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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rathcormack, County Cork
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rathcormack, County Cork
Abott Michael Curraghprevin Rathcormack Cork Adams William Garrynacole Rathcormack Cork Ahern Catherine Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Ahern David Behernagh, Lower Rathcormack Cork Ahern Ellen Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Ahern James Maulane, West Rathcormack Cork Ahern John Barranahash Rathcormack Cork Ahern John Behernagh, Lower Rathcormack Cork Ahern Michael Rathcormack Dispensary Lan, Rathcormack Cork Ahern William Barranahash Rathcormack Cork Almond Denis Coolea Rathcormack Cork Ambrose Margaret Mondaniel Rathcormack Cork Ambrose Martin Village of Rathcormack: Mill St,Knockaduff Rathcormack Cork Ambrose Michael Village of Rathcormack: Main St,Rathcormack Rathcormack Cork Ambrose Patrick Mondaniel Rathcormack Cork Ambrose Thomas Mondaniel Rathcormack Cork Arnold Margaret Curraghprevin Rathcormack Cork Arnold Michael Kilbrien Rathcormack Cork Arnold Michael Rathcormack Quater Lane, Rathcormack Cork Arnold Michael Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Arnold William Mondaniel Rathcormack Cork Badley John Kildinan Rathcormack Cork Baker John Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Baker Mary Rathcormack Quater Lane, Rathcormack Cork Barney Patrick Garrynacole Rathcormack Cork Barrett John Behernagh, Lower Rathcormack Cork Barry Anne Mondaniel Rathcormack Cork Barry Edward Ballynahina Rathcormack Cork Barry Edward Bridgeland, East Rathcormack Cork Barry Edward Terramount Rathcormack Cork Barry Edward Vil of Rathcormack Bridge S,Bridgeland Rathcormack Cork Barry Ellen Rathcormack Dispensary Lan, Rathcormack Cork Barry Ellen, Jr. Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Barry Ellen, Sr. Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Barry Garrett Curraghprevin Rathcormack Cork Barry Gerald Ballynahina Rathcormack Cork Barry Honoria Village of Rathcormack, Mill St,Terramount Rathcormack Cork Barry James Ballyready Rathcormack Cork Barry James Behernagh, Lower Rathcormack Cork Barry James Mondaniel Rathcormack Cork Barry James Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Barry James Toberaneague Rathcormack Cork Barry John Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Barry John Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Barry John Glanakip Rathcormack Cork Barry John Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Barry John Toberaneague Rathcormack Cork Barry John Village of Rathcormack, Mill St,Terramount Rathcormack Cork Barry Mary Toberaneague Rathcormack Cork Barry Michael Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Barry Michael Curraghprevin Rathcormack Cork Barry Michael Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Barry Michael Rathcormack Mountain Rathcormack Cork Barry Michael Rathcormack, Bridge St,(Bridgeland) Rathcormack Cork Barry Patrick Bridgeland, East Rathcormack Cork Barry Patrick Vil of Rathcormack Bridge S,Bridgeland Rathcormack Cork Barry Peter Rathcormack, Bridge St,(Bridgeland) Rathcormack Cork Barry Thomas Toberaneague Rathcormack Cork Barry William Gneeves Rathcormack Cork Barry William Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Bartnet John Bridgeland, East Rathcormack Cork Boland John Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Bolster Rev. John Lisnagardemesne Rathcormack Cork Bourke Edmund Kildinan Rathcormack Cork Bourke James Vil of Rathcormack Bridge S,Bridgeland Rathcormack Cork Bowdrin Michael Barranahash Rathcormack Cork Boyce John Glanakip Rathcormack Cork Brien James Behernagh, Upper Rathcormack Cork Brien John Behernagh, Upper Rathcormack Cork Brien John Mondaniel Rathcormack Cork Brien Michael Vil of Rathcormack Bridge S,Bridgeland Rathcormack Cork Broderick John Behernagh, Lower Rathcormack Cork Buckley Daniel Ballyglissane Rathcormack Cork Buckley Daniel Rathcormack, Bridge St,(Bridgeland) Rathcormack Cork Buckley John Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Butler James Kilbrien Rathcormack Cork Butler Mary Rathcormack Quater Lane, Rathcormack Cork Cahill James Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Cahill Jeremiah Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Cahill John Moanlahan Rathcormack Cork Cahill John Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Cahill Matthew Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Cahill Michael Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Cahill Michael Kildinan Rathcormack Cork Cahill Michael Moanlahan Rathcormack Cork Cahill Patrick Ballynagore Rathcormack Cork Cahill Patrick Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Cahill Thomas Gearagh Rathcormack Cork Cahill Thomas Shanaclough Rathcormack Cork Callaghan Catherine Mondaniel Rathcormack Cork Callaghan Denis Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Callaghan Denis Mondaniel Rathcormack Cork Callaghan Ellen Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Callaghan James Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Callaghan John Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Callaghan John Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Callaghan John Rathcormack Mountain Rathcormack Cork Callaghan John Vil of Rathcormack Bridge S,Bridgeland Rathcormack Cork Callaghan Patrick Ballyglissane Rathcormack Cork Callaghan Patrick Glanakip Rathcormack Cork Callaghan Patrick Lisnagardemesne Rathcormack Cork Callaghan Timothy Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Callaghan Timothy Rathcormack, Bridge St,(Bridgeland) Rathcormack Cork Carney Denis Village of Rathcormack: Mill St,Knockaduff Rathcormack Cork Carney Patrick Vil of Rathcormack Bridge S,Bridgeland Rathcormack Cork Carroll James Curraghprevin Rathcormack Cork Carroll Richard Gneeves Rathcormack Cork Carthy Bridget Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Cashman Jeremiah Behernagh, Lower Rathcormack Cork Cashman Michael Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Catherine Keeffe Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Cleary Thomas Rathcormack Dispensary Lan, Rathcormack Cork Coffey Margaret Barranahash Rathcormack Cork Coffey Margaret Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Coffey Margaret Kilbrien Rathcormack Cork Coffey Margaret Toberaneague Rathcormack Cork Coghlan James Ballyglissane Rathcormack Cork Coghlan John Ballynahina Rathcormack Cork Coghlan John Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Coghlan John Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Collins Denis Ballynahina Rathcormack Cork Collins Denis Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Collins Denis Kilbrien Rathcormack Cork Collins Denis Moanlahan Rathcormack Cork Collins Denis Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Collins Denis Toberaneague Rathcormack Cork Collins Ellen Maulane, East Rathcormack Cork Collins James Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Collins James Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Collins James Rathcormack Carey's Lane, Rathcormack Cork Collins James Rathcormack Dispensary Lan, Rathcormack Cork Collins John Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Collins Mary Lisnagardemesne Rathcormack Cork Collins Patrick Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Collins Patrick Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Collins Patrick Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Collins Thomas Moanlahan Rathcormack Cork Collins Thomas Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Collins William Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Collins William, Sr. Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Connell David Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Connell Maurice Ballyready Rathcormack Cork Connell Michael Mondaniel Rathcormack Cork Connell Richard Rathcormack Dispensary Lan, Rathcormack Cork Connell Thaddeus Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Connolly John Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Connolly Michael Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Connor John Maulane, East Rathcormack Cork Connor Mary Vil of Rathcormack Bridge S,Bridgeland Rathcormack Cork Connors Cornelius Maulane, East Rathcormack Cork Connors Daniel Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Connors Honoria Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Connors James Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Connors John, Jr. Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Connors John, Sr. Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Connors Mary Glanreagh Rathcormack Cork Connors Michael Vil of Rathcormack Bridge S,Bridgeland Rathcormack Cork Connors Thomas Rathcormack Dispensary Lan, Rathcormack Cork Conway John Glanreagh Rathcormack Cork Cotter Edmund Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Cotter Honoria Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Cotter James Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Cotter James Barranahash Rathcormack Cork Cotter James Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Cotter James Toberaneague Rathcormack Cork Cotter Johanna Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Cotter John Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Cotter John Ballybrowney, Upper Rathcormack Cork Cotter John Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Cotter John Mondaniel Rathcormack Cork Cotter John Raheen Rathcormack Cork Cotter John Rathcormack Dispensary Lan, Rathcormack Cork Cotter John Rathcormack Quater Lane, Rathcormack Cork Cotter John Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Cotter John, Jr. Ballynahina Rathcormack Cork Cotter John, Jr. Kilbrien Rathcormack Cork Cotter John, Sr. Ballynahina Rathcormack Cork Cotter John, Sr. Kilbrien Rathcormack Cork Cotter Mary Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Cotter Matthew Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Cotter Maurice Gearagh Rathcormack Cork Cotter Maurice Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Cotter Maurice Kildinan Rathcormack Cork Cotter Mayrice Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Cotter Michael Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Cotter Michael Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Cotter Patrick Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Cotter Patrick Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Cotter Pierce Terramount Rathcormack Cork Cotter Pierce Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Cotter Richard Mondaniel Rathcormack Cork Cotter Thomas, Jr. Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Cotter William Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Cotter William Gearagh Rathcormack Cork Cotter William Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Cotter William Kildinan Rathcormack Cork Cotter William, Sr. Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Cramer Ellen Garrynacole Rathcormack Cork Cranwitch John Kilbrien Rathcormack Cork Credda James Behernagh, Upper Rathcormack Cork Cronin James Barranahash Rathcormack Cork Crowley Cornelius, Jr. Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Crowley Daniel Vil of Rathcormack Bridge S,Bridgeland Rathcormack Cork Crowley Jeremiah Moanlahan Rathcormack Cork Crowley John Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Cullinane John Mondaniel Rathcormack Cork Cullinane John Village of Rathcormack: Mill St,Knockaduff Rathcormack Cork Cullinane Timothy Mondaniel Rathcormack Cork Cullinane Timothy Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Cummins Denis Rathcormack Rathcormack Cork Cummins Denis Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Cunningham Margaret Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Curtain David Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Curtin Bartholomew Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Curtin Denis Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Curtin John Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Curtin Mary Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Curtin William Raheen Rathcormack Cork Curtin William Rathcormack Quater Lane, Rathcormack Cork Curtin William Vil of Rathcormack Bridge S,Bridgeland Rathcormack Cork Daly Carroll Ballybrowney, Upper Rathcormack Cork Daly John Rathcormack Quater Lane, Rathcormack Cork Daly Mary Rathcormack Quater Lane, Rathcormack Cork Daly Michael Portduff Rathcormack Cork Daly Michael, Jr. Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Daly Michael, Sr. Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Daly Patrick Portduff Rathcormack Cork Daly Peter Ballynahina Rathcormack Cork Daly Timothy Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Dargan William Aunamihoonagh Rathcormack Cork Dargan William Behernagh, Lower Rathcormack Cork Dargan William Behernagh, Upper Rathcormack Cork Dargan William Glanreagh Rathcormack Cork Dargan William Kildinan Rathcormack Cork Dargan William Moanlahan Rathcormack Cork Dargan William Portduff Rathcormack Cork Dargan William Raheen Rathcormack Cork Dargan William Shanavagha Rathcormack Cork Dargan William Shanbally Rathcormack Cork Desmond Denis Vil of Rathcormack Bridge S,Bridgeland Rathcormack Cork Devonsher A. Ballyready Rathcormack Cork Dinan John Rathcormack Mountain Rathcormack Cork Dinan Michael Rathcormack Mountain Rathcormack Cork Dinan Patrick Rathcormack Mountain Rathcormack Cork Dinneen Denis Glanreagh Rathcormack Cork Dinneen Eliza Aunamihoonagh Rathcormack Cork Dinneen Michael Kildinan Rathcormack Cork Dinneen Thomas Behernagh, Upper Rathcormack Cork Donohoe John Ballynahina Rathcormack Cork Donovan Alexander Rathcormack, Bridge St,(Bridgeland) Rathcormack Cork Donovan John Behernagh, Upper Rathcormack Cork Donovan John Rathcormack Quater Lane, Rathcormack Cork Donovan Richard Vil of Rathcormack Bridge S,Bridgeland Rathcormack Cork Donovan Thomas Behernagh, Lower Rathcormack Cork Dooley John Rathcormack Carey's Lane, Rathcormack Cork Doran John Rathcormack, Bridge St,(Bridgeland) Rathcormack Cork Dorgan John Shanavagha Rathcormack Cork Dorgan Michael Shanavagha Rathcormack Cork Duggan Jeremiah Mondaniel Rathcormack Cork Duncan Thomas Kildinan Rathcormack Cork Dwyer James Ballynahina Rathcormack Cork Dwyer James Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Dwyer John Rathcormack Dispensary Lan, Rathcormack Cork Dwyer John Toberaneague Rathcormack Cork Ealvey Patrick Rathcormack Quater Lane, Rathcormack Cork Egan John Kilshannig, Lower Rathcormack Cork Egan Thomas Ballybrowney, Lower Rathcormack Cork Evans Jane Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Evans John Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Evans Richard Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Falvey John Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Falvey John Kildinan Rathcormack Cork Falvey Patrick Rathcormack Quater Lane, Rathcormack Cork Farrell Bartholomew Moanlahan Rathcormack Cork Farrell John Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Feehilly Charles Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Fenton James Toberaneague Rathcormack Cork Fenton Patrick Knockaunacorrin Rathcormack Cork Fenton Patrick Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Fetnam John Ballyready Rathcormack Cork Fitzgerald Bridget Vil of Rathcormack Bridge S,Bridgeland Rathcormack Cork Fitzgerald Edmond Vil of Rathcormack Bridge S,Bridgeland Rathcormack Cork Fitzgerald Edward Curraghprevin Rathcormack Cork Fitzgerald Ellen Kildinan Rathcormack Cork Fitzgerald John Rathcormack Dispensary Lan, Rathcormack Cork Fitzgerald Martin Ballynahina Rathcormack Cork Fitzgerald Martin Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Fitzgerald Michael Kilbrien Rathcormack Cork Fitzgerald Michael Rathcormack Dispensary Lan, Rathcormack Cork Fitzgerald William Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Flannagan John Ballybrowney, Upper Rathcormack Cork Flannagan Mary Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Flannagan Maurice Ballynahina Rathcormack Cork Flynn Catherine Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Flynn Daniel Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Flynn Daniel Toberaneague Rathcormack Cork Flynn Eliza Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Flynn Garrett Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Flynn Johanna Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Flynn John Behernagh, Lower Rathcormack Cork Flynn John Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Flynn Margaret Rathcormack Quater Lane, Rathcormack Cork Flynn Mary Barranahash Rathcormack Cork Flynn Owen Village of Rathcormack: Mill St,Knockaduff Rathcormack Cork Flynn Patrick Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Flynn Thomas Rathcormack Mountain Rathcormack Cork Flynn Thomas Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Foley Edmund Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Foley Eliza Village of Rathcormack, Mill St,Terramount Rathcormack Cork Foley Jeremiah Rathcormack Mountain Rathcormack Cork Foley Johanna Coolea Rathcormack Cork Foley Thomas Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Foley William Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Foley William Rathcormack, Bridge St,(Bridgeland) Rathcormack Cork Ford David Barranahash Rathcormack Cork Galligan John Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Garvan James Barranahash Rathcormack Cork Gavin Maurice Rathcormack Mountain Rathcormack Cork Geany Wiliam Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Gearin Daniel Portduff Rathcormack Cork Geary David Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Gittins John, Jr. Ballybrowney, Lower Rathcormack Cork Gittins Mary Rathcormack, Bridge St,(Bridgeland) Rathcormack Cork Gleeson James Rathcormack Carey's Lane, Rathcormack Cork Gleeson James Rathcormack Quater Lane, Rathcormack Cork Godson Thomas Knockadroleen Rathcormack Cork Godson Thomas Rathcormack, Bridge St,(Bridgeland) Rathcormack Cork Godson Thomas Vil of Rathcormack Bridge S,Bridgeland Rathcormack Cork Goldsmith Mary Anne Vil of Rathcormack Bridge S,Bridgeland Rathcormack Cork Grady Catherine Rathcormack Dispensary Lan, Rathcormack Cork Graham John Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Grimes John Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Habit George Rathcormack, Bridge St,(Bridgeland) Rathcormack Cork Hafey Maurice Ballyready Rathcormack Cork Hammond Alice Mondaniel Rathcormack Cork Hanlon John Rathcormack, Bridge St,(Bridgeland) Rathcormack Cork Hannan Anne Rathcormack Pound Lane, Rathcormack Cork Hannan Denis Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Hannan James Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Hannan John Ballynahina Rathcormack Cork Hannan John Mondaniel Rathcormack Cork Hannan John Village of Rathcormack, Mill St,Terramount Rathcormack Cork Hannan John Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Hannan John Village of Rathcormack: Mill St,Knockaduff Rathcormack Cork Hannan Mary Kilbrien Rathcormack Cork Hannan Mary Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Hannon Jonas Curraghprevin Rathcormack Cork Hannon Mary Garrynacole Rathcormack Cork Hannopn Denis Rathcormack Quater Lane, Rathcormack Cork Harley John Rathcormack Carey's Lane, Rathcormack Cork Haskins Alice Rathcormack, Bridge St,(Bridgeland) Rathcormack Cork Hawkins William Curraghprevin Rathcormack Cork Hawkins William Dromruagh Rathcormack Cork Hawkins William Kilshannig, Lower Rathcormack Cork Hawkins William Knockadroleen Rathcormack Cork Hawkins William Rathcormack, Bridge St,(Bridgeland) Rathcormack Cork Hegarty David Rathcormack Carey's Lane, Rathcormack Cork Hegarty James Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Hegarty James Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Hegarty Jeremiah Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Hegarty Pierce Terramount Rathcormack Cork Hegarty Pierce Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Hegarty William Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Hennessy Michael Barranahash Rathcormack Cork Hennessy Richard Kildinan Rathcormack Cork Hennessy William Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Hickey Elizabeth Behernagh, Upper Rathcormack Cork Hickey John Ballyready Rathcormack Cork Hickey Owen Behernagh, Upper Rathcormack Cork Higgins Bartholomew Ballynahina Rathcormack Cork Higgins Charles Curraghprevin Rathcormack Cork Higgins James Aunamihoonagh Rathcormack Cork Higgins Thomas Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Hoare James Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Hoare Michael Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Hogan Daniel Vil of Rathcormack Bridge S,Bridgeland Rathcormack Cork Hogan David Toberaneague Rathcormack Cork Hogan Jeremiah Ballynahina Rathcormack Cork Hogan William Toberaneague Rathcormack Cork Horgan Abigail Kilshannig, Lower Rathcormack Cork Horgan Michael Shanaclough Rathcormack Cork Howard Michael Terramount Rathcormack Cork Hughes James Curraghprevin Rathcormack Cork Hurley Edmund Vil of Rathcormack Bridge S,Bridgeland Rathcormack Cork Hurley John Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Hurley Thomas Behernagh, Lower Rathcormack Cork Hurley Timothy Rathcormack Carey's Lane, Rathcormack Cork Ivis John Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Jones Catherine Rathcormack, Bridge St,(Bridgeland) Rathcormack Cork Jones Henry Behernagh, Upper Rathcormack Cork Jones Richard Glanreagh Rathcormack Cork Jordan Margaret Glanreagh Rathcormack Cork Kearney Michael Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Keeffe Anne Behernagh, Upper Rathcormack Cork Keeffe Arthur Glanakip Rathcormack Cork Keeffe Cornelius Glanakip Rathcormack Cork Keeffe Cornelius Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Keeffe Daniel Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Keeffe Daniel Garrynacole Rathcormack Cork Keeffe Daniel Rathcormack Rathcormack Cork Keeffe Denis Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Keeffe Denis Kilbrien Rathcormack Cork Keeffe Edmund Glanakip Rathcormack Cork Keeffe James Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Keeffe James Maulane, East Rathcormack Cork Keeffe James Mondaniel Rathcormack Cork Keeffe James Toberaneague Rathcormack Cork Keeffe John Curraghprevin Rathcormack Cork Keeffe Margaret Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Keeffe Margaret Raheen Rathcormack Cork Keeffe Michael Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Keeffe Owen Knockaunacorrin Rathcormack Cork Keeffe Owen Moanlahan Rathcormack Cork Keeffe Patrick Ballybrowney, Lower Rathcormack Cork Keeffe Peter Kilbrien Rathcormack Cork Keeffe Roger Rathcormack Quater Lane, Rathcormack Cork Keeffe Thomas Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Keily Margaret Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Keleher John Barranahash Rathcormack Cork Kelly James Kilshannig, Upper Rathcormack Cork Kenefick Richard Toberaneague Rathcormack Cork Kennedy James Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Kennedy William Knockaunacorrin Rathcormack Cork Kenneiry James Vil of Rathcormack Bridge S,Bridgeland Rathcormack Cork Kinealy Jane Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Kinealy John Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Kinnealy James Rathcormack, Bridge St,(Bridgeland) Rathcormack Cork Kinsella William Kildinan Rathcormack Cork Kirby Lucianna Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Komasney Michael Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Lane John Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Lane Patrick Rathcormack Carey's Lane, Rathcormack Cork Lane Roger Behernagh, Upper Rathcormack Cork Launders Bartholomew Rathcormack Pound Lane, Rathcormack Cork Lawton Margaret Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Leahy Owen Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Leary Michael Rathcormack Dispensary Lan, Rathcormack Cork Leonard Johanna Portduff Rathcormack Cork Leonard Thomas Toberaneague Rathcormack Cork Leyden George Curraghteemore Rathcormack Cork Leydon George Kilshannig, Lower Rathcormack Cork Lloyd Anne Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Lomasney Cornelius Ballyready Rathcormack Cork Lonergan Cornelius Rathcormack Mountain Rathcormack Cork Lonergan John Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Lonergan John Rathcormack Mountain Rathcormack Cork Long Michael Kildinan Rathcormack Cork Longstaff Joseph Lisnagardemesne Rathcormack Cork Longstaff Joseph Rathcormack Rathcormack Cork Longstaff Joseph Rathcormack Dispensary Lan, Rathcormack Cork Longstaff Joseph Rathcormack Quater Lane, Rathcormack Cork Lotty Allen Rathcormack Quater Lane, Rathcormack Cork Lyons Eliza Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Lyons Margaret Rathcormack Carey's Lane, Rathcormack Cork Mackey Margaret Glanakip Rathcormack Cork Mackey Thomas Aunamihoonagh Rathcormack Cork Madden Timothy Ballybrowney, Lower Rathcormack Cork Magner John Glanreagh Rathcormack Cork Magner Michael Portduff Rathcormack Cork Mahony David Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Mahony David Moanlahan Rathcormack Cork Mahony Denis Moanlahan Rathcormack Cork Mahony John Moanlahan Rathcormack Cork Mann Mary Garrynacole Rathcormack Cork Mann Mary Kilbrien Rathcormack Cork Mannis Edmond Vil of Rathcormack Bridge S,Bridgeland Rathcormack Cork Mannix Mary Rathcormack Dispensary Lan, Rathcormack Cork Manseragh Thomas Rathcormack Quater Lane, Rathcormack Cork Martin Margaret Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Mc Auliffe Jeremiah Curraghprevin Rathcormack Cork Mc Carthy Charles Shanavagha Rathcormack Cork Mc Carthy Denis Behernagh, Lower Rathcormack Cork Mc Carthy James Rathcormack, Bridge St,(Bridgeland) Rathcormack Cork Mc Grath Mary Village of Rathcormack: Mill St,Knockaduff Rathcormack Cork Meehan John Terramount Rathcormack Cork Meehan Moragan Village of Rathcormack: Mill St,Knockaduff Rathcormack Cork Meehan Thomas Village of Rathcormack: Mill St,Knockaduff Rathcormack Cork Melton John Rathcormack Quater Lane, Rathcormack Cork Melton Robert Rathcormack Quater Lane, Rathcormack Cork Miles John Barranahash Rathcormack Cork Minahan Jeremiah Rathcormack Quater Lane, Rathcormack Cork Minahan Patrick Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Moore David Rathcormack Dispensary Lan, Rathcormack Cork Moore Michael Rathcormack Quater Lane, Rathcormack Cork Morgan Edward Coolea Rathcormack Cork Morley John Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Morley Thomas Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Moroney John Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Morrisson Patrick Raheen Rathcormack Cork Moylan Michael Vil of Rathcormack Bridge S,Bridgeland Rathcormack Cork Mulachy Patrick Kilshannig, Lower Rathcormack Cork Mulcahy Patrick Curraghteemore Rathcormack Cork Munn Neil Kildinan Rathcormack Cork Murnane Denis Maulane, East Rathcormack Cork Murphy James Moanlahan Rathcormack Cork Murphy James Raheen Rathcormack Cork Murphy Jeremiah Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Murphy Jeremiah Kilbrien Rathcormack Cork Murphy John Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Murphy John Kilshannig, Lower Rathcormack Cork Murphy John Vil of Rathcormack Bridge S,Bridgeland Rathcormack Cork Murphy Joseph Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Murphy Michael Moanlahan Rathcormack Cork Murphy Michael Shanbally Rathcormack Cork Murphy Patrick Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Murphy Sarah Rathcormack Pound Lane, Rathcormack Cork Murphy Sarah Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Murphy Timothy Raheen Rathcormack Cork Murray Ellen Rathcormack, Bridge St,(Bridgeland) Rathcormack Cork Nagle David Rathcormack Quater Lane, Rathcormack Cork Nagle Ellen Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Nagle Garret Village of Rathcormack: Mill St,Knockaduff Rathcormack Cork Nagle James Rathcormack Carey's Lane, Rathcormack Cork Nagle John Rathcormack, Bridge St,(Bridgeland) Rathcormack Cork Nassau J. G. Loughaphreaghaun Rathcormack Cork Nassau John G. Terramount Rathcormack Cork Neill Edmund Behernagh, Upper Rathcormack Cork Nelligan Ellen Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Nelligan Maurice Vil of Rathcormack Bridge S,Bridgeland Rathcormack Cork Nolan Patrick Rathcormack Dispensary Lan, Rathcormack Cork Noonan Denis Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Noonan Mary Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Nugent Maurice Moanlahan Rathcormack Cork O'Brien Mary Village of Rathcormack: Mill St,Knockaduff Rathcormack Cork O'Brien Rev. Morgan Maulane, East Rathcormack Cork O'Brien Rev. Morgan Maulane, West Rathcormack Cork O'Connell William Rathcormack Rathcormack Cork O'Connell William Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork O'Connell William Village of Rathcormack: Mill St,Knockaduff Rathcormack Cork O'Donovan Rev. Charles Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork O'Donovan Rev. Chas. Rathcormack Rathcormack Cork O'Gorman Patrick Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork O'Hea Michael Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork O'Keeffe Roger Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Pigot Patrick Rathcormack, Bridge St,(Bridgeland) Rathcormack Cork Power John Barranahash Rathcormack Cork Power Joseph Behernagh, Upper Rathcormack Cork Pratt James Barranahash Rathcormack Cork Prender James Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Prior Rev. John Rathcormack Rathcormack Cork Purcell William Ballyglissane Rathcormack Cork Quinlan Bartholomew Moanlahan Rathcormack Cork Quinlan Bartholomew Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Quinlan Jeremiah Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Quirk David Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Quirk John Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Quirk Thomas Glanakip Rathcormack Cork Reardon Patrick Ballybrowney, Lower Rathcormack Cork Reardon Patrick Maulane, East Rathcormack Cork Reeves Edward Ballyglissane Rathcormack Cork Reeves Edward Gneeves Rathcormack Cork Regan Honoria Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Regan Jeremiah Behernagh, Upper Rathcormack Cork Riversdale Viscount Kilbrien Rathcormack Cork Riversdale Viscount Lisnagardemesne Rathcormack Cork Riversdale Viscount Maulane, East Rathcormack Cork Riversdale Viscount Rathcormack Rathcormack Cork Riversdale Viscount Rathcormack Dispensary Lan, Rathcormack Cork Riversdale Viscount Rathcormack Mountain Rathcormack Cork Riversdale Viscount Rathcormack Pound Lane, Rathcormack Cork Riversdale Viscount Vil of Rathcormack Bridge S,Bridgeland Rathcormack Cork Riversdale Vuscount Rathcormack Mountain Rathcormack Cork Roche Anne Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Roche Daniel Maulane, West Rathcormack Cork Roche E. B. Behernagh, Lower Rathcormack Cork Roche E. B. Behernagh, Upper Rathcormack Cork Roche E. B. Gearagh Rathcormack Cork Roche E. B. Shanbally Rathcormack Cork Roche Edmund Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Roche Edmund B. Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Roche Edmund B. Kildinan Rathcormack Cork Roche Edmund B. Knockaunacorrin Rathcormack Cork Roche Edmund B. Moanlahan Rathcormack Cork Roche Edmund B. Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Roche James Ballyready Rathcormack Cork Roche John Curraghprevin Rathcormack Cork Roche John Gearagh Rathcormack Cork Roche Margaret Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Roche Maurice Curraghprevin Rathcormack Cork Roche Maurice Moanlahan Rathcormack Cork Roche Michael Shanavagha Rathcormack Cork Roche Patrick Moanlahan Rathcormack Cork Roche Patrick, Jr. Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Roche Patrick, Sr. Mullenataura Rathcormack Cork Roche Tobias Curraghprevin Rathcormack Cork Roche William Gearagh Rathcormack Cork Ross John Mondaniel Rathcormack Cork Ryan Denis Ballynahina Rathcormack Cork Ryan Jeremiah Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Ryan Michael Maulane, West Rathcormack Cork Sacnnell Margaret Lisnagardemesne Rathcormack Cork Scannell Jeremiah Maulane, East Rathcormack Cork Scannell John Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Scannell Patrick Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Scannell Patrick Curraghprevin Rathcormack Cork Scaworth John Ballybrowney, Lower Rathcormack Cork Scully Thomas Rathcormack Carey's Lane, Rathcormack Cork Seaworth John Ballybrowney, Lower Rathcormack Cork Sheehan Cornelius Behernagh, Lower Rathcormack Cork Sheehan Honoria Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Sheehan Rev. Amurice Maulane, West Rathcormack Cork Sheehan Rev. Maurice Maulane, East Rathcormack Cork Shinnick John Curraghprevin Rathcormack Cork Simcox Margaret Rathcormack, Bridge St,(Bridgeland) Rathcormack Cork Smith Anne Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Spillane Alice Ballybrowney, Lower Rathcormack Cork Spillane Denis Ballybrowney, Lower Rathcormack Cork Spillane Honoria Garrynacole Rathcormack Cork Spillane Honoria Kilbrien Rathcormack Cork Spillane John Mondaniel Rathcormack Cork Spillane Margaret Barranahash Rathcormack Cork Spillane Thaddeus Shanavagha Rathcormack Cork Sullivan Bartholomew Maulane, West Rathcormack Cork Sullivan James Curraghprevin Rathcormack Cork Sullivan Patrick Curraghprevin Rathcormack Cork Sullivan Patrick Rathcormack, Bridge St,(Bridgeland) Rathcormack Cork Sullivan Simon Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Sullivan Thomas Ballynahina Rathcormack Cork Sullivan Timothy Glannagaul Rathcormack Cork Sullivan Timothy Rathcormack Mountain Rathcormack Cork Sweeny Roger Village of Rathcormack: Mill St,Knockaduff Rathcormack Cork Sweeny William Village of Rathcormack: Mill St,Knockaduff Rathcormack Cork Tankard Robert Ballybrowney, Mountain Rathcormack Cork Tennent Charles Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork Terry David Barranahash Rathcormack Cork Thompson Francis H. Rathcormack Rathcormack Cork Tohill John Ballynahina Rathcormack Cork Toohill David Glanakip Rathcormack Cork Toohill Denis Glanakip Rathcormack Cork Toohill Edmund Glanakip Rathcormack Cork Toohill James Curraghprevin Rathcormack Cork Toohill Michael Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Tuomy Jeremiah Moanlahan Rathcormack Cork Wallace Edmund Behernagh, Lower Rathcormack Cork Walsh Catherine Coolnakilla Rathcormack Cork Walsh Edmund Behernagh, Lower Rathcormack Cork Walsh John Ballynahina Rathcormack Cork Walsh Mary Ballynagore Rathcormack Cork Walsh Richard Kilshannig, Lower Rathcormack Cork Walsh Timothy Village of Rathcormack: Main St Rathcormack Cork White Edmund Rathcormack, Bridge St,(Bridgeland) Rathcormack Cork Wilson James Ballybrowney, Upper Rathcormack Cork