Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Kilcorney, County Cork
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Kilcorney, County Cork
Barrett John Finnanfield Kilcorney Cork Barrett John Gortnaclogh Kilcorney Cork Barry Johanna Horsemountmountain Kilcorney Cork Bourke Garrett Donoure East Kilcorney Cork Bourke Maurice Donoure Kilcorney Cork Bourke Maurice Donoure East Kilcorney Cork Bourke Maurice Horsemount North Kilcorney Cork Buckley Daniel Carrigduff Kilcorney Cork Buckley Daniel Crinnaloo South Kilcorney Cork Buckley Denis Brookpark Kilcorney Cork Buckley Denis Crinnaloo North Kilcorney Cork Buckley Jeremiah Crinaloo North Kilcorney Cork Buckley John Horsemountmountain Kilcorney Cork Buckley Margaret Carrigduff Kilcorney Cork Buckley Michael Mushera Kilcorney Cork Buckley Patrick Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork Buckley Timothy Horsemountmountain Kilcorney Cork Buckley Timothy Shanakill Kilcorney Cork Buckley William Baunreagh Kilcorney Cork Buckly Jeremiah Crinnaloo North Kilcorney Cork Callaghan Daniel Knockanroe Kilcorney Cork Callaghan Daniel Knockgorin Kilcorney Cork Callaghan Daniel Lissacapia Kilcorney Cork Callaghan Denis Shanakill Kilcorney Cork Callaghan Mary Horsemount South Kilcorney Cork Callaghan Patrick Horsemount North Kilcorney Cork Callaghan Timothy Crinaloo North Kilcorney Cork Callaghan Timothy Crinnaloo North Kilcorney Cork Callaghan Timothy Killeen Kilcorney Cork Canty Denis Laharan Kilcorney Cork Carroll Abigail Laharan Kilcorney Cork Carroll Timothy Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork Carroll Timothy Knockgorin Kilcorney Cork Carty Owen Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork Cashman William Shanakill Kilcorney Cork Collins Rep. Stephen Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork Conlan Humphrey Brookpark Kilcorney Cork Conlan Timothy Horsemount South Kilcorney Cork Conlon John Donoure East Kilcorney Cork Conlon Timothy Baunreagh Kilcorney Cork Connell Daniel Mushera Kilcorney Cork Connell Denis Gortnaclogh Kilcorney Cork Connors Mary Drombeg Kilcorney Cork Corcoran Johanna Carrigduff Kilcorney Cork Corcoran William Carrigduff Kilcorney Cork Corkerry Michael Shanakill Kilcorney Cork Creedon Cornelius Donoure Middle Kilcorney Cork Creedon John Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork Cremin Jeremiah Crinnaloo South Kilcorney Cork Cremins Cornelius Crinnaloo North Kilcorney Cork Cremins Denis Crinnaloo North Kilcorney Cork Cronin Denis Finnanfield Kilcorney Cork Cronin Patrick Horsemountmountain Kilcorney Cork Cunningham Patrick Knockanroe Kilcorney Cork Danahy Andrew Shanakill Kilcorney Cork Danahy Daniel Shanakill Kilcorney Cork Danahy Jeremiah Shanakill Kilcorney Cork Danahy John Gortnaclogh Kilcorney Cork Danahy John Laharan Kilcorney Cork Danahy John Shanakill Kilcorney Cork Denehy Andrew Shanakill Kilcorney Cork Denehy Daniel Shanakill Kilcorney Cork Denehy Philip Shanakill Kilcorney Cork Dinneen John Horsemountmountain Kilcorney Cork Donohoe Honoria Crinnaloo South Kilcorney Cork Donohoe Jeremiah Carrigduff Kilcorney Cork Duggan Cornelius Carrigduff Kilcorney Cork Duggan Daniel Carrigduff Kilcorney Cork Duggan Jeremiah Carrigduff Kilcorney Cork Ford James Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork Goggin Edward Brookpark Kilcorney Cork Hanigan Jeremiah Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork Harmond Jeremiah Horsemount South Kilcorney Cork Harmond Timothy Horsemount South Kilcorney Cork Harrigan Daniel Crinnaloo South Kilcorney Cork Harrigan John Donoure Middle Kilcorney Cork Healy Cornelius Brookpark Kilcorney Cork Healy Denis Brookpark Kilcorney Cork Healy Ellen Donoure West Kilcorney Cork Healy Jeremiah Brookpark Kilcorney Cork Healy Johanna Donoure West Kilcorney Cork Healy John Brookpark Kilcorney Cork Hennessy John Shanakill Kilcorney Cork Horgan Daniel Horsemountmountain Kilcorney Cork Horgan Darby Horsemountmountain Kilcorney Cork Horgan Denis Shanakill Kilcorney Cork Horgan John Horsemountmountain Kilcorney Cork Horgan Timothy Horsemountmountain Kilcorney Cork Howard Henry Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork Howard John Brookpark Kilcorney Cork Howard John Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork Howard Robert Brookpark Kilcorney Cork Keeffe Timothy Gortnaclogh Kilcorney Cork Keleher Denis Beenreagh Kilcorney Cork Keleher Hugh Brookpark Kilcorney Cork Keliher Cornelius Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork Kelleher Daniel Brookpark Kilcorney Cork Kelleher Darby Brookpark Kilcorney Cork Kelleher Jeremiah Brookpark Kilcorney Cork Kelleher Jeremiah Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork Kelleher Jeremiah Knockanroe Kilcorney Cork Kelleher John Horsemount North Kilcorney Cork Kelleher Mortimer Donoure Middle Kilcorney Cork Kelliher Bartholomew Horsemount North Kilcorney Cork Kelliher Daniel Horsemount North Kilcorney Cork Kelliher Mary Shanakill Kilcorney Cork Kelliher Matthew Horsemount South Kilcorney Cork Kelliher Patrick Horsemountmountain Kilcorney Cork Leader Timothy Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork Leader Timothy Knockanroe Kilcorney Cork Leader William Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork Lehane John Donoure Middle Kilcorney Cork Lenihan John Kilcorney Kilcorney Cork Lenihan Michael Horsemountmountain Kilcorney Cork Lyons Cornelius Crinnaloo North Kilcorney Cork Lyons Patrick Crinnaloo North Kilcorney Cork Lyons Timothy Crinnaloo North Kilcorney Cork M'Carthy Catherine Brookpark Kilcorney Cork M'Carthy Darby Shanakill Kilcorney Cork Mahoney Jeremiah Knockanroe Kilcorney Cork Mahony John Horsemount North Kilcorney Cork Mahony Mary Crinnaloo North Kilcorney Cork Mullane Daniel Donoure East Kilcorney Cork Murphy Catherine Donoure West Kilcorney Cork Murphy Cornelius Carrigduff Kilcorney Cork Murphy Cornelius Horsemount South Kilcorney Cork Murphy Cornelius, Jr. Horsemount South Kilcorney Cork Murphy Cornelius, Sr. Horsemount South Kilcorney Cork Murphy Daniel Finnanfield Kilcorney Cork Murphy Denis Finnanfield Kilcorney Cork Murphy Denis Horsemount North Kilcorney Cork Murphy Denis Horsemount South Kilcorney Cork Murphy Denis Horsemountmountain Kilcorney Cork Murphy John Glebe Kilcorney Cork Murphy John Killeen Kilcorney Cork Murphy John, Jr. Horsemount South Kilcorney Cork Murphy John, Sr. Horsemount South Kilcorney Cork Murphy Laurence Crinaloo North Kilcorney Cork Murphy Laurence Crinnaloo North Kilcorney Cork Murphy Rev. Edmond Kilcorney Kilcorney Cork Murphy William Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork O'Brien Cornelius Brookpark Kilcorney Cork O'Keeffe Timothy Gortnaclogh Kilcorney Cork Reardon Catherine Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork Reardon Daniel Knockanroe Kilcorney Cork Reardon Denis Crinaloo North Kilcorney Cork Reardon Denis Crinnaloo North Kilcorney Cork Reardon James Horsemount South Kilcorney Cork Reardon John Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork Reardon John Gortnaclogh Kilcorney Cork Reardon Joseph Knockanroe Kilcorney Cork Reardon Matthew Knockanroe Kilcorney Cork Reardon Michael Killeen Kilcorney Cork Reardon Owen Knockanroe Kilcorney Cork Reardon Sylvester Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork Reardon Timothy Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork Reardon Timothy Horsemount South Kilcorney Cork Rerdon Cornelius Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork Ring John Brookpark Kilcorney Cork Ring Patrick Horsemount South Kilcorney Cork Riordan Daniel Drombeg Kilcorney Cork Riordan Daniel Shanakill Kilcorney Cork Riordan Denis Crinnaloo North Kilcorney Cork Riordan Denis Finnanfield Kilcorney Cork Riordan Ellen Shanakill Kilcorney Cork Riordan James Baunreagh Kilcorney Cork Riordan John Carrigduff Kilcorney Cork Riordan John Shanakill Kilcorney Cork Riordan Margaret Lissacapia Kilcorney Cork Riordan Timothy Crinnaloo North Kilcorney Cork Shea Catherine Shanakill Kilcorney Cork Shea John Baunreagh Kilcorney Cork Shea John Crinnaloo North Kilcorney Cork Shea John Finnanfield Kilcorney Cork Shea John Horsemount North Kilcorney Cork Shea John Horsemount South Kilcorney Cork Sheehan John Horsemount North Kilcorney Cork Sheehan Margaret Horsemount North Kilcorney Cork Sheehan Margaret Laharan Kilcorney Cork Sheehan Timothy Shanakill Kilcorney Cork Sheehan William Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork Sullivan Catherine Brookpark Kilcorney Cork Sullivan Cornelius Laharan Kilcorney Cork Sullivan Daniel Crinaloo North Kilcorney Cork Sullivan Daniel Crinnaloo North Kilcorney Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Horsemount North Kilcorney Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Laharan Kilcorney Cork Sullivan John Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork Sullivan John Horsemount North Kilcorney Cork Sullivan John Laharan Kilcorney Cork Sullivan John Shanakill Kilcorney Cork Sullivan John, Jr. Beenreagh Kilcorney Cork Sullivan John, Sr. Beenreagh Kilcorney Cork Sullivan Michael Brookpark Kilcorney Cork Sullivan Patrick Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork Sullivan Peter Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork Sullivan Robert Glenleigh Kilcorney Cork Sullivan Thomas, Jr. Laharan Kilcorney Cork Sullvan Charles Horsemount North Kilcorney Cork Sweeney Peter Horsemount North Kilcorney Cork Sweeny Denis Finnanfield Kilcorney Cork Sweeny John Crinnaloo South Kilcorney Cork Toomey Mary, Jr. Brookpark Kilcorney Cork Toomey Matthew Brookpark Kilcorney Cork Toomy Mary, Sr. Brookpark Kilcorney Cork Tuaffe John Gortnaclogh Kilcorney Cork Tuohig Mary Horsemount South Kilcorney Cork Tuohig Patrick Crinnaloo North Kilcorney Cork Twohig Edmond Gortnaclogh Kilcorney Cork Wallace Denis Gortnaclogh Kilcorney Cork Walsh Edmond Horsemountmountain Kilcorney Cork Walsh Edmond Knockgorin Kilcorney Cork Walsh Richard Crinnaloo North Kilcorney Cork Watts William Kilcorney Kilcorney Cork Weston Roper Knockanroe Kilcorney Cork