Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Acheson Thomas Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Adams Joseph Craigtown Fahan Upper Donegal Alexander Rev. Wm. Carrontlieve Fahan Upper Donegal Alexander Rev. Wm. Glebe Fahan Upper Donegal Alexander Rev. Wm. Glebe, Large Fahan Upper Donegal Armor William Figary Fahan Upper Donegal Barr Daniel Castlequarter Fahan Upper Donegal Barr Daniel Letter Fahan Upper Donegal Barr Neal Crislaghmore Fahan Upper Donegal Barr Peter Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Batt Thomas Figary Fahan Upper Donegal Beatty John Glebe, Large Fahan Upper Donegal Beatty William Carrontlieve Fahan Upper Donegal Beatty William Letter Fahan Upper Donegal Bell Robert Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Bell Samuel Drumadooey Fahan Upper Donegal Bond James Figary Fahan Upper Donegal Bond James Lisfannan Fahan Upper Donegal Boyle Francis Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Boyle John Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Boyle William Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Bradley William Carrowmullin Fahan Upper Donegal Branny Catherine Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Brassy ??? Fahan Level (Intake) Fahan Upper Donegal Breslan Andrew Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Brown Philip Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Browne Daniel Carnashannagh Fahan Upper Donegal Camp William Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Campbell Daniel Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Campbell George Drumadooey Fahan Upper Donegal Campbell John Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal Campbell Nancy Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Cargell Thomas Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal Carney Sarah Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Carr Bernard Carnashannagh Fahan Upper Donegal Carr Catherine Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Carr John Crislaghmore Fahan Upper Donegal Carter Arthur Roosky Fahan Upper Donegal Carter John Lisfannan Fahan Upper Donegal Clarke John Lisfannan Fahan Upper Donegal Clarke Martha Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Clarke Robert Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Cochran Joseph Carnashannagh Fahan Upper Donegal Cochran Joseph Crislaghmore Fahan Upper Donegal Cochran Joseph Letter Fahan Upper Donegal Cochran Samuel Crislaghmore Fahan Upper Donegal Connor Henry Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Cooper John Figary Fahan Upper Donegal Coyle Denis Crislaghmore Fahan Upper Donegal Coyle Henry Crislaghmore Fahan Upper Donegal Coyle Henry, Jr. Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Coyle Henry, Sr. Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Coyle James Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Coyle John Crislaghmore Fahan Upper Donegal Coyle Owen Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Creswell John Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Crumlish Daniel Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Cunningham Matthew Drumadooey Fahan Upper Donegal Cunningham Robert Magherabeg Fahan Upper Donegal Cunningham Robert Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Davis Andrew Magherabeg Fahan Upper Donegal Davis William Carrowmullin Fahan Upper Donegal Deeny Catherine Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Denmore Samuel Carrowmullin Fahan Upper Donegal Denny Catherine Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Denny Charles Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Denny Denis Drumadooey Fahan Upper Donegal Denny James Crislaghkeel Fahan Upper Donegal Denny John Magherabeg Fahan Upper Donegal Denny John Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Denny Patrick Crislaghkeel Fahan Upper Donegal Denny Patrick Crislaghmore Fahan Upper Donegal Devanny John Carrowmullin Fahan Upper Donegal Devlin George Crislaghkeel Fahan Upper Donegal Dinmore Samuel Carrowmullin Fahan Upper Donegal Dixon Joseph Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Dixon Robert Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Dogherty Anne Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Dogherty James S. Annaslee Fahan Upper Donegal Dogherty John Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty Cornelius Lisfannan Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty Daniel Castlequarter Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty Daniel Crislaghmore Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty Daniel Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty Denis Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty Edward Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty Eleanor Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty George Lisfannan Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty George Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty Hugh Castlequarter Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty James Crislaghmore Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty James Letter Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty James Magherabeg Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty John Annaslee Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty John Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty John, Sr. Letter Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty Manasses Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty Mary Crislaghmore Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty Mary Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty Michael Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty Michael Figary Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty Michael Letter Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty Patrick Carrowmullin Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty Patrick Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty Patrick Letter Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty Patrick Lisfannan Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty Susan Figary Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty Thomas Crislaghkeel Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty William Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty William Carrontlieve Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty William Carrowmullin Fahan Upper Donegal Doherty William Letter Fahan Upper Donegal Donnell Andrew Carnashannagh Fahan Upper Donegal Doolan William Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Duffy John Carrontlieve Fahan Upper Donegal Dunlop Joseph Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal Dunlop William Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal Elder Samuel Roosky Fahan Upper Donegal Fackenter William Crislaghmore Fahan Upper Donegal Ferguson Sam. Lisfannan Fahan Upper Donegal Ferguson Samuel Craigtown Fahan Upper Donegal Ferguson Samuel Lisfannan Fahan Upper Donegal Ferguson William Lisfannan Fahan Upper Donegal Finlay Robert Lisfannan Fahan Upper Donegal Foster Andrew Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Foster James Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal Foster John Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Foster Robt. Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal Gamble John Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Gamble William Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Gara George Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Gara Henry Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Gibson John Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal Gibson Margaret Castlequarter Fahan Upper Donegal Gibson Margaret Crislaghkeel Fahan Upper Donegal Gill James Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Gill William Drumadooey Fahan Upper Donegal Gillespie John Castlequarter Fahan Upper Donegal Gillespie William Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Gilligan George Figary Fahan Upper Donegal Gilligan James Roosky Fahan Upper Donegal Gilligan Joseph Magherabeg Fahan Upper Donegal Glenn William Carrowmullin Fahan Upper Donegal Granny William Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Greenslead Adam Figary Fahan Upper Donegal Grimes Moses Castlequarter Fahan Upper Donegal Hagan James Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal Hagarty Anne Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Hagarty Bridget Annaslee Fahan Upper Donegal Hagarty Cecilia Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Hagarty Ellen Letter Fahan Upper Donegal Hagarty James, Jr. Annaslee Fahan Upper Donegal Hagarty James, Sr. Annaslee Fahan Upper Donegal Hagarty John Carnashannagh Fahan Upper Donegal Hagarty John Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Hagarty Julia Magherabeg Fahan Upper Donegal Hagarty Patrick Annaslee Fahan Upper Donegal Hagarty William Annaslee Fahan Upper Donegal Hagarty William Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Hamilton Andrew S. Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Hamilton Andrew S. Carrontlieve Fahan Upper Donegal Hamilton Andrew S. Letter Fahan Upper Donegal Harkan Patrick Glebe, Large Fahan Upper Donegal Haughton James Lisfannan Fahan Upper Donegal Haven Patrick Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Hegarty Charles Crislaghmore Fahan Upper Donegal Hegarty Hugh Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Henderson James Crislaghmore Fahan Upper Donegal Henegan James Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Henegan John Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Holmes William Roosky Fahan Upper Donegal Hone Neal Carrontlieve Fahan Upper Donegal Hughey Samuel Magherabeg Fahan Upper Donegal Hutchenson Jacob Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Hutchinson Jane Carrowmullin Fahan Upper Donegal Hutchinson Joseph Carrowmullin Fahan Upper Donegal Jones Elizabeth Carrontlieve Fahan Upper Donegal Jones Elizabeth Carrowmullin Fahan Upper Donegal Kearney James Carrontlieve Fahan Upper Donegal Kearney Michael Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Kearney Patrick Crislaghkeel Fahan Upper Donegal Kearney William Crislaghkeel Fahan Upper Donegal Kerr Ellen Letter Fahan Upper Donegal Kidd Thomas Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Kidd William Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Lamberton James F. Magherabeg Fahan Upper Donegal Leslie Hannah Magherabeg Fahan Upper Donegal Longwell Michael Figary Fahan Upper Donegal Longwell Robert Lisfannan Fahan Upper Donegal Loughry George Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Lowry Patrick Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Lynch Edward Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Lynch James Crislaghmore Fahan Upper Donegal Lynch James Drumadooey Fahan Upper Donegal Lynch James Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal Lynch Patrick Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Madden Sarah Crislaghmore Fahan Upper Donegal Magennis James Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Maxwell Peter Birdstown Demesne Fahan Upper Donegal Maxwell Peter Drumadooey Fahan Upper Donegal Maxwell Peter Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal Maxwell Peter Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Adams Daniel Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Adams Henry Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Callan Maj. ??? Magherabeg Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Carron Hugh Lisfannan Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Carter Joseph Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Carter William Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Clea Andrew Magherabeg Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Clea George Crislaghkeel Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Clea William Crislaghkeel Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Clelland John Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Clelland Mary Figary Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Clelland Thomas Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Clelland William Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Colgan John Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Corkle James Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Cormack William Fahan Level (Intake) Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Cormack William Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Cormick William Magherabeg Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Devitt Anne Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Devitt Hugh Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Devitt Hugh Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Devitt John Drumadooey Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Devitt Mary Crislaghmore Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Devitt William Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Elroy Thomas Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Fahan Eleanor Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Gandy Hugh Carrowmullin Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Geehan Catherine Carnashannagh Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Gilway Daniel Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Gilway John Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Gowan John Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Grorey Patrick Lisfannan Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Guinness Edward Crislaghmore Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Guinness John Carnashannagh Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Ilhenny John Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Kim Alexander Crislaghmore Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Bernard Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Cornelius Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Daniel Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Daniel Crislaghkeel Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Daniel Letter Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Daniel Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Hugh Letter Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin James Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin James Crislaghkeel Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin James Lisfannan Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin James Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin John Carnashannagh Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin John Letter Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Michael Crislaghkeel Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Patk., Jr. Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Patk., Sr. Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Patrick Castlequarter Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Patrick Letter Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Philip Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Ptk. Letter Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Richard Letter Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Roger Letter Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Thomas Carrowmullin Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin William Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin William Letter Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin William Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Lucas Anne Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Monigle William Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Naught Charles Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Naught Daniel Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Naught James Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Nutt Andrew Carnashannagh Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Nutt James, Sr. Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Nutt John Carnashannagh Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Nutt Thomas Carnashannagh Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Nutt William Carnashannagh Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Sheaffry Daniel Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Sheaffry William Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Shehery Andrew Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Shehery Patrick Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Swyne Thomas Carrowmullin Fahan Upper Donegal Mc Vaney John Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Millar Joseph Roosky Fahan Upper Donegal Montgomery Maryanne Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Mooney Hugh Drumadooey Fahan Upper Donegal Moore Andrew Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Moore John Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Moore Mary Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Moore Matthew Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Moran Hugh Castlequarter Fahan Upper Donegal Morrin Denis Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Morrin James Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal Mulholland Andrew Lisfannan Fahan Upper Donegal Mulholland James Craigtown Fahan Upper Donegal Mulligan Henry Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Mulligan John Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Murray William Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal Nicholl Alan Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Nicholl James Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal Nicholl James Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Nicholl William Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Nicholls John Letter Fahan Upper Donegal Norman Rev. Robert Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Norman Thomas Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Norman Thomas Carrontlieve Fahan Upper Donegal Norman Thomas Carrowmullin Fahan Upper Donegal Norman Thomas Letter Fahan Upper Donegal Norman Thos. Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal O'Brien Daniel Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal O'Donnell James Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal O'Neill William Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Peebles David Magherabeg Fahan Upper Donegal Platt Alexander Roosky Fahan Upper Donegal Platt William Roosky Fahan Upper Donegal Porter William Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Quigley Edward Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Quigley John Castlequarter Fahan Upper Donegal Quigley Robert Magherabeg Fahan Upper Donegal Quigley William Magherabeg Fahan Upper Donegal Quigley William Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Ramsay Henry Castlequarter Fahan Upper Donegal Ramsay Henry Magherabeg Fahan Upper Donegal Rolleston Robert Drumadooey Fahan Upper Donegal Ross Anne Ballynahone Fahan Upper Donegal Ross Joseph Carnashannagh Fahan Upper Donegal Ruddy Patrick Crislaghkeel Fahan Upper Donegal Scott William Carrowmullin Fahan Upper Donegal Sharkey Joseph Lisfannan Fahan Upper Donegal Shaw Anne Carrowmullin Fahan Upper Donegal Sheil Edward Crislaghmore Fahan Upper Donegal Sheil John Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Sidley Catherine Figary Fahan Upper Donegal Smith James Magherabeg Fahan Upper Donegal Stewart Abraham Figary Fahan Upper Donegal Stewart Alan Craigtown Fahan Upper Donegal Stewart John Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal Stewart John Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Stewart Samuel Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Stewart Sarah Craigtown Fahan Upper Donegal Taylor Andrew Drumadooey Fahan Upper Donegal Taylor Charles Castlequarter Fahan Upper Donegal Thompson John G. Carnashannagh Fahan Upper Donegal Todd James Carrontlieve Fahan Upper Donegal Todd James Figary Fahan Upper Donegal Tolan Susan Tievebane Fahan Upper Donegal Vance James Lisfannan Fahan Upper Donegal Walker Adam Drumadooey Fahan Upper Donegal Walker John Lisfannan Fahan Upper Donegal Walker William Roosky Fahan Upper Donegal Wallace James Carnashannagh Fahan Upper Donegal Wallace John Carnashannagh Fahan Upper Donegal Wallace Samuel Monreagh, or Barr of Kilmackilvenny Fahan Upper Donegal Wallace Thomas Carnashannagh Fahan Upper Donegal Wallace William Carnashannagh Fahan Upper Donegal Walsh Patrick Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Warden George Lisfannan Fahan Upper Donegal Watt James Magherabeg Fahan Upper Donegal Watt William Roosky Fahan Upper Donegal White Adam Garvary Fahan Upper Donegal White John Roosky Fahan Upper Donegal White William Roosky Fahan Upper Donegal Wilson James Carrowmullin Fahan Upper Donegal Wilson Robert Crislaghkeel Fahan Upper Donegal Wright Sarah Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Wright Thomas Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Wyley Andrew Drumadooey Fahan Upper Donegal Wyley James Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal Wyley Richard Gortnaskea Fahan Upper Donegal