Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Doneraile, County Cork
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Doneraile, County Cork
Ahern Eliza Chapel Lane Doneraile Cork Ahern John Carker North Doneraile Cork Ahern John Dromdeer West Doneraile Cork Ahern Patrick Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Allen George Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Allen Philip Park North Doneraile Cork Ashton William Ballyshane Doneraile Cork Ashton William Main Street Doneraile Cork Atkins George Rossagh West Doneraile Cork Bailey John Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork Baker John Chapel Lane Doneraile Cork Balfrey John Oldcourt Doneraile Cork Balfry William Main Street Doneraile Cork Barnett John Park South Doneraile Cork Barret Edward Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork Barrett Catherine Castlepook North Doneraile Cork Barrett Edmund Ballydineen Doneraile Cork Barrett James Ardadam Doneraile Cork Barrett John Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Barrett Margaret Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Barrett Richard Ardadam Doneraile Cork Barrett Richard, Esq. Dromdeer East Doneraile Cork Barrett Timothy Streamhill East Doneraile Cork Barry David Newtown Doneraile Cork Barry James Ballyandrew Doneraile Cork Barry James Ballyellis Doneraile Cork Barry James Kilcolman East Doneraile Cork Barry James Kilcolman Middle Doneraile Cork Barry Johanna New Road Doneraile Cork Barry Johanna Skahanaghbeg Doneraile Cork Barry John Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Barry John Mill View Doneraile Cork Barry John Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Barry John H., Esq. Ballinvonear Doneraile Cork Barry John Harold, Esq. Kilcolman Middle Doneraile Cork Barry Margaret Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Barry Mary Kilcolman Middle Doneraile Cork Barry Mary Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork Barry Philip Ballyshane Doneraile Cork Barry Rep. Redmond Carker Doneraile Cork Barry Rep. Redmond Main Street Doneraile Cork Barry Robert Chapel View Lane Doneraile Cork Beechinor Robert Ballydineen Doneraile Cork Begly John Carker North Doneraile Cork Bermingham John Carker Doneraile Cork Best James Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Blake James Dromdeer East Doneraile Cork Blake Richard Croaghnacree Doneraile Cork Blake William Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Blake William Kilcolman Middle Doneraile Cork Blewitt John Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Boche John Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Bolton Robert C. Main Street Doneraile Cork Bourke Richard Demesne Doneraile Cork Bowen Eliza Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Brazier James Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Brazier Kilner, Esq. Croaghnacree Doneraile Cork Brien Cornelius Cloonbane Doneraile Cork Brien Daniel Teapot Lane Doneraile Cork Brien Denis Ballyandrew Doneraile Cork Brien Denis Ballydineen Doneraile Cork Brien John Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Brien Margaret Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork Brien Michael Cloustoge Doneraile Cork Brien Michael New Road Doneraile Cork Brien Michael Teapot Lane Doneraile Cork Brien Patrick Main Street Doneraile Cork Brien Timothy Cloonbane Doneraile Cork Brien William Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Brien William Skaghardgannon Doneraile Cork Broderick Michael Carkerbeg Doneraile Cork Broderick Michael Kilbrack Doneraile Cork Browne Daniel Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Browne Margaret Ardadam Doneraile Cork Browne Nicholas Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Browne Thomas Rossagh West Doneraile Cork Bryne Thomas Mill View Doneraile Cork Buchanan ??? Demesne Doneraile Cork Buchanan John Main Street Doneraile Cork Buckley Bridget Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork Buckley Cornelius Kilcolman East Doneraile Cork Buckley Denis Inchagree Doneraile Cork Buckley Garret Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork Buckley John Garden Lane Doneraile Cork Buckley John Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork Buckley Mary Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork Buckley Patrick Rossagh West Doneraile Cork Burke Edward Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Burke John Dromdeer East Doneraile Cork Burke John Kilcolman Middle Doneraile Cork Burns Daniel Main Street Doneraile Cork Bushe Maurice Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork Bushe Patrick Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Cahill James Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork Cahill John Castlesaffron Doneraile Cork Callaghan Catherine Oldcourt Doneraile Cork Callaghan Daniel Teapot Lane Doneraile Cork Callaghan Denis Mill View Doneraile Cork Callaghan John Ballyandrew Doneraile Cork Callaghan John Castlesaffron Doneraile Cork Callaghan John Dromdeer West Doneraile Cork Callaghan John Main Street Doneraile Cork Callaghan John Teapot Lane Doneraile Cork Callaghan William Carker Doneraile Cork Campion Charles Dromdeer East Doneraile Cork Campion Charles Dromdeer West Doneraile Cork Campion Roland Castlesaffron Doneraile Cork Campion Roland Dromdeer West Doneraile Cork Carleton John Ardadam Doneraile Cork Carley Edward Main Street Doneraile Cork Carroll Johanna Carker Middle Doneraile Cork Carroll John Cloustoge Doneraile Cork Carroll John Kilconnor Doneraile Cork Carroll John Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Carroll Mary Ardadam Doneraile Cork Carroll Maurice Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Carroll Maurice Mill View Doneraile Cork Carroll Michael Park South Doneraile Cork Carroll William Kilcolman Middle Doneraile Cork Carroll William Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Carthy Michael Main Street Doneraile Cork Carty Bartholomew Main Street Doneraile Cork Carty Daniel Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Carty John Gooseberry Lane Doneraile Cork Carty Patrick Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Casey Edmund Ardadam Doneraile Cork Casey Edmund Ballyshane Doneraile Cork Casey James Ballintlea South Doneraile Cork Casey John Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Casey Margaret Ballyshane Doneraile Cork Casey Owen Ballintlea South Doneraile Cork Casey Patrick Ballinree Doneraile Cork Casey William Ballyshane Doneraile Cork Clancy George New Road Doneraile Cork Clancy Simon Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork Clancy Thaddeus Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Clancy William Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Clear John Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork Clear Maurice Main Street Doneraile Cork Clear William Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork Cleary Mary Garden Lane Doneraile Cork Clifton Bridget Main Street Doneraile Cork Coffey Timothy Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork Coghlan Cornelius Oldcourt Doneraile Cork Coghlan Jeremiah Dromdeer East Doneraile Cork Coghlan Jeremiah Kilcolman Middle Doneraile Cork Coleman Michael Byblox Doneraile Cork Colligan John Knockacur Doneraile Cork Collins Daniel Garden Lane Doneraile Cork Collins Ellen Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork Collins Ellen Teapot Lane Doneraile Cork Collins John Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Collins John Main Street Doneraile Cork Collins Mary New Road Doneraile Cork Collins Michael Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork Collins Patrick Ballyellis Doneraile Cork Collins Patrick Carker Middle Doneraile Cork Collins Patrick Main Street Doneraile Cork Collins William Teapot Lane Doneraile Cork Condon David, Jr. Kilbrack Doneraile Cork Condon David, Sr. Kilbrack Doneraile Cork Condon Michael Kilbrack Doneraile Cork Connel John Streamhill West Doneraile Cork Connell Catherine Inchagree Doneraile Cork Connell James Cloonbane Doneraile Cork Connell James Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Connell Margaret Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Connell Michael Brough Doneraile Cork Connell Michael Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Connell Ml. Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Connell Philip Chapel View Lane Doneraile Cork Connor David Carrigeen Doneraile Cork Connor David Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Connor Denis Dromdeer East Doneraile Cork Connor Edmund Ballinree Doneraile Cork Connor Edward Sycamore Doneraile Cork Connor James Cloustoge Doneraile Cork Connor James Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Connor Jeremiah Lougheagle Doneraile Cork Connor Johanna Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Connor John, Sr. Ballydineen Doneraile Cork Connor Maurice Ballydineen Doneraile Cork Connor Patrick Lougheagle Doneraile Cork Connor Richard Carkerbeg Doneraile Cork Connor Thaddeus Garden Lane Doneraile Cork Connor Thomas Ballintlea North Doneraile Cork Connor Thomas Carker North Doneraile Cork Connor Thomas Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork Connor Timothy Ballydineen Doneraile Cork Connor William Ballydineen Doneraile Cork Connor William Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork Connor William Sycamore Doneraile Cork Conry Anne Ballintlea South Doneraile Cork Conry Mary Carker North Doneraile Cork Conway Daniel Main Street Doneraile Cork Conway Michael Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Coote Charles, Esq. Ballintlea North Doneraile Cork Corbett Bridget Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Corbett Denis Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Corbett James Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Corbett Johanna Cloonbane Doneraile Cork Corbett Margaret Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Cotter James Carker North Doneraile Cork Cotter John Main Street Doneraile Cork Cox James New Road Doneraile Cork Crabtree John Main Street Doneraile Cork Creagh Arthur Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork Creagh Arthur Main Street Doneraile Cork Creagh Arthur Mill View Doneraile Cork Creagh Arthur G. Skaghardgannon Doneraile Cork Creagh Geo. W. B., Esq. Ballyandrew Doneraile Cork Creagh Geo. W. B., Esq. Castlesaffron Doneraile Cork Creagh Rep. Arthur Cloonbane Doneraile Cork Creagh Rep. Mich., Esq. Castlepook North Doneraile Cork Creagh Rep. Mich., Esq. Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Crean John Ballyshane Doneraile Cork Creed Mary Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork Crehan John Streamhill West Doneraile Cork Crimmins David Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Crimmins William Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Croan Augustine Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Croan James N., Esq. Main Street Doneraile Cork Croan James N., Esq. Mill View Doneraile Cork Croan John Ballintlea North Doneraile Cork Croan John, Esq. Byblox Doneraile Cork Croan John, Esq. New Road Doneraile Cork Croan Richard Ballyellis Doneraile Cork Croan Robert Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Crofts George Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork Crofts George, Esq. Ballyellis Doneraile Cork Crofts George, Esq. Streamhill East Doneraile Cork Crofts George, Esq. Streamhill West Doneraile Cork Croker Andrew Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Croker Charles, Esq. Carkerbeg Doneraile Cork Croker Charles, Esq. Skaghardgannon Doneraile Cork Cronin Ellen Kilcolman Middle Doneraile Cork Cudmore James Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Cuffe Anne Ballintlea South Doneraile Cork Cullinan John Streamhill West Doneraile Cork Cummins Edward Main Street Doneraile Cork Cummins Ellen Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Curreen Daniel Streamhill West Doneraile Cork Curtin John Ballintlea North Doneraile Cork Curtin John Ballintlea South Doneraile Cork Curtin John Ballydineen Doneraile Cork Daly Charles Brough Doneraile Cork Daly Charles Oldcourt Doneraile Cork Daly Margaret Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork Daly Patrick Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork Daly Timothy Rossagh East Doneraile Cork Daly William Main Street Doneraile Cork Darney Mary Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork Deady Mary Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork Deloughry Matthew Chapel View Lane Doneraile Cork Dinneen Thomas Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Dobbyn Edward Main Street Doneraile Cork Dogherty Daniel Kilcolman Middle Doneraile Cork Donegan Denis Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Donegan James Kilvickanease Doneraile Cork Doneraile Viscount Brough Doneraile Cork Doneraile Viscount Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Doneraile Viscount Chapel Lane Doneraile Cork Doneraile Viscount Croaghnacree Doneraile Cork Doneraile Viscount Demesne Doneraile Cork Doneraile Viscount Dromdeer West Doneraile Cork Doneraile Viscount Horseclose Doneraile Cork Doneraile Viscount Kilvickanease Doneraile Cork Doneraile Viscount Knockacur Doneraile Cork Doneraile Viscount Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Doneraile Viscount New Road Doneraile Cork Doneraile Viscount Rossagh West Doneraile Cork Doneraile Viscount Skaghardgannon Doneraile Cork Doneraile Viscount Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Donohoe Matthew Ballintlea South Doneraile Cork Donohoe Patrick Ballintlea North Doneraile Cork Donohoe Patrick Ballintlea South Doneraile Cork Donohoe Timothy Ballintlea South Doneraile Cork Donohoe Timothy Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Donovan James Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Donovan Jeremiah Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Donovan John Carker Middle Doneraile Cork Donovan John Carker North Doneraile Cork Donovan John Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork Donovan William, Jr. Carker North Doneraile Cork Donovan William, Sr. Carker North Doneraile Cork Donovan Wm., Jr. Carker Middle Doneraile Cork Donovan Wm., Jr. Carker North Doneraile Cork Doody Patrick Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Dooley Michael Sycamore Doneraile Cork Doyle Daniel Ballyandrew Doneraile Cork Drake Robert Sycamore Doneraile Cork Driscoll Matthew Carkerbeg Doneraile Cork Drishlane Elizabeth Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork Duane Catherine Main Street Doneraile Cork Duane David Ardadam Doneraile Cork Duane David Castlesaffron Doneraile Cork Duane John Ballyshane Doneraile Cork Duane Judith New Road Doneraile Cork Duane Michael Ballintlea North Doneraile Cork Duane Michael Ballintlea South Doneraile Cork Duane Michael Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Duane Miss Mary Main Street Doneraile Cork Duane Patrick Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Duane Timothy Kilvickanease Doneraile Cork Duane William Ballintlea North Doneraile Cork Duane William Ballintlea South Doneraile Cork Duane William Newtown Doneraile Cork Dudley Margaret New Road Doneraile Cork Duggan Rev. Patrick Main Street Doneraile Cork Dunlea John Ballyellis Doneraile Cork Dunlea Patk. Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork Dunlea Wm. Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork Dwyer Catherine Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Dwyer Owen Carrigeen Doneraile Cork Ederry William Garden Lane Doneraile Cork Egan Bridget Ballinvonear Doneraile Cork Egan Catherine Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Egan Henry Brough Doneraile Cork Egan James Main Street Doneraile Cork Egan James New Road Doneraile Cork Egan Lawrence Mill View Doneraile Cork Egan Matthew Main Street Doneraile Cork Ellard David Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Ellard George Main Street Doneraile Cork Evans John, Esq. Carkerbeg Doneraile Cork Evans Nicholas Newtown Doneraile Cork Evans Ralph Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork Evans Ralph Kilconnor Doneraile Cork Evans Ralph Park North Doneraile Cork Evans Ralph, Esq. Carker Doneraile Cork Evans Ralph, Esq. Carker Middle Doneraile Cork Evans Ralph, Esq. Carker North Doneraile Cork Evans Ralph, Esq. Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Fagan Stephen Kilbrack Doneraile Cork Farrell David Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork Fenton William Park South Doneraile Cork Finne Pierce Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Fitzgerald Andrew Main Street Doneraile Cork Fitzgerald Anne Kilcolman East Doneraile Cork Fitzgerald Edward New Road Doneraile Cork Fitzgerald Eliza Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork Fitzgerald Eliza Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Fitzgerald John Ballintlea North Doneraile Cork Fitzgerald John Ballintlea South Doneraile Cork Fitzgerald John Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Fitzgerald Margaret Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Flynn Edmund Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Flynn Edward Castlepook North Doneraile Cork Flynn Honora Carkerbeg Doneraile Cork Flynn Johanna Cloonbane Doneraile Cork Flynn Johanna Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Flynn John Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Flynn John Carker North Doneraile Cork Flynn John Castlepook North Doneraile Cork Flynn John Rossagh East Doneraile Cork Flynn Michael Ballintlea South Doneraile Cork Flynn Michael Cloustoge Doneraile Cork Flynn William Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork Flynn William Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Foley Denis Kilvickanease Doneraile Cork Foley James Carrigeen Doneraile Cork Foley John Carrigeen Doneraile Cork Foley Margaret Ardadam Doneraile Cork Foley Mary Carrigeen Doneraile Cork Foley Mary Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork Foley Patrick Carker North Doneraile Cork Foley Patrick New Road Doneraile Cork Foley Thomas Carrigeen Doneraile Cork Foley Timothy Kilvickanease Doneraile Cork Foley Timothy Knockacur Doneraile Cork Foley Timothy Main Street Doneraile Cork Foley Timothy Mill View Doneraile Cork Foley William Main Street Doneraile Cork Foley William New Road Doneraile Cork Forsythe John Main Street Doneraile Cork Frazer John Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Frazer William Ardadam Doneraile Cork Freeman Jerrard Ardadam Doneraile Cork Gallagher Ellen Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Galvin John Carker Doneraile Cork Garvan Cornelius Rossagh West Doneraile Cork Garvin Cornelius Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Glynn Patrick Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Glynn William Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Glynn William Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Glynn Wm. Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Glynn Wm. Gooseberry Lane Doneraile Cork Goggins Catherine Ardadam Doneraile Cork Gorman Mary Chapel View Lane Doneraile Cork Grady Daniel Castlesaffron Doneraile Cork Grady Denis Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Grady James Chapel View Lane Doneraile Cork Grady Patrick Dromdeer East Doneraile Cork Grady Thomas Lougheagle Doneraile Cork Greagh G. W. B., Esq. Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Greene Alice Carker Middle Doneraile Cork Greene Edmund Skahanaghbeg Doneraile Cork Greene Edmund Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Greene Thomas Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork Griffin Parick Ballyandrew Doneraile Cork Griffin Patrick Ballyandrew Doneraile Cork Grove White John, Esq. Ballinree Doneraile Cork Guiry Mary Chapel View Lane Doneraile Cork Guiry Mary Gooseberry Lane Doneraile Cork Hales Abigail Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Hales Abigail Teapot Lane Doneraile Cork Hall William Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Hallinau Timothy Sycamore Doneraile Cork Halloran Edward Cloonbane Doneraile Cork Hanlon Bridget Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Hanlon Daniel Streamhill West Doneraile Cork Hanlon John Ballintlea South Doneraile Cork Hanlon John Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Hanlon John Streamhill East Doneraile Cork Hanlon Mary Skahanaghbeg Doneraile Cork Hanlon Richard Castlepook North Doneraile Cork Hanlon Richard Streamhill East Doneraile Cork Hanlon Timothy Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Hanlon Timothy Main Street Doneraile Cork Hanneen Jeremiah Carrigeen Doneraile Cork Hannin Jeremiah Mill View Doneraile Cork Hannin John Cloustoge Doneraile Cork Hannin John Kilconnor Doneraile Cork Harden Mary Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Harding Robert Ballinree Doneraile Cork Harrington Thomas Ardadam Doneraile Cork Hartigan David Carrigeen Doneraile Cork Hartigan Denis Carrigeen Doneraile Cork Hartigan John, Jr. Carrigeen Doneraile Cork Hartigan John, Sr. Carrigeen Doneraile Cork Harty John Sycamore Doneraile Cork Hassett David Carrigeen Doneraile Cork Hassett Owen Skaghardgannon Doneraile Cork Hassett Thomas Park South Doneraile Cork Hassitt John Main Street Doneraile Cork Hayes Maurice Carker Doneraile Cork Heafy Daniel Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork Heafy Edward Ballinree Doneraile Cork Heafy James Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Heafy John Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork Heafy Margaret Kilcolman Middle Doneraile Cork Heafy Michael Carker Doneraile Cork Heafy Peter Cloonbane Doneraile Cork Heafy William Ballinree Doneraile Cork Heafy William Main Street Doneraile Cork Healy John Carker Doneraile Cork Healy John Dromdeer East Doneraile Cork Healy Richard Chapel Lane Doneraile Cork Healy William Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Hefferman Mary New Road Doneraile Cork Hegarty Jeremiah Ballinree Doneraile Cork Henderson David Main Street Doneraile Cork Henehan Mary Mill View Doneraile Cork Hennessy Denis Skahanaghbeg Doneraile Cork Hennessy Mary Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork Hennessy Michael Ballintlea North Doneraile Cork Hennessy Patrick Carkerbeg Doneraile Cork Hennessy Thomas Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork Herelhy John Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Herlehy Edward Main Street Doneraile Cork Herlehy John Streamhill West Doneraile Cork Herlehy Mich. Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Herlehy Micl. New Road Doneraile Cork Herlehy Thomas Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Herlihy Michael Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Herlihy Michael New Road Doneraile Cork Hessian Bridget New Road Doneraile Cork Heycroft James Main Street Doneraile Cork Heycroft James Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Heycroft James Mill View Doneraile Cork Heycroft James New Road Doneraile Cork Hickey Owen Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Hickey Patrick Kilvickanease Doneraile Cork Higgins James Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Higgins Richard Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Hill James Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Hill Miss ??? Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Hill Rep. Arundell Inchagree Doneraile Cork Hill Rep. Arundell Kilcolman East Doneraile Cork Hill Rep. Arundell Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Hill Rep. Arundell, Esq. Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Hill William Cloustoge Doneraile Cork Hoare James Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Hogan Margarert Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork Hoolahan Thomas Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Horgan Cornelius Kilvickanease Doneraile Cork Horgan David Kilconnor Doneraile Cork Horgan John Kilconnor Doneraile Cork Horgan John Park North Doneraile Cork Horgan John Park South Doneraile Cork Horgan Maurice Kilconnor Doneraile Cork Horgan Patrick Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork Horgan Thomas Skahanaghbeg Doneraile Cork Hovendon Thomas Kilvickanease Doneraile Cork Howard David Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Hurley Michael Ballinvonear Doneraile Cork Hurly Edward Ardadam Doneraile Cork Johnson John Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Jones John Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Kearney Maurice Kilcolman Middle Doneraile Cork Keating Elizabeth Cloustoge Doneraile Cork Keating John Chapel View Lane Doneraile Cork Keating John Main Street Doneraile Cork Keefe Honoria Cloustoge Doneraile Cork Keeffe Catherine Rossagh East Doneraile Cork Keeffe Daniel Ballyandrew Doneraile Cork Keeffe Daniel Gooseberry Lane Doneraile Cork Keeffe Honora Kilconnor Doneraile Cork Keeffe John Dromdeer East Doneraile Cork Keeffe John Teapot Lane Doneraile Cork Keeffe Sarah Carrigeen Doneraile Cork Keeffe Thomas Carrigeen Doneraile Cork Keeffe Thos. Chapel View Lane Doneraile Cork Kelagher John Kilconnor Doneraile Cork Keleher Denis Ballyandrew Doneraile Cork Kelly Eliza Brough Doneraile Cork Kelly Elizabeth Knockacur Doneraile Cork Kelly Michael Rossagh East Doneraile Cork Kennedy Patrick Teapot Lane Doneraile Cork Kenny Thomas Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Kiely Catherine Skaghardgannon Doneraile Cork Kiely David New Road Doneraile Cork Kiely John Ballyandrew Doneraile Cork Kiely Michael Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Kirby Johanna Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork Kirwan Maurice Rossagh East Doneraile Cork Lane John Brough Doneraile Cork Lane John Kilvickanease Doneraile Cork Lane Patrick Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Langley Henry Ballyellis Doneraile Cork Leahy Jane Gooseberry Lane Doneraile Cork Leary Arthur Rossagh East Doneraile Cork Leary Daniel Castlesaffron Doneraile Cork Leary John Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Leary Patrick New Road Doneraile Cork Leary Thomas Carrigeen Doneraile Cork Leary Thomas Inchagree Doneraile Cork Leary Timothy Kilcolman Middle Doneraile Cork Leary Timothy Rossagh East Doneraile Cork Leary Walter Carrigeen Doneraile Cork Lee Bridget Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork Lee Maurice Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork Lellis Daniel Park North Doneraile Cork Lellis Eliza Cloustoge Doneraile Cork Lellis James Cloustoge Doneraile Cork Lewis Michael Skahanaghbeg Doneraile Cork Lewis Thomas Skahanaghbeg Doneraile Cork Linehan Daniel Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Linehan Ellen Ardadam Doneraile Cork Linehan Ellen Ballyandrew Doneraile Cork Linehan Honoria Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Linehan John Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Linehan Margaret Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Lingane Edward Sycamore Doneraile Cork Linneen Abigail Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Linneen Bartholomew Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Linneen David Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Linneen David Kilvickanease Doneraile Cork Linneen Edmund Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Linneen John Castlepook North Doneraile Cork Linneen John Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Lisson Richard Demesne Doneraile Cork List Sarah New Road Doneraile Cork Longfield Henry Main Street Doneraile Cork Lowe James Park North Doneraile Cork Luddy William Cloustoge Doneraile Cork Lynch William Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork M'Auliffe Daniel Castlepook North Doneraile Cork M'Auliffe Florence Castlepook South Doneraile Cork M'Auliffe Garrett Ballyellis Doneraile Cork M'Auliffe Malachi Dromdeer East Doneraile Cork M'Auliffe Mary Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork M'Carthy Bartholomew Main Street Doneraile Cork M'Carthy Callaghan Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork M'Carthy Catherine Ballinvonear Doneraile Cork M'Carthy Catherine Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork M'Carthy Daniel Brough Doneraile Cork M'Carthy David Mill View Doneraile Cork M'Carthy Denis Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork M'Carthy Denis Kilcolman Middle Doneraile Cork M'Carthy Ellen Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork M'Carthy James Mill View Doneraile Cork M'Carthy Owen Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork M'Carthy Timothy Teapot Lane Doneraile Cork M'Carthy William Ballinree Doneraile Cork M'Carthy William Carkerbeg Doneraile Cork M'Carthy William Main Street Doneraile Cork M'Carty John Kilcolman Middle Doneraile Cork M'Cay George Main Street Doneraile Cork M'Donnell Daniel Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork M'Donnell Ellen Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork M'Donnell William Rossagh East Doneraile Cork M'Gregor Cornelius Main Street Doneraile Cork M'Namara Johanna Ballinree Doneraile Cork Madden James Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork Madden Thomas Ballinree Doneraile Cork Madden Timothy Carkerbeg Doneraile Cork Magner Johanna Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Magner John Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork Magner Patrick Ballyellis Doneraile Cork Mahony Jeremiah Byblox Doneraile Cork Mahony John Garden Lane Doneraile Cork Mahony John Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Mahony Patrick Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Mahony Timothy Kilcolman Middle Doneraile Cork Mahony William Ballyandrew Doneraile Cork Malone Mary Ballyellis Doneraile Cork Mangan Francis Ballinree Doneraile Cork Mannix Daniel Ballinree Doneraile Cork Mannix Daniel Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Mannix Denis Ballintlea South Doneraile Cork Mannix Denis Rossagh East Doneraile Cork Mannix James Main Street Doneraile Cork Mannix Mary Rossagh East Doneraile Cork Mannix William Ballintlea South Doneraile Cork Meade Mary Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Meagher Rev. James Main Street Doneraile Cork Meara Thomas Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Miller Samuel Brough Doneraile Cork Minahan Jeremiah Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Minton Patrick Main Street Doneraile Cork Molloy Garret Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Molloy Michael Ballintlea South Doneraile Cork Moore Catherine Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Moore Michael Ballydineen Doneraile Cork Morgan James Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork Morrissy Alexander Ballydineen Doneraile Cork Morrissy John Inchagree Doneraile Cork Morrissy Roger Ballintlea South Doneraile Cork Moylan Johanna Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Moynaghan Daniel Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork Moynaghan Jeremiah Garden Lane Doneraile Cork Mulcahy Mary Ballinree Doneraile Cork Mulcahy Timothy Ballyandrew Doneraile Cork Mullane Ellen Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Mullane Ellen Rossagh East Doneraile Cork Mullane John Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Mullane Judith Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Mullen John Streamhill East Doneraile Cork Murphy Bridget Cloustoge Doneraile Cork Murphy Cornelius Carrigeen Doneraile Cork Murphy Daniel Carrigeen Doneraile Cork Murphy Denis Main Street Doneraile Cork Murphy Edward Cloustoge Doneraile Cork Murphy Ellen Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Murphy James Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork Murphy James Main Street Doneraile Cork Murphy James Rossagh East Doneraile Cork Murphy Jeremiah Chapel Lane Doneraile Cork Murphy John Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Murphy John Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Murphy John Cloustoge Doneraile Cork Murphy John Kilconnor Doneraile Cork Murphy Margaret Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork Murphy Margaret Park South Doneraile Cork Murphy Mat. Chapel View Lane Doneraile Cork Murphy Matt Main Street Doneraile Cork Murphy Matthew Main Street Doneraile Cork Murphy Michael Castlepook North Doneraile Cork Murphy Michael Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Murphy Owen Cloustoge Doneraile Cork Murphy Patrick Ardadam Doneraile Cork Murphy Patrick Brough Doneraile Cork Murphy Thomas Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Murphy Timothy Kilconnor Doneraile Cork Murphy William Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Murphy William Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Murray Mary Rossagh East Doneraile Cork Nagle Garrett Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Nagle James Kilvickanease Doneraile Cork Nash Andrew Cloustoge Doneraile Cork Nash Andrew Kilconnor Doneraile Cork Nash John Cloustoge Doneraile Cork Neal Michael Garden Lane Doneraile Cork Neland Thomas Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Nelligan Francis Main Street Doneraile Cork Nelligan John Brough Doneraile Cork Nelligan John Kilvickanease Doneraile Cork Nelligan John Knockacur Doneraile Cork Nelligan John Skaghardgannon Doneraile Cork Neville William Carker North Doneraile Cork Noonan John Main Street Doneraile Cork Noonan Patrick Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Noonan Thomas Chapel Lane Doneraile Cork Norcott Arthur Park South Doneraile Cork Norcott Miss ??? Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork Norcott Mrs. ??? Carker Doneraile Cork Nugent Daniel Main Street Doneraile Cork O'Brien Miss Jane Main Street Doneraile Cork O'Brien William Carker North Doneraile Cork O'Brien William Teapot Lane Doneraile Cork O'Connor Denis New Road Doneraile Cork O'Donnell Terence Ballyandrew Doneraile Cork Oliver William Ballyellis Doneraile Cork Pendergast James Ballintlea South Doneraile Cork Penn Benjamin Main Street Doneraile Cork Perry Eliza Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Pigott Richard Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Power Eustace Garden Lane Doneraile Cork Pratt Andrew Main Street Doneraile Cork Pratt Patrick Chapel Lane Doneraile Cork Price Catherine Main Street Doneraile Cork Purcell John, Esq. Lougheagle Doneraile Cork Pyne Mary New Road Doneraile Cork Pyne Patrick Ardadam Doneraile Cork Pyne Patrick Ballydineen Doneraile Cork Quilty Michael Main Street Doneraile Cork Quinlan Patrick Ballinvonear Doneraile Cork Quinlan Patrick Demesne Doneraile Cork Quinlan Patrick Main Street Doneraile Cork Quinlan Timothy Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork Quinn Edward Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Quinn James Ballinree Doneraile Cork Quinn Johanna Ardadam Doneraile Cork Ray Ellen Skaghardgannon Doneraile Cork Ray James Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Reddin Michael Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork Reed Samuel Castlesaffron Doneraile Cork Regan Cornelius Carkerbeg Doneraile Cork Regan Daniel Newtown Doneraile Cork Regan James Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Regan John Park South Doneraile Cork Regan Lawrence Park North Doneraile Cork Regan Margaret Rossagh West Doneraile Cork Regan Mary Main Street Doneraile Cork Regan Maurice Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Regan Patrick Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Regan Thomas Ballyellis Doneraile Cork Regan William Ballintlea South Doneraile Cork Regan William New Road Doneraile Cork Reilly Andrew Cloonbane Doneraile Cork Rielly Patrick Carker North Doneraile Cork Rinn Bridget Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork Riordan James New Road Doneraile Cork Riordan John Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork Riordan John Carker Middle Doneraile Cork Riordan Matthew Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork Riordan Patrick Carker Doneraile Cork Riordan Robert Park North Doneraile Cork Riordan Robert, Esq. Mill View Doneraile Cork Riordan Robt., Esq. Kilconnor Doneraile Cork Riordan Thomas Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Roberts Thos. Main Street Doneraile Cork Robin John Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork Roche David Cloonbane Doneraile Cork Roche Edward New Road Doneraile Cork Roche Francis Teapot Lane Doneraile Cork Roche Garret Skahanaghbeg Doneraile Cork Roche James Carker North Doneraile Cork Roche James Castlesaffron Doneraile Cork Roche Jeremiah Kilcolman East Doneraile Cork Roche Johanna Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Roche John Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork Roche John Carker Middle Doneraile Cork Roche John Carker North Doneraile Cork Roche John Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Roche John Croaghnacree Doneraile Cork Roche John Main Street Doneraile Cork Roche John Skaghardgannon Doneraile Cork Roche John Skahanaghbeg Doneraile Cork Roche John Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Roche Margaret Ballinree Doneraile Cork Roche Margaret Main Street Doneraile Cork Roche Mary Ballintlea North Doneraile Cork Roche Micahel Demesne Doneraile Cork Roche Michael Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Roche Michael Skahanaghbeg Doneraile Cork Roche Patrick Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork Roche Patrick Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Roche Patrick Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Roche Redmond Oldcourt Doneraile Cork Roche Thomas Ballinree Doneraile Cork Roche Thomas Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Roche Thomas Croaghnacree Doneraile Cork Roche Thomas Newtown Doneraile Cork Roche William Ballyandrew Doneraile Cork Roche William Carker North Doneraile Cork Roche William Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork Roche William Park North Doneraile Cork Ryall Humphrey Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Ryall Johanna New Road Doneraile Cork Ryall John Inchagree Doneraile Cork Ryall Patrick Ballintlea North Doneraile Cork Ryall Thomas Ballinree Doneraile Cork Ryall Thomas Cloonbane Doneraile Cork Ryan Cornelius New Road Doneraile Cork Ryan John Ballyandrew Doneraile Cork Ryan John Croaghnacree Doneraile Cork Ryan William Ballintlea North Doneraile Cork Ryan William Ballintlea South Doneraile Cork Saunders Patrick Kilcolman Middle Doneraile Cork Sayers Edmund Croaghnacree Doneraile Cork Scanlan James Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Scarry Timothy Skaghardgannon Doneraile Cork Scully Davidl Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Scully Edmund Castlepook North Doneraile Cork Scully Patrick Skaghardgannon Doneraile Cork Sexton Edward Dromdeer East Doneraile Cork Shahane William Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Shannahan Edward Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Shannahan Mary Rossaghroe Doneraile Cork Shaw William Main Street Doneraile Cork Shea David Rossagh West Doneraile Cork Shea Denis Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Shea Ellen Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Shea Humphrey New Road Doneraile Cork Shea John New Road Doneraile Cork Shea Mary Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Shea Mary New Road Doneraile Cork Shea Michael Rossagh East Doneraile Cork Shea Michael Rossagh West Doneraile Cork Shea Patrick Ballinree Doneraile Cork Shea Patrick Ballinvonear Doneraile Cork Shea Patrick Main Street Doneraile Cork Shea Timothy Horseclose Doneraile Cork Sheehan Cornelius Horseclose Doneraile Cork Sheehan Honoria Castlepook North Doneraile Cork Sheehan James Ballintlea North Doneraile Cork Sheehan John Castlepook North Doneraile Cork Sheehan John Kilbrack Doneraile Cork Sheehan John Kilcolman Middle Doneraile Cork Sheehan Mary Castlepook North Doneraile Cork Sheehan Patrick Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Sheehan Rev. Pk. Carkerbeg Doneraile Cork Sheehan Rev. Pk. Kilbrack Doneraile Cork Sheehan Thomas Castlepook South Doneraile Cork Sheehan Timothy Brough Doneraile Cork Sheehan Timothy Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Shine John Kilconnor Doneraile Cork Shine Timothy New Road Doneraile Cork Sinon Michael Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork Sinon Thomas Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork Sisk Michael Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Sisk Thomas Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Smith John Cloonbane Doneraile Cork Smith Martin Ballyandrew Doneraile Cork Somerville Rev. Andw. Cloonbane Doneraile Cork Somerville Rev. Andw. Horseclose Doneraile Cork Spillane John Main Street Doneraile Cork Spittague Philip Main Street Doneraile Cork Stack Patrick Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Stack Thomas Park North Doneraile Cork Stackpole Robert Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Stark Owen Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Stawell Geo. Mill View Doneraile Cork Stawell George Ballyandrew Doneraile Cork Stawell George Castlesaffron Doneraile Cork Stawell George Mill View Doneraile Cork Stawell George C., Esq. Horseclose Doneraile Cork Stawell George C., Esq. Oldcourt Doneraile Cork Stawell Rev. Francis Kilbrack Doneraile Cork Stawell Rev. Francis Park North Doneraile Cork Sullivan Bridget Newtown Doneraile Cork Sullivan Bridget Skaghardgannon Doneraile Cork Sullivan Daniel Ballintlea North Doneraile Cork Sullivan Ellen Ardadam Doneraile Cork Sullivan James Park North Doneraile Cork Sullivan John Brough Doneraile Cork Sullivan Michael Oldcourt Doneraile Cork Sullivan William Ballintlea North Doneraile Cork Sullivan William Cloustoge Doneraile Cork Sweeney Denis Chapel View Lane Doneraile Cork Sweeney Patrick Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Tanered James Oldcourt Doneraile Cork Thornhill Arthur Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork Thornhill John Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Tobin Edmund Dromdeer East Doneraile Cork Tuckey Samuel Morton Ballyandrew Doneraile Cork Uppington James Main Street Doneraile Cork Vowell Edmund Kilcolman West Doneraile Cork Wall Edmund Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Wall Edward Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Wall John Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Wall John Kilvickanease Doneraile Cork Wall John Main Street Doneraile Cork Wall Sarah Main Street Doneraile Cork Wall Thomas Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork Wall Thomas Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Wallace James Chapel View Lane Doneraile Cork Wallace Timothy Butler's Lane Doneraile Cork Walsh Edmund Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork Walsh James Chapel Lane Doneraile Cork Walsh James Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork Walsh John Ballyellis Doneraile Cork Walsh John New Road Doneraile Cork Walsh Lewis Main Street Doneraile Cork Walsh Michael Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork Walsh Patrick Carkerbeg Doneraile Cork Walsh Patrick Inchagree Doneraile Cork Walsh Thomas Dromdeer East Doneraile Cork Walsh Thomas Dromdeer West Doneraile Cork Walsh William Ballyandrew Doneraile Cork Ward David Ballyandrew Doneraile Cork Webb John Buttevant Lane Doneraile Cork Webb Philip Gooseberry Lane Doneraile Cork Weld James Gooseberry Lane Doneraile Cork Whelan Alicia Skahanaghmore Doneraile Cork White Charles, Esq. Skahanaghbeg Doneraile Cork White Honoria Garryhintoge Doneraile Cork White Margaret Ballyshane Doneraile Cork Wool William Mallow Lane Doneraile Cork Wyse Henry B., Esq. Ballyellis Doneraile Cork