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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Knockavilly, County Cork
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Knockavilly, County Cork
Ahern Maurice Ballymurphy North Knockavilly Cork Auliffe William Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Barter Miss Elizabeth Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Beagley William Tuocusheen Knockavilly Cork Beamish Francis B. Ballymountain Knockavilly Cork Begley Owen Ballincourneenig Knockavilly Cork Bernard Hon. Charles L. Ballymurphy North Knockavilly Cork Bernard Hon. Charles L. Ballymurphy South Knockavilly Cork Biggs Robert, Esq. Garryhankard Knockavilly Cork Bigley John Ballymurphy South Knockavilly Cork Bourke James Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Bradley Denis Ballincourneenig Knockavilly Cork Brien James Ballymurphy South Knockavilly Cork Brien Timothy Ballyhandle Knockavilly Cork Brien Timothy Ballymurphy South Knockavilly Cork Brien William Kill Knockavilly Cork Buckley Cornelius Russelhill Knockavilly Cork Buckley Daniel Belrose Knockavilly Cork Buckley James Lissagroom Knockavilly Cork Buckley John Belrose Knockavilly Cork Buckley Patrick Garranewaterig Knockavilly Cork Burchill Samuel Ballymurphy South Knockavilly Cork Burke Edmond Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Buttemer John Ballymurphy North Knockavilly Cork Buttemer Mary Ballincourneenig Knockavilly Cork Callaghan Honoria Ballymountain Knockavilly Cork Callaghan Matthew Garryhankard Knockavilly Cork Callaghan William Garranewaterig Knockavilly Cork Carthy Paul Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Coakly John Knockaphreaghane Knockavilly Cork Coffey Daniel Ballincourneenig Knockavilly Cork Coffey William Ballincourneenig Knockavilly Cork Coleman Denis Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Collins Cornelius Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Collins John Russelhill Knockavilly Cork Collins Patrick Garryhankard Knockavilly Cork Collins Thomas Russelhill Knockavilly Cork Conlan Jeremiah Ballymurphy North Knockavilly Cork Conlon John Ballymurphy North Knockavilly Cork Connell Johanna Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Connell John Garryhankard Knockavilly Cork Connell Margaret Tuocusheen Knockavilly Cork Connell Patrick Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Connell Thaddeus Tuocusheen Knockavilly Cork Connell Timothy Lissagroom Knockavilly Cork Connell Timothy Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Connor Cornelius Ballymountain Knockavilly Cork Connor Daniel Garranewaterig Knockavilly Cork Connor Daniel Russelhill Knockavilly Cork Connor Denis Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Connor Jeremiah Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Connor Michael Ballymountain Knockavilly Cork Connor Thomas Knockaphreaghane Knockavilly Cork Connor William Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Connors Timothy Belrose Knockavilly Cork Corcoran Timothy Ballymurphy North Knockavilly Cork Corcoran Timothy Russelhill Knockavilly Cork Costello Margaret Ballincourneenig Knockavilly Cork Costello Michael Lissagroom Knockavilly Cork Costello Timothy Russelhill Knockavilly Cork Cotter Ellen Lissagroom Knockavilly Cork Crimmeen John Ballymurphy South Knockavilly Cork Crimmeen Thaddeus Ballymurphy South Knockavilly Cork Crimmeen Thadeus Lissagroom Knockavilly Cork Cromer John Belrose Knockavilly Cork Cronin Eliza Belrose Knockavilly Cork Crowley Jeremiah Ballymurphy South Knockavilly Cork Crowley Michael Ballymurphy South Knockavilly Cork Crowley Thomas Knockaphreaghane Knockavilly Cork Culnane Bartholomew Garryhankard Knockavilly Cork Culnane Jeremiah Garryhankard Knockavilly Cork Curtin Denis Ballyhandle Knockavilly Cork Curtin Denis, Jr. Lissagroom Knockavilly Cork Curtin Denis, Sr. Lissagroom Knockavilly Cork Curtin John Lissagroom Knockavilly Cork Daly John Ballymurphy South Knockavilly Cork Daly William Ballymurphy South Knockavilly Cork Delany Daniel Knockaphreaghane Knockavilly Cork Delany Jeremiah Belrose Knockavilly Cork Delany John Garranewaterig Knockavilly Cork Delany Margaret Belrose Knockavilly Cork Delany Michael Kill Knockavilly Cork Delany Michael Knockaphreaghane Knockavilly Cork Delea John Ballyhandle Knockavilly Cork Desmond Cornelius Ballymurphy North Knockavilly Cork Desmond Ellen Ballymurphy North Knockavilly Cork Desmond Humphrey Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Desmond James Knockaphreaghane Knockavilly Cork Desmond Jeremiah Russelhill Knockavilly Cork Desmond John Garranewaterig Knockavilly Cork Desmond John Knockaphreaghane Knockavilly Cork Desmond Judith Knockaphreaghane Knockavilly Cork Desmond Mary Raheen Knockavilly Cork Desmond Michael Ballincourneenig Knockavilly Cork Desmond Timothy Ballyhandle Knockavilly Cork Desmond Timothy Russelhill Knockavilly Cork Dooly Maurice Belrose Knockavilly Cork Dorgan Jeremiah Ballyhandle Knockavilly Cork Downey Daniel Raheen Knockavilly Cork Driscoll John Garranewaterig Knockavilly Cork Driscoll Laurence Ballyhandle Knockavilly Cork Fahy John Russelhill Knockavilly Cork Finn Mary Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Finn Owen Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Finn Timothy Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Foley Daniel Lissagroom Knockavilly Cork Ford Denis Ballymurphy North Knockavilly Cork Ford John, Jr. Ballymurphy North Knockavilly Cork Ford John, Sr. Ballymurphy North Knockavilly Cork Ford William Ballymurphy North Knockavilly Cork Glascott Bridget Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Gleeson John Lissagroom Knockavilly Cork Gleeson Stephen Lissagroom Knockavilly Cork Goggins James Garryhankard Knockavilly Cork Golden Mary Lissagroom Knockavilly Cork Good Mary Ballymurphy South Knockavilly Cork Gorman William Ballymountain Knockavilly Cork Halloran Daniel Tuocusheen Knockavilly Cork Hartnett James Raheen Knockavilly Cork Hawkes Margaret Belrose Knockavilly Cork Hawkes Margaret Kill Knockavilly Cork Hawkes Michael Kill Knockavilly Cork Hawkes Michael Raheen Knockavilly Cork Hawkes Quaile Knockaphreaghane Knockavilly Cork Hawkes William Ballymountain Knockavilly Cork Hawkes William Kill Knockavilly Cork Hawkes William Raheen Knockavilly Cork Haynes Abraham Lissagroom Knockavilly Cork Haynes William Lissagroom Knockavilly Cork Haynes William Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Healy Cornelius Tuocusheen Knockavilly Cork Healy John Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Healy Judith Belrose Knockavilly Cork Hennessy David Raheen Knockavilly Cork Hennessy John Belrose Knockavilly Cork Herlihy Daniel Kill Knockavilly Cork Holland William Ballyhandle Knockavilly Cork Holleran Timothy Ballincourneenig Knockavilly Cork Horgan Cornelius Ballymurphy North Knockavilly Cork Horgan James Lissagroom Knockavilly Cork Horgan Jeremiah Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Horgan John Lissagroom Knockavilly Cork Horgan Matthew Ballymurphy North Knockavilly Cork Hornibrook John Garryhankard Knockavilly Cork Hornibrook John Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Hosford Joseph Kill Knockavilly Cork Howe William Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Howes Samuel Kill Knockavilly Cork Howes Samuel Russelhill Knockavilly Cork Howley Daniel Lissagroom Knockavilly Cork Johnston Rev. William Raheen Knockavilly Cork Keane John Knockaphreaghane Knockavilly Cork Keeffe James Raheen Knockavilly Cork Keeffe Thomas Belrose Knockavilly Cork Keely David Garryhankard Knockavilly Cork Keleher Cornelius Ballincourneenig Knockavilly Cork Keleher Timothy Tuocusheen Knockavilly Cork Kelly Cornelius Garryhankard Knockavilly Cork Kelly Cornelius Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Kelly Jeremiah Belrose Knockavilly Cork Kerrican William Lissagroom Knockavilly Cork Kinealy William Kill Knockavilly Cork Lane Cornelius Ballincourneenig Knockavilly Cork Lane James Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Lane John Russelhill Knockavilly Cork Lane Margaret Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Lane Thomas Lissagroom Knockavilly Cork Lane Thomas Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Leane Thadeus Garryhankard Knockavilly Cork Leary Cornelius Belrose Knockavilly Cork Leary Daniel Ballyhandle Knockavilly Cork Leary Daniel Kill Knockavilly Cork Leary Denis Lissagroom Knockavilly Cork Leary Laurence Ballyhandle Knockavilly Cork Leary Norry Lissagroom Knockavilly Cork Leary Patrick Ballymurphy South Knockavilly Cork Leary Timothy Belrose Knockavilly Cork Lenahan John Lissagroom Knockavilly Cork M'Carthy Callaghan Knockaphreaghane Knockavilly Cork M'Carthy James Belrose Knockavilly Cork M'Carthy Patrick Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork M'Carthy Thaddeus Ballymurphy South Knockavilly Cork M'Namara Daniel Raheen Knockavilly Cork M'Namara John Ballymurphy South Knockavilly Cork Mahony Catherine Ballymountain Knockavilly Cork Mahony Charles Russelhill Knockavilly Cork Mahony John Russelhill Knockavilly Cork Mulcahy John Garranewaterig Knockavilly Cork Murnane Cornelius Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Murphy Edmond Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Murphy James Ballincourneenig Knockavilly Cork Murphy Jeremiah Ballymountain Knockavilly Cork Murphy Jeremiah Belrose Knockavilly Cork Murphy John Ballymurphy North Knockavilly Cork Murphy John Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Murphy Thomas Ballymurphy North Knockavilly Cork Murphy Timothy Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Neal Terence Raheen Knockavilly Cork Neill Michael Ballincourneenig Knockavilly Cork Neville William Belrose Knockavilly Cork O'Brien Cornelius Garranewaterig Knockavilly Cork O'Brien Jeremiah Ballyhandle Knockavilly Cork O'Brien Timothy Garranewaterig Knockavilly Cork Patterson William Ballymurphy South Knockavilly Cork Payne Rev. Somers Garryhankard Knockavilly Cork Payne Rev. Somers Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Payne Rev. Somers Russelhill Knockavilly Cork Pratt Rev. John Russelhill Knockavilly Cork Quirk Denis Garryhankard Knockavilly Cork Reardon Cornelius Ballymurphy South Knockavilly Cork Reardon John Ballymurphy South Knockavilly Cork Riordan Daniel Ballincourneenig Knockavilly Cork Riordan John Kill Knockavilly Cork Riordan John Raheen Knockavilly Cork Riordan Timothy Belrose Knockavilly Cork Riordan Timothy Raheen Knockavilly Cork Roberts Benjamin Ballymurphy South Knockavilly Cork Roberts John Russelhill Knockavilly Cork Roberts Thomas Ballymurphy South Knockavilly Cork Roche William Raheen Knockavilly Cork Russell Michael Lissagroom Knockavilly Cork Ryan Timothy Raheen Knockavilly Cork Ryan William Raheen Knockavilly Cork Scannell David Tuocusheen Knockavilly Cork Scannell John Garryhankard Knockavilly Cork Scannell John Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Scannell William Russelhill Knockavilly Cork Sheehan Patrick Ballymurphy South Knockavilly Cork Sullivan Daniel Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Sullivan Daniel Tuocusheen Knockavilly Cork Sullivan Denis Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Sullivan James Ballymountain Knockavilly Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Garranewaterig Knockavilly Cork Sullivan John Lissagroom Knockavilly Cork Sullivan Owen Garranewaterig Knockavilly Cork Sullivan Thomas Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Sullivan Timothy Knockaphreaghane Knockavilly Cork Sullivan Timothy Raheen Knockavilly Cork Sweeny Edmund Russelhill Knockavilly Cork Sweeny Owen Russelhill Knockavilly Cork Sweeny Patrick Ballymurphy South Knockavilly Cork Sweeny Terence Ballyhandle Knockavilly Cork Toomy Mary Raheen Knockavilly Cork Walsh Redmond Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork Walsh Thomas Garryhankard Knockavilly Cork Whiting William Lissanisky Knockavilly Cork