Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Ahern Catherine Hightown Gortroe Cork Ahern Daniel Monananig Gortroe Cork Ahern Denis Monananig Gortroe Cork Ahern James Ballyoneen Gortroe Cork Ahern John Ballinure Gortroe Cork Ahern John Ballyoneen Gortroe Cork Ahern John Cronavan Gortroe Cork Ahern John Mellefontstown Gortroe Cork Ahern Mary Cronavan Gortroe Cork Ahern Thomas Clykeel, South Gortroe Cork Ahern William Mellefontstown Gortroe Cork Arnold Ellen Baneena, South Gortroe Cork Arnold Ellen Holyhill Gortroe Cork Arnold Ellen Lackabeha, East Gortroe Cork Barry Catherine Ballyda Gortroe Cork Barry Catherine Baneena, South Gortroe Cork Barry David Garryantaggart Gortroe Cork Barry Garrett Ballinterry Gortroe Cork Barry Honoria Baneena, South Gortroe Cork Barry James Ballyda Gortroe Cork Barry James Clykeel, North Gortroe Cork Barry James Hightown Gortroe Cork Barry John Ballinure Gortroe Cork Barry John Hightown Gortroe Cork Barry John, Jr. Ballinwillin Gortroe Cork Barry John, Sr. Ballinwillin Gortroe Cork Barry Mary Nocknabooly Gortroe Cork Barry Michael Ballynakilla Gortroe Cork Barry Michael Ballyoneen Gortroe Cork Barry Michael Holyhill Gortroe Cork Barry Michael Lackabeha, East Gortroe Cork Barry Patrick Ballinterry Gortroe Cork Barry Patrick Baneena, South Gortroe Cork Barry Patrick Monananig Gortroe Cork Barry Richard Baneena, South Gortroe Cork Barry William Ballyogaha, West Gortroe Cork Blaven James Clykeel, South Gortroe Cork Boozan Michael Hightown Gortroe Cork Bourke Michael, Jr. Mellefontstown Gortroe Cork Bourke Michael, Sr. Mellefontstown Gortroe Cork Boyce Thomas Ballyogaha, West Gortroe Cork Brien Denis Lissurla Gortroe Cork Brien Honoria Monananig Gortroe Cork Brine Michael Baneena, South Gortroe Cork Browne Thomas Knockeennagroagh Gortroe Cork Burke Michael Ballinure Gortroe Cork Cahill Denis Killamurren Gortroe Cork Cahill James Ballinwillin Gortroe Cork Call John Caherdesert Gortroe Cork Callaghan James Ballyogaha, West Gortroe Cork Carey David Caherdesert Gortroe Cork Carey David Caherduggan Gortroe Cork Carey James Ballyogaha, East Gortroe Cork Carey John Caherduggan Gortroe Cork Carey Patrick Ballyrobert Gortroe Cork Carey Thomas Ballyrobert Gortroe Cork Carey Thomas Monananig Gortroe Cork Casheen Timothy Ballinure Gortroe Cork Clahassy James Ballinwillin Gortroe Cork Clancey John Knockeennagroagh Gortroe Cork Clancy Jeremiah Ballinvarrig, East Gortroe Cork Clashassey John Rathaneague Gortroe Cork Coghlan James Ballyoneen Gortroe Cork Coleman Patrick Baneena, South Gortroe Cork Coll Thomas Ballyogaha, West Gortroe Cork Collins Anne Ballinure Gortroe Cork Collins Catherine Ballinure Gortroe Cork Collins Patrick Hightown Gortroe Cork Collins Thomas Ballyogaha, West Gortroe Cork Condon Richard Desert Gortroe Cork Connell Maurice Ballinwillin Gortroe Cork Connell Michael Ballinwillin Gortroe Cork Connell Patrick Ballynakilla Gortroe Cork Connors James Ballinwillin Gortroe Cork Conran Bridget Commons Gortroe Cork Coppinger John Ballyogaha, North Gortroe Cork Cosgrave Joseph Ballinwillin Gortroe Cork Cosgrave Patrick Ballinterry Gortroe Cork Cotter Ellen Ballinwillin Gortroe Cork Cotter John Clykeel, North Gortroe Cork Cotter Mary Ballinwillin Gortroe Cork Cotter Michael Ballyda Gortroe Cork Cotter Pierce Mellefontstown Gortroe Cork Cotter William Baneena, South Gortroe Cork Crinin Denis Mellefontstown Gortroe Cork Croker Eliza Holyhill Gortroe Cork Cronin Margaret Killamurren Gortroe Cork Cronin Michael Killamurren Gortroe Cork Crowley Daniel Desert Gortroe Cork Cullinane Charles Curraghard Gortroe Cork Daly Carroll Nocknabooly Gortroe Cork Daly Daniel Ballinterry Gortroe Cork Daly Daniel Lackabeha, East Gortroe Cork Daly Denis Ballinure Gortroe Cork Daly Denis Ballynanelagh Gortroe Cork Daly Edward Knockeennagroagh Gortroe Cork Daly John Mellefontstown Gortroe Cork Daly Michael Lackabeha, East Gortroe Cork Daly Patrick Lackabeha, East Gortroe Cork Daly Peter Curraghplibbode Gortroe Cork Day William John Lissurla Gortroe Cork Devonsher Abraham Ballyda Gortroe Cork Devonsher Abraham Baneena, South Gortroe Cork Devonsher Abraham Lackabeha, East Gortroe Cork Dinneen William Ballyogaha, West Gortroe Cork Donohoe John Garryantaggart Gortroe Cork Donovan Daniel Monananig Gortroe Cork Donovan Michael Ballynanelagh Gortroe Cork Donovan Timothy Ballynanelagh Gortroe Cork Dooly Simon Rathaneague Gortroe Cork Duggan James Ballinterry Gortroe Cork Duggan James Lackabeha, East Gortroe Cork Duggan Jeremiah Monananig Gortroe Cork Duggan John Caherdesert Gortroe Cork Duggan Michael Caherdesert Gortroe Cork Duggan Thomas Caherdesert Gortroe Cork Dwyer John Mellefontstown Gortroe Cork Edwards George Ballynanelagh Gortroe Cork Egan James Ballinterry Gortroe Cork Egan Michael Desert Gortroe Cork Egan Thomas Ballinwillin Gortroe Cork Fielding Denis Ballinterry Gortroe Cork Fielding Denis Holyhill Gortroe Cork Finn John Ballinure Gortroe Cork Finn Michael Ballyrobert Gortroe Cork Fitzgerald David Ballyogaha, West Gortroe Cork Fitzgerald Edmond Caherdesert Gortroe Cork Fitzgerald Johanna Ballyrobert Gortroe Cork Fitzgerald John Ballyoneen Gortroe Cork Fitzgerald John Killamurren Gortroe Cork Fitzgerald John Lissurla Gortroe Cork Fitzgerald Martin Caherdesert Gortroe Cork Fitzgerald Patrick Caherduggan Gortroe Cork Fitzgerald Thomas Baneena, South Gortroe Cork Flanagan Michael Ballyda Gortroe Cork Fleming Michael Ballyda Gortroe Cork Flynn Edmond Ballinvarrig, West Gortroe Cork Flynn Thomas Ballinvarrig, West Gortroe Cork Foley John Ballyogaha, West Gortroe Cork Griffin Patrick Lissurla Gortroe Cork Griffin Patrick Rathaneague Gortroe Cork Guiry Patrick Ballynakilla Gortroe Cork Haskins George Baneena, North Gortroe Cork Haskins William Clykeel, South Gortroe Cork Hayes Timothy Ballynakilla Gortroe Cork Heafey Michael Lackabeha, East Gortroe Cork Healy John Ballinure Gortroe Cork Healy William Ballinure Gortroe Cork Hegarty Elizabeth Mellefontstown Gortroe Cork Hegarty John Ballyda Gortroe Cork Hegarty Mary Ballynakilla Gortroe Cork Hegarty Michael Mellefontstown Gortroe Cork Hegarty Peter Rathaneague Gortroe Cork Hegarty Richard Killamurren Gortroe Cork Hegerty Mary Ballynakilla Gortroe Cork Hickey James Ballyda Gortroe Cork Higgins Patrick Curraghplibbode Gortroe Cork Hogan John Ballinvarrig, East Gortroe Cork Hogan John Ballinvarrig, West Gortroe Cork Hogan Mary Ballinvarrig, West Gortroe Cork Ivis Bridget Ballyoneen Gortroe Cork Ivis David Ballyrobert Gortroe Cork Ivis Patrick Ballyrobert Gortroe Cork Jones Thomas Ballinterry Gortroe Cork Kearney Patrick Rathcobane Gortroe Cork Keeffe John Ballinvarrig, West Gortroe Cork Keeffe John Baneena, South Gortroe Cork Keeffe John Hightown Gortroe Cork Keeffe Mary Caherdesert Gortroe Cork Keeffe Owen Hightown Gortroe Cork Keily James Clykeel, North Gortroe Cork Keleher John Ballynakilla Gortroe Cork Kelleher John Caherdesert Gortroe Cork Kelleher John Caherduggan Gortroe Cork Kelly James Lackabeha, West Gortroe Cork Kelly John Knockeennagroagh Gortroe Cork Kelly Maurice Curraghplibbode Gortroe Cork Keneiry Mary Holyhill Gortroe Cork Keneiry Patrick Rathaneague Gortroe Cork Keniery John Cronavan Gortroe Cork Kennedy John Caherdesert Gortroe Cork Kilty Daniel Ballynanelagh Gortroe Cork Kilty Honoria Ballyoneen Gortroe Cork Kiniry Bridget Ballyoneen Gortroe Cork Kinniry Michael Killamurren Gortroe Cork Leahy John Commons Gortroe Cork Leahy John Rathaneague Gortroe Cork Leahy Michael Ballyogaha, West Gortroe Cork Leahy Thomas Killamurren Gortroe Cork Leahy Timothy Ballinure Gortroe Cork Leane Patrick Hightown Gortroe Cork Leary John Knockeennagroagh Gortroe Cork Leary Patrick Knockeennagroagh Gortroe Cork Leary Thomas Baneena, South Gortroe Cork Lee Richard Baneena, South Gortroe Cork Lee William Baneena, South Gortroe Cork Lehey Thomas Cronavan Gortroe Cork Lelles William Ballyrobert Gortroe Cork Lillis William Ballinure Gortroe Cork Lomasney Jeremiah Ballyogaha, West Gortroe Cork Lomasney John Ballyogaha, West Gortroe Cork Lynch Daniel Monananig Gortroe Cork Lynch Thomas Holyhill Gortroe Cork Lysaght Ellen Caherdesert Gortroe Cork Lysaght James, Jr. Caherdesert Gortroe Cork Mackey Jeremiah Ballyoneen Gortroe Cork Mackey John Ballinterry Gortroe Cork Mackey John Peafield Gortroe Cork Mahony Michael Holyhill Gortroe Cork Manrigy John Ballynanelagh Gortroe Cork Marks Margaret Desert Gortroe Cork Marks Mary Baneena, South Gortroe Cork Marks Michael Commons Gortroe Cork Mawe Jeremiah Ballinterry Gortroe Cork Mc Auliffe Jeremiah Ballynakilla Gortroe Cork Mc Auliffe John Ballynakilla Gortroe Cork Mc Carthy John Lackabeha, East Gortroe Cork Mc Donnell Michael Ballinterry Gortroe Cork Mc Grath Daniel Ballynakilla Gortroe Cork Mc Grath James Ballyrobert Gortroe Cork Mc Grath James Rathcobane Gortroe Cork Mc Grath John Killamurren Gortroe Cork Mc Grath Mary Ballynoe Gortroe Cork Meade Garrett Desert Gortroe Cork Meara Ellen Ballyoneen Gortroe Cork Mehegan John Curraghard Gortroe Cork Meskill Patrick Garryantaggart Gortroe Cork Morley David Desert Gortroe Cork Morley Michael Baneena, South Gortroe Cork Mulcahy James Ballyogaha, East Gortroe Cork Mulcahy Timothy Mellefontstown Gortroe Cork Nason John G. Knockeennagroagh Gortroe Cork Nason William Ballinure Gortroe Cork Neil John Ballyogaha, North Gortroe Cork Noonan John Monananig Gortroe Cork O'Brien James Knoppoge Gortroe Cork O'Brine Laurence Ballinterry Gortroe Cork O'Donovan Rev. C. Monananig Gortroe Cork Pigott Edmond Clykeel, South Gortroe Cork Pigott Richard Lackabeha, East Gortroe Cork Pine Edmund Clykeel, North Gortroe Cork Pine John Clykeel, North Gortroe Cork Power William Ballinwillin Gortroe Cork Quirk Patrick Curraghard Gortroe Cork Quirk Patrick Desert Gortroe Cork Regan Patrick Ballinterry Gortroe Cork Rice William Lackabeha, East Gortroe Cork Riordan Edmond Ballyoneen Gortroe Cork Riordan John Ballyda Gortroe Cork Riordan William Ballyrobert Gortroe Cork Riordan William Peafield Gortroe Cork Riordon Honoria Killamurren Gortroe Cork Roach Bridget Knockeennagroagh Gortroe Cork Roche Catherine Ballyoneen Gortroe Cork Roche Daniel Ballinure Gortroe Cork Roche James Ballyda Gortroe Cork Roche Martin Ballyogaha, West Gortroe Cork Roche William Ballyoneen Gortroe Cork Ross John Baneena, North Gortroe Cork Ross John Lackabeha, East Gortroe Cork Ryan Catherine Ballyoneen Gortroe Cork Ryan Daniel Ballynakilla Gortroe Cork Ryan Daniel Curraghplibbode Gortroe Cork Ryan Denis Ballynakilla Gortroe Cork Ryan John Ballinure Gortroe Cork Ryan John Ballinwillin Gortroe Cork Ryan Thomas Ballyda Gortroe Cork Ryder Rev. William Ballinterry Gortroe Cork Scanell James Hightown Gortroe Cork Scannell Margaret Ballynoe Gortroe Cork Scannell Patrick Ballynoe Gortroe Cork Scannell Richard Ballynoe Gortroe Cork Shea Denis Ballyogaha, West Gortroe Cork Shea James Ballyogaha, West Gortroe Cork Sheehan John Lackabeha, East Gortroe Cork Sheridan Patrick Desert Gortroe Cork Sloe William Ballyogaha, West Gortroe Cork Smith Barry J. H. Ballinterry Gortroe Cork Spillane James Caherdesert Gortroe Cork Spillane James Curraghard Gortroe Cork Spillane Johanna Baneena, South Gortroe Cork Spillane John Ballinwillin Gortroe Cork Sullivan Daniel Ballinwillin Gortroe Cork Sullivan John Curraghard Gortroe Cork Sweeny Garrett Caherdesert Gortroe Cork Sweeny Margaret Ballyda Gortroe Cork Sweeny Thomas Clykeel, North Gortroe Cork Toomey Maurice Knockeennagroagh Gortroe Cork Troy John, Jr. Ballyogaha, West Gortroe Cork Troy John, Sr. Ballyogaha, West Gortroe Cork Troy Patrick Monananig Gortroe Cork Tuomy Thomas Caherdesert Gortroe Cork Twohill Garrett Ballyoneen Gortroe Cork Twomy Ellen Ballyoneen Gortroe Cork Wade Francis Baneena, South Gortroe Cork Walsh David Desert Gortroe Cork Walsh James Holyhill Gortroe Cork Walsh John Mellefontstown Gortroe Cork Walsh Maurice Mellefontstown Gortroe Cork White Bridget Ballynakilla Gortroe Cork White Edward Ballinure Gortroe Cork Willis John Ballinure Gortroe Cork Wills Honoria Ballinure Gortroe Cork Wise Thomas Mellefontstown Gortroe Cork