cork Linehan Catherine Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Linehan Denis Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Linehan Mary Rathcoola East Donaghmore Cork Linehan Timothy Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Long Daniel Derry Donaghmore Cork Long Johanna Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Long Mary Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Longfield Rep. Henry Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Louney Edmond Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Lowney Bridget Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Lowney Catherine Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Lowney Daniel Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Lowney Daniel Kilmartin Upper Donaghmore Cork Lowney Edmond Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Lowney Edmond Commeenaplaw Donaghmore Cork Lowney James Gowlane South Donaghmore Cork Lowney Jeremiah Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Lowney Jeremiah Meenahony Donaghmore Cork Lowney John Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Lowney Mary Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Lucy Daniel Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Lynch Denis Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Lynch Ellen Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Lynch Jeremiah Kilcullen North Donaghmore Cork Lynch Jeremiah Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Lynch Jeremiah Kilmartin Lower Donaghmore Cork Lynch Jeremiah Pluckanes South Donaghmore Cork Lynch John Gowlane South Donaghmore Cork Lynch John Kilmartin Lower Donaghmore Cork Lyons Cornelius Knockane Donaghmore Cork Lyons Cornelius Meenahony Donaghmore Cork Lyons Mary Kilmartin Lower Donaghmore Cork M'Auliffe John Rathcoola East Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy Callaghan Meenahony Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy Charles Kilcullen North Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy Cornelius Gowlane South Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy Denis Ballykerwick Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy Denis Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy Denis Fornaght Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy Denis Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy Edmond Coolmona Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy Edmond Garraunredmond Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy Ellen Garraunredmond Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy Ellen Meenahony Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy Ellen Scarteen Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy John Ballyvodane Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy John Derry Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy John Gowlane North Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy Owen Coollicka Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy Owen Coolmona Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy Owen Gowlane South Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy Owen Lackabane Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy Patrick Knockanare Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy Timothy Coollicka Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy Timothy Derry Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy Timothy Lackabane Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy Timothy, Jr. Knockyrourke Donaghmore Cork M'Carthy Timothy, Sr. Knockyrourke Donaghmore Cork M'Namara Timothy Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Mahony Catherine Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Mahony Cornelius Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Mahony Cornelius Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Mahony Cornelius Kilmartin Lower Donaghmore Cork Mahony Daniel Ballycunningham Donaghmore Cork Mahony Daniel Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Mahony Denis Derry Donaghmore Cork Mahony Mary Gowlane South Donaghmore Cork Mahony Michael Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Mahony Michael Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Mahony Mortimer Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Mahony Thomas Ballycunningham Donaghmore Cork Mahony Timothy Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Mannion Jeremiah Garraunredmond Donaghmore Cork Martin John Pluckanes North Donaghmore Cork Mc Carthy Denis Firmount Donaghmore Cork Mc Carthy Florence Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Mc Carthy Margaret Firmount Donaghmore Cork Mc Carthy Patrick Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Meehan Cornelius Kilcullen North Donaghmore Cork Millard James Pluckanes North Donaghmore Cork Morrissey Edmond Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Morrissey John Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Morrissy Denis Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Morrissy John Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Morrissy Michael Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Moynehan Cornelius Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Moynehan Denis Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Mulhane Patrick Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Mullane Jeremiah Ballykerwick Donaghmore Cork Mullane Michael Pluckanes West Donaghmore Cork Mullane Patrick Commeenaplaw Donaghmore Cork Mullane Patrick Meenahony Donaghmore Cork Mullane Timothy Pluckanes West Donaghmore Cork Murphy Cornelius Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Murphy Cornelius Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Murphy Cornelius Pluckanes North Donaghmore Cork Murphy Daniel Gowlane North Donaghmore Cork Murphy Daniel Pluckanes North Donaghmore Cork Murphy Denis Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Murphy Denis Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Murphy Denis Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Murphy Denis Kilmartin Upper Donaghmore Cork Murphy Denis Pluckanes North Donaghmore Cork Murphy Denis Pluckanes South Donaghmore Cork Murphy Denis Pluckanes West Donaghmore Cork Murphy Denis Pluckanes, East Donaghmore Cork Murphy Denis Rathcoola East Donaghmore Cork Murphy Edmond Kilmartin Lower Donaghmore Cork Murphy Edmond Monavanshere Donaghmore Cork Murphy Ellen Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Murphy Ellen Gowlane North Donaghmore Cork Murphy Honoria Gowlane South Donaghmore Cork Murphy Honoria Pluckanes South Donaghmore Cork Murphy Jeremiah Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Murphy Jeremiah Gowlane South Donaghmore Cork Murphy Jeremiah Denis Meenahony Donaghmore Cork Murphy John Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Murphy John Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Murphy John Garraun, South Donaghmore Cork Murphy John Gowlane North Donaghmore Cork Murphy John Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Murphy John Pluckanes North Donaghmore Cork Murphy John Rathcoola West Donaghmore Cork Murphy John Denis Meenahony Donaghmore Cork Murphy Margaret Ballykerwick Donaghmore Cork Murphy Margaret Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Murphy Margaret Meenahony Donaghmore Cork Murphy Margaret Pluckanes South Donaghmore Cork Murphy Mary Pluckanes East Donaghmore Cork Murphy Maurice Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Murphy Maurice Ballycunningham Donaghmore Cork Murphy Maurice Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Murphy Michael Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Murphy Patrick Pluckanes North Donaghmore Cork Murphy Patrick Pluckanes, East Donaghmore Cork Murphy Thomas Gowlane South Donaghmore Cork Murphy Thomas Pluckanes West Donaghmore Cork Murphy Timothy Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Murphy Timothy Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Murphy Timothy Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Murphy Timothy Curragh Donaghmore Cork Murphy Timothy Firmount Donaghmore Cork Murphy Timothy Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Murphy Timothy Gowlane South Donaghmore Cork Murphy Timothy, Jr. Gowlane South Donaghmore Cork Murphy Timothy, Sr. Gowlane South Donaghmore Cork Murphy William Ballyvodane Donaghmore Cork Murphy William Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Murphy William Gowlane North Donaghmore Cork Nagle David Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Nagle John Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Nagle Michael Knockyrourke Donaghmore Cork Nagle Patrick Knockyrourke Donaghmore Cork Nagle Richard Commeenaplaw Donaghmore Cork Nagle Richard Knockyrourke Donaghmore Cork Nagle Richard Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Naughten Cornelius Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Naughten Martin Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Naughten William Kilcullen North Donaghmore Cork Naughten William Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork O'Keeffe Mary Ballykerwick Donaghmore Cork Onaghan Andrew Pluckanes West Donaghmore Cork Porter Denis Meenahony Donaghmore Cork Porter John Ballykerwick Donaghmore Cork Quinlan Thomas Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Reardon Catherine Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Reardon Catherine Garraun, South Donaghmore Cork Reardon Jeremiah Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Reardon John Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Reardon John Pluckanes North Donaghmore Cork Reardon Timothy Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Regan Denis Ballyhennessy Donaghmore Cork Regan Francis Monataggart Donaghmore Cork Regan Jeremiah Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Regan John Knockanare Donaghmore Cork Regan Michael Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Regan Patrick Firmount Donaghmore Cork Regan Patrick Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Ring Catherine Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Ring Catherine Knockyrourke Donaghmore Cork Riordan Jeremiah Kilmartin Upper Donaghmore Cork Riordan John Ballycunningham Donaghmore Cork Riordan John Derry Donaghmore Cork Riordan John Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Riordan John Kilmartin Upper Donaghmore Cork Riordan John Knockanare Donaghmore Cork Riordan John Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Riordan John Monataggart Donaghmore Cork Riordan Owen Ballycunningham Donaghmore Cork Riordan Patrick Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Riordan Thomas Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Riordan Timothy Fornaght Donaghmore Cork Riordan Timothy Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Ruby Henry, Esq. Curragh Donaghmore Cork Ruby Henry, Esq. Knockane Donaghmore Cork Ruby Hugh, Esq. Curragh Donaghmore Cork Ruby Mary Curragh Donaghmore Cork Ruby Thomas, Esq. Curragh Donaghmore Cork Savage Daniel Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Scanlan Michael Coollicka Donaghmore Cork Scanlan Timothy Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Scanlon Patrick Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Scully Charles Pluckanes East Donaghmore Cork Scully John Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Scully John Meenahony Donaghmore Cork Scully William Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Sexton Edmond Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Sexton Jeremiah Knockyrourke Donaghmore Cork Sexton Johanna Gowlane South Donaghmore Cork Sexton John Garraunredmond Donaghmore Cork Sexton John Gowlane North Donaghmore Cork Sexton John Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Sexton John Knockyrourke Donaghmore Cork Sexton John, Jr. Gowlane South Donaghmore Cork Sexton John, Sr. Gowlane South Donaghmore Cork Sexton Maurice Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Sexton Michael Garraunredmond Donaghmore Cork Sexton Patrick Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Sexton Thomas Gowlane South Donaghmore Cork Shea Cornelius Kilmartin Lower Donaghmore Cork Shea Daniel Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Shea Denis Garraunredmond Donaghmore Cork Shea John Gowlane North Donaghmore Cork Shea John Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Shea John Rathcoola West Donaghmore Cork Shea Philip Kilmartin Lower Donaghmore Cork Shea Timothy Coollicka Donaghmore Cork Sheehan Denis Pluckanes West Donaghmore Cork Sheehan Patrick Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Shine Elizabeth Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Shine Jeremiah Commeenaplaw Donaghmore Cork Silk Richard Ahadallane Donaghmore Cork Slattery James Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Slattery John Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Spence Michael Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Stawell George C., Esq. Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Stawell George C., Esq. Garraun, South Donaghmore Cork Sullivan Charles Garraunredmond Donaghmore Cork Sullivan Cornelius Kilmartin Lower Donaghmore Cork Sullivan Denis Ballycunningham Donaghmore Cork Sullivan Denis Coolmona Donaghmore Cork Sullivan Denis Kilmartin Upper Donaghmore Cork Sullivan Denis Scarteen Donaghmore Cork Sullivan Honoria Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Ballycunningham Donaghmore Cork Sullivan Johanna Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Sullivan John Ballykerwick Donaghmore Cork Sullivan John Garraunredmond Donaghmore Cork Sullivan John Kilmartin Upper Donaghmore Cork Sullivan John Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Sullivan John Rathcoola West Donaghmore Cork Sullivan John Scarteen Donaghmore Cork Sullivan Mary Knockanare Donaghmore Cork Sullivan Mary Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Sullivan Owen Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Sullivan Owen Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Sullivan Owen Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Sullivan Patrick Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Sullivan Patrick Garraunredmond Donaghmore Cork Sullivan Patrick Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Sullivan Patrick Pluckanes West Donaghmore Cork Sullivan Thomas Garraunredmond Donaghmore Cork Sullivan Timothy Ballygirriha Donaghmore Cork Sullivan Timothy Lackabane Donaghmore Cork Sweeney Denis Rathcoola East Donaghmore Cork Sweeney Edmond Derry Donaghmore Cork Sweeney Owen Rathcoola East Donaghmore Cork Sweeny Edmond Commeenaplaw Donaghmore Cork Sweeny John Rathcoola West Donaghmore Cork Townsend Samuel Rathcoola West Donaghmore Cork Tuohig Daniel Ballykerwick Donaghmore Cork Tuohig Edmond Ballykerwick Donaghmore Cork Tuohig Edmond Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Tuohig Edmond Monataggart Donaghmore Cork Tuohig Margaret Ballykerwick Donaghmore Cork Tuohig Margaret Monataggart Donaghmore Cork Tuohig Mary Ballykerwick Donaghmore Cork Tuohig Mary Coollicka Donaghmore Cork Tuohig Patrick Ballykerwick Donaghmore Cork Tuohig Patrick Coollicka Donaghmore Cork Tuohig William Ballykerwick Donaghmore Cork Tuomey Daniel Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Tuomey James Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Tuomey James Coollicka Donaghmore Cork Tuomey Jeremiah Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Tuomey John Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Tuomey Patrick Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Tuomey Thomas Coollicka Donaghmore Cork Tuomey Timothy Coollicka Donaghmore Cork Twohig William Ballycunningham Donaghmore Cork Twomey Denis Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Twomey Honoria Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Twomey Patrick Barrahaurin Donaghmore Cork Wallace Jeremiah Kilcullen South Donaghmore Cork Walsh Edmond Kilmartin Upper Donaghmore Cork Walsh James Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Walsh John Garraun, North Donaghmore Cork Walsh Michael Killeenleigh Donaghmore Cork Walsh Patrick Scarteen Donaghmore Cork Walsh Thomas Knockane Donaghmore Cork Walsh William Ballycraheen Donaghmore Cork Williams David Ballykerwick Donaghmore Cork Williams Jeremiah Knockyrourke Donaghmore Cork Williams John Knockyrourke Donaghmore Cork Williams Michael Knockyrourke Donaghmore Cork Wise Henry Bunkilla Donaghmore Cork Wise Henry Monavanshere Donaghmore Cork Wiseman John Meenahony Donaghmore Cork