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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Clonleigh, County Donegal
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Clonleigh, County Donegal
Alexander James Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Allen Anderson Glenfad Clonleigh Donegal Allen Anderson Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Allen Andrew Legnabraid or Cunninghams Town Clonleigh Donegal Allen Archibald Lurganshannagh Clonleigh Donegal Allen Rep. Anne Town of Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Allen Robert Tideway Clonleigh Donegal Allison William Ardnasool Clonleigh Donegal Allison William Toberoneill Clonleigh Donegal Anderson Adam Ardnaglass Clonleigh Donegal Anderson Alexander Ardnaglass Clonleigh Donegal Anderson Bernard Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Anderson Charles Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Anderson James Braade Clonleigh Donegal Anderson Richard Aghawee Clonleigh Donegal Anderson Richard Camus Clonleigh Donegal Anderson Robert Ardnaglass Clonleigh Donegal Anderson William Ardnaglass Clonleigh Donegal Anderson William Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Armour Joseph Gortin South Clonleigh Donegal Bannigan Bridget Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Barclay Charles Sheercloon Clonleigh Donegal Barclay George Gortinreagh Clonleigh Donegal Barclay George Massbeg Clonleigh Donegal Barclay Hugh Lurganshannagh Clonleigh Donegal Barker Alexander B. Town of Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Barronhill Robert Drumleene Clonleigh Donegal Barronhill Robert Glencash Clonleigh Donegal Beatty John Aghawee Clonleigh Donegal Bell Elizabeth Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Belle Van Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Blackburn Robert Braade Clonleigh Donegal Blackburne Robert Mullaghanny Clonleigh Donegal Blair Alexander Ballynabreen Clonleigh Donegal Blair Alexander Murlough Clonleigh Donegal Blair Hamilton Ardnaglass Clonleigh Donegal Blair John Ardnaglass Clonleigh Donegal Blair John Calhame Clonleigh Donegal Blair John Keeloges Clonleigh Donegal Blair William Keeloges Clonleigh Donegal Blair William Liskey Clonleigh Donegal Bogan William Moneen Clonleigh Donegal Bonar John, Jr. Churchtown Clonleigh Donegal Bonar John, Sr. Churchtown Clonleigh Donegal Bonar Mary Ballybogan Clonleigh Donegal Bonar Mary Churchtown Clonleigh Donegal Bonar Rep. Patrick Shannon Lower Clonleigh Donegal Boyle Daniel Glenfad Clonleigh Donegal Boyle Daniel Gortinreagh Clonleigh Donegal Boyle Daniel Tieveboy Clonleigh Donegal Boyle Edward Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Boyle James Tieveboy Clonleigh Donegal Boyle Michael Village of Millsessiagh Clonleigh Donegal Boyle William Mullaghanny Clonleigh Donegal Bradley Evans Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Bradley Hugh Mulnaveagh Clonleigh Donegal Brady Hugh Coneyburrow Clonleigh Donegal Brady Hugh Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Brady Hugh Lifford Bog Clonleigh Donegal Brady Hugh Town Parks Clonleigh Donegal Brady Hugh Town of Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Branigan James Roughan Clonleigh Donegal Brennan Hugh Shannon Middle Clonleigh Donegal Brennan James Glenfad Clonleigh Donegal Brennan Michael Back Lane Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Brennan Michael Cavan Clonleigh Donegal Brennan Michael Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Brennan Robert Massbeg Clonleigh Donegal Bresland Andrew Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Brogan Edward Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Brogan James Town of Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Brogan Mary Town Parks Clonleigh Donegal Brogan Michael Cloghfin Clonleigh Donegal Brown Charles Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Brown Patrick Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Browne Rev. William Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Bryan Charles Gortnagole Clonleigh Donegal Bryson Oliver Haw Clonleigh Donegal Buchanan George Lurganshannagh Clonleigh Donegal Buchanan Matthew Cloghfin Clonleigh Donegal Buchanan Samuel Ardnasool Clonleigh Donegal Buchanan William Ballymonaster Clonleigh Donegal Buchanan William Gortinreagh Clonleigh Donegal Buchanan William Lurganshannagh Clonleigh Donegal Byrne Charles Shannon Lower Clonleigh Donegal Byrne Patrick Gortin South Clonleigh Donegal Caldwell Barbara Village of Millsessiagh Clonleigh Donegal Caldwell Isaac Curraghalane Clonleigh Donegal Caldwell Isaac Leggandorragh Clonleigh Donegal Caldwell Isaac Town of Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Caldwell John Churchtown Clonleigh Donegal Caldwell Robert Village of Millsessiagh Clonleigh Donegal Caldwell William Birdstown Clonleigh Donegal Caldwell William Village of Millsessiagh Clonleigh Donegal Callan Mary Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Callan Samuel Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Cannon Margaret Lurganshannagh Clonleigh Donegal Carland John Druminaw Clonleigh Donegal Carland John Glenfad Clonleigh Donegal Carland John Gortgranagh Clonleigh Donegal Carolan Patrick Tironeill Clonleigh Donegal Carolan Richard Cloghfin Clonleigh Donegal Carolan Thomas Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Carolan William Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Carr James Legnabraid or Cunninghams Town Clonleigh Donegal Carrigan William Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Cather William Carricknaslate Clonleigh Donegal Cather William Coneyburrow Clonleigh Donegal Cather William Town Parks Clonleigh Donegal Cavanagh James Calhame Clonleigh Donegal Chambers Elizabeth Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Chambers Elizabeth Town of Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Clarke Andrew Haw Clonleigh Donegal Clarke Andrew Unshinagh Lower Clonleigh Donegal Clarke James Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Clarke James Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Clarke James Lifford Bog Clonleigh Donegal Clarke James Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Clarke James Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Clarke James Town of Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Clarke John Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Clarke Rev. Edw M. Town of Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Clarke William Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Cochran James Coneyburrow Clonleigh Donegal Cochrane James Carricknaslate Clonleigh Donegal Colhoun Anne Tironeill Clonleigh Donegal Colhoun Robert Braade Clonleigh Donegal Colhoun Samuel Gortgranagh Clonleigh Donegal Conaghan Charles Springhill Clonleigh Donegal Conboy John Town of Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Connaghan Hugh Gortinreagh Clonleigh Donegal Connaghan William Cloghfin Clonleigh Donegal Connolly James Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Connor William Newrow Clonleigh Donegal Cooke Michael Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Corden Michael Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Corrin Denis Ballybogan Clonleigh Donegal Corrin Denis Ballylast Clonleigh Donegal Coyle James Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Coyle Patrick Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Coyle William Boyagh Clonleigh Donegal Craig Robert Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Creamer Bernard Glenfad Clonleigh Donegal Creamer Bernard Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Creamer Charles Glenfad Clonleigh Donegal Creamer Patrick Glenfad Clonleigh Donegal Cross Simon Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Crossan Catherine Roughan Clonleigh Donegal Crossan Denis Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Crossan John Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Crossan Neal Boyagh Clonleigh Donegal Crossan Philip Roughan Clonleigh Donegal Crossan Robert Boyagh Clonleigh Donegal Crossan Robert Drumleene Clonleigh Donegal Crotchett Andrew Edenmore Clonleigh Donegal Cummims William Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Cummins John Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Cummins John Tironeill Clonleigh Donegal Cummins William Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Cummins William Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Cummins William Town Parks Clonleigh Donegal Cummins William Town of Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Cunningham James Churchtown Clonleigh Donegal Cunny John Village of Millsessiagh Clonleigh Donegal Daniel Michael Newrow Clonleigh Donegal Davis Elanor Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Davis James Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Denny James Gortin North Clonleigh Donegal Denny James Sheercloon Clonleigh Donegal Dermott Edward Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Dermott John Drumleene Clonleigh Donegal Dermott Thomas Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Devanny Brian Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Devanny Samuel Boyagh Clonleigh Donegal Devanny Samuel Glenfad Clonleigh Donegal Deverell Jane Boyagh Clonleigh Donegal Devine Hugh Aghawee Clonleigh Donegal Devine James Drumnaha Clonleigh Donegal Devine Margaret Cloghfin Clonleigh Donegal Dogherty ??? Boyagh Clonleigh Donegal Dogherty ??? Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Dogherty Charles Glenfad Clonleigh Donegal Dogherty Daniel Newrow Clonleigh Donegal Dogherty Daniel Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Dogherty Francis Glenfad Clonleigh Donegal Dogherty Hugh, Jr. Boyagh Clonleigh Donegal Dogherty Hugh, Sr. Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Dogherty James Mulnaveagh Clonleigh Donegal Dogherty James S. Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Dogherty John Glenfad Clonleigh Donegal Dogherty Michael Braade Clonleigh Donegal Dogherty Neal Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Dogherty Neal Mulnaveagh Clonleigh Donegal Dogherty Neal Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Dogherty William Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Dogherty William, Jr. Newrow Clonleigh Donegal Dogherty William, Sr. Newrow Clonleigh Donegal Doherty Andrew Cloghfin Clonleigh Donegal Doherty Charles Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Doherty Denis Ardnasool Clonleigh Donegal Doherty Denis Kilmonaster Lower Clonleigh Donegal Doherty Edward Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Doherty James Cloghfin Clonleigh Donegal Doherty James Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Doherty James Lurganshannagh Clonleigh Donegal Doherty James Newrow Clonleigh Donegal Doherty John Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Doherty John Unshinagh Upper Clonleigh Donegal Doherty Neill Gortin North Clonleigh Donegal Doherty Patrick Lurganshannagh Clonleigh Donegal Doherty William Gortin North Clonleigh Donegal Donnell Andrew Legnabraid or Cunninghams Town Clonleigh Donegal Donnell Andrew Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Donnell Andrew Village of Millsessiagh Clonleigh Donegal Donnell John Boyagh Clonleigh Donegal Donnell John Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Donnell John Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Doran John Gortnagole Clonleigh Donegal Duffy Patrick Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Dunleavy John Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Elliott John Ballynabreen Clonleigh Donegal Elliott John Birdstown Clonleigh Donegal Elliott John Millsessiagh Clonleigh Donegal Ewing James Mullaghanny Clonleigh Donegal Eyre Margaret Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Farrell Michael Back Lane Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Ferra James Glebe Clonleigh Donegal Fletcher Ellen Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Fletcher James Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Floyd Patrick Gortnagole Clonleigh Donegal Frill James Gortinreagh Clonleigh Donegal Furney Henry Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Galbraith Andrew Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Galbraith Andrew Shannon Lower Clonleigh Donegal Galbraith James Cloghfin Clonleigh Donegal Galbraith John Drumleene Clonleigh Donegal Galbraith Robert, Jr. Glencash Clonleigh Donegal Galbraith Robert, Sr. Glencash Clonleigh Donegal Gallagher Catherine Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Gallagher Daniel Gortinreagh Clonleigh Donegal Gallagher Daniel Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Gallagher Denis Cloghfin Clonleigh Donegal Gallagher Hugh Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Gallagher James Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Gallagher James Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Gallagher John Village of Millsessiagh Clonleigh Donegal Gallagher Patrick Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Gallagher Toal Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Gallagher William Boyagh Clonleigh Donegal Gallaher Bridget Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Gallen Owen Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Gamble Henry Curraghalane Clonleigh Donegal Gamble Henry Haw Clonleigh Donegal Gamble William Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Gannon John Glencash Clonleigh Donegal Gardiner John Gortnagole Clonleigh Donegal Gardiner John Springhill Clonleigh Donegal Gardiner Joseph Dooros Clonleigh Donegal Gardiner Joseph Gortnagole Clonleigh Donegal Gardiner Joseph Keeloges Clonleigh Donegal Gardiner Matthew Gortnavilly Clonleigh Donegal Gardiner Samuel Gortnagole Clonleigh Donegal Gardiner Samuel Gortnavilly Clonleigh Donegal Gardiner Samuel Shannon Middle Clonleigh Donegal Garland Mary Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Gibson Mary Gortnavilly Clonleigh Donegal Gillaway Grace Mulnaveagh Clonleigh Donegal Gillespie Barbara Gortin North Clonleigh Donegal Gillespie Catherine Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Gillespie John Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Gordon George Island More Clonleigh Donegal Gordon James Sixty Acres Clonleigh Donegal Gordon Letitia Braade Clonleigh Donegal Gormley John Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Goural Bernard Murlough Clonleigh Donegal Gourley Gerrard Gortin South Clonleigh Donegal Gourley Leonard Legnabraid or Cunninghams Town Clonleigh Donegal Gourley Martha Toberoneill Clonleigh Donegal Gourley Samuel Backland Clonleigh Donegal Gourley Samuel Shannon Lower Clonleigh Donegal Graham James Ballybogan Clonleigh Donegal Graham James, Jr. Coneyburrow Clonleigh Donegal Graham John Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Graham John Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Graves George H. Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Greer William John Town of Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Grier William J. Town Parks Clonleigh Donegal Hagarty Patrick Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Hall Samuel Drumboy Clonleigh Donegal Halpin Thomas Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Hamilton James Glenfad Clonleigh Donegal Hamilton Michael Massmore Clonleigh Donegal Hamilton Thomas Village of Millsessiagh Clonleigh Donegal Hannigan Edward Cloghfin Clonleigh Donegal Hannigan Jane Glenfad Clonleigh Donegal Harkins James Ballynabreen Clonleigh Donegal Harrigan Edward Kilmonaster Middle Clonleigh Donegal Harrigan John Kilmonaster Lower Clonleigh Donegal Hart William Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Hector James Glenfad Clonleigh Donegal Hegarty William Ardnasool Clonleigh Donegal Hegarty William Cloghfin Clonleigh Donegal Henderson Alexander Drumnaha Clonleigh Donegal Henderson James Shannon Middle Clonleigh Donegal Henderson John Hollands Clonleigh Donegal Henderson John Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Henderson Joseph Toberoneill Clonleigh Donegal Henderson Susan Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Henry John Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Hodkeys Thomas Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Holmes Charles Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Hood William Edenmore Clonleigh Donegal Houston James Murlough Clonleigh Donegal Houston James Tamnawood Clonleigh Donegal Houston John Glensmoil Clonleigh Donegal Houston John Haw Clonleigh Donegal Houston John Tamnawood Clonleigh Donegal Humfrey Benjamin G. Cavanacor Clonleigh Donegal Humfrey Benjamin G. Guystown Clonleigh Donegal Humfrey Benjamin G. Tyleford Clonleigh Donegal Humfrey John Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Hurden Bernard Boyagh Clonleigh Donegal Irwin William Boyagh Clonleigh Donegal Jones John Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Karly Charles Hollands Clonleigh Donegal Kearney Catherine Town Parks Clonleigh Donegal Kearney James Camus Clonleigh Donegal Keatly John Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Kelly Charles Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Kelly Daniel Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Kelly James Lifford Bog Clonleigh Donegal Kelly John, Jr. Newrow Clonleigh Donegal Kelly John, Sr. Newrow Clonleigh Donegal Kelly Mary Newrow Clonleigh Donegal Kelly Samuel Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Kelly William Newrow Clonleigh Donegal Kennedy Hugh Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Kennedy James Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Kennedy John Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Keys John Cavan Clonleigh Donegal Keys Letitia Glenfad Clonleigh Donegal Keys Robert Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Keys Tasker Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Kildea James Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Killeen William Drumnaha Clonleigh Donegal King James Glensmoil Clonleigh Donegal King Moses Glensmoil Clonleigh Donegal Knox Rev. William Druminaw Clonleigh Donegal Knox Rev. William Gortgranagh Clonleigh Donegal Knox Rev. William Kilnpark Clonleigh Donegal Knox Rev. William Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Knox Rev. William Sixty Acres Clonleigh Donegal Knox Wiiliam Mccrea Town of Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Knox William Lifford Bog Clonleigh Donegal Knox William Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Knox William Mccrea Coneyburrow Clonleigh Donegal Knox William Mccrea Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Knox William Mccrea Town Parks Clonleigh Donegal Knox William Mccrea Town of Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Knox Wm. Mccrea Town of Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Lecky William Glenfad Clonleigh Donegal Leech John Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Leonard Neal Glebe Clonleigh Donegal Lever William Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Linchean Jane Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Little John Ardnaglass Clonleigh Donegal Little Robert Coneyburrow Clonleigh Donegal Little Robert Town Parks Clonleigh Donegal Logan Robert Portinure Clonleigh Donegal Logue James Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Logue John Gortgranagh Clonleigh Donegal Logue Sarah Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Long Charles Newrow Clonleigh Donegal Longing Rose Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Loughran John Mulnaveagh Clonleigh Donegal Loughrey James Glencash Clonleigh Donegal Loughrey Robert Newrow Clonleigh Donegal Loughrey William Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Loughrey William Town Parks Clonleigh Donegal Lowry Andrew Mullaghanny Clonleigh Donegal Lowry George Cavan Clonleigh Donegal Lowry James Mullaghanny Clonleigh Donegal Lowry Marshall Blackrock Clonleigh Donegal Lowry Marshall Braade Clonleigh Donegal Lowry Marshall Gort Clonleigh Donegal Lowry Marshall Island More Clonleigh Donegal Lowry Robert Curraghalane Clonleigh Donegal Lucas Adam Gortinreagh Clonleigh Donegal Lynch John Glenfad Clonleigh Donegal Lynch John Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Lynch William Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Mackey Robert Coolatee Clonleigh Donegal Mackey William Braade Clonleigh Donegal Mackey William Coolatee Clonleigh Donegal Mackey William Wood Island Clonleigh Donegal Magill Charles Gortnavilly Clonleigh Donegal Magowan Hugh Newrow Clonleigh Donegal Magowan James Newrow Clonleigh Donegal Magrath John Newrow Clonleigh Donegal Magrath John Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Mahaffy Andrew Tironeill Clonleigh Donegal Mahaffy Edward Braade Clonleigh Donegal Mahaffy Edward Masshill Clonleigh Donegal Mahaffy Ninian Dromore Clonleigh Donegal Marshall William Ballynabreen Clonleigh Donegal Marshall William Birdstown Clonleigh Donegal Martin James Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Martin Rainey Town of Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Mcaleer James Town of Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Mcalwee Charles Kilmonaster Lower Clonleigh Donegal Mcalwee Cornelius Gortin South Clonleigh Donegal Mcalwee John Kilmonaster Lower Clonleigh Donegal Mcalwee John Kilmonaster Middle Clonleigh Donegal Mcatee Thomas Newrow Clonleigh Donegal Mcaulain John Tironeill Clonleigh Donegal Mcauley John Boyagh Clonleigh Donegal Mcauley Patrick Shannon Lower Clonleigh Donegal Mcaulian John Mulnaveagh Clonleigh Donegal Mcbeth Alexander Drumboy Clonleigh Donegal Mcbeth Andrew Drumnaha Clonleigh Donegal Mcbeth Andrew Millsessiagh Clonleigh Donegal Mcbeth James Village of Millsessiagh Clonleigh Donegal Mcbeth John Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Mcbeth John Ballynabreen Clonleigh Donegal Mcbeth John Birdstown Clonleigh Donegal Mcbeth John Drumboy Clonleigh Donegal Mcbeth John Moneen Clonleigh Donegal Mcbeth Robert Drumboy Clonleigh Donegal Mcbeth Robert Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Mcbeth Robert Murlough Clonleigh Donegal Mcbeth William Drumboy Clonleigh Donegal Mcbride Susan Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Mcbrierty Francis Glenfad Clonleigh Donegal Mccafferty Cornelius Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Mccafferty John Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Mccafferty Joseph Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Mccain William Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Mccann John Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Mccasker Nicholas Carricknaslate Clonleigh Donegal Mcclay Thomas Curraghalane Clonleigh Donegal Mccleary Thomas Millsessiagh Clonleigh Donegal Mcclintock David Toberoneill Clonleigh Donegal Mccluskey Michael Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Mccolgan John Braade Clonleigh Donegal Mccolgan John Coolatee Clonleigh Donegal Mccolgan John Kilnpark Clonleigh Donegal Mccooke Mary Roughan Clonleigh Donegal Mccool William Cloghfin Clonleigh Donegal Mccorkell Augustus Carricknaslate Clonleigh Donegal Mccorkell Robert Coneyburrow Clonleigh Donegal Mccorkell Robert Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Mccorkell Robert Town Parks Clonleigh Donegal Mccorkrell Robert Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Mccosker Patrick Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Mccosker Patrick, Jr. Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Mccosker Sarah Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Mccrea Eliza Liskey Clonleigh Donegal Mccrea Eliza Anne Liskey Clonleigh Donegal Mccrea Matt Ballymonaster Clonleigh Donegal Mccrea Rev. William Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Mccrea Rev. William Tamnawood Clonleigh Donegal Mccrea Rev. William Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Mccrea William Backhill Clonleigh Donegal Mccrea William Mullaghanny Clonleigh Donegal Mccrea Wm. Ballymonaster Clonleigh Donegal Mccrossan Edward Cloghfin Clonleigh Donegal Mccrudden Robert Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Mcdaid Andrew Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Mcdaid Cormick Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Mcdaid Daniel Cavanacor Clonleigh Donegal Mcdaid James Mulnaveagh Clonleigh Donegal Mcdermott Catherine Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Mcdermott Francis Ballynabreen Clonleigh Donegal Mcdermott John Glebe Clonleigh Donegal Mcdermott John Kilmonaster Middle Clonleigh Donegal Mcdermott John Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Mcdermott John Shannon Middle Clonleigh Donegal Mcdermott William Drumleene Clonleigh Donegal Mcdonnell John Mulnaveagh Clonleigh Donegal Mcdougal William Ballynabreen Clonleigh Donegal Mcdougall William Murlough Clonleigh Donegal Mcentyre James Calhame Clonleigh Donegal Mcfadden Elizabeth Cloghfin Clonleigh Donegal Mcfalls Patrick Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Mcfarland Andrew Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Mcfarland William Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Mcfarlane John Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Mcgeraghty Charles Calhame Clonleigh Donegal Mcgettigan Hannah Ardnaglass Clonleigh Donegal Mcgettigan Hugh Tironeill Clonleigh Donegal Mcgettigan James Calhame Clonleigh Donegal Mcgettigan John Mulnaveagh Clonleigh Donegal Mcgettigan Kate Unshinagh Lower Clonleigh Donegal Mcgettigan Mary Ardnaglass Clonleigh Donegal Mcgettigan William Newrow Clonleigh Donegal Mcginley John Boyagh Clonleigh Donegal Mcginley John Millsessiagh Clonleigh Donegal Mcgladery Francis Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Mcgourley Charles Drumnaha Clonleigh Donegal Mcgowan James Gortnagole Clonleigh Donegal Mcgowan John Gortinreagh Clonleigh Donegal Mcgrenahan Anthony Glenfad Clonleigh Donegal Mcgrenahan John Ballynabreen Clonleigh Donegal Mcgrenahan William Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Mchugh James Gortgranagh Clonleigh Donegal Mchugh John Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Mchugh William Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Mckane John Gortgranagh Clonleigh Donegal Mckearny Stewart Massbeg Clonleigh Donegal Mckenna Eleanor Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Mckeon Joseph Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Mckernan Patrick Gortin North Clonleigh Donegal Mckey Bridget Glenfad Clonleigh Donegal Mckey William Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Mckinley Alexander Dromore Clonleigh Donegal Mckinley George Mulnaveagh Clonleigh Donegal Mckinney Maria Town of Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Mcloughlin Bernard Village of Millsessiagh Clonleigh Donegal Mcloughlin Charles Portinure Clonleigh Donegal Mcloughlin James Glenfad Clonleigh Donegal Mcloughlin John Glenfad Clonleigh Donegal Mcloughlin Peter Boyagh Clonleigh Donegal Mcloughlin Sarah Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Mcloughlin William Gortinreagh Clonleigh Donegal Mcloughlin William Murlough Clonleigh Donegal Mcloughlin William Sheercloon Clonleigh Donegal Mcmenamin Daniel Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Mcmenamin Daniel Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Mcmenamin Daniel Roughan Clonleigh Donegal Mcmenamin Daniel Tideway Clonleigh Donegal Mcmenamin David Curraghalane Clonleigh Donegal Mcmenamin Hugh Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Mcmenamin Isabella Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Mcmenamin John Ballybogan Clonleigh Donegal Mcmenamin Mary Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Mcmenamin Michael Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Mcmenamin Patrick Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Mcmonigan John Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Mcmullen Edward Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Mcmullen Ellen Town Parks Clonleigh Donegal Mcmullen John Newrow Clonleigh Donegal Mcmulligan Denis Newrow Clonleigh Donegal Mcmulligan James Boyagh Clonleigh Donegal Mcnamee James Boyagh Clonleigh Donegal Mcnamee John Tironeill Clonleigh Donegal Mcnamee Michael Tironeill Clonleigh Donegal Mcnamie Michael Drumleene Clonleigh Donegal Mcneilage Edward Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Mcpherson William Braade Clonleigh Donegal Mcpherson William Druminaw Clonleigh Donegal Mcpherson William Island Beg Clonleigh Donegal Mcpherson William Kilnpark Clonleigh Donegal Mcpherson William Sixty Acres Clonleigh Donegal Mcshane John Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Mcshane John Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Mcshane Rep. Michl Coneyburrow Clonleigh Donegal Means Robert Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Melin Bridget Back Lane Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Miller William Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Montgomery Jane Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Moore Andrew Drumleene Clonleigh Donegal Moore James Glencash Clonleigh Donegal Moore Michael Cloghfin Clonleigh Donegal Moore Patrick Gortin South Clonleigh Donegal Morrison John Kilmonaster Middle Clonleigh Donegal Morrow John Drumleene Clonleigh Donegal Motherwell Mary Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Moyne Edward Ballynabreen Clonleigh Donegal Mulkeeran Denis Kilmonaster Lower Clonleigh Donegal Mullen Francis Back Lane Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Mulligan James Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Mulligan John Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Mulrine Anne Birdstown Clonleigh Donegal Mulrine Anne Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Mulrine Denis Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Mulrine James Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Mulrine James Millsessiagh Clonleigh Donegal Mulrine James Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Mulrine James Village of Millsessiagh Clonleigh Donegal Mulrine Patrick Drumnaha Clonleigh Donegal Mulrine Patrick Springhill Clonleigh Donegal Mustard Jane Boyagh Clonleigh Donegal Nelis James Roughan Clonleigh Donegal Nelis John Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Odonnell Francis Town of Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Orr Elizabeth Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Parker William Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Patten Charles Drumnaha Clonleigh Donegal Patten John Tieveboy Clonleigh Donegal Patterson James Churchtown Clonleigh Donegal Patterson John Ballybogan Clonleigh Donegal Patterson John Legnaneale Clonleigh Donegal Patterson Kieran Cloghfin Clonleigh Donegal Patterson Samuel Churchtown Clonleigh Donegal Patterson Samuel Town Parks Clonleigh Donegal Patton Unity Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Paul Edward Mulnaveagh Clonleigh Donegal Pilkington William Curraghalane Clonleigh Donegal Porter John Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Prior Elizabeth Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Quinn Alexander Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Quinn Denis Drumleene Clonleigh Donegal Quinn James Cloghfin Clonleigh Donegal Quinn John Drumleene Clonleigh Donegal Quinn Owen Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Quinton Henry Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Quinton James Murlough Clonleigh Donegal Quinton William Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Ray George Ardnaglass Clonleigh Donegal Reade James Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Reilly John Town Parks Clonleigh Donegal Robinson Charles Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Robinson Charles Murlough Clonleigh Donegal Robinson Thomas Murlough Clonleigh Donegal Rodgers Andrew Unshinagh Lower Clonleigh Donegal Rogers Andrew Tirkeeran Clonleigh Donegal Ross William Gortin North Clonleigh Donegal Roulston James Ardnaglass Clonleigh Donegal Roulston John Ardnaglass Clonleigh Donegal Roulston Joseph Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Rowan William Village of Millsessiagh Clonleigh Donegal Ryan Patrick Birdstown Clonleigh Donegal Scanlan Catherine Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Scanlan Patrick Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Scanlan Robert Coneyburrow Clonleigh Donegal Scott James Massmore Clonleigh Donegal Scott James Mulnaveagh Clonleigh Donegal Scott John Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Searle Samuel Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Searle Samuel Town of Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Semple William Boyagh Clonleigh Donegal Sharkey Edward Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Sharkey Edward Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Sharkey John Dromore Clonleigh Donegal Sharkey Joseph Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Sharkey Joseph Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Sharkey Joseph Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Sharkey William Hollands Clonleigh Donegal Sharkey William Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Shearon James Gortin North Clonleigh Donegal Sheerin Edward Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Sherked Samuel Dromore Clonleigh Donegal Shiels Patrick Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Shirkey Edward Lifford Bog Clonleigh Donegal Simpson Samuel Legnabraid or Cunninghams Town Clonleigh Donegal Sinclair James Cloghfin Clonleigh Donegal Sinclair James Massbeg Clonleigh Donegal Sinclair James Massmore Clonleigh Donegal Slevin Charles Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Smith Samuel Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Smyly Rev. Andrew F. Town of Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Smyth Alexander Kilmonaster Middle Clonleigh Donegal Smyth Andrew Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Smyth Catherine Newrow Clonleigh Donegal Smyth Francis Corkan Isle Clonleigh Donegal Smyth Hugh Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Smyth James Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Smyth John Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Smyth John Sixty Acres Clonleigh Donegal Smyth Joseph Springhill Clonleigh Donegal Smyth Oliver Croaghan Clonleigh Donegal Smyth Robert Boyagh Clonleigh Donegal Smyth Robert Glenfad Clonleigh Donegal Smyth Robert Masshill Clonleigh Donegal Smyth Robert Porthall Clonleigh Donegal Smyth Samuel Mullaghanny Clonleigh Donegal Smyth Sarah Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Smyth Thomas Haw Clonleigh Donegal Smyth William Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Spence John Coneyburrow Clonleigh Donegal Spence John Town Parks Clonleigh Donegal Spratt Sarah Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Stephenson Andrew Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Stephenson David Shannon Lower Clonleigh Donegal Stephenson James Mulnaveagh Clonleigh Donegal Stephenson Jane Cavan Clonleigh Donegal Stephenson Jane Dromore Clonleigh Donegal Stephenson John Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Stephenson Mary Kilmonaster Lower Clonleigh Donegal Stephenson Mary Kilmonaster Middle Clonleigh Donegal Stephenson Miss ??? Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Stewart John Kilmonaster Middle Clonleigh Donegal Stewart Mrs. Angel I. Haw Clonleigh Donegal Stewart Mrs. Angel I. Portinure Clonleigh Donegal Stewart Mrs. Angel I. Wood Clonleigh Donegal Stilly Anne Gortin North Clonleigh Donegal Stilly Anne Tamnawood Clonleigh Donegal Sullivan Denis Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Sullivan John Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Taylor John Kilmonaster Lower Clonleigh Donegal Tenny Patrick Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Thompson William Unshinagh Upper Clonleigh Donegal Throne Edward Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Throne Eliza Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Throne Robert Portinure Clonleigh Donegal Tinny Cornelius Kilmonaster Middle Clonleigh Donegal Tinny Hugh Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Tinny William Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Toner Bridget Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Toner Jane Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Toorish James Mulnagung Clonleigh Donegal Toorish John Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Tracey John Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Van Belle Andreas B. Back Lane Clonleigh Donegal Van Belle Andreas B. Town Parks Clonleigh Donegal Van Belle Andreas B. Town of Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Vance John Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Vehilid George Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Walker Anne Coneyburrow Clonleigh Donegal Walker George Town of Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Walker Samuel Mulnaveagh Clonleigh Donegal Walsh Daniel Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Walsh Henry Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Walsh James Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Walsh Margaret Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Ward Sarah Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Watson Rebecca Gortin North Clonleigh Donegal Weir Alexander Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Weir Alexander Millsessiagh Clonleigh Donegal Weir Alexander Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Weir James Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Weir James Mulnaveagh Clonleigh Donegal Weir James Rossgeir Clonleigh Donegal Weir James Tamnawood Clonleigh Donegal Weir John Hollands Clonleigh Donegal Weir John Mulnaveagh Clonleigh Donegal Weir Robert Lifford Clonleigh Donegal Weir Robert Moneen Clonleigh Donegal Weir Robert Mulnaveagh Clonleigh Donegal Weir Robt Hollands Clonleigh Donegal Weir William Gortin North Clonleigh Donegal Weir William Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Wilkie David Tirkeeran Clonleigh Donegal Wilkie James Aghawee Clonleigh Donegal Wilkie James Croaghan Clonleigh Donegal Wilkie Robert Aghawee Clonleigh Donegal Wilkie William Gortnagole Clonleigh Donegal Wilkie William Kilmonaster Lower Clonleigh Donegal Wilkie William Legnabraid or Cunninghams Town Clonleigh Donegal Wilson Alexander Churchtown Clonleigh Donegal Wilson Bernard Village of Ballindrait Clonleigh Donegal Wilson James Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Wilson John Kilmonaster Lower Clonleigh Donegal Wilson Mary Village of Millsessiagh Clonleigh Donegal Wilson Rebecca Lifford Common Clonleigh Donegal Woodland Mary Letterkenny Road Clonleigh Donegal Wray Thomas Porthall Clonleigh Donegal