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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Ightermurragh, County Cork
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Ightermurragh, County Cork
Abbott William Clonmaine Ightermurragh Cork Agar Rev. John Rathcallan Ightermurragh Cork Agar Rev. William Rathcallan Ightermurragh Cork Ahern James Ballyhonock Ightermurragh Cork Ahern John Castlerichard Ightermurragh Cork Ahern Thomas Carewswood Ightermurragh Cork Aherne David Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Aherne James Dower Ightermurragh Cork Aherne Thomas Rathcallan Ightermurragh Cork Aherne William Schoolgardens Ightermurragh Cork Ambrose Patrick Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Anglum John Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Barrett Elizabeth Gortnahomna Ightermurragh Cork Barry Catherine Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Barry Edmond Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Barry Elizabeth Town of Castlemartyr Killeagh Road Ightermurragh Cork Barry Ellen Dromadda Beg Village of Lady's Bridge Ightermurragh Cork Barry Ellen Monacreagh Ightermurragh Cork Barry James Dromadda Beg Ightermurragh Cork Barry John Ballyfin Ightermurragh Cork Barry John Ballykenefick Ightermurragh Cork Barry Johnael Clonmaine Ightermurragh Cork Barry Maryanne Gortnahomna Ightermurragh Cork Barry Michael Town of Castlemartyr Mogeely Road Ightermurragh Cork Barry Patrick Lady's Bridge (Village of) Ightermurragh Cork Barry Richard Monacreagh Ightermurragh Cork Barry Thomas Ballindinis Ightermurragh Cork Bellew Rep. Sophia Ballindinis Ightermurragh Cork Boozan Patrick Kilcraheen Ightermurragh Cork Boozan Richard Imokishy Ightermurragh Cork Boozan William Ightermurragh Ightermurragh Cork Bride Michael Ballyhonock Ightermurragh Cork Bride Richard Ballyhonock Ightermurragh Cork Brien Anastasia Ightermurragh Ightermurragh Cork Brien Catherine Carrigarostig Ightermurragh Cork Brien James Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Brien Jeremiah Dromadda Beg Ightermurragh Cork Brien John Ightermurragh Ightermurragh Cork Brien John Parknahyla Ightermurragh Cork Brien Michael Ballykenefick Ightermurragh Cork Broe Coleman Bridgefield Ightermurragh Cork Brunette Sandford Ballyfin Ightermurragh Cork Bryan John Lady's Bridge (Village of) Ightermurragh Cork Buckley John Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Buckley Mary Lady's Bridge (Village of) Ightermurragh Cork Burke Honoria Monacreagh Ightermurragh Cork Burke Mary Schoolgardens Ightermurragh Cork Burke Michael Dromadda Beg Ightermurragh Cork Butler Patrick Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Cahill Elizabeth Ballindinis Ightermurragh Cork Cahill Ellen Dromadda Beg Village of Lady's Bridge Ightermurragh Cork Cahill Mary Castlerichard Ightermurragh Cork Cahill Patrick Bridgefield Ightermurragh Cork Cahill William Ballindinis Ightermurragh Cork Canty Edmond Ballyhonock Ightermurragh Cork Canty John Ballyhonock Ightermurragh Cork Carroll Coleman Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Carroll James Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Carroll John Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Carthy John, Jr. Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Carthy John, Sr. Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Carthy Timothy Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Cashman Frances Ballyshane Ightermurragh Cork Cashman Michael Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Cashman Patrick Ballyshane Ightermurragh Cork Cashman Thomas Clonmaine Ightermurragh Cork Cashman Thomas Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Coleman Johanna Ballykenefick Ightermurragh Cork Coleman Johanna Rathcallan Ightermurragh Cork Coleman John Ballykenefick Ightermurragh Cork Coleman John Dromadda Beg Village of Lady's Bridge Ightermurragh Cork Coleman William Bridgefield Ightermurragh Cork Coleman William Knockane Ightermurragh Cork Collins Edmond Ballincourlea Ightermurragh Cork Collins Mary Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Connell Anne Ballindinis Ightermurragh Cork Connell Catherine Town of Castlemartyr Killeagh Road Ightermurragh Cork Connell Daniel Dromadda Beg Ightermurragh Cork Connell Daniel Parknahyla Ightermurragh Cork Connell Daniel Rathcallan Ightermurragh Cork Connell Henry Bridgefield Ightermurragh Cork Connell James Dromadda Beg Village of Lady's Bridge Ightermurragh Cork Connell Mary Kilbeg Ightermurragh Cork Connell Patrick Town of Castlemartyr Mogeely Road Ightermurragh Cork Connery Michael Ballyhonock Ightermurragh Cork Connors Bartw. Ballymacandrick Ightermurragh Cork Connors Catherine Ballymacandrick Ightermurragh Cork Conway William Ballykenefick Ightermurragh Cork Cotter John Lady's Bridge (Village of) Ightermurragh Cork Cotter William Ballyfin Ightermurragh Cork Courtney Caroline A. Dromadda Beg Ightermurragh Cork Courtney John Dromadda Beg Ightermurragh Cork Courtney John Parknahyla Ightermurragh Cork Creagh Arthur G. Ballyhonock Ightermurragh Cork Cunningham Ellen Monacreagh Ightermurragh Cork Cunningham Mary Ballyhonock Ightermurragh Cork Curtin James Town of Castlemartyr Mogeely Road Ightermurragh Cork Daly Patrick Rathcallan Ightermurragh Cork Dawkins Nathaniel Ballyshane Ightermurragh Cork Day Maurice Rathcallan Ightermurragh Cork Delany James Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Desmond Daniel Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Desmond Jeremiah Ballyhonock Ightermurragh Cork Donovan Jeremiah Garrymore Ightermurragh Cork Donovan John Parknahyla Ightermurragh Cork Donovan Michael Dromadda Beg Ightermurragh Cork Donovan Patrick Dromadda Beg Ightermurragh Cork Donovan William Dromadda Beg Ightermurragh Cork Doohig James Ballykenefick Ightermurragh Cork Downey James Kilcraheen Ightermurragh Cork Downing Johanna Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Downing John Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Downing Thomas Knockane Ightermurragh Cork Downing Timothy Ballymacandrick Ightermurragh Cork Driscoll Francis Ballyhonock Ightermurragh Cork Driscoll Mary Castlerichard Ightermurragh Cork Driscoll Maurice Ballyhonock Ightermurragh Cork Driscoll William Ballindinis Ightermurragh Cork Dunlea James Lady's Bridge (Village of) Ightermurragh Cork Dunlea John Lady's Bridge (Village of) Ightermurragh Cork Dunne Michael Dromadda Beg Ightermurragh Cork Eager Rev. John Dromadda Beg Ightermurragh Cork Field Richard Kilbeg Ightermurragh Cork Field Richard Monacreagh Ightermurragh Cork Field William Kilbeg Ightermurragh Cork Field William Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Fitzerald Robert U. P. Clonmaine Ightermurragh Cork Fitzgerald John Carrigarostig Ightermurragh Cork Fitzgerald Maurice Kilbeg Ightermurragh Cork Fitzgerald Michael Lady's Bridge (Village of) Ightermurragh Cork Fitzgerald Robert U. P. Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Fitzgerald Thomas Dromadda Beg Village of Lady's Bridge Ightermurragh Cork Flannigan Timothy Lady's Bridge (Village of) Ightermurragh Cork Flinn John Monacreagh Ightermurragh Cork Flood William Town of Castlemartyr Mogeely Road Ightermurragh Cork Flynn Michael Gortnahomna Ightermurragh Cork Foley John Ballyhonock Ightermurragh Cork Foley Maurice Kilcraheen Ightermurragh Cork Forrest Mrs. ??? Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Gallehoo Margaret Ballyhonock Ightermurragh Cork Galway Richard Town of Castlemartyr Killeagh Road Ightermurragh Cork Garde Edward Carewswood Ightermurragh Cork Garde Edward Kilbeg Ightermurragh Cork Garde Edward Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Garde John Davis Garrymore Ightermurragh Cork Geary Daniel Ballymacandrick Ightermurragh Cork Gleeson Denis Castlerichard Ightermurragh Cork Gleeson James Kilcraheen Ightermurragh Cork Gleeson James Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Gleeson John Kilcraheen Ightermurragh Cork Gleeson Mary Bridgefield Ightermurragh Cork Gleeson Michael Clonmaine Ightermurragh Cork Gleeson Michael Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Gleeson William Carrigarostig Ightermurragh Cork Gleeson William Castlerichard Ightermurragh Cork Gleesony Michaels Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Godsil Edward Ballyling Ightermurragh Cork Godsil Thomas Castlerichard Ightermurragh Cork Goold William Castlerichard Ightermurragh Cork Gorman Honoria Ightermurragh Ightermurragh Cork Gready Michael Ballyfin Ightermurragh Cork Greville Foulke S. Rathcallan Ightermurragh Cork Griffin Daniel Carrigarostig Ightermurragh Cork Griffin James Garrymore Ightermurragh Cork Griffin James Gortnahomna Ightermurragh Cork Grogan Nicholas Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Hall John Ightermurragh Ightermurragh Cork Halloran Mary Barnfield Ightermurragh Cork Hamane John Town of Castlemartyr Killeagh Road Ightermurragh Cork Hanan Joshua Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Hannan Daniel Dower Ightermurragh Cork Hannan William Gortnahomna Ightermurragh Cork Hanning James Ballyfin Ightermurragh Cork Hartnett Mary Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Hartnett Richard Carrigarostig Ightermurragh Cork Hegarty John Carrigarostig Ightermurragh Cork Hennessy Mary Dromadda Beg Village of Lady's Bridge Ightermurragh Cork Hennis Robert Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Hewson Rev. Maurice Ballyhonock Ightermurragh Cork Hickey John Ballyhonock Ightermurragh Cork Higgins Bartholemew Kilcraheen Ightermurragh Cork Higgins Elizabeth Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Higgins Honoria Ballindinis Ightermurragh Cork Higgins Patrick Dromadda Beg Ightermurragh Cork Hill Francis Knockane Ightermurragh Cork Horgan Marcus Dromadda Beg Village of Lady's Bridge Ightermurragh Cork Hourahan Mary Clonmaine Ightermurragh Cork Hydey Mary Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Irwin John Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Irwin Owen Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Irwin Richard Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork John Thomas Castlerichard Ightermurragh Cork Joyce John Dromadda Beg Village of Lady's Bridge Ightermurragh Cork Joyce John Dromadda East Ightermurragh Cork Joyce John Lady's Bridge (Village of) Ightermurragh Cork Joyce John Rathcallan Ightermurragh Cork Kane Johanna Gortnahomna Ightermurragh Cork Kearney Patrick Barnfield Ightermurragh Cork Kearney Patrick Imokishy Ightermurragh Cork Keeffe John Ballyfin Ightermurragh Cork Kelleher James Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Kelleher Laurence Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Kelly William Castlerichard Ightermurragh Cork Kelly William Kilcraheen Ightermurragh Cork Kenefick Bridget Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Kenefick Jamesa Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Kenefick John Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Kenefick William Clonmaine Ightermurragh Cork Kennedy John Garrymore Ightermurragh Cork Kennefick James Lady's Bridge (Village of) Ightermurragh Cork Kennefick Mary Rathcallan Ightermurragh Cork Kennefick Patrick Parknahyla Ightermurragh Cork Kennefick William Clonmaine Ightermurragh Cork Kenny Edmond Kilcraheen Ightermurragh Cork Kenny John Kilcraheen Ightermurragh Cork Kilmartin David Ballyfin Ightermurragh Cork Kilmartin John Ballyfin Ightermurragh Cork Kilmartin William Ballyfin Ightermurragh Cork Kinnealy Maurice Castlerichard Ightermurragh Cork Kinniry Denis Parknahyla Ightermurragh Cork Lampher John Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Lawton Edward Dromadda Beg Village of Lady's Bridge Ightermurragh Cork Lawton Fergus Ballindinis Ightermurragh Cork Lawton Thomas Ballyshane Ightermurragh Cork Lawton William Kilcraheen Ightermurragh Cork Leahy Elizabeth Barnfield Ightermurragh Cork Leahy James Ballyfin Ightermurragh Cork Leahy John Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Leahy Thomas Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Leary Anne Town of Castlemartyr Killeagh Road Ightermurragh Cork Lee Elizabeth Carewswood Ightermurragh Cork Lee George Knockane Ightermurragh Cork Lee James Ightermurragh Ightermurragh Cork Lee John Carewswood Ightermurragh Cork Lee John Gortnahomna Ightermurragh Cork Lee Martin Clonmaine Ightermurragh Cork Lee Michael Ballindinis Ightermurragh Cork Lee Robert Dromadda Beg Village of Lady's Bridge Ightermurragh Cork Lynch Bartholemew Imokishy Ightermurragh Cork Lynch Edmond Dromadda Beg Ightermurragh Cork Lynch Edmond Garrymore Ightermurragh Cork Lynch James Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Lynch Margaret Imokishy Ightermurragh Cork Lynch Michael Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Lynch Thomas Castlerichard Ightermurragh Cork Lynch Thomas Dromadda Beg Ightermurragh Cork M'Carthy Catherine Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork M'Carthy John Ballincourlea Ightermurragh Cork M'Carthy John Clonmaine Ightermurragh Cork M'Carthy John, Jr. Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork M'Carthy John, Sr. Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork M'Carthy Mich., Jr. Ballincourlea Ightermurragh Cork M'Carthy Michael, Sr. Ballincourlea Ightermurragh Cork M'Carthy Nicholas Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork M'Carthy Patrick Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork M'Carthy Tim., Jr. Ballincourlea Ightermurragh Cork M'Carthy Tim., Sr. Ballincourlea Ightermurragh Cork M'Carthy Timothy Ballyfin Ightermurragh Cork M'Carthy Timothy, Sr. Ballincourlea Ightermurragh Cork M'Carthy William Clonmaine Ightermurragh Cork M'Namara Patrick Gortnahomna Ightermurragh Cork M'Namarra William Town of Castlemartyr Mogeely Road Ightermurragh Cork Mackey John Lady's Bridge (Village of) Ightermurragh Cork Mahony Mary Garrymore Ightermurragh Cork Mahony Mathew Garrymore Ightermurragh Cork Mahony Michael Castlerichard Ightermurragh Cork Manning James Ballincourlea Ightermurragh Cork Manning Jeremiah Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Manning Michael Ballincourlea Ightermurragh Cork Manning Thomas Rathcallan Ightermurragh Cork Mccarty John Ballymacandrick Ightermurragh Cork Mccarty Mary Ballymacandrick Ightermurragh Cork Meany Michael Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Meath William Ightermurragh Ightermurragh Cork Mellerick Edmond Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Mellerick John Monacreagh Ightermurragh Cork Mellerick Margaret Monacreagh Ightermurragh Cork Mellerick Thomas Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Morrison Thomas Ballyfin Ightermurragh Cork Morrissey Michael Ballyling Ightermurragh Cork Morrisson Eleanor Clonmaine Ightermurragh Cork Morrisson James Ballyfin Ightermurragh Cork Morrogh Ellen Lady's Bridge (Village of) Ightermurragh Cork Motherway Robert Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Mullaney John Ballincourlea Ightermurragh Cork Mullaney William Monacreagh Ightermurragh Cork Murphy Daniel Ballyhonock Ightermurragh Cork Murphy Henry Gortnahomna Ightermurragh Cork Murphy John Kilcraheen Ightermurragh Cork Murphy John Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Murphy Mary Ightermurragh Ightermurragh Cork Murray Maurice Ballykenefick Ightermurragh Cork Neville Thomas Kilcraheen Ightermurragh Cork Noonan Patrick Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork O'Brien Anastasia Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork O'Donovan Elizabeth Ballyfin Ightermurragh Cork O'Neill Edmond Barnfield Ightermurragh Cork O'Neill Edmond Kilcraheen Ightermurragh Cork O'Sullivan Edmond Town of Castlemartyr Mogeely Road Ightermurragh Cork Parker Anastasia Gortnahomna Ightermurragh Cork Parker William Rathcallan Ightermurragh Cork Pomphret George Lady's Bridge (Village of) Ightermurragh Cork Pomphret Richard Dromadda Beg Village of Lady's Bridge Ightermurragh Cork Power Denis Monacreagh Ightermurragh Cork Pratt Henry Knockane Ightermurragh Cork Pratt Richard Knockane Ightermurragh Cork Prendeville Johanna Ballyhonock Ightermurragh Cork Qoirk John Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Quirk John Kilcraheen Ightermurragh Cork Quirk John Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Renayne Maurice Dromadda Beg Village of Lady's Bridge Ightermurragh Cork Renny Richard Ballymacandrick Ightermurragh Cork Ronayne Mary Ballincourlea Ightermurragh Cork Ronayne Thomas Knockane Ightermurragh Cork Ryan Owen Dromadda Beg Village of Lady's Bridge Ightermurragh Cork Savage John Dromadda Beg Ightermurragh Cork Scanlon Thomas Clonmaine Ightermurragh Cork Scannell Maurice Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Scully Ellen Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Scully Mary Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Shannon ??? Bridgetown Ightermurragh Cork Shannon ??? Gortnahomna Ightermurragh Cork Shannon ??? Ightermurragh Ightermurragh Cork Shannon ??? Kilbeg Ightermurragh Cork Shannon ??? Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Shannon ??? Lady's Bridge (Village of) Ightermurragh Cork Shaughnesy Daniel Ballymacandrick Ightermurragh Cork Shea Laurence Ightermurragh Ightermurragh Cork Shea Margaret Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Sisk Denis Ballykenefick Ightermurragh Cork Sisk Michael Ballykenefick Ightermurragh Cork Sisk William Ballyfin Ightermurragh Cork Smiddy Margaret Ballyhonock Ightermurragh Cork Smiddy Timothy Carrigarostig Ightermurragh Cork Smith John Ballyfin Ightermurragh Cork Smith Jonas Ballyfin Ightermurragh Cork Smyth Christopher Ballyfin Ightermurragh Cork Smyth Roger Ballyfin Ightermurragh Cork Smyth Thomas Ballyshane Ightermurragh Cork Stack Thomas Dromadda Beg Village of Lady's Bridge Ightermurragh Cork Stafford John Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Staunton David Schoolgardens Ightermurragh Cork Staunton James Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Staunton John Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Staunton John Schoolgardens Ightermurragh Cork Staunton Patrick Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Lisquinlan Ightermurragh Cork Sullivan Mary Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Sullivan Maurice Clonmaine Ightermurragh Cork Sullivan Patrick Ballyfin Ightermurragh Cork Usher Arthur Ballyhonock Ightermurragh Cork Walker Wallace Adam Gortnahomna Ightermurragh Cork Walsh Bartholomew Ballyshane Ightermurragh Cork Walsh Daniel Dromadda Beg Village of Lady's Bridge Ightermurragh Cork Walsh Eleanor Bridgefield Ightermurragh Cork Walsh Henry Dromadda Beg Ightermurragh Cork Walsh Honoria Kilcraheen Ightermurragh Cork Walsh James Garrymore Ightermurragh Cork Walsh James Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Walsh John Carrigarostig Ightermurragh Cork Walsh John Gortnahomna Ightermurragh Cork Walsh Margaret Knockglass Ightermurragh Cork Walsh Maurice Ballykenefick Ightermurragh Cork Walsh Maurice Imokishy Ightermurragh Cork Walsh Patrick Imokishy Ightermurragh Cork Walsh Thomas Ballincourlea Ightermurragh Cork Whelan Joseph Rathcallan Ightermurragh Cork White James Ballindinis Ightermurragh Cork White Patrick Town of Castlemartyr Killeagh Road Ightermurragh Cork