Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Ahern Johannah Kilkerran, South Ringrone Cork B. Bernard R. Coolmain Ringrone Cork Banfield Thomas, Esq. Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Barrett James Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Barrett James Glanavirane Ringrone Cork Barrett Patrick Clonbonig Ringrone Cork Barry Edward Kilnacloona Ringrone Cork Barry Robert Ballyhander Ringrone Cork Beamish Thomas Ringfinnan Ringrone Cork Board Ballast Downmacpatrick or Oldhead Ringrone Cork Bohan Catherine Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Bohan Francis Currahoo Ringrone Cork Bohan Honoria Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Bohan John Coolbane Ringrone Cork Bohan John, Jr. Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Bohan John, Sr. Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Bohan Timothy Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Bohane Daniel Ringrone Ringrone Cork Bohane Denis Castlepark Ringrone Cork Bohane Ellen Ringrone Ringrone Cork Bohane Frances Ringrone Ringrone Cork Bohane Francis Ringrone Ringrone Cork Bohane John Castlelands Ringrone Cork Bohane John Ringrone Ringrone Cork Bohane Thomas Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Bohane Timothy Lispatrick, Upper Ringrone Cork Bolton Mary Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Boreman Jeremiah Glanavaud Ringrone Cork Brien Catherine Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Brien Honoria Ardkilly Ringrone Cork Brien Jeremiah Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Brien John Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Brien John Currarane Ringrone Cork Brien Mary, Jr. Garrylucas Ringrone Cork Brien Timothy Currahoo Ringrone Cork Brien Timothy Dromdough Ringrone Cork Browne Bridget Oldcourt Ringrone Cork Bryan Jeremiah Castlepark Ringrone Cork Bryan John Castlepark Ringrone Cork Bryan Michael Castlepark Ringrone Cork Buckley Daniel Castlepark Ringrone Cork Bullen John Ballyhander Ringrone Cork Bullen Rep. Joseph Ballyhander Ringrone Cork Bullen Rep. Joseph Dromdough Ringrone Cork Bullen William Ballyhander Ringrone Cork Burchill Johanna Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Butler James Pikesland Ringrone Cork Butler John Pikesland Ringrone Cork Butler Timothy Ballinroe Ringrone Cork Canniff John Castlepark Ringrone Cork Carthy Johannah Kilkerran, South Ringrone Cork Carthy John Kilkerran, North Ringrone Cork Carthy John Kilnacloona Ringrone Cork Carty James Carrigavulleen Ringrone Cork Carty John Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Carty John Coolmain Ringrone Cork Carty Michael Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Carty Michael Coolmain Ringrone Cork Carty Michael Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Clayton Patrick Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Cleary Timothy Garrylucas Ringrone Cork Coghlan Daniel Ballyhander Ringrone Cork Coghlan Daniel Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Coghlan Daniel Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Coghlan Denis Coolbane Ringrone Cork Coghlan James Kilkerran, South Ringrone Cork Coghlan James Knocknabinny Ringrone Cork Coghlan Jeremiah Knocknabinny Ringrone Cork Coghlan John Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Coghlan John Coolbane Ringrone Cork Coghlan Patrick Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Coghlan Patrick Bawnea Ringrone Cork Coghlan Timothy Bawnea Ringrone Cork Coghlan Timothy Kilnacloona Ringrone Cork Coghlan Timothy Knocknabinny Ringrone Cork Coleman Daniel Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Coleman John Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Collins Daniel Garrylucas Ringrone Cork Collins Denis Ballynidow Ringrone Cork Collins Denis Oldcourt Ringrone Cork Collins Ellen Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Collins James Castlepark Ringrone Cork Collins Jeremiah Ardkilly Ringrone Cork Collins Johanna Castlepark Ringrone Cork Collins John Garranereagh Ringrone Cork Collins Joseph Castlepark Ringrone Cork Collins Michael Coolmain Ringrone Cork Collins Patrick Oldcourt Ringrone Cork Connell Daniel Bawnea Ringrone Cork Connell Michael Knocknabinny Ringrone Cork Connelly Michael Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Connolly Catherine Coolmain Ringrone Cork Connolly Ellen Coolmain Ringrone Cork Connolly Jeremiah Ballinspittle Ringrone Cork Connolly Jeremiah Castlepark Ringrone Cork Connolly Jeremiah Lispatrick, Upper Ringrone Cork Connolly John Ballinvredig Ringrone Cork Connor John Kilkerran, North Ringrone Cork Connor Timothy Carrigavulleen Ringrone Cork Connor Timothy Kilnacloona Ringrone Cork Connor William Kilnacloona Ringrone Cork Corcoran Catherine Oldcourt Ringrone Cork Corcoran William Kilkerran, North Ringrone Cork Cornwall William Ballinspittle Ringrone Cork Courcey Edward Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Courcey Edward Currahoo Ringrone Cork Courcey Garrett Garranereagh Ringrone Cork Courcey William Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Cowhig Patrick Ballinvredig Ringrone Cork Cremin Johannah Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Cronan Judith Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Cronin Denis Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Cronin Jeremiah Coolmain Ringrone Cork Crowley Honoria Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Crowley James Ballinspittle Ringrone Cork Crowley Jeremiah Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Crowley Jeremiah Clonbonig Ringrone Cork Crowley John Ardkilly Ringrone Cork Crowley Laurence Kilkerran, North Ringrone Cork Crowley Luke Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Crowley Margaret Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Crowley Patrick Garranereagh Ringrone Cork Crowne John Oldcourt Ringrone Cork Cullinan Daniel Coolbane Ringrone Cork Cummins Bartholomew Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Cummins Denis Ringfinnan Ringrone Cork Cummins Ellen Ringfinnan Ringrone Cork Cummins Francis Castlepark Ringrone Cork Cummins Jeremiah Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Cummins Johanna Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Cummins John Castlepark Ringrone Cork Cummins John Ringfinnan Ringrone Cork Cummins Lawrence Ringfinnan Ringrone Cork Cuthbert Thomas, Esq. Coolyrahilly Ringrone Cork Dacey Jeremiah Ringrone Ringrone Cork Dacey William Castlepark Ringrone Cork Daly Daniel Ardkilly Ringrone Cork Daly David Kilkerran, South Ringrone Cork Daly Edward, Esq. Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Daly Edward, Esq. Lispatrick, Upper Ringrone Cork Daly Honoria Kilkerran, North Ringrone Cork Daly John Currahoo Ringrone Cork Daly Patrick Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Deasy Honoria Kilkerran, North Ringrone Cork Deasy James Bawnea Ringrone Cork Deasy James Kilkerran, North Ringrone Cork Deasy Jeremiah Coolmain Ringrone Cork Deasy John Dromdough Ringrone Cork Deasy William Dromdough Ringrone Cork Dempsey Daniel Ballydownis Ringrone Cork Dempsey Daniel, Jr. Lispatrick, Upper Ringrone Cork Dempsey Daniel, Sr. Islands Ringrone Cork Dempsey Daniel, Sr. Lispatrick, Upper Ringrone Cork Dempsey John Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Dempsey John Oldcourt Ringrone Cork Dempsey Timothy Lispatrick, Upper Ringrone Cork Dempsey William Islands Ringrone Cork Dempsey William Lispatrick, Upper Ringrone Cork Dennis David Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Desmond Denis Castlepark Ringrone Cork Desmond Jeremiah Castlepark Ringrone Cork Desmond Judith Castlepark Ringrone Cork Desmond Michael Castlepark Ringrone Cork Desmond Timothy Coolmain Ringrone Cork Desmond William Ballinspittle Ringrone Cork Dinneen Johannah Oldcourt Ringrone Cork Donohoe Catherine Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Donohoe Jeremiah Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Donohoe Timothy Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Donovan Bartholomew Ballinroe Ringrone Cork Donovan Bartholomew Ballinroe East Ringrone Cork Donovan Bartholomew Bawnea Ringrone Cork Donovan Bartholomew Carrigavulleen Ringrone Cork Donovan Barthomomew Coolmain Ringrone Cork Donovan Catherine Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Donovan Catherine Carrigavulleen Ringrone Cork Donovan Cornelius Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Donovan Daniel Garranereagh Ringrone Cork Donovan Daniel Glanavaud Ringrone Cork Donovan Daniel Kilkerran, North Ringrone Cork Donovan Denis Coolmain Ringrone Cork Donovan Denis Kilkerran, South Ringrone Cork Donovan Denis Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Donovan Jeremiah Ballyhander Ringrone Cork Donovan Jeremiah Bawnea Ringrone Cork Donovan Jeremiah Coolmain Ringrone Cork Donovan Jeremiah Garranereagh Ringrone Cork Donovan John Ardkilly Ringrone Cork Donovan John Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Donovan John Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Donovan John Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Donovan John Lispatrick, Upper Ringrone Cork Donovan Judith Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Donovan Judith Currarane Ringrone Cork Donovan Julia Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Donovan Laurence Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Donovan Malachi Castlepark Ringrone Cork Donovan Malachi Old-Fort Ringrone Cork Donovan Mary Bawnea Ringrone Cork Donovan Patrick Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Donovan Patrick Ballynidow Ringrone Cork Donovan Patrick Bawnea Ringrone Cork Donovan Patrick Castlepark Ringrone Cork Donovan Patrick Dromdough Ringrone Cork Donovan Patrick Glanavirane Ringrone Cork Donovan Patrick Kilkerran, North Ringrone Cork Donovan Patrick Old-Fort Ringrone Cork Donovan Timothy Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Donovan Timothy Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Donovan Timothy Coolmain Ringrone Cork Donovan Timothy Minane Island,Islands Ringrone Cork Dowden Richard Garranereagh Ringrone Cork Downey Timothy Ballinspittle Ringrone Cork Driscoll Bartholomew Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Driscoll Daniel Carrigcannon Ringrone Cork Driscoll Daniel Coolmain Ringrone Cork Driscoll Daniel Glanavaud Ringrone Cork Driscoll Denis Lispatrick, Upper Ringrone Cork Driscoll Jeremiah Ringrone Ringrone Cork Driscoll Johanna Coolmain Ringrone Cork Driscoll John Ballinvredig Ringrone Cork Driscoll John Currarane Ringrone Cork Driscoll John Kilkerran, North Ringrone Cork Driscoll Michael Ballymacaw Ringrone Cork Driscoll Patrick Castlepark Ringrone Cork Driscoll Thomas Coolmain Ringrone Cork Dudley Mary Castlepark Ringrone Cork Elmore Hereules Ballinspittle Ringrone Cork Falvey Bartholomew Castlepark Ringrone Cork Farmer Edward Ballinspittle Ringrone Cork Fielding Cornelius Castlepark Ringrone Cork Fielding John Castlepark Ringrone Cork Fielding Maurice Carrigcannon Ringrone Cork Fielding Maurice Coolmain Ringrone Cork Fiffe Catherine Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Fitzgerald Edward Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Fitzgerald Edward Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Fitzgerald Ellen Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Fitzgerald Hannah Ballinspittle Ringrone Cork Fitzgerald James Coolmain Ringrone Cork Fitzgerald John Coolmain Ringrone Cork Fitzgerald Patrick Ballinspittle Ringrone Cork Fitzgerald Patrick Coolbane Ringrone Cork Fitzgerald Timothy Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Fleming Edward Clonbonig Ringrone Cork Flynn John Bawnea Ringrone Cork Flynn Maurice Castlelands Ringrone Cork Foley Jeremiah Dromdough Ringrone Cork Foley John Garranereagh Ringrone Cork Ford Daniel Garrylucas Ringrone Cork Ford John Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Galavan Denis Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Galavan Jeremiah Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Galavan Judith Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Galavan Mathew Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Galavan Matthew Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Galvin Jeremiah Castlepark Ringrone Cork Garde John Currahoo Ringrone Cork Geary Thomas Oldcourt Ringrone Cork Geran Catherine Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Gibbons James B. Carrigavulleen Ringrone Cork Gibbons James B., Esq. Ballymacredmond Ringrone Cork Gibbons James B., Esq. Kilkerran, South Ringrone Cork Gibbons Jason B., Esq. Ballinspittle Ringrone Cork Gillman John Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Gillman John Downmacpatrick or Oldhead Ringrone Cork Gillman John Minaneboy,Islands Ringrone Cork Gilman Hill Ardkilly Ringrone Cork Gilman James Castlepark Ringrone Cork Gilman John Ardkilly Ringrone Cork Gilman John Ballymacaw Ringrone Cork Gilman Neill Ardkilly Ringrone Cork Gilman Richard Ardkilly Ringrone Cork Grady Michael Carrigcannon Ringrone Cork Greany Cornelius Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Griffin Catherine Ballinspittle Ringrone Cork Griffin Denis Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Griffin Ellen Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Griffin John Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Griffin John Ballinvredig Ringrone Cork Griffin John Coolbane Ringrone Cork Griffin John Oldcourt Ringrone Cork Griffin John, Sr. Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Griffin Maurice Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Griffin Michael Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Griffin Patrick Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Griffin Patrick Ballinspittle Ringrone Cork Griffin Thomas Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Griffin Timothy Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Griffith John Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Guard Coast Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Hagarty Patrick Castlepark Ringrone Cork Halahan David Pikesland Ringrone Cork Halahan John Pikesland Ringrone Cork Hallahan Mary Dromdough Ringrone Cork Hannin Margaret Ardkilly Ringrone Cork Hannon Daniel Ringrone Ringrone Cork Hannon James Ringrone Ringrone Cork Hannon Jeremiah Knocknabinny Ringrone Cork Hannon Jeremiah Pikesland Ringrone Cork Hannon Margaret Ringrone Ringrone Cork Harrington Cornelius Ardkilly Ringrone Cork Harrington Cornelius Garranereagh Ringrone Cork Harrington Cornelius Glanavaud Ringrone Cork Harrington Ellen Currahoo Ringrone Cork Harrington James Carrigavulleen Ringrone Cork Harrington Michael Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Hayes Cornelius Castlepark Ringrone Cork Hayes Cornelius Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Hayes James Lispatrick, Upper Ringrone Cork Hayes James Ringrone Ringrone Cork Hayes Jeremiah Oldcourt Ringrone Cork Hayes John Ballinspittle Ringrone Cork Hayes Mary Castlepark Ringrone Cork Hayes Patrick Knocknabinny Ringrone Cork Hayes Timothy Ardkilly Ringrone Cork Healy Maurice Garrylucas Ringrone Cork Hennessy Patrick Coolmain Ringrone Cork Hodnett James Coolbane Ringrone Cork Hodnett John Coolbane Ringrone Cork Hogan Jeremiah Castlepark Ringrone Cork Hogan John Castlelands Ringrone Cork Hogan John Castlepark Ringrone Cork Hogan Patrick Castlepark Ringrone Cork Holland Daniel Coolmain Ringrone Cork Holland Jeremiah Ballinspittle Ringrone Cork Horgan Daniel Ballinspittle Ringrone Cork Horgan Jeremiah Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Hourican John Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Howe James R., Esq. Glanavirane Ringrone Cork Howe Sidney Currarane Ringrone Cork Howe Sidney Garranereagh Ringrone Cork Hunt Armiger Ballyhander Ringrone Cork Hunt Francis Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Hurley Denis Coolmain Ringrone Cork Hurley Denis Currarane Ringrone Cork Hurley Denis, Sr. Currarane Ringrone Cork Hurley John Currarane Ringrone Cork Hurley Timothy Currarane Ringrone Cork Hurley Timothy Kilkerran, South Ringrone Cork Hussey Henry Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Hussey Robert Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Jagoe Richard Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Jenkins James Coolbane Ringrone Cork Jenkins James K. Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Johnston John Oldcourt Ringrone Cork Kane Daniel Castlelands Ringrone Cork Kane Maurice Castlelands Ringrone Cork Kearney John C., Esq. Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Kearney Rep. John C. Ballymacaw Ringrone Cork Keeffe James Carrigavulleen Ringrone Cork Kelly James Oldcourt Ringrone Cork Kelly John Oldcourt Ringrone Cork Kelly Thomas Oldcourt Ringrone Cork Kennegan Thomas Clonbonig Ringrone Cork Keoghan Denis Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Keoghan Timothy Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Keohan Jeremiah Garranereagh Ringrone Cork Keohan Jeremiah Glanavaud Ringrone Cork Keohan John Clonbonig Ringrone Cork Keohan Timothy Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Kerrigan James Castlepark Ringrone Cork Kerrigan Martin Castlepark Ringrone Cork Kerrigan Patrick Castlepark Ringrone Cork Kiely John Clonbonig Ringrone Cork Kingsale Lord ??? Kilkerran, North Ringrone Cork Kingsale Lord ??? Knocknabinny Ringrone Cork Kingston James Lispatrick, Upper Ringrone Cork Kingston Jeremiah Lispatrick, Upper Ringrone Cork Kinsale Lord ??? Ballyrub Ringrone Cork Kirby Timothy Ballydownis Ringrone Cork Kirby Timothy Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Korane John Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Lambert Thomas Kilnacloona Ringrone Cork Leahy Mar Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Leary Cornelius Castlepark Ringrone Cork Leary Denis Dromdough Ringrone Cork Leary Denis, Jr. Dromdough Ringrone Cork Leary Ellen Carrigcannon Ringrone Cork Leary Jeremiah Carrigcannon Ringrone Cork Leary Jeremiah Lispatrick, Upper Ringrone Cork Leary John Carrigcannon Ringrone Cork Leary John Castlepark Ringrone Cork Leary John Currarane Ringrone Cork Leary John Dromdough Ringrone Cork Leary John Glanavaud Ringrone Cork Leary Mary Dromdough Ringrone Cork Leary Stephen Ballinspittle Ringrone Cork Leary Timothy Castlepark Ringrone Cork Lenihan Maurcie Carrigcannon Ringrone Cork Leonard Margaret Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Leonard Michael Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Lewis John Currahoo Ringrone Cork Long Edward Acres Ringrone Cork Long Patrick Castlepark Ringrone Cork Lorden Bartholomew Kilkerran, North Ringrone Cork Lorden Cornelius Kilkerran, North Ringrone Cork Louth John, Esq. Oldcourt Ringrone Cork Lumbard Thomas Currahoo Ringrone Cork Lynch Michael Carrigavulleen Ringrone Cork Lyons Bartholomew Ballymackean Ringrone Cork M'Carthy Callaghan Castlepark Ringrone Cork M'Carthy Charles Ardkilly Ringrone Cork M'Carthy Charles Ballynidow Ringrone Cork M'Carthy Cornelius Castlepark Ringrone Cork M'Carthy Daniel Castlelands Ringrone Cork M'Carthy Daniel Castlepark Ringrone Cork M'Carthy Denis Ardkilly Ringrone Cork M'Carthy Jeremiah Ardkilly Ringrone Cork M'Carthy John Castlepark Ringrone Cork M'Carthy Patrick Ballynidow Ringrone Cork M'Carthy Timothy Castlepark Ringrone Cork M'Keever Hugh Ardkilly Ringrone Cork Madden Cornelius Garranereagh Ringrone Cork Madden James Ballyhander Ringrone Cork Madden John Coolmain Ringrone Cork Madden Matthew Coolmain Ringrone Cork Madden Michael Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Madden Robert Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Madden Thomas Ballyrub Ringrone Cork Mahony Catherine Kilnacloona Ringrone Cork Mahony Cornelius Pikesland Ringrone Cork Mahony Daniel Coolmain Ringrone Cork Mahony Denis Ballinspittle Ringrone Cork Mahony Jeremiah Lispatrick, Upper Ringrone Cork Mahony John Ballinspittle Ringrone Cork Mahony John Coolmain Ringrone Cork Mahony John Ringrone Ringrone Cork Mahony Kean Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Mahony Timothy Ballinvredig Ringrone Cork Mangan Michael Ballynidow Ringrone Cork Manning Cornelius Garrylucas Ringrone Cork Manning Daniel Coolmain Ringrone Cork Manning Honoria Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Manning William Downmacpatrick or Oldhead Ringrone Cork Mansfield Garrett Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Martin John Coolmain Ringrone Cork Martin John Currahoo Ringrone Cork Martin John Knocknabinny Ringrone Cork Martin Mary Ardkilly Ringrone Cork Martin Michael Ardkilly Ringrone Cork Martin Timothy Castlepark Ringrone Cork Mc Carthy Callaghan Coolbane Ringrone Cork Mc Carthy Daniel Currahoo Ringrone Cork Mc Carthy Denis Ballinvredig Ringrone Cork Mc Carthy Denis Garrylucas Ringrone Cork Mc Carthy Jeremiah Currahoo Ringrone Cork Mc Carthy Jeremiah Kilnacloona Ringrone Cork Mc Carthy John Carrigcannon Ringrone Cork Mc Carthy Mary Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Mc Carthy Rep. Daniel Ballyhander Ringrone Cork Mc Carthy Rev. Charles Ballinspittle Ringrone Cork Mc Carthy Timothy Knocknabinny Ringrone Cork Mc Cullagh Duncan Glanavirane Ringrone Cork Meenig Ellen Ballinvredig Ringrone Cork Meenig Michael Currahoo Ringrone Cork Meenig Thomas Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Mehigan David Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Minahan Mary Ballyhander Ringrone Cork Minchin John Coolmain Ringrone Cork Minihan Cornelius Glanavaud Ringrone Cork Moloney Edward Coolbane Ringrone Cork Molony Timothy Garrylucas Ringrone Cork Moore William Kilkerran, South Ringrone Cork Morgan Ellen Castlepark Ringrone Cork Morgan Matthew Castlepark Ringrone Cork Murphy Bartholomew Currarane Ringrone Cork Murphy Daniel Glanavirane Ringrone Cork Murphy Denis Coolmain Ringrone Cork Murphy Jeremiah Ballydownis Ringrone Cork Murphy Jeremiah Kilkerran, North Ringrone Cork Murphy John Coolmain Ringrone Cork Murphy John Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Murphy John, Jr. Ballydownis Ringrone Cork Murphy John, Sr. Ballydownis Ringrone Cork Murphy Margaret Coolmain Ringrone Cork Murphy Michael Currahoo Ringrone Cork Murphy Patrick Castlepark Ringrone Cork Murphy Peter Kilkerran, North Ringrone Cork Murphy Thomas Ardkilly Ringrone Cork Murraay Timothy Garrylucas Ringrone Cork Murray Bartholomew Knocknabinny Ringrone Cork Murray Catherine Ballyhander Ringrone Cork Murray Jeremiah Garrylucas Ringrone Cork Murray Johannah Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Murray John Garrylucas Ringrone Cork Murray John, Sr. Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Murray Margaret Garrylucas Ringrone Cork Murray Michael Ballynidow Ringrone Cork Murray Michael Garrylucas Ringrone Cork Murray Patrick Garrylucas Ringrone Cork Murray Richard Garrylucas Ringrone Cork Murray Thomas Knocknabinny Ringrone Cork Murray Timothy Ballinspittle Ringrone Cork Murray Timothy Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Murray Timothy Carrigavulleen Ringrone Cork Murray Timothy Garrylucas Ringrone Cork Murray William Ballynidow Ringrone Cork Murray William Garrylucas Ringrone Cork Murray William Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Nagle John Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Nagle John Ringrone Ringrone Cork Nagle Maurice Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Nagle Richard Castlepark Ringrone Cork Nagle Richard Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Nash Rev. George Ballincurrig Ringrone Cork Neehane Mauriel Ardkilly Ringrone Cork Neill Cornelius Castlepark Ringrone Cork Neill Cornelius Garranereagh Ringrone Cork Neill Daniel Castlepark Ringrone Cork Neville Cornelius Glanavaud Ringrone Cork Nihaan James Castlepark Ringrone Cork Nugent Edward Bawnea Ringrone Cork Nyhan Catherine Coolbane Ringrone Cork O'Brien Jeremiah Coolbane Ringrone Cork O'Connor Rev. William Ballinspittle Ringrone Cork O'Neill Margaret Ballinspittle Ringrone Cork Owen Michael Knocknabinny Ringrone Cork Owen Patrick Ballyrub Ringrone Cork Peed Richard Carrigavulleen Ringrone Cork Peters William Bawnea Ringrone Cork Quin Catherine Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Quin Timothy Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Quin William Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Quinn John Acres Ringrone Cork Quinn Timothy Acres Ringrone Cork Quinn Timothy, Jr. Ringrone Ringrone Cork Quinn Timothy, Sr. Ringrone Ringrone Cork Quirk Matthew Garranereagh Ringrone Cork Raynard Robert Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Reardon Jeremiah Coolmain Ringrone Cork Reardon Timothy Ringrone Ringrone Cork Regan Bartholomew, Sr. Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Regan Daniel Castlepark Ringrone Cork Regan Elizabeth Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Regan John Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Regan William Castlepark Ringrone Cork Reilly Daniel Castlepark Ringrone Cork Reilly Daniel Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Reilly Michael Castlepark Ringrone Cork Reilly Thomas Castlepark Ringrone Cork Reilly Thomas Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Reynolds William Ardkilly Ringrone Cork Reynolds William Ballymacaw Ringrone Cork Richardson Edmund Carrigavulleen Ringrone Cork Rielly Honoria Castlepark Ringrone Cork Riordan Timothy Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Rochan John Garranereagh Ringrone Cork Rochan Margaret Garranereagh Ringrone Cork Roche Daniel Acres Ringrone Cork Roche Denis Acres Ringrone Cork Roche Edward Garranereagh Ringrone Cork Roche John Acres Ringrone Cork Roche John Castlepark Ringrone Cork Roche John Garranereagh Ringrone Cork Roche John Garrylucas Ringrone Cork Roche Timothy Castlepark Ringrone Cork Rohan Mary Dromdough Ringrone Cork Rood Samuel Ardkilly Ringrone Cork Ryan Daniel Currarane Ringrone Cork Ryan John Dromdough Ringrone Cork Ryder Rev. Joshua Oldcourt Ringrone Cork Scott Hibernicus Coolmain Ringrone Cork Scott Hibernicus Islands Ringrone Cork Shanahan Mary Glanavaud Ringrone Cork Sheehy John Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Sheehy Patrick Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Stafford Bartholomew Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Stamer Catherine Dromdough Ringrone Cork Stanton Patrick Ballyrub Ringrone Cork Stawell Catherine Coolmain Ringrone Cork Stawell Miss Catherine Garranereagh Ringrone Cork Stawell Wm St. L. A., Esq. Bawnea Ringrone Cork Stawell Wm. St. L. A., Esq. Bawnea Ringrone Cork Stawell Wm. St. L. A., Esq. Clonbonig Ringrone Cork Stawell Wm. St. L. A., Esq. Garranereagh Ringrone Cork Steward John Kilnacloona Ringrone Cork Sullivan Bartholomew Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Sullivan Catherine Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Sullivan Cornelius Garranereagh Ringrone Cork Sullivan Denis Coolbane Ringrone Cork Sullivan Ellen Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Sullivan Honoria Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Kilnacloona Ringrone Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork Sullivan John Coolbane Ringrone Cork Sullivan John Kilcolman Ringrone Cork Sullivan Michael Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Sullivan Michael Kilnacloona Ringrone Cork Sullivan William Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Sweeny Jeremiah Garranereagh Ringrone Cork Sweeny Myles Garranereagh Ringrone Cork Tresilian John Currarane Ringrone Cork Walsh Richard Coolyrahilly Ringrone Cork Walsh Thomas Kilnacloona Ringrone Cork Warren John Ardkilly Ringrone Cork Watson Thomas Ballymackean Ringrone Cork White James Castlepark Ringrone Cork White Jeremiah Ballymackean Ringrone Cork White Mary Castlepark Ringrone Cork White Richard Castlepark Ringrone Cork White Thomas Lispatrick, Lower Ringrone Cork White Timothy Ballymackean Ringrone Cork Wyse Thomas, Esq. Carrigcannon Ringrone Cork Wyse Thomas, Esq. Garraneanasig Ringrone Cork Wyse Thomas, Esq. Glanavaud Ringrone Cork