Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Allen Honoria Caheravirane Skull Cork Allen John Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Allen Mary Derrycarhoon Skull Cork Allen William Arderrawinny Skull Cork Alward Francis Ballydehob Skull Cork Alworth Michael Ballybane, West Skull Cork Arundel Patrick Meenvane Skull Cork Arundell John Main St,Skull,(Ardmanagh) Skull Cork Arundell John Main Street, Skull Skull Cork Arundell John Meenvane Skull Cork Atridge Richard Ballydehob Skull Cork Atteridge William Glansallagh Skull Cork Atteridge William Lissacaha Skull Cork Attridge Fanny Lowertown Skull Cork Attridge James Ballydehob Skull Cork Attridge James Coolagh Beg Skull Cork Attridge James Coolagh More Skull Cork Attridge John Coosane Skull Cork Attridge John Lisheennacreagh Skull Cork Attridge Richard Coolagh Beg Skull Cork Attridge Richard Shanavagh Skull Cork Attridge Sarah Lowertown Skull Cork Attridge Thomas Arderrawinny Skull Cork Attridge Thomas Ballydehob Skull Cork Attridge Thomas Caheravirane Skull Cork Attridge Thomas Dunbeacon Skull Cork Attridge Thomas Scrahanyleary Skull Cork Baker John Cappaghglass Skull Cork Baker Mary Cappaghglass Skull Cork Baker Richard Arderrawinny Skull Cork Baker Robert Cappaghglass Skull Cork Baker Thomas Cappaghglass Skull Cork Baker William Cappaghglass Skull Cork Baldwin William Ballydehob Skull Cork Baldwin William Gunpoint Skull Cork Baldwin William Shantullig, South Skull Cork Barnet Timothy Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Barnett Jeremiah Lowertown Skull Cork Barry Edward Kilcomane Skull Cork Barry Eliza Skull Skull Cork Barry Ellen Rathruane More Skull Cork Barry Florence Ballydehob Skull Cork Barry John Ardmanagh Skull Cork Barry John Ballybane, East Skull Cork Barry John Cappagh Beg Skull Cork Barry John Derrylahard Skull Cork Barry John Rathruane Beg Skull Cork Barry Margaret Cove Skull Cork Barry Michael Clashmore Skull Cork Barry Rev. John Shanavagh Skull Cork Barry Robert Derrycarhoon Skull Cork Barry Thomas Ballydehob Skull Cork Barry William Derryfunshion Skull Cork Base Michael Gurteenroe Skull Cork Base Timothy Ardmanagh Skull Cork Base William Glan Skull Cork Beasley Alias Skull Pier Road, Skull Cork Becher Richard Mountgabriel Skull Cork Becher Richard H. Carbery Island Skull Cork Becher Richard H. Furze Island Skull Cork Becher Richard H. Meenteenagour Island Skull Cork Bennett Charles Main Street, Skull Skull Cork Bennett William Main Street, Skull Skull Cork Bennett William Skull Skull Cork Berry John Cappagh Beg Skull Cork Berry Michael Cappagh Beg Skull Cork Berry Richard Cappagh Beg Skull Cork Berry Samuel Cappagh Beg Skull Cork Berry Samuel, Jr. Cappagh Beg Skull Cork Berry Samuel, Sr. Cappagh Beg Skull Cork Bohan Michael Gortnamona Skull Cork Bohun Denis Glan Skull Cork Bost A. B. Lowertown Skull Cork Bourke John Cappaghnacallee Skull Cork Bourke William Cappaghnacallee Skull Cork Boylan James Ballydehob Skull Cork Bradfield Thomas Glan Skull Cork Brian James Ballydehob Skull Cork Bridgeman James Skull Pier Road, Skull Cork Brien Cornelius Foilnamuck Skull Cork Brien Daniel Ardmanagh Skull Cork Brien Daniel Ballybane, East Skull Cork Brien Daniel Ballydehob Skull Cork Brien Daniel Glan Skull Cork Brien Daniel Kilbronoge Skull Cork Brien Ellen Ardmanagh Skull Cork Brien James Meenvane Skull Cork Brien Jeremiah Ballybane, West Skull Cork Brien Jeremiah Rossbrin Skull Cork Brien Johanna Ratooragh Skull Cork Brien John Ballycummisk Skull Cork Brien John Foilnamuck Skull Cork Brien John Kilbronoge Skull Cork Brien Laurence Ballycummisk Skull Cork Brien Mary Ballycummisk Skull Cork Brien Michael Cappaghglass Skull Cork Brien Michael Dunbeacon Skull Cork Brien Patrick Derrycarhoon Skull Cork Brien Patrick Meenvane Skull Cork Brien William Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Brien William Gubbeen Skull Cork Brien William Skull Skull Cork Brien William H. Gubbeen Skull Cork Brooks John Cashelfean Skull Cork Brooks Samuel Cappagh Beg Skull Cork Brown Bartholomew Long Island Skull Cork Brown Bartholomew Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Brown Edmond Shanavagh Skull Cork Brown Fredrick Knock Skull Cork Brown James Skull Skull Cork Brown John Coosheen Skull Cork Brown John Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Brown Patrick Skull Skull Cork Brown Richard Coosheen Skull Cork Browne Courtney Ballydehob Skull Cork Browne Edward Croagh Skull Cork Browne Frederick Croagh Skull Cork Browne Patrick Skull Skull Cork Browne Robert C. Ballydehob Skull Cork Browne Stephen Coney Island Skull Cork Browne Stephen Croagh Skull Cork Browne Thomas Croagh Skull Cork Browne William Ballydehob Skull Cork Bruchill Joseph Main St,Skull,(Ardmanagh) Skull Cork Buckley Martin Skull Pier Road, Skull Cork Burke Florence Derreennalomane Skull Cork Burke James Croagh Skull Cork Burke Johanna Ballydehob Skull Cork Burke John Ratooragh Skull Cork Burke Michael Derreennalomane Skull Cork Burke Michael Gunpoint Skull Cork Burke Richard Dunbeacon Skull Cork Burke Richard Ratooragh Skull Cork Burns John Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Burns Mary Ballybane, West Skull Cork Burns Owen Ballybane, West Skull Cork Butler Michael Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Cadigan Daniel Skull Skull Cork Cahalane Patrick Ballybane, East Skull Cork Cahalane Patrick Ballybane, West Skull Cork Cahalanef Patrick Ballybane, East Skull Cork Callaghan Daniel Ballydehob Skull Cork Callaghan Denis Beakeen Skull Cork Callaghan Denis Gunpoint Skull Cork Callaghan Eugene Croagh Skull Cork Callaghan James Long Island Skull Cork Callaghan Michael Gunpoint Skull Cork Cameire James Lowertown Skull Cork Camiere Julian Scrahanyleary Skull Cork Camiere Julian Skull Skull Cork Camiere William Skull Skull Cork Camierie William Lissacaha Skull Cork Canty Patrick Dunbeacon Skull Cork Cappithorn Henry Shantullig, South Skull Cork Cappithorn John Shantullig, South Skull Cork Cappithorn Mary Cooragurteen Skull Cork Carey Cornelius Cappaghnacallee Skull Cork Carey Patrick Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Carr John Dunbeacon Skull Cork Carthy Charles Lissacaha Skull Cork Carthy Daniel Derryleary Skull Cork Carty Cornelius Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Carty Denis Ballydehob Skull Cork Carty Denis Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Carty John Clashmore Skull Cork Carty Johnathon Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Carty Margaret Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Carty Mary Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Carty Patrick Cove Skull Cork Carty Thomas Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Carty Timothy Skull Skull Cork Cave Thomas S. Ballycummisk Skull Cork Cave Thomas S. Cappaghglass Skull Cork Cave Thomas S. Cushleena Island Skull Cork Cave Thomas S. Foilnamuck Skull Cork Cave Thomas S. Horse Island Skull Cork Caverly James Letter Skull Cork Cleary William Main Street, Skull Skull Cork Clifford Michael Ballydehob Skull Cork Coady John Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Coghlan Catherine Caherolickane Skull Cork Coghlan Cornelius Cappaghglass Skull Cork Coghlan Daniel Derryconnell Skull Cork Coghlan Denis Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Coghlan Grace Gubbeen Skull Cork Coghlan Jeremiah Cappagh More Skull Cork Coghlan Jeremiah Derryconnell Skull Cork Coghlan Jeremiah Letter Skull Cork Coghlan Jeremiah Skull Skull Cork Coghlan John Cappaghglass Skull Cork Coghlan John Derreennaclogh Skull Cork Coghlan Margaret Ballydehob Skull Cork Coghlan Mary Cappaghglass Skull Cork Coghlan Michael Derryconnell Skull Cork Coghlan Michael Letter Skull Cork Coghlan Michael Rathcool Skull Cork Coghlan Timothy Arderrawinny Skull Cork Coghlan Timothy Ballydehob Skull Cork Coghlan William Derryconnell Skull Cork Coghlane Patrick Ballybane, West Skull Cork Cole Alexander Ardmanagh Skull Cork Cole Alexander Main St,Skull,(Ardmanagh) Skull Cork Cole Alexander Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Cole Alexander Meenvane Skull Cork Cole Anne Lowertown Skull Cork Cole Catherine Main Street, Skull Skull Cork Cole Daniel Cove Skull Cork Cole Daniel Gubbeen Skull Cork Cole Richard Skull Skull Cork Colles John Gubbeen Skull Cork Collins Cornelius Cappagh More Skull Cork Collins Cornelius Coolagh Beg Skull Cork Collins Daniel Ballydehob Skull Cork Collins Daniel Barryroe Skull Cork Collins Daniel Foilnamuck Skull Cork Collins Denis Arderrawinny Skull Cork Collins Denis Barryroe Skull Cork Collins Ellen Arderrawinny Skull Cork Collins Ellen Skull Skull Cork Collins James Arderrawinny Skull Cork Collins James Caherlusky Skull Cork Collins Jeremiah Ballycummisk Skull Cork Collins Jeremiah Ballydehob Skull Cork Collins Jeremiah Cappagh More Skull Cork Collins Jeremiah Rossbrin Skull Cork Collins Johanna Ballydehob Skull Cork Collins John Arderrawinny Skull Cork Collins John Ballycummisk Skull Cork Collins John Ballydehob Skull Cork Collins John Barryroe Skull Cork Collins John Shanavagh Skull Cork Collins John, Jr. Arderrawinny Skull Cork Collins Margaret Cappagh More Skull Cork Collins Patrick Barryroe Skull Cork Collins Patrick Rossbrin Skull Cork Collins Timothy Ballycummisk Skull Cork Collins Timothy Cappagh More Skull Cork Collins Timothy Rossbrin Skull Cork Colman John Cappaghnacallee Skull Cork Condon Daniel Cappaghglass Skull Cork Condon Daniel Cappaghnacallee Skull Cork Condon John Gortnamona Skull Cork Condon Margaret Shanavagh Skull Cork Condon Patrick Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Connell James Garranes Skull Cork Connell John Bawnshanaclogh Skull Cork Connell Richard Scrahanyleary Skull Cork Connell Samuel Cappaghglass Skull Cork Connelly Jeremiah Cappagh Beg Skull Cork Connelly Jeremiah Shantullig, South Skull Cork Connelly Jerry Chapel Lane,Ballydehob Skull Cork Connelly John Cusovinna Skull Cork Connelly Michael Cappagh Beg Skull Cork Connelly Thomas Shantullig, South Skull Cork Connelly Timothy Shronagree Skull Cork Connolly Bridget Ballybane, West Skull Cork Connolly Jeremiah Raheenroe Skull Cork Connolly Leane Clashmore Skull Cork Connolly Timothy Ballydehob Skull Cork Connolly William Foilnamuck Skull Cork Connor Denis Caherolickane Skull Cork Connor Jeremiah Laharan Skull Cork Connor John Ardmanagh Skull Cork Connor John Skull Skull Cork Copethorn John Laharan Skull Cork Coppithorne George Scrahanyleary Skull Cork Coppithrone George Scrahanyleary Skull Cork Coppithrone Henry Shantullig, North Skull Cork Cotter Charles Ballydehob Skull Cork Cotter Cornelius Arderrawinny Skull Cork Cotter Denis Chapel Lane,Ballydehob Skull Cork Cotter Elizabeth Derreennatra Skull Cork Cotter Ellen Colla Skull Cork Cotter Ellen Derreennatra Skull Cork Cotter Garrett Kilbronoge Skull Cork Cotter James Arderrawinny Skull Cork Cotter James Derreennatra Skull Cork Cotter John Ardmanagh Skull Cork Cotter John Coosheen Skull Cork Cotter John Croagh Skull Cork Cotter Judith Derreennatra Skull Cork Cotter Margaret Ballydehob Skull Cork Cotter Michael Foilnamuck Skull Cork Cotter Michael Gortnamona Skull Cork Cotter Richard Ardmanagh Skull Cork Cotter Richard Chapel Lane,Ballydehob Skull Cork Cotter Richard Ratooragh Skull Cork Cotter Timothy Croagh Skull Cork Cotter William Derreennatra Skull Cork Coverley Andrew Ardintenant Skull Cork Coverley John Ardintenant Skull Cork Cowhig Johanna Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Cowhig Mary Balteen Skull Cork Cowhig William Shanavagh Skull Cork Crimmeen Ellen Ballybane, West Skull Cork Crimmin Timothy Dunbeacon Skull Cork Cronin Bridget Derreennatra Skull Cork Cronin Cornelius Derryfunshion Skull Cork Cronin Daniel Barnatonicane Skull Cork Cronin Denis Gortnamona Skull Cork Cronin James Mauladinna Skull Cork Cronin Jeremiah Cappaghglass Skull Cork Cronin Jeremiah Gortnamona Skull Cork Cronin Johanna Mauladinna Skull Cork Cronin John Gortnamona Skull Cork Cronin Timothy Gortyowen Skull Cork Cronin William Gortyowen Skull Cork Croston John Scrahanyleary Skull Cork Crowley Daniel Colla Skull Cork Crowley Doniel Kilcomane Skull Cork Crowley Honoria Ballycummisk Skull Cork Crowley Jerry Ballydehob Skull Cork Crowley Johanna Derreennatra Skull Cork Crowley Margaret Calf Island Middle Skull Cork Crowley Mary Main Street, Skull (North Side) Skull Cork Crowley Michael Coolagh More Skull Cork Crowley Michael Main Street, Skull Skull Cork Crowley Patrick Calf Island Middle Skull Cork Crowley Thomas Coolagh Beg Skull Cork Crowley Thomas Coolagh More Skull Cork Cunningham Bartholomew Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Cunningham Daniel Castle Island Skull Cork Cunningham John Cooragurteen Skull Cork Cunningham Margaret Glan Skull Cork Cunningham William Cappaghglass Skull Cork Daly Cornelius Lisheennacreagh Skull Cork Daly Denis Balteen Skull Cork Daly Denis Gortyowen Skull Cork Daly Jeremiah Dromkeal Skull Cork Daly Jeremiah Main Street, Skull Skull Cork Daly John Derreennatra Skull Cork Daly Mary Lowertown Skull Cork Daly Michael Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Daly Owen Cashelfean Skull Cork Daly Patrick Lowertown Skull Cork Daly Richard Derreennatra Skull Cork Daly Richard Derrycarhoon Skull Cork Daly Timothy Coolagh Beg Skull Cork Daly Timothy Derreennalomane Skull Cork Daly Timothy Lowertown Skull Cork Daly William Derreennatra Skull Cork Daly William Gortyowen Skull Cork Davis William Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Dawley Denis Ballybrack Skull Cork Dawley Denis Leamcon Skull Cork Dawley James Drishane Skull Cork Dawley Jeremiah Kilbronoge Skull Cork Dawley Johanna Mauladinna Skull Cork Dawley John Derreennatra Skull Cork Dawley John Drishane Skull Cork Dawley John Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Deacy Hugh Main Street, Skull Skull Cork Dempsey Margaret Dromkeal Skull Cork Dempsey Michael Bawnshanaclogh Skull Cork Dempsey Timothy Dromkeal Skull Cork Denis Patrick Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Denis William Ballydehob Skull Cork Dennis Robert Shanavagh Skull Cork Desmond Cornelius Skull Skull Cork Desmond Johanna Skull Skull Cork Desmond Johanna, Jr. Skull Skull Cork Desmond Johanna, Sr. Skull Skull Cork Desmond John Kilbronoge Skull Cork Desmond John Main Street, Skull Skull Cork Desmond John Skull Skull Cork Dillon Denis Ballycummisk Skull Cork Dillon Denis Coosheen Skull Cork Dillon Denis Main Street, Skull Skull Cork Dillon Denis Main Street, Skull (North Side) Skull Cork Dillon Denis Skull Skull Cork Dillon William Main Street, Skull (North Side) Skull Cork Dillon William Skull Skull Cork Donegan John Cusovinna Skull Cork Donegan Robert Cusovinna Skull Cork Donegan William Cusovinna Skull Cork Donnell James Gortnagrough Skull Cork Donnell John Coolagh Beg Skull Cork Donoghoe Denis Caheravirane Skull Cork Donoghue Andrew Drinane Skull Cork Donoghue John Drinane Skull Cork Donohoe Denis Kilcomane Skull Cork Donovan Andrew Derreennatra Skull Cork Donovan Anthony Kilbronoge Skull Cork Donovan Catherine Ballybane, West Skull Cork Donovan Catherine Cappaghnacallee Skull Cork Donovan Cornelius Derreennalomane Skull Cork Donovan Daniel Cappaghglass Skull Cork Donovan Daniel Cashelfean Skull Cork Donovan Daniel Coosheen Skull Cork Donovan Daniel Derreennalomane Skull Cork Donovan Daniel Derryleary Skull Cork Donovan Denis Ardintenant Skull Cork Donovan Denis Beakeen Skull Cork Donovan Denis Long Island Skull Cork Donovan Denis, Jr. Castle Island Skull Cork Donovan Denis, Sr. Castle Island Skull Cork Donovan Elizabeth Derryleary Skull Cork Donovan Honoria Ballybrack Skull Cork Donovan J. Ballybrack Skull Cork Donovan James Carthy's Island Skull Cork Donovan James Carthy's Island North Skull Cork Donovan James Carthy's Island South Skull Cork Donovan James Castle Island Skull Cork Donovan James Illaunnabinneeny Skull Cork Donovan Jane Skeagh Skull Cork Donovan Jeremiah Derryleary Skull Cork Donovan Jeremiah Garranes Skull Cork Donovan Jeremiah Gunpoint Skull Cork Donovan Jn Ballybrack Skull Cork Donovan John Colla Skull Cork Donovan John Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Donovan John Gunpoint Skull Cork Donovan John Kilbronoge Skull Cork Donovan Michael Bawnaknockane Skull Cork Donovan Michael Cappaghglass Skull Cork Donovan Michael Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Donovan Morgan Gubbeen Skull Cork Donovan Mortimer Bawnaknockane Skull Cork Donovan Patrick Ballybrack Skull Cork Donovan Patrick Skull Skull Cork Donovan Rev. Charles Cashelfean Skull Cork Donovan Rev. Chas. Cashelfean Skull Cork Donovan Thomas Derrycarhoon Skull Cork Donovan Timothy Ballybrack Skull Cork Donovan Timothy Ballydehob Skull Cork Donovan William Cappaghnacallee Skull Cork Douglas Matthew Rossbrin Skull Cork Downey Maurice Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Downs Catherine Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Doyle John Arderrawinny Skull Cork Draper William Ballybane, East Skull Cork Driscoll Bartholomew Knockeens Skull Cork Driscoll Catherine Rathcool Skull Cork Driscoll Catherine Shanavagh Skull Cork Driscoll Charles Main Street, Skull Skull Cork Driscoll Cornelius Ardmanagh Skull Cork Driscoll Cornelius Bawnaknockane Skull Cork Driscoll Cornelius Bawnshanaclogh Skull Cork Driscoll Cornelius Carbery Island Skull Cork Driscoll Cornelius Cashelfean Skull Cork Driscoll Cornelius Kilcomane Skull Cork Driscoll Cornelius Long Island Skull Cork Driscoll Cornelius Lowertown Skull Cork Driscoll Daniel Ballydehob Skull Cork Driscoll Daniel Dunbeacon Skull Cork Driscoll Daniel Long Island Skull Cork Driscoll Daniel Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Driscoll Daniel Shantullig, North Skull Cork Driscoll Denis Ballydehob Skull Cork Driscoll Denis Bawnshanaclogh Skull Cork Driscoll Denis Castlepoint Skull Cork Driscoll Denis Coosheen Skull Cork Driscoll Denis Derreennalomane Skull Cork Driscoll Denis Derryconnell Skull Cork Driscoll Denis Derryleary Skull Cork Driscoll Denis Dunbeacon Skull Cork Driscoll Denis Gubbeen Skull Cork Driscoll Denis Laharan Skull Cork Driscoll Denis Letter Skull Cork Driscoll Denis Long Island Skull Cork Driscoll Denis Ratooragh Skull Cork Driscoll Denis Shanavagh Skull Cork Driscoll Edward Gortyowen Skull Cork Driscoll Edward Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Driscoll Edward Meenvane Skull Cork Driscoll Ellen Chapel Lane,Ballydehob Skull Cork Driscoll Ellen Gubbeen Skull Cork Driscoll Ellen Skull Skull Cork Driscoll Florence Ballybane, West Skull Cork Driscoll Florence Chapel Lane,Ballydehob Skull Cork Driscoll Florence Cooradarrigan Skull Cork Driscoll Florence Cooragurteen Skull Cork Driscoll Florence Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Driscoll Florence Gubbeen Skull Cork Driscoll Florence Knockeens Skull Cork Driscoll Florence Long Island Skull Cork Driscoll Florence Skull Skull Cork Driscoll Florence, Jr. Long Island Skull Cork Driscoll Florence, Sr. Long Island Skull Cork Driscoll James Dunbeacon Skull Cork Driscoll James Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Driscoll Jane Glan Skull Cork Driscoll Jeremiah Bawnshanaclogh Skull Cork Driscoll Jeremiah Colla Skull Cork Driscoll Jeremiah Derryconnell Skull Cork Driscoll Jeremiah Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Driscoll Jeremiah Long Island Skull Cork Driscoll Jeremiah Rossbrin Skull Cork Driscoll Jeremiah Shanavagh Skull Cork Driscoll Jeremiah Shantullig, North Skull Cork Driscoll Jeremiah Shantullig, South Skull Cork Driscoll Johanna Long Island Skull Cork Driscoll John Ballybane, West Skull Cork Driscoll John Ballycummisk Skull Cork Driscoll John Cappaghglass Skull Cork Driscoll John Cooradarrigan Skull Cork Driscoll John Derreennaclogh Skull Cork Driscoll John Derreennalomane Skull Cork Driscoll John Foilnamuck Skull Cork Driscoll John Kilbronoge Skull Cork Driscoll John Long Island Skull Cork Driscoll John Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Driscoll John Skull Skull Cork Driscoll John, Jr. Long Island Skull Cork Driscoll John, Sr. Long Island Skull Cork Driscoll Joseph Ardmanagh Skull Cork Driscoll Joseph Glan Skull Cork Driscoll Joseph Main St,Skull,(Ardmanagh) Skull Cork Driscoll Joseph Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Driscoll Joseph Skull Skull Cork Driscoll Joseph Skull Pier Road, Skull Cork Driscoll Julia Knockeens Skull Cork Driscoll Margaret Rossbrin Skull Cork Driscoll Mary Castle Island Skull Cork Driscoll Michael Calf Island West Skull Cork Driscoll Michael Cappaghnacallee Skull Cork Driscoll Michael Chapel Lane,Ballydehob Skull Cork Driscoll Michael Colla Skull Cork Driscoll Michael Derreennaclogh Skull Cork Driscoll Michael Derreennalomane Skull Cork Driscoll Michael Gubbeen Skull Cork Driscoll Michael Kilcomane Skull Cork Driscoll Michael Murrahin Skull Cork Driscoll Michael Shanavagh Skull Cork Driscoll Michael, Jr. Colla Skull Cork Driscoll Michael, Sr. Long Island Skull Cork Driscoll Mortimer Main St,Skull,(Ardmanagh) Skull Cork Driscoll Owen Cappaghglass Skull Cork Driscoll Owen Letter Skull Cork Driscoll Patrick Ballybrack Skull Cork Driscoll Patrick Ballydehob Skull Cork Driscoll Patrick Bawnshanaclogh Skull Cork Driscoll Patrick Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Driscoll Patrick Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Driscoll Patrick Rathruane More Skull Cork Driscoll Patrick Rossbrin Skull Cork Driscoll Peter Cappaghglass Skull Cork Driscoll Thomas Cappaghglass Skull Cork Driscoll Timothy Caherlusky Skull Cork Driscoll Timothy Clashmore Skull Cork Driscoll Timothy Colla Skull Cork Driscoll Timothy Cooragurteen Skull Cork Driscoll Timothy Coosheen Skull Cork Driscoll Timothy Derryleary Skull Cork Driscoll Timothy Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Driscoll Timothy Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Driscoll Timothy Glan Skull Cork Driscoll Timothy Letter Skull Cork Driscoll Timothy Rossbrin Skull Cork Driscoll Timothy Skull Skull Cork Driscoll Timothy Skull Pier Road, Skull Cork Driscoll Timothy, Jr. Colla Skull Cork Driscoll Timothy, Jr. Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Duggan Cornelius Foilnamuck Skull Cork Duggan Daniel Ballybane, East Skull Cork Duggan Daniel Scarteenakillin Skull Cork Duggan Elizabeth Ballybane, East Skull Cork Duggan Honoria Scarteenakillin Skull Cork Duggan Jeremiah Derreenard Skull Cork Duggan Jeremiah Foilnamuck Skull Cork Duggan Jeremiah Scarteenakillin Skull Cork Duggan Johanna Ballybane, West Skull Cork Duggan John Ballybane, East Skull Cork Duggan John Bawnshanaclogh Skull Cork Duggan Johnathon Scarteenakillin Skull Cork Duggan Margaret Ballybane, East Skull Cork Duggan Michael Foilnamuck Skull Cork Duggan Timothy Ballydehob Skull Cork Duggan Timothy Derreenard Skull Cork Duggan Timothy Sparrograda Skull Cork Dukelow Peter Arderrawinny Skull Cork Dukelow Thomas Ballydehob Skull Cork Ellis James Coomfarna Skull Cork Ellis James Mauladinna Skull Cork Ellis John Ratooragh Skull Cork Ellis Thomas Main St,Skull,(Ardmanagh) Skull Cork Ellis Thomas Ratooragh Skull Cork English Thomas Main St,Skull,(Ardmanagh) Skull Cork Evans Anne Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Evans John Barnatonicane Skull Cork Evans Robert Caheravirane Skull Cork Evans Stephen Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Evans Stephen Skull Skull Cork Evans Thomas Knockeens Skull Cork Fairclo Rev. Edward Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Falvey Sarah Ballydehob Skull Cork Falvey Sarah Shanavagh Skull Cork Ferguson John Arderrawinny Skull Cork Ferthough Rev. Edward Ballydehob Skull Cork Field Jeremiah Ballydehob Skull Cork Field John Derreennalomane Skull Cork Field Owen Meenvane Skull Cork Finnick Florence Ballydehob Skull Cork Fisher William Gortyowen Skull Cork Fitzgerald James Cooragurteen Skull Cork Fitzgerald James Skull Pier Road, Skull Cork Fitzgerald Jeremiah Gunpoint Skull Cork Fitzgerald Johanna Cooradarrigan Skull Cork Fitzgerald Michael Letter Skull Cork Fitzgerald Patrick Derryconnell Skull Cork Fitzgerald Patrick Gurteenroe Skull Cork Fitzgerald Richard Dunbeacon Skull Cork Fleming John S. Kilbronoge Skull Cork Fleming Richard Skull Pier Road, Skull Cork Foley Daniel Ratooragh Skull Cork Foley Honoria Ratooragh Skull Cork Foley Jeremiah Ballydehob Skull Cork Foley Rev. John Lowertown Skull Cork Foley St. Pierce Ballydehob Skull Cork Foley Timothy Rathruane More Skull Cork Foran Daniel Lowertown Skull Cork Fuller William Scrahanyleary Skull Cork Gallagher Daniel Main Street, Skull (North Side) Skull Cork Gallagher John Glan Skull Cork Gallavan John Ballybrack Skull Cork Galleher John Glan Skull Cork Gannon Valentine Main Street, Skull Skull Cork Gay Avis Cashelfean Skull Cork Geany Cornelius Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Geary John Clashmore Skull Cork Geary Patrick Clashmore Skull Cork Geary William Clashmore Skull Cork German Grace Derreennaclogh Skull Cork German Henry Derreennaclogh Skull Cork German Henry Scrahanyleary Skull Cork German Susan Scrahanyleary Skull Cork Gillivan John Lissacaha, North Skull Cork Goggan Thomas Arderrawinny Skull Cork Goggin Edward Chapel Lane,Ballydehob Skull Cork Goggin Ellen Arderrawinny Skull Cork Goggin James Glan Skull Cork Goggin James Long Island Skull Cork Goggin John Arderrawinny Skull Cork Goggin John Glan Skull Cork Goggin John Kilcomane Skull Cork Goggin John Knock Skull Cork Goggin John Long Island Skull Cork Goggin Margaret Knock Skull Cork Goggin Thomas Ballydehob Skull Cork Goggin Thomas Colla Skull Cork Goggin William Arderrawinny Skull Cork Goggin William Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Goggin William Glan Skull Cork Goggin William Knock Skull Cork Goggin William Long Island Skull Cork Goggin William Main St,Skull,(Ardmanagh) Skull Cork Gorman Timothy Arderrawinny Skull Cork Grady Margaret Bawnshanaclogh Skull Cork Graham James Knock Skull Cork Grant Patrick Ballydehob Skull Cork Greene William Ardmanagh Skull Cork Greene William Derreennatra Skull Cork Grehan George B. Dunbeacon Skull Cork Griffin Cornelius Coosheen Skull Cork Griffin Johanna Long Island Skull Cork Griffin Laurence Long Island Skull Cork Griffin Mary Skull Skull Cork Hanrahan Cornelius Glan Skull Cork Harnane Honoria Ballybane, East Skull Cork Harnett Andrew Mauladinna Skull Cork Harrington Daniel Ballydehob Skull Cork Harrington Daniel Shanavagh Skull Cork Harrington Johanna Caherolickane Skull Cork Harrington John Dunbeacon Skull Cork Harrington Joseph Gortnagrough Skull Cork Harrington Michael Ballydehob Skull Cork Harrington Michael Caherolickane Skull Cork Harrington Patrick Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Harrington William Cappaghnacallee Skull Cork Hart Cornelius Gortnagrough Skull Cork Harte Jeremiah Kilbronoge Skull Cork Harte John Ballybrack Skull Cork Harte John Rossbrin Skull Cork Harte Mary Derreennatra Skull Cork Harte Mary Kilbronoge Skull Cork Hartnett Francis Laharan Skull Cork Hartnett John Skull Skull Cork Hartnett Mary Glan Skull Cork Hartnett Richard Drishane Skull Cork Hasford William Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Haulahan John Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Hayes Anne Colla Skull Cork Hayes Catherine Derreennatra Skull Cork Hayes Cornelius Dunbeacon Skull Cork Hayes Daniel Beakeen Skull Cork Hayes Daniel Coosheen Skull Cork Hayes Daniel Long Island Skull Cork Hayes Ellen Beakeen Skull Cork Hayes Ely Shantullig, South Skull Cork Hayes James Colla Skull Cork Hayes James Kilcomane Skull Cork Hayes John Colla Skull Cork Hayes John Croagh Skull Cork Hayes John Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Hayes Patrick Derreennalomane Skull Cork Hayes Rev. Richard Ballydehob Skull Cork Hayes Thomas Dunbeacon Skull Cork Hayes Timothy Dunbeacon Skull Cork Hayes William Shantullig, North Skull Cork Hayesf Ellen Skull Pier Road, Skull Cork Hegarty Cornelius Cooradarrigan Skull Cork Hegarty Daniel, Jr. Derryconnell Skull Cork Hegarty Daniel, Sr. Derryconnell Skull Cork Hegarty Denis Ardmanagh Skull Cork Hegarty Denis Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Hegarty Elias Cashelfean Skull Cork Hegarty George Derryconnell Skull Cork Hegarty George Scrahanyleary Skull Cork Hegarty Jeremiah Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Hegarty Jeremiah Ratooragh Skull Cork Hegarty Johanna Glan Skull Cork Hegarty John Ardmanagh Skull Cork Hegarty John Cashelfean Skull Cork Hegarty John Cooradarrigan Skull Cork Hegarty Michael Drishane Skull Cork Hegarty Michael Lissacaha Skull Cork Hegarty Michael Mountgabriel Skull Cork Hegarty Patrick Derryfunshion Skull Cork Hegarty William Main Street, Skull Skull Cork Helan Robert Letter Skull Cork Helen Ellen Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Helen Francis Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Helen Richard Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Hellen Patrick Drishane Skull Cork Hellen Robert Mountgabriel Skull Cork Herlihy Denis Ballybane, West Skull Cork Herlihy Jeremiah Ballybane, West Skull Cork Hickey Cornelius Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Hickey Ellen Ballydehob Skull Cork Hickey John Coomfarna Skull Cork Hickey John Mauladinna Skull Cork Hickey Mary Murrahin Skull Cork Hicks Thomas Derreennatra Skull Cork Hickson Rep. John Gubbeen Skull Cork Hingston William Ballycummisk Skull Cork Hitchcock George Knockeens Skull Cork Hode Joseph Dunbeacon Skull Cork Hodnett Francis Skull Pier Road, Skull Cork Hodnett Richard Ballydehob Skull Cork Hodnett Thomas Letter Skull Cork Hodnett William Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Hogan Peter Rathcool Skull Cork Hohnston John Cooragurteen Skull Cork Holihan Michael Shantullig, South Skull Cork Holland Daniel Ballydehob Skull Cork Holland Patrick Derryleary Skull Cork Hongston William Ballycummisk Skull Cork Hoolihan Daniel Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Hoolihan John Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Hoolihan Margaret Derryconnell Skull Cork Hoolihan Michael Clashmore Skull Cork Hoolihan Michael Lissacaha Skull Cork Hoolihan Patrick Gubbeen Skull Cork Hoolihan Stephen Derryconnell Skull Cork Hooly James Long Island Skull Cork Hooly Margaret Long Island Skull Cork Hooly Michael Long Island Skull Cork Hooly Thomas Long Island Skull Cork Hooly Timothy Long Island Skull Cork Horgan Peter Rathcool Skull Cork Houlahan Margaret Cashelfean Skull Cork Houlehan William Main Street, Skull Skull Cork Houlihan Catherine Cooradarrigan Skull Cork Houlihan John Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Houlihan Timothy Dunbeacon Skull Cork Hourahan Mortimer Glan Skull Cork Hourihan John Cashelfean Skull Cork Hull William Illaunricmonia Skull Cork Hull William Leamcon Skull Cork Hull William Rinneen Island Skull Cork Hunt Anne Stouke Skull Cork Hunt James Arderrawinny Skull Cork Hunt John Colla Skull Cork Hunt William Colla Skull Cork Hunter John Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Hurley Anne Castle Island Skull Cork Hurley Daniel Derreennatra Skull Cork Hurley Daniel Shantullig, North Skull Cork Hurley Jeremiah Derreennatra Skull Cork Hurley Jeremiah Glansallagh Skull Cork Hurley Jeremiah Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Hurley Jeremiah Meenvane Skull Cork Hurley John Derreennatra Skull Cork Hurley John Mauladinna Skull Cork Hurley Margaret Castle Island Skull Cork Hurley Mary Derreennatra Skull Cork Hurley Mary Gunpoint Skull Cork Hurley Michael Bawnaknockane Skull Cork Hurley Michael Derreennaclogh Skull Cork Hurley Patrick Clashmore Skull Cork Hurley Patrick Derreennatra Skull Cork Hurley Patrick Lissacaha Skull Cork Hurley Richard Derreennatra Skull Cork Hurley Richard, Sr. Derreennatra Skull Cork Hurley Thomas Shantullig, South Skull Cork Hurley Timothy Cappaghglass Skull Cork Hurly Julia Chapel Lane,Ballydehob Skull Cork Jago Samuel Ballydehob Skull Cork Jagoe John Derrycarhoon Skull Cork Jagoe John Gunpoint Skull Cork Jagoe John Rathruane Beg Skull Cork Jagoe Samuel Ballydehob Skull Cork Jerman John Dunbeacon Skull Cork Jerman Maryanne Ballydehob Skull Cork Johnson Robert Gortnagrough Skull Cork Johnston James Arderrawinny Skull Cork Johnston John Arderrawinny Skull Cork Johnston Thomas Lissacaha Skull Cork Jones John Horse Island Skull Cork Jones Michael Horse Island Skull Cork Jones Owen Skull Pier Road, Skull Cork Jones Thomas Coolagh Beg Skull Cork Jones Thomas Horse Island Skull Cork Jones Thomas Long Island Skull Cork Jones Thomas, Sr. Long Island Skull Cork Justice Henry Ballydehob Skull Cork Justice Henry Chapel Lane,Ballydehob Skull Cork Kathegan Patrick Ballybrack Skull Cork Keane Michael Lissydonnell Skull Cork Keane Patrick Lissydonnell Skull Cork Keane Timothy Ballybane, West Skull Cork Keeffe Honoria Caherlusky Skull Cork Keeffe Johanna Caherlusky Skull Cork Kennedy Jeremiah Dunbeacon Skull Cork Kennedy Thomas Ballydehob Skull Cork Kennigan Daniel Ballycummisk Skull Cork Kenningham Thomas Cove Skull Cork Keoghane Daniel Horse Island Skull Cork Keoghane Denis Horse Island Skull Cork Keoghane James Horse Island Skull Cork Keoghane John Horse Island Skull Cork Keoghane Timothy Horse Island Skull Cork Keohane Daniel Horse Island Skull Cork Keohane Daniel Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Keohane Honoria Rathruane Beg Skull Cork Keohane Jeremiah Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Keohane Thomas Dunbeacon Skull Cork Keohane Timothy Horse Island Skull Cork Kilty Denis Garranes Skull Cork King Charles Lowertown Skull Cork King Richard Arderrawinny Skull Cork King Robert Lowertown Skull Cork King William Arderrawinny Skull Cork Kingston James Cashelfean Skull Cork Kingston James Rathruane Beg Skull Cork Kingston Michael Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Kingston Paul Cashelfean Skull Cork Kingston Paul Castlepoint Skull Cork Kingston Samuel Rathruane More Skull Cork Kissane Catherine Dunbeacon Skull Cork Kissane Jeremiah Cashelfean Skull Cork Kissane Maurice Dunbeacon Skull Cork Lancer Ellen Meenvane Skull Cork Lancer Richard Ardmanagh Skull Cork Lannan Catherine Gubbeen Skull Cork Lannan Elizabeth Skeagh Skull Cork Lannan George Gubbeen Skull Cork Lannan Jacob Lissacaha Skull Cork Lannan Margaret Ballydehob Skull Cork Lannan Mary Skeagh Skull Cork Lannan Nathaniel Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Lannan Nathaniel Skeagh Skull Cork Lannan Nathaniel Skull Skull Cork Lannan Thomas, Jr. Drinane Skull Cork Lannan Thomas, Sr. Drinane Skull Cork Lannan William Main St,Skull,(Ardmanagh) Skull Cork Lannan William Skull Skull Cork Lannin John Ballydehob Skull Cork Lannon John Ballydehob Skull Cork Lannon Joseph Skull Pier Road, Skull Cork Lannon Nathaniel Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Lannon Thomas Leamcon Skull Cork Lannon William Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Leader John Gortyowen Skull Cork Leahy Daniel Carthy's Island Skull Cork Leahy Daniel Carthy's Island North Skull Cork Leahy Daniel Carthy's Island South Skull Cork Leahy Daniel Castle Island Skull Cork Leahy Daniel Illaunnabinneeny Skull Cork Leahy Denis Ballybane, East Skull Cork Leahy James Kilbronoge Skull Cork Leahy John Gortnamona Skull Cork Leahy Julia Horse Island Skull Cork Leahy Patrick Croagh Skull Cork Leahy Patrick Derreennatra Skull Cork Leahy Patrick Glan Skull Cork Leahy Patrick Gortnamona Skull Cork Leahy Richard Cappaghnacallee Skull Cork Leahy Timothy Cooradarrigan Skull Cork Leary Cornelius Cooradarrigan Skull Cork Leary Edward Ballydehob Skull Cork Leary Johanna Horse Island Skull Cork Leary John Cooradarrigan Skull Cork Leary John Derrylahard Skull Cork Leary John Meenvane Skull Cork Leary John Shanavagh Skull Cork Leary Michael Ballydehob Skull Cork Levis Diana Glan Skull Cork Levis Elias Cashelfean Skull Cork Levis Elizabeth Derreennatra Skull Cork Levis Elizabeth Lowertown Skull Cork Levis James Scrahanyleary Skull Cork Levis John Gubbeen Skull Cork Levis John Lowertown Skull Cork Levis John Scrahanyleary Skull Cork Levis John Shantullig, North Skull Cork Levis Rep. Samuel Cooragurteen Skull Cork Levis Richard Main Street, Skull (North Side) Skull Cork Levis Robert Gubbeen Skull Cork Levis Robert Lowertown Skull Cork Levis Samuel Ardmanagh Skull Cork Levis Samuel Drishane Skull Cork Levis Samuel Lowertown Skull Cork Levis Sarah Cashelfean Skull Cork Levis Simon Meenvane Skull Cork Levis Thomas Lowertown Skull Cork Lewis John Scrahanyleary Skull Cork Livacey Patrick Cashelfean Skull Cork Long Ellen Chapel Lane,Ballydehob Skull Cork Long Ellen Coolagh Beg Skull Cork Long Ellen Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Longfield Mountifort Coney Island Skull Cork Lordon James Meenvane Skull Cork Luacey Jeremiah Coomfarna Skull Cork Luacey John Ratooragh Skull Cork Luacey Timothy Ratooragh Skull Cork Luacy Jeremiah Mauladinna Skull Cork Luacy Mary Balteen Skull Cork Lucy Abagail Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Lynch Daniel Ballybane, East Skull Cork Lynch James Ballybane, East Skull Cork Lynch John Meenvane Skull Cork Lynch Patrick Ballybane, West Skull Cork Lynch Thomas Derrylahard Skull Cork Magrath Jerry Ballydehob Skull Cork Mahony Bartholomew Cappaghnacallee Skull Cork Mahony Bartholomew Derreennalomane Skull Cork Mahony Bartholonew Derreennalomane Skull Cork Mahony Batholomew Cappaghnacallee Skull Cork Mahony Catherine Foilnamuck Skull Cork Mahony Catherine Long Island Skull Cork Mahony Catherine Skull Skull Cork Mahony Cornelius Cashelfean Skull Cork Mahony Cornelius Gubbeen Skull Cork Mahony Cornelius Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Mahony Daniel Gortnagrough Skull Cork Mahony Denis Caheravirane Skull Cork Mahony Denis Coosane Skull Cork Mahony Denis Derryleary Skull Cork Mahony Denis Dick's Islandd Skull Cork Mahony Denis Drinane Skull Cork Mahony Denis Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Mahony Denis Ratooragh Skull Cork Mahony Denis Shantullig, North Skull Cork Mahony Denis, Jr. Glansallagh Skull Cork Mahony Denis, Sr. Glansallagh Skull Cork Mahony Florence Cashelfean Skull Cork Mahony Florence Derryconnell Skull Cork Mahony Florence Raheenroe Skull Cork Mahony Florence Rathruane Beg Skull Cork Mahony Florence Rathruane More Skull Cork Mahony Florence Shronagree Skull Cork Mahony Honoria Derreennatra Skull Cork Mahony James Bawnaknockane Skull Cork Mahony James Laharan Skull Cork Mahony James Rathruane More Skull Cork Mahony Jeremiah Castlepoint Skull Cork Mahony Jeremiah Derreennalomane Skull Cork Mahony Jeremiah Dunbeacon Skull Cork Mahony John Ballydehob Skull Cork Mahony John Caheravirane Skull Cork Mahony John Derreennalomane Skull Cork Mahony John Gortnagrough Skull Cork Mahony John Lissacaha Skull Cork Mahony John Long Island Skull Cork Mahony John Raheenroe Skull Cork Mahony Joseph Derreennalomane Skull Cork Mahony Kean Gortyowen Skull Cork Mahony Mary Gubbeen Skull Cork Mahony Mary Letter Skull Cork Mahony Mary Lowertown Skull Cork Mahony Mary Meenvane Skull Cork Mahony Matthew Derreennalomane Skull Cork Mahony Matthew Skull Pier Road, Skull Cork Mahony Michael Ballydehob Skull Cork Mahony Michael Coosane Skull Cork Mahony Patrick Knockeens Skull Cork Mahony Stephen Shronagree Skull Cork Mahony Thomas Cappaghnacallee Skull Cork Mahony Timothy Lowertown Skull Cork Mahony William Ballydehob Skull Cork Mahony William Raheenroe Skull Cork Mahony William Ratooragh Skull Cork Martin John Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Martin Timothy Derrycarhoon Skull Cork Martin Timothy Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Martin Timothy, Jr. Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Mc Carthy Andrew Chapel Lane,Ballydehob Skull Cork Mc Carthy Andrew Dunbeacon Skull Cork Mc Carthy Bartholomew Colla Skull Cork Mc Carthy Charles Arderrawinny Skull Cork Mc Carthy Charles Cappagh More Skull Cork Mc Carthy Charles Derreennalomane Skull Cork Mc Carthy Charles Drinane Skull Cork Mc Carthy Charles Gurteenroe Skull Cork Mc Carthy Charles Lissydonnell Skull Cork Mc Carthy Charles Shantullig, South Skull Cork Mc Carthy Charles Stouke Skull Cork Mc Carthy Cornelius Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Mc Carthy Cornelius Knockeens Skull Cork Mc Carthy Cornelius, Jr. Horse Island Skull Cork Mc Carthy Cornelius, Sr. Horse Island Skull Cork Mc Carthy Daniel Chapel Lane,Ballydehob Skull Cork Mc Carthy Daniel Derreennaclogh Skull Cork Mc Carthy Daniel Derreennalomane Skull Cork Mc Carthy Daniel Horse Island Skull Cork Mc Carthy Daniel Knockeens Skull Cork Mc Carthy Daniel Lissydonnell Skull Cork Mc Carthy Daniel Lowertown Skull Cork Mc Carthy Denis Coolagh Beg Skull Cork Mc Carthy Denis Glan Skull Cork Mc Carthy Denis Gortnagrough Skull Cork Mc Carthy Denis Skull Skull Cork Mc Carthy Denis, Jr. Foilnamuck Skull Cork Mc Carthy Denis, Sr. Foilnamuck Skull Cork Mc Carthy Eleanor Laharan Skull Cork Mc Carthy Ellen Lissydonnell Skull Cork Mc Carthy Florence Arderrawinny Skull Cork Mc Carthy Florence Glan Skull Cork Mc Carthy Florence Gurteenroe Skull Cork Mc Carthy Florence Meenvane Skull Cork Mc Carthy Florence Rathcool Skull Cork Mc Carthy Jeremiah Ballybane, West Skull Cork Mc Carthy Jeremiah Ballycummisk Skull Cork Mc Carthy Jeremiah Derreennaclogh Skull Cork Mc Carthy Jeremiah Derrylahard Skull Cork Mc Carthy Jeremiah Gortnagrough Skull Cork Mc Carthy Jeremiah Horse Island Skull Cork Mc Carthy Jeremiah Lowertown Skull Cork Mc Carthy Jeremiah Skeagh Skull Cork Mc Carthy John Cappaghglass Skull Cork Mc Carthy John Glan Skull Cork Mc Carthy John Knockeens Skull Cork Mc Carthy John Rossbrin Skull Cork Mc Carthy Mary Lissydonnell Skull Cork Mc Carthy Mary Rathcool Skull Cork Mc Carthy Mary Ratooragh Skull Cork Mc Carthy Michael Drishane Skull Cork Mc Carthy Michael Meenvane Skull Cork Mc Carthy Michael Shantullig, South Skull Cork Mc Carthy Patrick Barnatonicane Skull Cork Mc Carthy Patrick Cappaghglass Skull Cork Mc Carthy Patrick Knockeens Skull Cork Mc Carthy Thomas Ballydehob Skull Cork Mc Carthy Thomas Colla Skull Cork Mc Carthy Thomas Derreennalomane Skull Cork Mc Carthy Thomas Derreennatra Skull Cork Mc Carthy Timothy Castlepoint Skull Cork Mc Carthy Timothy Derryfunshion Skull Cork Mc Carthy Timothy Lissydonnell Skull Cork Mc Donnell Daniel Main St,Skull,(Ardmanagh) Skull Cork Mc Donnell Michael Gunpoint Skull Cork Mc Grath Denis Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Mc Grath Eliza Mountgabriel Skull Cork Mc Grath Patrick Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Mc Grath Timothy Mountgabriel Skull Cork Mc Grath William Mountgabriel Skull Cork Mc Namee Patrick Dunbeacon Skull Cork Meade Jeremiah Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Meara Michael Ballydehob Skull Cork Mellville Thomas Gubbeen Skull Cork Melville Thomas Gubbeen Skull Cork Menigan Mary Ballydehob Skull Cork Miahane John, Jr. Coomfarna Skull Cork Mihigan Patrick Rossbrin Skull Cork Mihigan Patrick, Jr. Rossbrin Skull Cork Mihigan Patrick, Sr. Rossbrin Skull Cork Minahan Cornelius Garranes Skull Cork Minahane Cornelius Lackareagh Skull Cork Minahane Cornelius Shantullig, North Skull Cork Minahane Daniel Caherolickane Skull Cork Minahane Daniel Derreennatra Skull Cork Minahane Denis Caherolickane Skull Cork Minahane Denis Ratooragh Skull Cork Minahane Ellen Derreennatra Skull Cork Minahane Honoria Derreennatra Skull Cork Minahane Jeremiah Derreennatra Skull Cork Minahane Jeremiah Lackareagh Skull Cork Minahane Jeremiah Shantullig, North Skull Cork Minahane Jeremiah, Jr. Shantullig, North Skull Cork Minahane Jeremiah, Sr. Shantullig, North Skull Cork Minahane John Caherolickane Skull Cork Minahane John Coomfarna Skull Cork Minahane John Cusovinna Skull Cork Minahane John Derreennatra Skull Cork Minahane John Dunbeacon Skull Cork Minahane John Lackareagh Skull Cork Minahane John, Jr. Caherolickane Skull Cork Minahane John, Jr. Coomfarna Skull Cork Minahane John, Sr. Coomfarna Skull Cork Minahane Michael Derreennatra Skull Cork Minahane Michael Drishane Skull Cork Minahane Michael Lackareagh Skull Cork Minahane Mortimer Drishane Skull Cork Minahane Patrick Derreennatra Skull Cork Minahane Patrick Shantullig, North Skull Cork Miniahan Jeremiah Drishane Skull Cork Minihan Denis Dromkeal Skull Cork Minihan John Dunbeacon Skull Cork Minihan Margaret Dromkeal Skull Cork Minihane Catherine Rathruane More Skull Cork Minihane Daniel Derreennalomane Skull Cork Minihane Daniel Main Street, Skull (North Side) Skull Cork Minihane Denis Gortnamona Skull Cork Minihane Denis Main Street, Skull Skull Cork Minihane Mary Derryleary Skull Cork Minihane Timothy Kilcomane Skull Cork Minihane William Foilnamuck Skull Cork Mining Co Coosheen Coosheen Skull Cork Minnahane Michael Derreennatra Skull Cork Molowney Daniel Ballybane, West Skull Cork Moore Hastings S. Ballydehob Skull Cork Moore James Ballydehob Skull Cork Moss George Caherolickane Skull Cork Moss George Coomfarna Skull Cork Moss George, Jr. Caherolickane Skull Cork Moynihan Cornelius Goat Island Little Skull Cork Moynihan Cornelius Lowertown Skull Cork Mullin Michael Croagh Skull Cork Mullins James Gubbeen Skull Cork Mullins Jeremiah Derryconnell Skull Cork Mullins Michael Croagh Skull Cork Murphy Catherine Ballybane, East Skull Cork Murphy Catherine Ballybane, West Skull Cork Murphy Cornelius Ballybane, East Skull Cork Murphy James Gunpoint Skull Cork Murphy James Knock Skull Cork Murphy Jeremiah Derreennalomane Skull Cork Murphy Jeremiah Dunbeacon Skull Cork Murphy Jeremiah Knockeens Skull Cork Murphy John Derreennalomane Skull Cork Murphy Margaret Ballybane, East Skull Cork Murphy Michael Ballybane, East Skull Cork Murphy Patrick Colla Skull Cork Murphy Timothy Ballybane, West Skull Cork Murrane John Derreennalomane Skull Cork Murray Jeremiah Knockeens Skull Cork Murray John Bawnshanaclogh Skull Cork Murray William Drishane Skull Cork Nagle James Derreennalomane Skull Cork Neehane Johanna Cooradarrigan Skull Cork Nehan John Croagh Skull Cork Nehane John Coolagh More Skull Cork Neile Sing Noah Main St,Skull,(Ardmanagh) Skull Cork Neill Catherine Derreenard Skull Cork Neill Jeremiah Drishane Skull Cork Neill Jeremiah Rathruane More Skull Cork Neill Jeremiah, Jr. Drishane Skull Cork Neill Jeremiah, Sr. Drishane Skull Cork Neill Patrick Drishane Skull Cork Neill Thomas Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Neill William Ballybane, West Skull Cork Neville Thomas Ballydehob Skull Cork Newman James Horse Island Skull Cork Newman John Ardmanagh Skull Cork Newman John Woodlands Skull Cork Newman Robert Ardmanagh Skull Cork Newman William Rathcool Skull Cork Newman William Woodlands Skull Cork Newman William, Jr. Gubbeen Skull Cork Newman William, Sr. Gubbeen Skull Cork Nicholls Thomas Skull Skull Cork Nichols Thomas Ardmanagh Skull Cork Nihane James Ballydehob Skull Cork Nihane James Gortnagrough Skull Cork Nihane John Gortnagrough Skull Cork Nihane Michael Gortnagrough Skull Cork Noble Patience Ballydehob Skull Cork Noble Patience Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Noble Patience Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Nohane Timothy Cashelfean Skull Cork Notter Richard Lissacaha Skull Cork Nugent Jeremiah Dunbeacon Skull Cork Nugent Michael Derryfunshion Skull Cork O'Brien Daniel Ballydehob Skull Cork O'Callaghan James Barnatonicane Skull Cork O'Callaghan James Chapel Lane,Ballydehob Skull Cork O'Callaghan James Lusk Island Skull Cork O'Callaghan James Scurvygrass Island Skull Cork O'Connell Rev. Jeremiah Skull Pier Road, Skull Cork O'Donnell John Coosane Skull Cork O'Donnell Patrick Glansallagh Skull Cork O'Donnell Robert Derrylahard Skull Cork O'Driscoll Michael Ballydehob Skull Cork O'Grady Johanna Skull Pier Road, Skull Cork O'Leary Michael Main St,Skull,(Ardmanagh) Skull Cork O'Neill James Ballydehob Skull Cork O'Regan Charles Raheenroe Skull Cork Peer William Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Peer William Skull Skull Cork Picket Michael Cooragurteen Skull Cork Pickett Richard Coolagh More Skull Cork Pieburn James Cashelfean Skull Cork Post Michael Lisheennacreagh Skull Cork Power George Bawnaknockane Skull Cork Preston White William Ratooragh Skull Cork Putt Edmond Dunbeacon Skull Cork Pyburn Edward Lowertown Skull Cork Quinlan Maurice Ballydehob Skull Cork Raecroft John Cooragurteen Skull Cork Reacroft Anne Main Street, Skull Skull Cork Reacroft Diana Skull Pier Road, Skull Cork Reacroft Edward Kilpatrick Skull Cork Reacroft Edward Leamcon Skull Cork Reacroft John Ardmanagh Skull Cork Reacroft John Cooragurteen Skull Cork Reacroft John Cove Skull Cork Reacroft John Lissacaha Skull Cork Reacroft Joseph Cove Skull Cork Reacroft Joseph Kilpatrick Skull Cork Reacroft Joseph Leamcon Skull Cork Reacroft Joseph Lissacaha Skull Cork Reacroft Mary Lissacaha Skull Cork Reacroft Susan Scrahanyleary Skull Cork Reacroft Thomas Arderrawinny Skull Cork Reacroft Thomas Ballydehob Skull Cork Reacroft Thomas Cashelfean Skull Cork Reacroft Thomas Gubbeen Skull Cork Reacroft Thomas Ratooragh Skull Cork Reacroft Thomas, Jr. Ballydehob Skull Cork Reacroft William Chapel Lane,Ballydehob Skull Cork Reacroft William Kilpatrick Skull Cork Reacroft William Lissacaha Skull Cork Reacroft William Ratooragh Skull Cork Reacroft William, Jr. Derryleary Skull Cork Reagan Michael Chapel Lane,Ballydehob Skull Cork Rearcroft Frederick Gubbeen Skull Cork Rearcroft Joseph Beakeen Skull Cork Rearcroft Thomas Gubbeen Skull Cork Rearcroft William Chapel Lane,Ballydehob Skull Cork Rearcroft William, Sr. Derryleary Skull Cork Regan Andrew Cappaghglass Skull Cork Regan Charles Long Island Skull Cork Regan Charles Skull Skull Cork Regan Cornelius Ardmanagh Skull Cork Regan Cornelius Cooradarrigan Skull Cork Regan Cornelius Long Island Skull Cork Regan Daniel Colla Skull Cork Regan Daniel Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Regan Daniel Long Island Skull Cork Regan Denis Kilbronoge Skull Cork Regan Denis Kilcomane Skull Cork Regan Denis Long Island Skull Cork Regan Denis Raheenroe Skull Cork Regan Denis Rossbrin Skull Cork Regan Jeremiah Cappaghglass Skull Cork Regan Jeremiah Lissacaha Skull Cork Regan Johanna Ballydehob Skull Cork Regan John Ardmanagh Skull Cork Regan John Cappaghglass Skull Cork Regan John Colla Skull Cork Regan John Derreenard Skull Cork Regan John Gubbeen Skull Cork Regan John Long Island Skull Cork Regan Michael Cooradarrigan Skull Cork Regan Michael Long Island Skull Cork Regan Patrick Colla Skull Cork Regan Patrick Kilbronoge Skull Cork Regan Patrick Skull Skull Cork Regan Timothy Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Regan Timothy Skull Skull Cork Regan William Ardmanagh Skull Cork Regan William Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Regan William, Jr. Cappaghglass Skull Cork Regan William, Sr. Cappaghglass Skull Cork Reycroft Thomas Rathcool Skull Cork Roberts James Ratooragh Skull Cork Roberts Thomas Coolagh More Skull Cork Roberts William Skull Pier Road, Skull Cork Roche Charles Cooradarrigan Skull Cork Roche Charles Main St,Skull,(Ardmanagh) Skull Cork Ryan Daniel Dunbeacon Skull Cork Ryan David Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Ryan William Drishane Skull Cork Rynath John Ballybane, East Skull Cork Salter Elizabeth Gurteenroe Skull Cork Salter James Gurteenroe Skull Cork Salter John Chapel Lane,Ballydehob Skull Cork Salter John Letter Skull Cork Salter Mary Gurteenroe Skull Cork Salter Michael Ballybane, East Skull Cork Salter Mrs. ??? Rathruane More Skull Cork Salter Richard Letter Skull Cork Salton James Gurteenroe Skull Cork Santry John Coolagh More Skull Cork Santry Mary Cusovinna Skull Cork Santry Mary Main Street, Skull Skull Cork Santry William Dromkeal Skull Cork Savage Daniel Gunpoint Skull Cork Savage Mary Rathcool Skull Cork Savage Patrick Rathruane More Skull Cork Scofield Henry Main Street, Skull Skull Cork Scofield Thomas Drishane Skull Cork Scully Daniel Calf Island Middle Skull Cork Scully Mary Calf Island Middle Skull Cork Shanahan Daniel Dunbeacon Skull Cork Shanahan John Dunbeacon Skull Cork Shanahan Michael Dunbeacon Skull Cork Shanahan Philip Dunbeacon Skull Cork Shannon James Lisheennacreagh Skull Cork Shannon William Cusovinna Skull Cork Shannon William Gunpoint Skull Cork Shannon William Lisheennacreagh Skull Cork Shaw James Ballydehob Skull Cork Shaw Patrick Ballydehob Skull Cork Shaw Thomas Ballydehob Skull Cork Shea Daniel Ballydehob Skull Cork Shea James Skull Skull Cork Shea Jeremiah Derreenard Skull Cork Shea John Raheenroe Skull Cork Shea Michael Cashelfean Skull Cork Shea Patrick Main Street, Skull (North Side) Skull Cork Shea Patrick Skull Skull Cork Sheahan Edward Ballycummisk Skull Cork Sheahan John Long Island Skull Cork Sheahan Joseph Ballycummisk Skull Cork Sheahan Mary Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Sheahan Matthew Ballycummisk Skull Cork Sheahan Michael Derryconnell Skull Cork Sheahan Peter Ardmanagh Skull Cork Sheahan Thomas Derryconnell Skull Cork Sheehan Capt. John Cooradarrigan Skull Cork Sheehan Catherine Coolagh More Skull Cork Sheehan John Cooradarrigan Skull Cork Sheehan Joseph Rossbrin Skull Cork Sheehan Mary Cooradarrigan Skull Cork Sheehan Mary Rathcool Skull Cork Sheehan Mathew Rossbrin Skull Cork Sheehan Thomas Cooradarrigan Skull Cork Sheehan Timothy Cooradarrigan Skull Cork Sheehan William Cooradarrigan Skull Cork Sheehan William Skull Skull Cork Sims Thomas Arderrawinny Skull Cork Skuse Charles Lissacaha Skull Cork Slatter Thomas Lissacaha Skull Cork Smith John Ardintenant Skull Cork Smith William Coosheen Skull Cork Somerville Philip Lissacaha, North Skull Cork Spain John Ballycummisk Skull Cork Spillane Ellen Derryconnell Skull Cork Stack Florence Mountgabriel Skull Cork Stack Florence Skull Skull Cork Stack William Ballydehob Skull Cork Stack William Mountgabriel Skull Cork Stack William Raheenroe Skull Cork Stack William Shantullig, South Skull Cork Suillivan John Caherolickane Skull Cork Sulivan Mary Derryleary Skull Cork Sullivan ??? Arderrawinny Skull Cork Sullivan Andrew Shantullig, North Skull Cork Sullivan Bridget Ballydehob Skull Cork Sullivan Catherine Rathcool Skull Cork Sullivan Charles Derreennalomane Skull Cork Sullivan Cornelius Caherlusky Skull Cork Sullivan Cornelius Dunbeacon Skull Cork Sullivan Cornelius Skull Skull Cork Sullivan Daniel Cappagh More Skull Cork Sullivan Daniel Cappaghnacallee Skull Cork Sullivan Daniel Coolagh Beg Skull Cork Sullivan Daniel Derreennatra Skull Cork Sullivan Daniel Foilnamuck Skull Cork Sullivan Daniel Scarteenakillin Skull Cork Sullivan Denis Calf Island West Skull Cork Sullivan Denis Cappaghglass Skull Cork Sullivan Denis Cooradarrigan Skull Cork Sullivan Denis Lisheennacreagh Skull Cork Sullivan Denis Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Sullivan Denis Rathcool Skull Cork Sullivan Denis Skull Skull Cork Sullivan Ellen Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Sullivan Florence Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Sullivan Florence Skull Skull Cork Sullivan Humphrey Foilnamuck Skull Cork Sullivan James Ballybane, East Skull Cork Sullivan James Caherlusky Skull Cork Sullivan James Cappagh Beg Skull Cork Sullivan James Cappaghnacallee Skull Cork Sullivan James Coolagh Beg Skull Cork Sullivan James Coolcaha Skull Cork Sullivan James Derreennaclogh Skull Cork Sullivan James Garranes Skull Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Coolagh Beg Skull Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Derreennatra Skull Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Rathcool Skull Cork Sullivan Johanna Ballydehob Skull Cork Sullivan John Ballycummisk Skull Cork Sullivan John Ballydehob Skull Cork Sullivan John Caherolickane Skull Cork Sullivan John Cappagh Beg Skull Cork Sullivan John Cappagh More Skull Cork Sullivan John Coolagh Beg Skull Cork Sullivan John Coomfarna Skull Cork Sullivan John Derrycarhoon Skull Cork Sullivan John Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Sullivan John Gunpoint Skull Cork Sullivan John Gurteenroe Skull Cork Sullivan John Main St,Skull,(Ardmanagh) Skull Cork Sullivan John Shantullig, North Skull Cork Sullivan John D. Ballydehob Skull Cork Sullivan John Denis Ballydehob Skull Cork Sullivan Julia Clashmore Skull Cork Sullivan Margaret Ballydehob Skull Cork Sullivan Margaret Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Sullivan Mary Cappagh More Skull Cork Sullivan Mary Coosane Skull Cork Sullivan Mary Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Sullivan Mary Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Sullivan Mary Rathcool Skull Cork Sullivan Michael Cooragurteen Skull Cork Sullivan Michael Derrycarhoon Skull Cork Sullivan Michael Dunbeacon Skull Cork Sullivan Michael Dunmanus, East Skull Cork Sullivan Michael Long Island Skull Cork Sullivan Michael Meenvane Skull Cork Sullivan Morgan Cashelfean Skull Cork Sullivan Owen Foilnamuck Skull Cork Sullivan Patrick Balteen Skull Cork Sullivan Patrick Cappagh More Skull Cork Sullivan Patrick Cooradarrigan Skull Cork Sullivan Patrick Glan Skull Cork Sullivan Peter Ballybane, East Skull Cork Sullivan Timothy Caherolickane Skull Cork Sullivan Timothy Cappaghglass Skull Cork Sullivan Timothy Cooradarrigan Skull Cork Sullivan Timothy Foilnamuck Skull Cork Sullivan Timothy Gunpoint Skull Cork Sullivan Timothy Kilbronoge Skull Cork Sullivan Timothy Long Island Skull Cork Sullivan Timothy Rathruane Beg Skull Cork Sullivan Timothy, Sr. Foilnamuck Skull Cork Sullivsn Denis Lisheennacreagh Skull Cork Supple Bridget Glan Skull Cork Supple Honoria Glan Skull Cork Swanton Anne Ballybane, West Skull Cork Swanton Eliza Bawnaknockane Skull Cork Swanton Eliza Bawnshanaclogh Skull Cork Swanton Ellen Chapel Lane,Ballydehob Skull Cork Swanton George Bawnaknockane Skull Cork Swanton George Gunpoint Skull Cork Swanton Hugh Gortnagrough Skull Cork Swanton James Coolagh More Skull Cork Swanton James Coolcaha Skull Cork Swanton James H. Ballydehob Skull Cork Swanton James, Jr. Dromkeal Skull Cork Swanton Jane Cooragurteen Skull Cork Swanton John Bawnaknockane Skull Cork Swanton John Coolcaha Skull Cork Swanton Rep. James Bawnshanaclogh Skull Cork Swanton Robert Derrylahard Skull Cork Swanton Robert Dromkeal Skull Cork Swanton Robert Gortnagrough Skull Cork Swanton Robert Rathruane Beg Skull Cork Swanton Robert Rathruane More Skull Cork Swanton Robert Scarteenakillin Skull Cork Swanton Robert, Jr. Ballydehob Skull Cork Swanton Samuel Coolcaha Skull Cork Swanton Thomas Coolcaha Skull Cork Swanton Thomas Sparrograda Skull Cork Swanton William Ballydehob Skull Cork Swanton William Caherlusky Skull Cork Swanton William H. Gubbeen Skull Cork Swanton William Job Ballybane, East Skull Cork Swanton William Job Ballydehob Skull Cork Sweeney Daniel Coolcaha Skull Cork Sweeney James Rossbrin Skull Cork Sweeney Jason Rossbrin Skull Cork Sweeney John Mauladinna Skull Cork Sweeney John Woodlands Skull Cork Sweeny Edward Clashmore Skull Cork Sweeny Edward Derreennaclogh Skull Cork Sweeny Ellen Dunbeacon Skull Cork Sweeny John Cashelfean Skull Cork Sweeny John Glan Skull Cork Sweeny John Gortnagrough Skull Cork Sweeny John Mauladinna Skull Cork Sweeny John Shanavagh Skull Cork Sweeny John Skeagh Skull Cork Sweeny Margaret Skeagh Skull Cork Sweeny Mary Gunpoint Skull Cork Sweeny Michael Cashelfean Skull Cork Sweeny Michael Chapel Lane,Ballydehob Skull Cork Sweeny Michael Derrycarhoon Skull Cork Sweeny Timothy Dunbeacon Skull Cork Sweetman Austin Bawnaknockane Skull Cork Sweetman Austin Bawnshanaclogh Skull Cork Sweetman Austin Illaunroe Island Skull Cork Sweetman Austin Murrahin Skull Cork Sweetman Austin Shanavagh Skull Cork Sweetman George Ballybrack Skull Cork Sweetman Henry Cove Skull Cork Sweetman Henry Murrahin Skull Cork Sweetman Richard Dunbeacon Skull Cork Sweetman Richard Lissacaha Skull Cork Sweetman Richard Murrahin Skull Cork Sweetman Samuel Laharan Skull Cork Sweetman Samuel Murrahin Skull Cork Sweetman Stephen Ardmanagh Skull Cork Sweetman Stephen Ballydehob Skull Cork Sweetman Stephen Skull Skull Cork Sweetman Stephen, M.D. Main Street, Skull Skull Cork Sweetman Stephen, M.D. Skull Skull Cork Sweney Edward Clashmore Skull Cork Swetman John Drinane Skull Cork Thomas John Coosheen Skull Cork Tobin James Ardmanagh Skull Cork Tobin James Skull Skull Cork Townsend John Dunbeacon Skull Cork Townsend Richard Dunbeacon Skull Cork Trindle Michael Lisheennacreagh Skull Cork Tringle Eliza Lisheennacreagh Skull Cork Tringle Michael Lisheennacreagh Skull Cork Triphook Rev. John Gubbeen Skull Cork Triphook Rev. John Skull Skull Cork Triphook Robert Skull Skull Cork Tuohy Patrick Derryconnell Skull Cork Tuomy John Ballycummisk Skull Cork Twomey James Chapel Lane,Ballydehob Skull Cork Twomy James Knockeens Skull Cork Ullivan Johns Ratooragh Skull Cork Walsh John Derryleary Skull Cork Ward James Lisheennacreagh Skull Cork Warren Rev. W. Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Welpley Daniel Skull Skull Cork White Denis Ballydehob Skull Cork White George Gunpoint Skull Cork Whitely John Ardmanagh Skull Cork Whitley Anne Skull Skull Cork Whitley Francis Gubbeen Skull Cork Whitley Henry Ardmanagh Skull Cork Whitley John Ardmanagh Skull Cork Whitley John Main St,Skull,(Ardmanagh) Skull Cork Whitley John Skeagh Skull Cork Whooly Mary Derreenard Skull Cork Wilcock Edward Dunmanus, West Skull Cork Wilcock William Arderrawinny Skull Cork Wilkinson Alice Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Williamson Honoria Meenvane Skull Cork Williamson Mary Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Williamson Robert Main St,Skull,(Ardmanagh) Skull Cork Williamson Robert Main St,Skull,(Meenvane) Skull Cork Williamson Robert Meenvane Skull Cork Williamson Robert Skull Skull Cork Williamson William Main St,Skull,(Ardmanagh) Skull Cork Willis John Kilbronoge Skull Cork Willis Philip Kilbronoge Skull Cork Willis Richard Kilbronoge Skull Cork Wolf William Ballydehob Skull Cork Wolfe Anne Cooragurteen Skull Cork Wolfe Anne Stouke Skull Cork Wolfe Evas Stouke Skull Cork Wolfe James Cooragurteen Skull Cork Wolfe James Shanavagh Skull Cork Wolfe James Stouke Skull Cork Wolfe John Stouke Skull Cork Wolfe Joseph Ballycummisk Skull Cork Wolfe Samuel, Jr. Stouke Skull Cork Wolfe Samuel, Sr. Stouke Skull Cork Wolfe William Ballycummisk Skull Cork Wolfe William Ballydehob Skull Cork Wolfe William Clashmore Skull Cork Wolfe William Cooragurteen Skull Cork Wolfe William Foilnamuck Skull Cork Wolfe William Shanavagh Skull Cork Wool James Rossbrin Skull Cork Woulfe William Ballydehob Skull Cork Wright William Cashelfean Skull Cork Young James Scrahanyleary Skull Cork Young John Drishane Skull Cork Young Thomas Rathruane Beg Skull Cork Young Thomas Rathruane More Skull Cork