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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Clonduff, County Down
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Clonduff, County Down
Abbott Marcus Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Adair William Ballycoshone, Lower Clonduff Down Adams Charles Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Adams David Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Adams Elizabeth Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Adams Henry Tamary Clonduff Down Adams James Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Adams John Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Adams John Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Adams Michael Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Anderson James Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Anderson John Ballycoshone, Upper Clonduff Down Annesley Earl Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Bailie Benjamin Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Baker John Kinghill Clonduff Down Barron William N. Kinghill Clonduff Down Barry Michael Cleomack Clonduff Down Barry Peter Cleomack Clonduff Down Bartley John Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Batt Robert Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Batt Robert Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Batt Robert Ballynanny Clonduff Down Batt Robert Leitrim Clonduff Down Batt Robert Stang Clonduff Down Bell Andrew Ballycoshone, Upper Clonduff Down Bell George Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Bell James Ballycoshone, Upper Clonduff Down Bell James Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Bell James Tamary Clonduff Down Bell John Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Bell John Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Bell John, Jr. Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Bell Joseph Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Bell Robert Ballycoshone, Upper Clonduff Down Bell Robert Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Bell Robert Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Bell Sarah Ballycoshone, Upper Clonduff Down Bell Thomas Ballycoshone, Upper Clonduff Down Bell Thomas, Jr. Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Bell Thomas, Sr. Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Benagh James Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Bingham Robert Tamary Clonduff Down Bleakley Joseph Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Bleakley Thomas Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Bleakley William Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Boal William Doward Clonduff Down Boyd Robert Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Bradford John Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Bradford Joseph Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Bradford Robert Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Bradley Anne Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Bradley Bernard Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Bradley Bridget Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Bradley Charles Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Bradley Ellen Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Bradley Felix Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Bradley Felix Tamary Clonduff Down Bradley Hugh Cleomack Clonduff Down Bradley John Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Bradley Owen Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Bradley Patrick Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Bradley Robert Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Bradley Terence Leitrim Clonduff Down Brady Anne Tamary Clonduff Down Brady Bernard Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Brady David Tamary Clonduff Down Brady Isaac Tamary Clonduff Down Brady James Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Brady James Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Brady James Tamary Clonduff Down Brady Jane Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Brady Jane Tamary Clonduff Down Brady John Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Brady John Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Brady Mary Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Brady Mary Ballykeel Clonduff Down Brady Maurice Leitrim Clonduff Down Brady Michael Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Brady Robert Tamary Clonduff Down Brady Sarah Tamary Clonduff Down Brady William Tamary Clonduff Down Branagan Andrew Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Branagan Andrew Lenish Clonduff Down Branagan Arthur Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Branagan Bernard Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Branagan Bridget Cleomack Clonduff Down Branagan Daniel Cleomack Clonduff Down Branagan Daniel Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Branagan Daniel Leitrim Clonduff Down Branagan Edward Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Branagan Hugh Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Branagan James Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Branagan Jno. Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Branagan John Cleomack Clonduff Down Branagan John Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Branagan Mary Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Branagan Michael Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Branagan Owen Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Branagan Peter Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Branagan Thomas Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Branigan Hugh Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Breslan John Ballycoshone, Lower Clonduff Down Brown John Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Browne Bridget Kinghill Clonduff Down Browne Charles Kinghill Clonduff Down Browne Hugh Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Browne James Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Browne James Tamary Clonduff Down Browne John Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Browne John Tamary Clonduff Down Browne Joseph Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Browne Margaret Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Browne Martha Tamary Clonduff Down Browne Mary Anne Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Browne Robert Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Browne Robert Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Browne Samuel Cavan Clonduff Down Browne Susan Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Browne Walsh Cavan Clonduff Down Browne William Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Browne William Tamary Clonduff Down Burns Bernard Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Burns Bridget Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Burns Catherine Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Burns Felix Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Burns James Leitrim Clonduff Down Burns John Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Burns John Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Burns Mary Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Burns Patrick Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Burns Susan Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Campbell Eliza Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Campbell James Leitrim Clonduff Down Campbell James Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Campbell John Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Campbell John Tamary Clonduff Down Campbell Mary Lenish Clonduff Down Campbell Ralph Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Campbell Robert Cleomack Clonduff Down Campbell Robert Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Campbell Samuel Leitrim Clonduff Down Campbell William Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Campbell William Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Campbell William John Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Candy George Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Candy William Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Cariston Mary Cavan Clonduff Down Carlisle Mary Cavan Clonduff Down Carr Bridget Leode Clonduff Down Carr Margaret Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Carr Robert Ballynanny Clonduff Down Carr Thomas Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Carroll Bernard Leitrim Clonduff Down Carroll Catherine Leitrim Clonduff Down Carroll Elizabeth Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Carroll Patrick Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Carron Isaac Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Carville James Leitrim Clonduff Down Carville Susan Leitrim Clonduff Down Caulfield Bernard Doward Clonduff Down Caulfield John Doward Clonduff Down Caulfield John Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Caulfield Peter Cleomack Clonduff Down Chambers David Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Chambers James Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Chambers William Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Clarke Daniel Leitrim Clonduff Down Clarke Michael Leitrim Clonduff Down Clarke Owen Leitrim Clonduff Down Classon Joseph Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Clinton Rachel Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Colgan John Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Colgan Michael Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Colgan Patrick Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Colgan Peter Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Colligan Daniel Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Colligan Francis Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Colligan Patrick Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Colvan David Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Comiskey John Leode Clonduff Down Conn Jane Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Conn Robert Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Conn Robert Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Conn William Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Conn William Lenish Clonduff Down Connell Anthony Leode Clonduff Down Connell Owen Leode Clonduff Down Connell Peter Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Connor Anne Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Connor John Cabragh Clonduff Down Copeland John Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Corbett John Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Corbett Matthew Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Corbett Robert Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Corr Bridget Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Cowan Eleanor Cavan Clonduff Down Cowan John Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Cowan John Tamary Clonduff Down Craig Annne Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Craig Hill Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Craig Margaret, Jr. Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Craig Margaret, Sr. Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Craig Robert, Sr. Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Craig Sarah Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Craig Thomas Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Crawley Arthur Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Cromie David Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Cromie David, Jr. Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Cromie Hugh Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Cromie James Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Cromie Margaret Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Cromie Robert Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Cromie Samuel Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Cromie Samuel Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Cromie Sarah Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Cromie William Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Cull James Ballykeel Clonduff Down Cummins John Kinghill Clonduff Down Cunningham Bernard Leitrim Clonduff Down Cunningham Daniel Cavan Clonduff Down Cunningham Felix Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Cunningham George Leitrim Clonduff Down Cunningham Nancy Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Curran Edward Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Curran Felix Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Curran Hugh Cleomack Clonduff Down Curran Hugh Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Curran Mary Cleomack Clonduff Down Curran Mary Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Curran William Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Darby Peter Doward Clonduff Down Davidson David Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Davidson Eliza Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Davidson Robert Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Davison David Drumnascamph Clonduff Down De Elle John Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Delany Patrick Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Devlin Edward Cabragh Clonduff Down Devlin Henry Ballykeel Clonduff Down Devlin John Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Devlin John Cabragh Clonduff Down Devlin John Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Devlin Margaret Cabragh Clonduff Down Devlin Michael Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Devlin Patrick Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Devlin Patrick Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Devlin Rose Cabragh Clonduff Down Devlin Sarah Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Devlin Thomas Cabragh Clonduff Down Devlin Thomas Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Dickey George Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Dixon Anne Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Dixon Hugh Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Dixon Hugh Tamary Clonduff Down Dixon Hugh, Jr. Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Dixon Hugh, Sr. Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Dixon Jane Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Dixon Joseph Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Dixon Margaret Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Dixon Samuel Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Dixon Stewart Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Dixon William Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Doherty Hannah Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Dolohan Mary Leitrim Clonduff Down Donnelly Mary Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Donnelly Mary Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Doogan Daniel Leitrim Clonduff Down Doran Daniel Ballykeel Clonduff Down Doran James Ballykeel Clonduff Down Doran James Doward Clonduff Down Doran James Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Doran James Stang Clonduff Down Doran John Ballykeel Clonduff Down Doran John Stang Clonduff Down Doran Mary Doward Clonduff Down Doran Mary Stang Clonduff Down Doran Nancy Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Doran Patrick Cleomack Clonduff Down Doran Patrick Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Downey Catherine Cleomack Clonduff Down Downey Catherine Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Downey Ellen Kinghill Clonduff Down Downey James Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Downey John Ballykeel Clonduff Down Downey Patrick Ballykeel Clonduff Down Downey Peter Cleomack Clonduff Down Downey Robert Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Downey Rose Stang Clonduff Down Downshire Marquis ??? Ballykeel Clonduff Down Downshire Marquis ??? Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Downshire Marquis ??? Ballynanny Clonduff Down Downshire Marquis ??? Cleomack Clonduff Down Downshire Marquis ??? Doward Clonduff Down Downshire Marquis ??? Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Downshire Marquis ??? Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Downshire Marquis ??? Stang Clonduff Down Downy John Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Doyle Bernard Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Doyle Bridget Tamary Clonduff Down Doyle Edward Tamary Clonduff Down Doyle Ellen Leitrim Clonduff Down Doyle John Ballykeel Clonduff Down Doyle John Ballynanny Clonduff Down Doyle John Kinghill Clonduff Down Doyle John Leitrim Clonduff Down Doyle Margaret Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Doyle Michael Leitrim Clonduff Down Doyle Owen Leitrim Clonduff Down Doyle Stephen Leitrim Clonduff Down Duffy Laurence Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Duffy Michael Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Duffy Peter Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Edie Joseph Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Emerson William Stang Clonduff Down Fagan Anne Stang Clonduff Down Fagan Arthur Doward Clonduff Down Fagan Arthur Leitrim Clonduff Down Fagan Bernard Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Fagan Bridget Stang Clonduff Down Fagan Catherine Doward Clonduff Down Fagan Catherine Stang Clonduff Down Fagan Daniel Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Fagan Daniel Tamary Clonduff Down Fagan Hugh Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Fagan Hugh Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Fagan Hugh Stang Clonduff Down Fagan John Ballyweely Clonduff Down Fagan John Leitrim Clonduff Down Fagan John Lenish Clonduff Down Fagan Joseph Ballyweely Clonduff Down Fagan Loughlin Stang Clonduff Down Fagan Owen Leitrim Clonduff Down Fagan Patrick Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Fagan Patrick Stang Clonduff Down Fagan Sarah Tamary Clonduff Down Fagan Terence Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Fairan Anne Leitrim Clonduff Down Fairan Mary Leitrim Clonduff Down Fairan Patrick Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Fairan Patrick Leitrim Clonduff Down Fairan Peter Leitrim Clonduff Down Farnan James Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Farnan Patrick Kinghill Clonduff Down Farnan Peter Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Farran Patrick Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Fegan John Cleomack Clonduff Down Ferguson James Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Ferguson Thomas Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Anne Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Bernard Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Bernard Cleomack Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Bernard Tamary Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Bridget Ballykeel Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Catherine Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Catherine Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Catherine Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Daniel Leode Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Daniel Tamary Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Edward Stang Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Henry Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Hugh Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Hugh Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick James Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick John Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick John Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick John Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick John Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Margaret Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Mary Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Mary Ballykeel Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Mary Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Matthew Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Michael Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Owen Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Owen Leitrim Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Owen Stang Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Patrick Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Patrick Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Patrick Cleomack Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Patrick Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Patrick Leitrim Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Patrick Leode Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Patrick Stang Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Patrick, Jr. Tamary Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Patrick, Sr. Tamary Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Peter Doward Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Peter Stang Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Sarah Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Stephen Stang Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Thomas Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Thomas Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Fitzpatrick Thomas Leitrim Clonduff Down French Anne Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Gaddes David Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Gaddis Joseph Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Gartlan George H. Cabragh Clonduff Down Gartlan James H. Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Garvey John Lenish Clonduff Down Garvey Stephen Ballynanny Clonduff Down Gibson John Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Gilmore John Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Gilmore Patrick Leitrim Clonduff Down Gilmore Peter Leitrim Clonduff Down Goodman Bernard Kinghill Clonduff Down Goodman John Tamary Clonduff Down Gorman Hugh Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Gracey Isaac Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Graham Robert Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Grant Bernard Leitrim Clonduff Down Grant Bridget Leode Clonduff Down Grant Bryan Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Grant Catherine Leitrim Clonduff Down Grant Catherine Tamary Clonduff Down Grant Daniel Ballykeel Clonduff Down Grant Edmond Leitrim Clonduff Down Grant Edward Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Grant Edward Leode Clonduff Down Grant Elizabeth Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Grant Hugh Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Grant James Leode Clonduff Down Grant John Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Grant John Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Grant John Leode Clonduff Down Grant Margaret Leitrim Clonduff Down Grant Mark Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Grant Mary Leitrim Clonduff Down Grant Michael Leitrim Clonduff Down Grant Michael Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Grant Nicholas Leitrim Clonduff Down Grant Owen Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Grant Patrick Cleomack Clonduff Down Grant Patrick Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Grant Patrick Leode Clonduff Down Grant Patrick Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Grant Rep. Hugh Cleomack Clonduff Down Grant Roger Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Grant Sarah Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Grant Susan Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Grant Terence Leode Clonduff Down Grant William Ballykeel Clonduff Down Grant William Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Gray John Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Grennan Alice Ballyweely Clonduff Down Grennan Bernard Cabragh Clonduff Down Grennan Henry Ballyweely Clonduff Down Grennan John Ballynanny Clonduff Down Grennan John Kinghill Clonduff Down Grennan Loughlin Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Grennan Mary Ballyweely Clonduff Down Grennan Michael Doward Clonduff Down Grennan Patrick Cabragh Clonduff Down Grennan Patrick Stang Clonduff Down Grennan Peter Ballyweely Clonduff Down Grennon Patrick Leitrim Clonduff Down Grennon Patrick Stang Clonduff Down Gribben Patrick Cleomack Clonduff Down Gribbin Catherine Ballykeel Clonduff Down Gribbin Charles Ballykeel Clonduff Down Gribbin Edward Ballykeel Clonduff Down Gribbin Henry Ballykeel Clonduff Down Gribbin Hugh Ballykeel Clonduff Down Gribbin James Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Gribbin Jane Ballykeel Clonduff Down Gribbin Michael Ballykeel Clonduff Down Gribbin Patrick Ballykeel Clonduff Down Gribbin Rose Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Gribbon Anne Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Gribbon Stephen Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Gribbon Thomas Leitrim Clonduff Down Grimes Sabina Ballyweely Clonduff Down Hagan Arthur Leitrim Clonduff Down Hagan Catherine Leitrim Clonduff Down Hagan Daniel Leitrim Clonduff Down Hagan John Leitrim Clonduff Down Hagan Stephen Leitrim Clonduff Down Hall Hugh Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Hall Hugh Ballycoshone, Upper Clonduff Down Hall Hugh Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Hall James Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Hall James, Jr. Ballynanny Clonduff Down Hall James, Sr. Ballynanny Clonduff Down Hall Samuel Cleomack Clonduff Down Hall Samuel Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Hall Sarah Ballynanny Clonduff Down Hall Thomas Ballynanny Clonduff Down Hamill Henry Leitrim Clonduff Down Hamill Peter Leitrim Clonduff Down Hanlon Michael Leitrim Clonduff Down Hanlon Patrick Leitrim Clonduff Down Hanna John Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Harper Alexander Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Harris William Tamary Clonduff Down Harris William John Tamary Clonduff Down Hassard Rose Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Heenan Jane Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Heenan John Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Heenan John Cleomack Clonduff Down Heenan Laurence Leitrim Clonduff Down Heenan Samuel Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Hellis Eliza Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Hennan Bernard Doward Clonduff Down Hennan Catherine Ballyweely Clonduff Down Hennan James Cavan Clonduff Down Hennan John Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Hennan John Stang Clonduff Down Hennan John, Jr. Cavan Clonduff Down Hennan John, Sr. Cavan Clonduff Down Hennan Mary Ballyweely Clonduff Down Hennan Mary Cleomack Clonduff Down Hennan William Cavan Clonduff Down Heran Alexander Cleomack Clonduff Down Heran Samuel Cleomack Clonduff Down Herman Thomas Stang Clonduff Down Hill John Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Hill Patrick Cleomack Clonduff Down Hillam John Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Hillan Arthur Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Hillan James Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Hillan John Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Hillan Mary Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Hollingsworth Alex Cavan Clonduff Down Hollingsworth Elizabeth Cavan Clonduff Down Horner Stephen Cleomack Clonduff Down Hudson James Cavan Clonduff Down Hughes Francis Ballyweely Clonduff Down Hutchinson Samuel Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Hutchinson William Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Jennings John Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Jennings Rowan Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Jennings Sarah Ballycoshone, Upper Clonduff Down Jennings William Ballycoshone, Upper Clonduff Down Johnston Alexander Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Johnston Anne Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Johnston Annne Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Johnston David, Jr. Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Johnston David, Sr. Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Johnston Eliza Lenish Clonduff Down Johnston John Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Johnston John Lenish Clonduff Down Johnston John Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Johnston Robert Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Johnston Robert Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Johnston Robert, Jr. Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Johnston Samuel Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Johnston Samuel Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Johnston Samuel Lenish Clonduff Down Keane Peter Stang Clonduff Down Kearney Arthur Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Kearney Nicholas Ballykeel Clonduff Down Kearney Nicholas Ballyweely Clonduff Down Kearney Patrick Ballyweely Clonduff Down Kearney Patrick Doward Clonduff Down Kearney Rose Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Keenan Daniel Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Keenan Michael Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Keenan Michael Leitrim Clonduff Down Keenan Owen Leitrim Clonduff Down Keenan Patrick Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Keenan Thomas Leitrim Clonduff Down Kellly John Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Kelly Alice Stang Clonduff Down Kelly Bridget Leitrim Clonduff Down Kelly Felix Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Kelly James Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Kelly James Leitrim Clonduff Down Kelly John Kinghill Clonduff Down Kelly John Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Kelly Mary Stang Clonduff Down Kelly Michael Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Kelly Owen Cleomack Clonduff Down Kelly Owen Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Kelly Patrick Stang Clonduff Down Kelly Peter Cleomack Clonduff Down Kelly Susan Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Kelly Thomas Cleomack Clonduff Down Kelly William Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Kennedy David Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Kennedy Hugh Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Kernahan John Cleomack Clonduff Down Kerr Hugh Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Killion John Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Killion Mary Tamary Clonduff Down Kilwell Joseph Tamary Clonduff Down Kinley Richard Ballycoshone, Lower Clonduff Down Kirk Hugh Tamary Clonduff Down Kirk John Tamary Clonduff Down Kirk Margaret Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Lamb Adam Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Lavery Elizabeth Leitrim Clonduff Down Lawson Andrew Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Lawson Anne Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Lawson David Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Lawson James Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Lawson James Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Lawson Joseph Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Lawson Joseph, Jr. Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Lawson Samuel Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Leadlie Robert Ballycoshone, Upper Clonduff Down Leadlie Thomas Ballycoshone, Upper Clonduff Down Lennon John Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Lindsay Archibald Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Lindsay Daniel Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Lindsay David Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Lindsay Holt. W. Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Lindsay Jane Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Lindsay Stewart Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Lindsay William Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Lindsay William Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Little Elizabeth Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Little Jane Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Little John Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Lively Bernard Leitrim Clonduff Down Lockhart Rev. Robert Cleomack Clonduff Down Lockhart Rev. Robert Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Logan Margaret Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Loughlin James Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Loughlin James Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Loughlin James, Jr. Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Loughlin John Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Loughlin Patrick Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Loughlin Patrick Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Loughlin Robert Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Loughlin William Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Loughlin William, Jr. Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Loughlin William, Sr. Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Lowry Bridget Ballykeel Clonduff Down Lowry Bridget Ballynanny Clonduff Down Lowry Bridget Cleomack Clonduff Down Lowry Bridget Stang Clonduff Down Lowry Ellen Cleomack Clonduff Down Lowry Ellen Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Lynch John Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Lynch Mary Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Lynch Terence Cleomack Clonduff Down Lyons Patrick Leitrim Clonduff Down Macken Anne Ballykeel Clonduff Down Mackrell Edward Tamary Clonduff Down Mackrell James Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Macourt James Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Macready Samuel Ballycoshone, Lower Clonduff Down Magill Martin Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Mahon Bernard Tamary Clonduff Down Mallan Patrick Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Malone Peter Stang Clonduff Down Malono James Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Martin George Cleomack Clonduff Down Martin James Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Martin James Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Martin Jane Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Martin John Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Martin Thomas Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Matthew Thomas Leitrim Clonduff Down Matthews Bridget Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Matthews Edward Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Matthews Michael Leitrim Clonduff Down Matthews Samuel Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Mc Alea Rev. John Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Mc Aleenan Bernard Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Mc Aleenan Owen Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Mc Aleenan Patrick Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Mc Alevy Felix Stang Clonduff Down Mc Alevy John Ballynanny Clonduff Down Mc Alindan Arthur Cleomack Clonduff Down Mc Alindan Daniel Leode Clonduff Down Mc Alindan Denis Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Mc Alindan James Cleomack Clonduff Down Mc Alindan James Tamary Clonduff Down Mc Alindan John Cleomack Clonduff Down Mc Alindan John Leode Clonduff Down Mc Alindan John Tamary Clonduff Down Mc Alindan Patrick Cleomack Clonduff Down Mc Alindan Patrick Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Mc Alinden Arthur Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Mc Alinden Bernard Ballykeel Clonduff Down Mc Alinden Denis Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Mc Alinden Elizabeth Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Mc Alinden Henry Ballykeel Clonduff Down Mc Alinden James Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Mc Alinden Michael Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Mc Alister Anne Leitrim Clonduff Down Mc Anally Cormick Leitrim Clonduff Down Mc Anally Patrick Leitrim Clonduff Down Mc Atee Hugh Leitrim Clonduff Down Mc Ateer Matthew Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Mc Avoy Anne Lenish Clonduff Down Mc Avoy Arthur Lenish Clonduff Down Mc Avoy Bernard Lenish Clonduff Down Mc Avoy Daniel Lenish Clonduff Down Mc Avoy Edward Lenish Clonduff Down Mc Avoy Henry Doward Clonduff Down Mc Avoy Henry Lenish Clonduff Down Mc Avoy John Lenish Clonduff Down Mc Avoy Margaret Lenish Clonduff Down Mc Avoy Mary Lenish Clonduff Down Mc Avoy Patrick Lenish Clonduff Down Mc Avoy Peter Lenish Clonduff Down Mc Caffrey Hugh Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Mc Caig Elizabeth Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Mc Caig Robert Ballycoshone, Lower Clonduff Down Mc Cann Felix Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Mc Cann Peter Cabragh Clonduff Down Mc Carroll Anne Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Mc Carroll John Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Mc Carten Mary Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Mc Carthy Catherine Cleomack Clonduff Down Mc Carthy Elizabeth Cabragh Clonduff Down Mc Carthy Felix Cabragh Clonduff Down Mc Carthy Patrick Stang Clonduff Down Mc Carton James Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Mc Cavra Michael Leitrim Clonduff Down Mc Clean Owen Doward Clonduff Down Mc Clemmens Sarah Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Mc Clory Martin Leitrim Clonduff Down Mc Cloy David Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Mc Cloy Hamilton Tamary Clonduff Down Mc Cluskey Mary Stang Clonduff Down Mc Comb Edward Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Mc Comb Robert Ballycoshone, Lower Clonduff Down Mc Comb William, Jr. Ballycoshone, Lower Clonduff Down Mc Comb William, Sr. Ballycoshone, Lower Clonduff Down Mc Comish Peter Ballynanny Clonduff Down Mc Comiskey Owen Leode Clonduff Down Mc Comiskey Patrick Leode Clonduff Down Mc Comiskey Terence Leode Clonduff Down Mc Comiskey William Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Mc Commiskey Owen Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Mc Commiskey Rose Cabragh Clonduff Down Mc Conville Daniel Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Mc Conville Edward Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Mc Conville Hugh Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Mc Conville Isabella Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Mc Conville James Leode Clonduff Down Mc Conville John Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Mc Conville John Stang Clonduff Down Mc Conville Matthew Leode Clonduff Down Mc Conville Philip Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Mc Coombe Francis Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Mc Cormack James Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Mc Cornish Bernard Leode Clonduff Down Mc Cornish Patrick Leode Clonduff Down Mc Cosker Bryan Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Mc Court Bernard Ballyweely Clonduff Down Mc Court Owen Leitrim Clonduff Down Mc Court Sarah Leitrim Clonduff Down Mc Coy Matthew Leitrim Clonduff Down Mc Cracken Alexander Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Mc Cready Samuel Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Mc Cready Samuel Lenish Clonduff Down Mc Cready Thomas Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Mc Cromb Samuel Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Mc Cullagh Abraham Tamary Clonduff Down Mc Cullagh Francis Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Mc Cullagh George Leitrim Clonduff Down Mc Donnell Catherine Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Mc Elroy Bridget Leode Clonduff Down Mc Elroy Patrick Leode Clonduff Down Mc Evoy Arthur Cleomack Clonduff Down Mc Evoy Dominick Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Mc Evoy Jane Leitrim Clonduff Down Mc Evoy John Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Mc Evoy John Leitrim Clonduff Down Mc Evoy Mary Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Mc Evoy Patrick Ballyweely Clonduff Down Mc Evoy Sarah Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Mc Fadden David Tamary Clonduff Down Mc Gaw James Ballynanny Clonduff Down Mc Gaw John Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Mc Gaw John Ballycoshone, Upper Clonduff Down Mc Gaw John Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Mc Gaw John Ballynanny Clonduff Down Mc Gaw Moses Ballynanny Clonduff Down Mc Gaw Rep. James Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Mc Gaw Robert Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Mc Gaw Samuel Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Mc Gear John Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Mc Gee James Lenish Clonduff Down Mc Gee John Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Mc Gee Patrick Lenish Clonduff Down Mc Gee Simon Cleomack Clonduff Down Mc Gee Simon, Jr. Lenish Clonduff Down Mc Gee Simon, Sr. Lenish Clonduff Down Mc Geown Patrick Lenish Clonduff Down Mc Gill Bridget Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Mc Gill David Cleomack Clonduff Down Mc Gill Isabella Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Mc Gill James Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Mc Gill James Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Mc Gill James Cleomack Clonduff Down Mc Gill Samuel Cleomack Clonduff Down Mc Gill Samuel Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Mc Gill Thomas Kinghill Clonduff Down Mc Gill William Kinghill Clonduff Down Mc Gillis James Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Mc Ginn Anne Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Mc Ginn Bridget Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Mc Ginn Bridget Leitrim Clonduff Down Mc Ginn Daniel Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Mc Ginn James Doward Clonduff Down Mc Ginn John Doward Clonduff Down Mc Ginn John Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Mc Ginn Mary Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Mc Ginn Mary Stang Clonduff Down Mc Ginn Matthew Ballynanny Clonduff Down Mc Ginn Matthew Leitrim Clonduff Down Mc Ginn Michael Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Mc Ginn Michael Leitrim Clonduff Down Mc Ginn Paul Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Mc Ginn Peter Stang Clonduff Down Mc Ginn Rep. Arthur Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Mc Ginn Susan Leitrim Clonduff Down Mc Ginn William Ballynanny Clonduff Down Mc Ginn William Doward Clonduff Down Mc Ginty John Kinghill Clonduff Down Mc Givern Rose Tamary Clonduff Down Mc Gowan Esther Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Mc Gowan Hugh Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Mc Gowan James Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Mc Gowan John Kinghill Clonduff Down Mc Gowan Samuel Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Mc Gowan Samuel Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Mc Gowan Sarah Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Mc Gowan William Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Mc Graine James Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Mc Groary Philip Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Mc Grory John Leitrim Clonduff Down Mc Grory Philip Leitrim Clonduff Down Mc Guinness Bridget Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Mc Guinness Charles Leitrim Clonduff Down Mc Guinness Edward Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Mc Guinness Edward Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Mc Guinness Felix Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Mc Guinness Patrick Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Mc Guinness Peter Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Mc Guinness Rev. Daniel Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Mc Guinness Roger Cabragh Clonduff Down Mc Guinness Roger Kinghill Clonduff Down Mc Guinness Sarah Cabragh Clonduff Down Mc Guire James Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Mc Ilduff Abraham Stang Clonduff Down Mc Ilduff Owen Stang Clonduff Down Mc Kay Daniel Stang Clonduff Down Mc Kee Bridget Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Mc Kee David Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Mc Kee Eliza Kinghill Clonduff Down Mc Kee Elizabeth Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Mc Kee Gawn Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Mc Kee John Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Mc Kee John Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Mc Kee John, Jr. Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Mc Kee John, Sr. Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Mc Kee Kennedy Ballycoshone, Lower Clonduff Down Mc Kee Margaret Lenish Clonduff Down Mc Kee Patrick Ballyweely Clonduff Down Mc Kee Samuel Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Mc Kee Thomas Cleomack Clonduff Down Mc Kee Thomas Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Mc Kee William Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Mc Key David Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Mc Key David Tamary Clonduff Down Mc Key Elizabeth Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Mc Key Hugh Cleomack Clonduff Down Mc Key James Cleomack Clonduff Down Mc Key James Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Mc Key John Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Mc Key John Cleomack Clonduff Down Mc Key John Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Mc Key Patrick Leode Clonduff Down Mc Key Patrick Tamary Clonduff Down Mc Key Samuel Tamary Clonduff Down Mc Knight Charles Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Mc Knight James Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Mc Knight John Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Mc Leane Owen Leitrim Clonduff Down Mc Lennon John Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Mc Loughlin Edward Ballyweely Clonduff Down Mc Loughlin Edward Lenish Clonduff Down Mc Loughlin Eleanor Ballycoshone, Upper Clonduff Down Mc Loughlin Eleanor Lenish Clonduff Down Mc Loughlin Felix Ballykeel Clonduff Down Mc Loughlin Henry Ballyweely Clonduff Down Mc Loughlin Mary Lenish Clonduff Down Mc Loughlin Mary Anne Ballykeel Clonduff Down Mc Loughlin Neal Ballykeel Clonduff Down Mc Loughlin Patrick Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Mc Loughlin Patrick Ballyweely Clonduff Down Mc Loughlin Patrick Lenish Clonduff Down Mc Loughlin Patrick Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Mc Loughlin Terence Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Mc Mahon Abraham Tamary Clonduff Down Mc Mahon James Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Mc Mahon James Tamary Clonduff Down Mc Mahon Jane Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Mc Mahon John Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Mc Mahon John Lenish Clonduff Down Mc Mahon John Tamary Clonduff Down Mc Mahon Mary Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Mc Mahon William Tamary Clonduff Down Mc Mullan Hugh Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Mc Mullen Bridget Doward Clonduff Down Mc Mullen James Stang Clonduff Down Mc Mullen John Doward Clonduff Down Mc Murray John Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Mc Nally John Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Mc Navney Eliza Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Mc Neill Daniel Tamary Clonduff Down Mc Neilly Hugh Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Mc Neilly John Ballycoshone, Lower Clonduff Down Mc Parlan David Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Mc Parlan Francis Ballyweely Clonduff Down Mc Parlan Henry Ballyweely Clonduff Down Mc Parlan James Lenish Clonduff Down Mc Patland Denis Leitrim Clonduff Down Mc Poland Anne Ballykeel Clonduff Down Mc Poland Anne Stang Clonduff Down Mc Poland Bridget Stang Clonduff Down Mc Poland Denis Doward Clonduff Down Mc Poland Denis Stang Clonduff Down Mc Poland Edward Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Mc Poland Francis Ballykeel Clonduff Down Mc Poland Francis Ballyweely Clonduff Down Mc Poland Francis Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Mc Poland Francis Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Mc Poland Francis Stang Clonduff Down Mc Poland Hugh Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Mc Poland James Ballyweely Clonduff Down Mc Poland James Doward Clonduff Down Mc Poland John Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Mc Poland John Ballykeel Clonduff Down Mc Poland Laurence Doward Clonduff Down Mc Poland Laurence Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Mc Poland Mary Stang Clonduff Down Mc Poland Owen Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Mc Poland Owen Ballyweely Clonduff Down Mc Poland Owen Stang Clonduff Down Mc Poland Patrick Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Mc Poland Patrick Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Mc Poland Patrick Ballykeel Clonduff Down Mc Poland Patrick Ballynanny Clonduff Down Mc Poland Patrick Doward Clonduff Down Mc Poland Patrick Stang Clonduff Down Mc Poland Rep. James Stang Clonduff Down Mc Rickard Edward Ballykeel Clonduff Down Mc Shane Daniel Leode Clonduff Down Mc Shane Hugh Leode Clonduff Down Mc Shane Patrick Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Mc Whinney Robert Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Miller James Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Mitchell James Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Moffatt Samuel Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Mooney Bernard Tamary Clonduff Down Mooney Cornelius Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Mooney Daniel Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Mooney Hugh Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Mooney James Tamary Clonduff Down Mooney John, Jr. Tamary Clonduff Down Mooney John, Sr. Tamary Clonduff Down Mooney Mary Tamary Clonduff Down Mooney Michael Tamary Clonduff Down Mooney Owen Tamary Clonduff Down Moore Alexander Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Moore Anne Jane Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Moore Henry Cleomack Clonduff Down Moore Henry Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Moore Margaret Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Moorehead John Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Morgan Bridget Ballykeel Clonduff Down Morgan Bryan Doward Clonduff Down Morgan Charles Cleomack Clonduff Down Morgan Daniel Ballykeel Clonduff Down Morgan Edward Cleomack Clonduff Down Morgan Edward Doward Clonduff Down Morgan Edward Stang Clonduff Down Morgan Felix Doward Clonduff Down Morgan Felix Stang Clonduff Down Morgan Hugh Doward Clonduff Down Morgan James Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Morgan James Cabragh Clonduff Down Morgan James Doward Clonduff Down Morgan James Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Morgan John Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Morgan John Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Morgan John Ballynanny Clonduff Down Morgan John Cleomack Clonduff Down Morgan John Doward Clonduff Down Morgan John Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Morgan John Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Morgan John Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Morgan Joseph Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Morgan Margaret Doward Clonduff Down Morgan Mary Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Morgan Michael Doward Clonduff Down Morgan Michael Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Morgan Murtagh Stang Clonduff Down Morgan Owen Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Morgan Owen Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Morgan Owen Stang Clonduff Down Morgan Patrick Ballynanny Clonduff Down Morgan Patrick Doward Clonduff Down Morgan Patrick Leitrim Clonduff Down Morgan Patrick Stang Clonduff Down Morgan Peter Doward Clonduff Down Morgan Peter Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Morgan Peter Stang Clonduff Down Morgan Rose Ballykeel Clonduff Down Morgan Rose Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Morgan Sarah Cleomack Clonduff Down Morgan Sarah Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Morgan Stephen Leode Clonduff Down Morgan Terence Leode Clonduff Down Morgan Thomas Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Morgan William Cleomack Clonduff Down Morgan William Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Morrow William Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Mossey William Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Mulholland Francis Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Mullan Anne Ballyweely Clonduff Down Mulligan John Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Murnan Bernard Kinghill Clonduff Down Murnan Felix, Jr. Stang Clonduff Down Murnan Felix, Sr. Stang Clonduff Down Murnan Henry Ballyweely Clonduff Down Murnan James Ballyweely Clonduff Down Murnan James Stang Clonduff Down Murnan John Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Murnan John Stang Clonduff Down Murnan Mary Lenish Clonduff Down Murnan Matthew Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Murnan Michael Lenish Clonduff Down Murnan Owen Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Murnan Patrick Ballyweely Clonduff Down Murnan Patrick Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Murnan Patrick Stang Clonduff Down Murnan Peter Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Murnan Tully Stang Clonduff Down Murphy Arthur Doward Clonduff Down Murphy Arthur Lenish Clonduff Down Murphy Bernard Ballykeel Clonduff Down Murphy Bernard Cleomack Clonduff Down Murphy Bernard Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Murphy Catherine Ballynanny Clonduff Down Murphy Charles Ballynanny Clonduff Down Murphy Charles Doward Clonduff Down Murphy Daniel Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Murphy Edward Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Murphy Edward Leitrim Clonduff Down Murphy Ellen Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Murphy Ellen Leitrim Clonduff Down Murphy Francis Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Murphy Hugh Ballykeel Clonduff Down Murphy Hugh Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Murphy Hugh Leitrim Clonduff Down Murphy Hugh Stang Clonduff Down Murphy James Ballynanny Clonduff Down Murphy John Ballynanny Clonduff Down Murphy John Doward Clonduff Down Murphy John Leitrim Clonduff Down Murphy John Lenish Clonduff Down Murphy John Leode Clonduff Down Murphy John Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Murphy John, Jr. Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Murphy John, Sr. Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Murphy Mary Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Murphy Mary Ballynanny Clonduff Down Murphy Mary Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Murphy Mary Leode Clonduff Down Murphy Mary Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Murphy Matthew Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Murphy Michael Ballynanny Clonduff Down Murphy Michael Stang Clonduff Down Murphy Owen Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Murphy Patrick Ballykeel Clonduff Down Murphy Patrick Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Murphy Patrick Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Murphy Peter Doward Clonduff Down Murphy Robert Lenish Clonduff Down Murphy Roger Ballynanny Clonduff Down Murphy Sarah Lenish Clonduff Down Murphy Sarah Stang Clonduff Down Murphy Terence Cleomack Clonduff Down Murphy Terence Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Murphy Terence Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Murphy Terence Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Murphy William Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Murray James Ballynanny Clonduff Down Murray James Tamary Clonduff Down Murray John Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Murray John Ballynanny Clonduff Down Murray Margaret Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Murray Rose Ballynanny Clonduff Down Neal James Tamary Clonduff Down Neill Hugh Leitrim Clonduff Down Neilson James Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down O'Hagan Arthur Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down O'Hagan Bernard Ballyaughian Clonduff Down O'Hagan Catherine Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down O'Hagan Cecilia Ballyaughian Clonduff Down O'Hagan Daniel Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down O'Hagan David Ballyaughian Clonduff Down O'Hagan Elizabeth Ballyaughian Clonduff Down O'Hagan Ellen Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down O'Hagan Francis Ballyaughian Clonduff Down O'Hagan Francis Ballynanny Clonduff Down O'Hagan Henry Ballynanny Clonduff Down O'Hagan James Ballyaughian Clonduff Down O'Hagan James Drumbonniff Clonduff Down O'Hagan James Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down O'Hagan John Ballyaughian Clonduff Down O'Hagan John Ballynanny Clonduff Down O'Hagan John Drumbonniff Clonduff Down O'Hagan John Charles Ballynanny Clonduff Down O'Hagan John Chas. Ballyaughian Clonduff Down O'Hagan Loughlin Ballymaghery Clonduff Down O'Hagan Mary Ballyaughian Clonduff Down O'Hagan Mary Ballynanny Clonduff Down O'Hagan Mary Cleomack Clonduff Down O'Hagan Mary Drumbonniff Clonduff Down O'Hagan Mary Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down O'Hagan Matthew Ballynanny Clonduff Down O'Hagan Michael Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down O'Hagan Neal Ballyaughian Clonduff Down O'Hagan Neal Ballynanny Clonduff Down O'Hagan Patrick Ballyaughian Clonduff Down O'Hagan Patrick Ballynanny Clonduff Down O'Hagan Patrick Doward Clonduff Down O'Hagan Patrick Leitrim Clonduff Down O'Hagan Rep. Loughlin Ballyaughian Clonduff Down O'Hagan Sarah Ballyaughian Clonduff Down O'Hagan Sarah Ballynanny Clonduff Down O'Hagan Thomas Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down O'Hare Anne Tamary Clonduff Down O'Hare Arthur Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down O'Hare Catherine Leitrim Clonduff Down O'Hare Ellen Leitrim Clonduff Down O'Hare Felix Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down O'Hare James Leode Clonduff Down O'Hare John Leitrim Clonduff Down O'Hare Owen Leode Clonduff Down O'Hare Patrick Leitrim Clonduff Down O'Hare Patrick Leode Clonduff Down O'Hare Rose Tamary Clonduff Down O'Neill Felix Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Owens Edward Leitrim Clonduff Down Park James Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Park John Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Park Joseph Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Parker Rev. Robert A. Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Parkes James Cavan Clonduff Down Parkes Samuel Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Parkes Thomas Cavan Clonduff Down Patterson David Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Patterson Robert Cleomack Clonduff Down Patterson Samuel Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Patterson Samuel Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Patterson William Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Perry Francis Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Perry Robert Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Pray John Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Prey Hugh Ballynanny Clonduff Down Prey James Ballynanny Clonduff Down Priestly William Kinghill Clonduff Down Quinn Bernard Cleomack Clonduff Down Quinn Bridget Cleomack Clonduff Down Quinn Bridget Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Quinn David Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Quinn James Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Quinn James Leitrim Clonduff Down Quinn John Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Quinn John Leode Clonduff Down Quinn Mary Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Quinn Patrick Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Quinn Patrick, Jr. Cleomack Clonduff Down Quinn Patrick, Sr. Cleomack Clonduff Down Quinn Richard Leode Clonduff Down Quinn Robert Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Quinn Rose Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Quinn Sarah Cleomack Clonduff Down Radcliffe William Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Rafferty Thomas Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Read John Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Reavy Mary Ballynanny Clonduff Down Reavy Michael Ballynanny Clonduff Down Reavy Michael Doward Clonduff Down Reid James Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Reid William Tamary Clonduff Down Reilly Patrick Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Reynolds George Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Reynolds Robert Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Robertson John Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Ronan Catherine Kinghill Clonduff Down Ronan Mary Kinghill Clonduff Down Roonan James Kinghill Clonduff Down Roonan Michael Kinghill Clonduff Down Roonan William Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Rooney Anne Ballynanny Clonduff Down Rooney Daniel Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Rooney Francis Ballynanny Clonduff Down Rooney Francis Doward Clonduff Down Rooney James Doward Clonduff Down Rooney John Doward Clonduff Down Rooney John Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Rooney John Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Rooney Mary Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Rooney Matthew Doward Clonduff Down Rooney Michael Doward Clonduff Down Rooney Patrick Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Rooney Patrick Cleomack Clonduff Down Rooney Patrick Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Ross Hugh Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Ross John Ballyweely Clonduff Down Ross Mary Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Ross Robert Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Ross William Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Ross William Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Roy Robert Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Savage David Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Savage Henry Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Savage James Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Savage John Doward Clonduff Down Savage John Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Savage Margaret Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Savage Mary Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Savage Mary Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Scott Bell Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Scott George Tamary Clonduff Down Scott James Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Scott John Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Scott Joseph Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Scott Samuel Ballycoshone, Lower Clonduff Down Sheils Patrick Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Shiliday Anne Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Shiliday James Cleomack Clonduff Down Shilliday Elizabeth Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Shilliday James Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Shilliday James Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Simpson James Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Sloane James Cleomack Clonduff Down Sloane James Leitrim Clonduff Down Smith Bernard Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Smith Edward Stang Clonduff Down Smith Felix Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Smith George Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Smith Hugh Cleomack Clonduff Down Smith Hugh Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Smith Hugh Stang Clonduff Down Smith John Ballyaughian Clonduff Down Smith John Stang Clonduff Down Smith Joseph Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Smith Joseph Cleomack Clonduff Down Smith Mary Stang Clonduff Down Smith Michael Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Smith Patrick Leitrim Clonduff Down Smith Patrick Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Smith Patrick Stang Clonduff Down Smith Robert Cleomack Clonduff Down Smith William Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Smith William Ballymaghery Clonduff Down Stewart Andrew Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Stewart Andrew Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Stewart Isaac Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Stewart Isaac Tamary Clonduff Down Stewart James Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Stewart James Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Stewart James, Jr. Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Stewart Moses Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Stewart Moses Tamary Clonduff Down Stewart Robert Tamary Clonduff Down Stewart Samuel Tamary Clonduff Down Stewart William Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Stoope James Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Streaton David Leitrim Clonduff Down Taken Laurence Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Taken Laurence Lenish Clonduff Down Taylor John Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Taylor Robert Mullaghmore Clonduff Down Thompson Andrew Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Thompson David Tamary Clonduff Down Thompson Henry Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Thompson James Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Toal Catherine Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Toal John Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Toal John Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Toal Laurence Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Toal Mary Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Toal Patrick, Jr. Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Toal Patrick, Sr. Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Toman John Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Toman John, Jr. Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Toman Sarah Ballygorian Beg. Clonduff Down Travers Bernard Lenish Clonduff Down Travers Edward Lenish Clonduff Down Travers Ellen Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Travers Hugh Cabragh Clonduff Down Travers John Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Travers John Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Travers John Lenish Clonduff Down Traynor Alice Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Traynor Arthur Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Traynor Bernard, Jr. Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Traynor Catherine Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Traynor Henry Cleomack Clonduff Down Traynor Hugh Leitrim Clonduff Down Traynor John Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Traynor Rose Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Traynor Rose Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Traynor Susan Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Tremble William Leitrim Clonduff Down Trousdale Samuel Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Trousdale Thomas Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Turley Felix Cavan Clonduff Down Turley James Lenish Clonduff Down Veage Charles Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Wall Robert Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Walls Patrick Doward Clonduff Down Walsh Henry Lenish Clonduff Down Walsh John Ballycoshone, Lower Clonduff Down Ward John Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Ward Michael Doward Clonduff Down Ward Patrick Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Ward Peter Stang Clonduff Down Ward Sarah Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Ward Terence Stang Clonduff Down Waterson Henry Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Waterson James Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Waterson James Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Waterson John Ballycoshone, Lower Clonduff Down Waterson John Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Watson Andrew Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Weir Elizabeth Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Weir James Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Weir Jane Drumnascamph Clonduff Down Weir John Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Weir John Cavan Clonduff Down Weir William Cavan Clonduff Down White George Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Wiley James Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Wiley John Cavan Clonduff Down Williamson James Ballynagappoge Clonduff Down Wilson David Tamary Clonduff Down Wilson James Doward Clonduff Down Wilson John Doward Clonduff Down Wilson Robert Lisnamulligan Clonduff Down Wilson William Ballygorian More Clonduff Down Woods Andrew Stang Clonduff Down Woods Bridget Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Woods Bridget Stang Clonduff Down Woods Henry Ballykeel Clonduff Down Woods Hugh Doward Clonduff Down Woods James Ballynanny Clonduff Down Woods John Ballynanny Clonduff Down Woods John Islandmoyle Clonduff Down Woods John Tamary Clonduff Down Woods Laurence Stang Clonduff Down Woods Michael Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Woods Patrick Ballynanny Clonduff Down Woods Patrick Drumbonniff Clonduff Down Woods Patrick Stang Clonduff Down Woods Rose Ballykeel Clonduff Down Woods Stephen Stang Clonduff Down Woods Thomas Stang Clonduff Down Wright Hugh Hilltown,Carcullion Clonduff Down Wright William Cavan Clonduff Down Yard ??? Ballymaghery Clonduff Down