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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Youghal, County Cork
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Youghal, County Cork
Adams Eliza Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Adams Joseph Strand Street Youghal Cork Ahearn William Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Aher Thomas Williamstown Youghal Cork Ahern Bridget Knockaverry Youghal Cork Ahern Daniel Strand Street Youghal Cork Ahern Ellen Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Ahern Ellen Youghal Town. (Main Street) Youghal Cork Ahern James Barnageehy West Youghal Cork Ahern James Youghal Lands. Kenny's Lane Youghal Cork Ahern John Market Place Youghal Cork Ahern John Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Ahern Mary Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Ahern Maurice Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Ahern Patrick Knockaverry Youghal Cork Ahern Patrick Simon Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Ahern Richard Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Ahern Thomas Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Ahern Thomas Youghal Lands. Old Chapel Lane. Youghal Cork Ahern William Kilmagner Youghal Cork Ahern William Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Aherne David Curraghboy Youghal Cork Aherne James Adam's Lane Youghal Cork Aherne John Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Aherne Thomas Carrol's Lane Youghal Cork Aherne Thomas Curraghboy Youghal Cork Alexander Ellen Strand Street Mall Youghal Cork Alexander Robert Strand Street Mall Youghal Cork Allen Alicia South Abbey Youghal Cork Allen John Mary Street Youghal Cork Andrew Michael South Cross Lane Youghal Cork Armour John Friar Lane Youghal Cork Armour John Youghal Lands. Tallow Street. Youghal Cork Ashe James Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Atkins Hesther Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Atkins Hesther Youghal Town. (Main Street) Youghal Cork Austin Goff Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Austin John A. Grattan Street Youghal Cork Baggs Henry, Esq. Mallow (The New Lane) Youghal Cork Bagshot Charles Friar Lane Youghal Cork Bagshot Charles South Abbey (Strand House) Youghal Cork Baldwin John Friar Lane Youghal Cork Barnes Isaac Knockaverry Youghal Cork Barrert John Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Barrett Bridget Youghal Lands Town Of: Shambles Lane Youghal Cork Barrett Hannah Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Barrett James Barnageehy West Youghal Cork Barrett James Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Barrett James Youghal Town. (Strand Street) Youghal Cork Barrett John Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Barrett John Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Barrett John Market Place Youghal Cork Barrett John Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Barrett Mary Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Barrett Richard Mallow (Shoulder's Lane) Youghal Cork Barry Edmund, Esq. Mallow (Jones's Lane) Youghal Cork Barry James Glanaradotia Youghal Cork Barry James Nelson Place Youghal Cork Barry James Youghal Lands. Tallow Street. Youghal Cork Barry John Copperalley Youghal Cork Barry Mary South Main Street Youghal Cork Barry Patrick Buckleys Lane Youghal Cork Barry Patrick Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Barry Thomas Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Bennett James Strand Street Youghal Cork Bennis Mary W. Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Berry George Mallow (Jones's Lane) Youghal Cork Berry Robert Mallow (The New Lane) Youghal Cork Berry William Mallow (New-Street) Youghal Cork Beverley Anne Friar Lane Youghal Cork Blackall Catherine Youghal Lands. Church Lane Youghal Cork Blackall Christopher Copperalley Youghal Cork Blackall Christopher Muckridge Demesne Youghal Cork Blackall Christopher Youghal Lands Town Of: Brown Street Youghal Cork Blackhall Catherine Youghal Town. (Church Lane) Youghal Cork Blackhouse Peter Youghal Lands. Church Lane Youghal Cork Boland Daniel Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Boland William Strand Street Youghal Cork Bourke Michael Williamstown Youghal Cork Bowels Henry Market Place Youghal Cork Bowen Michael Knockaverry Youghal Cork Bowen Peter Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Bowler James Freeman's Lane Youghal Cork Bowler John Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Bowler Timothy Williamstown Youghal Cork Bowles Henry Market Place Youghal Cork Brasier John W. Store Street Youghal Cork Brasier John W. Youghal Lands Town Of: Brown Street Youghal Cork Brasier John W. Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Brazier John W. Foxhole Youghal Cork Brian John Troys Lane Youghal Cork Brian Michael Troys Lane Youghal Cork Bride Honoria Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork Bride Patrick Hanover Street Youghal Cork Brien Edward Knockattigan Youghal Cork Brien John Ballymacask Youghal Cork Brien John Glanaradotia Youghal Cork Brien John Williamstown Youghal Cork Brien Julia Lime Quay Street Youghal Cork Brien Mary Cronakin's Lane Youghal Cork Brien Patk. Youghal Lands Town Of: Curtins's Lane Youghal Cork Broderick Catherine Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Broderick William Youghal Lands. Cross-Lane North Youghal Cork Brodrick Thomas Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Brodrick Timothy Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Browder Thomas Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Brown John Muckridge Demesne Youghal Cork Brown John South Main Street Youghal Cork Browne Henry Youghal Lands. William Street Youghal Cork Browne James Meeting House Lane Youghal Cork Browne John Ballyhobert Youghal Cork Browne John C. Catherine Street Youghal Cork Browne John C. Greencloyne Youghal Cork Browne John C. Store Street Youghal Cork Bruce Dennis Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Bruce John Williamstown Youghal Cork Bruce Sarah Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Bruther Edmond Springfield Youghal Cork Bruther John Williamstown Youghal Cork Bruther Patrick Barnageehy East Youghal Cork Bruther Thomas Williamstown Youghal Cork Bruther Timothy Barnageehy West Youghal Cork Bryan David Mary Street Youghal Cork Bryan Henry Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Bryan John Mallow (Shoulder's Lane) Youghal Cork Bryan John South Cross Lane Youghal Cork Bryan John Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Bryan Michael Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Bryan William Murphy's Lane Youghal Cork Bryan William Youghal Lands Town Of: Knight's Lane Youghal Cork Buckley Michael Curraghboy Youghal Cork Buckley Michael Summerfield Youghal Cork Buckley Thaddeus Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Buckley William Mallow (Jones's Lane) Youghal Cork Burke John Ballymacask Youghal Cork Burke John Kennel Youghal Cork Burke John Muckridge Youghal Cork Burke William Hanover Street Youghal Cork Burke William R. Friar Lane Youghal Cork Burke William R. Strand Street Youghal Cork Burns Bridget Youghal Lands Town Of: Shambles Lane Youghal Cork Burns John Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Burns Thomas Freeman's Lane Youghal Cork Burton James Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Bushe William Mallow (Jones's Lane) Youghal Cork Butler Patrick Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Butler William Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Cahill John Ballymacask Youghal Cork Cahill Owen Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Callaghan Andrew Mallow (Hume's-Lane) Youghal Cork Callaghan Callaghan Youghal Lands. Old Chapel Lane. Youghal Cork Callaghan John Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Callaghan Michael Mallow (Chapel-Lane) Youghal Cork Callaghan Patrick Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Callaghan Thomas Mallow (Chapel-Lane) Youghal Cork Callaghan Thomas Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Campbell Ed. Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Campbell John Youghal Lands Town Of: Hudson's Lane Youghal Cork Campbell Ruth Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Campbell Ruth Youghal Lands. William Street Youghal Cork Canty John Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Canty John Taylors Lane Youghal Cork Canty Mary Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Canty Timothy Strand Street Mall Youghal Cork Carberry William Devonshire Place Youghal Cork Carberry William Devonshire Place (Greenpark House) Youghal Cork Carberry William Green Quay Youghal Cork Carbery William Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Carey Catherine Youghal Lands. Kenny's Lane Youghal Cork Carey Edmond Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Carey Honoria Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Carey Margaret Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Carey Maurice Youghal Lands Town Of: Carey's Lane Youghal Cork Carey Michael Williamstown Youghal Cork Carey Patrick Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Carey Richard Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Carey William Ballyclamasy Youghal Cork Carley Edmond Mallow (New-Street) Youghal Cork Carmody Michael Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Carroll Anne Youghal Lands. Kenny's Lane Youghal Cork Carroll Catherine Knockaverry Youghal Cork Carroll Jeremiah Mallow (Shoulder's Lane) Youghal Cork Carroll Jeremiah Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Carroll John Kennel Youghal Cork Carroll John Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Carroll Michael Youghal Lands Town Of: Curtins's Lane Youghal Cork Carroll Michael Youghal Lands. Dolphin's Lane Youghal Cork Carroll Patrick Fox's Lane Youghal Cork Carroll Patrick Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Carroll Patrick Youghal Lands. Tallow Street. Youghal Cork Carroll Thomas Youghal Lands. Dolphin's Lane Youghal Cork Carthy John Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Carthy Patrick Meeting House Lane Youghal Cork Carthy Patrick Murphy's Lane Youghal Cork Carthy Richard Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Cartwright James F. Friar Lane Youghal Cork Carty Edmond Murphy's Lane Youghal Cork Carty William Freeman's Lane Youghal Cork Carty William Sweetfields Youghal Cork Cashman Daniel Youghal Lands Town Of: Hudson's Lane Youghal Cork Cashman John Youghal Lands Town Of: Brown Street Youghal Cork Cashman Michael Ballyhobert Youghal Cork Cashman Patrick Ballyhobert Youghal Cork Cassidy James Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Nile St. Youghal Cork Cassidy John Strand Street Youghal Cork Cassidy John Youghal Town. (Strand Street) Youghal Cork Chapman William Strand Street Youghal Cork Chapman William Youghal Town. (Strand Street) Youghal Cork Cherry George W. Youghal Lands. Church Lane Youghal Cork Christian Maurice Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Clahasy Michael Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Clancy Edmond Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Clancy Ellen Freeman's Lane Youghal Cork Claney John Mallow (Shoulder's Lane) Youghal Cork Clarke John Youghal Lands. William Street Youghal Cork Clarke Samuel Mallow (New-Street) Youghal Cork Clarke William South Main Street Youghal Cork Cleary William Taylors Alley Youghal Cork Cligget James Mallow (Shoulder's Lane) Youghal Cork Coach John Youghal Lands. William Street Youghal Cork Cody Andrew Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Cody Michael Kilmagner Youghal Cork Cody Michael Quay Lane Youghal Cork Coffey James, Jr. South Main Street Youghal Cork Coffey William South Main Street Youghal Cork Coghlan John Muckridge Youghal Cork Coghlan John Youghal Lands. Kenny's Lane Youghal Cork Coghlan Maurice Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Coghlan Patrick Ballymacask Youghal Cork Cokely Thomas Buckleys Lane Youghal Cork Cokely Timothy Youghal Lands Town Of: Pearce's Lane Youghal Cork Colbert Ellen Kilnatoora Youghal Cork Coleman Johanna Curraghboy Youghal Cork Coleman John Ballyhobert Youghal Cork Coleman Margaret Mallow (Chapel-Lane) Youghal Cork Coleman Mary Taylors Alley Youghal Cork Coleman Maurice Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Coleman Michael Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Coleman Patrick Strand Street Mall Youghal Cork Coleman Richard Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Coleman William Youghal Lands Town Of: Brown Street Youghal Cork Coleman William Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Collins Edward Youghal Lands Town Of: Hudson's Lane Youghal Cork Collins Elizabeth Magnershill Youghal Cork Collins John Williamstown Youghal Cork Collins John Youghal Lands. Old Chapel Lane. Youghal Cork Collins Patrick Youghal Lands Town Of: Brown Street Youghal Cork Collis Rev. Maurice Williamstown Youghal Cork Condon John Youghal Lands. Cross-Lane North Youghal Cork Condon Michael Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Condon Patrick Claycastle Youghal Cork Condon Patrick Dysart Youghal Cork Condon Patrick Pipersbog Youghal Cork Condon Patrick, Sr. Knocknacally Youghal Cork Condon William Youghal Lands. Tallow Street. Youghal Cork Connell ??? Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Connell John Mallow (Chapel-Lane) Youghal Cork Connell Mary Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Connell Michael Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Connell Patrick Mallow (New-Street) Youghal Cork Connell Richard Kilnatoora Youghal Cork Connell Timothy Mallow (Chapel-Lane) Youghal Cork Connell William Knockaverry Youghal Cork Connery Henry Water Lane Youghal Cork Connolly Anne Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Connolly Mary Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Connolly Patrick Cronakin's Lane Youghal Cork Connolly Sarah Buckleys Lane Youghal Cork Connor James Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Connor Michael Mallow (Chapel-Lane) Youghal Cork Connor Patrick Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Connor William Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Connory Jeremiah Fishamble Lane Youghal Cork Connory Thomas Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Connory William Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Conway John Mall Lane Youghal Cork Cook Thomas Friar Lane Youghal Cork Cooke James Fox's Lane Youghal Cork Cooke Patrick Williamstown Youghal Cork Cooney Thomas Mary Street Youghal Cork Corbett James Carrol's Lane Youghal Cork Corbett John Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Corbett Patrick Mallow (New-Street) Youghal Cork Corcoran Edward Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Corcoran John Foxhole Youghal Cork Corcoran Patrick Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Corcoran Richard Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Cosgrove Denis Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Costelloe Michael South Cross Lane Youghal Cork Costen Matthias Strand Street Mall Youghal Cork Cotter Daniel Murphy's Lane Youghal Cork Cotter John South Main Street Youghal Cork Cotter John Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Coughlan John Youghal Lands Town Of: Shambles Lane Youghal Cork Cowhig Mary Mary Street Youghal Cork Cox James Williamstown Youghal Cork Cox John Mallow (Hume's-Lane) Youghal Cork Cox Patrick Knockaverry Youghal Cork Cox Richard Grattan Street Youghal Cork Croake Patrick Mallow (New-Street) Youghal Cork Croft Mary Knocknacally Youghal Cork Croke Richard Mallow (New-Street) Youghal Cork Croker Miss Sarah Mallow (New-Street) Youghal Cork Cronakin Mary Cronakin's Lane Youghal Cork Cronakin Mnichael Friar Lane Youghal Cork Cronakin Patrick Friar Lane Youghal Cork Cronin Thomas Youghal Lands. Kenny's Lane Youghal Cork Cronin William Ballyhobert Youghal Cork Crow Daniel Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Crow Daniel Youghal Lands Town Of: Brown Street Youghal Cork Crowe James Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Crowley Jane South Cross Lane Youghal Cork Crowley Michael Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Crowley Patrick Youghal Lands Town Of: Foulke's Lane Youghal Cork Culbert Maurice Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Cunningham Anne South Main Street Youghal Cork Cunningham Catherine Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork Cunningham David Market Place Youghal Cork Cunningham Frances Strand Street Youghal Cork Cunningham James Green's Quay Youghal Cork Cunningham John Murphy's Lane Youghal Cork Cunningham Samuel Youghal Lands. Cadogan's Lane Youghal Cork Cunningham Samuel Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Cunningham William Barnageehy West Youghal Cork Cunningham William South Cross Lane Youghal Cork Cunningham William Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Curreen Jane Youghal Lands. William Street Youghal Cork Curreen John Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Curtin Thomas Market Place Youghal Cork Cusack John Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork Cusack Michael Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork Dalton Patrick Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Daly Jeremiah Water Lane Youghal Cork Daly Jeremiah Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Daly John Ballyclamasy Youghal Cork Daly John Carrol's Lane Youghal Cork Daly John Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Daly John Youghal Lands Town Of: Foulke's Lane Youghal Cork Daly Margaret Mallow (New-Street) Youghal Cork Daly Mary Buckleys Lane Youghal Cork Daly Mary Fishamble Lane Youghal Cork Daly Mary South Main Street Youghal Cork Daly Maurice Seafield Youghal Cork Daly Michael Ballyclamasy Youghal Cork Daly Patrick Williamstown Youghal Cork Daly Richard Youghal Lands. Cross-Lane North Youghal Cork Daly Timothy Youghal Lands Town Of: Foulke's Lane Youghal Cork Dart Eliza Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Dartnell Izabella Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Daunt Margaret Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Davis Robert Friar Lane Youghal Cork Davis Roger G. Propoge Youghal Cork Dawley James Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Dawley Patrick Mallow (Shoulder's Lane) Youghal Cork Dawley Patrick South Cross Lane Youghal Cork Day James R. South Abbey (Strand House) Youghal Cork Day James R. Strand Street Youghal Cork Day Patrick Kilnatoora Youghal Cork Deady David Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Deady Owen Mallow (Shoulder's Lane) Youghal Cork Dee Patrick Grattan Street Youghal Cork Delacour James Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Delany Edward Bean Street,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Delmage Benjamin Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Delmage James Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Delmege James Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Denmead Daniel Gillett's Hill Youghal Cork Denmead Daniel Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Dennehy Cornelius Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Dennehy John Hanover Street Youghal Cork Dennehy John South Main Street Youghal Cork Dennehy Margaret Mallow (Shoulder's Lane) Youghal Cork Dennehy Michael Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Desmond Dr. John Nelson Place Youghal Cork Desmond Thomas Mallow (Shoulder's Lane) Youghal Cork Devine Catherine Meeting House Lane Youghal Cork Devonshire ??? Friar Lane Youghal Cork Devonshire ??? Green Quay Youghal Cork Devonshire ??? Nelson Place Youghal Cork Devonshire ??? Store Street Youghal Cork Devonshire ??? Youghal Lands. Tallow Street. Youghal Cork Devonshire ??? Youghal Town. (Store Street) Youghal Cork Dewer James Meeting House Lane Youghal Cork Dill John South Main Street Youghal Cork Dill John Strand Street Mall Youghal Cork Donohoe Abigail Mallow (Shoulder's Lane) Youghal Cork Donovan Anne Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Donovan Daniel Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Donovan Michael Springfield Youghal Cork Donovan Michael Williamstown Youghal Cork Donovan William Fox's Lane Youghal Cork Dooly John Copperalley Youghal Cork Dore Patrick South Main Street Youghal Cork Dorey Thomas Mallow (Jones's Lane) Youghal Cork Dougan James Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Dowdney Anne South Main Street Youghal Cork Dowell Henry M. Carrol's Lane Youghal Cork Dowling John Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Dowling Thomas Ballymacask Youghal Cork Downan John Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Downes Thomas Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Downey Martin, Jr. Mallow (Jones's Lane) Youghal Cork Downey Martin, Sr. Mallow (Jones's Lane) Youghal Cork Downey Thaddeus Mallow (Shoulder's Lane) Youghal Cork Downey Thomas Mallow (Shoulder's Lane) Youghal Cork Doyle David Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Nile St. Youghal Cork Doyle John Freeman's Lane Youghal Cork Doyle Patrick Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Drew Barry Friar Lane Youghal Cork Drew Jane Friar Lane Youghal Cork Drew Rev. Pierce Ballymacask Youghal Cork Drew Rev. Pierce Brookelodge Youghal Cork Driscoll Mary Water Lane Youghal Cork Drury Jaspar Youghal Lands. Tallow Street. Youghal Cork Drury Jasper Greencloyne Youghal Cork Dudley Robert Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Duke William Fox's Lane Youghal Cork Dunlea Timothy Adam's Lane Youghal Cork Dunne Patrick Youghal Lands Town Of: Pearce's Lane Youghal Cork Dunne Thomas Sweetfields Youghal Cork Dwane Mrs. M. Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Dyer Edwatd Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Dykes John South Cross Lane Youghal Cork Eagan Thomas South Cross Lane Youghal Cork Eastaway William Market Place Youghal Cork Edaly Peter Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Edwards Eliza South Main Street Youghal Cork Edwards Thomas Friar Lane Youghal Cork Egan Elizabeth Youghal Lands Town Of: Abraham's Lane Youghal Cork Egan John Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Egan Richard Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Elliott David Strand Street Youghal Cork England Rev. Thomas Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork English William Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Enright Margaret Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Eustace Richard Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Evans Catherine South Cross Lane Youghal Cork Evans Elizabeth Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Evans Evan Youghal Lands. Tallow Street. Youghal Cork Evans Mary Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Everard Mary Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Eves Francis Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Farrell Denis Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Farrell James South Main Street Youghal Cork Farrell John Fox's Lane Youghal Cork Farrell John Parkmountain Youghal Cork Farrell John Pipersbog Youghal Cork Farrell William Strand Street Youghal Cork Farrell William Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Farrell William Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Faunt Susanna South Abbey Youghal Cork Faunt Susanna South Main Street Youghal Cork Feely James, Esq. Mallow (New-Street) Youghal Cork Ffoillott Giles Henry Knockattigan Youghal Cork Ffolliott Giles Henry Clashadunna East Youghal Cork Ffolliott Giles Henry Cock and The Bull Youghal Cork Field James Mallow (Chapel-Lane) Youghal Cork Finn Robert Friar Lane Youghal Cork Finn Robert South Main Street Youghal Cork Fisher Abraham Springfield Youghal Cork Fisher Abraham Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Fisher Abraham, Jr. Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Fisher Abraham, Jr. Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Fisher Joseph Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Fisher Peter Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Fitman Thomas Muckridge Youghal Cork Fitzgerald Catherine South Main Street Youghal Cork Fitzgerald David Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Fitzgerald Edward Nelson Terrace Youghal Cork Fitzgerald Ellen Quay Lane Youghal Cork Fitzgerald Frances Market Place Youghal Cork Fitzgerald Garrett South Cross Lane Youghal Cork Fitzgerald James Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Fitzgerald James Kilnatoora Youghal Cork Fitzgerald James Williamstown Youghal Cork Fitzgerald Jeremiah Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork Fitzgerald John Ballymacask Youghal Cork Fitzgerald John Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Fitzgerald John South Cross Lane Youghal Cork Fitzgerald Mary South Cross Lane Youghal Cork Fitzgerald Michael Williamstown Youghal Cork Fitzgerald R. S. Strand Street Youghal Cork Fitzgerald Thomas Crown Court,Lamb's Square Youghal Cork Fitzgerald Thomas Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Fitzgibbon Clemintina Youghal Lands. William Street Youghal Cork Fitzpatrick Cornelius Youghal Lands Town Of: Shambles Lane Youghal Cork Fitzpatrick James Mallow (Chapel-Lane) Youghal Cork Fitzpatrick John Mallow (Jones's Lane) Youghal Cork Flaherty John Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Flanagan Michael Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Flavin Denis Williamstown Youghal Cork Flavin Mary Strand Street Youghal Cork Flavin Mary Williamstown Youghal Cork Flavin William Barnageehy East Youghal Cork Flavin William Gillett's Hill Youghal Cork Flynn Barbon Knockaverry Youghal Cork Flynn Bridget Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Flynn Daniel Mallow (Jones's Lane) Youghal Cork Flynn Daniel Murphy's Lane Youghal Cork Flynn Edward Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Flynn James Carrol's Lane Youghal Cork Flynn Johanna Market Place Youghal Cork Flynn John Cronakin's Lane Youghal Cork Flynn John Knocknacally Youghal Cork Flynn John Mallow (New-Street) Youghal Cork Flynn John Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Flynn Margaret Market Place Youghal Cork Flynn Mary Meeting House Lane Youghal Cork Flynn Michael Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Flynn Patrick Mallow (Jones's Lane) Youghal Cork Flynn Patrick South Cross Lane Youghal Cork Flynn Patrick Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Flynn Patrick Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Flynn Sarah Mallow (Chapel-Lane) Youghal Cork Flynn Timothy South Main Street Youghal Cork Foley Declan South Cross Lane Youghal Cork Foley John Muckridge Youghal Cork Foley John Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Foley John Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Foley John Youghal Lands. Dolphin's Lane Youghal Cork Foley Joseph Youghal Lands. Tallow Street. Youghal Cork Foley Margaret Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Foley Mary Youghal Lands Town Of: Murray's Lane Youghal Cork Foley Michael Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Foley Nelson Custom House Quay Youghal Cork Foley Patrick Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork Foley Thomas Bachelors Walk Youghal Cork Forrest Catherine Adam's Lane Youghal Cork Foulkes Thomas Meeting House Lane Youghal Cork France Michael Mallow (Chapel-Lane) Youghal Cork France William Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Freeman Anne Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Fuller Robert Grattan Street Youghal Cork Fulton John Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Fulton John Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Gall Thomas Muckridge Youghal Cork Galvin James Taylors Alley Youghal Cork Galway Walter Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork Ganavan John Greencloyne Youghal Cork Garde Henry C. Youghal Lands. Church Lane Youghal Cork Garde Henry C., M.D. Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Gardener Nathaniel South Main Street Youghal Cork Gardner Jane Strand Street Mall Youghal Cork Gaul John Greencloyne Youghal Cork Gaul William Greencloyne Youghal Cork Gearin Martin South Cross Lane Youghal Cork Geary Daniel Grattan Street Youghal Cork Geary Edward Kennel Youghal Cork Geary John Youghal Lands. Tallow Street. Youghal Cork Geary William Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Gee James Taylors Lane Youghal Cork Gibbons William Murphy's Lane Youghal Cork Gibson Rev. C. B. Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Gibson William Buckleys Lane Youghal Cork Giles Henry South Abbey Youghal Cork Giles John Claycastle Youghal Cork Giles John H. Youghal Lands. Tallow Street. Youghal Cork Giles Lydia Banshy Youghal Cork Giles Lydia Clashadunna East Youghal Cork Giles Rep. Mary Muckridge Youghal Cork Giles Richard Glory Lane Youghal Cork Giles Richard Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Gimlet Thomas Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Gimlett Rev. Thomas Strand Street Youghal Cork Gimlett Thimas Grattan Street Youghal Cork Gimlett Thomas Custom House Quay Youghal Cork Gimlett Thomas Strand Street Youghal Cork Gimlett Thomas Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Ginavan Thomas Youghal Lands. Tallow Street. Youghal Cork Glancy Patrick Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Glavin David Curraghboy Youghal Cork Glavin James Youghal Lands. Kenny's Lane Youghal Cork Glavin Joseph Market Place Youghal Cork Glavin William Sweetfields Youghal Cork Glavin William Water Lane Youghal Cork Glavin William Whitebarn Youghal Cork Glavin William Youghal Lands. Kenny's Lane Youghal Cork Gleeson Patrick Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Goggin Patrick Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Goold Jn. Taylors Alley Youghal Cork Goold William Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork Goold William Kennel Youghal Cork Gorman Catherine Taylors Lane Youghal Cork Gorman James Bachelors Walk Youghal Cork Gorman James Market Place Youghal Cork Gorman Margaret Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Gorman Michael Mallow (Jones's Lane) Youghal Cork Gorman Richard Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Grady David Bean Street,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Grady Denis Mallow (Jones's Lane) Youghal Cork Grady John Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Grady John Youghal Lands Town Of: Pearce's Lane Youghal Cork Grady Margaret Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Grady Mary Adam's Lane Youghal Cork Grady William Lime Quay Street Youghal Cork Gradyy Patrick Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Graham Johanna Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Graney John Mallow (Shoulder's Lane) Youghal Cork Grant Isabella Devonshire Place Youghal Cork Graves Rev. James Nelson Place Youghal Cork Greany Charles Mallow (New-Street) Youghal Cork Greany Margaret Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Green Charles Catherine Street Youghal Cork Green Charles Nelson Place Youghal Cork Green Charles Strand Street Youghal Cork Green John Nelson Place Youghal Cork Green John Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Green Murdck Friar Lane Youghal Cork Green Myra E. Nelson Place Youghal Cork Green Susan Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Greenslade William Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Griffin Johanna Youghal Lands Town Of: Curtins's Lane Youghal Cork Griffin John South Main Street Youghal Cork Griffin Mary South Main Street Youghal Cork Griffith Mary Hanover Street Youghal Cork Guinan Michael South Main Street Youghal Cork Guinan Michael Youghal Lands. Kenny's Lane Youghal Cork Gwynne Robert Mallow (Shoulder's Lane) Youghal Cork Hagan Thomas Youghal Lands. Dolphin's Lane Youghal Cork Haines Homan, Esq. Mallow (New-Street) Youghal Cork Haines Thomas Mallow (New-Street) Youghal Cork Hall John Summerfield Youghal Cork Hallahan Declan Youghal Lands Town Of: Shambles Lane Youghal Cork Hallahan Honora Youghal Lands Town Of: Shambles Lane Youghal Cork Hallahan John Fishamble Lane Youghal Cork Halloran Denis Mallow (Shoulder's Lane) Youghal Cork Halloran John Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Halloran Michael Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Hamilton John Friar Lane Youghal Cork Hamilton John Strand Street Youghal Cork Hamilton Rev. S. R. Mallow (Chapel-Lane) Youghal Cork Hanifin Redmond Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Hankard James Ballyhobert Youghal Cork Hanley Richard Cock and The Bull Youghal Cork Hanlon John Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Hanlon Mary Buckleys Lane Youghal Cork Hanlon Stephen Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Hannagan Patrick Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Hannan Anne Williamstown Youghal Cork Hannan Blessing Hanover Street Youghal Cork Hannan Joseph Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Hannigan Mary Youghal Lands. Kenny's Lane Youghal Cork Hannigan Patrick Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Hannin Anne Williamstown Youghal Cork Hannon Patrick Youghal Lands. Prendergest's Lane Youghal Cork Hannon Thomas Pipersbog Youghal Cork Harman Daniel Quay Lane Youghal Cork Harman Francis Strand Street Youghal Cork Harris Daniel Water Lane Youghal Cork Harris Daniel Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Harris Elizabeth Youghal Lands. Church Lane Youghal Cork Harris Elizabeth Youghal Town. (Church Lane) Youghal Cork Harris Mary Lime Quay Street Youghal Cork Harris Susan Kilmagner Youghal Cork Harrison Joseph Curraghboy Youghal Cork Harrison Joseph Kilnatoora Youghal Cork Harty John Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Harty John Youghal Lands. Tallow Street. Youghal Cork Harty Michael Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork Harty Patrick Barnageehy West Youghal Cork Harty Patrick Kennel Youghal Cork Harty Patrick Troys Lane Youghal Cork Harty Patrick Youghal Lands. Cross-Lane North Youghal Cork Harvey Elizabeth Gillett's Hill Youghal Cork Harvey Thomas Grattan Street Youghal Cork Hastings Anne Youghal Lands. William Street Youghal Cork Hastings Bridget Williamstown Youghal Cork Hay John Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Hayes Bridget Williamstown Youghal Cork Hayes James Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Hayes John Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Hayes Patrick Barnageehy East Youghal Cork Hayes Thomas Crown Court,Lamb's Square Youghal Cork Hayman Matthew South Abbey Youghal Cork Hayman Matthew Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Heafy Michael Mallow (Shoulder's Lane) Youghal Cork Healy Bridget Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Healy Catherine Parkmountain Youghal Cork Healy John Freeman's Lane Youghal Cork Healy Peter Glory Lane Youghal Cork Healy Thomas Hanover Street Youghal Cork Healy Thomas Mallow (New-Street) Youghal Cork Healy Thomas Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Healy William Copperalley Youghal Cork Healy William Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Heaphy John Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Heaphy Margaret Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Heaphy Thomas Youghal Lands. Cadogan's Lane Youghal Cork Hearne Mary Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Heasley George B. Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Heasly George Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Heasly George B. Catherine Street Youghal Cork Heasly George B. Store Street Youghal Cork Heffernan John Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Heffernan Thomas Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Heffernan Thomas Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Heffernon Patrick Allens Quay Youghal Cork Hegarty David Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Hegarty James Youghal Lands. Tallow Street. Youghal Cork Hegarty John Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Hegarty John Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Hegarty Patrick Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork Hennessy Ellen Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Hennessy James Kennel Youghal Cork Hennessy James Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Hennessy James Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Hennessy Johanna Adam's Lane Youghal Cork Hennessy John Clashadunna West Youghal Cork Hennessy John Mallow (Chapel-Lane) Youghal Cork Herbert Simon Kennel Youghal Cork Hickey John Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork Hickey John South Cross Lane Youghal Cork Hickey Patrick Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Higgins Anne Youghal Lands. Tallow Street. Youghal Cork Higgins Daniel Ballymacask Youghal Cork Higgins James Ballynacarriga Youghal Cork Higgins James Cock and The Bull Youghal Cork Higgins James Kilmagner Youghal Cork Higgins James Muckridge Youghal Cork Higgins James Quay Lane Youghal Cork Higgins James South Main Street Youghal Cork Higgins John Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Higgins William Ballymacask Youghal Cork Hill Rev. John Meeting House Lane Youghal Cork Hillgrove William South Main Street Youghal Cork Hilll Michael Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Hobert Patrick Kennel Youghal Cork Hobson Sam. Le Hunte Muckridge Demesne Youghal Cork Hodnett Jeremiah Catherine Street Youghal Cork Hodnett John Foxhole Youghal Cork Hogan Patrick Friar Lane Youghal Cork Holmes Samuel Carrol's Lane Youghal Cork Holmes Thomas Meeting House Lane Youghal Cork Hoolahan Catherine Mallow (Chapel-Lane) Youghal Cork Horrigan Ellen Market Place Youghal Cork Horrigan Thomas Youghal Lands Town Of: Foulke's Lane Youghal Cork Hourahan John Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Hourigan Mary Kennel Youghal Cork Hourihan William Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Howard Anne Hanover Street Youghal Cork Howard Anne Mallow (Jones's Lane) Youghal Cork Howard Eliza South Main Street Youghal Cork Howard Luke Strand Street Youghal Cork Howard Samuel Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Hubbert Michael Knockaverry Youghal Cork Hudson John Ballyhobert Youghal Cork Hudson John Propoge Youghal Cork Hudson Robert Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Hudson Roert Knockattigan Youghal Cork Hudson William Magnershill Youghal Cork Hudson William Youghal Lands Town Of: Hudson's Lane Youghal Cork Hurley Cornelius Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Hurley John Ballymacask Youghal Cork Hurley John Clashadunna West Youghal Cork Hurley John Copperalley Youghal Cork Hurley John Parkmountain Youghal Cork Hurley John Strand Street Mall Youghal Cork Hurley John Sweetfields Youghal Cork Hurley John Youghal Lands Town Of: Hurley's Lane Youghal Cork Hurley John Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Hurley John Youghal Lands. Old Chapel Lane. Youghal Cork Hurley Patrick Parkmountain Youghal Cork Hurley Timothy Youghal Lands Town Of: Brown Street Youghal Cork Hyde Bridget Adam's Lane Youghal Cork Hyde Lucinda Knockaverry Youghal Cork Hyde Patrick Knockaverry Youghal Cork Hynes Edward South Main Street Youghal Cork Hynes Pierce South Main Street Youghal Cork Irwin Sarah M. Friar Lane Youghal Cork Irwin Thomas Youghal Lands. Prendergest's Lane Youghal Cork Jackson James Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Jenkins John Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Jenkins William Youghal Lands. William Street Youghal Cork Jervois Rev. Joseph Devonshire Place Youghal Cork John Louisa Friar Lane Youghal Cork John Thomas Copperalley Youghal Cork John Thomas Youghal Lands Youghal Cork John Thomas Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Jones John Youghal Lands Town Of: Foulke's Lane Youghal Cork Joyce Patrick Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Judge John Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Justice Thomas, Esq. Mallow (Chapel-Lane) Youghal Cork Kane Cornelius Mallow (New-Street) Youghal Cork Kane Simon Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Keane Bridget Barnageehy East Youghal Cork Keane John Barnageehy East Youghal Cork Keane John Curraghboy Youghal Cork Keane John South Cross Lane Youghal Cork Keane Michael Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Keane Patrick Youghal Lands Town Of: Foulke's Lane Youghal Cork Keane Thomas Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Kearney Denis Mallow (Chapel-Lane) Youghal Cork Kearney James Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Kearney John Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Kearns David Williamstown Youghal Cork Kearns James Copperalley Youghal Cork Keeffe Arthur Mallow (Chapel-Lane) Youghal Cork Keeffe Cornelius Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Keeffe Daniel Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Keeffe David Copperalley Youghal Cork Keeffe David Foxhole Youghal Cork Keeffe David Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Keeffe James Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Keeffe John Kennel Youghal Cork Keeffe John Knockaverry Youghal Cork Keeffe John Mallow (Chapel-Lane) Youghal Cork Keeffe John Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Keeffe John Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Keeffe John Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Keeffe Margaret Greencloyne Youghal Cork Keeffe Margaret South Cross Lane Youghal Cork Keeffe Margaret Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Keeffe Michael Carrol's Lane Youghal Cork Keeffe Michael Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Keeffe Owen Barrys Lane Youghal Cork Keeffe Patrick Summerfield Youghal Cork Kehoe William Youghal Lands. Kenny's Lane Youghal Cork Keily John Perry Quay Youghal Cork Keily Laurence Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Keleher Patrick Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Kelly Anne Ballyhobert Youghal Cork Kelly Daniel Williamstown Youghal Cork Kelly Darby Perry Quay Youghal Cork Kelly Edward Mallow (Jones's Lane) Youghal Cork Kelly Edward Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Kelly Jeremiah Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Kelly John Youghal Lands Town Of: Curtins's Lane Youghal Cork Kelly John Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Kelly John, Jr. Knockaverry Youghal Cork Kelly Mary Crown Court,Lamb's Square Youghal Cork Kelly Maurice Youghal Lands. Church Lane Youghal Cork Kelly William Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Kenah Eliza Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Kenah Thomas Knockaverry Youghal Cork Kenah Thomas W. Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Keniry Maurice Youghal Lands Town Of: Brown Street Youghal Cork Kennedy John Meeting House Lane Youghal Cork Kennedy Patrick South Main Street Youghal Cork Kennedy Patrick Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Kenny Ellen Youghal Lands. Cadogan's Lane Youghal Cork Kidney Daniel Copperalley Youghal Cork Kidney Daniel Crown Court,Lamb's Square Youghal Cork Kidney Daniel Greencloyne Youghal Cork Kidney Daniel Muckridge Demesne Youghal Cork Kidney Daniel Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Kiely John Fox's Lane Youghal Cork Kiely John Seafield Youghal Cork Kilartin John Murphy's Lane Youghal Cork Kildahl Sobieski Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Kinafeck Mary Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Kinafick Mary Bawnmore Youghal Cork Kinnealy James Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Kinnealy John Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Kinnealy John Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Kinnealy Timothy Youghal Lands Town Of: Brown Street Youghal Cork Kinniery Edward Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Kinniery Maurice Ballyhobert Youghal Cork Kinniery Michael Ballyhobert Youghal Cork Kinnure Edmond Clashadunna West Youghal Cork Kinure Patrick Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Kirk Patrick Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Kirk William Ballyhobert Youghal Cork Kirk William Knocknacally Youghal Cork Kite Mary Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Knight Mary Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Kyrl John Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Lamb Robert Williamstown Youghal Cork Landers Mary Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Langster Joshua Fitzgerald's Lane Youghal Cork Lannan John Ballyhobert Youghal Cork Larminie Rev. Samuel South Main Street Youghal Cork Lawless Richard Knockaverry Youghal Cork Lawlor John Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Lawlor Mary Williamstown Youghal Cork Lawrence George Williamstown Youghal Cork Lawton Ellen Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Lawton Margaret Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Lawton Mary Carrol's Lane Youghal Cork Leahy Catherine Freeman's Lane Youghal Cork Leahy Denis Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Leahy James Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork Leahy James Cronakin's Lane Youghal Cork Leahy James Freeman's Lane Youghal Cork Leahy James Youghal Lands. Kenny's Lane Youghal Cork Leahy John Williamstown Youghal Cork Leahy John Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Leahy John Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Leahy Michael Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Leahy Thomas Youghal Lands. New Lane (Of Raheen Lane) Youghal Cork Leahy Thomas Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Leary Margaret Adam's Lane Youghal Cork Leary Michael Adam's Lane Youghal Cork Lee Catherine Greencloyne Youghal Cork Lee David Murphy's Lane Youghal Cork Lee David Summerfield Youghal Cork Lee Denis Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Lee James Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Lee Maurice Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Lee Thomas Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Lee Thomas Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Lee William Youghal Lands. Kenny's Lane Youghal Cork Lehan Redmond Youghal Lands Town Of: Foulke's Lane Youghal Cork Lenihan Patrick Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Leonard Joyhn Youghal Lands Town Of: Shambles Lane Youghal Cork Leonearain Harriet South Main Street Youghal Cork Linahan John Market Place Youghal Cork Lindsay John W. Youghal Lands Town Of: Brown Street Youghal Cork Linehan Anne South Main Street Youghal Cork Linehan James Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Lobe William Mallow (New-Street) Youghal Cork Lockwood Ruth Youghal Lands. William Street Youghal Cork Lodgers Lodgers Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Lodgers Lodgers Mallow (Shoulder's Lane) Youghal Cork Logan John Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Lombard John Claycastle Youghal Cork Long Henry Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Long Jeremiah Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork Long Jeremiah Friar Lane Youghal Cork Long Jeremiah Knockaverry Youghal Cork Long William Knockaverry Youghal Cork Long William Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Looney John Strand Street Mall Youghal Cork Loughlin James Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Loughlin John Power's Court Youghal Cork Loughlin Mary Taylors Lane Youghal Cork Loughlin Michael Williamstown Youghal Cork Lowe Thomas Youghal Lands. Cross-Lane North Youghal Cork Lucas George Grattan Street Youghal Cork Lumley Mary South Abbey Youghal Cork Lumley Mary Strand Street Youghal Cork Lynch Anne Williamstown Youghal Cork Lynch Edmond Bean Street,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Lynch Honoria Kilnatoora Youghal Cork Lynch James Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Lynch James Strand Street Mall Youghal Cork Lynch Jeremiah Taylors Alley Youghal Cork Lynch John Mallow (Shoulder's Lane) Youghal Cork Lynch Michael Market Place Youghal Cork Lynch Michael Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Lynch Michael Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Lynch Peter Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Lynch Richard Buckleys Lane Youghal Cork Lynch Robert M. Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Lynch Thomas Power's Court Youghal Cork Lynch Thomas Youghal Lands Town Of: Hudson's Lane Youghal Cork Lyniss Joseph Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Lyons Jeremiah Freeman's Lane Youghal Cork Lyons John Clashadunna East Youghal Cork Lyons Patrick South Cross Lane Youghal Cork Lysaght Miss ??? Mallow (The New Lane) Youghal Cork M'Auliffe David Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork M'Auliffe John Mallow (Jones's Lane) Youghal Cork M'Auliffe Thomas Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork M'Carthy Callaghan Strand Street Youghal Cork M'Carthy Callaghan Windmill Lane Youghal Cork M'Carthy Catherine Adam's Lane Youghal Cork M'Carthy Charles Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork M'Carthy Denis Mallow (Shoulder's Lane) Youghal Cork M'Carthy Ellen Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork M'Carthy Florence Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork M'Carthy Florence Fox's Lane Youghal Cork M'Carthy Jeremiah Troys Lane Youghal Cork M'Carthy Jeremiah Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork M'Carthy Johanna Market Place Youghal Cork M'Carthy John South Main Street Youghal Cork M'Carthy Mary Troys Lane Youghal Cork M'Carthy Mary Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork M'Carthy Mary Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork M'Carthy Maurice Market Place Youghal Cork M'Carthy Michael Mallow (Shoulder's Lane) Youghal Cork M'Carthy Owen Glory Lane Youghal Cork M'Carthy Philip Market Place Youghal Cork M'Carthy Thomas Youghal Lands. Tallow Street. Youghal Cork M'Carthy Timothy Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork M'Carthy William Youghal Lands Youghal Cork M'Carthy William Youghal Lands. Tallow Street. Youghal Cork M'Cowley Mary Mallow (Jones's Lane) Youghal Cork M'Donald Cornelius Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork M'Donald Ellen Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork M'Donald John South Cross Lane Youghal Cork M'Donnell Denis Custom House Quay Youghal Cork M'Donnell Denis Youghal Lands Town Of: Shambles Lane Youghal Cork M'Donnell Edmond Youghal Lands. Cross-Lane North Youghal Cork M'Donnell Edward Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork M'Donnell Edward Youghal Lands. New Lane (Of Raheen Lane) Youghal Cork M'Donnell Michael South Main Street Youghal Cork M'Grath Gerrard A. Youghal Lands. Kenny's Lane Youghal Cork M'Grath James Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork M'Grath James Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork M'Grath Lawrence Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork M'Grath Michael Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork M'Grath Patrick Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork M'Loughlin Elizabeth Youghal Lands. Old Chapel Lane. Youghal Cork M'Loyd John, Esq. Mallow (The New Lane) Youghal Cork M'Millen Alexander Kilmagner Youghal Cork M'Neill Henry Youghal Lands. Cross-Lane North Youghal Cork M'Sweeny Edward Muckridge Youghal Cork M'Sweeny Edward Muckridge Demesne Youghal Cork Macnamara Thomas Mary Street Youghal Cork Madden Patrick Parkmountain Youghal Cork Maddigan James Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Magner James Strand Street Youghal Cork Magner James Youghal Town. (Strand Street) Youghal Cork Magner Philip Knocknacally Youghal Cork Magrath John Williamstown Youghal Cork Maguire John Knockaverry Youghal Cork Maguire Rep. Walter Muckridge Youghal Cork Maher Patrick Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Mahony Daniel South Main Street Youghal Cork Mahony Daniel Taylors Alley Youghal Cork Mahony Denis Youghal Lands. Old Chapel Lane. Youghal Cork Mahony Denis Youghal Lands. Tallow Street. Youghal Cork Mahony Edmond Youghal Lands Town Of: Foulke's Lane Youghal Cork Mahony Honoria Mall Lane Youghal Cork Mahony James Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Mahony Jeremiah Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Mahony John Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Mahony John Mary Street Youghal Cork Mahony John Youghal Lands Town Of: Foulke's Lane Youghal Cork Mahony John Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Mahony John Youghal Lands. Old Chapel Lane. Youghal Cork Malley Patrick Water Lane Youghal Cork Malony John Troys Lane Youghal Cork Malony Martin Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Mangan Michael Water Lane Youghal Cork Manin Patrick Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Manning Timothy Mallow (Shoulder's Lane) Youghal Cork Mansfield John Foxhole Youghal Cork Mansfield Michael Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Mansfield Patrick Hanover Street Youghal Cork Margary John Knockaverry Youghal Cork Mariga James Market Place Youghal Cork Marks John South Main Street Youghal Cork Marks Mr. Wm. Allens Quay Youghal Cork Marks William E. South Abbey Youghal Cork Marragy Thomas Ballymacask Youghal Cork Marsden Anne Friar Lane Youghal Cork Mawe Edmund Mallow (Jones's Lane) Youghal Cork Mawe John Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork McClean Patrick Mallow (New-Street) Youghal Cork Mcgowan Robert Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Mcgrath Jeremiah Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Mcgrath John Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Mcgrath Margaret South Main Street Youghal Cork Mcgrath Patrick Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Mcsweeney Mary South Main Street Youghal Cork Meade Daniel Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork Meade Elizabeth Devonshire Place Youghal Cork Meade Elizabeth South Abbey Youghal Cork Meade James Troys Lane Youghal Cork Meade John Taylors Lane Youghal Cork Meade Maurice Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork Meade Michael Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Meade Patrick Copperalley Youghal Cork Meade William Taylors Alley Youghal Cork Meade William Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Meany Andrew Williamstown Youghal Cork Meara William Green's Quay Youghal Cork Meara William Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Meara William Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Meara William Youghal Lands. Cadogan's Lane Youghal Cork Mehegan Mary Williamstown Youghal Cork Mehigan Jeremiah Knockaverry Youghal Cork Mernin Thomas Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Merrick Jeremiah Seafield Youghal Cork Merrick Jeremiah Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Merrick Jeremiah Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Merry Charlotte Friar Lane Youghal Cork Meshman John Mallow (Shoulder's Lane) Youghal Cork Milagan Jeremiah Knockaverry Youghal Cork Millar William Nelson Terrace Youghal Cork Millard Patrick Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Milward Henry Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Moloney John Youghal Lands. Kenny's Lane Youghal Cork Moloney Patrick Kilnatoora Youghal Cork Molony Catherine Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Monaghan Peter Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Moore James South Main Street Youghal Cork Moore John Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Moore Joshua Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Moore Nicholas Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Moore Nicholas Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Moore Patrick Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Moore Sarah Nelson Terrace Youghal Cork Morgan Edward Friar Lane Youghal Cork Morgan Edward Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Morgan John Youghal Lands. Kenny's Lane Youghal Cork Morgan Timothy Cronakin's Lane Youghal Cork Morrissey Ellen Carrol's Lane Youghal Cork Morrissey James Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Morrissey John Bawnmore Youghal Cork Morrissey John Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Morrissey Mary South Main Street Youghal Cork Morrissey Susan South Main Street Youghal Cork Morrisson Patrick Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Moss Samuel Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Mountain Edwart Barnageehy West Youghal Cork Mountain Michael South Cross Lane Youghal Cork Mountaine Edward Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Moylan Maurice Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Mullane John Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Mullane Michael Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Mullany John Greencloyne Youghal Cork Mullany Patrick Hanover Street Youghal Cork Mullin Mary Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Mullins Jeremiah Greencloyne Youghal Cork Mullins John Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Murphy Charles Knocknacally Youghal Cork Murphy Ellen Mallow (Hume's-Lane) Youghal Cork Murphy Honora Carrol's Lane Youghal Cork Murphy Honora Strand Street Youghal Cork Murphy James Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Murphy James Knockattigan Youghal Cork Murphy James Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Murphy James Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Murphy John Adam's Lane Youghal Cork Murphy John Fishamble Lane Youghal Cork Murphy John Knockattigan Youghal Cork Murphy John Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Murphy John Mallow (Jones's Lane) Youghal Cork Murphy John Youghal Lands. Cross-Lane North Youghal Cork Murphy Johns Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Murphy Margaret Cronakin's Lane Youghal Cork Murphy Mary Friar Lane Youghal Cork Murphy Michael Clashadunna East Youghal Cork Murphy Michael Curraghboy Youghal Cork Murphy Michael Grattan Street Youghal Cork Murphy Michael Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Murphy Patrick Carrol's Lane Youghal Cork Murphy Patrick Youghal Lands. Cadogan's Lane Youghal Cork Murphy Thomas Murphy's Lane Youghal Cork Murphy Thomas Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Murphy Thomas Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Murphy William Barnageehy East Youghal Cork Murphy William Knockaverry Youghal Cork Murphy William Taylors Lane Youghal Cork Murphy William Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Murr Jeremiah Water Lane Youghal Cork Murray Edward Carrol's Lane Youghal Cork Murray James Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Murray James Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Murray John Summerfield Youghal Cork Murray John Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Murray John Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Murray Laurence South Cross Lane Youghal Cork Murray Mary Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Murray Mary Youghal Town. (Main Street) Youghal Cork Murray Matthew Youghal Lands. Dolphin's Lane Youghal Cork Murray Michael Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Murray Michael Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Murray Michael Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Murray Patrick Claycastle Youghal Cork Murray Patrick Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Nile St. Youghal Cork Murray Philip Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Musgrave Anne Quay Lane Youghal Cork Nagle Catherine South Main Street Youghal Cork Nagle John Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Nagle Maurice Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Nagle Patrick Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Nason Michael Murphy's Lane Youghal Cork Nason William Quay Lane Youghal Cork Naughton David Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Neilan William Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Neill James Strand Street Youghal Cork Neill James Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Neill Margaret Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork Newel Margaret Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Newel Margaret Youghal Town. (Main Street) Youghal Cork Nicholson Anna Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Nicholson Anne Youghal Town. (Main Street) Youghal Cork Noonan John Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Noonan Mary Friar Lane Youghal Cork Noonan Philip Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Norris Wiliam Freeman's Lane Youghal Cork Nugent Mary South Cross Lane Youghal Cork O'Brien Cornelius Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork O'Brien Dr. Edward Nelson Place Youghal Cork O'Brien Edward Knockaverry Youghal Cork O'Brien James Ballyhobert Youghal Cork O'Brien James Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork O'Brien James Barnageehy East Youghal Cork O'Brien James Clashadunna West Youghal Cork O'Brien John South Main Street Youghal Cork O'Brien John Taylors Lane Youghal Cork O'Brien John Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork O'Brien John Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork O'Brien Mary Meeting House Lane Youghal Cork O'Brien Mary Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Nile St. Youghal Cork O'Brien Michael Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork O'Brien Michael Market Place Youghal Cork O'Brien Michael Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork O'Brien Williakm Barnageehy West Youghal Cork O'Brien William Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork O'Callaghan James Mallow (Shoulder's Lane) Youghal Cork O'Donnell Pierce Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork O'Gorman Mary Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork O'Gorman Mary Youghal Lands. Cross-Lane North Youghal Cork O'Keeffe David Catherine Street Youghal Cork O'Keeffe David Copperalley Youghal Cork O'Keeffe David Grattan Street Youghal Cork O'Keeffe David Green's Quay Youghal Cork O'Keeffe David Greencloyne Youghal Cork O'Keeffe David Water Lane Youghal Cork O'Keeffe David Youghal Lands Youghal Cork O'Keeffe David Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork O'Neill James Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork O'Neill Mary Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork O'Neill Mary Barnageehy West Youghal Cork O'Neill William Mallow (Chapel-Lane) Youghal Cork O'Regan Patrick Mallow (New-Street) Youghal Cork O'Shea Michael Mallow (New-Street) Youghal Cork O'Sullivan Cornelius Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork O'Sullivan James Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork O'Sullivan Mary Bachelors Walk Youghal Cork O'Sullivan Mary Greencloyne Youghal Cork O'Sullivan Mary Hanover Street Youghal Cork O'Sullivan Mary Market Place Youghal Cork O'Sullivan Michael Youghal Lands Town Of: Brown Street Youghal Cork O'Sullivan Michael Youghal Lands. Tallow Street. Youghal Cork Obrien Michael South Main Street Youghal Cork Ormond Patrick Youghal Lands. Old Chapel Lane. Youghal Cork Palmer Jane Friar Lane Youghal Cork Park Catherine Mallow (Chapel-Lane) Youghal Cork Parker Henry New Catherine Street Youghal Cork Parker Henry Youghal Lands Town Of: Brown Street Youghal Cork Parker Margaret Catherine Street Youghal Cork Parker Matthew Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Parker William Youghal Lands Town Of: Brown Street Youghal Cork Pasley H. G. Youghal Lands. Church Lane Youghal Cork Pasley Henry J. G. Greencloyne Youghal Cork Perry Thomas William Youghal Lands. Church Lane Youghal Cork Perry Thomas, Sr. Youghal Lands. Church Lane Youghal Cork Pharrissy David Magnershill Youghal Cork Pharrissy David Pipersbog Youghal Cork Pierce Alice Strand Street Youghal Cork Pilkington Richard New Catherine Street Youghal Cork Pilkington Richard Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Pilkington Richard Youghal Lands. William Street Youghal Cork Pim Joseph W. Nelson Place Youghal Cork Pim Joseph W. New Catherine Street Youghal Cork Pim Joseph W. Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Pim Joseph W. Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Pim Joseph William Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Ploughman Richard Mallow (The New Lane) Youghal Cork Pollock John Catherine Street Youghal Cork Pollock Thomas Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Ponelue Ellen Youghal Lands. Church Lane Youghal Cork Ponsonby Lord ??? Ballyhobert Youghal Cork Ponsonby Lord ??? Curraghboy Youghal Cork Poole Michael Youghal Lands. Kenny's Lane Youghal Cork Pope Mary Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Pope Sarah Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Pope Sarah Youghal Town. (Main Street) Youghal Cork Power James Carrol's Lane Youghal Cork Power James Youghal Lands. Old Chapel Lane. Youghal Cork Power John Copperalley Youghal Cork Power John South Main Street Youghal Cork Power John Williamstown Youghal Cork Power John Youghal Lands Town Of: Murray's Lane Youghal Cork Power Margaret Market Place Youghal Cork Power Maurice Custom House Quay Youghal Cork Power Maurice Youghal Lands. William Street Youghal Cork Power Patrick Kilnatoora Youghal Cork Power Richard Troys Lane Youghal Cork Power Richard Water Lane Youghal Cork Power Thomas Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Power William Williamstown Youghal Cork Poyntz Anne Mall Lane Youghal Cork Prendergast Catherine Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Prendergast James Kennel Youghal Cork Prendergast Jas., Jr. Water Lane Youghal Cork Prendergast Jas., Sr. Water Lane Youghal Cork Prendergast John South Main Street Youghal Cork Prendergast Martin Water Lane Youghal Cork Prendergast Mary Friar Lane Youghal Cork Purdon Edward Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Quaine John Meeting House Lane Youghal Cork Quane Catherine Fox's Lane Youghal Cork Quick Geo. Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Quick Jacob Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Quinlan Daniel Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Quinlan Mary Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Quinlan Patrick Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Quinlan Walter Banshy Youghal Cork Quinn William Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Nile St. Youghal Cork Quirk Nicholas Carrol's Lane Youghal Cork Rahilly Timothy Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork Ramsay Rev. John Mallow (New-Street) Youghal Cork Rea James Knockaverry Youghal Cork Ready John Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Regan John Mallow (Chapel-Lane) Youghal Cork Regan Michael Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Nile St. Youghal Cork Regan Timothy Mallow (Jones's Lane) Youghal Cork Reilly Henry Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Relihan Daniel Mallow (New-Street) Youghal Cork Renny Patrick Kennel Youghal Cork Revins Honoria Curraghboy Youghal Cork Richards James Friar Lane Youghal Cork Richardson Thomas Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Richardson Thomas Youghal Lands. Old Chapel Lane. Youghal Cork Richrdson Thomas Youghal Lands. William Street Youghal Cork Riddle Anne Youghal Lands. Church Lane Youghal Cork Rielly Patrick South Cross Lane Youghal Cork Riordan Andrew Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Riordan Mary Youghal Lands Town Of: Abraham's Lane Youghal Cork Riordan Mary Youghal Lands. Dolphin's Lane Youghal Cork Riordan William Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Roach John Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Roche David Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Nile St. Youghal Cork Roche David Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Roche Michael Knocknacally Youghal Cork Roche Michael Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Roche Thomas Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Rodgers Richard H. Knockaverry Youghal Cork Rogers Richard H. Devonshire Place Youghal Cork Rogers Richard Henry Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Rogers Susanna Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Ronayn John Water Lane Youghal Cork Ronayne Maryanne Friar Lane Youghal Cork Ronayne Michael Mary Street Youghal Cork Ronayne Penelope South Abbey Youghal Cork Ronayne Richard, M.D. Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Ronayne Thomas Muckridge Youghal Cork Rooke Samuel Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Nile St. Youghal Cork Rourke John Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Ruby Philip South Main Street Youghal Cork Russell Anthony Youghal Lands. Tallow Street. Youghal Cork Russell Bridget Barnageehy West Youghal Cork Russell Vincent Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Ruth Owen Foxhole Youghal Cork Ryan Anastasia Youghal Lands Town Of: Brown Street Youghal Cork Ryan George Strand Street Youghal Cork Ryan James Copperalley Youghal Cork Ryan James Youghal Lands. Kenny's Lane Youghal Cork Ryan Johanna Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Ryan John Mallow (Jones's Lane) Youghal Cork Ryan Thomas Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Sangster James S. Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Sanky William Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Sargent William Catherine Street Youghal Cork Savage Patrick Williamstown Youghal Cork Savage William Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Scamaden James Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Scanlan John Whitebarn Youghal Cork Scanlan John Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Scanlan Thomas Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Scanlon John Youghal Lands. Cross-Lane North Youghal Cork Scully Denis Nelson Terrace Youghal Cork Scully Johanna Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Seafue Charles Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Seward Edward Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Seward Mary Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Seward Thomas Ballyclamasy Youghal Cork Seward Thomas Ballyvergan East Youghal Cork Seward Thomas Knockaverry Youghal Cork Seward Thomas Knocknacally Youghal Cork Seward Thomas Seafield Youghal Cork Sewell Joseph Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Sewell Rev. Robert Friar Lane Youghal Cork Shanaghan Patrick Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Shanahan Johanna Clashadunna West Youghal Cork Shanahan Michael Williamstown Youghal Cork Shaughnessy Michael Mallow (Chapel-Lane) Youghal Cork Shea Catherine Adam's Lane Youghal Cork Shea Catherine Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork Shea David Williamstown Youghal Cork Shea Ellen Meeting House Lane Youghal Cork Shea Margaret Youghal Lands. Tallow Street. Youghal Cork Sheehan Andrew Youghal Lands Town Of: Pearce's Lane Youghal Cork Sheehan Cornelius Mallow (New-Street) Youghal Cork Sheehan James Mallow (Hume's-Lane) Youghal Cork Sheehan Mary H. South Main Street Youghal Cork Sheehan Mary Harris Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Sheehan Patrick Power's Court Youghal Cork Sheehan Rev. Maurice Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Sheehan Rev. Maurice Parkmountain Youghal Cork Sheehan Rev. Maurice Sweetfields Youghal Cork Shepard John South Main Street Youghal Cork Sheppard Thomas Strand Street Youghal Cork Shepperd Thomas Youghal Town. (Strand Street) Youghal Cork Sidley John Muckridge Demesne Youghal Cork Sidley John Youghal Lands. Tallow Street. Youghal Cork Sidley Martha Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Simcocks Henry Youghal Lands. William Street Youghal Cork Simkins John Strand Street Mall Youghal Cork Simkins Maria New Catherine Street Youghal Cork Slattery Daniel Greencloyne Youghal Cork Slattery James Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Slattery John Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Sliney Patrick Adam's Lane Youghal Cork Sliny David Friar Lane Youghal Cork Sloacome William Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Smiddy Catherine Ballymacask Youghal Cork Smiddy Maurice Springfield Youghal Cork Smiddy Maurice Strand Street Mall Youghal Cork Smiddy Thomas Parkmountain Youghal Cork Smiddy Thomas Sweetfields Youghal Cork Smiddy Timothy Ballymacask Youghal Cork Smyth Bartholomew Fox's Lane Youghal Cork Squires William Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Stack Catherine Mallow (The New Lane) Youghal Cork Stanistreet Henry Grattan Street Youghal Cork Stanistreet Richard Grattan Street Youghal Cork Stanistreet Richard Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Stannistreet John Ballymacask Youghal Cork Stokes John Strand Street Youghal Cork Stout Nicholas Purdon Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Sullivan Elizabeth Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Sullivan Elizabeth Youghal Town. (Main Street) Youghal Cork Sullivan Ellen Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork Sullivan James Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Curries Ln Youghal Cork Sullivan John Cronakin's Lane Youghal Cork Sullivan John Kennel Youghal Cork Sullivan John Mary Street Youghal Cork Sullivan John Youghal Lands. Kenny's Lane Youghal Cork Sullivan Mary Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork Sullivan Mary Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Sullivan Michael Taylors Alley Youghal Cork Sullivan Michael Williamstown Youghal Cork Sullivan Michael Youghal Lands Town Of: Curtins's Lane Youghal Cork Sullivan Michael Youghal Lands. Dolphin's Lane Youghal Cork Sullivan Owen Freeman's Lane Youghal Cork Sullivan Patrick Greencloyne Youghal Cork Sullivan Thaddeus Mallow (Shoulder's Lane) Youghal Cork Sullivan Thomas Youghal Lands Town Of: Pearce's Lane Youghal Cork Sullivan William Water Lane Youghal Cork Sullivan William Youghal Lands. Cadogan's Lane Youghal Cork Supple Denis Mallow (Chapel-Lane) Youghal Cork Supple James Williamstown Youghal Cork Supple Thomas Fox's Lane Youghal Cork Swaine Hugh Mallow (Jones's Lane) Youghal Cork Swanzy Rev. Henry Youghal Lands. Cross-Lane North Youghal Cork Swayne Eliza South Abbey Youghal Cork Swayne Elizabeth Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Sweeney Andrew Cock and The Bull Youghal Cork Sweeney Miles Carrol's Lane Youghal Cork Sweeney Robert Mallow (Chapel-Lane) Youghal Cork Sweeny Bridget Williamstown Youghal Cork Sweeny William Windmill Lane Youghal Cork Tarrant William Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Taylor Andrew Fox's Lane Youghal Cork Taylor Mary Claycastle Youghal Cork Taylor William Strand Street Youghal Cork Taylor William Youghal Town. (Strand Street) Youghal Cork Thomas Bridget Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Thomas Edward Knockaverry Youghal Cork Thomas Edward Muckridge Demesne Youghal Cork Thomas Edward Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Thomas Giles Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Thomas Henry Muckridge Demesne Youghal Cork Thomas Henry Strand Street Youghal Cork Thomas John Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Torbuck Richard Knocknacally Youghal Cork Tracey Mary Youghal Lands. Tallow Street. Youghal Cork Tracy Michael Bachelors Walk Youghal Cork Treacy Maurice Grattan Street Youghal Cork Treacy Michael Strand Street Mall Youghal Cork Treacy Michael Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Nile St. Youghal Cork Trehy Michael Curraghboy Youghal Cork Trehy Michael Kilnatoora Youghal Cork Trehy Patrick Buckleys Lane Youghal Cork Trehy William Buckleys Lane Youghal Cork Trihy William Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Trohy John Ballyvergan East Youghal Cork Trotter Edward Knockaverry Youghal Cork Trotter Edward Magnershill Youghal Cork Trotter Edward Strand Street Youghal Cork Trotter Edward Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Nile St. Youghal Cork Troy Catherine Carrol's Lane Youghal Cork Troy Denis South Main Street Youghal Cork Troy James South Main Street Youghal Cork Troy John Muckridge Youghal Cork Troy Patrick Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Tullock Ralph Youghal Lands. William Street Youghal Cork Twomy Mrs. ??? Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Twomy Patrick Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Twomy Timothy Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Uniacke Richard Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Vaughan Bridget Williamstown Youghal Cork Vaughan Jeremiah Youghal Lands. William Street Youghal Cork Vaughan William Pipersbog Youghal Cork Veale Michael Friar Lane Youghal Cork Veilin William Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Verlin William Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Verlin William Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Curries Ln Youghal Cork Verlin William Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Vittery Catherine Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Walker Edward Youghal Lands. Kenny's Lane Youghal Cork Walker Thomas H. Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Wall Edmond Greencloyne Youghal Cork Wallace Richard Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Wallis James Copperalley Youghal Cork Wallis James Nelson Place Youghal Cork Walsh Catherine Sweetfields Youghal Cork Walsh Edward South Main Street Youghal Cork Walsh Edward Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Walsh Ellen Youghal Lands. Cross-Lane North Youghal Cork Walsh James Hanover Street Youghal Cork Walsh James Williamstown Youghal Cork Walsh James Youghal Lands Town Of: Brown Street Youghal Cork Walsh Johanna Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Walsh Johanna Youghal Town. (Main Street) Youghal Cork Walsh John Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Walsh John Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Walsh John Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork Walsh John Youghal Lands. Old Chapel Lane. Youghal Cork Walsh Mary South Main Street Youghal Cork Walsh Mary Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Walsh Patrick Ballyhobert Youghal Cork Walsh Patrick Catherine Street Youghal Cork Walsh Patrick Williamstown Youghal Cork Walsh Richard Ballyvergan West Youghal Cork Walsh Richard Sweetfields Youghal Cork Walsh Stephen Market Place Youghal Cork Walsh Terence Friar Lane Youghal Cork Walsh Thomas Quay Lane Youghal Cork Walsh Thomas Troys Lane Youghal Cork Walsh William Clashadunna East Youghal Cork Walsh William Youghal Lands. Cadogan's Lane Youghal Cork Ward Fanny Youghal Lands. Church Lane Youghal Cork Ward William Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Ward Wm. H. Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Waugh Elizabeth Knockaverry Youghal Cork Webb Thomas South Main Street Youghal Cork Wheelaghan Richard Youghal Lands. Raheen Lane Youghal Cork Wheelan Johanna South Main Street Youghal Cork Whelan John Knocknacally Youghal Cork Whelan Margaret Youghal Lands. Cork Lane. Youghal Cork White Elizabeth Youghal Lands Youghal Cork White James Copperalley Youghal Cork White James Taylors Lane Youghal Cork White James Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork White Michael Catherine Street Youghal Cork White Thomas South Main Street Youghal Cork White Thomas Taylors Alley Youghal Cork Wigner James Mallow (Fair-Lane) Youghal Cork Wilkinson James Youghal Lands Youghal Cork Williams John Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork Wilson John Bean Street.,Mouse Street Youghal Cork Wood Richard Mallow (New-Street) Youghal Cork Woodcock Samuel South Main Street Youghal Cork Woodside John Youghal Lands Town of Youghal Main St. Youghal Cork World Thomas Strand Street Youghal Cork Wright Jane Springfield Youghal Cork Wynne Robert Mallow (Chapel-Lane) Youghal Cork Young John Windmill Lane Youghal Cork