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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Magourney, County Cork
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Magourney, County Cork
Ahern Johanna Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Ahern Michael Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Ahern Owen Knockaneowen Magourney Cork Barrett James Tullig Beg Magourney Cork Bary Ellen Knockaneowen Magourney Cork Batten Thomas Deeshart Magourney Cork Broderick Thomas H. Leemount Magourney Cork Broderick Thomas H. Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Brodrick Thomas M. Knockanenagark Magourney Cork Browne Margaret Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Bruce Johanthan Meeshal Magourney Cork Bruce Jonathan Carrignamuck Magourney Cork Bruce Jonathan Kelcolman Magourney Cork Bruce Jonathan Knockanenagark Magourney Cork Buckley Michael Coolacullig Magourney Cork Buckley Peter Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Burns Daniel Derreen Magourney Cork Burns John Fergus Magourney Cork Burns Michael Fergus Magourney Cork Butler Richard Glebe Magourney Cork Callaghan Cornelius Coolacullig Magourney Cork Callaghan Daniel Derreen Magourney Cork Callaghan Daniel Fergus Magourney Cork Callaghan John Coolacullig Magourney Cork Callaghan John Rockgrove Magourney Cork Callaghan Julia Monareagh Magourney Cork Callaghan Mary Coachford Village Magourney Cork Callaghan Matthias Coolacullig Magourney Cork Callaghan William Leemount Magourney Cork Calthurst John H. Meeshal Magourney Cork Carroll Patrick Kelcolman Magourney Cork Casey Elizabeth Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Coakley Conrelius Monareagh Magourney Cork Collins John Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Colthurst John H., Esq. Carrignamuck Magourney Cork Connell John Coolacullig Magourney Cork Connell Lott Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Connell Maurice Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Connell Michael Carhoo Lower Magourney Cork Connell Timothy Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Connor Daniel Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Connor Laurence Tullig More Magourney Cork Connor Patrick Knockaneowen Magourney Cork Connors Edmond Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Coppinger Anne Knockaneowen Magourney Cork Coppinger Anne Monareagh Magourney Cork Coppinger Henry J., Esq. Carhoo Lower Magourney Cork Corker Richard Coolacullig Magourney Cork Corkery Denis Coolacullig Magourney Cork Corkery John Carrignamuck Magourney Cork Corkery John Fergus Magourney Cork Corkery Margaret Coachford Village Magourney Cork Corkery William Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Creedan John Clontead More Magourney Cork Cronin Daniel Carrignamuck Magourney Cork Cronin Daniel Derreen Magourney Cork Cronin Ellen Clontead More Magourney Cork Cronin Thomas Derreen Magourney Cork Crooke Simmon Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Crooke William Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Crooke William Derreen Magourney Cork Crooke William Kilgobnet Magourney Cork Cross John Derreen Magourney Cork Cross Michael Derreen Magourney Cork Cross Philip Kilgobnet Magourney Cork Crowley Catherine Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Crowley Cornelius Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Crowley Daniel Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Crowley Mary Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Crowley Richard Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Crowley Timothy Tullig More Magourney Cork Cunningham Robin Carrignamuck Magourney Cork Curtin John Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Daly Thomas Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Delaney Timothy Deeshart Magourney Cork Delany John Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Delany Michael Tullig Beg Magourney Cork Deleany John Tullig More Magourney Cork Deleury John Fergus Magourney Cork Deleury Michael Fergus Magourney Cork Dennehy Thomas Clontead More Magourney Cork Dennehy Timothy Fergus Magourney Cork Desmond Catherine Carhoo Lower Magourney Cork Desmond Cornelius Clontead More Magourney Cork Desmond Margaret Carrignamuck Magourney Cork Dinan Catherine Coolacullig Magourney Cork Dinan Charles Carhoo Upper Magourney Cork Dinan Charles Coolacullig Magourney Cork Dinan Daniel Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Donohoe Michael Carhoo Upper Magourney Cork Donovan Stephen Carrignamuck Magourney Cork Duggan Patrick Knockaneowen Magourney Cork Duggan Patrick Monareagh Magourney Cork Dunn John, Sr. Fergus Magourney Cork Dwyer Honora Coolacullig Magourney Cork Dwyer Honoria Monareagh Magourney Cork Dwyer Jeremiah Clontead More Magourney Cork Dwyer Patrick Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Fait William Derreen Magourney Cork Feehily Mary Derreen Magourney Cork Feehily Owen Derreen Magourney Cork Feehy Patrick Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Feehy William Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Field Denis Carrignamuck Magourney Cork Fielding Denis Deeshart Magourney Cork Fitzgerald James Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Flanagan Timothy Clontead More Magourney Cork Foley Jeremiah Knockaneowen Magourney Cork Foley Maurice Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Foley Michael Clontead More Magourney Cork Foley Timothy Clontead More Magourney Cork Forde Daniel Glebe Magourney Cork Forde Edmond Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Forde John Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Forde Timothy Kilgobnet Magourney Cork Forde William Clontead More Magourney Cork Forde William Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Geary Margaret Meeshal Magourney Cork Gillman Anastasia Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Gillman Edmond Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Gillman Herbert Carrignamuck Magourney Cork Gillman Herbert Clontead More Magourney Cork Gillman James Knockaneowen Magourney Cork Gillman Webb Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Godfrey Thomas, M.D. Kilgobnet Magourney Cork Godfry Thomas, M.D. Derreen Magourney Cork Gollock Lewis Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Good John Rockgrove Magourney Cork Good Joseph Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Gregg John Coolacullig Magourney Cork Hallaghan Callaghan Coolacullig Magourney Cork Hallassy Jeremiah Carrignamuck Magourney Cork Hallinan Michael Derreen Magourney Cork Hamilton Sackville Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Hanifin Cornelius Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Hanigan Cornelius Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Hanyon Thomas Meeshal Magourney Cork Harrington Philip Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Hawkes Corliss Carhoo Upper Magourney Cork Hayes Anne Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Hayes Catherine Clontead More Magourney Cork Hayes Ellen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Healy Daniel Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Healy James Knockaneowen Magourney Cork Healy Jeremiah Oldcastle Magourney Cork Healy John Monareagh Magourney Cork Healy Richard Oldcastle Magourney Cork Heardon Denis Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Herlihy John Clontead More Magourney Cork Herlihy John Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Herlihy Margaret Coachford Village Magourney Cork Herlihy Timothy Tullig More Magourney Cork Hill Daniel Oldcastle Magourney Cork Hill Johanna Oldcastle Magourney Cork Hill John Carrignamuck Magourney Cork Hill John, Jr. Oldcastle Magourney Cork Hill John, Sr. Oldcastle Magourney Cork Hill Mary Oldcastle Magourney Cork Hill Thomas Oldcastle Magourney Cork Hill William Oldcastle Magourney Cork Horgan Cornelius Coolacullig Magourney Cork Horgan Cornelius Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Horgan Daniel Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Horgan James Derreen Magourney Cork Horgan James Knockaneowen Magourney Cork Horgan Jeremiah Clontead More Magourney Cork Horgan Jeremiah Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Horgan Jeremiah Coolacullig Magourney Cork Horgan Jeremiah Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Horgan Jeremiah Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Horgan John Clontead More Magourney Cork Horgan John Derreen Magourney Cork Horgan John Knockaneowen Magourney Cork Horgan John Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Horgan John Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Horgan Mary Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Horgan Timothy Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Horgan William Coachford Village Magourney Cork Houlihan Patrick Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Houlihan Timothy Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Hourde Revd. Tobis Glebe Magourney Cork Hurly David Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Keeffe Jeremiah Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Keleher Denis Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Keleher Denis Rockgrove Magourney Cork Keleher Michael Coolacullig Magourney Cork Keleher Patrick Derreen Magourney Cork Keleher Patrick Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Keleher William Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Kelly Edward Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Kenigon Thomas Deeshart Magourney Cork Kenyon Thomas Tullig Beg Magourney Cork Kinnealy Ellen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Landy Thomas Derreen Magourney Cork Lane Daniel Tullig More Magourney Cork Leahy Daniel Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Leary Catherine Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Leary Daniel Monareagh Magourney Cork Leary Denis Coolacullig Magourney Cork Leary Jeremiah Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Leary Jeremiah Coolacullig Magourney Cork Leary Joseph Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Leary Julia Coolacullig Magourney Cork Leary Patrick Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Lehane Timothy Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Lenihan Jeremiah Knockaneowen Magourney Cork Lenihan Jeremiah Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Lindsay Joseph Kilgobnet Magourney Cork Lindsey Henry Meeshal Magourney Cork Long John Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Long Mary Deeshart Magourney Cork Long Patrick Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Long Timothy Rockgrove Magourney Cork Lucy William Carhoo Upper Magourney Cork Lynch Cornelius Knockaneowen Magourney Cork Lynch Denis Knockaneowen Magourney Cork M'Carthy Daniel Derreen Magourney Cork M'Carthy Mary Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork M'Donnell Hugh Kilgobnet Magourney Cork M'Sweeney John Clontead More Magourney Cork M'Sweeny John Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Madras Robert, M.D. Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Magner Margaret Clontead More Magourney Cork Mahony Daniel Derreen Magourney Cork Mahony Daniel Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Mahony Denis Derreen Magourney Cork Mahony Denis Knockanenagark Magourney Cork Mahony Denis Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Mahony Honoria Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Mahony Jeremiah Derreen Magourney Cork Mahony Jeremiah Kilgobnet Magourney Cork Mahony Jeremiah Knockanenagark Magourney Cork Mahony Mary Fergus Magourney Cork Mahony Patrick Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Mahony Timothy Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Mahony Timothy Derreen Magourney Cork Mahony William Fergus Magourney Cork Martin John Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Meehan Cornelius Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Molony Timothy Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Morly Margaret Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Mullane Thomas Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Murphy Catherine Coachford Village Magourney Cork Murphy Catherine Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Murphy Catherine, Jr. Clontead More Magourney Cork Murphy Catherine, Sr. Clontead More Magourney Cork Murphy Daniel Carhoo Upper Magourney Cork Murphy Daniel Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Murphy Daniel Tullig More Magourney Cork Murphy Denis Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Murphy Denis, Jr. Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Murphy Denis, Sr. Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Murphy Edward Clontead More Magourney Cork Murphy Edward Coachford Village Magourney Cork Murphy Edward Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Murphy Edward, Sr. Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Murphy Honoria Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Murphy Honoria Tullig More Magourney Cork Murphy Jeremiah Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Murphy John Clontead More Magourney Cork Murphy John Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Murphy John Coolacullig Magourney Cork Murphy John Derreen Magourney Cork Murphy John Leemount Magourney Cork Murphy John Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Murphy Maurice Coolacullig Magourney Cork Murphy Michael Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Neill Mary Coachford Village Magourney Cork Nugent Patrick Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork O'Callaghan Henry Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Rahilly Daniel Clontead More Magourney Cork Reardon Daniel Monareagh Magourney Cork Reardon Denis Meeshal Magourney Cork Reardon Michael Tullig Beg Magourney Cork Reardon Patrick Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Reilly Thomas Kilgobnet Magourney Cork Ring David Carrignamuck Magourney Cork Rogerson John Coolacullig Magourney Cork Ryan John Derreen Magourney Cork Savage Johanna Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Scannell Jeremiah Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Scannell John Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Sheehan Bartholomew Coachford Village Magourney Cork Sheehan Ellen Carhoo Upper Magourney Cork Sheehan Jeremiah Monareagh Magourney Cork Sheehan John Clontead More Magourney Cork Sheehan Mary Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Shinkahin Epinalus Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Spence James Tullig Beg Magourney Cork Spence William Meeshal Magourney Cork Spence William Tullig More Magourney Cork Spillane Maurice Rockgrove Magourney Cork St. Catchmist John Deeshart Magourney Cork Sullivan Catherine Derreen Magourney Cork Sullivan Daniel Derreen Magourney Cork Sullivan Daniel Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Sullivan Denis Coolacullig Magourney Cork Sullivan Denis Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Sullivan James Derreen Magourney Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Clontead More Magourney Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Derreen Magourney Cork Sullivan Johanna Clontead More Magourney Cork Sullivan John Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Sullivan John Meeshal Magourney Cork Sullivan John Oldcastle Magourney Cork Sullivan Michael Fergus Magourney Cork Sullivan Patrick Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Sweeney Denis Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Sweeney John Coolacullig Magourney Cork Sweeney Owen Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Sweeney Sarah Coachford Village Magourney Cork Toomy Andrew Derreen Magourney Cork Toomy Cornelius Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Toomy Daniel Carhoo Upper Magourney Cork Toomy Honoria Monareagh Magourney Cork Toomy Timothy Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork Varian John Coolacullig Magourney Cork Varian Thomas Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Walsh Denis Knockaneagark Magourney Cork Walsh Honora Knockaneowen Coachford Village Magourney Cork Walsh James Derreen Magourney Cork Walsh John Clontead More Magourney Cork Walsh John Coachford Village,Clontead Beg Magourney Cork Walsh John Kilgobnet Magourney Cork Walsh Margaret Oldcastle Magourney Cork Walsh Michael Derreen Magourney Cork Weir Nathaniel W. Oldcastle Magourney Cork Whelan Jeremiah Monareagh Magourney Cork Wiseman James Carhoo Lower Magourney Cork Wiseman James Tullig Beg Magourney Cork Wiseman John Carhoo Upper Magourney Cork Wolfe Daniel Madrid Coachford Village Magourney Cork