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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Whitechurch, County Cork
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Whitechurch, County Cork
Ahern Denis Monard Whitechurch Cork Ahern James Carhoo Whitechurch Cork Ahern Jeremiah Monard Whitechurch Cork Ahern John Monard Whitechurch Cork Allen Margaret Lisheenowen Whitechurch Cork Atkins George D. Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Atkins Robert, Esq. Gortdotia North Whitechurch Cork Barrett William Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Barrow John Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Barry David Dromgarriff South Whitechurch Cork Bateman William Kilcronan Whitechurch Cork Brien John Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Brodrick John Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Bryan Daniel Kilcronan Whitechurch Cork Bryan Jeremiah Carhoo Whitechurch Cork Buckley Jeremiah Monard Whitechurch Cork Buckley Johanna Knockaneag Whitechurch Cork Buckley Michael Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Buckley Patrick Monard Whitechurch Cork Buckley Timothy Ryefield, East Whitechurch Cork Cahill John Slievedotia Whitechurch Cork Callaghan Denis Killavarrig Whitechurch Cork Callaghan Jeremiah Ballycaskin Whitechurch Cork Callaghan John Monard Whitechurch Cork Callaghan Mary Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Callaghan Patrick Whitechurch Whitechurch Cork Callaghan Timothy Whitechurch Whitechurch Cork Calman Denis Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Carthy Daniel Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Cashman Michael Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Cashman Thomas Knockaneag Whitechurch Cork Cleary David Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Cleary Denis Ballycaskin Whitechurch Cork Clifford John Monard Whitechurch Cork Clifford Patrick Longstone Whitechurch Cork Coleman Daniel Whitechurch Whitechurch Cork Coleman John Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Coleman Mary Ballycaskin Whitechurch Cork Collins Denis Shanlyre Whitechurch Cork Compnay G. P. W. Railway Monard Whitechurch Cork Connell Catherine Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Connell Catherine Knockaneag Whitechurch Cork Connell Daniel Boolybeg Whitechurch Cork Connell Denis Gortdotia South Whitechurch Cork Connell James Boolybeg Whitechurch Cork Connell Michael Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Connell Timothy Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Connor Michael Ballinvarrig Whitechurch Cork Connor Patrick Slievedotia Whitechurch Cork Corbett Catherine Boolybeg Whitechurch Cork Corbit Bartholomew Kilcronan Whitechurch Cork Corbit John Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Creagh Philip Knockaneag Whitechurch Cork Crean Daniel Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Crean Patrick Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Creedon Timothy Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Creedon Timothy Raheen Whitechurch Cork Cronan John Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Cronin Daniel Ballycaskin Whitechurch Cork Cronin Daniel Ryefield, East Whitechurch Cork Cronin Mary Ballycaskin Whitechurch Cork Cronin Mary Monard Whitechurch Cork Cronin Michael Ballycaskin Whitechurch Cork Cronin Michael Ryefield, East Whitechurch Cork Cronin Patrick Ballycaskin Whitechurch Cork Crooke Thomas E., Esq. Gortdotia North Whitechurch Cork Crowley Catherine Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Crowley Daniel Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Crowley Jeremiah Gortdotia South Whitechurch Cork Crowley John Kilcronan Whitechurch Cork Crowley Mary Shanlyre Whitechurch Cork Crowley Michael Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Crowley Timothy Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Crowley William Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Cunningham Bartholomew Whitechurch Whitechurch Cork Curtin Denis Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Curtin John Ryefield, East Whitechurch Cork Daly Denis Gortdotia North Whitechurch Cork Daly Denis Kilcronan Whitechurch Cork Daly Patrick Shanlyre Whitechurch Cork Daly Thomas Whitechurch Whitechurch Cork Daly Timothy Ballycaskin Whitechurch Cork Daly Timothy Gortdotia North Whitechurch Cork Danger Peter Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Dargan Honoria Ryefield, East Whitechurch Cork Dargan Timothy Ryefield, East Whitechurch Cork Deasy Cornelius Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Delea Catherine Shanlyre Whitechurch Cork Delea Garrett Shanlyre Whitechurch Cork Delea Maurice Shanlyre Whitechurch Cork Delea Michael Shanlyre Whitechurch Cork Delea Patrick Gortdotia South Whitechurch Cork Delea Patrick Longstone Whitechurch Cork Delea Patrick Shanlyre Whitechurch Cork Delea Patrick Slievedotia Whitechurch Cork Dely Patrick Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Dempsey John Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Denahy Eleanor Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Derlvy Thomas Monard Whitechurch Cork Dinneen Patrick Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Donegan John Shanlyre Whitechurch Cork Donoghue Michael Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Donohoe Cornelius Shanlyre Whitechurch Cork Donohoe Michael Longstone Whitechurch Cork Donohoe Timothy Longstone Whitechurch Cork Donohoe Timothy Shanlyre Whitechurch Cork Donovan Daniel Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Donovan Jeremiah Monard Whitechurch Cork Donovan Michael Kilcronan Whitechurch Cork Donovan Michael Whitechurch Whitechurch Cork Donovan Patrick Monard Whitechurch Cork Dooley James Knockaneag Whitechurch Cork Downey Bartholomew Monard Whitechurch Cork Downy Michael Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Doyle Denis Monard Whitechurch Cork Duggan Thomas Ballycaskin Whitechurch Cork Dunne Patrick Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Dunne Thomas Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Dwyer Daniel Monard Whitechurch Cork Evans Richard Monard Whitechurch Cork Farrell Patrick Monard Whitechurch Cork Fitton Thomas Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Fitzgerald Mary Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Flaherty Mary Kilcronan Whitechurch Cork Fleming William Lisheenowen Whitechurch Cork Fleming William Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Flynn Denis Monard Whitechurch Cork Flynn Jeremiah Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Flynn Patrick Whitechurch Whitechurch Cork Foley Daniel Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Foley Denis Knockaneag Whitechurch Cork Foley John Ryefield, East Whitechurch Cork Forest John Kilcronan Whitechurch Cork Forest Thomas Ballinvarrig Whitechurch Cork Forrest Martin Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Gainey William Carhoo Whitechurch Cork Hagin Garrett Monard Whitechurch Cork Hallornan Bridget Carhoo Whitechurch Cork Hallornan Denis Carhoo Whitechurch Cork Hanley Timothy Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Hannton Edward Carhoo Whitechurch Cork Hanow John Monard Whitechurch Cork Harrigan Timothy Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Harrigan Timothy Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Hart Denis Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Hartnett Johanna Killavarrig Whitechurch Cork Hartnett Mary Carhoo Whitechurch Cork Hasly Michael Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Hayes Denis Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Hayes James Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Hayes John Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Hayes John Monard Whitechurch Cork Hayes Patrick Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Hayes Timothy Tullig Whitechurch Cork Hayes Timothy Whitechurch Whitechurch Cork Healy Daniel Ballycaskin Whitechurch Cork Healy Daniel Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Healy Honoria Dromgarriff South Whitechurch Cork Healy Thomas Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Hegarty ??? Ballinvarrig Whitechurch Cork Hegarty Anne Knockaneag Whitechurch Cork Hegarty Daniel Ryefield, East Whitechurch Cork Hegarty Denis Whitechurch Whitechurch Cork Hegarty James Killavarrig Whitechurch Cork Hegarty Richard Ballinvarrig Whitechurch Cork Hegarty Timothy Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Hegarty Timothy Killavarrig Whitechurch Cork Hegarty William Killavarrig Whitechurch Cork Hogan James Carhoo Whitechurch Cork Horgan Cornelius Carhoo Whitechurch Cork Horrigan Daniel Monard Whitechurch Cork Horrigan Denis Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Horrigan Jeremiah Dromgarriff South Whitechurch Cork Hulchy Patrick Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Humphries John Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Humphries John Tullig Whitechurch Cork Humphries Timothy Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Humphries Timothy Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Humphrys Daniel Ryefield, West Whitechurch Cork Hurley Daniel Knockaneag Whitechurch Cork Hyde Honoria Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Hyde Julia Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Jestt John Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Jestt Robert Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Jones Thomas Gortdotia South Whitechurch Cork Keeffe Arthur Monard Whitechurch Cork Keeffe Arthur Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Keeffe Catherine Slievedotia Whitechurch Cork Keeffe Cornelius Carhoo Whitechurch Cork Keeffe Cornelius Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Keeffe Mary Knockaneag Whitechurch Cork Keeffe Timothy Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Keily Ellen Whitechurch Whitechurch Cork Keily Margaret Whitechurch Whitechurch Cork Keily Mary Knockaneag Whitechurch Cork Kelleher Jeremiah Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Kenifick Rev. Maurice Ryefield, West Whitechurch Cork Kiely Mary Boolybeg Whitechurch Cork Kiely Michael Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Kiely Owen Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Kiely Patrick Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Kiely Timothy Boolybeg Whitechurch Cork Kiely Timothy Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Kiley Michael Longstone Whitechurch Cork Leahy John Ballycaskin Whitechurch Cork Leary Johanna Knockaneag Whitechurch Cork Lehann William Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Lenihan Bartholomew Dromgarriff South Whitechurch Cork Lenihan Daniel Dromgarriff North Whitechurch Cork Lenihan Denis Dromgarriff North Whitechurch Cork Lenihan Edward Dromgarriff North Whitechurch Cork Lenihan Judith Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Lenihan Michael Dromgarriff North Whitechurch Cork Lenihan William Whitechurch Whitechurch Cork Linchan Johanna Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Long Joseph Whitechurch Whitechurch Cork Looney Patrick Dromgarriff North Whitechurch Cork Looney William Dromgarriff North Whitechurch Cork Lunnihaun Alexander Monard Whitechurch Cork Lynch Daniel Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Lynch Honoria Dromgarriff North Whitechurch Cork Lynch Michael Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Lynch Thomas Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Lyons Patrick Slievedotia Whitechurch Cork Lyons Thomas, Jr. Slievedotia Whitechurch Cork Madden John Longstone Whitechurch Cork Maddin Thomas Longstone Whitechurch Cork Mahoney Michael Kilcronan Whitechurch Cork Mahoney Patrick Kilcronan Whitechurch Cork Mahony Daniel Ballycaskin Whitechurch Cork Mahony Daniel Monard Whitechurch Cork Mahony Denis Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Mahony John Monard Whitechurch Cork Mahony Michael Ryefield, East Whitechurch Cork Mahony Patrick Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Mahony Peter Dromgarriff North Whitechurch Cork Manley John Whitechurch Whitechurch Cork Manley Patrick Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Manly Daniel Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Manly Mary Dromgarriff North Whitechurch Cork Manning Johanna Ballycaskin Whitechurch Cork Martin James Longstone Whitechurch Cork Mc Auliffe Daniel Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Mc Auliffe Daniel Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Mc Auliffe James Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Mc Auliffe John Dromgarriff North Whitechurch Cork Mc Auliffe John Dromgarriff South Whitechurch Cork Mc Auliffe John Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Mc Carthy Daniel Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Mc Carthy Denis Monard Whitechurch Cork Mc Carthy Felix Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Mc Carthy James Ballinvarrig Whitechurch Cork Mc Carthy John Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Mc Carthy Justin Ballycaskin Whitechurch Cork Mc Carty Owen Slievedotia Whitechurch Cork Mc Harnara John, Sr. Ballinvarrig Whitechurch Cork Mc Namara Abigail Boolybeg Whitechurch Cork Mc Namara John, Jr. Ballinvarrig Whitechurch Cork Mc Namara Margaret Monard Whitechurch Cork Mc Namara Timothy Monard Whitechurch Cork Mulcahy Ellen Knockaneag Whitechurch Cork Mulcahy Jeremiah Whitechurch Whitechurch Cork Mulcahy John Ballycaskin Whitechurch Cork Mulcahy John Tullig Whitechurch Cork Mulcahy Philip Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Mulcahy Thomas Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Mullane Jeremiah Monard Whitechurch Cork Mullane John Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Mullane Timothy Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Mulowely Michael Knockaneag Whitechurch Cork Murphy Anne Knockaneag Whitechurch Cork Murphy Daniel Gortdotia South Whitechurch Cork Murphy Denis Gortdotia South Whitechurch Cork Murphy Ellen Ryefield, West Whitechurch Cork Murphy Jeremiah Kilcronan Whitechurch Cork Murphy John Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Murphy John Gortdotia South Whitechurch Cork Murphy Julia Gortdotia South Whitechurch Cork Murphy Margaret Monard Whitechurch Cork Murphy Mary Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Murphy Mary Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Murphy Mary Ryefield, West Whitechurch Cork Murphy Maurice Whitechurch Whitechurch Cork Murphy Michael Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Murphy Michael Gortdotia South Whitechurch Cork Murphy Michael Tullig Whitechurch Cork Murphy Patrick Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Murphy Richard Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Murphy Thomas Monard Whitechurch Cork Murphy Timothy Monard Whitechurch Cork Murphy Timothy Tullig Whitechurch Cork Nash Joseph Kilcronan Whitechurch Cork Noonan John Ballycaskin Whitechurch Cork Noone Michael Ballycaskin Whitechurch Cork Nugent Catherine Ryefield, West Whitechurch Cork Nugent Edmond Ryefield, West Whitechurch Cork Nugent Mary Farranastig Whitechurch Cork O'Brien Timothy Farranastig Whitechurch Cork O'Callaghan Denis Gortdotia North Whitechurch Cork O'Callaghan Denis Slievedotia Whitechurch Cork O'Flynn Rev. Pat Ballycaskin Whitechurch Cork O'Kelly James Ballinvarrig Whitechurch Cork O'Neill Thomas Slievedotia Whitechurch Cork Owens Cornelius Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Owens Daniel Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Owens Denis Longstone Whitechurch Cork Plecly Mary Killavarrig Whitechurch Cork Power John Carhoo Whitechurch Cork Reardon Johanna Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Reardon Patrick Monard Whitechurch Cork Reaver Thomas Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Reily Michael Whitechurch Whitechurch Cork Riordan Mark Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Riordan Timothy Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Rogers Robert A., Esq. Knockanroe Whitechurch Cork Rogers Robert A., Esq. Longstone Whitechurch Cork Ronayne Richard Ballinvarrig Whitechurch Cork Rowlan Mary Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Rush Joseph Monard Whitechurch Cork Sandeford Daniel L. Tideway of River Lee Whitechurch Cork Saunders John Whitechurch Whitechurch Cork Scanlan Denis Dromgarriff South Whitechurch Cork Sesh John Monard Whitechurch Cork Sesh Robert Monard Whitechurch Cork Shaw William Carhoo Whitechurch Cork Shaw William Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Sheehan Cornelius Ballinvarrig Whitechurch Cork Sheehan Daniel Monard Whitechurch Cork Sheehan Denis Dromgarriff South Whitechurch Cork Sheehan Honoria Knockaneag Whitechurch Cork Sheehan Jeremiah Dromgarriff South Whitechurch Cork Sheehan Matthew Monard Whitechurch Cork Sheehan Patrick Monard Whitechurch Cork Sheehan Patrick Slievedotia Whitechurch Cork Sheehan Timy Monard Whitechurch Cork Sheehan William Dromgarriff South Whitechurch Cork Shesmist John Knockaneag Whitechurch Cork Shinnick John Ryefield, East Whitechurch Cork Sullivan Daniel Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Sullivan Denis Dromgarriff South Whitechurch Cork Sullivan Denis Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Sullivan Humphrey Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Sullivan James Monard Whitechurch Cork Sullivan Jeremiah Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Sullivan John Ballinvarrig Whitechurch Cork Sullivan John Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Sullivan Mary Monard Whitechurch Cork Sullivan Michael Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Sullivan Michael Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Sullivan Michael Monard Whitechurch Cork Sullivan Patrick Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Sullivan Thomas Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Sullivan Timothy Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Thomas Richard Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Toohig Mary Ballycaskin Whitechurch Cork Toomey David Lisheenowen Whitechurch Cork Toomey Margaret Lisheenowen Whitechurch Cork Toomey Michael Lisheenowen Whitechurch Cork Toomey Michael Longstone Whitechurch Cork Tower John Kilcronan Whitechurch Cork Twomey Michael Farranastig Whitechurch Cork Vaughan John Ryefield, East Whitechurch Cork Walsh Elizabeth Kilcronan Whitechurch Cork Walsh Elizabeth Whitechurch Whitechurch Cork Walsh Ellen Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Walsh James Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Walsh John Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Walsh John Monard Whitechurch Cork Walsh Michael Coolowen Whitechurch Cork Walsh Michael Raheen Whitechurch Cork Walsh Patrick Monard Whitechurch Cork Walsh Patrick Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork West Timothy Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Wickham John Thomas Slievedotia Whitechurch Cork Wise Anne Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Wiseman Joseph, Esq. Longstone Whitechurch Cork Wyse Anne Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork Wyse George H. Rathpeacon Whitechurch Cork