Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Baldwin Catherine Ballinvronig Templetrine Cork Barrett Patrick Ballynascubbig Templetrine Cork Barrett Patrick Clonbouig Templetrine Cork Brien John Currarane Templetrine Cork Butler Edward Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Calden Timothy Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Callanan Jeremiah Rochestown Templetrine Cork Callanan Timothy Rochestown Templetrine Cork Carty Jeremiah Clashreagh Templetrine Cork Carty John Clashreagh Templetrine Cork Clerke Jane Artiteige Templetrine Cork Coghlan Cornelius Gortnacrusha, South Templetrine Cork Coghlan Mary Gortnacrusha, North Templetrine Cork Coghlan Patrick Gortnacrusha, North Templetrine Cork Coghlan Timothy Gortnacrusha, South Templetrine Cork Coleman Catherine Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Coleman Jeremiah Clashreagh Templetrine Cork Coleman Jeremiah Steilaneigh Templetrine Cork Coleman John Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Coleman Thomas Hacketstown Templetrine Cork Collins Denis Gortnacrusha, North Templetrine Cork Collins Denis Hacketstown Templetrine Cork Collins Denis, Sr. Gortnacrusha, North Templetrine Cork Collins Ellen Gortnacrusha, North Templetrine Cork Collins Jeremiah Gortnacrusha, North Templetrine Cork Collins John Gortnacrusha, North Templetrine Cork Collins Timothy Clonbouig Templetrine Cork Connell Daniel Hacketstown Templetrine Cork Connell John Hacketstown Templetrine Cork Connell Patrick Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Connell William Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Connelly Daniel Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Conreey Johannah Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Cosgrave Maurice Kilmore Templetrine Cork Coughlan Denis Ballynascubbig Templetrine Cork Coughlan John Ballynascubbig Templetrine Cork Coughlan William Ballynascubbig Templetrine Cork Coveney James Vill of Laherne,Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Crimmeen John Hacketstown Templetrine Cork Cronin Bartholomew Hacketstown Templetrine Cork Cronin Denis Vill of Laherne,Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Cronin James Hacketstown Templetrine Cork Cronin Michael Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Crowley James Clonbouig Templetrine Cork Crowley James Currarane Templetrine Cork Crowley John Gortnacrusha, South Templetrine Cork Crowley Judith Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Crowley Margaret Clonbouig Templetrine Cork Crowley Timothy Clonbouig Templetrine Cork Crowley Timothy Knockaneroe Templetrine Cork Cuthbert Thomas, Esq. Kilmore Templetrine Cork Cuthbert Thomas, Esq. Vill of Laherne,Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Dawson John Kilmore Templetrine Cork Dawson Mary Kilmore Templetrine Cork Deasy James Bawnea Templetrine Cork Deasy Jeremiah Bawnea Templetrine Cork Dempsey Daniel Ballydownis West Templetrine Cork Dennis James Ballycatteen Templetrine Cork Dennis John Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Desmond Timothy Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Donnelly Mary Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Donovan Daniel Knockaneroe Templetrine Cork Donovan Denis Clonbouig Templetrine Cork Donovan Edward Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Donovan Honoria Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Donovan James Rochestown Templetrine Cork Donovan Jeremiah Glanavirane Templetrine Cork Donovan John Artiteige Templetrine Cork Donovan John Ballinvronig Templetrine Cork Donovan Mary Glanavirane Templetrine Cork Donovan Timothy Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Donovan William Vill of Laherne,Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Driscoll Catherine Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Elmore Hereules, Esq. Ballycatteen Templetrine Cork Feen Patrick Clonbouig Templetrine Cork Fife Thomas Ballycatteen Templetrine Cork Fitzgerald Daniel Gortnacrusha, South Templetrine Cork Fitzgerald Edward Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Fitzgerald Ellen Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Fitzgerald James Ballycatteen Templetrine Cork Fitzgerald Jeremiah, Jr. Gortnacrusha, South Templetrine Cork Fitzgerald Jeremiah, Sr. Gortnacrusha, South Templetrine Cork Fitzgerald Margaret Hacketstown Templetrine Cork Fitzgerald Maurice Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Flynn John Bawnea Templetrine Cork Ford Denis Ballycatteen Templetrine Cork Ford Margaret Steilaneigh Templetrine Cork Frewen Thomas, Esq. Tideway.,Barony of Courceys Templetrine Cork Galavan Edward Ballynascubbig Templetrine Cork Galavan John Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Galavan Philip Lisheen Templetrine Cork Galvin Mary Ballynascubbig Templetrine Cork Gibbons James B., Esq. Ballycatteen Templetrine Cork Gibbons James B., Esq. Gortnacrusha, South Templetrine Cork Gillman Edward, Esq. Ballinvronig Templetrine Cork Good James Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Griffin Judith Ballinvronig Templetrine Cork Griffin Patrick Ballycatteen Templetrine Cork Hallissy Denis Ballydownis East Templetrine Cork Hallissy William Ballydownis East Templetrine Cork Hayes John Gortnacrusha, South Templetrine Cork Hayes Michael Artiteige Templetrine Cork Hayes Michael Vill of Laherne,Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Hayes Patrick Gortnacrusha, South Templetrine Cork Hennigan Patrick Vill of Laherne,Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Hickey James Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Hickey James Hackestown Templetrine Cork Hogan Patrick Knockaneroe Templetrine Cork Holland Jeremiah Bawnea Templetrine Cork Hone Cornelius Vill of Laherne,Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Hooley Thomas Ballycatteen Templetrine Cork Hourican Timothy Knockaneroe Templetrine Cork Howe Benjamin, Esq. Hacketstown Templetrine Cork Howe Benjamin, Esq. Killeens Templetrine Cork Howe James R., Esq. Glanavirane Templetrine Cork Howe James R., Esq. Rochestown Templetrine Cork Howe Mrs. Sidney Lisheen Templetrine Cork Jackson James Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Jago Richard Kilmore Templetrine Cork Kearney John C., Esq. Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Kearney John C., Esq. Kilmore Templetrine Cork Kehely Jeremiah Ballycatteen Templetrine Cork Kelly Cornelius Ballinvronig Templetrine Cork Kennigan Thomas Clonbouig Templetrine Cork Keohan John Clonbouig Templetrine Cork Leader Thomas, Esq. Ballynascubbig Templetrine Cork Leary John Currarane Templetrine Cork Leary Timothy Vill of Laherne,Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Lehane Bartholomew Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Long Ellen Ballynascubbig Templetrine Cork Long John Vill of Laherne,Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Mahony Denis Ballycatteen Templetrine Cork Mahony Jeremiah Killeens Templetrine Cork Mahony Jeremiah Knockaneroe Templetrine Cork Mahony John Currarane Templetrine Cork Mahony Mary Currarane Templetrine Cork Mahony Mary Gortnacrusha, South Templetrine Cork Mahony Timothy Kilmore Templetrine Cork Malone John Kilmore Templetrine Cork Martin John Glanavirane Templetrine Cork Martin Patrick Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Martin Timothy Glanavirane Templetrine Cork Mc Carthy Florence Rochestown Templetrine Cork Mc Carthy Jane Artiteige Templetrine Cork Mc Carthy John Artiteige Templetrine Cork Meehagan John Artiteige Templetrine Cork Meehigan Denis Gortnacrusha, South Templetrine Cork Meenig Daniel Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Merrick William Knockaneroe Templetrine Cork Murphy Bartholomew Currarane Templetrine Cork Murphy Denis Gortnacrusha, South Templetrine Cork Murphy Ellen Ballydownis West Templetrine Cork Murphy John Artiteige Templetrine Cork Murphy John, Sr. Ballydownis West Templetrine Cork Murphy Mary Currarane Templetrine Cork Murphy Robert Artiteige Templetrine Cork Murray Jeremiah Ballycatteen Templetrine Cork Nagle Maurice Rochestown Templetrine Cork Neill Cornelius Clonbouig Templetrine Cork Neill John Killeens Templetrine Cork Neill John Vill of Laherne,Garrettstown Templetrine Cork O'Neill Mary Ballycatteen Templetrine Cork Regan Cornelius Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Regan Michael Bawnea Templetrine Cork Reilly Timothy Ballynascubbig Templetrine Cork Ring David Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Ring Denis Vill of Laherne,Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Ring John Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Rinn William Ballydownis East Templetrine Cork Rinn William Ballydownis West Templetrine Cork Riordan John Vill of Laherne,Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Roberts Michael Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Roberts Richard Vill of Laherne,Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Rochan Richard Clashreagh Templetrine Cork Roche Daniel Vill of Laherne,Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Roche David Hackestown Templetrine Cork Roche Edward Vill of Laherne,Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Roche John Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Ryan Daniel Currarane Templetrine Cork Ryan Denis Vill of Laherne,Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Ryan Michael Ballinvronig Templetrine Cork Ryan Wiliam Tideway.,Barony of Courceys Templetrine Cork Scallan Humphry Vill of Laherne,Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Sexton Catherine Ballinvronig Templetrine Cork Sexton Jeremiah Ballinvronig Templetrine Cork Sexton Jeremiah Ballynascubbig Templetrine Cork Sheehan Jeremiah Vill of Laherne,Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Sheehan William Artiteige Templetrine Cork Sheehy Patrick Rochestown Templetrine Cork Smith Matthew, Esq. Ballynascubbig Templetrine Cork Spillane Daniel Killeens Templetrine Cork Spillane John Ballycatteen Templetrine Cork Stawell Wm. St. L. A., Esq. Bawnea Templetrine Cork Stewart Rev. John Kilmore Templetrine Cork Sullivan Honoria Vill of Laherne,Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Sullivan James Vill of Laherne,Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Sullivan Johanna Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Sullivan John Clonbouig Templetrine Cork Sullivan Mary, Sr. Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Sullivan Michael Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Sullivan Patrick Knockaneroe Templetrine Cork Sullivan Thomas Ballynagaragh Templetrine Cork Tobin James Gortnacrusha, South Templetrine Cork Trisilian John Currarane Templetrine Cork Walsh John Vill of Laherne,Garrettstown Templetrine Cork Welton William Rochestown Templetrine Cork White John Garrettstown Templetrine Cork White Patrick Vill of Laherne,Garrettstown Templetrine Cork