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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Moville Upper, County Donegal
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Moville Upper, County Donegal
Acheson John Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Acheson Robert Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Alexander Alfred Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Alexander Margaret Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Allan Edward Magheralahan Moville Upper Donegal Allen James Drung Moville Upper Donegal Alleson John Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Anderson Frances Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Anderson James Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Anderson Nancy Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Anderson Peter Drung Moville Upper Donegal Anderson Richard Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Arbrinkle Daniel Leamacrossan Moville Upper Donegal Arbuckle Mary Cross Moville Upper Donegal Armstrong Mary Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Armstrong Mary Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Armstrong Mary Whitecastle Moville Upper Donegal Baird James Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Baird James Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Baird William Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Baldrick Anne Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Baldrick Hannah Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Barr Daniel Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Barr Daniel Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Barr Edward Clare Moville Upper Donegal Barr Eleanor Clare Moville Upper Donegal Barr George Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Barr James Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Barr John Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Barr John Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Barr John Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Barr John Clare Moville Upper Donegal Barr John Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Barr Neal Magheralahan Moville Upper Donegal Barr Owen Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Barr Sally Ballylawn Moville Upper Donegal Barr William Clare Moville Upper Donegal Barr William Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Barr William Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Beatty Robert Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Bigley Daniel Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Black Thomas Ballylawn Moville Upper Donegal Boner Charles Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Boner James Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Boner James Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Boner John Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Boner John Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Boner Owen Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Boner Patrick Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Boner Susan Drung Moville Upper Donegal Bovaird Catherine Drung Moville Upper Donegal Boyd James Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Boyd James Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Boyle Patrick Carrowkeel Moville Upper Donegal Boyle Patrick Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Boyle Rose Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Boyle William Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Bradley Catherine Carrowkeel Moville Upper Donegal Bradley Edward Carrowkeel Moville Upper Donegal Bradley Edward Crockglass Moville Upper Donegal Bradley Edward Gortanny Moville Upper Donegal Bradley Frances Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Bradley Grace Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Bradley Henry Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Bradley Hugh Carrowkeel Moville Upper Donegal Bradley James Carrowkeel Moville Upper Donegal Bradley James Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Bradley James Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Bradley Jeremiah Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Bradley John Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Bradley Mark Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Bradley Matthew Carrowkeel Moville Upper Donegal Bradley Matthew Magheralahan Moville Upper Donegal Bradley Patrick Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Bradley Sarah Carrowkeel Moville Upper Donegal Bradley William Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Brally Hugh Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Brawn James Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Bredan George Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Bredan Samuel Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Breslin Bernard Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Breslin Charles Roosky Moville Upper Donegal Breslin James, Jr. Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Breslin James, Sr. Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Breslin John Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Breslin Patrick Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Breslin William Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Brislan Daniel Magheralahan Moville Upper Donegal Brislan Hugh Gortanny Moville Upper Donegal Brislan John Magheralahan Moville Upper Donegal Brislan Michael Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Brislan Patrick Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Brislan Patrick Gortanny Moville Upper Donegal Brislan Patrick Magheralahan Moville Upper Donegal Brislan Patrick Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Brislane Charles Drung Moville Upper Donegal Brittin George Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Brittin James Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Brittin John Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Brookins James Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Brookins James, Jr. Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Brookins James, Sr. Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Brookins John Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Brookins Rchd. Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Brookins Ricd. Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Brookins Richd. Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Brookins Robert Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Brookins Robert, Sr. Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Brooks James Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Brooks William Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Brown Elizabeth Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Brown James Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Brown James Carrowkeel Moville Upper Donegal Brown Robert Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Burnett Robert Drung Moville Upper Donegal Burns Margaret Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Burns Rose Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Butler Stephen Claggan Moville Upper Donegal Butler Stephen Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Butler Stephen Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Butler William Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Caffrill William Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Cahill James Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Cahill John Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Cahill Neal Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Caldwell John Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Campbell David Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Campbell James Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Campbell John Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Canny Daniel Meenavanaghan Moville Upper Donegal Carey George Meenabaltin Moville Upper Donegal Carey Lucius Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Carlan Edward Drung Moville Upper Donegal Carlan George Ballylawn Moville Upper Donegal Carlan Patrick Drung Moville Upper Donegal Carlin John Clare Moville Upper Donegal Carmichael Robert Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Carmichael Samuel Ballylawn Moville Upper Donegal Carmichael Thomas Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Carolan George Ballylawn Moville Upper Donegal Carolan George Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Carolan Joesph Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Carolan John Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Carolan John, Jr. Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Carolan Patrick Ballylawn Moville Upper Donegal Carolan William Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Carter Elizabeth Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Carter Patrick Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Cary Arthur Drung Moville Upper Donegal Cary George Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Cary George Clencaw Moville Upper Donegal Cary George Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Cary George Keeranbane Moville Upper Donegal Cary George Meenaleavin Moville Upper Donegal Cary George Roosky Moville Upper Donegal Cary George Whitecastle Moville Upper Donegal Cary Lucius Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Cassidy John Whitecastle Moville Upper Donegal Cassidy Michael Whitecastle Moville Upper Donegal Catherwood Hugh Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Catherwood Michael Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Chambers Alice Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Clafferty Andrew Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Clafferty Edward Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Clements Rev. Andrew Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Clements William Glebe Moville Upper Donegal Cochrane John Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Colhoun David Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Colhoun John Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Collins Anne Drung Moville Upper Donegal Collins James Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Collins Michael Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Collins Owen Clare Moville Upper Donegal Collins Patrick Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Collins Patrick Drung Moville Upper Donegal Collins Philip Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Cook Nancy Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Cooke Eleanor Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Coyle Anne Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Coyle Anthony Drung Moville Upper Donegal Coyle Bridget Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Coyle James Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Coyle John Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Coyle Neal Magheralahan Moville Upper Donegal Coyle Rose Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Coyle William Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Craig Robert Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Crawford Samuel Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Crossan Owen Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Crossan Owen Meenavanaghan Moville Upper Donegal Crossen Bernard Meenavanaghan Moville Upper Donegal Crossen James Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Crossen Manasses Leamacrossan Moville Upper Donegal Crossen Neal Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Crossen Owen Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Crossen Owen Leamacrossan Moville Upper Donegal Cullian Michael Meenavanaghan Moville Upper Donegal Curran Bernard Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Curran Bryan Crockglass Moville Upper Donegal Curran Bryan Leamacrossan Moville Upper Donegal Curran Bryan Meenavanaghan Moville Upper Donegal Curran James Leamacrossan Moville Upper Donegal Curran John Crockglass Moville Upper Donegal Curran John Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Curran Michael Meenavanaghan Moville Upper Donegal Curran Michael Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Curran Patrick Crockglass Moville Upper Donegal Curran Patrick Meenavanaghan Moville Upper Donegal Deeny William Glebe Moville Upper Donegal Dermott Henry Drung Moville Upper Donegal Dermott Henry Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Dermott Hugh Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Dermott Hugh Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Dermott James Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Dermott John Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Dermott John Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Dermott Patk., Sr. Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Dermott Patrick Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Dermott Patrick, Jr. Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Dermott Patrick, Sr. Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Devlin Anne Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Devlin Edward Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Devlin John Whitecastle Moville Upper Donegal Dixon James Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Dogherty Abraham Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Dogherty Anne Gortanny Moville Upper Donegal Dogherty Catherine Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Dogherty Charles Meenavanaghan Moville Upper Donegal Dogherty Francis Crockglass Moville Upper Donegal Dogherty Henry Leamacrossan Moville Upper Donegal Dogherty James Magheralahan Moville Upper Donegal Dogherty James S. Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Dogherty James S. Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Dogherty Roger Magheralahan Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Anthony Whitecastle Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Arthur Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Bryan Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Bryan Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Catherine Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Charles Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Charles, Jr. Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Charles, Sr. Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Charles, Sr. Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Chas., Jr. Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Chas., Sr. Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Daniel Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Edward Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Edward Drung Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Elizabeth Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Hugh Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Hugh Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Isabella Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Doherty James Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Doherty James Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Doherty James Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Doherty James Drung Moville Upper Donegal Doherty James Meenaleavin Moville Upper Donegal Doherty James Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Doherty John Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Doherty John Meenabaltin Moville Upper Donegal Doherty John Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Mary Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Michael Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Michael Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Michael Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Neal Carrowkeel Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Neal Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Owen Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Patrick Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Patrick Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Patrick Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Patrick Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Peter Carrowkeel Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Philip Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Philip Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Philip Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Philip Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Rose Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Doherty Thomas Drung Moville Upper Donegal Doherty William Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Doherty William Roosky Moville Upper Donegal Donaldson Robert Gortanny Moville Upper Donegal Donnell James Drung Moville Upper Donegal Donohoe George Roosky Moville Upper Donegal Donohoe Thomas Carrowkeel Moville Upper Donegal Donohue Martha Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Doran John Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Douglas Alexander Ballylawn Moville Upper Donegal Douglas Alexander Clare Moville Upper Donegal Douglas Archibald Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Douglas Hugh Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Douglas John Ballylawn Moville Upper Donegal Douglas John Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Douglas Patrick Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Duffy Bernard Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Duffy Cornelius Drung Moville Upper Donegal Duffy Frances Drung Moville Upper Donegal Duffy Hugh Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Duffy James Drung Moville Upper Donegal Duffy James Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Duffy John Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Duffy John Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Duffy John Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Duffy John Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Duffy John, Jr. Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Duffy John, Sr. Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Duffy Margaret Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Duffy Michael Clare Moville Upper Donegal Duffy Owen Drung Moville Upper Donegal Duffy Patrick Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Duffy Philip Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Duffy Rose Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Duffy William Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Eaton Joseph Cabry Moville Upper Donegal English George Drung Moville Upper Donegal Espie Robert Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Ewin George Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Ewin John Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Ewin William Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Falconer John Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Fannen James Crockglass Moville Upper Donegal Farquinter Anne Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Farquinter George Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Farquinter George Drung Moville Upper Donegal Farquinter James Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Farquinter John Drung Moville Upper Donegal Farquinter Neal Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Farquinter Neal Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Farquinter Neal Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Farquinter Patrick Drung Moville Upper Donegal Farquinter William Drung Moville Upper Donegal Farren Anne Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Farren Cecily Clare Moville Upper Donegal Farren Hannah Roosky Moville Upper Donegal Farren Hugh Drung Moville Upper Donegal Farren James Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Farren James Clare Moville Upper Donegal Farren John Clare Moville Upper Donegal Farren John Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Farren Mary Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Farren Michael Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Feeny Michael Carrowkeel Moville Upper Donegal Ferguson Thomas Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Ferman John Whitecastle Moville Upper Donegal Foster Francis Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Freeburn Richard Drung Moville Upper Donegal Freel Charles Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Fulton Henry Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Gallagher George Roosky Moville Upper Donegal Gallagher John Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Gallagher Martha Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Gallagher Rose Whitecastle Moville Upper Donegal Gallagher William Roosky Moville Upper Donegal Gibbons Daniel Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Gibbons Daniel Meenabaltin Moville Upper Donegal Gill Anne Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Gill William Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Gillan Charles Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Gillan Daniel Leamacrossan Moville Upper Donegal Gillan Daniel Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Gillan Nancy Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Gillan Patrick Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Gillespie Charles Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Gillespie Charles Drung Moville Upper Donegal Gillespie Denis Drung Moville Upper Donegal Gillespie Grace Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Gillespie William Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Glacken Catherine Drung Moville Upper Donegal Glacken Daniel Drung Moville Upper Donegal Goorley Alexander Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Goorley Andrew Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Gorman John Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Gormley John Ballylawn Moville Upper Donegal Gormley Patrick Ballylawn Moville Upper Donegal Granny James Crockglass Moville Upper Donegal Granny Mary Crockglass Moville Upper Donegal Granny Michael Magheralahan Moville Upper Donegal Granny Patrick Leamacrossan Moville Upper Donegal Granny Patrick Meenavanaghan Moville Upper Donegal Granny Robert Crockglass Moville Upper Donegal Granny William Carrowkeel Moville Upper Donegal Granny William Crockglass Moville Upper Donegal Grany James Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Grey Edward Gortanny Moville Upper Donegal Gubbins John Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Gubbins John Drung Moville Upper Donegal Gurney James Drung Moville Upper Donegal Gurney William Drung Moville Upper Donegal Gurney William, Jr. Drung Moville Upper Donegal Hagerty Daniel Leamacrossan Moville Upper Donegal Hagerty James Ballylawn Moville Upper Donegal Hagerty James Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Hagerty John Leamacrossan Moville Upper Donegal Hagerty Philip Leamacrossan Moville Upper Donegal Hagerty Thomas Drung Moville Upper Donegal Haily Hugh Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Hamilton Mary Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Hamilton William Leamacrossan Moville Upper Donegal Hancock James Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Hanigan Bernard Clare Moville Upper Donegal Hanigan John Carrowkeel Moville Upper Donegal Hannan Catherine Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Hannan Owen Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Hargen Samuel Drung Moville Upper Donegal Harken Bridget Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Harken Bridget Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Harken Catherine Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Harken James Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Harken James Clare Moville Upper Donegal Harken John Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Harken Michael Drung Moville Upper Donegal Harken Michael Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Harken Patrick Meenabaltin Moville Upper Donegal Harken Patrick Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Haslett William Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Havlin Bernard Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Havlin Daniel Clare Moville Upper Donegal Havlin John Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Havlin John Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Havlin John, Jr. Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Havlin John, Sr. Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Havlin Michael Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Havlin Neal Clare Moville Upper Donegal Havlin Patrick Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Hay Sarah Whitecastle Moville Upper Donegal Hazlett William Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Hazlett William Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Healy Hugh Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Hemphill William Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Henderson Alexander Ballylawn Moville Upper Donegal Henderson Joseph Clencaw Moville Upper Donegal Henderson Mary Clencaw Moville Upper Donegal Henderson Robert Clencaw Moville Upper Donegal Henry Daniel Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Henry James, Jr. Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Henry John Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Henry Philip Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Herald James Drung Moville Upper Donegal Holten William Clare Moville Upper Donegal Hughes Samuel Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Jameson Henry Ballylawn Moville Upper Donegal Johnston William Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Joy William Clare Moville Upper Donegal Kane Daniel Clare Moville Upper Donegal Kane Helen Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Kavanagh Grace Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Kavanagh James Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Kavanagh John Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Kelly Catherine Drung Moville Upper Donegal Kelly Cornelius Crockglass Moville Upper Donegal Kelly Francis Crockahenny Moville Upper Donegal Kelly Hugh Ballylawn Moville Upper Donegal Kelly John Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Kelly Owen Crockglass Moville Upper Donegal Kennedy Tristram Whitecastle Moville Upper Donegal Kerrigan James, Jr. Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Kerrigan James, Sr. Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Kerrigan Patrick Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Kerrigan Patrick Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Kerrigan William Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Kerrigan William Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Kilfillan John Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Kilgore William Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal King John Drung Moville Upper Donegal Kirkland James Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Kirkland William Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Lafferty Bernard Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Lafferty Bryan Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Lafferty Edward Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Lamb Philip Clencaw Moville Upper Donegal Lee Robert Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Lepper Eliza Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Lepper Rep. Robert Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Lepper Rep. Robert Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Limerick Robert Ballylawn Moville Upper Donegal Limerick Sally Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Little James Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Little John Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Logue Catherine Magheralahan Moville Upper Donegal Logue Daniel Flughland Moville Upper Donegal Logue Hugh Drung Moville Upper Donegal Logue James Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Logue James Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Logue James Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Logue James Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Logue John Ballylawn Moville Upper Donegal Logue John Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Logue John Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Logue Margaret Drung Moville Upper Donegal Logue Owen Ballylawn Moville Upper Donegal Logue Patrick Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Logue Philip Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Logue William Drung Moville Upper Donegal Logue William Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Long Matthew Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Lougherd William Drung Moville Upper Donegal Loughreed John Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Loughry Anne Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Loughry Anne Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Loughry Bridget Drung Moville Upper Donegal Loughry Cornelius Drung Moville Upper Donegal Loughry James Drung Moville Upper Donegal Loughry John Drung Moville Upper Donegal Lyall Caldwell Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Lyle Andrew Clencaw Moville Upper Donegal Lyle Robert Clencaw Moville Upper Donegal Lyle Samuel Clencaw Moville Upper Donegal Lynch Anne Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Lynch Charles Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Lynch George Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Lynch George Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Lynch James Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Lynch John Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Lynch John Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Lynch John Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Lynch Margaret Ballylawn Moville Upper Donegal Lynch Peter Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Magee Henry Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Marks Rev. Stewart Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Marks Rev. Stewart Gort, North Moville Upper Donegal Marks Rev. Stewart Gort, South Moville Upper Donegal Marshall Robert, Jr. Drung Moville Upper Donegal Marshall Robert, Sr. Drung Moville Upper Donegal Marshall William Magheralahan Moville Upper Donegal Masser Robert Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Mc Cabe Michael Carrowkeel Moville Upper Donegal Mc Cairn Mary Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Mc Cairn William Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Mc Callian Patrick Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Mc Cann Andrew Ballylawn Moville Upper Donegal Mc Cann Andrew Drung Moville Upper Donegal Mc Cann James Clencaw Moville Upper Donegal Mc Cann John Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Mc Carn Michael Roosky Moville Upper Donegal Mc Carn William Drung Moville Upper Donegal Mc Carren Charles Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Mc Cauley Charles Drung Moville Upper Donegal Mc Cauley John Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Mc Cauley Letitia Drung Moville Upper Donegal Mc Cauley William Drung Moville Upper Donegal Mc Causland James Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Mc Causland James Carrowkeel Moville Upper Donegal Mc Causland Thomas Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Mc Clean John Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Mc Clenaghan Samuel Ballylawn Moville Upper Donegal Mc Cluskey Elizabeth Carrowkeel Moville Upper Donegal Mc Clusky William Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Mc Colgen Dominick Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Mc Colgen John Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Mc Coniston Bridget Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Mc Coniston Patrick Drung Moville Upper Donegal Mc Conn Mary Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Mc Conologe Andrew, Jr. Drung Moville Upper Donegal Mc Conologe Andrew, Sr. Drung Moville Upper Donegal Mc Conologe James Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Mc Conologe Wm. Drung Moville Upper Donegal Mc Conway Anne Leamacrossan Moville Upper Donegal Mc Conway Anne, Sr. Leamacrossan Moville Upper Donegal Mc Conway Bryan Leamacrossan Moville Upper Donegal Mc Conway Daniel Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Mc Conway John Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Mc Conway Neal Drung Moville Upper Donegal Mc Conway Neal Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Mc Cool Margaret Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Mc Cool Owen Drung Moville Upper Donegal Mc Cool Thomas Drung Moville Upper Donegal Mc Corkhill Mary Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Mc Corkhill William Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Mc Corristan Neal Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Mc Corristen Neal Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Mc Corristen Patrick Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Mc Corristen William Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Mc Crossen Patrick Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Mc Cullagh Edward Clare Moville Upper Donegal Mc Cullagh Grace Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Mc Cullagh Patrick Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Mc Cullen Owen Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Mc Dermott Edward Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Mc Dermott Ellen Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Mc Dermott Hugh Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Mc Dermott John Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Mc Devitt Eleanor Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Mc Devitt Henry Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Mc Devitt James Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Mc Devitt James Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Mc Devitt Margaret Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Mc Devitt Michael Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Mc Devitt Neal Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Mc Devitt Patrick Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Mc Devitt Patrick Clare Moville Upper Donegal Mc Devitt Patrick Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Mc Devitt Patrick Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Mc Devitt Thomas Roosky Moville Upper Donegal Mc Donagh Patrick Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Mc Dowell John Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Mc Downey George Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Mc Evoy John Carrowkeel Moville Upper Donegal Mc Feehily Mary Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gee John Drung Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gonigle Catherine Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gonigle George Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gonigle Hannah Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gonigle James Ballylawn Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gonigle James Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gonigle John Drung Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gonigle John Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gonigle Manasses Drung Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gonigle Margaret Drung Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gonigle Owen Drung Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gonigle Owen Meenavanaghan Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gonigle Patrick Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gourty Patrick Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gowan Manasseh Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gowan Manasseh Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gowan Mennasseh Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gowan Michael Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gowan Michael Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gowan Michael Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gowan Patrick Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gowan Patrick Drung Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gowan Patrick Roosky Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gowan William Drung Moville Upper Donegal Mc Gowan William Roosky Moville Upper Donegal Mc Groarty Rose Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Mc Groerty Charles Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Mc Groerty Hugh Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Mc Groerty Hugh Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Mc Groerty Hugh Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Mc Groerty John Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Mc Groerty John Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Mc Groerty Mary Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Mc Guinness Arthur Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Mc Guinness John Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Mc Guinness John Drung Moville Upper Donegal Mc Guinness John Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Mc Guinness Michael Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Mc Henry William Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Mc Ilhenny Bernard Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Mc Ilhenny Daniel Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Mc Ilhenny John Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Mc Ilhenny Owen Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Mc Intyre James Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Mc Intyre John Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Mc Intyre William Drung Moville Upper Donegal Mc Kenlis Robert Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Mc Kenly William Ballylawn Moville Upper Donegal Mc Kenny John Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Mc Kirkland James Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Mc Lahy Darby Carrowkeel Moville Upper Donegal Mc Larkey Edward Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Mc Leod John Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Andrew Roosky Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Bell Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Berd., Jr. Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Berd., Sr. Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Bernard Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Bernard Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Bryan Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Celia Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Charles Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Charles Clare Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Daniel Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Daniel Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Daniel Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Daniel Roosky Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Daniel Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Denis Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Denis, Jr. Roosky Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Denis, Sr. Roosky Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Edward Clare Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Edward Leamacrossan Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Edward Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Francis Clare Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin George Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin George Roosky Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Hannah Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Hugh Whitecastle Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin James Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin James Carrowkeel Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin James Clare Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin James Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin James Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin James Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Jas. Clare Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin John Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin John Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin John Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin John Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Mary Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Michael Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Michael Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Michael Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Neal Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Patrick Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Patrick Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Patrick Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Patrick Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Patrick Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Peter Roosky Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Philip Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Philip Leamacrossan Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Pk. Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Robert Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Thomas Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin Thomas Whitecastle Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin William Drung Moville Upper Donegal Mc Loughlin William Meenaleavin Moville Upper Donegal Mc Lucas William Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Mc Murray John Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Mc Murray John Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Mc Murray John Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Mc Sheffry Daniel Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Mc Sheffry Edward Clare Moville Upper Donegal Mc Sheffry Hugh Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Mc Sheffry Hugh Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Mc Sheffry John Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Mc Sheffry John Clare Moville Upper Donegal Mc Sheffry John Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Mc Sheffry Mager Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Mc Sheffry Michael Clare Moville Upper Donegal Mc Sheffry William Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Meighan Rose Drung Moville Upper Donegal Montgomery Robert Drung Moville Upper Donegal Morehead Thomas Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Morrisson John Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Motherwell Caldwell Ballylawn Moville Upper Donegal Mulheeran John Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Mulhern James Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Mullen Alexander Drung Moville Upper Donegal Mullens John Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Murphy John Clare Moville Upper Donegal Murphy John Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Murphy John Drung Moville Upper Donegal Murphy Mary Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Murphy Michael Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Murphy Robert Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Murphy Sarah Drung Moville Upper Donegal Murphy William Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Murphy William Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal O'Brien Margaret Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal O'Donnell John Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal O'Donnell John Whitecastle Moville Upper Donegal O'Neill James Carrowkeel Moville Upper Donegal Orr Allan Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Orr Anne Gortanny Moville Upper Donegal Orr Daniel Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Orr James Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Orr Mary Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Orr William Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Park Andrew Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Parkes John Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Parkhill William Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Peebles George Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Peebles William Ballyrattan Moville Upper Donegal Philips Thomas Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Porter James Clencaw Moville Upper Donegal Porter Mary Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Porter Robert Clencaw Moville Upper Donegal Quigg Charles Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Quigg Hugh Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Quigg John Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Quigg Michael Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Quigg Sally Tiryrone Moville Upper Donegal Quigley Hugh Magheralahan Moville Upper Donegal Quigley James Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Quigley James Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Quigley John Cooly Moville Upper Donegal Quigley Neal Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Quigley Patrick Gortanny Moville Upper Donegal Quigley Patrick Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Quigley Stephen Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Quigley Susan Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Quigly Daniel Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Quigly Robert Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Quigly William Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Ramsay Daniel Roosky Moville Upper Donegal Ramsay Daniel Whitecastle Moville Upper Donegal Ramsay John Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Reid Stephen Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Roddy James Drung Moville Upper Donegal Scott Robert Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Sharkey James Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Sharky Mary Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Shee Thomas Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Shiells Thomas Cross Moville Upper Donegal Short James Drung Moville Upper Donegal Simpson George Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Simpson Mary Culineen Moville Upper Donegal Simpson William Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Simpson William Tullyally Moville Upper Donegal Smith James Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Smith James Cross Moville Upper Donegal Smith John Drung Moville Upper Donegal Smith Michael Drung Moville Upper Donegal Smith Robert Clare Moville Upper Donegal Smith Thomas Carrowkeel Moville Upper Donegal Smith William Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Staples Rev. John M. Carrownaff Moville Upper Donegal Staples Rev. John M. Glebe Moville Upper Donegal Steel John Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Steele Adam Drung Moville Upper Donegal Steele Christopher Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Steele Robert Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Steele William Tromaty Moville Upper Donegal Steen John Glebe Moville Upper Donegal Stephenson Robert Crockglass Moville Upper Donegal Stephenson Robert Leamacrossan Moville Upper Donegal Stephenson Robert Meenavanaghan Moville Upper Donegal Tailor James Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Taylor James Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Taylor Robert Drung Moville Upper Donegal Tighe James Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Tolen Dominick Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Toner Edward Carrickmaquigley Moville Upper Donegal Toner Hugh Tullynavinn Moville Upper Donegal Toy Edward Cross Moville Upper Donegal Toy Elizabeth Cross Moville Upper Donegal Toy Hugh Cross Moville Upper Donegal Toy Hugh Drung Moville Upper Donegal Toy Hugh Leamacrossan Moville Upper Donegal Toy Patrick Ballyargus Moville Upper Donegal Toy William Meenavanaghan Moville Upper Donegal Turner John Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Walker James Creehennan Moville Upper Donegal Warwick William Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Wilson Andrew Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Wilson George Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Wilson James Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Wilson Jane Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Wilson John Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Wilson Samuel Cabry Moville Upper Donegal Woods Martin Glencrow Moville Upper Donegal Young George Clare Moville Upper Donegal