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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Dungourney, County Cork
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Dungourney, County Cork
Ahearne Daniel Ballyriorthy Dungourney Cork Ahern James Dungourney Dungourney Cork Ahern John Ballyknock Dungourney Cork Ahern John Ballynacole Dungourney Cork Ahern John Maurice Ballyknock Dungourney Cork Ahern Mary Dungourney Dungourney Cork Ahern Maurice Ballynacole Dungourney Cork Ahern Maurice Dungourney Dungourney Cork Ahern Michael Dungourney Dungourney Cork Ahern Patrick Ballydonaghbeg Dungourney Cork Ahern Patrick Ballydonaghmore Dungourney Cork Ahern Patrick Castle Quarter Dungourney Cork Ahern Rev. E. Castle Quarter Dungourney Cork Ahern Rev. Edmund Dungourney Dungourney Cork Ahern Timothy Rathcanning Dungourney Cork Ahern William Ballydonaghbeg Dungourney Cork Ahern William Ballydonaghmore Dungourney Cork Ahern William Sheepwalk Dungourney Cork Aherne Catherine Glenaphuca Dungourney Cork Aherne Maurice Couragh Dungourney Cork Barry Edward Corbally Dungourney Cork Barry Honora Rathcanning Dungourney Cork Barry Honoria Ballymartin Dungourney Cork Barry John Rathfootera Dungourney Cork Barry Michael Glenbeg Dungourney Cork Barry Patrick Sheepwalk Dungourney Cork Boyle William Glenbeg Dungourney Cork Brancefield Mary Ballymartin Dungourney Cork Brancefield Patrick Glenbeg Dungourney Cork Brien Jeremiah Castle Quarter Dungourney Cork Brien Jeremiah Dungourney Dungourney Cork Brien John Couragh Dungourney Cork Brien Michael Ballymartin Dungourney Cork Brien Robin Glenbeg Dungourney Cork Brien Terence Ballyknock Dungourney Cork Brien William Ballyknock Dungourney Cork Buckley Daniel Glenbeg Dungourney Cork Buckley Johanna Ballymartin Dungourney Cork Bull James Ballynona South Dungourney Cork Butler Edward Dungourney Dungourney Cork Butler John Corbally Dungourney Cork Butler Mary Corbally Dungourney Cork Callaghan John Ballynona North Dungourney Cork Carey James Ballymartin Dungourney Cork Carey James Ballynacole Dungourney Cork Carey John Ballynacole Dungourney Cork Carey John Ballynona South Dungourney Cork Carey Mark Ballynacole Dungourney Cork Carey Patrick Ballynacole Dungourney Cork Carney William Young Grove Dungourney Cork Carroll William Ballynona South Dungourney Cork Carty James Rathcanning Dungourney Cork Coghlan Johanna Ballydonaghmore Dungourney Cork Coghlan Michael Ballynona South Dungourney Cork Colbert Bridget Glenaphuca Dungourney Cork Colbert Edmond Rathcanning Dungourney Cork Colbert Edmund Dungourney Dungourney Cork Colbert Elizabeth Glenaphuca Dungourney Cork Colbert Esn. John Glenaphuca Dungourney Cork Colbert Jane Ballydonaghbeg Dungourney Cork Colbert John Ballynacole Dungourney Cork Colbert John Dungourney Dungourney Cork Colbert John, Jr. Glenaphuca Dungourney Cork Colbert Maurice Glenaphuca Dungourney Cork Colbert Maurice Rathcanning Dungourney Cork Colbert Patrick Pat Glenaphuca Dungourney Cork Colbert Patrick Pat. Rathcanning Dungourney Cork Connell Matthew Ballymartin Dungourney Cork Connell Michael Ballynacole Dungourney Cork Connell Michael Ballynona South Dungourney Cork Connor Patrick Sandyhill Dungourney Cork Cosgrave John Ballynona North Dungourney Cork Cotter Johannah Sandyhill Dungourney Cork Cotter Norah Ballynona North Dungourney Cork Courtenay John Ballynona North Dungourney Cork Cronin James Rathorgan Dungourney Cork Crowley Bartholomew Rathorgan Dungourney Cork Crowley Denis Rathorgan Dungourney Cork Crowley Timothy Rathorgan Dungourney Cork Cummings Mary Rathcanning Dungourney Cork Curran Daniel Ballydonaghmore Dungourney Cork Dalton Peter Corbally Dungourney Cork Daly James Dungourney Dungourney Cork Daly John Corbally Dungourney Cork Daly Richard Ballymartin Dungourney Cork Daly William Rathcanning Dungourney Cork Desmond Cornelius Ballynona North Dungourney Cork Desmond Cornelius Ballynona South Dungourney Cork Desmond Jeremiah Ballynona North Dungourney Cork Desmond Michael Ballynona North Dungourney Cork Desmond Patrick Ballynona North Dungourney Cork Desmond Timothy Ballynona North Dungourney Cork Desmond Timothy Corbally Dungourney Cork Donovan Ellen Ballymartin Dungourney Cork Donovan James Ballyknock Dungourney Cork Donovan Johanna Ballydonaghmore Dungourney Cork Donovan Michael Ballymartin Dungourney Cork Donovan Michael Couragh Dungourney Cork Donovan Patrick Ballyknock Dungourney Cork Donovan Thomas Couragh Dungourney Cork Donovan Thomas Dungourney Dungourney Cork Donovan William Glenbeg Dungourney Cork Draddy Mary Rathcanning Dungourney Cork Driscoll John Glenbeg Dungourney Cork Driscoll Timothy Sheepwalk Dungourney Cork Feehan John Rathfootera Dungourney Cork Feehily Michael Dungourney Dungourney Cork Fitzgerald Johanna Ballydonaghmore Dungourney Cork Fitzgerald John Ballydonaghmore Dungourney Cork Fitzgerald John Ballymartin Dungourney Cork Fitzgerald Michael Ballydonaghmore Dungourney Cork Fitzgerald Michael Dungourney Dungourney Cork Fitzgerald Michael Rathcanning Dungourney Cork Fitzgerald Patrick Ballymartin Dungourney Cork Fitzgerald William Ballynacole Dungourney Cork Fitzgibbon James Ballynona North Dungourney Cork Flynn Jeremiah Ballynona South Dungourney Cork Foley Johanna Rathcanning Dungourney Cork Forrest John Dungourney Dungourney Cork Foulkes Richard Glenbeg Dungourney Cork Galvin John Ballymartin Dungourney Cork Galvin Thomas Ballymartin Dungourney Cork Gayney Patrick Glenbeg Dungourney Cork Griffin Patrick Castle Quarter Dungourney Cork Guirey John Ballyriorthy Dungourney Cork Guiry Ellen Ballynona South Dungourney Cork Guiry Michael, Jr. Ballynona South Dungourney Cork Guiry Thomas Ballynona South Dungourney Cork Harding Wigmore Rd. Ballynona South Dungourney Cork Hartnett Michael Dungourney Dungourney Cork Harty Paul Dungourney Dungourney Cork Henley Thomas Sandyhill Dungourney Cork Hennebury Thomas Castle Quarter Dungourney Cork Hennessy John Ballydonaghmore Dungourney Cork Hennessy John Corbally Dungourney Cork Hickey Simon Ballyknock Dungourney Cork Hickey William Rathcanning Dungourney Cork Higgins Michael Young Grove Dungourney Cork Horrigan Michael Dungourney Dungourney Cork Hourigan John Ballydonaghmore Dungourney Cork Irwin Michael Ballynona South Dungourney Cork Keeffe Daniel Ballydonaghmore Dungourney Cork Keeffe Edward Dungourney Dungourney Cork Keeffe Jeremiah Glenbeg Dungourney Cork Keeffe Margaret Ballynona North Dungourney Cork Keeffe Owen Sheepwalk Dungourney Cork Keeffe Peter Sandyhill Dungourney Cork Keeffe Thomas Ballynona South Dungourney Cork Kelagher Patrick Rathorgan Dungourney Cork Keleher Patrick Young Grove Dungourney Cork Kennedy John Glenaphuca Dungourney Cork Kent Edmond Castle Quarter Dungourney Cork Kent Pierce Glenbeg Dungourney Cork Kinnealy John Rathfootera Dungourney Cork Kinnealy Michael Dungourney Dungourney Cork Lawton Bartholomew Ballydonaghmore Dungourney Cork Lawton Denis Corbally Dungourney Cork Lawton Edmund Rathorgan Dungourney Cork Lawton Johanna Ballydonaghbeg Dungourney Cork Lawton Johanna Ballydonaghmore Dungourney Cork Lawton John Ballydonaghbeg Dungourney Cork Lawton John Young Grove Dungourney Cork Lawton Richard Dungourney Dungourney Cork Lawton Thomas Ballydonaghmore Dungourney Cork Lawton Thomas Dungourney Dungourney Cork Leahy Edmond Glenaphuca Dungourney Cork Lynch John Ballynona South Dungourney Cork Lynch John Couragh Dungourney Cork Lynch Michael Ballynona North Dungourney Cork Lynch Thomas Ballydonaghmore Dungourney Cork M'Carthy John Rathcanning Dungourney Cork Mahigan David Glenbeg Dungourney Cork Mahigan Denis Glenbeg Dungourney Cork Mahigan Michael Glenbeg Dungourney Cork Mahony Daniel Dungourney Dungourney Cork Mahony Margaret Cottstown Dungourney Cork Mahony Margaret Young Grove Dungourney Cork Maley Daniel Ballysimon Dungourney Cork Malley Daniel Glenbeg Dungourney Cork Mally Daniel Young Grove Dungourney Cork Mc Carthy John Glenbeg Dungourney Cork Mc Carthy Michael Rathorgan Dungourney Cork Mc Carthy Michael Sheepwalk Dungourney Cork Mc Carthy Patrick Rathfootera Dungourney Cork Mellerick Jeremiah Ballynona North Dungourney Cork Mellerick Mary Ballynona North Dungourney Cork Mellerick Michael Ballynona North Dungourney Cork Merrigan John Ballydonaghmore Dungourney Cork Middleton Viscount Trusts. Rathcanning Dungourney Cork Middleton Visct. Glenaphuca Dungourney Cork Midleton Rep. Viscount Dungourney Dungourney Cork Midleton Rep. Viscount Glenbeg Dungourney Cork Moore Eliza Knockanemore Dungourney Cork Moore Margaret Glenbeg Dungourney Cork Moore Margaret Knockanemore Dungourney Cork Moore Mary Knockanemore Dungourney Cork Moore Patrick Knockanemore Dungourney Cork Moore Patrick, Jr. Glenbeg Dungourney Cork Moore Patrick, Sr. Glenbeg Dungourney Cork Morrisson James Dungourney Dungourney Cork Morrisson John Dungourney Dungourney Cork Morrisson Redmond Dungourney Dungourney Cork Mulcahy Patrick Sandyhill Dungourney Cork Mulcahy Thomas Dungourney Dungourney Cork Mulcahy Timothy Young Grove Dungourney Cork Mullins John Ballynona South Dungourney Cork Murnane Edmund Bilberry Dungourney Cork Murphy Daniel Sheepwalk Dungourney Cork Murphy Ellen Young Grove Dungourney Cork Murphy Margaret Glenbeg Dungourney Cork Murphy Maurice Rathfootera Dungourney Cork Murphy Patrick Dungourney Dungourney Cork Murray Edmond Ballyknock Dungourney Cork Murray Jeremiah Ballyriorthy Dungourney Cork Nagle Michael Ballynona South Dungourney Cork Neill Ellen Dungourney Dungourney Cork Neill John Couragh Dungourney Cork Noonan David Rathfootera Dungourney Cork Noonan Patrick Ballyriorthy Dungourney Cork Power John Ballydonaghmore Dungourney Cork Power Thomas Corbally Dungourney Cork Power William Ballydonaghbeg Dungourney Cork Quirke Patrick Ballydonaghbeg Dungourney Cork Quirke Patrick Castle Quarter Dungourney Cork Rahilly Michael Castle Quarter Dungourney Cork Roche Margaret Dungourney Dungourney Cork Rohan Bridget Cottstown Dungourney Cork Rohan Daniel Dungourney Dungourney Cork Rohan Michael Ballynagaul Dungourney Cork Rohan Michael Sheepwalk Dungourney Cork Rohan Richard Ballynagaul Dungourney Cork Rohan William Cottstown Dungourney Cork Ryall Johannah Castle Quarter Dungourney Cork Scanlin Richard Ballyriorthy Dungourney Cork Shea Maurice Ballynacole Dungourney Cork Sheehan John Sheepwalk Dungourney Cork Sheehan William Ballydonaghmore Dungourney Cork Smithwick John Ballysimon Dungourney Cork Smithwick Mary Glenaphuca Dungourney Cork Smithwick Mary Rathcanning Dungourney Cork Smithwick Patrick Dungourney Dungourney Cork Smithwick Timothy Dungourney Dungourney Cork Smyth Mary Bawnadoune Dungourney Cork Staunton David Ballymartin Dungourney Cork Staunton John Ballymartin Dungourney Cork Staunton Michael Young Grove Dungourney Cork Sullivan Catherine Corbally Dungourney Cork Sullivan Denis Rathcanning Dungourney Cork Sullivan Ellen Rathcanning Dungourney Cork Sullivan James Glenaphuca Dungourney Cork Sullivan Mary Dungourney Dungourney Cork Turpin John Ballymartin Dungourney Cork Turpin John Sandyhill Dungourney Cork Turpin John Young Grove Dungourney Cork Wallace James Ballydonaghmore Dungourney Cork Wallace John Ballynacole Dungourney Cork Wallace Maurice Dungourney Dungourney Cork Wallace Patrick Bawnadoune Dungourney Cork Wallace Thomas Ballynacole Dungourney Cork Walsh Andrew Bawnadoune Dungourney Cork Walsh Andrew Rathcanning Dungourney Cork Walsh Catherine Glenbeg Dungourney Cork Walsh James Glenbeg Dungourney Cork Walsh Mary Ballyknock Dungourney Cork Walsh William Rathcanning Dungourney Cork Walsh William, Jr. Bawnadoune Dungourney Cork Walsh William, Sr. Bawnadoune Dungourney Cork Welland Charles W. Ballynacole Dungourney Cork Wigmore Henry Ballynona South Dungourney Cork Wilson Rev. William Glebe Dungourney Cork Wilson Rev. William Rathfootera Dungourney Cork