Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Dunboe, County Derry
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Dunboe, County Derry
Aiken William Dunalis Upper Dunboe Derry Alexander John Articlave Dunboe Derry Alexander John Articlave Lower. Dunboe Derry Anderson Adam Articlave Dunboe Derry Andrews Robert Burren Beg. Dunboe Derry Andrews Thomas Big Glebe Dunboe Derry Andrews Thomas Hunters Glebe Dunboe Derry Arthur James K. Ballywoolen Dunboe Derry Bacon Robert Articlave Dunboe Derry Bacon Robert Articlave Lower. Dunboe Derry Bacon Robert Exorna Dunboe Derry Bacon Samuel Liffock Dunboe Derry Barr Oliver Ardina Dunboe Derry Barr Oliver Dartress Dunboe Derry Bates John Ballywoolen Dunboe Derry Bell James Knocknogher Dunboe Derry Black George Hunters Glebe Dunboe Derry Black John Articlave Dunboe Derry Blair Esther Ballywildrick Lower Dunboe Derry Blair James Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Blair John Ballywildrick Upper Dunboe Derry Blair John Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Blair John, Jr. Ballywildrick Lower Dunboe Derry Blair John, Jr. Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Blair John, Sr. Ballywildrick Lower Dunboe Derry Blair Joseph Freehall Dunlop Dunboe Derry Blair Matthew Ballywildrick Lower Dunboe Derry Blair Matthew Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Blair Michael Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Blair Robert Little Glebe Dunboe Derry Blair Susan Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Blair William Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Boyle Conoly Dartress Dunboe Derry Bradley Elizabeth Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Bradley Samuel Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Brennan James Freehall Dunlop Dunboe Derry Brewster Hannah Farranlester Dunboe Derry Brewster Rose Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Brown Patrick Ballywoodock Dunboe Derry Brown Robert Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Bruce Baronet Henry H. Ballymadigan Dunboe Derry Bruce Baronet Henry H. Ballywoodock Dunboe Derry Bruce Baronet Henry H. Bellany Dunboe Derry Bruce Baronet Henry H. Bennarees Dunboe Derry Bruce Baronet Henry H. Downhill Dunboe Derry Bruce Baronet Henry H. Drumagully Dunboe Derry Bruce Baronet Henry H. Freehall Dunlop Dunboe Derry Bruce Baronet Henry H. Freehall Watson Dunboe Derry Bruce Baronet Henry H. Gortgran Dunboe Derry Bullion James Farranlester Dunboe Derry Burke Patrick Drumagully Dunboe Derry Burns Patrick Grange Beg Dunboe Derry Burns Sarah Articlave Dunboe Derry Cabena Joseph Burren More Dunboe Derry Caldwell James Ballywildrick Lower Dunboe Derry Caldwell Samuel Pottagh Dunboe Derry Cameron Daniel Dunalis Lower Dunboe Derry Cameron Samuel Bellany Dunboe Derry Cameron Sarah Articlave Dunboe Derry Carlisle James Articlave Dunboe Derry Caskey Andrew Big Glebe Dunboe Derry Cherry Joseph Bogtown Dunboe Derry Clarke John Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Clarke John Ballywoodock Dunboe Derry Clarke William Bennarees Dunboe Derry Clarke William Killyveety Dunboe Derry Cochrane John Lower Quilley Dunboe Derry Cochrane Joseph Lower Quilley Dunboe Derry Cochrane William Blakes Lower Dunboe Derry Cochrane William Blakes Upper Dunboe Derry Colman Alexander Articlave Dunboe Derry Conn Hamilton Grange Beg Dunboe Derry Conn Hugh Blakes Lower Dunboe Derry Conn Hugh Blakes Upper Dunboe Derry Conn John Grange Beg Dunboe Derry Connor James Bogtown Dunboe Derry Cooper Samuel Ballyhacket Glenahorry Dunboe Derry Craig James Articlave Dunboe Derry Craig James Bannbrook Lower Dunboe Derry Craig James Bannbrook Upper Dunboe Derry Craig James Gortgran Dunboe Derry Craig Joseph Articlave Dunboe Derry Cramsie William Big Glebe Dunboe Derry Crawford James Dartress Dunboe Derry Crawford Jane Bennarees Dunboe Derry Crawford Jane Burren Beg. Dunboe Derry Crawford Margeret Hunters Glebe Dunboe Derry Crawford Robert Articlave Dunboe Derry Creelman Matthew Upper Quilley Dunboe Derry Crolly Hugh Liffock Dunboe Derry Cumming Margaret Ballyhacket Glenahorry Dunboe Derry Cummins James Ballywildrick Upper Dunboe Derry Cunning John Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Cunning Sarah Bannbrook Upper Dunboe Derry Cunning William Burren More Dunboe Derry Cunningham James Ballywildrick Lower Dunboe Derry Cunningham Thomas Ballywildrick Lower Dunboe Derry Cunningham William Ballywildrick Lower Dunboe Derry Cuthbert Samuel Ballywoodock Dunboe Derry Davis Stewart Burren More Dunboe Derry Delap Samuel Drumagully Dunboe Derry Dennan Robert Dunalis Lower Dunboe Derry Denning Robert Gortgran Dunboe Derry Devanny James Farranlester Dunboe Derry Devanny James Mullanhead Dunboe Derry Dimond James Articlave Lower. Dunboe Derry Dinsmore Jonathan Articlave Dunboe Derry Dixon James Freehall Watson Dunboe Derry Dixon Samuel Artidillon Dunboe Derry Doherty Bernard Ballyhacket Lisawilling Dunboe Derry Doherty Bernard Ballyhacket Toberclaw Dunboe Derry Doherty Edward Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Doherty Hugh Ballyhacket Lisawilling Dunboe Derry Doherty Hugh Bogtown Dunboe Derry Doherty Hugh, Jr. Ballyhacket Lisawilling Dunboe Derry Doherty Hugh, Sr. Ballyhacket Lisawilling Dunboe Derry Doherty James Ballyhacket Lisawilling Dunboe Derry Doherty James Bennarees Dunboe Derry Doherty James Dartress Dunboe Derry Doherty John Big Glebe Dunboe Derry Doherty John Hunters Glebe Dunboe Derry Doherty John Long's Glebe Dunboe Derry Doherty Michael Ballywildrick Upper Dunboe Derry Doherty Rev. Edward Masteragwee Dunboe Derry Doherty Richard Ballyhacket Lisawilling Dunboe Derry Doherty Robert Hunters Glebe Dunboe Derry Donaghy John Gortgran Dunboe Derry Donaghy John Grange More Dunboe Derry Donaghy Joseph Dartress Dunboe Derry Dugan Margaret Articlave Dunboe Derry Dugan Margaret Articlave Lower. Dunboe Derry Duggan Arthur Ballywoolen Dunboe Derry Duggan Isaac, Jr. Ballywoolen Dunboe Derry Duggan Isaac, Sr. Ballywoolen Dunboe Derry Duggan Mary Anne Ballywoolen Dunboe Derry Duggan Neal Ballywoolen Dunboe Derry Duggan Neal Bogtown Dunboe Derry Duggan William Masteragwee Dunboe Derry Dunlop John Articlave Lower. Dunboe Derry Dunn Andrew Ballymoney Dunboe Derry Dunn James Articlave Dunboe Derry Dunn James Articlave Lower. Dunboe Derry Dunn John Dartress Dunboe Derry Dunn Nathaniel Articlave Dunboe Derry Dunn William Dartress Dunboe Derry Edwards A. W. Blakes Lower Dunboe Derry Edwards A. W. Dartress Dunboe Derry Farrel William Dartress Dunboe Derry Farrell William Long's Glebe Dunboe Derry Fenton Eliza Artidillon Dunboe Derry Finlay Jacob Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Finlay James Grange Beg Dunboe Derry Finlay Sarah Anne Ballywildrick Lower Dunboe Derry Fleming Isabella Knocknogher Dunboe Derry Freel James Articlave Dunboe Derry Freeman James Articlave Dunboe Derry Friel Hugh Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Friel James Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Fulton Anne Ballywildrick Upper Dunboe Derry Fulton Robert Upper Quilley Dunboe Derry Fulton William Articlave Dunboe Derry Galbraith Anne Killyveety Dunboe Derry Galbraith James Knocknogher Dunboe Derry Galbraith Jane Articlave Dunboe Derry Galbraith John Knocknogher Dunboe Derry Galbraith Mary Knocknogher Dunboe Derry Galbraith Robert Knocknogher Dunboe Derry Galbraith Sarah Articlave Lower. Dunboe Derry Gardiner William Articlave Dunboe Derry Gault John Big Glebe Dunboe Derry Gillan Henry Ballyhacket Toberclaw Dunboe Derry Gillan John Ballyhacket Toberclaw Dunboe Derry Gillan Mary Liffock Dunboe Derry Gillan Michael Ballyhacket Toberclaw Dunboe Derry Gillan Patrich Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Gillan Patrick Ballyhacket Lisawilling Dunboe Derry Gillan Patrick Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Gillan Patrick Mullanhead Dunboe Derry Gillespie James Exorna Dunboe Derry Gillespie James Freehall Dunlop Dunboe Derry Given Joseph Blakes Lower Dunboe Derry Given Margaret Blakes Lower Dunboe Derry Given William Blakes Lower Dunboe Derry Glen John Articlave Dunboe Derry Glynn Nathaniel Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Graham Andrew G. Articlave Lower. Dunboe Derry Graham Moses Ballywoodock Dunboe Derry Graham Stewart Articlave Lower. Dunboe Derry Greer Samuel Bogtown Dunboe Derry Grimes Elizabeth Bogtown Dunboe Derry Guinn James Ballywoodock Dunboe Derry Guthrie Robert Exorna Dunboe Derry Hagarty Edward Big Glebe Dunboe Derry Hagarty James Big Glebe Dunboe Derry Hagerty James Articlave Lower. Dunboe Derry Hagerty James Hunters Glebe Dunboe Derry Hampsey James Articlave Dunboe Derry Hasson John Articlave Dunboe Derry Hazlett Hugh Ballymadigan Dunboe Derry Hazlett Hugh Freehall Watson Dunboe Derry Hazlett Isaac Liffock Dunboe Derry Hazlett Samuel Bennarees Dunboe Derry Henderson John Killyveety Dunboe Derry Henry Benjamin Carneety Dunboe Derry Henry Henry Grange More Dunboe Derry Henry Rody Bogtown Dunboe Derry Henry William Carneety Dunboe Derry Hill Mary Farranlester Dunboe Derry Hill Oliver Farranlester Dunboe Derry Hodge Samuel Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Hogg Mary Liffock Dunboe Derry Hunter Hugh Artidillon Dunboe Derry Hunter John Artidillon Dunboe Derry Hunter Thomas Dunalis Upper Dunboe Derry Hunter William Artidillon Dunboe Derry Hutchinson Andrew Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Hutchinson Cochrane Hunters Glebe Dunboe Derry Hutchinson Jane Ballywildrick Lower Dunboe Derry Hutchinson John Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Hutchinson John Killyveety Dunboe Derry Hutchinson Margaret Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Hutchinson Mary Bogtown Dunboe Derry Hutchinson William Dartress Dunboe Derry Hyndman George Ballyhacket Glenahorry Dunboe Derry Hyndman James Ballyhacket Glenahorry Dunboe Derry Hyndman John Bennarees Dunboe Derry Hyndman Joseph Ballyhacket Glenahorry Dunboe Derry Hyndman Robert Bennarees Dunboe Derry Hyndman William Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Jack Hugh Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Jeffers William Big Glebe Dunboe Derry Jeffers William Hunters Glebe Dunboe Derry Johnstom William Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Johnston Andrew Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Johnston Hugh Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Johnston John Dartress Dunboe Derry Johnston Mary Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Kane Alexander Big Glebe Dunboe Derry Kane William Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Keily William Ballyhacket Glenahorry Dunboe Derry Kelly William Ballyhacket Glenahorry Dunboe Derry Kennedy Alexander Burren Beg. Dunboe Derry Kennedy David Upper Quilley Dunboe Derry Kennedy James Masteragwee Dunboe Derry Kennedy Samuel Upper Quilley Dunboe Derry Kennedy Thomas Masteragwee Dunboe Derry Kennedy William Farranlester Dunboe Derry Kerr Andrew Killyveety Dunboe Derry Kerr John Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Kerr Mary Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Kerr Robert Articlave Dunboe Derry Kerr Robert Articlave Lower. Dunboe Derry Kerr Robert Dartress Dunboe Derry Kirby William Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Knox Charles J. Articlave Dunboe Derry Knox Charles J. Ballyhacket Glenahorry Dunboe Derry Knox Charles J. Ballywoolen Dunboe Derry Knox Charles J. Bogtown Dunboe Derry Knox Charles J. Dartress Dunboe Derry Knox Chas J. Ballyhacket Lisawilling Dunboe Derry Knox Chas J. Ballywildrick Lower Dunboe Derry Knox Chas J. Dunalis Lower Dunboe Derry Knox Chas J. Dunalis Upper Dunboe Derry Knox Chas J. Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Knox Chas. J. Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Knox Chas. J. Artidillon Dunboe Derry Knox Chas. J. Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Knox Chas. J. Carneety Dunboe Derry Lafferty James Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Lafferty James Ballyhacket Lisawilling Dunboe Derry Lawson Andrew Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Lawson James Ballyhacket Toberclaw Dunboe Derry Lawson John Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Lawson Robert Articlave Dunboe Derry Lawson William Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Lees Andrew Grange More Upper Dunboe Derry Lees Benjamin Articlave Lower. Dunboe Derry Lees James Articlave Dunboe Derry Lees James Ballywildrick Lower Dunboe Derry Lees John Bennarees Dunboe Derry Lees John Grange More Upper Dunboe Derry Lees Joseph Ballywildrick Lower Dunboe Derry Lees Robert Ballywildrick Lower Dunboe Derry Lees Samuel Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Lees William Blakes Lower Dunboe Derry Lees William Gortgran Dunboe Derry Lees William Grange More Upper Dunboe Derry Leslie John Farranlester Dunboe Derry Lewis Elizabeth Exorna Dunboe Derry Lighton Samuel Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Long John Big Glebe Dunboe Derry Loughrey Mary Upper Quilley Dunboe Derry Loughrey Robert Dartress Dunboe Derry Loughrey William Lower Quilley Dunboe Derry Love James Ballywildrick Upper Dunboe Derry Lowry Anne Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Lowry Isabella Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Lowry Sarah Articlave Dunboe Derry Lowry William Articlave Dunboe Derry Lowry William Articlave Lower. Dunboe Derry Lyle Rev. William Articlave Dunboe Derry Lyons James Bellany Dunboe Derry Maclean Leslie Knocknogher Dunboe Derry Macready James Big Glebe Dunboe Derry Macready William Big Glebe Dunboe Derry Macredy Hugh Articlave Dunboe Derry Macredy William Articlave Dunboe Derry Macredy William Articlave Lower. Dunboe Derry Macredy William Dartress Dunboe Derry Magee Jane Masteragwee Dunboe Derry Magee Mary Masteragwee Dunboe Derry Martin Elizabeth Articlave Lower. Dunboe Derry Martin William Dunalis Lower Dunboe Derry Martin William Dunalis Upper Dunboe Derry Martin William Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Mathews Alexander Freehall Dunlop Dunboe Derry Mathews Robert Dunalis Lower Dunboe Derry Matthews James Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Matthews John Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Mc Allister John Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Mc Ateer John Articlave Lower. Dunboe Derry Mc Callion Bernard Pottagh Dunboe Derry Mc Callion James Blakes Lower Dunboe Derry Mc Callion John Masteragwee Dunboe Derry Mc Callion Patrick Gortgran Dunboe Derry Mc Candless Joseph Masteragwee Dunboe Derry Mc Candless Martha Burren Beg. Dunboe Derry Mc Candless Robert Freehall Dunlop Dunboe Derry Mc Cashoe Charles Ballyhacket Glenahorry Dunboe Derry Mc Caul William Articlave Dunboe Derry Mc Clarry John Ballywildrick Lower Dunboe Derry Mc Cleary Samuel Articlave Dunboe Derry Mc Clelland Benjamin Articlave Dunboe Derry Mc Clelland James Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Mc Clelland Jane Dunalis Upper Dunboe Derry Mc Clelland William Articlave Dunboe Derry Mc Clelland William Dunalis Upper Dunboe Derry Mc Clements Andrew Articlave Dunboe Derry Mc Clements John Burren More Dunboe Derry Mc Clennon Monck Dartress Dunboe Derry Mc Cluskey James Bannbrook Upper Dunboe Derry Mc Cotter John Ballywildrick Lower Dunboe Derry Mc Coy James Articlave Dunboe Derry Mc Coy James Articlave Lower. Dunboe Derry Mc Cracken Alexander Dunalis Upper Dunboe Derry Mc Credy Hugh Articlave Lower. Dunboe Derry Mc Cumming John Ballyhacket Glenahorry Dunboe Derry Mc Curky Jane Ballyhacket Glenahorry Dunboe Derry Mc Dermott Samuel Ballyhacket Glenahorry Dunboe Derry Mc Entyre Catherine Farranlester Dunboe Derry Mc Entyre Sarah Big Glebe Dunboe Derry Mc Fadden John Ballymadigan Dunboe Derry Mc Feely James Bennarees Dunboe Derry Mc Ganny Robert Masteragwee Dunboe Derry Mc Geehan Charles Ballywoodock Dunboe Derry Mc Glen Samuel Ballywoolen Dunboe Derry Mc Gonigle James Ballyhacket Lisawilling Dunboe Derry Mc Gonigle James Lower Quilley Dunboe Derry Mc Gonigle Jane Articlave Dunboe Derry Mc Grotty John Big Glebe Dunboe Derry Mc Grotty Michael Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Mc Intyre Robert Mullanhead Dunboe Derry Mc Kearn Charles Ballywoodock Dunboe Derry Mc Kearn John Bennarees Dunboe Derry Mc Kearns James Blakes Lower Dunboe Derry Mc Keeman Daniel Bogtown Dunboe Derry Mc Keeman John Bogtown Dunboe Derry Mc Keeman John Freehall Dunlop Dunboe Derry Mc Keeman John Freehall Watson Dunboe Derry Mc Kenna Anne Big Glebe Dunboe Derry Mc Lees Daniel Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Mc Lees James Knocknogher Dunboe Derry Mc Loughlin George Articlave Dunboe Derry Mc Loughlin James Ballywildrick Lower Dunboe Derry Mc Loughlin Joseph Gortgran Dunboe Derry Mc Loughlin Joseph Grange More Dunboe Derry Mc Loughlin Michael Ardina Dunboe Derry Mc Loughlin Robert Ballyhacket Glenahorry Dunboe Derry Mc Loughlin Thomas Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Mc Loughlin William Gortgran Dunboe Derry Mc Loughlin William Masteragwee Dunboe Derry Mc Magh Joseph Bellany Dunboe Derry Mc Michael Margaret Upper Quilley Dunboe Derry Mc Mullen Daniel Bennarees Dunboe Derry Mc Mullen Ellen Articlave Lower. Dunboe Derry Mc Mullen Hugh Ardina Dunboe Derry Mc Mullen Hugh, Jr. Ardina Dunboe Derry Mc Mullen Hugh, Sr. Ardina Dunboe Derry Mc Mullen James Articlave Lower. Dunboe Derry Mc Mullen John Ballywildrick Upper Dunboe Derry Mc Nab Charles Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Mc Neary Alexander Articlave Dunboe Derry Mc Newson George Ballyhacket Glenahorry Dunboe Derry Mears Francis Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Mears James Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Millen Andrew Articlave Lower. Dunboe Derry Millen Ellen Articlave Lower. Dunboe Derry Millen Hugh Articlave Lower. Dunboe Derry Miller Alexander Dunalis Lower Dunboe Derry Miller George Articlave Dunboe Derry Miller George Articlave Lower. Dunboe Derry Miller William Dunalis Lower Dunboe Derry Moody Andrew Ballymoney Dunboe Derry Moody Thomas Hunters Glebe Dunboe Derry Moore George Big Glebe Dunboe Derry Moore George Hunters Glebe Dunboe Derry Moore Hugh Burren Beg. Dunboe Derry Morell Samuel Ballywildrick Upper Dunboe Derry Morell Samuel Knocknogher Dunboe Derry Morrison James Dunalis Upper Dunboe Derry Morrison James Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Morrison John Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Morrison John Knocknogher Dunboe Derry Morrison Joseph Killyveety Dunboe Derry Morrison Joseph Pottagh Dunboe Derry Morrison William Ballywildrick Upper Dunboe Derry Morrison William Dunalis Upper Dunboe Derry Morrison William Killyveety Dunboe Derry Muckalee Daniel Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Muckalee John, Jr. Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Muckalee John, Sr. Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Mullen James Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Mullen James Long's Glebe Dunboe Derry Mullen John, Jr. Ballywildrick Upper Dunboe Derry Mullen John, Sr. Ballywildrick Upper Dunboe Derry Mullen Mary Bannbrook Upper Dunboe Derry Mullen Roger Ballyhacket Toberclaw Dunboe Derry Murray John Articlave Dunboe Derry Neilans Isaac Bennarees Dunboe Derry Neilans Joseph Bennarees Dunboe Derry Neilans Samuel Bennarees Dunboe Derry Neilans Samuel Drumagully Dunboe Derry Neill Anne Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Neill Anne Ballywildrick Lower Dunboe Derry Neill Jane Artidillon Dunboe Derry Neill John Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Neill Lecky Ballyhacket Glenahorry Dunboe Derry Newton John Dartress Dunboe Derry Newton Mary Killyveety Dunboe Derry Nicholl Andrew Blakes Lower Dunboe Derry Nicholl John Little Glebe Dunboe Derry Nicholl William Little Glebe Dunboe Derry Nimmie James Knocknogher Dunboe Derry Norris Robert Ballyhacket Lisawilling Dunboe Derry Norris Samuel Ballyhacket Glenahorry Dunboe Derry Norton John Ballyhacket Toberclaw Dunboe Derry O'Hale Daniel Hunters Glebe Dunboe Derry O'Hale Margaret Hunters Glebe Dunboe Derry O'Hale William Hunters Glebe Dunboe Derry O'Hara William Lower Quilley Dunboe Derry O'Neill Henry Grange Beg Dunboe Derry Piper ??? Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Piper James Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Piper William Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Pollock George Masteragwee Dunboe Derry Pollock James Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Pollock James Ballywildrick Upper Dunboe Derry Pollock James Dunalis Lower Dunboe Derry Pollock John Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Pollock Mary Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Pollock Robert Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Pollock Samuel Upper Quilley Dunboe Derry Porter Robert Articlave Dunboe Derry Purdy Anne Altikeeragh Dunboe Derry Purdy Daniel Grange Beg Dunboe Derry Purdy James Knocknogher Dunboe Derry Purdy Robert Burren More Dunboe Derry Quigg Henry Ballymadigan Dunboe Derry Quigg John Lower Quilley Dunboe Derry Quinn Allan Ballymadigan Dunboe Derry Quinn James Articlave Dunboe Derry Rankin John Bellany Dunboe Derry Rankin John Mullanhead Dunboe Derry Rankin William Articlave Dunboe Derry Reade William Big Glebe Dunboe Derry Reade William Little Glebe Dunboe Derry Rogers Hugh Dartress Dunboe Derry Ross Daniel Ballywoolen Dunboe Derry Ross Mary Liffock Dunboe Derry Rowe ??? Freehall Watson Dunboe Derry Ryan Margaret Ardina Dunboe Derry Savage James Bennarees Dunboe Derry Savage James Burren Beg. Dunboe Derry Scott ??? Burren Beg. Dunboe Derry Smith Gilbert, Jr. Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Smith Gilbert, Sr. Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Smith James Ardina Dunboe Derry Smith James Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Smith James Long's Glebe Dunboe Derry Smith Samuel Articlave Dunboe Derry Smith Thomas Freehall Dunlop Dunboe Derry Smith William Exorna Dunboe Derry Souter John Grange Beg Dunboe Derry Steen Conoly Bellany Dunboe Derry Steen Conoly Masteragwee Dunboe Derry Steen John Bellany Dunboe Derry Steen John Mullanhead Dunboe Derry Steen Phillip Bellany Dunboe Derry Steen Phillip Masteragwee Dunboe Derry Stenson William Knocknogher Dunboe Derry Stephenson Robert Bogtown Dunboe Derry Stewart Rev. William Dunalis Upper Dunboe Derry Stewart William Ballywoodock Dunboe Derry Stewart William Freehall Dunlop Dunboe Derry Strahan John Grange Beg Dunboe Derry Tanner Mary Anne Ballyhacket Glenahorry Dunboe Derry Tate Jane Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Thompson Alexander Ballyhacket Toberclaw Dunboe Derry Thompson David Articlave Dunboe Derry Thompson James Ballyhacket Toberclaw Dunboe Derry Thompson Robert Articlave Dunboe Derry Thompson Robert, Jr. Articlave Dunboe Derry Thompson Samuel Ballymadigan Dunboe Derry Thompson Samuel Ballywoodock Dunboe Derry Thompson Samuel Big Glebe Dunboe Derry Thorp John Articlave Dunboe Derry Thorpe James Big Glebe Dunboe Derry Thorpe James Little Glebe Dunboe Derry Thorpe William Long's Glebe Dunboe Derry Tiller James Burren Beg. Dunboe Derry Tonry Patrick Ballyhacket Toberclaw Dunboe Derry Tosh Alexander Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Tosh Alexander, Jr. Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Tosh Alexander, Sr. Ballyhacket Glenahorry Dunboe Derry Tosh Alexander, Sr. Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Tosh Bengamin Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Tosh Benjamin Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Tosh Robert, Jr. Lower Quilley Dunboe Derry Tosh Robert, Sr. Lower Quilley Dunboe Derry Tweed James Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Walker Benjamin Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Walker Joseph Articlave Dunboe Derry Warke Andrew Ballywoodock Dunboe Derry Warke Ellen Farranlester Dunboe Derry Warke Henry Ballywoodock Dunboe Derry Warke Henry Carneety Dunboe Derry Warke John Drumagully Dunboe Derry Warke Margaret Freehall Dunlop Dunboe Derry Warke Robert Artidillon Dunboe Derry Warke Samuel Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Warke Samuel Ballywoodock Dunboe Derry Warke Samuel, Jr. Drumagully Dunboe Derry Warke Samuel, Sr. Drumagully Dunboe Derry Watt Joseph Articlave Dunboe Derry Wesley William Farranlester Dunboe Derry Whiteside Sarah Anne Ballyhacket Glenahorry Dunboe Derry Williamson Anne Articlave Dunboe Derry Williamson Robert Gortycavan Dunboe Derry Wilson Andrew Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Wilson John Ballywildrick Lower Dunboe Derry Wilson John Pottagh Dunboe Derry Wilson Samuel Ballywildrick Upper Dunboe Derry Wilson Samuel Masteragwee Dunboe Derry Wisely Margaret Ballyhacket Magilligan Dunboe Derry Wisely Samuel Ballywildrick Lower Dunboe Derry Wisely William Artidillon Dunboe Derry Wray Isaac Drumagully Dunboe Derry Wray John Blakes Lower Dunboe Derry Wray John Lower Quilley Dunboe Derry Wray Lavinia Freehall Watson Dunboe Derry Wray Robert Lower Quilley Dunboe Derry Young Benjamin Articlave Dunboe Derry