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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Urney, County Donegal
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Urney, County Donegal
Abraham James Gortnagrace Urney Donegal Actor James Skelpy Urney Donegal Actor William Skelpy Urney Donegal Akins John Drumbane Urney Donegal Akins Joseph Drumbane Urney Donegal Alexander Robert Drumdoit Urney Donegal Anderson James Alt Upper Urney Donegal Barr Andrew Coolyslin Urney Donegal Barr Robert Fearn Urney Donegal Barr Thomas Mullanboy Urney Donegal Barron Catherine Drumdoit Urney Donegal Barron James Skelpy Urney Donegal Bates James Alt Upper Urney Donegal Boak Aaron Alt Lower Urney Donegal Bogan Francis Drumnaha Urney Donegal Bogan Francis Gortkilly Urney Donegal Bogan Francis Graffy Urney Donegal Bogan John Dunnaloob Urney Donegal Bogan John Gortkilly Urney Donegal Bogan Manus Drumnaha Urney Donegal Bogan Margaret Drumnaha Urney Donegal Bogan William Foyfin Urney Donegal Bonar James Alt Upper Urney Donegal Boyle Patrick Cloghfin Urney Donegal Boyle Thomas Alt Upper Urney Donegal Bradley Thomas Graffy Urney Donegal Breason Michael Dresnagh Urney Donegal Breslan Patrick Gortnagrace Urney Donegal Brown Benjamin Fearn Urney Donegal Brown Charles Calhame Urney Donegal Brown Charles Gortnagrace Urney Donegal Brown James Gortnagrace Urney Donegal Brown John, Jr. Gortnagrace Urney Donegal Brown John, Sr. Gortnagrace Urney Donegal Brown Joseph Gortnagrace Urney Donegal Brown Mrs. ??? Cormakilly Urney Donegal Brown Samuel Gortnagrace Urney Donegal Brown Thomas Gortnagrace Urney Donegal Brown William Calhame Urney Donegal Browne Charles Fearn Urney Donegal Browne James Alt Lower Urney Donegal Browne John Fearn Urney Donegal Browne Rep. Thomas Fearn Urney Donegal Browne Sarah Fearn Urney Donegal Buchanan Mary Alt Upper Urney Donegal Campbell Charles Coolyslin Urney Donegal Caterson William Alt Upper Urney Donegal Coneglan Charles Dresnagh Urney Donegal Coneglan Edward Dresnagh Urney Donegal Coneglan Patrick Dresnagh Urney Donegal Cooper John Alt Upper Urney Donegal Cooper William Alt Upper Urney Donegal Craig Christopher Fearn Urney Donegal Crawford James Gortnagrace Urney Donegal Credan Charles Skelpy Urney Donegal Creely James Cormakilly Urney Donegal Croley James Alt Lower Urney Donegal Cullen Ellen Drumdoit Urney Donegal Cullion John Drumdoit Urney Donegal Cunningham Isabella Cormakilly Urney Donegal Cunningham James Cormakilly Urney Donegal Curran Denis Ballylast Urney Donegal Daragh James Gortnagrace Urney Donegal Daragh Thomas Gortnagrace Urney Donegal Devine William Cloghfin Urney Donegal Dogherty Charles Halftown Urney Donegal Dogherty Henry Drumdoit Urney Donegal Dogherty James Drumdoit Urney Donegal Dogherty James Tullyard Urney Donegal Dogherty John Fearn Urney Donegal Dogherty John Skelpy Urney Donegal Dogherty Patrick Gortnagrace Urney Donegal Dogherty William Drumdoit Urney Donegal Dogherty William Tullyard Urney Donegal Doherty Charles Cormakilly Urney Donegal Doherty John Cormakilly Urney Donegal Donnell Hugh Millfarm Urney Donegal Donnell Michael Halftown Urney Donegal Doragh John Fearn Urney Donegal Doran Peter Gortnagrace Urney Donegal Durragh Alexander Cormakilly Urney Donegal Elliott Thomas Coolyslin Urney Donegal Faulkner John Halftown Urney Donegal Faulkner Neal Drumnaha Urney Donegal Flanagan William Fearn Urney Donegal Funston Johnston Alt Upper Urney Donegal Gallagher Hugh Ballylast Urney Donegal Gallagher James Cormakilly Urney Donegal Gallagher John Dresnagh Urney Donegal Gallagher John Skelpy Urney Donegal Gallagher Michael Mullanboy Urney Donegal Gallagher William Cormakilly Urney Donegal Gallan Rose Alt Lower Urney Donegal Gamble Thomas Foyfin Urney Donegal Gamble Thomas H. Cavanaweery Urney Donegal Gardiner James Ballylast Urney Donegal Gildea Patrick Alt Upper Urney Donegal Glinn William Foyfin Urney Donegal Graham William Fearn Urney Donegal Grier James Mullanboy Urney Donegal Griffin Elizabeth Cloghfin Urney Donegal Hanagan John Foyfin Urney Donegal Hannigan John Millfarm Urney Donegal Harris John Ballylast Urney Donegal Harrison Robert Cloghfin Urney Donegal Haughey James Foyfin Urney Donegal Heany John Foyfin Urney Donegal Hegarty James Graffy Urney Donegal Hegarty John Mullanboy Urney Donegal Henderson John Fearn Urney Donegal Heygate Sir Fred. W. Cavanaweery Urney Donegal Heygate Sir Fred. W. Dresnagh Urney Donegal Holmes Charles Halftown Urney Donegal Holmes Charles Kellysmeadow Urney Donegal Holmes Charles Roganspark Urney Donegal Holmes Joseph Drumnaha Urney Donegal Holmes Mary Drumnaha Urney Donegal Hone Redmond Alt Upper Urney Donegal Hughes Thomas Drumdoit Urney Donegal Irwin Aaron Gortnagrace Urney Donegal Jack Andrew Fearn Urney Donegal Jack Eliza Drumdoit Urney Donegal Jack John Drumdoit Urney Donegal Jack Peter Drumdoit Urney Donegal Johnston Samuel Alt Upper Urney Donegal Jones George Alt Upper Urney Donegal Keaterson John Alt Upper Urney Donegal Keatly Samuel Halftown Urney Donegal Keenan John Alt Lower Urney Donegal Keenan John Alt Upper Urney Donegal Kelly Catherine Graffy Urney Donegal Kelly John Cloghfin Urney Donegal Kelly John Fearn Urney Donegal Kelly Margaret Graffy Urney Donegal Kelly Patrick Fearn Urney Donegal Kerrigan Charles Graffy Urney Donegal Keys George Coolyslin Urney Donegal Keys George Mullanboy Urney Donegal Kilgrace Robert Alt Upper Urney Donegal Kilgrace William Gortnagrace Urney Donegal Kincaid Andrew Fearn Urney Donegal Kincaid James Fearn Urney Donegal Kyle John Fearn Urney Donegal Lafferty Archy Drumbane Urney Donegal Lafferty Francis Drumnaha Urney Donegal Lafferty Francis Gortkilly Urney Donegal Lafferty James Gortkilly Urney Donegal Lafferty Manus Gortkilly Urney Donegal Lafferty Manus Skelpy Urney Donegal Lafferty Mark Gortkilly Urney Donegal Lafferty Mary Halftown Urney Donegal Lafferty Neal Skelpy Urney Donegal Lafferty Owen Dunnaloob Urney Donegal Lafferty Patrick Drumnaha Urney Donegal Lawn Daniel Cloghfin Urney Donegal Leckey Lovely Millfarm Urney Donegal Leech John Skelpy Urney Donegal Lewis Robert Cloghfin Urney Donegal Loughery Andrew Alt Lower Urney Donegal Loughery Charles Alt Lower Urney Donegal Loughery William Cavanaweery Urney Donegal Loughery William Foyfin Urney Donegal Lunnery Patrick Maghery Callaghan Urney Donegal Maguire Patrick Gortnagrace Urney Donegal Mahaffy John Millfarm Urney Donegal Martin James Calhame Urney Donegal Martin William Calhame Urney Donegal Martin William, Jr. Drumdoit Urney Donegal Martin William, Sr. Drumdoit Urney Donegal Maxwell Nancy Gortnagrace Urney Donegal Maxwell Robert Fearn Urney Donegal Mccairn Robert Fearn Urney Donegal Mccann John Mullanboy Urney Donegal Mcclure Francis Mullanboy Urney Donegal Mccormack Hugh Alt Upper Urney Donegal Mccormack John Fearn Urney Donegal Mccormack Joseph Drumbane Urney Donegal Mccurdy James Cormakilly Urney Donegal Mccurdy James Kellysmeadow Urney Donegal Mccurdy James Maghery Callaghan Urney Donegal Mccurdy James Millfarm Urney Donegal Mccutchin Robert Dunnaloob Urney Donegal Mcdaid John Dresnagh Urney Donegal Mcdermott Edward Drumdoit Urney Donegal Mcgeragle James Alt Upper Urney Donegal Mcgill Patrick Ballylast Urney Donegal Mcglinchey John Maghery Callaghan Urney Donegal Mcglinchey Rev. Michl. Halftown Urney Donegal Mcgowan William Gortnagrace Urney Donegal Mchugh Bernard Drumbane Urney Donegal Mchugh Bryan Drumdoit Urney Donegal Mchugh Patrick Foyfin Urney Donegal Mchugh Patrick Gortnagrace Urney Donegal Mchugh Patrick Skelpy Urney Donegal Mcintyre Aaron Coolyslin Urney Donegal Mckay Anne Gortnagrace Urney Donegal Mckenna Hugh Tullyard Urney Donegal Mckenna Matthew Alt Upper Urney Donegal Mckenna Matthew Calhame Urney Donegal Mckenna Michael Tullyard Urney Donegal Mckenna Philip Graffy Urney Donegal Mckenna Philip Tullyard Urney Donegal Mckenna William Tullyard Urney Donegal Mcloughlin Catherine Skelpy Urney Donegal Mcloughlin Charles Calhame Urney Donegal Mcloughlin Eliza Cloghfin Urney Donegal Mcloughlin John Alt Upper Urney Donegal Mcloughlin John Coolyslin Urney Donegal Mcloughlin John Foyfin Urney Donegal Mcloughlin Michael Alt Upper Urney Donegal Mcloughlin Patrick Skelpy Urney Donegal Mcloughlin Sarah Coolyslin Urney Donegal Mcloughlin William Coolyslin Urney Donegal Mcnaught Alexander Coolyslin Urney Donegal Mcniff William Fearn Urney Donegal Mcnulty James Halftown Urney Donegal Mcnulty Philip Halftown Urney Donegal Mcpherson Henry Maghery Callaghan Urney Donegal Mcpherson William Graffy Urney Donegal Mcsweeney Denis Drumdoit Urney Donegal Molloy Cornelius Gortnagrace Urney Donegal Moorehead Solomon Fearn Urney Donegal Murtland Samuel Mullanboy Urney Donegal Nelson William Drumdoit Urney Donegal Nesbitt John Ballylast Urney Donegal Obrien John Fearn Urney Donegal Ogleby Samuel Mullanboy Urney Donegal Ohara James Cormakilly Urney Donegal Ohara William Calhame Urney Donegal Oneill Roger Mullanboy Urney Donegal Orr Anne Drumdoit Urney Donegal Orr John Coolyslin Urney Donegal Orson Thomas Alt Upper Urney Donegal Patterson John Ballylast Urney Donegal Perry Andrew Cloghfin Urney Donegal Perry Samuel Cloghfin Urney Donegal Poak Robert Cavanaweery Urney Donegal Porter Robert Ballylast Urney Donegal Purrines Thomas Alt Lower Urney Donegal Quinn James Alt Lower Urney Donegal Quinn Phelix Alt Lower Urney Donegal Roger William Alt Upper Urney Donegal Rolleston James Gortnagrace Urney Donegal Roulston Henry Alt Upper Urney Donegal Roulston Mary Alt Upper Urney Donegal Roulston William Alt Upper Urney Donegal Ruppy Andrew Alt Upper Urney Donegal Rush John, Jr. Alt Upper Urney Donegal Rush John, Sr. Alt Upper Urney Donegal Rush Mrs. ??? Alt Upper Urney Donegal Russell Joseph Cloghfin Urney Donegal Sproule Andrew Cloghfin Urney Donegal Stewart Rev. Samuel Alt Upper Urney Donegal Sweeney Edward Fearn Urney Donegal Taylor James Cormakilly Urney Donegal Tinny Edward Gortnagrace Urney Donegal Watson John Fearn Urney Donegal Watson Noble Alt Upper Urney Donegal Watson William Fearn Urney Donegal Wauchob Thomas Foyfin Urney Donegal Wauchob William Cavanaweery Urney Donegal Wauchob William Foyfin Urney Donegal White James Alt Upper Urney Donegal White John Alt Upper Urney Donegal White Margaret Alt Upper Urney Donegal White Michael Millfarm Urney Donegal White Samuel Ballylast Urney Donegal Wilson Joseph Foyfin Urney Donegal Young Mary Drumbane Urney Donegal