Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Drumhome, County Donegal
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Drumhome, County Donegal
Abraham Elizabeth Skreen Drumhome Donegal Abraham George Ballykillowen Drumhome Donegal Abraham Robert Ballykillowen Drumhome Donegal Abraham Robert Skreen Drumhome Donegal Abraham Thomas Golard Drumhome Donegal Ahern Mrs. ??? Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Allen George Inishfad Drumhome Donegal Allen James Birra Drumhome Donegal Allen Joesph Pollnaranny Drumhome Donegal Allingham Francis Drumnacroil Drumhome Donegal Anderson William Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Armstrong James Water or Fair Lane,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Armstrong John Dromore Drumhome Donegal Armstrong William Drumaneel Drumhome Donegal Armstrong William Kilgole Drumhome Donegal Armstrong William Urbalshinny Drumhome Donegal Barber John Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Barclay James Carrick, Upper, and Lower Barr Drumhome Donegal Barclay Robert Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Barclay Robert Trumman, West, Barr Drumhome Donegal Barnett Elizabeth Laghy Drumhome Donegal Barnett Elizabeth Rooneys Island Drumhome Donegal Barnett Elizabeth Tullygallan Drumhome Donegal Barnett Elizabeth Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Barnett Thomas Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Barnett Thomas Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Barron Charles Mullansole Barr Drumhome Donegal Barron Charles Rossilly Barr Drumhome Donegal Barron James Dromore Drumhome Donegal Barron John Ballykillowen Drumhome Donegal Barron Michael Mullansole Barr Drumhome Donegal Barron Patrick Mullansole Barr Drumhome Donegal Barrow Thomas Oughtnadrin Drumhome Donegal Beanagan Mary Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Bird Robert Ardeelan, Lower Drumhome Donegal Blake James Rafoarty Drumhome Donegal Boner William Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Boyce Jeremy Rossmore Drumhome Donegal Boyle Anne Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Boyle Denis Moneymore Drumhome Donegal Boyle Edward Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Boyle Francis Birra Drumhome Donegal Boyle George Greaghs Drumhome Donegal Boyle Hugh Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Boyle John Tullygallan Drumhome Donegal Boyle Michael Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Boyle Michael Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Boyle Philip Derries Drumhome Donegal Boyle Robert Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Boyle William Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Brady Edward Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Brady Margaret Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Branagh Daniel Copany Drumhome Donegal Branagh James Copany Drumhome Donegal Brandon William Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Bredin James Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Breslin William Ballybulgan Drumhome Donegal Brewster James Pollnaranny Drumhome Donegal Brewster James Tievebrack Drumhome Donegal Broadben Patrick, Jr. Golard Drumhome Donegal Broadben Patrick, Sr. Golard Drumhome Donegal Brock Francis Copany Drumhome Donegal Brodben Michael Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Brodben Patrick Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Brogan Mary Laghy Drumhome Donegal Brogan William Laghy Drumhome Donegal Brogan William Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Brogan William Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Brown William Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Browne Adley Raneany, West Drumhome Donegal Browne Audley Tullygallan Drumhome Donegal Browne David Derries Drumhome Donegal Browne James Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Browne James Trumman, West Drumhome Donegal Browne Jane Derries Drumhome Donegal Browne John Derries Drumhome Donegal Browne John Golard Drumhome Donegal Browne Sgt. Jas. Ballymagrorty (Irish) Drumhome Donegal Browne Sgt. Jas. Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Browne Thomas Derries Drumhome Donegal Buchanan John Murvagh Upper, Glebe Drumhome Donegal Burns Duncan Foyagh Road,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Bustard Andrew Golard Drumhome Donegal Bustard George Rossmore Drumhome Donegal Bustard John Cuilly Drumhome Donegal Bustard Mary Cuilly Drumhome Donegal Byrne Darby Legnanornoge Drumhome Donegal Calvin Thomas Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Campbell Alick Legnanornoge Drumhome Donegal Campbell Andrew Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Campbell Andrew Grahamstown Road,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Campbell Hanah Drumaneel Drumhome Donegal Campbell James Bigpark Drumhome Donegal Campbell James Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Campbell James Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Campbell John Pollnaranny Drumhome Donegal Carbin Owen Skreen Drumhome Donegal Carr James Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Carr Mrs. ??? Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Carran Patrick Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Carron Daniel Pollnaranny Drumhome Donegal Carron Denis Derries Drumhome Donegal Carron Hugh Ballyalla Drumhome Donegal Carron Isaac Foyagh Drumhome Donegal Carron John Ballyalla Drumhome Donegal Carron John Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Carron John Derries Drumhome Donegal Carron John Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Carron Patrick Ballyalla Drumhome Donegal Carron Patrick Legnanornoge Drumhome Donegal Carron Patrick Pollnaranny Drumhome Donegal Carron William Birra Drumhome Donegal Carson Eliza Carrick, West Drumhome Donegal Carson Samuel Rath Mountain Drumhome Donegal Cashore Thomas Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Cassidy Elizabeth Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Cassidy Hugh Ballybulgan Drumhome Donegal Cassidy James Ballykillowen Drumhome Donegal Cassidy James Ballynakillew Mountain Drumhome Donegal Cassidy James Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Cassidy Jane Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Cassidy Mary Ballykillowen Drumhome Donegal Cassidy Patrick Ballykillowen Drumhome Donegal Cassidy Patrick Drummanus, Glebe Drumhome Donegal Cassidy William Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Christian Edward Skreen Drumhome Donegal Clarke Alexander Coxtown Drumhome Donegal Clarke Alexander Kilgole Drumhome Donegal Clarke Alick Derries Drumhome Donegal Clarke Alick Rathtinny Glebe Drumhome Donegal Clarke Andrew Murvagh Upper, Glebe Drumhome Donegal Clarke Anne Derries Drumhome Donegal Clarke Hamilton Rathtinny Glebe Drumhome Donegal Clarke James Killinangel Beg Drumhome Donegal Clarke James Lurgan Drumhome Donegal Clarke Joseph Carrick, West Drumhome Donegal Clarke Thomas Derries Drumhome Donegal Clarke Thomas Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Clarke Thomas Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Clarke Thos. Killinangel Beg Drumhome Donegal Clarke Wm. Killinangel Beg Drumhome Donegal Cleary Catherine Foyagh Drumhome Donegal Cleary Hugh Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Cleary John Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Cockburn John Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Cohin David Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Coleman Andrew Copany Drumhome Donegal Coleman Andrew Cuilly Drumhome Donegal Coleman James Skreen Drumhome Donegal Colgan Thomas Carrick, East Drumhome Donegal Collins Hugh Aghadowey Drumhome Donegal Colville John Moyne Drumhome Donegal Colville John Trumman, West Drumhome Donegal Colville William Trumman, West Drumhome Donegal Colvin Andrew Drumnacroil Drumhome Donegal Colvin David Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Colvin Elizabeth Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Colvin Elizabeth Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Colvin James Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Colvin James Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Colvin James Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Colvin John Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Colvin Robert Ballymagrorty Drumhome Donegal Colvin Robert Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Colvin Robert Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Colvin Robert, Jr. Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Colvin Robert, Sr. Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Colvin Samuel Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Colvin William Ballydermot Drumhome Donegal Colvin William Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Colvin William Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Colvin William Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Connolly Bernard Laghy Drumhome Donegal Connolly Bernard Oughtnadrin Drumhome Donegal Connolly Denis Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Connolly Francis Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Connolly Francis Tullyleague or Tullybrook Drumhome Donegal Connolly John Rossilly Drumhome Donegal Connolly Micheal Laghy Drumhome Donegal Connolly Patrick Laghy Drumhome Donegal Connolly Peter Laghy Drumhome Donegal Connolly Rep. Peter Laghy Drumhome Donegal Connolly Rep. Peter Raneany, West Drumhome Donegal Connolly Rep. Peter Tullygallan Drumhome Donegal Connolly William Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Connolly William Oughtnadrin Drumhome Donegal Conolly Patrick Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Conolly Patrick Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Conolly Thomas Carrick, East Drumhome Donegal Conolly Thomas Tullygallan Drumhome Donegal Conolly Thomas Tullywee Drumhome Donegal Coote John Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Cormack Daniel Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Cormack Thomas Drumoske Drumhome Donegal Corristan Patrick Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Corristan Patrick Meenacargagh, or Raneany Barr Drumhome Donegal Corristan Peter Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Corristan Peter Meenacargagh, or Raneany Barr Drumhome Donegal Corscadden Alexander Lurgan Drumhome Donegal Corscadden Mary Durnesh Drumhome Donegal Coyle James Killinangel More Drumhome Donegal Crawford Alexander Tullyearl Drumhome Donegal Crawford Catherine Drumoske Drumhome Donegal Crawford George Tobernahoory Drumhome Donegal Crawford Hugh Moyne Drumhome Donegal Crawford James Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Crawford John Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Crawford Madge Derries Drumhome Donegal Crawford Matthew Killinangel Beg Drumhome Donegal Crawford Maurice Ardeelan, Upper Drumhome Donegal Crawford Thomas Killinangel Beg Drumhome Donegal Crawford William Tullyearl Drumhome Donegal Crimlish Condy Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Crimlish Condy Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Crookshank Rev. Jas. Rossnowlagh Upper or Crockahany Drumhome Donegal Cullen Daniel Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Cullin Michael Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Cunnihan Bridget Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Cunningham James Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Curry George Carrickbreeny Drumhome Donegal Curry William Rafoarty Drumhome Donegal Davis John Rath Mountain Drumhome Donegal Dawson Catherine Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Dawson Charles Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Deery Anne Mullanacross Drumhome Donegal Deery Bernard Mullans Drumhome Donegal Deery Bridget Foyagh Drumhome Donegal Deery Daniel Rossnowlagh Upper or Crockahany Drumhome Donegal Deery Edward Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Deery Edward Derries Drumhome Donegal Deery Edward Raneany, East Drumhome Donegal Deery George Mullanacross Drumhome Donegal Deery Grace Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Deery Henry Derries Drumhome Donegal Deery Hugh Drumbristan Glebe Drumhome Donegal Deery Hugh Murvagh Upper, Glebe Drumhome Donegal Deery James Rathfragan Drumhome Donegal Deery James Rossnowlagh, Lower Drumhome Donegal Deery John Rathfragan Drumhome Donegal Deery John Rossnowlagh, Lower Drumhome Donegal Deery Matthew Mullanacross Drumhome Donegal Deery Patrick Raneany, East Drumhome Donegal Deery Patrick Raneany, West Drumhome Donegal Deery Patrick Rossnowlagh, Lower Drumhome Donegal Densmore Andrew Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Devany Andrew Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Devany Bridget Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Devany Daniel Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Devany James Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Devany James Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Devany John Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Devany John Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Devany Patrick Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Devir Hugh Lurgan Drumhome Donegal Devir John Lurgan Drumhome Donegal Devir John Rossnowlagh Upper or Crockahany Drumhome Donegal Devlin Hugh Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Dillon Edward Rossnowlagh, Lower Drumhome Donegal Dinsmore Adam Ballydermot Drumhome Donegal Dinsmore And. Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Dinsmore Andrew Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Dinsmore Andrew Moneymore Drumhome Donegal Dinsmore Andrew Rosscanlan Drumhome Donegal Dinsmore Andw. Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Dinsmore Andw. Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Dinsmore Henry Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Dinsmore John Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Dinsmore John Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Dinsmore John Grahamstown Drumhome Donegal Dinsmore John Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Dinsmore John Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Dinsmore John Tobernahoory Drumhome Donegal Dinsmore William Drumhome Drumhome Donegal Dinsmore William Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Diver James Killinangel More Drumhome Donegal Diver James Rathfragan Drumhome Donegal Diver James Rossnowlagh Upper or Crockahany Drumhome Donegal Diver John Killinangel More Drumhome Donegal Diver William Foyagh Road,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Dixon Robert Ballintooey Drumhome Donegal Dixon Robert Ballydermot Drumhome Donegal Dogherty Denis Ballykillowen Drumhome Donegal Dogherty Francis Ballykillowen Drumhome Donegal Dogherty Jane Ballynakillew Mountain Drumhome Donegal Dogherty Patrick Greaghs Drumhome Donegal Doherty Anthony Foyagh Road,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Doherty Catherine Rossilly Drumhome Donegal Doherty Catherine Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Doherty James Birra Drumhome Donegal Doherty James Inishfad Drumhome Donegal Doherty James Rossilly Drumhome Donegal Doherty John Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Doherty John Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Doherty John Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Doherty Michael Ballybulgan Drumhome Donegal Doherty Michael Foyagh Drumhome Donegal Doherty Michael, Sr. Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Doherty Michl. Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Doherty Patrick Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Donien John Carrick, West Drumhome Donegal Donnell Anne Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Donnell Hugh Laghy Drumhome Donegal Donnell John Laghy Drumhome Donegal Dorian Hugh Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Dorian Owen Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Dornan Owen Rossilly Drumhome Donegal Dorrien John Oughtnadrin Drumhome Donegal Dorrien John Trumman, West Drumhome Donegal Doyle Patrick Laghy Drumhome Donegal Drummond Bridget Grahamstown Road,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Duggan Francis Croaghnakern Drumhome Donegal Duncan Arthur Derries Drumhome Donegal Dunleary Patrick Urbalshinny Drumhome Donegal Edgar Catherine Ballintooey Drumhome Donegal Edgar Catherine Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Egan Catherine Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Egan Catherine Carrickbreeny Drumhome Donegal Elliott Francis Laghy Drumhome Donegal Elliott Francis Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Elliott Francis Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Elliott James Skreen Drumhome Donegal Elliott Robin Skreen Drumhome Donegal Elliott Thomas Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Elliott William Lurgan Drumhome Donegal Ellis James Golard Drumhome Donegal Ellis John Golard Drumhome Donegal Ellis Thomas Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Ewing Andrew Mullans Drumhome Donegal FARRELi John Legnanornoge Drumhome Donegal Farrell Abraham Ballybulgan Drumhome Donegal Farrell Andrew Ballybulgan Drumhome Donegal Farrell Elizabeth Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Farrell Francis Ballydermot Drumhome Donegal Farrell Francis Raneany, West Drumhome Donegal Farrell James Raneany, West Drumhome Donegal Farrell James Tullygallan Drumhome Donegal Farrell Jane Drumlask Drumhome Donegal Farrell Joesph Ballydermot Drumhome Donegal Farrell John Drumlask Drumhome Donegal Farrell John Legnanornoge Drumhome Donegal Farrell John Rossnowlagh Upper or Crockahany Drumhome Donegal Farrell Robert Drumlask Drumhome Donegal Farrell Thomas Drumlask Drumhome Donegal Farrell Thomas, Jr. Drumlask Drumhome Donegal Farrell Thomas, Sr. Drumlask Drumhome Donegal Farrell Walter Drumlask Drumhome Donegal Farrell William Legnanornoge Drumhome Donegal Fawcett Francis Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Fawcett James Mullanacross Drumhome Donegal Fawcett John Mullanacross Drumhome Donegal Fawcett Joseph Mullanacross Drumhome Donegal Fawcett Robert Mullanacross Drumhome Donegal Folan Thomas Grahamstown Road,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Foster Arthur Derries Drumhome Donegal Foster Arthur Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Foster Arthur Inishnabo Drumhome Donegal Foster Arthur Lurgan Drumhome Donegal Foster Arthur Murvagh Lower Drumhome Donegal Foster James Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Foster John Killinangel More Drumhome Donegal Foster Mary Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Foster Rev. William H. Ballynakillew Mountain Drumhome Donegal Foster Rev. William H. Carrick, Upper, and Lower Barr Drumhome Donegal Foster Rev. William H. Derries Drumhome Donegal Fox James Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Fox John Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Fox Patrick Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Freeborne Richard Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Freeborne William Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Freebourne Richard Golard Drumhome Donegal Freeburne Alexander Rath Mountain Drumhome Donegal Freeburne Andrew Kilgole Drumhome Donegal Freeburne Andrew Moyne Drumhome Donegal Freeburne Francis Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Freeburne Francis Cuilly Drumhome Donegal Freeburne James Kilgole Drumhome Donegal Freeburne John Back Lane,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Freeburne John Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Freeburne John Killinangel Beg Drumhome Donegal Freeburne John Lurgan Drumhome Donegal Freeburne John Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Freeburne Madge Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Freeburne Mary Ballydermot Drumhome Donegal Freeburne Richard Cuilly Drumhome Donegal Freeburne Thomas Pollnaranny Drumhome Donegal Freeburne Thomas Tievebrack Drumhome Donegal Freeburne William Lurgan Drumhome Donegal Freeburne William Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Fyffe John Aghadowey Drumhome Donegal Galagher Catherine Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Galbraith John Tullywee Drumhome Donegal Galbraith William Tullygallan Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Anthony Legnanornoge Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Anthony Skreen Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Anthony Tullygallen, Tullywee and Oughtnadrin Br Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Arthur Trumman, West, Barr Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Bernard Ballykillowen Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Danl. Trumman, West, Barr Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Denis Rossilly Barr Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Dudley Greaghs Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Edward Drumnacroil Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Edward Straness Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Edward Trumman, West, Barr Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Ellen Dromore Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Francis Greaghs Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Frank Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Hannah Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Hugh Ballynakillew Mountain Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Hugh Barnesyneilly Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Hugh Pollnaranny Drumhome Donegal Gallagher James Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Gallagher James Barnesyneilly Drumhome Donegal Gallagher James Croaghnameal Drumhome Donegal Gallagher James Knockbane Drumhome Donegal Gallagher James Legnanornoge Drumhome Donegal Gallagher James Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Gallagher James Meenacargagh, or Raneany Barr Drumhome Donegal Gallagher James Rosscanlan Drumhome Donegal Gallagher James Rossilly Barr Drumhome Donegal Gallagher James Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Gallagher James Trumman, West, Barr Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Jas. Knockbane Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Jeremiah Croaghnameal Drumhome Donegal Gallagher John Ballykillowen Drumhome Donegal Gallagher John Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Gallagher John Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Gallagher John Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Gallagher John Derries Drumhome Donegal Gallagher John Drumoske Drumhome Donegal Gallagher John Inishpat Drumhome Donegal Gallagher John Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Gallagher John Meenacargagh, or Raneany Barr Drumhome Donegal Gallagher John Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Martin Dromore Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Mary Laghy Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Mary Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Mary Tullygallen, Tullywee and Oughtnadrin Br Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Michael Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Michael Knockbane Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Michael Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Neal Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Patrick Aghadowey Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Patrick Ballymagrorty (Irish) Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Patrick Croaghnameal Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Patrick Meenacargagh, or Raneany Barr Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Ptk. Back Lane,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Thomas Greaghs Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Thomas Oughtnadrin Drumhome Donegal Gallagher Thomas Straness Drumhome Donegal Gallagher William Carrickbreeny Drumhome Donegal Gallagher William Dromore Drumhome Donegal Gallagher William Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Gardiner John Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Geatings Anthony Carrick, Upper, and Lower Barr Drumhome Donegal Geatings Francis Carrick, Upper, and Lower Barr Drumhome Donegal Geatings John Carrick, Upper, and Lower Barr Drumhome Donegal Gibbon Charles Kilgole Drumhome Donegal Gibbons Hugh Moneymore Drumhome Donegal Gildea Catherine Ballykillowen Drumhome Donegal Gildea Patrick Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Gillespie Edward Copany Drumhome Donegal Gillespie Edward Inishfad Drumhome Donegal Gillespie Edward Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Glackan James Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Glackan James Drumaneel Drumhome Donegal Glackan James Urbalshinny Drumhome Donegal Glynn Edward Bigpark Drumhome Donegal Gorman Charles Ballykillowen Drumhome Donegal Gorman Edward Greaghs Drumhome Donegal Gorman Hugh Ballymagrorty (Irish) Drumhome Donegal Gorman Hugh Drumaneel Drumhome Donegal Gorman Hugh Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Gorman Hugh Urbalshinny Drumhome Donegal Gorman James Ballymagrorty (Irish) Drumhome Donegal Gorman James Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Gorman James Carrick, East Drumhome Donegal Gorman James Drumbristan Glebe Drumhome Donegal Gorman James Murvagh Upper, Glebe Drumhome Donegal Gorman James Trumman, West Drumhome Donegal Gorman John Trumman, West Drumhome Donegal Gorman Luke Ballymagrorty (Irish) Drumhome Donegal Gorman Mary Golard Drumhome Donegal Gorman Patrick Greaghs Drumhome Donegal Gorman Thomas Ballymagrorty (Irish) Drumhome Donegal Gorman Thomas Golard Drumhome Donegal Gorman Thomas Greaghs Drumhome Donegal Gorman Thomas Trumman, West Drumhome Donegal Gorman Thomas Tullygallan Drumhome Donegal Graham Alexander Moyne Drumhome Donegal Graham Andrew Cuilly Drumhome Donegal Graham Arthur Drumlask Drumhome Donegal Graham Francis Derries Drumhome Donegal Graham Francis Moyne Drumhome Donegal Graham George Durnesh Drumhome Donegal Graham Henry Skreen Drumhome Donegal Graham James Bigpark Drumhome Donegal Graham James Cuilly Drumhome Donegal Graham James Durnesh Drumhome Donegal Graham James Legnanornoge Drumhome Donegal Graham Jane Drumlask Drumhome Donegal Graham Jane Laghy Drumhome Donegal Graham Jn. Tullyearl Drumhome Donegal Graham John Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Graham John Cuilly Drumhome Donegal Graham John Drumlask Drumhome Donegal Graham John Legacurry Drumhome Donegal Graham John Tullyearl Drumhome Donegal Graham John Tullyleague or Tullybrook Drumhome Donegal Graham John Tullymornin Drumhome Donegal Graham Lewis Legacurry Drumhome Donegal Graham Lewis Tullyearl Drumhome Donegal Graham Richard Carrick, East Drumhome Donegal Graham Richard Drumlask Drumhome Donegal Graham Richard Laghy Drumhome Donegal Graham Richard Legacurry Drumhome Donegal Graham Richard Moyne Drumhome Donegal Graham Richard Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Graham Richard Tullyearl Drumhome Donegal Graham Robert Tullymornin Drumhome Donegal Graham Thomas Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Graham Thomas Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Graham Thomas Rathfragan Drumhome Donegal Graham Thomas Tobernahoory Drumhome Donegal Graham William Dromore Drumhome Donegal Graham William Durnesh Drumhome Donegal Graham William Legacurry Drumhome Donegal Graham William Tullyearl Drumhome Donegal Graham William Tullyleague or Tullybrook Drumhome Donegal Graham William, Sr. Legacurry Drumhome Donegal Graham William, Sr. Tullyearl Drumhome Donegal Granahane Felix Legnanornoge Drumhome Donegal Greene Andrew Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Greene Andrew Water or Fair Lane,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Greene Ellen Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Greene Ellen Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Greene Finlay Ballymagrorty (Irish) Drumhome Donegal Greene Finlay Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Greene Guy Lurgan Drumhome Donegal Greene Henry Dromore Drumhome Donegal Greene William Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Greenlanes Jane Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Gregory Andrew Golard Drumhome Donegal Gregory Francis Mullans Drumhome Donegal Gregory Francis Tullyleague or Tullybrook Drumhome Donegal Gregory John Golard Drumhome Donegal Griffith George Carrickbreeny Drumhome Donegal Griffith John Carrickbreeny Drumhome Donegal Griffith Samuel Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Griffith Samuel Tobernahoory Drumhome Donegal Griffith Thomas Carrickbreeny Drumhome Donegal Griffith William Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Griffith William Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Griffith William Tobernahoory Drumhome Donegal Grogan Catherine Laghy Drumhome Donegal Haddick Margaret Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Hairken Patrick Ballykillowen Drumhome Donegal Hamilton Alexander Coxtown Drumhome Donegal Hamilton Alexander Drumaneel Drumhome Donegal Hamilton Alexander Kilgole Drumhome Donegal Hamilton Alexander Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Hamilton Alexander Rafoarty Drumhome Donegal Hamilton Alexander Trumman, West Drumhome Donegal Hamilton Andrew Drumnacroil Drumhome Donegal Hamilton Hugh Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Hamilton James Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Hamilton James Coxtown Drumhome Donegal Hamilton James Legnanornoge Drumhome Donegal Hamilton James Rossilly Drumhome Donegal Hamilton James Trumman, West Drumhome Donegal Hamilton James, Jr. Ballintooey Drumhome Donegal Hamilton James, Jr. Brownhall Demesne Drumhome Donegal Hamilton Joesph Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Hamilton John Tullyearl Drumhome Donegal Hamilton Patrick Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Hamilton Patrick Laghy Drumhome Donegal Hamilton Rep. John Kilgole Drumhome Donegal Hamilton Rev. Edw. Carrickbreeny Drumhome Donegal Hamilton Rev. Edward Ballynakillew Mountain Drumhome Donegal Hamilton William Drumhome Drumhome Donegal Hammond Andrew Drumbristan Glebe Drumhome Donegal Hammond Andrew Rath Mountain Drumhome Donegal Hammond Andrew Rathtinny Glebe Drumhome Donegal Hammond George Drumaneel Drumhome Donegal Hammond George Drumchory Glebe Drumhome Donegal Hammond George Drumnacroil Drumhome Donegal Hammond George Rathtinny Glebe Drumhome Donegal Hammond George Tobernahoory Drumhome Donegal Hammond Michael Drumaneel Drumhome Donegal Hammond Michael Rafoarty Drumhome Donegal Hammond Samuel Drumchory Glebe Drumhome Donegal Hammond William Murvagh Upper, Glebe Drumhome Donegal Hand Mary Drumlask Drumhome Donegal Hanna Mary Cuilly Drumhome Donegal Hanna Robert Rossnowlagh Upper or Crockahany Drumhome Donegal Hanna Samuel Rossnowlagh Upper or Crockahany Drumhome Donegal Hanna William Rossnowlagh Upper or Crockahany Drumhome Donegal Haran Alick Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Haran Andrew Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Haran Eleanor Murvagh Upper, Glebe Drumhome Donegal Haran Ellen Kilgole Drumhome Donegal Haran Francis Murvagh Upper, Glebe Drumhome Donegal Haran George Rathtinny Glebe Drumhome Donegal Haran James Murvagh Upper, Glebe Drumhome Donegal Haran John Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Haran Margaret Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Haran Robert Ballyalla Drumhome Donegal Haran Robert Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Haran Robert Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Haran Robert, Jr. Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Haran Robert, Sr. Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Haran Thomas Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Haran William Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Harkin Louis Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Harman Tatty Drumbristan Glebe Drumhome Donegal Harren Alexander Carrick, West Drumhome Donegal Harren Andrew Carrick, West Drumhome Donegal Harren Andrew Trumman, West Drumhome Donegal Harren Andrew, Jr. Carrick, West Drumhome Donegal Harren Andrew, Sr. Carrick, West Drumhome Donegal Harren Elizabeth Carrick, West Drumhome Donegal Harren Henry Carrick, West Drumhome Donegal Harren Henry Trumman, West Drumhome Donegal Harren John Carrick, West Drumhome Donegal Harren Robert Carrick, West Drumhome Donegal Harren William Carrick, West Drumhome Donegal Harren William Trumman, West Drumhome Donegal Harte William Ballykillowen Drumhome Donegal Haslett S. Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Hely Cormack Greaghs Drumhome Donegal Henderson Thomas Rath Drumhome Donegal Hendry George Legacurry Drumhome Donegal Hendry James Inishfad Drumhome Donegal Hewitt Mary Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Hewitt Mary Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Hewston Catherine Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Hilly Cormick Knockbane Drumhome Donegal Hilly Cormick Rossmore Drumhome Donegal Hilly Denis Rossmore Drumhome Donegal Hilly James Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Hilly John Knockbane Drumhome Donegal Hilly John Rossmore Drumhome Donegal Hilly Margaret Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Hilly Owen Cuilly Drumhome Donegal Hilly Patrick Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Hoey John Carrick, East Drumhome Donegal Holmes Alexander Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Holmes John Laghy Drumhome Donegal Holmes John Raheany, West Drumhome Donegal Holmes Richard Laghy Drumhome Donegal Holmes William Pollnaranny Drumhome Donegal Hooey Andrew Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Hooey John Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Horan Francis Drumchory Glebe Drumhome Donegal Hovey William Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Hughes Anne Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Hurst John Pollnaranny Drumhome Donegal Ivors Rev. Daniel Drumaneel Drumhome Donegal Jackson Abraham Killinangel Beg Drumhome Donegal Jackson Abraham Lurgan Drumhome Donegal Jackson William Lurgan Drumhome Donegal Jameson Margaret Ballymagrorty Drumhome Donegal Jameson Patrick Killinangel Beg Drumhome Donegal Jennings James Ardeelan, Lower Drumhome Donegal Jennings James Rossnowlagh Upper or Crockahany Drumhome Donegal Jennings John Ardeelan, Lower Drumhome Donegal Jennings John Rossnowlagh Upper or Crockahany Drumhome Donegal Johnston Charles Tullyleague or Tullybrook Drumhome Donegal Johnston Charles, Jr. Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Johnston Charles, Sr. Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Johnston Chas. Rooneys Island Drumhome Donegal Johnston Chas. Rossmore Drumhome Donegal Johnston Chas. Tullyearl Drumhome Donegal Johnston Chas., Jr. Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Johnston James Copany Drumhome Donegal Johnston James Drumlask Drumhome Donegal Johnston James Tullyearl Drumhome Donegal Johnston Jas. Rooneys Island Drumhome Donegal Johnston Jas. Rossmore Drumhome Donegal Johnston Jas. Tullyearl Drumhome Donegal Johnston John Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Johnston John Copany Drumhome Donegal Johnston Joseph Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Johnston Joseph Legacurry Drumhome Donegal Johnston Margaret Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Johnston Michael Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Johnston Robert Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Johnston Robert Trumman, West Drumhome Donegal Johnston Thomas Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Johnston William Trumman, West Drumhome Donegal Judge Edward Murvagh Upper, Glebe Drumhome Donegal Kane Isaac Killinangel Beg Drumhome Donegal Kane Sarah Killinangel Beg Drumhome Donegal Keane Mary Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Keane Sidney Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Kearney William Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Kee Samuel Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Kee Samuel Moyne Drumhome Donegal Keenan Anne Ardeelan, Upper Drumhome Donegal Keenan William Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Kelly Bryan Rossnowlagh, Lower Drumhome Donegal Kelly Catherine Drummanus, Glebe Drumhome Donegal Kelly Edward Rossnowlagh, Lower Drumhome Donegal Kelly Ellen Ballymagrorty (Irish) Drumhome Donegal Kelly Ellen Inishfad Drumhome Donegal Kelly James Drummanus, Glebe Drumhome Donegal Kelly James Foyagh Drumhome Donegal Kelly James Rossnowlagh, Lower Drumhome Donegal Kelly John Drummanus, Glebe Drumhome Donegal Kelly John Rossilly Drumhome Donegal Kelly John Rossnowlagh, Lower Drumhome Donegal Kelly Michael Drummanus, Glebe Drumhome Donegal Kelly Michael Drumoske Drumhome Donegal Kelly Michael Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Kelly Owen Drummanus, Glebe Drumhome Donegal Kelly Patrick Grahamstown Road,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Kelly Patrick Inishfad Drumhome Donegal Kelly Patrick Tobernahoory Drumhome Donegal Kelly Rev. Daniel Drumnacroil Drumhome Donegal Kelly Rev. Daniel Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Kelly Rev. Daniel Tobernahoory Drumhome Donegal Kelly Thomas Inishfad Drumhome Donegal Kennedy James Tobernahoory Drumhome Donegal Kennedy John Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Kennedy Michael Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Kennedy Patrick Ballydermot Drumhome Donegal Kennedy Patrick Pollnaranny Drumhome Donegal Kennedy Thomas Ballymagrorty (Irish) Drumhome Donegal Kerr James Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Kerr John Ballydermot Drumhome Donegal Kerr Laurence Grahamstown Road,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Kerr Robert Carrickbreeny Drumhome Donegal Kerr Robert Rafoarty Drumhome Donegal Kerr Robert Urbalshinny Drumhome Donegal Kerrigan James Cuilly Drumhome Donegal Kerrigan James Golard Drumhome Donegal Kerrigan John Rathfragan Drumhome Donegal Kerrigan Maurice Laghy Drumhome Donegal Kerrigan Maurice Raheany, West Drumhome Donegal Kerrigan Thomas Golard Drumhome Donegal Kildea Edward Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Killen John Drumchory Glebe Drumhome Donegal Killoon James Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Kilpatrick Andrew Trumman, West Drumhome Donegal Kilpatrick James Rath Drumhome Donegal Kilpatrick James Trumman, West Drumhome Donegal Kilpatrick James, Jr. Rath Drumhome Donegal Kilpatrick Joesph Ballydermot Drumhome Donegal Kilpatrick Joesph, Jr. Rath Drumhome Donegal Kilpatrick Joesph, Sr. Rath Drumhome Donegal Kilpatrick John Cuilly Drumhome Donegal Kilpatrick John Derries Drumhome Donegal Kilpatrick John Legnanornoge Drumhome Donegal Kilpatrick Joseph Carrickbreeny Drumhome Donegal Kilpatrick Joseph Foyagh Road,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Kincade John Ballynakillew Mountain Drumhome Donegal Kincade Matthew Ardnagalliagh Drumhome Donegal Kincade Rev. John Drumbristan Glebe Drumhome Donegal Kincade Rev. John Murvagh Upper, Glebe Drumhome Donegal Kincaid George Drumhome Drumhome Donegal Kincaid George Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Kincaid George Mullanacross Drumhome Donegal Kincaid John Grahamstown Drumhome Donegal Kincaid Matthew Mullanacross Drumhome Donegal Kincaid Thomas Mullanacross Drumhome Donegal King Margaret Brownhall Demesne Drumhome Donegal Kirkpatrick Andrew Tullywee Drumhome Donegal Kirkpatrick Elizabeth Drumaneel Drumhome Donegal Kirkpatrick John Drumaneel Drumhome Donegal Kirkpatrick John Tullywee Drumhome Donegal Kirkpatrick Thomas Tullywee Drumhome Donegal Knox George Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Laffan James Greaghs Drumhome Donegal Laffan William Greaghs Drumhome Donegal Laing Denis Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Langan Hugh Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Langan James Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Langan John Derries Drumhome Donegal Langan John Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Langan Patk. Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Langan Patrick Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Langan Patrick Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Langan Thomas, Jr. Brownhall Demesne Drumhome Donegal Langan Thomas, Jr. Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Langan Thomas, Sr. Brownhall Demesne Drumhome Donegal Langan Thomas, Sr. Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Langan Thos., Jr. Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Langan Thos., Sr. Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Laun Neal Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Leakely James Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Leakely Patrick Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Leakely Thomas Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Leakly Francis Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Leakly Hugh Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Lennox David Rathfragan Drumhome Donegal Lennox John Ballynakillew Mountain Drumhome Donegal Lennox Maragret Ballydermot Drumhome Donegal Leslie Hamilton Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Leslie James Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Leslie Thomas Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Leslie William Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Lipsett Hamilton Rossnowlagh Upper or Crockahany Drumhome Donegal Lipsett John Rossnowlagh Upper or Crockahany Drumhome Donegal Lipsitt Alexander Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Lipsitt John Ardeelan, Lower Drumhome Donegal Little Robert Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Little Robert Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Little William Cuilly Drumhome Donegal Lone Robert Pollnaranny Drumhome Donegal Lovatt Margaret Ardnagalliagh Drumhome Donegal Love George, Jr. Ardeelan, Upper Drumhome Donegal Love George, Sr. Ardeelan, Upper Drumhome Donegal Love James Aghadowey Drumhome Donegal Love James Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Love James Dromore Drumhome Donegal Love John Aghadowey Drumhome Donegal Love Robert Ballybulgan Drumhome Donegal Love Timothy Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Love William Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Lowry William Cuilly Drumhome Donegal Lungan Patrick Rosscanlan Drumhome Donegal Lungan Thomas, Jr. Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Lungan Thomas, Sr. Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Lynch Elizabeth Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Lynn James Tullyearl Drumhome Donegal Lynn John Tullyearl Drumhome Donegal Lyons John Tullygallen, Tullywee and Oughtnadrin Br Drumhome Donegal Mackey George Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Mackey Hamilton Kilgole Drumhome Donegal Mackey Hamilton Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Mackey John Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Mackey William Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Mackey William Carrickbreeny Drumhome Donegal Mackey William, Jr. Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Madden John Birra Drumhome Donegal Madden Patrick Killinangel More Drumhome Donegal Madden Patrick, Jr. Birra Drumhome Donegal Madden Patrick, Sr. Birra Drumhome Donegal Madden Thomas Birra Drumhome Donegal Maddock John Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Magee Andrew Ballintooey Drumhome Donegal Magee Andrew Bigpark Drumhome Donegal Magee Andrew Brownhall Demesne Drumhome Donegal Magee Andrew Legnanornoge Drumhome Donegal Magee Andrew Rossmore Drumhome Donegal Magee Andrew Rossyvolan Drumhome Donegal Magee Arthur Legacurry Drumhome Donegal Magee Arthur Rossmore Drumhome Donegal Magee Ellen Barr of Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Magee John Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Magee John Pollnaranny Drumhome Donegal Magee Samuel Ballydermot Drumhome Donegal Magee Samuel Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Magee Samuel Brownhall Demesne Drumhome Donegal Magee Thomas Barr of Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Magee William Rath Drumhome Donegal Magrane James Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Magrane James Moneymore Drumhome Donegal Magrane Michael Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Magrane Michael Moneymore Drumhome Donegal Magrorty Charles Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Maguire Denis Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Maguire Hugh Derries Drumhome Donegal Mahon Samuel Skreen Drumhome Donegal Manelis George Laghy Drumhome Donegal Manelis George Raneany, West Drumhome Donegal Manzes John Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Marshall John Rossilly Drumhome Donegal Martin Anne Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Martin Bryan Golard Drumhome Donegal Martin Catherine Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Martin Daniel Raheany, West Drumhome Donegal Martin Daniel Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Martin Denis Laghy Drumhome Donegal Martin Edward Laghy Drumhome Donegal Martin Ellen Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Martin Francis Laghy Drumhome Donegal Martin Francis Raheany, West Drumhome Donegal Martin James Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Martin John Carrick, West Drumhome Donegal Martin John Golard Drumhome Donegal Martin John Laghy Drumhome Donegal Martin John Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Martin John Raheany, West Drumhome Donegal Martin John Tullygallan Drumhome Donegal Martin Michael Laghy Drumhome Donegal Martin Michael Raneany, East Drumhome Donegal Martin Michael Tullygallan Drumhome Donegal Martin Thomas Carrick, West Drumhome Donegal Martin Thomas Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Martin Thomas Rossmore Drumhome Donegal Martin William Golard Drumhome Donegal Martin William Laghy Drumhome Donegal Maxwell John Drumlask Drumhome Donegal Maxwell John Moyne Drumhome Donegal Maxwell Steen Tullyleague or Tullybrook Drumhome Donegal Mc Bride Cornelius Ballynakillew Mountain Drumhome Donegal Mc Bride Richard Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Mc Caddan William Greaghs Drumhome Donegal Mc Cadden Denis Straness Drumhome Donegal Mc Cadden George Tullyearl Drumhome Donegal Mc Cadden John Laghy Drumhome Donegal Mc Cadden Michael Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Mc Cadden Michael Barr of Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Mc Cadden Patrick Straness Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty Daniel Birra Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty Denis Ballymagrorty (Irish) Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty Francis Ballymagrorty (Irish) Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty Francis Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty Grace Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty James Carrick, Upper, and Lower Barr Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty John Ballymagrorty Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty John Barr of Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty John Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty Michael Ballymagrorty (Irish) Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty Michael Barr of Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty Michael Derries Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty Michael Foyagh Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty Michael Killinangel Beg Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty Michael Killinangel More Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty Neal Ballymagrorty Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty Neal Ballymagrorty (Irish) Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty Neal Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty Patrick Ballymagrorty (Irish) Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty Patrick Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty Peter Ballymagrorty Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty Roger Dromore Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty Rose Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty Thomas Bigpark Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty William Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Mc Cafferty William Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Mc Caffry Charles Skreen Drumhome Donegal Mc Cahill John Murvagh Upper, Glebe Drumhome Donegal Mc Cann Mark Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Mc Cartney Ellen Tobernahoory Drumhome Donegal Mc Cartney Thomas Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Mc Clay Adam Carrick, East Drumhome Donegal Mc Clay Adam Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Mc Clay Adam Trumman, West Drumhome Donegal Mc Clay Andrew Laghy Drumhome Donegal Mc Clay Andrew Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Mc Clay Andrew Tullywee Drumhome Donegal Mc Clay Andrew Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Mc Clay James Carrick, East Drumhome Donegal Mc Clay James Laghy Drumhome Donegal Mc Clay James Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Mc Clay James Tullywee Drumhome Donegal Mc Clay James Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Mc Clay Joesph Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Mc Clay John Carrick, East Drumhome Donegal Mc Clay John Laghy Drumhome Donegal Mc Clay John Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Mc Clay John Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Mc Clay John, Jr. Carrick, East Drumhome Donegal Mc Clay John, Sr. Carrick, East Drumhome Donegal Mc Clinchy Bryan Meenacargagh, or Raneany Barr Drumhome Donegal Mc Clinchy James Meenacargagh, or Reneany Barr Drumhome Donegal Mc Clure Andrew Rathtinny Glebe Drumhome Donegal Mc Clure John Rathtinny Glebe Drumhome Donegal Mc Clure Robert Coxtown Drumhome Donegal Mc Cormack James Laghy Drumhome Donegal Mc Cormack Patrick Laghy Drumhome Donegal Mc Cormack Patrick Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Mc Cormick Margaret Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Mc Cowell Edward Water or Fair Lane,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Mc Cowley Susan Derries Drumhome Donegal Mc Cowley Susan Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Mc Cowley Susana Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Mc Coy John Rossilly Drumhome Donegal Mc Coy Michael Raneany, East Drumhome Donegal Mc Coy Patrick Rossilly Drumhome Donegal Mc Crea Joesph Pollnaranny Drumhome Donegal Mc Crea John Drumchory Glebe Drumhome Donegal Mc Crea John Legnanornoge Drumhome Donegal Mc Crea Robert Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Mc Crea William Knockbane Drumhome Donegal Mc Crea William Legnanornoge Drumhome Donegal Mc Cullagh Thomas Trumman, West Drumhome Donegal Mc Cullagh William Cuilly Drumhome Donegal Mc Dermott John Lurgan Drumhome Donegal Mc Dermott Patrick Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Mc Devitt Anthony Mullans Drumhome Donegal Mc Devitt Denis Trumman, West, Barr Drumhome Donegal Mc Devitt Francis Tullyleague or Tullybrook Drumhome Donegal Mc Devitt Patrick Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Mc Elcar Edward Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Mc Elcar James Ardbane, or Laghy Barr Drumhome Donegal Mc Elcar James Meenacargagh, or Raneany Barr Drumhome Donegal Mc Elcar Patrick Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Mc Elear Patrick Ballynakillew Mountain Drumhome Donegal Mc Fadden William Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Mc Gahran Owen Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Mc Gahran Patk., Jr. Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Mc Gahran Patk., Sr. Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Mc Gahran Patrick Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Mc Gahran Patrick, Jr. Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Mc Gar Patrick Golard Drumhome Donegal Mc Garrigle Bridget Dromore Drumhome Donegal Mc Garrigle Edward Foyagh Drumhome Donegal Mc Garrigle Edward Foyagh Road,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Mc Garrigle Edward Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Mc Garrigle Giles Ballymagrorty (Irish) Drumhome Donegal Mc Garrigle James Foyagh Drumhome Donegal Mc Garrigle John Ballymagrorty (Irish) Drumhome Donegal Mc Garrigle Margt., Jr. Dromore Drumhome Donegal Mc Garrigle Margt., Sr. Dromore Drumhome Donegal Mc Garrigle Michael Dromore Drumhome Donegal Mc Garrigle Neal Dromore Drumhome Donegal Mc Garrigle Pat Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Mc Garrigle Patk. Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Mc Garrigle Patrick Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Mc Garrigle Roger Ballymagrorty (Irish) Drumhome Donegal Mc Garrigle Thomas Ballymagrorty (Irish) Drumhome Donegal Mc Garvey Mary Grahamstown Road,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Mc Ginley Andrew Ardnagalliagh Drumhome Donegal Mc Ginley Andrew Drumoske Drumhome Donegal Mc Ginley Hugh Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Mc Ginty Ellen Foyagh Road,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Mc Girr James Ballykillowen Drumhome Donegal Mc Girr William Ballykillowen Drumhome Donegal Mc Glanaghy Michael Murvagh Upper, Glebe Drumhome Donegal Mc Glanahy Catherine Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Mc Glanahy John Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Mc Glanahy John Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Mc Glanahy Mary Kilgole Drumhome Donegal Mc Glanahy Michael Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Mc Glanahy Michael Murvagh Upper, Glebe Drumhome Donegal Mc Glanahy Patrick Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Mc Glanahy William Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Mc Glinchey John Barr of Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Mc Glinchy Bryan Meenacargagh, or Raneany Barr Drumhome Donegal Mc Glinchy Cormick Meenacargagh, or Raneany Barr Drumhome Donegal Mc Glinchy James Meenacargagh, or Raneany Barr Drumhome Donegal Mc Glinshy Francis Greaghs Drumhome Donegal Mc Goldrick Bernard Dromore Drumhome Donegal Mc Goldrick Hugh Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Mc Goldrick James Tullygallen, Tullywee and Oughtnadrin Br Drumhome Donegal Mc Goldrick John Dromore Drumhome Donegal Mc Goldrick Margaret Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Mc Goldrick William Ballydermot Drumhome Donegal Mc Gonigle Catherine Rossilly Drumhome Donegal Mc Gonigle George Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Mc Gonigle George Foyagh Road,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Mc Gonigle George Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Mc Gonigle George Moneymore Drumhome Donegal Mc Gonigle James Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Mc Gonigle John Birra Drumhome Donegal Mc Gonigle John Killinangel More Drumhome Donegal Mc Gonigle John Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Mc Gonigle Michael Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Mc Gonigle Timothy Ballynakillew Mountain Drumhome Donegal Mc Grath John, Jr. Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Mc Grath John, Sr. Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Mc Iihenny James Cuilly Drumhome Donegal Mc Iihenny Matthew Cuilly Drumhome Donegal Mc Intyre John Carrickbreeny Drumhome Donegal Mc Intyre Patrick Foyagh Drumhome Donegal Mc Intyre Thomas Killinangel Beg Drumhome Donegal Mc Ivor John Grahamstown Drumhome Donegal Mc Kee Catherine Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Mc Kee James Ardeelan, Lower Drumhome Donegal Mc Kee Thomas Ardeelan, Lower Drumhome Donegal Mc Kenna George Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Mc Keon John Ardeelan, Upper Drumhome Donegal Mc Kie Catherine Derries Drumhome Donegal Mc Kie Ellen Foyagh Road,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Mc Kie George Rossnowlagh Upper or Crockahany Drumhome Donegal Mc Kie James Durnesh Drumhome Donegal Mc Kie James Rossnowlagh, Lower Drumhome Donegal Mc Kie John Rossnowlagh Upper or Crockahany Drumhome Donegal Mc Kie Margaret Rossnowlagh, Lower Drumhome Donegal Mc Loughlin Mary Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Mc Master Robert Trumman, West Drumhome Donegal Mc Murray John Laghy Drumhome Donegal Mc Murray John Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Mc Murray John Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Mc Naman Michael Skreen Drumhome Donegal Mc Nealy John Ballymagrorty Drumhome Donegal Mc Nern Isabella Mullanacross Drumhome Donegal Mc Nern Robert Mullanacross Drumhome Donegal Mc Nulty Hugh Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Mc Nulty James Coxtown Drumhome Donegal Mc Nulty Michael Ballymagrorty (Irish) Drumhome Donegal Mc Phelin John Rossilly Drumhome Donegal Mc Quaid Bryan Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Mc Rory Catherine Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Mc Rory Denis Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Mc Rory Ellen Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Mc Rory Henry Ballynakillew Mountain Drumhome Donegal Mc Rory James Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Mc Rory John Meenacargagh, or Raneany Barr Drumhome Donegal Mc Rory John Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Mc Rory Michael Tullygallen, Tullywee and Oughtnadrin Br Drumhome Donegal Mc Rory Patrick Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Mc Shea James Ardeelan, Upper Drumhome Donegal Mc Shea Margaret Inishinny Drumhome Donegal Mc Shea Thomas Inishinny Drumhome Donegal Mc Shea William Birra Drumhome Donegal Mc Vety Abraham Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Mc Vitty John Rosscanlan Drumhome Donegal Mcglanahy Bridget Rosscanlan Drumhome Donegal Meehan Anne Durnesh Drumhome Donegal Meehan James Durnesh Drumhome Donegal Meehan Mary Durnesh Drumhome Donegal Meehan Matthew Durnesh Drumhome Donegal Meehan Susan Durnesh Drumhome Donegal Meighan John Trumman, West Drumhome Donegal Melly Edward Grahamstown Road,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Melly Mary Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Melly William Ballynakillew Mountain Drumhome Donegal Mewers John Water or Fair Lane,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Millbourne Fredrick Rossyvolan Drumhome Donegal Minnow George Drumoske Drumhome Donegal Minnow Mary Drumoske Drumhome Donegal Molloy Francis Oughtnadrin Drumhome Donegal Molloy John Oughtnadrin Drumhome Donegal Molloy John Raneany, East Drumhome Donegal Molloy Margaret Ballydermot Drumhome Donegal Molloy Margaret Laghy Drumhome Donegal Molloy Margaret Tullygallan Drumhome Donegal Molloy Margaret Tullywee Drumhome Donegal Molloy Margaret Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Molloy Patrick Laghy Drumhome Donegal Molloy Patrick Raneany, East Drumhome Donegal Molloy Patrick Tullygallan Drumhome Donegal Molloy Patrick Tullywee Drumhome Donegal Molloy Patrick Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Monahan Edward Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Monahan John Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Montgomery Edward Legnanornoge Drumhome Donegal Montgomery Hugh Legnanornoge Drumhome Donegal Montgomery Thomas Legnanornoge Drumhome Donegal Moore Thomas Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Moore Thomas Lurgan Drumhome Donegal Moore William Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Moore William Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Moran James Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Morrow Andrew Ballymagrorty Drumhome Donegal Morrow Thomas Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Morrow William Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Morrow William Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Mowbray Jn. Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Mowbray John Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Mowbray John Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Mowbray John Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Mowbray John Moneymore Drumhome Donegal Mowbray Margaret Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Mowbray Robert Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Mowbray Robert Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Mowbray Robert Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Mowbray William Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Mowbry John Water or Fair Lane,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Mowbry Robert Water or Fair Lane,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Mulcartagh ??? Derries Drumhome Donegal Mulcartagh Anne Derries Drumhome Donegal Mulcartagh Bryan Derries Drumhome Donegal Mulcartagh Bryan Rossnowlagh, Lower Drumhome Donegal Mulcartagh George Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Mulcartagh John Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Mulcartagh John Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Mulcartagh Patrick Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Mulcartagh Peter Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Mulcartagh Thomas Derries Drumhome Donegal Mulhern Charles Golard Drumhome Donegal Mulhern James Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Mulhern James Tullyearl Drumhome Donegal Mulhern John Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Mulhern John Greaghs Drumhome Donegal Mulhern John Tullyearl Drumhome Donegal Mulhern John Water or Fair Lane,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Mulhern Mary Golard Drumhome Donegal Mulhern Patrick Killinangel More Drumhome Donegal Mulhern Sarah Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Mulhern William Tullyearl Drumhome Donegal Mulherne Felix Rossnowlagh, Lower Drumhome Donegal Mulherne Hannah Rossnowlagh, Lower Drumhome Donegal Mulherne James Rossnowlagh, Lower Drumhome Donegal Mulherne John Rossnowlagh, Lower Drumhome Donegal Mulherne Michael Dromore Drumhome Donegal Mulherne Neal Rossnowlagh, Lower Drumhome Donegal Mulherne Patrick Ballymagrorty Drumhome Donegal Mulherne Una Rossnowlagh, Lower Drumhome Donegal Mullen Daniel Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Mullen Edward Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Mullen James Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Mullen John Drummanus, Glebe Drumhome Donegal Mullen John Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Mullen John Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Mullen Michael Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Mullen Owen Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Mullen Owen Skreen Drumhome Donegal Mullen Patrick Ballymagrorty Drumhome Donegal Mullen Robert Ballymagrorty Drumhome Donegal Mullen Robert Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Mullen Thomas Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Mullen Thomas Trumman, West Drumhome Donegal Mullin John Ballymagrorty Drumhome Donegal Mullin Patrick Ballymagrorty Drumhome Donegal Mulreany John Skreen Drumhome Donegal Mulreany Neal Blabreenagh Drumhome Donegal Mulrony Hugh Skreen Drumhome Donegal Mungan John Drumhome Drumhome Donegal Mungan John Inishfad Drumhome Donegal Murphy James Skreen Drumhome Donegal Murphy Patrick Ballynakillew Mountain Drumhome Donegal Murphy Patrick Brownhall Demesne Drumhome Donegal Murphy Peter Legnanornoge Drumhome Donegal Neary Edward Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Nelson Andrew Ardeelan, Lower Drumhome Donegal Nugent Anne Foyagh Road,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Nugent Catherine Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal O'Brien Hugh Shannagh Drumhome Donegal O'Brien John Shannagh Drumhome Donegal O'Donnell Alice Foyagh Drumhome Donegal O'Donnell Andrew Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal O'Donnell Charles Greaghs Drumhome Donegal O'Donnell Hugh Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal O'Donnell Hugh Foyagh Drumhome Donegal O'Donnell John Rockhill Drumhome Donegal O'Donnell Margaret Rockhill Drumhome Donegal O'Donnell Mary Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal O'Donnell Michael Rockhill Drumhome Donegal O'Donnell Ruth Rockhill Drumhome Donegal O'Donnell William Laghy Drumhome Donegal O'Neill John Brownhall Demesne Drumhome Donegal O'Neill John Kilgole Drumhome Donegal Patterson Edward Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Patterson Mary Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Patterson Robert Trumman, West Drumhome Donegal Patterson Thomas Water or Fair Lane,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Pearson Abraham Copany Drumhome Donegal Porter John Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Portis George Rathfragan Drumhome Donegal Portis James Mullanacross Drumhome Donegal Portis Richard Mullanacross Drumhome Donegal Quinn Bryan Straness Drumhome Donegal Quinn Charles Straness Drumhome Donegal Quinn Cormick Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Quinn Daniel Straness Drumhome Donegal Quinn Daniel, Jr. Rossilly Barr Drumhome Donegal Quinn Daniel, Sr. Rossilly Barr Drumhome Donegal Quinn Henry Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Quinn Hugh Ballynakillew Mountain Drumhome Donegal Quinn Hugh Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Quinn John Rafoarty Drumhome Donegal Quinn Margaret Ballykillowen Drumhome Donegal Quinn Mary Ballykillowen Drumhome Donegal Quinn Patrick Birra Drumhome Donegal Quinn Patrick Straness Drumhome Donegal Rea Charles Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Rea David Drumlask Drumhome Donegal Rea John Derries Drumhome Donegal Rea Richard Drumlask Drumhome Donegal Reddan Charles Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Reid Rev. Samuel Raheany, West Drumhome Donegal Reid Rev. Samuel Tullywee Drumhome Donegal Reilly Edward Drumlask Drumhome Donegal Robinson Moses Moyne Drumhome Donegal Robinson William Moyne Drumhome Donegal Rogers Charles Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Roper William Dromore Drumhome Donegal Rowan Robin Croaghnameal Drumhome Donegal Rowan Robin Skreen Drumhome Donegal Ryan Thomas Skreen Drumhome Donegal Scanlan Hugh Raneany, West Drumhome Donegal Scott Alexander Ballykillowen Drumhome Donegal Scott Alexander Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Scott Alexander Copany Drumhome Donegal Scott Alexander Moyne Drumhome Donegal Scott Andrew Copany Drumhome Donegal Scott Anne Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Scott Edward Copany Drumhome Donegal Scott George Moyne Drumhome Donegal Scott Hugh Ballybulgan Drumhome Donegal Scott James Ballykillowen Drumhome Donegal Scott James Moyne Drumhome Donegal Scott Jane Golard Drumhome Donegal Scott John Ballykillowen Drumhome Donegal Scott Robert Copany Drumhome Donegal Scott Robert Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Scott Robert Skreen Drumhome Donegal Scott Samuel Ballybulgan Drumhome Donegal Scott Thomas Ballybulgan Drumhome Donegal Scott Thomas Moyne Drumhome Donegal Scott William Ballykillowen Drumhome Donegal Scott William, Jr. Moyne Drumhome Donegal Scott William, Sr. Moyne Drumhome Donegal Shee Michael Ardnagalliagh Drumhome Donegal Shee Michael Drumhome Drumhome Donegal Simmons Bridget Raneany, East Drumhome Donegal Slain John Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Slawn Owen Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Smith Margaret Durnesh Drumhome Donegal Smith Matthew Moyne Drumhome Donegal Spence Barbara Ardnagalliagh Drumhome Donegal Spence James Drumnacroil Drumhome Donegal Spence John Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Spence Robert Ardnagalliagh Drumhome Donegal Spence Thomas Ardnagalliagh Drumhome Donegal Spence Thomas Drumoske Drumhome Donegal Spence William Drumnacroil Drumhome Donegal Stafford Edward Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Steele John Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Stewart David Tullyearl Drumhome Donegal Stewart John Laghy Drumhome Donegal Stewart John Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Stewart Oswald Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Stinson Matthew Grahamstown Drumhome Donegal Stinson Matthew Moneymore Drumhome Donegal Stinson Matthew Rosscanlan Drumhome Donegal Stinson William Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Stinson Wm. Back Lane,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Strong George Rossnowlagh Upper or Crockahany Drumhome Donegal Strong James, Jr. Aghadowey Drumhome Donegal Strong James, Jr. Ballydermot Drumhome Donegal Strong James, Sr. Aghadowey Drumhome Donegal Strong James, Sr. Ballydermot Drumhome Donegal Strong Jane Drumchory Glebe Drumhome Donegal Strong John Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Strong William Aghadowey Drumhome Donegal Strong William Ballydermot Drumhome Donegal Strudy Oswald Ballintooey Drumhome Donegal Sturdy James Ballintooey Drumhome Donegal Sturdy James Brownhall Demesne Drumhome Donegal Sturdy James Rath Drumhome Donegal Surry Samuel Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Sweeny Alexander Derries Drumhome Donegal Sweeny John Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Sweeny Oweny Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Taylor Elizabeth Durnesh Drumhome Donegal Taylor James Mullanacross Drumhome Donegal Taylor John Killinangel Beg Drumhome Donegal Taylor Margaret Mullanacross Drumhome Donegal Taylor Thomas Durnesh Drumhome Donegal Thompson Andrew Laghy Drumhome Donegal Thompson Andrew Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Thompson Andrew Tullygallan Drumhome Donegal Thompson Andrew Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Thompson Benjamin Ardeelan, Lower Drumhome Donegal Thompson Edward Ballybulgan Drumhome Donegal Thompson Francis Drumchory Glebe Drumhome Donegal Thompson George Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Thompson George Drumnacroil Drumhome Donegal Thompson George Legnanornoge Drumhome Donegal Thompson Hugh Mullanacross Drumhome Donegal Thompson John Ballynacarrick Drumhome Donegal Thompson John Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Thompson John Laghy Drumhome Donegal Thompson John Tullygallan Drumhome Donegal Thompson John Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Thompson John, Jr. Laghy Drumhome Donegal Thompson John, Jr. Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Thompson John, Jr. Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Thompson John, Sr. Laghy Drumhome Donegal Thompson John, Sr. Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Thompson John, Sr. Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Thompson Joseph Mullanacross Drumhome Donegal Thompson Margaret Drumhome Drumhome Donegal Thompson Matthew Golard Drumhome Donegal Thompson Matthew Mullanacross Drumhome Donegal Thompson Matthew Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Thompson Walter Ballybulgan Drumhome Donegal Thompson Walter Drumnacroil Drumhome Donegal Thompson William Ballyruddelly,Lismintan Drumhome Donegal Thompson William Drumhome Drumhome Donegal Thompson William Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Thompson William Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Thompson William Mullanacross Drumhome Donegal Thompson William Tobernahoory Drumhome Donegal Thomspon John, Jr. Laghy Drumhome Donegal Timmony Bryan Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Timmony Denis Mullanasole Drumhome Donegal Timoney Edward Oughtnadrin Drumhome Donegal Timony Edward Rossilly Drumhome Donegal Timony Francis Rossilly Drumhome Donegal Timony James Rossilly Drumhome Donegal Tinch Hugh Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Tinny Anthony Golard Drumhome Donegal Tinny Bernard Golard Drumhome Donegal Tinny Hugh Greaghs Drumhome Donegal Tinny Miles Greaghs Drumhome Donegal Tinny Patrick Cuilly Drumhome Donegal Tolan James Lisnapaste Drumhome Donegal Tolan William Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Torrens Mary Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Tracy John Carrickbreeny Drumhome Donegal Tracy Michael Kilgole Drumhome Donegal Travers Anthony Raneany, East Drumhome Donegal Travers Bryan Ardbane, or Laghy Barr Drumhome Donegal Travers Bryan Carrick, Upper, and Lower Barr Drumhome Donegal Travers Edward Ardbane, or Laghy Barr Drumhome Donegal Travers Edward Carrick, Upper, and Lower Barr Drumhome Donegal Travers Elizabeth Ardnagalliagh Drumhome Donegal Travers Ellen Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Travers Frank Ardbane, or Laghy Barr Drumhome Donegal Travers Frank Meenavanaghan, or Greaghs Barr Drumhome Donegal Travers Hugh Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Travers John Carrick, Upper, and Lower Barr Drumhome Donegal Travers John, Jr. Ardbane, or Laghy Barr Drumhome Donegal Travers John, Sr. Ardbane, or Laghy Barr Drumhome Donegal Travers Margaret Raneany, East Drumhome Donegal Travers Michael Raneany, East Drumhome Donegal Travers Michael Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Travers Owen Ardbane, or Laghy Barr Drumhome Donegal Travers Owen Carrick, Upper, and Lower Barr Drumhome Donegal Travers Patrick Ardbane, or Laghy Barr Drumhome Donegal Travers Patrick Meenacargagh, or Raneany Barr Drumhome Donegal Travers Patrick Meenavanaghan, or Greaghs Barr Drumhome Donegal Travers Patrick Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Travers Patrick Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Travers Peter Ardbane, or Laghy Barr Drumhome Donegal Travers Philip Pollnaranny Drumhome Donegal Travers Thomas Ardbane, or Laghy Barr Drumhome Donegal Travers Thomas Carrick, Upper, and Lower Barr Drumhome Donegal Travers Thomas Meenavanaghan, or Greaghs Barr Drumhome Donegal Travers William Ardbane, or Laghy Barr Drumhome Donegal Tredennick John Rooneys Island Drumhome Donegal Tummany Bryan Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Tummany Charles Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Tummany Edward Drumhome Drumhome Donegal Tummany Francis Drummanus, Glebe Drumhome Donegal Tummany James Drumhome Drumhome Donegal Tummany James Lacklom Drumhome Donegal Tummany James Rossilly Barr Drumhome Donegal Tummany John Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Tummany Owen Rossilly Barr Drumhome Donegal Tummany Patrick Drummanus, Glebe Drumhome Donegal Tummany Patrick Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Tummany Peter Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Tunney Dudley Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Tunney James Tullygallan Drumhome Donegal Tunney John Cormullin Drumhome Donegal Tunny Charles Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Tunny Denis Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Tunny Hugh Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Tunny Patrick Shannagh Drumhome Donegal Tunny Patrick Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Vance Alick Dromore Drumhome Donegal Vance John Killinangel Beg Drumhome Donegal Vance Thomas Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Vance Thomas Dromore Drumhome Donegal Vance William Killinangel Beg Drumhome Donegal Virtue James Ballintooey Drumhome Donegal Virtue James Ballyalla Drumhome Donegal Virtue James Bigpark Drumhome Donegal Virtue James Pollnaranny Drumhome Donegal Walker Andrew, Jr. Pollnaranny Drumhome Donegal Walker Andrew, Jr. Tievebrack Drumhome Donegal Walker Andrew, Sr. Pollnaranny Drumhome Donegal Walker Andrew, Sr. Tievebrack Drumhome Donegal Walker Francis Pollnaranny Drumhome Donegal Walker Francis Tievebrack Drumhome Donegal Walker John Pollnaranny Drumhome Donegal Walker John Tievebrack Drumhome Donegal Walker Matthew Village of Laghy Drumhome Donegal Walls Thaddeus Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Walls Thaddeus Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Walls' Conolly Grahamstown Road,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Walsh Francis Foyagh Drumhome Donegal Walsh George Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Walsh James Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Walsh John Ballymagrorty (Irish) Drumhome Donegal Walsh John Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Walsh Luke Ballymagrorty Drumhome Donegal Walsh Luke Ballymagrorty (Irish) Drumhome Donegal Walsh Luke Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Walsh Patrick Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Walsh Patrick Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Walsh Richard Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Walsh Thomas Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Walsh William Glasbolie Drumhome Donegal Walsh William Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Wanton William Rossnowlagh Upper or Crockahany Drumhome Donegal Ward ??? Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Ward Denis Ballymagrorty (Scotch) Drumhome Donegal Ward Francis Drumhome Drumhome Donegal Ward John Derries Drumhome Donegal Ward John Rockhill Drumhome Donegal Ward M. Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Ward Owen Ballymagrorty Drumhome Donegal Ward William Foyagh Road,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal Watson David Dromore Drumhome Donegal Watson Eliza Dromore Drumhome Donegal Watson Elizabeth Killinangel More Drumhome Donegal Watson George Durnesh Drumhome Donegal Watson John Killinangel More Drumhome Donegal Watson John Rossnowlagh Upper or Crockahany Drumhome Donegal Watson Robert Dromore Drumhome Donegal Watson Robert Main Street,Ballintra Drumhome Donegal White Andrew Tullyearl Drumhome Donegal White Hugh Cuilly Drumhome Donegal White James Skreen Drumhome Donegal White Robert Ballykillowen Drumhome Donegal White Samuel Ballykillowen Drumhome Donegal Wilson Abraham Rossnowlagh Upper or Crockahany Drumhome Donegal Wilson Andrew Tobernahoory Drumhome Donegal Wilson David Rossnowlagh Upper or Crockahany Drumhome Donegal Wilson William Killinangel More Drumhome Donegal Woodward Andrew Trumman, West Drumhome Donegal Woodward William Pollnaranny Drumhome Donegal Wright James Trumman, East Drumhome Donegal Wright James Tullygallan Drumhome Donegal Wyer Walter Tobernahoory Drumhome Donegal