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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rathcooney, County Cork
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rathcooney, County Cork
Ahern Maurice Rathcooney Rathcooney Cork Andrews Edward Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Arnold John Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Baker Godfrey J. Lotabeg Rathcooney Cork Barrett Elizabeth Ballynoe Rathcooney Cork Barrett Garret Ballyharoon Rathcooney Cork Barry James H. S. Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Barry Jason H. S. Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Barry Johanna Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Barry Johanna Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Barry John Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Barry John Lotabeg Rathcooney Cork Barry John, Jr. Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Barry John, Sr. Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Barry Margaret Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Barry Mary Ballincrokig Rathcooney Cork Barry Mary Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Barry Michael Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Barry Nicholas Lotabeg Rathcooney Cork Barry Patrick Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Barry Richard Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Barry Thomas Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Bateman Robert E. Poulacurry, South Rathcooney Cork Beamish Col. Landon Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Bellen Maary Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Berry John Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Blake John Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Bourke John Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Bourke Thomas Ballynoe Rathcooney Cork Brady George Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Brady Henry Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Brady Michael Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Brien Daniel Garraneboy Rathcooney Cork Brien Maurice Rathcooney Rathcooney Cork Brien Patrick Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Brintan Michael Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Broderick John Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Broderick Thomas Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Brodrick John Village of Glanmire,Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Browne Michael Coole, West Rathcooney Cork Bryan John Ballynoe Rathcooney Cork Buckley Denis Coole, East Rathcooney Cork Buckley James Village of Glanmire,Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Buckley Jeremiah Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Buckley John Arderrow Rathcooney Cork Buckley John Coole, West Rathcooney Cork Buckley John Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Buckley Margaret Lotabeg Rathcooney Cork Buckley Michael Arderrow Rathcooney Cork Buckley Patrick Ballincrokig Rathcooney Cork Bullman John Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Bulter Thomas Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Burke Michael Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Callaghan James Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Callaghan John Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Callaghan John Poulacurry, South Rathcooney Cork Callaghan John Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Callaghan Michael Rathcooney Rathcooney Cork Callaghan Michael Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Callaghan Timothy Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Callaghan William Lotabeg Rathcooney Cork Callaghan William Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Calleghan Timothy Poulacurry, South Rathcooney Cork Cantillan Daniel Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Cantillen Bartholomew Ballincrokig Rathcooney Cork Cantillon James Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Carey Honoria Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Carey Michael Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Caseman James Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Casey Cornelius Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Casey Elizabeth Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Casey Thomas Lisnahorna Rathcooney Cork Cashman Cornelius Banduff Rathcooney Cork Cashman Denis Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Ceoneen Denis Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Clarke John Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Clifford John Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Cobkerry Timothy Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Coghlan Thomas Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Coleman Denis Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Coleman John Ballynoe Rathcooney Cork Coleman John Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Coleman Patrick Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Collins John Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Connell Daniel Ballynoe Rathcooney Cork Connell Daniel Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Connell Ellen Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Connell Geffory Ballynoe Rathcooney Cork Connell Timothy Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Coote Walter Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Corcoran Edward Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Corker John Rathcooney Rathcooney Cork Coscoray Edward Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Cotter James Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Cotter Michael Coole, West Rathcooney Cork Cotter Michael Lotabeg Rathcooney Cork Coudon James New Inn Rathcooney Cork Courtney John Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Craig James Coole, East Rathcooney Cork Cronin John Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Cronin Mary Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Croonan William Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Croween William Poulacurry, South Rathcooney Cork Crowley Michael Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Crummin Jeremiah Lisnahorna Rathcooney Cork Cummin Daniel Rathcooney Rathcooney Cork Cummin Timothy Ballyharoon Rathcooney Cork Cummin Timothy Rathcooney Rathcooney Cork Cummins Daniel Rathcooney Rathcooney Cork Cummins Timothy Rathcooney Rathcooney Cork Cunningham Annie Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Curtayne Timothy Rathcooney Rathcooney Cork Daly Catherine Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Daly Cornelius Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Daly Eneas Ballincrokig Rathcooney Cork Daly John Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Daly Joseph Ballynoe Rathcooney Cork Daly Maurice Coole, West Rathcooney Cork Daly Maurice Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Daly Thomas Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Daly Timothy Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Dawley John Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Decble Benjamin Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Deleury John Ballyphilip Rathcooney Cork Denehy Denis Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Dennehy Ellen Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Dennehy Mary Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Denny Jeremiah Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Desmond Johanna Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Dill Daniel Banduff Rathcooney Cork Dill Daniel Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Dill Mary Arderrow Rathcooney Cork Dill William Ballyharoon Rathcooney Cork Dill William Banduff Rathcooney Cork Dill William Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Dinan Mary Ballyharoon Rathcooney Cork Dineen Margaret Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Donnelly Daniel Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Donnelly Michael Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Donovan Anne Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Donovan Daniel Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Donovan David Garraneboy Rathcooney Cork Donovan Denis Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Donovan George Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Donovan John Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Donovan John New Inn Rathcooney Cork Donovan Michael Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Donovan Thomas Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Dooley William Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Dorgan Matthew Coole, East Rathcooney Cork Dorgan William Garraneboy Rathcooney Cork Dowling Maurice Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Doyle James Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Driscoll Denis Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Driscoll John Ballynoe Rathcooney Cork Droddy Mary Rathcooney Rathcooney Cork Edwards Daniel Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Falvey John Poulacurry, South Rathcooney Cork Falvey Rev. John Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Fitzgerald Andrew Lisnahorna Rathcooney Cork Fitzgerald Elizabeth Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Fitzgerald James Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Fitzgerald John Arderrow Rathcooney Cork Fitzgerald John Ballyharoon Rathcooney Cork Fitzgerald John Coole, East Rathcooney Cork Fitzgerald Thomas Arderrow Rathcooney Cork Flaherty Michael Coole, West Rathcooney Cork Flynn Daniel Coole, East Rathcooney Cork Flynn Edward Arderrow Rathcooney Cork Flynn James Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Flynn John Coole, East Rathcooney Cork Flynn John M. Coole, East Rathcooney Cork Flynn Matthew Coole, East Rathcooney Cork Flynn Michael Ballynoe Rathcooney Cork Flynn Michael Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Flynn Michael Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Flynn Patrick Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Flynn William Coole, East Rathcooney Cork Flynn William M. Coole, East Rathcooney Cork Foley Cornelius Coole, East Rathcooney Cork Foley David Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Foley Denis Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Foley John Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Foley Patrick Coole, West Rathcooney Cork Forrest John Ballyphilip Rathcooney Cork Galvin Patrick, Jr. Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Galvin Patrick, Sr. Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Garney Catherine Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Gayney Edward Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Geary Catherine Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Geary Judith Coole, West Rathcooney Cork Geary Margaret Coole, East Rathcooney Cork Gillinger Henry Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Goold Patrick Ballincrokig Rathcooney Cork Goulding James Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Goulding Judith Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Granger Benjamin Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Haarrisson Frederick Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Hallaghan Patrick Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Hallinane Michael Arderrow Rathcooney Cork Hamilton Bartholomew Garraneboy Rathcooney Cork Hamilton Frederick Poulacurry, South Rathcooney Cork Hanlon Ellen Ballyharoon Rathcooney Cork Hanlon Francis Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Hanlon Mary Ballyharoon Rathcooney Cork Hara Patrick Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Hara William Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Harrigan David Poulacurry, South Rathcooney Cork Harrison Frederick Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Harte John Coole, West Rathcooney Cork Harte Timothy Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Hassett Robert Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Hawkins Margaret Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Hayes Denis Village of Glanmire,Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Hayes Margaret Village of Glanmire,Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Healy Daniel Coole, West Rathcooney Cork Healy John Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Hefferman Timothy Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Heffernan John Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Heffernan John Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Hegarty Daniel Poulacurry, South Rathcooney Cork Hegarty James Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Hegarty John Coole, West Rathcooney Cork Hegarty John Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Hegarty Timothy Coole, West Rathcooney Cork Hegarty William Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Hickey Ellen Ballynoe Rathcooney Cork Hickey Eugene Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Hickey John Rathcooney Rathcooney Cork Hickey William Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Hickey William Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Hickman Poole Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Higgins Daniel Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Higgins Garrett Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Higgins Mary Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Hurley Patrick Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Hurley Samuel Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Hurley William Poulacurry, South Rathcooney Cork Hutchins William Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Jefferies John R. Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Kearney James Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Kearney John Coole, East Rathcooney Cork Keeffe Cornelius Poulacurry, South Rathcooney Cork Keeffe Denis Ballincrokig Rathcooney Cork Keeffe Denis Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Keeffe John Village of Glanmire,Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Keeffe John Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Kennedy John Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Kenniers Thomas Rathcooney Rathcooney Cork Kenny John Village of Glanmire,Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Keoothg Timothy Coole, West Rathcooney Cork Kineary Elizabeth Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Kinna James Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Lane Alexander Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Lane Denny Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Lane Edward Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Leahy Jeremiah Coole, East Rathcooney Cork Leahy John Coole, East Rathcooney Cork Leahy Patrick Coole, East Rathcooney Cork Leary Cornelius Ballincrokig Rathcooney Cork Leary Mary Coole, West Rathcooney Cork Leary Richard Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Lee Thomas Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Lenehan John Ballynoe Rathcooney Cork Lewis Sarah Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Leyman John, Jr. Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Leyman John, Sr. Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Linchan Bartholomew Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Linchan Bartholomew Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Linchan Thomas Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Long Denis Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Long John Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Lotty Allen Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Lucy William New Inn Rathcooney Cork Lynch Abigail Coole, West Rathcooney Cork Lynch Julia Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Lynchan Patrick Lotabeg Rathcooney Cork Lyons Thomas, Sr. Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Lysaght John Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Madden John Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Magan Percy Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Mahony Daniel Coole, West Rathcooney Cork Mahony Daniel Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Mahony Daniel Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Mahony John Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Mahony John Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Mahony Mary Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Mahony William Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Mahorty Patrick Coole, West Rathcooney Cork Manning Bartholomew Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Manning David Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Manning Denis Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Manning Denis Ballynoe Rathcooney Cork Manning Henry Poulacurry, South Rathcooney Cork Manning John Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Manning John Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Manning John Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Manning Patrick Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Mannix Henry Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Martin Elizabeth Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Martin Joseph Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Martin Richard Poulacurry, South Rathcooney Cork Martin Robert Poulacurry, South Rathcooney Cork Martin Thomas L. Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Martin William Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Martin William Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Maskins John Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Mason Francis Poulacurry, South Rathcooney Cork Mc Auliffe John Rathcooney Rathcooney Cork Mc Carthy Charles Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Mc Carthy Charles Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Mc Carthy Daniel Coole, West Rathcooney Cork Mc Carthy Jeremiah Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Mc Carthy John Ballincrokig Rathcooney Cork Mc Carthy John Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Mc Carthy Mary Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Mc Carthy Mary Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Mc Connell Michael Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Meade David Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Mehigan John Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Mehigan Timothy Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Menogh Henry Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Minahan Jeremiah Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Minahane Michael Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Minchan Jeremiah Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Minihan Jeremiah Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Monogh Henry Lahardane Rathcooney Cork Morgan Daniel Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Morgan Daniel Rathcooney Rathcooney Cork Morgan Jeremiah Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Morgan John Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Morgan John Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Morgan Patrick Coole, East Rathcooney Cork Morris Jane Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Morrogh Henry Ballyharoon Rathcooney Cork Morrogh Martha New Inn Rathcooney Cork Moss Joseph Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Mourgh Henry Rathcooney Rathcooney Cork Moyiehan Michael Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Mulcahy Denis Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Mulcahy John Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Muleahy David Village of Glanmire,Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Mullane Daniel Banduff Rathcooney Cork Mullane Jeremiah Banduff Rathcooney Cork Murley Ellen Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Murphy Andrew Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Murphy Cornelius Arderrow Rathcooney Cork Murphy Cornelius Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Murphy Daniel Coole, East Rathcooney Cork Murphy Ellen Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Murphy Francis Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Murphy John Ballynoe Rathcooney Cork Murphy John Coole, East Rathcooney Cork Murphy John Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Murphy Nicholas D. Banduff Rathcooney Cork Murphy Nicholas D. Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Murphy Owen Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Murphy Patrick Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Murphy Thaddeus Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Murphy Thomas Ballynoe Rathcooney Cork Murphy Thomas Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Murphy Timothy Ballynoe Rathcooney Cork Murphy Timothy Coole, East Rathcooney Cork Murphy William Coole, East Rathcooney Cork Murray John Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Murray John Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Murray Margaret Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Murray Mary Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Murray Maurice Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Nash Rev. W. R. Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Neal Daniel Ballynoe Rathcooney Cork Neal John Ballynoe Rathcooney Cork Neenan Michael Coole, East Rathcooney Cork Neill Peter Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Neonan Jeremiah Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Nettigan David Lisnahorna Rathcooney Cork Nolan Michael Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Noonan Catherine Lotabeg Rathcooney Cork Noonan Catherine Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Noonan Patrick Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Norman Catherine Lotabeg Rathcooney Cork Norman John Banduff Rathcooney Cork Norman John Lotamore Rathcooney Cork O'Brien John Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork O'Connell James Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork O'Neill Elizabeth Poulacurry, South Rathcooney Cork O'Neill Michael Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Peaufort Mary Poulacurry, South Rathcooney Cork Phain Edward Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Reardon Anne Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Reardon Elizabeth Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Reardon John Rathcooney Rathcooney Cork Regan Michael Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Regan Patrick Garraneboy Rathcooney Cork Regan Patrick Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Reilly Catherine Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Reilly Edward Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Reilly John Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Reilly Michael Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Rice Thomas Ballincrokig Rathcooney Cork Ringore James Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Riordan John Rathcooney Rathcooney Cork Roach Johanna Coole, East Rathcooney Cork Roche David Lisnahorna Rathcooney Cork Rowland Edward Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Ryan David Lahardane Rathcooney Cork Ryan Jeremiah Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Ryan Michael Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Scannell Timothy Lotabeg Rathcooney Cork Scully Jeremiah Banduff Rathcooney Cork Senton William Lotabeg Rathcooney Cork Shea Daniel Ballyphilip Rathcooney Cork Shea John Arderrow Rathcooney Cork Sheehan Daniel Arderrow Rathcooney Cork Sheehan David Coole, West Rathcooney Cork Sheehan Patrick Lahardane Rathcooney Cork Sheehan Thomas Coole, West Rathcooney Cork Sheehan Thomas Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Sheehan Timothy Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Sheehan Timothy Rathcooney Rathcooney Cork Sheehan William Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Shichan Thomas Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Shinnick Thomas Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Shirley Samuel Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Smith John, Jr. Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Smith John, Sr. Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Smith Good Thomas Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Spillane Edward Rathcooney Rathcooney Cork Spillane Johanna Lisnahorna Rathcooney Cork Spillane John Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Spillane William Rathcooney Rathcooney Cork Sshichan Terence Lotabeg Rathcooney Cork Standish John Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Stannton Edward Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Sullivan Cornelius Poulacurry, South Rathcooney Cork Sullivan David Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Sullivan John Banduff Rathcooney Cork Sullivan Michael Ballynoe Rathcooney Cork Sullivan Michael Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Sullivan Timothy Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Sullivan William Banduff Rathcooney Cork Sullivan William Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Tayalor Benjamin Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Thomson George Lotabeg Rathcooney Cork Toohig David Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Toomey William Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Tuomey Michael Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Tuomy James Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Twomey William Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Twomy Denis New Inn Rathcooney Cork Vaughan John Coole, West Rathcooney Cork Waacke Ainelia Lahardane Rathcooney Cork Wade George Village of Glanmire,Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Walsh Alicia Village of Glanmire,Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Walsh Elizabeth Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Walsh James Poulacurry, South Rathcooney Cork Walsh John Poulacurry, North Rathcooney Cork Walsh John Village of Glanmire,Poulacurry South Rathcooney Cork Walsh Mary Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Walsh Patrick Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Walsh Richard Village of Sallybrook,Knocknahorgan Rathcooney Cork Whelan John Ballincrossig Rathcooney Cork Willison William Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Wise George Garraneboy Rathcooney Cork Wise Henry B. Lisnahorna Rathcooney Cork Wood George A. Ballyharoon Rathcooney Cork Wood George A. Lotamore Rathcooney Cork Wyse George Fr. Lahardane Rathcooney Cork