Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Raphoe, County Donegal
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Raphoe, County Donegal
Alexander William Glenkeeran Raphoe Donegal Allen James Mullafin Raphoe Donegal Allen Samuel Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Allen William Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Ball James Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Bonner James Glenmaquin, Upper Raphoe Donegal Boyle Bernard Glenkeeran Raphoe Donegal Boyle Donald Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Bradley Patrick Mullafin Raphoe Donegal Browne James Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Buchanan Alexander Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Byers David Ballyholey, Far Raphoe Donegal Callaghan John Doorabble Raphoe Donegal Clarke James Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Colhoun David Mongorry Raphoe Donegal Conalogue Michael Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Connell John Ballyholey, Far Raphoe Donegal Coyle John Mullafin Raphoe Donegal Craig Gerald Ballyholey, Far Raphoe Donegal Crawford John Doorabble Raphoe Donegal Crawford William Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Culbert John Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Cullen Anthony Mongorry Raphoe Donegal Davis Charles Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Davis James Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Davis William Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Doherty Edward Glenkeeran Raphoe Donegal Doherty William Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Doherty William Mullafin Raphoe Donegal Doogan Bernard Mullafin Raphoe Donegal Fletcher John Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Friel Anne Ballyholey, Far Raphoe Donegal Glen John Ballyholey, Far Raphoe Donegal Henderson Samuel Doorabble Raphoe Donegal Jack William Ballyholey, Far Raphoe Donegal Jenkins William Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Johnson Robert Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Johnson Robert Mullafin Raphoe Donegal Johnston Robert Glenmaquin, Upper Raphoe Donegal Kelly James Glenkeeran Raphoe Donegal Kelly Thomas Glenkeeran Raphoe Donegal Kennedy Bernard Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Kennedy James Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Kincaid Robert Ballyholey, Far Raphoe Donegal Laird William Glenmaquin, Upper Raphoe Donegal Leeky Alexander Glenkeeran Raphoe Donegal Leeky James Glenkeeran Raphoe Donegal Mc Ateer Thomas Doorabble Raphoe Donegal Mc Bride John Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Mc Bride Owen Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Mc Clean James Glenmaquin, Upper Raphoe Donegal Mc Conalogue Daniel Glenkeeran Raphoe Donegal Mc Conalogue Duncan Glenkeeran Raphoe Donegal Mc Conalogue Neal Glenkeeran Raphoe Donegal Mc Conalogue Owen Glenkeeran Raphoe Donegal Mc Conalogue William Glenkeeran Raphoe Donegal Mc Corkle Andrew Doorabble Raphoe Donegal Mc Cormack James Mullafin Raphoe Donegal Mc Curdy John Ballyholey, Far Raphoe Donegal Mc Curdy Samuel Ballyholey, Far Raphoe Donegal Mc Curdy Thomas Ballyholey, Far Raphoe Donegal Mc Daid Denis Glenkeeran Raphoe Donegal Mc Daid Francis Glenkeeran Raphoe Donegal Mc Daid Hugh Glenkeeran Raphoe Donegal Mc Dermott Hugh Doorabble Raphoe Donegal Mc Donagh Bernard Glenkeeran Raphoe Donegal Mc Ginty James Glenmaquin, Upper Raphoe Donegal Mc Ginty Patrick Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Mc Grenahan William Glenmaquin, Upper Raphoe Donegal Mc Kerron William Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Mc Menamin James Ballyholey, Far Raphoe Donegal Mc Naught Alexander Glenmaquin, Upper Raphoe Donegal Mc Naught Martha Glenmaquin, Upper Raphoe Donegal Mc Naught Moses Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Mc Naught William Glenmaquin, Upper Raphoe Donegal Mc Nulty Anne Glenkeeran Raphoe Donegal Mc Swine Samuel Doorabble Raphoe Donegal Mc Veigh Bernard Glenkeeran Raphoe Donegal Merrick William Doorabble Raphoe Donegal Moorehead James Glenmaquin, Upper Raphoe Donegal Neill Moses Doorabble Raphoe Donegal Nelis Owen Slievebuck Raphoe Donegal Noble Alexander Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Noble Alexander Mullafin Raphoe Donegal Noble James Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Patterson Alex. Doorabble Raphoe Donegal Patterson Alexander Doorabble Raphoe Donegal Patterson Margaret Doorabble Raphoe Donegal Patterson Margt. Doorabble Raphoe Donegal Patterson Samuel Doorabble Raphoe Donegal Porter Hugh Slievebuck Raphoe Donegal Porter John Slievebuck Raphoe Donegal Rolleston James Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Roulston James Mongorry Raphoe Donegal Russell John Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Shaw William Slievebuck Raphoe Donegal Smith William Ballyholey, Far Raphoe Donegal Smyth Robert Doorabble Raphoe Donegal Spence Robert Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Stewart James Doorabble Raphoe Donegal Stinson Thomas Doorabble Raphoe Donegal Tays Thomas Doorabble Raphoe Donegal Tays William Ballyholey, Far Raphoe Donegal Toland Philip Doorabble Raphoe Donegal Wason James Doorabble Raphoe Donegal Wason John Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Wason Robert Glenmaquin, Lower Raphoe Donegal Wilson Solomon Slievebuck Raphoe Donegal Wilson Thomas Glenkeeran Raphoe Donegal Witherow James Ballyholey, Far Raphoe Donegal Wray Alexander Doorabble Raphoe Donegal Wray Robert Doorabble Raphoe Donegal