Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Macroom, County Cork
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Macroom, County Cork
Ahern Daniel Main St. Macroom Cork Ahern Daniel Williams Ln. Macroom Cork Ashe Edward Codrum Macroom Cork Ashe Edward Pound Lane Macroom Cork Ashe Richard Coolyhane Macroom Cork Aughlin Philip Pound Lane Macroom Cork Baldwin James Main St. Macroom Cork Baldwin James Tullalreada Macroom Cork Barrett Edward Holland's Lane Macroom Cork Barrett Honoria Pound Lane Macroom Cork Barter William Main Street Macroom Cork Beech John Pound Lane Macroom Cork Begly John Pound Lane Macroom Cork Bellow Catherine The Square Macroom Cork Bennett David Castle Street Macroom Cork Bohen Barthow. Main St. Macroom Cork Bowen Jeremiah Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Bradly Michael Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Brennan Daniel Carriganine Macroom Cork Brennan John Corcour Macroom Cork Brennan Timothy Kill Macroom Cork Brien John Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Brien Michael Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Brien Patrick Pound Lane Macroom Cork Brien William Pound Lane Macroom Cork Brown Thomas Codrum Macroom Cork Browne John D. Johnborough Macroom Cork Browne John G. Rockborough Macroom Cork Browne William Corcour Macroom Cork Buck John Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Buckley Cornelius Rahalisk Macroom Cork Buckley Daniel Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Buckley Daniel Gurteenroe Macroom Cork Buckley Daniel Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Buckley Daniel Sleveen West Macroom Cork Buckley Denis Bealick Macroom Cork Buckley Denis Cusloura Macroom Cork Buckley Jeremiah Codrum Macroom Cork Buckley Jeremiah Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Buckley John Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Buckley John Gurteenroe Macroom Cork Buckley John Main St. Macroom Cork Buckley John Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Buckley John Pound Lane Macroom Cork Buckley John, Sr. Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Buckley Judith Main St. Macroom Cork Buckley Judith Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Buckley Julia Gurteenroe Macroom Cork Buckley Julia Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Buckley Michael Main St. Macroom Cork Buckley Michael Pound Lane Macroom Cork Buckley Murtagh Ballyveerane Macroom Cork Buckley Patrick Rahalisk Macroom Cork Buckley Timothy Gurteenroe Macroom Cork Buckley Timothy Main St. Macroom Cork Buckley Timothy Sleveen West Macroom Cork Burden David Chapel Lane Macroom Cork Burdon David Chapel Lane Macroom Cork Burdon David Pound Lane Macroom Cork Burdon John Main St. Macroom Cork Burke Mary Main St. Macroom Cork Burns Catherine Kill Macroom Cork Burns Daniel Main St. Macroom Cork Burrowes Ambrose Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Butler Humphry Mill Lane Macroom Cork Cahill Daniel Main St. Macroom Cork Callaghan Cornelius Duggan's Lane Macroom Cork Callaghan Cornelius Main St. Macroom Cork Callaghan Cornelius Sleveen East Macroom Cork Callaghan Daniel Main St. Macroom Cork Callaghan Denis Main St. Macroom Cork Callaghan Jeremiah Ballyveerane Macroom Cork Callaghan Patrick Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Callinane Margaret Main St. Macroom Cork Carney Owen Duggan's Lane Macroom Cork Carroll Jeremiah Cusloura Macroom Cork Carroll Laurence Ballynagree West Macroom Cork Carroll Timothy Kill Macroom Cork Carroll Timothy Pound Lane Macroom Cork Coakley Daniel Ballynagree East Macroom Cork Coakley Denis Rahalisk Macroom Cork Coakley Honoria Rahalisk Macroom Cork Coakley Jeremiah Ballynagree East Macroom Cork Coakley Timothy Rahalisk Macroom Cork Coakley Timothy, Jr. Rahalisk Macroom Cork Coakley Timothy, Sr. Rahalisk Macroom Cork Coffee Daniel Dromduff Macroom Cork Coghlan Anne Main St. Macroom Cork Coghlan Anne Sleveen West Macroom Cork Coghlan Jeremiah Main St. Macroom Cork Coghlan Jeremiah Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Coghlan Thomas Tullalreada Macroom Cork Colclough John Main St. Macroom Cork Coleman Thomas Lucy's Lane Macroom Cork Collins Michael Ballynagree East Macroom Cork Collins Richard Main St. Macroom Cork Collins William Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Collins William Pound Lane Macroom Cork Conaghan Timothy Williams Ln. Macroom Cork Connell Cornelius Main St. Macroom Cork Connell Daniel Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Connell Denis Ballyveerane Macroom Cork Connell Denis Battens Lane Macroom Cork Connell Denis Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Connell James Corcour Macroom Cork Connell Jeremiah Main St. Macroom Cork Connell John Carriganine Macroom Cork Connell Mary Main St. Macroom Cork Connell Maurice Holland's Lane Macroom Cork Connell Maurice Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Connell Patrick Gurteenroe Macroom Cork Connell Patrick Pound Lane Macroom Cork Connell Timothy Mill Lane Macroom Cork Connell William Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Connihan Thomas Pound Lane Macroom Cork Connolly Timothy Holland's Lane Macroom Cork Connor Daniel Main St. Macroom Cork Connor Ellen Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Connor Patrick Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Connor Thade Bowling Lane Macroom Cork Connors Michael Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Connors Thomas Ballynagree East Macroom Cork Conway Patrick Holland's Lane Macroom Cork Cooke Capt. James Main St. Macroom Cork Cooper Thomas Duggan's Lane Macroom Cork Cooper Thomas Main St. Macroom Cork Cooper Thomas Sleveen East Macroom Cork Coppinger Francis H. Ballynagree East Macroom Cork Coppinger Margt. The Square Macroom Cork Coppinger Thomas Gurteenroe Macroom Cork Corcoran Denis Coolyhane Macroom Cork Corcoran Denis Mountmassy Macroom Cork Corcoran Jeremiah Ballyveerane Macroom Cork Corcoran John Holland's Lane Macroom Cork Corcoran Thomas Pound Lane Macroom Cork Corcoran Una The Square West Macroom Cork Costello John Pound Lane Macroom Cork Cotter Charles Pound Lane Macroom Cork Cotter Cornelius Lucy's Lane Macroom Cork Cotter James Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Cotter Thomas Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Cotter Timothy Sleveen East Macroom Cork Cree John Lucy's Lane Macroom Cork Creed Daniel Duggan's Lane Macroom Cork Creedon Catherine Mountmassy Macroom Cork Creedon Daniel Cusloura Macroom Cork Creedon Denis Pound Lane Macroom Cork Creedon Elizabeth Pound Lane Macroom Cork Creedon James Pound Lane Macroom Cork Creedon Jeremiah Ballynagree West Macroom Cork Creedon John Main St. Macroom Cork Creedon John Pound Lane Macroom Cork Creedon Mary Tullalreada Macroom Cork Creedon Patrick Dromduff Macroom Cork Creedon Peter Chapel Lane Macroom Cork Creedon Timothy Cusloura Macroom Cork Creedon Timothy Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Creedon William Bridewell Lane Macroom Cork Creedon William Tullalreada Macroom Cork Crehane John Bealick Macroom Cork Crimmin Cornelius Main St. Macroom Cork Crimmin Daniel Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Crimmin Denis Coolyhane Macroom Cork Crimmin Ellen Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Crimmin John Duggan's Lane Macroom Cork Crimmin Michael Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Crimmins Denis Sleveen West Macroom Cork Crimmins Mary Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Cronan James Tullalreada Macroom Cork Cronin Anne Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Cronin Cornelius Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Cronin Daniel Gurteenroe Macroom Cork Cronin Daniel Main St. Macroom Cork Cronin Daniel Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Cronin Honoria Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Cronin Jeremiah Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Cronin Jeremiah Pound Lane Macroom Cork Cronin Johanna Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Cronin John Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Cronin Mary Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Cronin Matthew Main St. Macroom Cork Cronin Maurice Pound Lane Macroom Cork Cronin Patrick Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Cronin Thomas Main St. Macroom Cork Crooke Thomas Sleveen East Macroom Cork Crooke Warren Bridewell Lane Macroom Cork Crooke Warren Castle Street Macroom Cork Crooneen Jeremiah Waltons Lane Macroom Cork Crowe Margaret Main St. Macroom Cork Crowley Florence Mountmassy Macroom Cork Crowley Jeremiah Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Crowley Margaret Corcour Macroom Cork Crowley Thomas Main St. Macroom Cork Crowley Timothy Donovan's Lane Macroom Cork Crowly Daniel Main St. Macroom Cork Cullinane Daniel Bridewell Lane Macroom Cork Cullinane Patrick Dromduff Macroom Cork Cullinane Peter Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Cummins Abigail Mill Lane Macroom Cork Cunningham John Pound Lane Macroom Cork Curtin Thomas Main St. Macroom Cork Curtin Thomas Pound Lane Macroom Cork Daly Catherine Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Danahy Honoria Pound Lane Macroom Cork Danahy Philip Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Danehy Cornelius Duggan's Lane Macroom Cork Danghan Denis Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Delany John Codrum Macroom Cork Dempsey Margaret Chapel Lane Macroom Cork Dempsey Simon Main St. Macroom Cork Denehy Catherine Main St. Macroom Cork Denehy Cornelius Coolyhane Macroom Cork Denehy Mary Main St. Macroom Cork Denehy Michael Duggan's Lane Macroom Cork Desmond Cornelius Main St. Macroom Cork Desmond Denis Main St. Macroom Cork Desmond Denis Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Desmond Honoria Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Desmond Jeremiah Sleveen West Macroom Cork Desmond Johanna Leary's Lane Macroom Cork Desmond Johanna Pound Lane Macroom Cork Desmond John Pound Lane Macroom Cork Desmond Patrick Leary's Lane Macroom Cork Desmond William Main St. Macroom Cork Desmond William Sleveen West Macroom Cork Dinneen Denis Cusloura Macroom Cork Dinneen Jeremiah Duggan's Lane Macroom Cork Dinneen Jeremiah Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Dinneen Johanna Cusloura Macroom Cork Dinneen Timothy Mountmassy Macroom Cork Dinneen Timothy Pound Lane Macroom Cork Donahy Jeremiah Battens Lane Macroom Cork Donehy Denis Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Donohoe Cornelius Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Donohoe Honoria Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Donohoe John Pound Lane Macroom Cork Donohoe John Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Donohoe John Tullalreada Macroom Cork Donohoe Julia Pound Lane Macroom Cork Donohoe Margaret Duggan's Lane Macroom Cork Donovan Bartholomew Main St. Macroom Cork Donovan Bartholomew Sleveen East Macroom Cork Donovan Bartholomew Williams Ln. Macroom Cork Donovan Barthow. Main St. Macroom Cork Donovan Daniel Main St. Macroom Cork Donovan Michael Pound Lane Macroom Cork Driscoll Daniel Castle Street Macroom Cork Driscoll Daniel Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Driscoll Daniel Sleveen West Macroom Cork Driscoll Denis Main St. Macroom Cork Driscoll Denis Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Driscoll Michael Gurteenroe Macroom Cork Dromey Thomas Sleveen East Macroom Cork Duddy William Duggan's Lane Macroom Cork Duggan Cornelius Ballynagree West Macroom Cork Duggan Daniel Ballynagree West Macroom Cork Duggan Denis Castle Street Macroom Cork Duggan Mary Ballynagree West Macroom Cork Duggan Michael Main St. Macroom Cork Duggan William Ballynagree West Macroom Cork Ellard William Holland's Lane Macroom Cork Farrclough Rev. W. Castle Street Macroom Cork Field Owen Main St. Macroom Cork Finnegan Cornelius Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Finnegan John Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Finnigan Daniel Lucy's Lane Macroom Cork Fitton Russell Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Fitzgerald Andrew Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Fitzgerald Garrett Main St. Macroom Cork Fitzgerald John Main St. Macroom Cork Fitzgerald John Mill Lane Macroom Cork Fitzgerald Mary Main St. Macroom Cork Fitzgerald Patrick Main St. Macroom Cork Fitzgerald Patrick Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Fitzgerald Philip Main St. Macroom Cork Fitzmaurice Thomas Main St. Macroom Cork Fleming William Donovan's Lane Macroom Cork Ford John Chapel Lane Macroom Cork Forde Denis Pound Lane Macroom Cork Fuller George Main St. Macroom Cork Gallagher Ellen Main St. Macroom Cork Gallagher Honoria Main St. Macroom Cork Gallagher James Sleveen East Macroom Cork Gallivan Catherine Codrum Macroom Cork Galvin Ellen Pound Lane Macroom Cork Galvin Michael Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Galway John Main St. Macroom Cork Galway Richard Williams Ln. Macroom Cork Geoghegan Margt. Sleveen West Macroom Cork Geoghegan Mary Sleveen East Macroom Cork Godsell James Chapel Lane Macroom Cork Godwin Samuel Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Goggan Patrick Sleveen East Macroom Cork Goggin Catherine Cusloura Macroom Cork Goggin Elizabeth Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Goghan William Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Golden Timothy Sleveen West Macroom Cork Golding James Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Golding John Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Goold Catherine Mountmassy Macroom Cork Goolde Catherine Main St. Macroom Cork Goolde Michael Pound Lane Macroom Cork Goulding Jeremiah Mountmassy Macroom Cork Goulding Patrick Mountmassy Macroom Cork Grainey James Castle Street Macroom Cork Griffin John Main St. Macroom Cork Haines James Main St. Macroom Cork Haiske James Holland's Lane Macroom Cork Hallanan Jeremiah Ballynagree East Macroom Cork Hallanan Michael Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Hanan William Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Hannon John Johnborough Macroom Cork Hannon John Rockborough Macroom Cork Hanrahan William Mountmassy Macroom Cork Harding Edward Bealick Macroom Cork Harding Henry Bealick Macroom Cork Harding Henry Castle Street Macroom Cork Harding Henry Coolyhane Macroom Cork Harding Henry Main St. Macroom Cork Hargan Jeremiah Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Harrigan John Ballynagree West Macroom Cork Harrington John Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Harrington John Main St. Macroom Cork Harrington Patrick Sleveen West Macroom Cork Harrington Timothy Williams Ln. Macroom Cork Hartnett Denis Pound Lane Macroom Cork Hartnett Jeremiah Main St. Macroom Cork Hartnett John Main St. Macroom Cork Hartnett John Pound Lane Macroom Cork Harton Thomas Lucy's Lane Macroom Cork Hayes John Pound Lane Macroom Cork Hayes Timothy Main St. Macroom Cork Healy Cornelius Battens Lane Macroom Cork Healy Denis Main St. Macroom Cork Healy Denis Sleveen East Macroom Cork Healy Honoria Mill Lane Macroom Cork Healy Humphry Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Healy James Bridewell Lane Macroom Cork Healy Jeremiah Sleveen East Macroom Cork Healy Michael Main St. Macroom Cork Healy Richard Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Healy Timothy Codrum Macroom Cork Healy Timothy Gurteenroe Macroom Cork Healy Timothy Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Healy Timothy Pound Lane Macroom Cork Healy William Pound Lane Macroom Cork Hedges Hon. M. H. W. Tullalreada Macroom Cork Hedges Hon. W. H. W. Carriganine Macroom Cork Hedges Hon. W. H. W. Codrum Macroom Cork Hedges Hon. W. H. W. Gurteenroe Macroom Cork Hedges Hon. W. H. W. Main St. Macroom Cork Hedges Hon. W. M. H. Pound Lane Macroom Cork Hedges Hon. W. M. W. Gortyleahy Macroom Cork Hedges Hon. W. M. W. Lackaduffy Macroom Cork Herlihy John Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Herlihy Maurice Main St. Macroom Cork Herlihy Thomas Pound Lane Macroom Cork Herlihy Timothy Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Herlihy William Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Herlihy William Williams Ln. Macroom Cork Heyde Robet Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Hill Thomas Ballynagree West Macroom Cork Hoey Martin Duggan's Lane Macroom Cork Honan William Castle Street Macroom Cork Horan Jeremiah, Jr. Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Horgan Cornelius The Square West Macroom Cork Horgan Daniel Coolyhane Macroom Cork Horgan Denis Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Horgan Denis Coolyhane Macroom Cork Horgan John Bowling Lane Macroom Cork Horgan John Holland's Lane Macroom Cork Horgan John Main St. Macroom Cork Horgan John Pound Lane Macroom Cork Horgan John, Jr. Sleveen East Macroom Cork Horgan John, Sr. Sleveen East Macroom Cork Horgan Michael Pound Lane Macroom Cork Horgan Patrick Pound Lane Macroom Cork Horgan Timothy Pound Lane Macroom Cork Horne Lewis Pound Lane Macroom Cork Hurley Edward Bealick Macroom Cork Hyde Daniel Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Hyde Denis Main St. Macroom Cork Hyde Robert Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Kearney James Main St. Macroom Cork Kearney John Johnborough Macroom Cork Kearney John Rockborough Macroom Cork Kearney Thomas, Jr. Dromduff Macroom Cork Kearney Thomas, Jr. Kill Macroom Cork Kearney Thomas, Sr. Dromduff Macroom Cork Kearny Mary Holland's Lane Macroom Cork Keary James Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Keeffe Andrew Main St. Macroom Cork Keeffe Bridget Castle Street Macroom Cork Keeffe Catherine Castle Street Macroom Cork Keeffe John Ballynagree West Macroom Cork Kelagher Margaret Pound Lane Macroom Cork Keleher Bartholomew Cusloura Macroom Cork Keleher Bartholomew Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Keleher Catherine Cusloura Macroom Cork Keleher Cornelius Cusloura Macroom Cork Keleher Hugh Cusloura Macroom Cork Keleher James Cusloura Macroom Cork Keleher John Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Keleher John Cusloura Macroom Cork Keleher John Pound Lane Macroom Cork Keleher Michael Ballynagree East Macroom Cork Keleher Michael Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Keleher Timothy Lucy's Lane Macroom Cork Kellegher Honoria Sleveen West Macroom Cork Kellegher Mary Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Kelleher Bartholomew Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Kelleher Cornelius Holland's Lane Macroom Cork Kelleher Cornelius The Square Macroom Cork Kelleher Cornelius, Jr. Cusloura Macroom Cork Kelleher Daniel Main St. Macroom Cork Kelleher Daniel Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Kelleher Denis Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Kelleher Denis Pound Lane Macroom Cork Kelleher Hugh Main St. Macroom Cork Kelleher Hugh Tullalreada Macroom Cork Kelleher James Main St. Macroom Cork Kelleher James Sleveen East Macroom Cork Kelleher Jeremiah Pound Lane Macroom Cork Kelleher Johanna Chapel Lane Macroom Cork Kelleher John Ballyveerane Macroom Cork Kelleher John Coolyhane Macroom Cork Kelleher John Main St. Macroom Cork Kelleher John Mountmassy Macroom Cork Kelleher John Pound Lane Macroom Cork Kelleher John Rahalisk Macroom Cork Kelleher John, Jr. Kill Macroom Cork Kelleher John, Jr. Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Kelleher Judith Corcour Macroom Cork Kelleher Judith Leary's Lane Macroom Cork Kelleher Judith Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Kelleher Lewis Chapel Lane Macroom Cork Kelleher Lewis Main St. Macroom Cork Kelleher Margaret Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Kelleher Margaret Pound Lane Macroom Cork Kelleher Michael Mill Lane Macroom Cork Kelleher Murtagh Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Kelleher Patrick Main St. Macroom Cork Kelleher Patrick Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Kelleher Stephen Ballynagree West Macroom Cork Kelliher Murtagh Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Kent Richard Main St. Macroom Cork Keown William Castle Street Macroom Cork Kiely James Main St. Macroom Cork King Richard Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Kingston Samuel Chapel Lane Macroom Cork Kingston Thomas Main St. Macroom Cork Kitson Edward Main St. Macroom Cork Lane Cornelius Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Lane Timothy Main St. Macroom Cork Lasey Cornelius Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Layne Timothy Sleveen West Macroom Cork Leahy John Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Leahy John Pound Lane Macroom Cork Leahy Timothy Bridewell Lane Macroom Cork Leane Jeremiah Corcour Macroom Cork Leary Cornelius Battens Lane Macroom Cork Leary Cornelius Codrum Macroom Cork Leary Cornelius Cusloura Macroom Cork Leary Cornelius Main St. Macroom Cork Leary Cornelius Tullalreada Macroom Cork Leary Daniel Main St. Macroom Cork Leary Daniel Sleveen East Macroom Cork Leary Denis Carriganine Macroom Cork Leary Denis Gurteenroe Macroom Cork Leary Ellen Main Street Macroom Cork Leary James Main St. Macroom Cork Leary James Tullalreada Macroom Cork Leary Jeremiah Main St. Macroom Cork Leary Jeremiah Mountmassy Macroom Cork Leary Jeremiah Sleveen West Macroom Cork Leary John Bealick Macroom Cork Leary John Codrum Macroom Cork Leary John Sleveen West Macroom Cork Leary Patrick Sleveen West Macroom Cork Leary Timothy Ballynagree West Macroom Cork Leary Timothy Main St. Macroom Cork Leary Timothy Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Lee Rev. Thomas Lucy's Lane Macroom Cork Lee Rev. Thomas Sleveen East Macroom Cork Lee Revd. Richard Main St. Macroom Cork Leehane Cornelius Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Leehane Denis Sleveen East Macroom Cork Leehane Francis Rahalisk Macroom Cork Leehane John Duggan's Lane Macroom Cork Leehane John Sleveen West Macroom Cork Leehane Patrick Pound Lane Macroom Cork Leehane Timothy Holland's Lane Macroom Cork Lehane Cornelius Main St. Macroom Cork Lehane Denis Main St. Macroom Cork Lehane Jeremiah Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Lehane John Pound Lane Macroom Cork Lenahan John Sleveen West Macroom Cork Lenahan Patrick Sleveen West Macroom Cork Lenihan Jeremiah Cusloura Macroom Cork Lenihan Jeremiah Gurteenroe Macroom Cork Lenihan Michael Cusloura Macroom Cork Linehan Daniel Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Linihan Cornelius Main St. Macroom Cork Loony Johanna Williams Ln. Macroom Cork Lorne John Ballyveerane Macroom Cork Lucy Charles Tullalreada Macroom Cork Lucy Cornelius Pound Lane Macroom Cork Lucy Daniel Bridewell Lane Macroom Cork Lucy Daniel, Jr. Sleveen West Macroom Cork Lucy Daniel, Sr. Main St. Macroom Cork Lucy Denis Codrum Macroom Cork Lucy John Cusloura Macroom Cork Lucy John Duggan's Lane Macroom Cork Lucy John Main St. Macroom Cork Lucy John Mill Lane Macroom Cork Lucy John Pound Lane Macroom Cork Lucy John Sleveen West Macroom Cork Lucy Mary Sleveen West Macroom Cork Lucy Patrick Sleveen West Macroom Cork Lucy Timothy Cusloura Macroom Cork Lucy Aunt Daniel Main St. Macroom Cork Lucy Rodgers Daniel Main St. Macroom Cork Lyddy Matthias Castle Street Macroom Cork Lynch Anne Main St. Macroom Cork Lynch Catherine Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Lynch Catherine Pound Lane Macroom Cork Lynch Cornelius Duggan's Lane Macroom Cork Lynch Cornelius Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Lynch Daniel Pound Lane Macroom Cork Lynch Denis Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Lynch Denis Sleveen West Macroom Cork Lynch Humphry Lucy's Lane Macroom Cork Lynch Jeremiah Ballynagree East Macroom Cork Lynch Jeremiah Ballynagree West Macroom Cork Lynch Jeremiah Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Lynch Jeremiah Holland's Lane Macroom Cork Lynch John Chapel Lane Macroom Cork Lynch John Cusloura Macroom Cork Lynch John Pound Lane Macroom Cork Lynch Julia Main St. Macroom Cork Lynch Timothy Main St. Macroom Cork Lyons Andrew Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork M'Carthy Charles Castle Street Macroom Cork M'Carthy Charles The Square Macroom Cork M'Carthy Denis Kill Macroom Cork M'Carthy Denis Main St. Macroom Cork M'Carthy Denis Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork M'Carthy Ellen Main St. Macroom Cork M'Carthy Jeremiah Main St. Macroom Cork M'Carthy Mary Duggan's Lane Macroom Cork M'Carthy Patrick Ballynagree East Macroom Cork M'Carthy Rev. Daniel Ballynagree West Macroom Cork M'Connell Joseph Main St. Macroom Cork M'Connell Michael Main St. Macroom Cork M'Donnell Hugh Dromduff Macroom Cork M'Laughlin John Main St. Macroom Cork M'Namara Daniel Bridewell Lane Macroom Cork M'Namara Daniel Main St. Macroom Cork M'Namara Jeremiah Battens Lane Macroom Cork M'Namara Roger Pound Lane Macroom Cork M'Namara Timothy Carrigagulla Macroom Cork M'Sweeney Patrick Castle Street Macroom Cork M'Sweeny George Main Street Macroom Cork M'Sweeny John Mill Lane Macroom Cork M'Sweeny John Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork M'Sweeny Valentine Main St. Macroom Cork M'Swiney John Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork M'Swiny Timothy Main St. Macroom Cork M'Swiny Valentine Duggan's Lane Macroom Cork Maginn Cornelius Main St. Macroom Cork Magner Denis Main St. Macroom Cork Magner John Main St. Macroom Cork Mahony Catherine Bridewell Lane Macroom Cork Mahony Cornelius Corcour Macroom Cork Mahony Cornelius Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Mahony Daniel Rahalisk Macroom Cork Mahony Denis Chapel Lane Macroom Cork Mahony Denis Mill Lane Macroom Cork Mahony Denis Pound Lane Macroom Cork Mahony Denis Rahalisk Macroom Cork Mahony Jeremiah Lucy's Lane Macroom Cork Mahony Jeremiah Main St. Macroom Cork Mahony Jeremiah Rahalisk Macroom Cork Mahony Jeremiah Sleveen West Macroom Cork Mahony John Ballynagree East Macroom Cork Mahony John Main St. Macroom Cork Mahony John Pound Lane Macroom Cork Mahony John Rahalisk Macroom Cork Mahony John Tullalreada Macroom Cork Mahony Mary Corcour Macroom Cork Mahony Thomas Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Mahony Timothy Castle Street Macroom Cork Mahony Timothy Corcour Macroom Cork Mahony Timothy Main Street Macroom Cork Mall Michael Main St. Macroom Cork Manning Charles Dromduff Macroom Cork Massy Massy H. Cusloura Macroom Cork Massy Massy H. Mountmassy Macroom Cork Mauden Stephen Main St. Macroom Cork Meade William Codrum Macroom Cork Meany Jeremiah Mountmassy Macroom Cork Meehan Cornelius Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Mescall Mary Main St. Macroom Cork Minaghan Michael Sleveen East Macroom Cork Moloney John Holland's Lane Macroom Cork Monaghan Patrick Battens Lane Macroom Cork Moriarty Bartholomew Main St. Macroom Cork Moriarty John Bowling Lane Macroom Cork Moriarty Patrick Main St. Macroom Cork Morriss Redmond Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Moynahan Garrett Cusloura Macroom Cork Mullin Denis Chapel Lane Macroom Cork Mullins Jeremiah Corcour Macroom Cork Mullins Timothy Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Murphy Andrew Main St. Macroom Cork Murphy Andrew Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Murphy Anne Holland's Lane Macroom Cork Murphy Catherine Pound Lane Macroom Cork Murphy Cornelius Corcour Macroom Cork Murphy Cornelius Kill Macroom Cork Murphy Cornelius Main St. Macroom Cork Murphy Cornelius Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Murphy Cornelius Sleveen West Macroom Cork Murphy Cornelius The Square Macroom Cork Murphy Daniel Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Murphy Daniel Pound Lane Macroom Cork Murphy Daniel Sleveen West Macroom Cork Murphy Daniel Waltons Lane Macroom Cork Murphy Denis Ballyveerane Macroom Cork Murphy Denis Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Murphy Denis Pound Lane Macroom Cork Murphy Denis Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Murphy Edmond Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Murphy Edward Gurteenroe Macroom Cork Murphy Edward Pound Lane Macroom Cork Murphy Ellen Main St. Macroom Cork Murphy James Holland's Lane Macroom Cork Murphy James Main St. Macroom Cork Murphy James Rahalisk Macroom Cork Murphy James Sleveen East Macroom Cork Murphy James Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Murphy James The Square Macroom Cork Murphy Jeremiah Main St. Macroom Cork Murphy Jeremiah Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Murphy Jeremiah Pound Lane Macroom Cork Murphy Johanna Main St. Macroom Cork Murphy John Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Murphy John Holland's Lane Macroom Cork Murphy John Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Murphy John Mountmassy Macroom Cork Murphy John Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Murphy John Sleveen West Macroom Cork Murphy Judith Sleveen East Macroom Cork Murphy Margaret Sleveen East Macroom Cork Murphy Mary Main St. Macroom Cork Murphy Mary Mill Lane Macroom Cork Murphy Mary Sleveen East Macroom Cork Murphy Mary The Square Macroom Cork Murphy Michael Gurteenroe Macroom Cork Murphy Michael Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Murphy Michin Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Murphy Owen Main St. Macroom Cork Murphy Patrick Ballynagree East Macroom Cork Murphy Patrick Bealick Macroom Cork Murphy Patrick Codrum Macroom Cork Murphy Patrick Main St. Macroom Cork Murphy Patrick Pound Lane Macroom Cork Murphy Patrick Sleveen East Macroom Cork Murphy Patrick Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Murphy Richard Main St. Macroom Cork Murphy Richard Pound Lane Macroom Cork Murphy Simon Main St. Macroom Cork Murphy Stephen Sleveen East Macroom Cork Murphy Timothy Castle Street Macroom Cork Murphy Timothy Main St. Macroom Cork Murphy Timothy Pound Lane Macroom Cork Murphy Timothy Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Murphy William Leary's Lane Macroom Cork Murphy William Main St. Macroom Cork Murphy William Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Murphy William Pound Lane Macroom Cork Murphy William Sleveen East Macroom Cork Murray Denis Sleveen West Macroom Cork Murray James Main St. Macroom Cork Murray Thomas Rahalisk Macroom Cork Murray Timothy Donovan's Lane Macroom Cork Nash Rev. Thomas E. Castle St. Macroom Cork Nash Rev. Thomas Edwd Sleveen East Macroom Cork Neal Daniel Pound Lane Macroom Cork Neal John Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Neal Julia Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Neal Mary Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Neale David Lucy's Lane Macroom Cork Neill Andrew Main St. Macroom Cork Neill Daniel Ballyveerane Macroom Cork Neville Bartholomew Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Neville Denis Ballyveerane Macroom Cork Neville Edmond Main St. Macroom Cork Neville Edmund Main St. Macroom Cork Neville Edward Sleveen East Macroom Cork Neville Johanna The Square Macroom Cork Neville John Main St. Macroom Cork Neville John Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Neville Mary Main St. Macroom Cork Neville Mary Mountmassy Macroom Cork Neville Mary Sleveen West Macroom Cork Neville Michael Mountmassy Macroom Cork Neville Richard Ballyveerane Macroom Cork Neville Richard Cusloura Macroom Cork Neville Richard Main St. Macroom Cork Neville Richard Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Neville Richard Sleveen East Macroom Cork Neville Thomas Main St. Macroom Cork Neville Thomas Sleveen East Macroom Cork O'Brien Anne Main St. Macroom Cork O'Brien Honoria Coolyhane Macroom Cork O'Brien Honoria Main St. Macroom Cork O'Brien James Main St. Macroom Cork O'Brien John Castle Street Macroom Cork O'Callaghan Bridget Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork O'Callaghan Ellen Main St. Macroom Cork O'Connell Joseph Main St. Macroom Cork O'Connell Michael Coolyhane Macroom Cork O'Donnell Robert Castle Street Macroom Cork O'Leary James Main St. Macroom Cork O'Leary Jeremiah Williams Ln. Macroom Cork O'Leary Margaret Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork O'Leary Margt. The Square Macroom Cork O'Leary Patrick Coolyhane Macroom Cork O'Leary Patrick Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork O'Leary Timothy, Jr. Ballynagree West Macroom Cork O'Leary Timothy, Sr. Ballynagree West Macroom Cork O'Sullivan Daniel B. Waltons Lane Macroom Cork Payne Rev. Somers Mountmassy Macroom Cork Pole Edward Tullalreada Macroom Cork Quill Daniel Cusloura Macroom Cork Quill Jeremiah Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Quill Timothy Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Reardon Mary Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Reardon Timothy Sleveen West Macroom Cork Reardon William Mountmassy Macroom Cork Reddon Mary Main St. Macroom Cork Redmond Timothy Main St. Macroom Cork Regan James Dromduff Macroom Cork Regan Jeremiah Main St. Macroom Cork Regan Johanna Main St. Macroom Cork Regan Margaret Bealick Macroom Cork Regan Margaret Dromduff Macroom Cork Regan Michael Main St. Macroom Cork Regan Timothy Main St. Macroom Cork Reilly Thomas Bealick Macroom Cork Ring Johanna Main St. Macroom Cork Ring John Main St. Macroom Cork Ring John Mountmassy Macroom Cork Ring Patrick Main St. Macroom Cork Ring Patrick Sleveen East Macroom Cork Ring Patrick Sleveen West Macroom Cork Riordan Anne Main St. Macroom Cork Riordan Cornelius Gortyleahy Macroom Cork Riordan Denis Main St. Macroom Cork Riordan Denis Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Riordan Ellen Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Riordan Ellen Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Riordan James Cusloura Macroom Cork Riordan James Michl Main St. Macroom Cork Riordan John Pound Lane Macroom Cork Riordan Judith Bowling Lane Macroom Cork Riordan Margaret Donovan's Lane Macroom Cork Riordan Margaret The Square Macroom Cork Riordan Mary Main St. Macroom Cork Riordan Michael Cusloura Macroom Cork Riordan Patrick Main St. Macroom Cork Riordan Peter William Cusloura Macroom Cork Riordan Timothy Coolyhane Macroom Cork Riordan Timothy Main St. Macroom Cork Riordan Timothy Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Risan Alexander Pound Lane Macroom Cork Roberts William Bridewell Lane Macroom Cork Roche William Pound Lane Macroom Cork Roland William Pound Lane Macroom Cork Russell John Sleveen East Macroom Cork Ryan Mathias The Square Macroom Cork Sexton Maurice Ballynagree East Macroom Cork Shea Cornelius Castle Street Macroom Cork Shea Cornelius Rahalisk Macroom Cork Shea Denis Rahalisk Macroom Cork Shea Honoria Cusloura Macroom Cork Shea Jeremiah Castle Street Macroom Cork Shea John Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Shea John Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Shea John Pound Lane Macroom Cork Shea Thomas Rahalisk Macroom Cork Shea Timothy Pound Lane Macroom Cork Shea Timothy Rahalisk Macroom Cork Shea Timothy, Sr. Rahalisk Macroom Cork Sheedy Daniel Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Sheehan Catherine Pound Lane Macroom Cork Sheehan Daniel Carriganine Macroom Cork Sheehan Daniel Gurteenroe Macroom Cork Sheehan Denis Main St. Macroom Cork Sheehan Edward Coolyhane Macroom Cork Sheehan Honoria Pound Lane Macroom Cork Sheehan Humphry Codrum Macroom Cork Sheehan John Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Sheehan John Sleveen West Macroom Cork Sheehan Mary Main St. Macroom Cork Sheehan Michael Main St. Macroom Cork Sheehan Michael Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Sheehan Patrick Bridewell Lane Macroom Cork Sheehan Patrick Corcour Macroom Cork Sheehan Patrick Pound Lane Macroom Cork Sheehan Thomas Donovan's Lane Macroom Cork Sheehan Thomas Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Sheehan William Main St. Macroom Cork Shine Denis Main St. Macroom Cork Shine James Lucy's Lane Macroom Cork Shine Owen Pound Lane Macroom Cork Shinkevin John Kill Macroom Cork Shinkevin Joseph Kill Macroom Cork Shinkevin William Sleveen East Macroom Cork Sinkevin Thomas Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Spillane Mary Corcour Macroom Cork Sullivan Bartholomew Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Sullivan Cornelius Duggan's Lane Macroom Cork Sullivan Cornelius Main St. Macroom Cork Sullivan Daniel Leary's Lane Macroom Cork Sullivan Daniel Main St. Macroom Cork Sullivan Daniel Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Sullivan Daniel Sleveen West Macroom Cork Sullivan Denis Main St. Macroom Cork Sullivan Edward Holland's Lane Macroom Cork Sullivan Honoria Cusloura Macroom Cork Sullivan Honoria Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Sullivan Honoria Waltons Lane Macroom Cork Sullivan James Rahalisk Macroom Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Gurteenroe Macroom Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Main St. Macroom Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Sullivan John Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Sullivan John Duggan's Lane Macroom Cork Sullivan John Main St. Macroom Cork Sullivan John Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Sullivan Mary Castle Street Macroom Cork Sullivan Mary Rahalisk Macroom Cork Sullivan Patrick Main St. Macroom Cork Sullivan Patrick Williams Ln. Macroom Cork Sullivan Timothy Castle Street Macroom Cork Sullivan Timothy Duggan's Lane Macroom Cork Sullivan James Cornelius Lucy's Lane Macroom Cork Sweeney Edmund Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Sweeney Michael Gurteenroe Macroom Cork Sweeney Michael Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Sweeney Morgan Sleveen East Macroom Cork Sweeny Catherine Main St. Macroom Cork Sweeny Cornelius Coolyhane Macroom Cork Sweeny Cornelius Main St. Macroom Cork Sweeny Daniel Leary's Lane Macroom Cork Sweeny Denis Battens Lane Macroom Cork Sweeny Edward Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Sweeny Elizabeth Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Sweeny Honoria Bealick Macroom Cork Sweeny Honoria Main St. Macroom Cork Sweeny John Bealick Macroom Cork Sweeny John Dromduff Macroom Cork Sweeny John Sleveen East Macroom Cork Sweeny Julia Main St. Macroom Cork Sweeny Margaret Sleveen West Macroom Cork Sweeny Michael Rahalisk Macroom Cork Sweeny Morgan Main St. Macroom Cork Sweeny Morgan Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Sweeny Owen Main St. Macroom Cork Sweeny Patrick Main St. Macroom Cork Sweeny Timothy Main St. Macroom Cork Sweeny Timothy Sleveen West Macroom Cork Taylor Anne Mill Lane Macroom Cork Thornhill Edward Lucy's Lane Macroom Cork Tobin John Tullalreada Macroom Cork Toohig Jeremiah Ballynagree West Macroom Cork Toohig Jeremiah Ballyveerane Macroom Cork Toohig John Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Toomey Daniel Sleveen East Macroom Cork Toomey Jeremiah Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Toomey John Corcour Macroom Cork Toomey John Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Toomey Mary Pound Lane Macroom Cork Toomey Michael Codrum Macroom Cork Toomey Patrick Carrigagulla Macroom Cork Toomey Patrick Pound Lane Macroom Cork Toomy Patrick Ballynagree East Macroom Cork Tuohig Daniel Coolyhane Macroom Cork Tuohig James Gurteenroe Macroom Cork Tuohig Jeremiah Rahalisk Macroom Cork Tuohig Mary Ballynagree East Macroom Cork Tuohy Patrick Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Tuomey Matthew Lucy's Lane Macroom Cork Tuomig Ellen Main St. Macroom Cork Tuomy Ellen Leary's Lane Macroom Cork Tuomy Thomas Main St. Macroom Cork Twohig Daniel Bealick Macroom Cork Twohig Jeremiah Main St. Macroom Cork Tyson Richard Castle Street Macroom Cork Tysona Robert Duggan's Lane Macroom Cork Vaughan John Coolyhane Macroom Cork Vaughan John Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Vaughan Patrick Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Wall Eliza Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Wall Thomas Gurteenroe Macroom Cork Wallace Daniel Bridewell Lane Macroom Cork Wallace James Waltons Lane Macroom Cork Wallace Joseph Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Walsh Edmond Tullalreada Macroom Cork Walsh Richard Main St. Macroom Cork Walsh William Lucy's Lane Macroom Cork Walters Thomas Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Walton Francis Mountmassy Macroom Cork Walton Francis Waltons Lane Macroom Cork Walton John Coolyhane Macroom Cork Walton John Mountmassy Macroom Cork Walton Thomas The Square West Macroom Cork Warren Massy H. Gurteenroe Macroom Cork Warren Mosey Codrum Macroom Cork Warren Robert Castle Street Macroom Cork Welply James Gurteenroe Macroom Cork Welply James Mountmassy Macroom Cork Welply John Mount Massy Road Macroom Cork Welply John Mountmassy Macroom Cork Welply Samuel Castle Street Macroom Cork Welpy James Main St. Macroom Cork Welpy Samuel Main St. Macroom Cork White Benjamin Main St. Macroom Cork White Francis Main Street Macroom Cork White Nicholas Gurteenroe Macroom Cork White Nicholas Main St. Macroom Cork White Robert Main St. Macroom Cork Whitley Mary Pound Lane Macroom Cork Williams John Gurteenroe Macroom Cork Williams John Main St. Macroom Cork Williams John Sleveen East Macroom Cork Williams John The Square Macroom Cork Williams John The Square West Macroom Cork Williams Mary Main St. Macroom Cork Williams Peter Main St. Macroom Cork Williams Peter Sleveen Lane Macroom Cork Williams Peter, Sr. Sleveen East Macroom Cork Williams Richard Main St. Macroom Cork Wiseman Denis Ballynagree West Macroom Cork Wiseman George Main St. Macroom Cork Wiseman James Ballynagree West Macroom Cork Wiseman John Ballynagree West Macroom Cork Wiseman Robert Ballynagree West Macroom Cork Wiseman William Ballynagree West Macroom Cork Wiseman William Holland's Lane Macroom Cork Wiseman William The Square Macroom Cork Wiseman William, Sr. Ballynagree West Macroom Cork