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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - St. Nicholas, County Cork
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - St. Nicholas, County Cork
Adams Edward South Terrace St. Nicholas Cork Adams Ellen Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Adams James B. South Terrace St. Nicholas Cork Agnew James Skahabeg, South St. Nicholas Cork Ahearn William Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Ahern David Listowel Lane St. Nicholas Cork Ahern Fitzmaurice Curragh Road (Evergreen Terrace) St. Nicholas Cork Ahern Jeremiah Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Ahern Jeremiah Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Ahern Michael Cove Street (Warren's Row) St. Nicholas Cork Ahern Michael Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Ahern Owen Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Ahern Owen The Mews St. Nicholas Cork Ahern Patrick Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Ahern Patrick Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Ahern Timothy Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Allen Daniel Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Allen Francis South Terrace St. Nicholas Cork Allen Francis Warwick Street St. Nicholas Cork Allen James St Finbar's Place Cork St. Nicholas Cork Allport George Black-Rock Road St. Nicholas Cork Angleton Patk. High Street St. Nicholas Cork Angleton Patrick High Street St. Nicholas Cork Archer Ellen Fitton Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Armstrong Lancelott Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Arnott John Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Ashe John George's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Atkins John C. Albert Quay St. Nicholas Cork Attridge James Union Quay St. Nicholas Cork Aynew James Ballyphehain St. Nicholas Cork Bacher Henry Copley Street St. Nicholas Cork Bailey John Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Baily Robert Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork Barclay George Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Barrett Daniel Blackmoor Lane St. Nicholas Cork Barrett Edward Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Barrett Eliza George's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Barrett Honoria Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Barrett James Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Barrett Johanna Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Barrett John Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Barrett John Listowel Lane St. Nicholas Cork Barrett John Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Barrett Mary Greenfield Lane St. Nicholas Cork Barrett Michael High Street St. Nicholas Cork Barrett Richard Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Barrett Richd. Kitling Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Barrett William Listowel Lane St. Nicholas Cork Barron Thomas Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Barry Anne White Street St. Nicholas Cork Barry Eliza Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Barry Garrett Crean's Alley St. Nicholas Cork Barry Henry James's Square Cork St. Nicholas Cork Barry J. Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Barry James Blue Anchor Yard St. Nicholas Cork Barry James Lloyd's Alley St. Nicholas Cork Barry James Maglin St. Nicholas Cork Barry Jane Margaret Street St. Nicholas Cork Barry John Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Barry John Blackmoor Lane St. Nicholas Cork Barry John Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Barry John Cove Street (Warren's Row) St. Nicholas Cork Barry John Featherbed Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Barry John Fitton Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Barry John Green Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Barry John Old Weighhouse Lane & Desmond Square St. Nicholas Cork Barry John Sober Lane St. Nicholas Cork Barry John Warwick Street St. Nicholas Cork Barry Mary Anne Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Barry Patrick Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Barry Richard Chamberlain Lane St. Nicholas Cork Barry Richard Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Barry Thomas Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Barry Thomas Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork Barry Thomas Margaret Street St. Nicholas Cork Barry Valentine George's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Barry William Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Bass Thomas Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Bastable Arthur Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Bateman Jeremiah Anglesea Street St. Nicholas Cork Bateman Jeremiah Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Bateman Richard E. Bateman's Row St. Nicholas Cork Bateman Richard E. Chamberlain Lane St. Nicholas Cork Bateman Richard E. Cuthbert's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Bateman Richard E. Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Bateman Richard E. Haggard Lane St. Nicholas Cork Bateman Richd. Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Bateman William Warwick Street St. Nicholas Cork Beamish ??? Rutland Street St. Nicholas Cork Beamish Charles Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Beamish Charles White Street St. Nicholas Cork Beatty Arthur Travers Street St. Nicholas Cork Beecher Mary Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Begley Bartholomew Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Begley Thomas Griffin's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Belcher Jane Haggard Lane St. Nicholas Cork Belcher Richard J. Thomond Square St. Nicholas Cork Belcher William Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Belcher William Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Belcher Wm. Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Bell John Griffin's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Bell Samuel Infirmary Road St. Nicholas Cork Bell Samuel Sleigh's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Bellows Thomas Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Bennan Edward Raheen and Cooleen St. Nicholas Cork Bennett Alicia Free Church Alms Houses St. Nicholas Cork Bennett John Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Bergin Edward Cumberland Street St. Nicholas Cork Bernard Edward Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Bernard Mary Anne Thomond Square St. Nicholas Cork Berry James Maglin St. Nicholas Cork Berry William George's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Beston Elizabeth Free Church Alms Houses St. Nicholas Cork Biggs ??? Margaret Street St. Nicholas Cork Bird Catherine Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Blair Anne Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Blair Caroline Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Blewett Thomas Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Booth John Rutland Street St. Nicholas Cork Bosanguet John Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Bose John H. Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Boyd Robert Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Boyd Robert A. Buckingham Place St. Nicholas Cork Boyle Thomas George's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Brady Kingsmill George's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Brady Kingsmill Mary's Court St. Nicholas Cork Brady Mary Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Brennan Rev. George Cove Street (Warren's Row) St. Nicholas Cork Brickley William Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Brickley William Hyde's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Brien David Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Brien Denis Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Brien Denis Chamberlain Lane St. Nicholas Cork Brinn William Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Browne Alexander Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Browne James Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Browne Ruth Wellington Place St. Nicholas Cork Browne Thomas Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Bryan Daniel Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Bryan Denis Cuthbert's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Bryan Denis Lag Lane St. Nicholas Cork Bryan Eliza St Finbar's Alley Cork St. Nicholas Cork Bryan Michael Crosses Green Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Bryan William Tory Top Lane St. Nicholas Cork Buckley Daniel Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Buckley Daniel Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Buckley Ellen Listowel Lane St. Nicholas Cork Buckley James Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Buckley Jeremiah Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Buckley John Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork Buckley John Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Buckley Mary Featherbed Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Buckley Matthew Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Buckley Maurice Crosses Green Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Buckley Patrick Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Buckley Thomas Blackmoor Lane St. Nicholas Cork Buckley Thomas Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Buckley Timothy Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Buckley William Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Bull Christopher Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Bull Christpher Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Bull Joshua Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Burchell Simon Russell's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Burchell Solomon Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Burden James Wandesforde Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Burden Richard Fort Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Burden William Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Burke Daniel Lloyd's Alley St. Nicholas Cork Burke Maurice Globe Lane & Ffrench's Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Burke Maurice Keyser's Hill Cork St. Nicholas Cork Burke Patrick Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Burton Christopher Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Bushell John Thomond Square St. Nicholas Cork Butler John Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Butler William Wellington Place St. Nicholas Cork Byrne John High Street St. Nicholas Cork Byrne William Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Byrns Daniel Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Cahill David Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Cahill John Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Cahill Patrick Curragh Road St. Nicholas Cork Cahill Thomas Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Cahill Thomas Travers Street St. Nicholas Cork Callaghan Alice Proby's Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Callaghan Catherine Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Callaghan Catherine Haggard Lane St. Nicholas Cork Callaghan Catherine Keyser's Hill Cork St. Nicholas Cork Callaghan Catherine Step Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Callaghan Catherine Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Callaghan Catherine Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Callaghan Daniel Green Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Callaghan Ellen Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Callaghan James Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Callaghan John Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Callaghan John Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Callaghan Mary Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Callaghan Michael Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Callaghan Murtagh Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Callaghan Patrick Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Callaghan William Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Callinan Bartholomew Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Callinan Denis Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Callinan Michael Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Callinan Michael James's Square Cork St. Nicholas Cork Callinan Thomas Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork Callinane Michael Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Cantillon Charles J. Anglesea Street St. Nicholas Cork Cantillon Charles J. Cotter Street St. Nicholas Cork Canty Daniel High Street St. Nicholas Cork Capel John Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Carew Robert James's Square Cork St. Nicholas Cork Carey Michael F. Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Carey Thomas Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Carroll James Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Carroll Jeremiah Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Carroll Jeremiah Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Carroll Jeremiah Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Carroll Thomas Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Casey Alicia Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Casey Daniel Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Casey Edward George's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Casey Mary Tory Top Lane St. Nicholas Cork Casey Rep. Timothy Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Cashman David High Street St. Nicholas Cork Cassidy Michael Blackmoor Lane St. Nicholas Cork Cassidy Michael Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork Cassidy Michael Cove Street (Warren's Row) St. Nicholas Cork Cavanagh Arthur Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Cavanagh John Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Cave John Albert Quay St. Nicholas Cork Chambers Robert Crosses Green Cork St. Nicholas Cork Church John Church's Alley Cork St. Nicholas Cork Clarke Baronet William Bennett Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Clarke Charles Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Clarke Ellen Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Clarke Henry Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Clarke William Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Clarke William Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork Clarke William Cove Street (Warren's Row) St. Nicholas Cork Clarke William Fitton Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Clarke William Step Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Clay John Greenfield Lane St. Nicholas Cork Clayton Jeremiah Crean's Alley St. Nicholas Cork Cleary Roger Lag Lane St. Nicholas Cork Clifford Rev. Caleb Friar's Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Clifton William A. Union Quay St. Nicholas Cork Coakley Denis Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Coates Daniel Crosses Green Cork St. Nicholas Cork Coburne Edward South Terrace St. Nicholas Cork Cody Laurence Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Coffey George Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Coffey Thomas Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Cogan James C. Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Cogan James C. Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Cogan Jas. C. Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork Cogan Jas. C. Cogan's Alley St. Nicholas Cork Cogan Michael Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Cogan Patrick Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Coghan Michael George's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan Constantine Listowel Lane St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan Cornelius Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan Cornelius, Jr. Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan Cornelius, Sr. Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan Daniel Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan David High Street St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan James Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan James Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan James Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan James Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan James Rutland Street St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan Jas. Crane's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan Jas. Margaret Street St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan Jeremiah Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan John Listowel Lane St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan Louisa Free Church Alms Houses St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan Margaret Thomond Square St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan Michael Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan Pat. Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan Pat. Greenfield Lane St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan Patrick Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan Patrick Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan Patrick Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan Robert Chamberlain Lane St. Nicholas Cork Coghlan Thomas Maglin St. Nicholas Cork Cokely John Proby's Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Colclough Denis Langford Row St. Nicholas Cork Coleman Bartholomew Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Coleman Thomas Jews Lane St. Nicholas Cork Collins Cornelius Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Collins Daniel Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Collins Denis Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork Collins John Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Collins John Margaret Street St. Nicholas Cork Collins John Shaw's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Collins Joseph Sleigh's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Collins Mark Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Collins Mark Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Collins Patrick Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Collins Patrick Langford Row St. Nicholas Cork Colohon John Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Committee ??? Rutland Street St. Nicholas Cork Compton John St Finbar's Place Cork St. Nicholas Cork Condon Ellen Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Condon Honoria Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Condon John Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Condon Maurice Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Condon Richard Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Connell Catherine Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Connell Cornelius Church's Alley Cork St. Nicholas Cork Connell Daniel High Street St. Nicholas Cork Connell Daniel Step Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Connell Honoria Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Connell John Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Connell Mary Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Connell Maurice Globe Lane & Ffrench's Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Connell Michael Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Connell Thomas Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork Connell Thomas Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Connell Timothy Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Connell Timothy James's Square Cork St. Nicholas Cork Connell Timothy Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Connell William Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Connell William Skahabeg, South St. Nicholas Cork Connellan Richard Wellington Place St. Nicholas Cork Connelly Eugene Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Connolly James Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Connolly John Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Connolly Michael Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Connolly William High Street St. Nicholas Cork Connor Cornelius Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Connor Cornelius Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Connor Daniel Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Connor Edmond Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Connor James Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Connor Jeremiah Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Connor Jeremiah Skahabeg, South St. Nicholas Cork Connor Johanna Blue Anchor Yard St. Nicholas Cork Connor Johanna Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Connor John Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Connor John Gallows Green Cork St. Nicholas Cork Connor John Skahabeg, South St. Nicholas Cork Connor John Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Connor Julia Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Connor Patrick White Street St. Nicholas Cork Connor Stephen Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Connor Thomas High Street St. Nicholas Cork Connor Timothy Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Connor William Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Connors William Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Conran John Margaret Street St. Nicholas Cork Conron Hatton Blackmoor Lane St. Nicholas Cork Conron Hatton Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork Conron Hatton St. Nicholas' Church Lane St. Nicholas Cork Conroy Bartholomew Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Constantine Robert Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Conway James Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Conway Mary Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Coogan William Curragh Road St. Nicholas Cork Cooke Bartholomew Fitton Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Cooney William Griffin's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Cooper Anne Free Church Alms Houses St. Nicholas Cork Copperthwait John Wandesforde Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Corcoran Cornelius Gallows Green Cork St. Nicholas Cork Corcoran Ellen High Street St. Nicholas Cork Corcoran Jermeiah High Street St. Nicholas Cork Corcoran Johanna Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Corcoran John Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Corcoran John Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Corcoran John Crane's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Corcoran John Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Corcoran John Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Corcoran John Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Corcoran John Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Corcoran Michael Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Corcoran Michl. Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Corker Thomas South Terrace St. Nicholas Cork Corkerry John Travers Street St. Nicholas Cork Corkery Constantine Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Cotter Edmund Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Cotter John Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Cotter John Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Cotter John Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Cotter Mary Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Cotter Maurice Lloyd's Alley St. Nicholas Cork Cotter Pierce Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Cotter Pierce The Mews St. Nicholas Cork Cotter William Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Cotter William H. James's Square Cork St. Nicholas Cork Cottrell Charles Black-Rock Road St. Nicholas Cork Cottrell Henry Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork Coughlan Patrick Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Coughlan Patrick Skahabeg, South St. Nicholas Cork County William Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Courtney Eugene Bateman's Row St. Nicholas Cork Courtney Johanna Chamberlain Lane St. Nicholas Cork Courtney Mrs. ??? Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Courtney Thomas Coyle's Square St. Nicholas Cork Coveney Daniel Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Coveney Matthew Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Coveney Patrick Jews Lane St. Nicholas Cork Cowhig James St. Nicholas' Church Lane St. Nicholas Cork Cowhig Jeremiah George's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Coyle Thomas Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork Craig Rep. Charlotte Curragh Road St. Nicholas Cork Crane Daniel Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Crawford ??? Rutland Street St. Nicholas Cork Crean Daniel Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Crean Daniel High Street St. Nicholas Cork Crean Daniel Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Crean Joseph Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Credin John Friar's Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Creedon Daniel Sullivan's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Creighton Patrick Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Cremin Cornelius Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Cremin Daniel Greenfield Lane St. Nicholas Cork Crofts George Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Cronan Christopher Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Crone Caleb Reardon's Court St. Nicholas Cork Cronin Andrew Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Cronin Cornelius Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Cronin Cornelius Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Cronin Daniel Bennett Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Cronin Daniel Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Cronin Daniel Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Cronin John Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Cronin Michael Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Cronin Patrick Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Cronin Timothy Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Crowley Denis Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Crowley Denis Hospital Lane St. Nicholas Cork Crowley Denis Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Crowley John Griffin's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Crowley Michael Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Crowley Michael Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Crowley Michael Listowel Lane St. Nicholas Cork Crowley Patrick Summer Hill, South St. Nicholas Cork Crowley Stephen Haggard Lane St. Nicholas Cork Crowley William Raheen and Cooleen St. Nicholas Cork Crowly James Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Crowly William Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Cullinan Mary Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Cullinane James Griffin's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Cunningham Daniel Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Cunningham Denis Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Cunningham Margaret Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Cunningham Sarah Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Curtin James Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Curtin Michl. Crane's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Curtin Michl. Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Curtin William Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Cuthbert John Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Dagg Robert Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Dahill Cornelius Proby's Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Daly Bartholomew Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Daly Daniel Crosses Green Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Daly Denis Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Daly Denis Green Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Daly John Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork Daly John Cumberland Street St. Nicholas Cork Daly Joseph Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Daly Mary Black-Rock Road St. Nicholas Cork Daly Mary Featherbed Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Daly Owen Maglin St. Nicholas Cork Daly Samuel Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Daly Thomas Fitton Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Daly Thomas Wandesforde Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Daly Timothy Featherbed Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Daunt Honoria Curragh Road (Evergreen Terrace) St. Nicholas Cork Dawson Bridget Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Deane Alexander Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Deasy Mary Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Deasy Michael Warwick Street St. Nicholas Cork Dee Peter Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Delany George F. Thomond Square St. Nicholas Cork Delury Patrick Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Dempsey John Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork Dempsey John Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Dempsey William Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Dempsey William Union Quay St. Nicholas Cork Denahy Johanna Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Denehy Philip Chamberlain Lane St. Nicholas Cork Denis William Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Desmond Catherine Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Desmond Catherine Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Desmond Cornelius Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Desmond Daniel Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Desmond Denis Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Desmond Denis Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Desmond Denis Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Desmond Humphrey Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Desmond John Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Desmond Margaret Griffin's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Desmond Michael Featherbed Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Desmond Michael Haggard Lane St. Nicholas Cork Desmond Michael Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Devereux Thomas Mary's Court St. Nicholas Cork Deyos Joseph Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork Deyos Joseph Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Deyos Mary Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Dickson Samuel Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Dineen Thomas Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Dinneen John Summer Hill, South St. Nicholas Cork Dinney William Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Dixon Henry Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Dixon Henry Town Parks of Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Doherty Edward J. Cove Street (Warren's Row) St. Nicholas Cork Doherty Jane Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Donegan Eliza Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Donohoe Catherine Green Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Donohoe Eugene Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork Donohoe John Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Donovan Daniel Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Donovan Daniel Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Donovan Daniel Reeves Road St. Nicholas Cork Donovan Danl. Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Donovan Denis Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Donovan Denis Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Donovan James Old Weighhouse Lane & Desmond Square St. Nicholas Cork Donovan John Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Donovan Margaret Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Donovan Mary Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Donovan Michael Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Donovan Thomas Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Donovan Thomas Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Donovan Thomas Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Donovan Thomas Raheen and Cooleen St. Nicholas Cork Donovan Timothy Chamberlain Lane St. Nicholas Cork Donovan Timothy Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork Donovan Timothy Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Donovan William Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork Donovan Wm. Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork Dooley John Blue Anchor Yard St. Nicholas Cork Dooley John Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Dorgan Timothy Ballyphehain St. Nicholas Cork Dorgan William Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Dorgan Wm. Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Dorney Sylvester Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Dowd William Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Dowling Ellen Cumberland Street St. Nicholas Cork Dowling Mary Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Dowling Michael Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Dowling Michael Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Downes Ellen George's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Downing James Cumberland Street St. Nicholas Cork Doyle William Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Draddy Bridget Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Draddy Edward Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Dreddy Edmond Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Drinan Ellen Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Driscoll Daniel D. Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Driscoll Jeremiah Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Driscoll John Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Driscoll John Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Driscoll John Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Driscoll Michael High Street St. Nicholas Cork Driscoll Timothy Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Driscoll William Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Dudley Thomas Fitton Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Duff David Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Duggan Daniel High Street St. Nicholas Cork Duggan Daniel Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Duggan Jeremiah High Street St. Nicholas Cork Duggan John P. Summer Hill, South St. Nicholas Cork Duggan Michael High Street St. Nicholas Cork Duggan Patrick Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Dunbar Joseph George's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Dunbar Joseph Margaret Street St. Nicholas Cork Dunlap Hugh Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Dunn James St Finbar's Place Cork St. Nicholas Cork Dunne Mary Thomond Square St. Nicholas Cork Dwyer Daniel Haggard Lane St. Nicholas Cork Dwyer William Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Dyars John W. Summer Hill, South St. Nicholas Cork Dyos Joseph W. Langford Row St. Nicholas Cork Eames Edward Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Eames Robert Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Egan William Sleigh's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Egan William Union Quay St. Nicholas Cork Ellard James Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Ellard James Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Ellard James Summer Hill, South St. Nicholas Cork Ellard James Tory Top Lane St. Nicholas Cork Ellard Sophia Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Ellis William Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork English Margaret Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Enright Michael Langford Row St. Nicholas Cork Evans ??? Crosses Green Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Evans Hannah James's Square Cork St. Nicholas Cork Evans Roger B. Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Evans Thomas James's Square Cork St. Nicholas Cork Evans Thomas Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Fagan William Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Faire William Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Farrell Daniel Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Farrell Thomas Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Feehily Michael Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Ferriter James Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Field Matthew Jews Lane St. Nicholas Cork Field Matthew Raheen and Cooleen St. Nicholas Cork Finch John W. Black-Rock Road St. Nicholas Cork Finch John W. Victoria Road St. Nicholas Cork Finch John William Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Finnegan Denis Keyser's Hill Cork St. Nicholas Cork Finney Rev. Thos. H. C. Langford Row St. Nicholas Cork Finnucan Thomas Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Fisher William Thomond Square St. Nicholas Cork Fitten Jeremiah Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Fitton Russell Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Fitton Terence Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Fitzgerald Ellen High Street St. Nicholas Cork Fitzgerald Garrett Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Fitzgerald George Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Fitzgerald John Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Fitzgerald John Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Fitzgerald John Coyle's Square St. Nicholas Cork Fitzgerald John Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Fitzgerald Mary Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Fitzgerald Mary Haggard Alley Cork St. Nicholas Cork Fitzgerald Maurice Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Fitzgerald Michael Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Fitzgerald Michael White Street St. Nicholas Cork Fitzgerald Richard Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Fitzgerald Thomas Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Fitzgerald William Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Fitzgibbon Garret Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Fitzgibbon Sarah M. Thomond Square St. Nicholas Cork Fitzsimons George Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Fitzsimons William Proby's Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Flaherty Edward Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Flaherty Hugh Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Flaherty Hugh Langford Row St. Nicholas Cork Flanagan Eugene Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Flanagan Michel Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Flanagan Patrick Haggard Alley Cork St. Nicholas Cork Flavin Daniel Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Flavin John Langford Row St. Nicholas Cork Fleming John Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Fleming Samuel Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Flinn Daniel Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Flinn Michael Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Flinn Timothy Black-Rock Road St. Nicholas Cork Flinn William Summer Hill, South St. Nicholas Cork Flyn Margaret Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Flynn Anne Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Flynn Catherine Raheen and Cooleen St. Nicholas Cork Flynn Catherine Skahabeg, South St. Nicholas Cork Flynn Edward Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Flynn Ellen Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Flynn Ellen Raheen and Cooleen St. Nicholas Cork Flynn John Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Flynn Margaret Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork Flynn Michael, Sr. Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Flynn Timothy Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Foley Daniel Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Foley Denis St Finbar's Alley Cork St. Nicholas Cork Foley Edmond Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Foley Edward Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Foley Mary Greenfield Lane St. Nicholas Cork Foley Mary Anne Cumberland Street St. Nicholas Cork Foley Michael Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Foley Thomas Proby's Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Foley Timothy Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Foley Timothy Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Foley William Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Foley William Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Foley William Hospital Lane St. Nicholas Cork Ford Andrew Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Ford Benjamin Crosses Green Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Forrest James Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Forrest John Coyle's Square St. Nicholas Cork Forshaw John Sleigh's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Foster John Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork French Thomas G. Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork French Thos. G. Margaret Street St. Nicholas Cork Friend Benjamin Union Quay St. Nicholas Cork Fullwood Thomas Sleigh's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Galavan Cornelius Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Gallagher Margaret Margaret Street St. Nicholas Cork Gallwey Morgan Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork Galvin Denis Keyser's Hill Cork St. Nicholas Cork Galway Richard Green Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Galwey Anne Thomond Square St. Nicholas Cork Galwey Thomas Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Gardiner William Skahabeg, South St. Nicholas Cork Gash William High Street St. Nicholas Cork Geary Daniel Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Geary Patrick Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Geary Thomas Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Geary Thomas Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Gess Michael Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Gibbons Mary Sleigh's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Gibson William E. Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Gill John Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Gleeing David Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Gleeson Thomas Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Gody Mary Raheen and Cooleen St. Nicholas Cork Goff Edward South Terrace St. Nicholas Cork Goff Edward White Street St. Nicholas Cork Goggin Thomas Raheen and Cooleen St. Nicholas Cork Gollock James South Terrace St. Nicholas Cork Good William Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Gorman Jeremiah Poulduff Road St. Nicholas Cork Gorman Jeremiah Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Gorman Michael Green Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Gould John Albert Quay St. Nicholas Cork Gould John Blackmoor Lane St. Nicholas Cork Gould John Copley Street St. Nicholas Cork Gould John Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork Gould John Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Gould John Stable Lane St. Nicholas Cork Gould Michael Copley Street St. Nicholas Cork Gould Michael Reardon's Court St. Nicholas Cork Gould Michael White Street St. Nicholas Cork Gould Richard Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Gould Richard White Street St. Nicholas Cork Goulden Denis Old Weighhouse Lane & Desmond Square St. Nicholas Cork Goulden John Old Weighhouse Lane & Desmond Square St. Nicholas Cork Govis Peter Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Grant Thomas Sleigh's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Grenham Sarah Buckingham Place St. Nicholas Cork Griffin Michael Margaret Street St. Nicholas Cork Griffith Charlotte Free Church Alms Houses St. Nicholas Cork Grohan Daniel Albert Quay St. Nicholas Cork Grubb Thomas George's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Hackett William Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Hall John Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Hallasy Michael Maglin St. Nicholas Cork Hallissy John Curragh Road St. Nicholas Cork Hallissy Michael Haggard Lane St. Nicholas Cork Haly Michael Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Hamblin Henry Wellington Place St. Nicholas Cork Hamilton Eckland B. James's Square Cork St. Nicholas Cork Hamilton John Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Hamilton Rev. Archibald South Terrace St. Nicholas Cork Hamsted Charles Langford Row St. Nicholas Cork Hancock John Crane's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Hanley Patrick Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Happelton John Wellington Place St. Nicholas Cork Harding William The Mews St. Nicholas Cork Hardy Maria Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Harkins Patrick Green Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Harrigan Cornelius Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Harrington Patrick Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Harris Henry J. James's Square Cork St. Nicholas Cork Harris James Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Harris James Haggard Lane St. Nicholas Cork Harris John Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Harrison John Sullivan's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Harrison Saml. Margaret Street St. Nicholas Cork Hart Bridget Featherbed Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Hart Michael Listowel Lane St. Nicholas Cork Hart Patrick Old Weighhouse Lane & Desmond Square St. Nicholas Cork Hart William Featherbed Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Harvey William Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Harvey Wm. Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork Haver Robert Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Hawkes Margaret Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Hayes Constantine Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Hayes Denis Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Hayes Edward Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Hayes Elen, Jr. Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Hayes James Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Hayes John Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Hayes John Curragh Road (Evergreen Terrace) St. Nicholas Cork Hayes John Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Hayes John Gallows Green Cork St. Nicholas Cork Hayes Patrick Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Haynes Thomas Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork Haynes Thomas George's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Healy Amelia Cumberland Street St. Nicholas Cork Healy Bridget Proby's Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Healy Daniel High Street St. Nicholas Cork Healy Denis High Street St. Nicholas Cork Healy Jeremiah Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Healy John Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Healy John High Street St. Nicholas Cork Healy John Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Healy John B. Thomond Square St. Nicholas Cork Healy Matthew Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork Healy Michael Old Weighhouse Lane & Desmond Square St. Nicholas Cork Healy William Blue Anchor Yard St. Nicholas Cork Healy William High Street St. Nicholas Cork Hedges James Cove Street (Warren's Row) St. Nicholas Cork Hedges James Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Hedges Jas. Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork Heffernan Catherine Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Heffernan Edward St Finbar's Alley Cork St. Nicholas Cork Hegarty Catherine Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork Hegarty James Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Hegarty James Gallows Green Cork St. Nicholas Cork Hegarty Jeremiah Haggard Lane St. Nicholas Cork Hegarty Michael Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Hegarty Patrick Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Helen Joseph Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Henerty Denis Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Henerty Johanna High Street St. Nicholas Cork Henerty Johanna Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Henerty John Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Herbert Martha Thomond Square St. Nicholas Cork Herlihy Michael Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Hickey Jas. Featherbed Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Hickey Johanna Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Hickey Thomas Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Hill Alicia South Terrace St. Nicholas Cork Hill Matthew High Street St. Nicholas Cork Hobbs Arthur Green Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Hobbs Edward Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Hobbs Ellen Old Weighhouse Lane & Desmond Square St. Nicholas Cork Hogan Mary Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Hogan Mary Potter's Alley St. Nicholas Cork Hogan Mary Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Hogg Robert Thomond Square St. Nicholas Cork Holland Denis Skahabeg, South St. Nicholas Cork Holland William Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Hollywood Giles Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork Holton Francis Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Homan William Black-Rock Road St. Nicholas Cork Honan Walter Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Hore William Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Horgan James Langford Row St. Nicholas Cork Horgan Timothy Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Horigan Johanna Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Horigan Johanna Langford Row St. Nicholas Cork Hornibrook Rev. Saml. Cuthbert's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Hornibrook Rev. Saml. Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Hornibrook Rev. Saml. Geary's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Hornibrook Rev. Saml. Lag Lane St. Nicholas Cork Hornibrook William Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Hornibrook William George's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Howard Charles Crean's Alley St. Nicholas Cork Howe Francis Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Howe George Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork Howe Thomas Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Howell William Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Hughes Benjamin Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Humphreys Thomas Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Humphries John Reardon's Court St. Nicholas Cork Hurley Charles Margaret Street St. Nicholas Cork Hurley Denis Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork Hurley Edward Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Hutchinson Christopher H. Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Hyde Cornelius Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Hyde Ellen Hyde's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Hyde Ellen Listowel Lane St. Nicholas Cork Hyde Mary Curragh Road St. Nicholas Cork Hyde Mary Listowel Lane St. Nicholas Cork Hynes Eliza Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Hynes Laurence Reeves Road St. Nicholas Cork Hynes Timothy James's Square Cork St. Nicholas Cork Ireton George Globe Lane & Ffrench's Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Jakes John Langford Row St. Nicholas Cork Jameson Colin B. Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Jeffers Rev. Edward Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Jervis Charlotte Curragh Road St. Nicholas Cork Jessie John Cumberland Street St. Nicholas Cork Johnston George K. Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork Johnston James Jackson's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Jones Ellen Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Jones Francis George's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Jones Thomas Margaret Street St. Nicholas Cork Jopp Susanna Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Joyce Edward Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Joyce Francis Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Joyce James Anglesea Street St. Nicholas Cork Joyce James Joyce's Alley St. Nicholas Cork Joyce James Stable Lane St. Nicholas Cork Joyce John Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Joyce John Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Joyce John Skahabeg, South St. Nicholas Cork Joyce Patrick Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Justin Richard Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Justin Richard Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork Kane Margaret Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Kane Timothy Black Horse Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Kavanagh William Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Keating Jeoffrey Old Weighhouse Lane & Desmond Square St. Nicholas Cork Keating John High Street St. Nicholas Cork Keating William Griffin's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Keeffe Ellen Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Keeffe Ellen Skahabeg, South St. Nicholas Cork Keeffe James Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Keeffe John Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Keeffe John Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Keeffe Mary Raheen and Cooleen St. Nicholas Cork Keeffe Mary Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Keeffe Patrick Skahabeg, South St. Nicholas Cork Keeffe Thomas Joyce's Alley St. Nicholas Cork Keeffe William Featherbed Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Keeffe William Skahabeg, South St. Nicholas Cork Keegan Michael Haggard Lane St. Nicholas Cork Keenan Thomas Black-Rock Road St. Nicholas Cork Keily John Proby's Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Kelleher Cornelius Crosses Green Cork St. Nicholas Cork Kelleher Daniel Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Kelleher Daniel Sleigh's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Kelleher Denis Sleigh's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Kelleher Michael Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Kelleher Patrick Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Keller John Cumberland Street St. Nicholas Cork Kelly Anne Ballyphehain St. Nicholas Cork Kelly Cornelius Keyser's Hill Cork St. Nicholas Cork Kelly Edward Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Kelly James Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Kelly John Crane's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Kelly Joseph Margaret Street St. Nicholas Cork Kelly Mary Crean's Alley St. Nicholas Cork Kelly Mary Listowel Lane St. Nicholas Cork Kelly William Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Kemp John Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Kemp Robert Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Kenefick Honor High Street St. Nicholas Cork Kenna Patrick Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Kennealy Jeremiah Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Kennedy Catherine Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Kennedy William Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Kennelly Jeremiah Skahabeg, South St. Nicholas Cork Kenny John High Street St. Nicholas Cork Kenny John Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Kenny Patrick Curragh Road St. Nicholas Cork Kenny William Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Kiely Thomas Proby's Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork King Anne Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork King Anne Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork King Martin Langford Row St. Nicholas Cork Kingeton John Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Kingston John Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Kingston John Town Parks of Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Kingston John Victoria Road St. Nicholas Cork Kinna Patrick Cumberland Street St. Nicholas Cork Kinnealy Daniel Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Kinnealy Timothy Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Kinnears Hugh Fort Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Kinnely Jeremiah Poulduff Road St. Nicholas Cork Kirby Daniel Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Kirk Richard Reardon's Court St. Nicholas Cork Laddy John Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Lahane John Lloyd's Alley St. Nicholas Cork Landers Anne Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Landers William Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Lane Bartholomew Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork Lane Eliza Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Lane John Geary's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Lane John Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Lane Mary Anne Cumberland Street St. Nicholas Cork Lane Michael Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Lane Michael Hyde's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Lane Michael Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Lane Patrick Maglin St. Nicholas Cork Lane Richard Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Lane Richard Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Lane Timothy Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Lane William Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Lane William Crosses Green Cork St. Nicholas Cork Lane William Drinan Street St. Nicholas Cork Langley Daniel Rutland Street St. Nicholas Cork Langley James Thomond Square St. Nicholas Cork Lantry Terence Thomond Square St. Nicholas Cork Large William South Terrace St. Nicholas Cork Lavalle John Ballyphehain St. Nicholas Cork Lavalle William Ballyphehain St. Nicholas Cork Lavallin Jeremiah Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Lavillin Jas. Blue Anchor Yard St. Nicholas Cork Lawler Patrick Union Quay St. Nicholas Cork Leahy Denis Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Leahy Elizabeth Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Leahy William Chamberlain Lane St. Nicholas Cork Leahy William Cuthbert's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Leamy Daniel Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Leary Cornelius Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Leary Cornelius Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Leary Cornelius Travers Street St. Nicholas Cork Leary Daniel Featherbed Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Leary Daniel Step Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Leary Danl. Haggard Lane St. Nicholas Cork Leary Denis Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Leary Denis Gallows Green Cork St. Nicholas Cork Leary Denis Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Leary Humphrey Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Leary James Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Leary Jeremiah Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Leary Margaret St Finbar's Alley Cork St. Nicholas Cork Leary Michael Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Leary Patrick Black Horse Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Leary Timothy Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Leavis James Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork Ledwidge Teresa Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Lee David Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Lee Emma Langford Row St. Nicholas Cork Lee Giles Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Lee Thomas Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork Lehane Thomas Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Lehy Daniel F. South Terrace St. Nicholas Cork Lehy Robert Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Lenihan Bartholomew Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Lenihan Denis Reardon's Court St. Nicholas Cork Lenihan John Black-Rock Road St. Nicholas Cork Lenihan Richard Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork Liddy Daniel Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork Linehan Anne Green Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Linehan Bartholomew Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Linehan Bartholomew Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Linehan Catherine Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Linehan Denis Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Linehan Jeremiah Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Linehan Jeremiah Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Linehan Jeremiah Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Linehan Jeremiah Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Linehan Jeremiah, Jr. Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Linehan John Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Lingham Denis Griffin's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Lingham Peter Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork Lloyd ??? Margaret Street St. Nicholas Cork Lloyd Christopher Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Lloyd Rich. Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Lloyd Rich. Lloyd's Alley St. Nicholas Cork Logan John Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Logan William C. Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork Logan William C. Cove Street (Warren's Row) St. Nicholas Cork Long James Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Long John Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Long John Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Looney Julia Haggard Lane St. Nicholas Cork Looney Thomas Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Lovel John Greenfield Lane St. Nicholas Cork Lucey Denis Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Lunham Thomas South Terrace St. Nicholas Cork Lunham Thos. Kemp Street St. Nicholas Cork Lynch Denis Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Lynch Ellen Anglesea Street St. Nicholas Cork Lynch Jeremiah Wellington Place St. Nicholas Cork Lynch John Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Lynch John Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Lynch Laurence Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Lynch Laurence Lynch's Alley St. Nicholas Cork Lynch Mary Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Lynch Michael Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Lynch Michael Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Lynch Patrick Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Lynch Timothy Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Lynch Timothy Keyser's Hill Cork St. Nicholas Cork Lyons Christopher Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Lyons Cornelius Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Lyons Daniel Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Lyons Daniel Sullivan's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Lyons Denis High Street St. Nicholas Cork Lyons Ellen Maglin St. Nicholas Cork Lyons Francis South Terrace St. Nicholas Cork Lyons James Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Lyons James Margaret Street St. Nicholas Cork Lyons Jeremiah St Finbar's Alley Cork St. Nicholas Cork Lyons Jeremiah Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Lyons John Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Lyons John Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Lyons Thomas Margaret Street St. Nicholas Cork Lysaght Louisa South Terrace St. Nicholas Cork Lyster Charles F. Ballyphehain St. Nicholas Cork M'Auliffe Catherine Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork M'Auliffe Constantine Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Charles Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Charles Reeves Road St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Daniel Griffin's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Daniel Old Weighhouse Lane & Desmond Square St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Daniel Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Daniel Summer Hill, South St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Denis Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Denis Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Denis Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Denis Wellington Place St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Ellen Crosses Green Cork St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Ellen Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Felix Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Francis Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Hannah Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy James Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy James Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Jeremiah Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Jeremiah High Street St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Jeremiah Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy John Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy John High Street St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy John Reardon's Court St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy John Russell's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy John Travers Street St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Mary Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Mary Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Mary Anne Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Michael Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Patrick Farrasy's Alley St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Patrick Sullivan's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Robert Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Thomas Jackson's Lane St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy Timothy Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy William Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork M'Carthy William Listowel Lane St. Nicholas Cork M'Cartney John Fitton Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork M'Donnell Edward Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork M'Donnell Thomas Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork M'Grath William Crosses Green Cork St. Nicholas Cork M'Kenna Michael Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork M'Mullen Anne Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork M'Mullen Laurence Margaret Street St. Nicholas Cork M'Namara Alex F. South Terrace St. Nicholas Cork M'Namara Alexander F. Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork M'Namara Alexander F. Gallows Green Cork St. Nicholas Cork M'Namara John South Terrace St. Nicholas Cork M'Namara Patrick Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork M'Nespie John Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork M'Sweeney Augustus R. Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork M'Sweeny Eugene Fitton Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork M'Sweeny Jane Old Weighhouse Lane & Desmond Square St. Nicholas Cork M'Sweeny Patrick Keyser's Hill Cork St. Nicholas Cork M'Sweeny Roger Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork M'Swiney Denis Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Mackey William High Street St. Nicholas Cork Macleod Rev. Denis. F. Cove Street (Warren's Row) St. Nicholas Cork Madden Andrew Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Madden Denis High Street St. Nicholas Cork Madden James Lag Lane St. Nicholas Cork Madden John Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Magner Robert Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Maher John Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Mahony Barbara Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Mahony Cornelius Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Mahony Cornelius Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Mahony Cornelius Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Mahony Denis Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Mahony Edw. Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Mahony Gerald Margaret Street St. Nicholas Cork Mahony Gerald White Street St. Nicholas Cork Mahony James Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Mahony James Lag Lane St. Nicholas Cork Mahony James Old Weighhouse Lane & Desmond Square St. Nicholas Cork Mahony Jeremiah Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork Mahony John Cumberland Street St. Nicholas Cork Mahony John Listowel Lane St. Nicholas Cork Mahony M. Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Mahony Margaret Featherbed Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Mahony Martin Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Mahony Mary Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Mahony Michael E. Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Mahony Michael E. Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Mahony Michael E. Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Mahony Rep. John Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Mahony Simon Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Mahony Simon Listowel Lane St. Nicholas Cork Mahony Timothy Crosses Green Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Mahony Timothy The Mews St. Nicholas Cork Mahony William Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Mahony Wm. Chamberlain Lane St. Nicholas Cork Malley William Griffin's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Malone Catherine Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Maloney Conrelius Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork Manning James Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Mansergh Elizabeth Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Mansfield Thomas Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Mansfield Thos. Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Marsden John Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork Marsh Co Monirea Albert Quay St. Nicholas Cork Marshall William Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Marshall William Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Martin Edward Mary's Court St. Nicholas Cork Martin Edward Warwick Street St. Nicholas Cork Martin Thaddeus Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Matthew Rev. Theobald Tory Top Lane St. Nicholas Cork Matthews William Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork May Garret High Street St. Nicholas Cork Mc Carthy Charles Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Mc Carthy Denis Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Mc Sweeny Michael Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Meade ??? Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork Meade Francis Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Meade Maurice Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Meade Richard Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork Meade Richard Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Meade Richard Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Meade Thomas Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Meany Thomas Fort Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Meany William Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Meeghan Michael Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Meehan Honoria Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Megigan Jeremiah Listowel Lane St. Nicholas Cork Mehegan Denis Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Mehgian Daniel Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Mehigan Denis Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Mehigan Denis Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Mehigan Jeremiah Listowel Lane St. Nicholas Cork Mehigan John Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Mehigan John Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Mehigan Joseph Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Mellifont Patrick Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Mellifont William Jackson's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Menton Francis Sleigh's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Merly John Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Merrick Thomas Crosses Green Cork St. Nicholas Cork Michigan Denis Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Michigan Jeremiah Raheen and Cooleen St. Nicholas Cork Millar Charles Summer Hill, South St. Nicholas Cork Millar Samuel Coyle's Square St. Nicholas Cork Mills James Cumberland Street St. Nicholas Cork Mills John Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Moffat Thomas Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Moffett John Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Mollowney John Rutland Street St. Nicholas Cork Moloney David Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Moloney Joseph Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Mooney Denis Green Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Mooney John Old Weighhouse Lane & Desmond Square St. Nicholas Cork Moore Daniel Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Moore Edward Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Moore John The Mews St. Nicholas Cork Moore Mary Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Morgan Henry South Terrace St. Nicholas Cork Morgan Joseph W. Fitton Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Morgan Joseph W. Wandesforde Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Morgan Richard Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Morgan Richard Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Morris Henry Jackson's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Morrison Denis Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork Morrogh Susan Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Moxlie William Rutland Street St. Nicholas Cork Mulcaahy Daniel Skahabeg, South St. Nicholas Cork Mulcahy Edward Crosses Green Cork St. Nicholas Cork Mulcahy John Bateman's Row St. Nicholas Cork Mulcahy John Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Mulcahy Michael Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Mulcahy Thomas Summer Hill, South St. Nicholas Cork Mulcahy Thos. Summer Hill, South St. Nicholas Cork Mulcane John Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Mulhare John Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Mullen Bartholomew Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Mullen Daniel Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Mullins Honoria Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork Mullins John Margaret Street St. Nicholas Cork Murley Denis Hospital Lane St. Nicholas Cork Murley Jeremiah Haggard Lane St. Nicholas Cork Murley John Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Murley Michael Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Bartholomew Old Weighhouse Lane & Desmond Square St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Bryan Proby's Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Catherine Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Charles Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Cornelius Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Daniel Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Daniel Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Daniel High Street St. Nicholas Cork Murphy David Shaw's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Denis Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Denis Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Denis Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Denis Maglin St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Denis Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Denis Tory Top Lane St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Edward Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Edward Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Edward Raheen and Cooleen St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Edward Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Eliza Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Eliza Green Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Eliza Griffin's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Eugene Poulduff Road St. Nicholas Cork Murphy James Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murphy James High Street St. Nicholas Cork Murphy James Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Jeremiah Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Jeremiah Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Jeremiah Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Jeremiah Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Johanna Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Johanna Lloyd's Alley St. Nicholas Cork Murphy John Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Murphy John Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork Murphy John Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Murphy John Hyde's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Murphy John Listowel Lane St. Nicholas Cork Murphy John Raheen and Cooleen St. Nicholas Cork Murphy John Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Murphy John Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Julia Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Matthew Blue Anchor Yard St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Michael Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Michael Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Michael Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Michael Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Michael Gallows Green Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Michael Green Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Michael High Street St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Michael Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Michael Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Michael Sleigh's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Michael Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Patrick Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Patrick Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Patrick Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Patrick Friar's Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Patrick Poulduff Road St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Patrick Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Patrick White Street St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Richard Black Horse Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Stephen Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Stephen Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Stephen Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Murphy Timothy Raheen and Cooleen St. Nicholas Cork Murphy William Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murphy William Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murphy William Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Murphy William High Street St. Nicholas Cork Murphy William Hyde's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Murphy William Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Murphy William Poulduff Road St. Nicholas Cork Murphy William Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Murray Anthony Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Murray James Summer Hill, South St. Nicholas Cork Murray Jeremiah Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murray John Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Murray John C. Black-Rock Road St. Nicholas Cork Murray William Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Myles Catherine High Street St. Nicholas Cork Naylor Joseph Reeves Road St. Nicholas Cork Neal Jeremiah Crane's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Nealon Benjamin Black-Rock Road St. Nicholas Cork Nealon Christopher Drinan Street St. Nicholas Cork Nealon Christopher George's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Neill Ellen Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Neill Honora Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Neill James Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Neill John Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Neill John Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Neill Margaret Crean's Alley St. Nicholas Cork Neill Patrick Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Neill Richard Bennett Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Neville John Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Neville Paul Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Neville William Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Neville William Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Neville William Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Neville William Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Newman Adam Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Nicholson George A. Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Noonan Daniel Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Noonan Margaret Rutland Street St. Nicholas Cork Noonan Michael Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Noonan Michael Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Noonan Patrick Maglin St. Nicholas Cork Noonan Richard Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Noonan Richard Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Nugent Margaret Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Nulty William Proby's Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Nunan John Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Nunn Joshua Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork O'Brien Florence George's Quay St. Nicholas Cork O'Brien James Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork O'Brien John Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork O'Brien Lawrence Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork O'Brien Mary Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork O'Brien Maurice Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork O'Brien Rev. Jeremiah Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork O'Bryan Timothy Crosses Green Cork St. Nicholas Cork O'Callaghan Catherine Keyser's Hill Cork St. Nicholas Cork O'Connell Catherine Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork O'Connell John St Finbar's Alley Cork St. Nicholas Cork O'Connell Julia Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork O'Connell Margaret Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork O'Connor Anne White Street St. Nicholas Cork O'Connor Charles Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork O'Connor Daniel Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork O'Connor Eliza Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork O'Connor Elizabeth Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork O'Connor Elizabeth Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork O'Connor James South Terrace St. Nicholas Cork O'Connor James Union Quay St. Nicholas Cork O'Connor Mary Anne Summer Hill, South St. Nicholas Cork O'Connor Simon Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork O'Donnell John White Street St. Nicholas Cork O'Donovan James P. Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork O'Drinan Anne George's Quay St. Nicholas Cork O'Drinan Eliza George's Quay St. Nicholas Cork O'Flaherty Robert Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork O'Gilvie Peter Thomond Square St. Nicholas Cork O'Grady John Haggard Alley Cork St. Nicholas Cork O'Halloran Laurence Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork O'Halloran Patrick James's Square Cork St. Nicholas Cork O'Hara Thomas Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork O'Hea James George's Quay St. Nicholas Cork O'Hea James Rutland Street St. Nicholas Cork O'Keeffe David Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork O'Keeffe Denis Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork O'Keeffe Eliza Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork O'Keeffe James Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork O'Keeffe John Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork O'Keeffe Pat Raheen and Cooleen St. Nicholas Cork O'Keeffe Patrick Curragh Road (Evergreen Terrace) St. Nicholas Cork O'Keeffe Thomas Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork O'Keeffe William Raheen and Cooleen St. Nicholas Cork O'Keeffef Pat Raheen and Cooleen St. Nicholas Cork O'Keeffef William Raheen and Cooleen St. Nicholas Cork O'Leary Denis Green Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork O'Leary Denis Old Weighhouse Lane & Desmond Square St. Nicholas Cork O'Leary Michael Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork O'Malley Michael Greenfield Lane St. Nicholas Cork O'Meara Jane St Finbar's Alley Cork St. Nicholas Cork O'Neill Hugh Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork O'Neill James Crosses Green Cork St. Nicholas Cork O'Neill Mary Raheen and Cooleen St. Nicholas Cork O'Neill Patrick Summer Hill, South St. Nicholas Cork O'Neill Timothy Listowel Lane St. Nicholas Cork O'Reardon Denis Reardon's Court St. Nicholas Cork O'Regan Martin Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork O'Regan Thomas George's Quay St. Nicholas Cork O'Reilly Denis Thomond Square St. Nicholas Cork O'Riordan Denis Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork O'Riordan Denis Blackmoor Lane St. Nicholas Cork O'Riordan Denis Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork O'Riordan Denis Cove Street (Warren's Row) St. Nicholas Cork O'Riordan Denis Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork O'Shea James Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork O'Shea Michael Rutland Street St. Nicholas Cork O'Sullivan Eugene Travers Street St. Nicholas Cork O'Sullivan John Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork O'Sullivan Patrick Langford Row St. Nicholas Cork Oldeu Robert Ballyphehain St. Nicholas Cork Ormond ??? Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork Osbery Henry Proby's Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Palmer Bridget Union Quay St. Nicholas Cork Parr Samuel Proby's Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Partidge Richard Summer Hill, South St. Nicholas Cork Patterson David James's Square Cork St. Nicholas Cork Patterson John Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork Pearse Samuel H. Sober Lane St. Nicholas Cork Peebles Thomas Black-Rock Road St. Nicholas Cork Peed Nathaniel Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Penny Nicholas Jackson's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Perrcer John J. Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Perrier William L. Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Perrott Richard Wandesforde Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Perry Arabella Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Pheason Samuel Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork Phelan James Farrasy's Alley St. Nicholas Cork Philips Richard High Street St. Nicholas Cork Philpot John Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Piercy Robert James's Square Cork St. Nicholas Cork Pigott Denis Cove Street (Warren's Row) St. Nicholas Cork Pigott Denis George's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Pillion Edmond Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Popham James Travers Street St. Nicholas Cork Power John James's Square Cork St. Nicholas Cork Power Michael Green Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Prendergast James Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork Prendergast James Keyser's Hill Cork St. Nicholas Cork Prendergast John Rutland Street St. Nicholas Cork Prior Michael Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Prior Thomas Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Prior Thomas Listowel Lane St. Nicholas Cork Punch James Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Purcell Mary Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Purcell William Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Quinlan James Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Quinlan James Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Quinlan William South Terrace St. Nicholas Cork Quinlan William White Street St. Nicholas Cork Quinlivan John Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Quinn Denis Old Weighhouse Lane & Desmond Square St. Nicholas Cork Quinn Mary Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Quinn Richard Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Rahill John Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Rahill John Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Rea David Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Reardon Catherine Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Reardon Denis Anglesea Street St. Nicholas Cork Reardon Denis Fort Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Reardon Honoria Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork Reardon Jeremiah Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Reardon John Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Reardon Michael Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Reardon Michael Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Reed John Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Reed John Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Reed John Black Horse Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Reed John Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Reed John Featherbed Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Reed John Griffin's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Reeves Thomas S. South Terrace St. Nicholas Cork Regan Catherine Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Regan Edward Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Regan John Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Regan Michael Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Regan William Ballyphehain St. Nicholas Cork Reid John Haggard Lane St. Nicholas Cork Reilly Daniel Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Reilly Denis Green Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Reilly Denis Old Weighhouse Lane & Desmond Square St. Nicholas Cork Reilly George Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Reilly Jeremiah Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Reilly Johanna Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Reilly John Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Reilly Mary Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Reilly Richard D. Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Reily Joseph Blue Anchor Yard St. Nicholas Cork Reynolds Robert Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Reynoldson Margaret Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Reynoldson Margaret Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Rice Thomas Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Rice Thomas Globe Lane & Ffrench's Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Rielly Stephen Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Ring Denis Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Riordan Catherine St Finbar's Alley Cork St. Nicholas Cork Riordan Daniel Crane's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Riordan Daniel Featherbed Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Riordan Denis Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Riordan Edward Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Riordan Ellen Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Riordan Hannah Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Riordan Jeremiah Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Riordan Jeremiah Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Riordan John Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Riordan John Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Riordan John Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Riordan John Langford Row St. Nicholas Cork Riordan John Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Riordan Michael Featherbed Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Riordan Michael Old Weighhouse Lane & Desmond Square St. Nicholas Cork Riordan Michael Tory Top Lane St. Nicholas Cork Riordan Owen Fort Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Riordan Stephen Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Riordan Timothy Maglin St. Nicholas Cork Riordan William Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Rirodan John Listowel Lane St. Nicholas Cork Roberts Rep. Hannah Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Roberts William Jackson's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Roche Daniel Raheen and Cooleen St. Nicholas Cork Roche James Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Roche James Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Roche Michael Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Roche Richard Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Roche William Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork Roche William Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Roche William J. Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork Rochford John Proby's Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Rock William Proby's Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Roe Jane Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Rogers Margaret Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Rose Mary Anne Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Ruddock Andrew Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Russell Garrett Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Russell John Crane's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Russell John Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Russell John Wellington Place St. Nicholas Cork Russell Maurice Russell's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Russell Maurice Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Ryan John Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Ryan John Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Ryan Launcelott Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Ryan Mary Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork Ryan Michael Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Ryan Michael Buckingham Place St. Nicholas Cork Ryan William Langford Row St. Nicholas Cork Ryder John Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Sandyford Daniel L. Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Sarney Mary High Street St. Nicholas Cork Saunders John Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Saunders John Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Saunders John Tory Top Lane St. Nicholas Cork Saunders Michael Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Saunders Michael Tory Top Lane St. Nicholas Cork Savage Andrew South Terrace St. Nicholas Cork Savage Andrew Union Quay St. Nicholas Cork Savage Anthony Wellington Place St. Nicholas Cork Savage Anthony White Street St. Nicholas Cork Savage Geo. E. Cumberland Street St. Nicholas Cork Savage Joseph South Terrace St. Nicholas Cork Savage Joseph Union Quay St. Nicholas Cork Savage Joseph White Street St. Nicholas Cork Savory John Cumberland Street St. Nicholas Cork Scannel John Greenfield Lane St. Nicholas Cork Scannell Daniel Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Scannell Denis Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Scannell James Crane's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Scannell James Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Scannell Jeremiah Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Scannell Lawrence Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Scannell Patrick Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Scannell Richard Shaw's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Scannell William Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Scannell Willliam Hyde's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Scott Ellen Proby's Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Scott John Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Scott Thomas Black Horse Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Scully Jeremiah High Street St. Nicholas Cork Seannell John Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Searle Robert Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Searles Robert Chamberlain Lane St. Nicholas Cork Searles Thomas Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Searls Robert Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Searls Robert Rutland Street St. Nicholas Cork Seatry Michael Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Sexton Daniel Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Sexton Denis Blackmoor Lane St. Nicholas Cork Sexton Jeremiah Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Sexton Laurence Curragh Road (Evergreen Terrace) St. Nicholas Cork Seymour Rebecca Black-Rock Road St. Nicholas Cork Shanahan Johanna Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Shanahan Michael White Street St. Nicholas Cork Shanahan Pat. Featherbed Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Shanahan Patrick Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Shanahan Timothy Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork Sharkey Denis Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Shaw Edward Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Shaw Rev. William Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Shea Catherine Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Shea Daniel Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Shea Denis High Street St. Nicholas Cork Shea Hannah Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Shea James Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Shea John Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Shea John Blackmoor Lane St. Nicholas Cork Shea John Buckingham Place St. Nicholas Cork Shea John Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Shea John Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork Shea John Globe Lane & Ffrench's Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Shea John Reardon's Court St. Nicholas Cork Shea John South Terrace St. Nicholas Cork Shea John Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Shea Michael Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Shea Mrs. ??? Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Shea Patrick Jackson's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Shechan Edward Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Sheehan Daniel Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Sheehan Denis Ballyphehain St. Nicholas Cork Sheehan John Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Sheehan John Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Sheehan Margaret Joyce's Alley St. Nicholas Cork Sheehan Thomas Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Sheehan Timothy Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Sheehan Timothy Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Sheehan Timothy The Mews St. Nicholas Cork Sheehan William High Street St. Nicholas Cork Sheehy James Summer Hill, South St. Nicholas Cork Sheehy Margaret Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Shehan William Listowel Lane St. Nicholas Cork Shenmacher Henry Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Shepherd Thomas James's Square Cork St. Nicholas Cork Sherlock Alicia Curragh Road St. Nicholas Cork Shirkey Denis Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Short Eliza Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Shorton John Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Silk Matthew Jackson's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Silk William Green Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Sisk Patrick Bateman's Row St. Nicholas Cork Smith Anne Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Smith Elizabeth Keyser's Hill Cork St. Nicholas Cork Smith George Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork Smith James Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Smith James Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Smith James W. Blackmoor Lane St. Nicholas Cork Smith James W. Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Spillane Anne High Street St. Nicholas Cork Spillane James Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Spillane Jeremiah Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Spillane John Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Spillane John Listowel Lane St. Nicholas Cork Spillane John Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Spillane Patrick Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Spillane Rich. Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Spillane Richard Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Stadford Wm. Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Stark Richard Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Staunton Maurice Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Stewart William James's Square Cork St. Nicholas Cork Stokes Joseph George's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Strange John Cove Street (Warren's Row) St. Nicholas Cork Sulivan Jeremiah Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Anne Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Catherine High Street St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Charles Green Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Cornelius Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Cornelius Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Daniel Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Daniel Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Daniel Maglin St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Daniel Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Denis Raheen and Cooleen St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Denis Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Denis Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Eliza Langford Row St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Ellen Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Eugene Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan James Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Blackmoor Lane St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Sullivan's Quay St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Jerome High Street St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan John Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan John Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan John Griffin's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan John Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan John Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan John Raheen and Cooleen St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan John Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan John Tory Top Lane St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Margaret High Street St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Mary Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Michael Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Michael Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Michel Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Patrick Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Philip Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Thomas Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Thomas Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Timothy Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Timothy Crane's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Timothy Greenfield Lane St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Timothy Griffin's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Timothy High Street St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Timothy Maglin St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan William Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Wm. Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Wm. Haggard Lane St. Nicholas Cork Sullivan Wm. Kitling Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Sutton Robert Victoria Road St. Nicholas Cork Sutton Thomas Langford Row St. Nicholas Cork Swan Bellingham Union Quay St. Nicholas Cork Swan John Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Swan William B. Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Swan William B. Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork Swan William B. Travers Street St. Nicholas Cork Sweeny Cornelius Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Sweeny Daniel Sleigh's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Sweeny Edw. Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Sweeny Edward Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Sweeny Jeremiah Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Sweeny John Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Sweeny Mary Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Sweeny Mary Cumberland Street St. Nicholas Cork Sweeny Owen Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Sweeny Patrick Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Sweeny Stephen Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Tanner Anne Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Tanner William Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork Tarrant Samuel Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Taylor John Sleigh's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Taylor Patrick Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Taylor Richard Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Thompson Joshua Greenfield Lane St. Nicholas Cork Thompson Robert Abbey Street St. Nicholas Cork Tivey Peter Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Tobin Joseph Joyce's Alley St. Nicholas Cork Tobin Richard Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Tobin Richard Old Weighhouse Lane & Desmond Square St. Nicholas Cork Toohig Elizabeth Ashton Place,Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Toomey James Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork Townly Mary Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Tracy William Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Travers Robert Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork Trenwith Wm. H. Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Turnbull Joseph Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Twohig James Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Twohig James Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Twohig John Anglesea Street St. Nicholas Cork Twohig Patrick Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Twohig Philip Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Twohig Thomas Spital Lands St. Nicholas Cork Twomy Jeremiah Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Twoomey John Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Umber John Sleigh's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Uniacke Edward Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Vaneesbeck Francis Dunbar Street St. Nicholas Cork Wall Edmond Coyle's Square St. Nicholas Cork Wall Margaret Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Wallace Christopher Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Wallace Eliza Geary's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Wallace William Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Walsh David Maglin St. Nicholas Cork Walsh James Crosses Green Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Walsh James Fitton Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Walsh James Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Walsh John Cat Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Walsh John Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Walsh John Quaker's Road St. Nicholas Cork Walsh Matthew Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Walsh Maurice Lloyd's Alley St. Nicholas Cork Walsh Michael Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Walsh Richard Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Walsh Richard G. Thomond Square St. Nicholas Cork Walsh Robert Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Walsh Thomas Evergreen Street St. Nicholas Cork Walsh Timothy Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Walsh William Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Walsh William Raheen and Cooleen St. Nicholas Cork Walsh William Sullivan's Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Ward James Cumberland Street St. Nicholas Cork Warren Eliza South Terrace St. Nicholas Cork Waters John Black Horse Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Waters John Douglas Street St. Nicholas Cork Watson Mary Sleigh's Lane St. Nicholas Cork Webber Ezckiel Rutland Street St. Nicholas Cork West Richard Cove Street St. Nicholas Cork Whelan Thomas White Street St. Nicholas Cork White Edmond Quarry Road St. Nicholas Cork White Edward Nicholas Street St. Nicholas Cork White Ellen Lag Lane St. Nicholas Cork White Richard G. Skahabeg, South St. Nicholas Cork White William Fitton Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork White William Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Whitehead Wm. Three Hatchet Lane Cork St. Nicholas Cork Whitty Alicia Free Church Alms Houses St. Nicholas Cork Wigmore Jane Mary Street St. Nicholas Cork Wilkinson William Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Williams Miss ??? Friars Walk Cork St. Nicholas Cork Williams Thomas Free Church Alms Houses St. Nicholas Cork Williamson George Knockrea St. Nicholas Cork Williamson Richard Windmill Road St. Nicholas Cork Wiseman Thomas Proby's Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork Woods William Stephen Street St. Nicholas Cork Woods Wm. Couche's Alley St. Nicholas Cork Wray Mary Anne Evergreen Road St. Nicholas Cork Wren Mary Barrack Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Wright George Skahabeg North St. Nicholas Cork Wright James Fitton Street Cork St. Nicholas Cork Wright James Wandesforde Quay Cork St. Nicholas Cork