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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Donaghmore, County Down
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Donaghmore, County Down
Allen James Corgary Donaghmore Down Anderson Ellen Ringclare Donaghmore Down Annett Francis Killysavan Donaghmore Down Barkley James Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Barr Mary Anne Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down Barr William Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down Beatty Robert Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down Bell Daniel Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down Bell James Cargabane Donaghmore Down Bell Mary Corgary Donaghmore Down Bell Patrick Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down Bell Patrick Corgary Donaghmore Down Bickerstaff Mary Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Bingham George Killysavan Donaghmore Down Bingham John Killysavan Donaghmore Down Bookes Patrick Ballylough Donaghmore Down Bookes Sarah Ballylough Donaghmore Down Boyd Wiley Annaghbane Donaghmore Down Boylan Catherine Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Boyle Patrick Buskhill Donaghmore Down Bradford Isaac Ardkeeragh Donaghmore Down Bradford John Ardkeeragh Donaghmore Down Bradford John Cargabane Donaghmore Down Bradford John Ringolish Donaghmore Down Bradford William Annaghbane Donaghmore Down Bradford William Cargabane Donaghmore Down Bradford William Ringolish Donaghmore Down Brennan John Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Brennan Patrick Cargabane Donaghmore Down Brennan Patrick Ringolish Donaghmore Down Brennan Patrick Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Brooke Mary Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Brown Hugh Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Browne Samuel Ringbane Donaghmore Down Bryson Alexander Killysavan Donaghmore Down Bryson Rev. John Annaghbane Donaghmore Down Burns Charles Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Burns James Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Burns Mary Annaghbane Donaghmore Down Burns Patrick Ardkeeragh Donaghmore Down Byrne Francis Ballylough Donaghmore Down Byrne Francis Drumantine Donaghmore Down Byrne Margaret Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Byrne Patrick Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Cahy James Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Callaghan Edward Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Callaghan James Aughnacaven Donaghmore Down Campbell John Tullymore Donaghmore Down Campbell Patrick Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Campbell Rose Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Cardwell Thomas Drummiller Donaghmore Down Carlton David Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Carr Bernard Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Carroll Edward Ballyblaugh Donaghmore Down Carswell James, Jr. Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Carswell James, Sr. Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Carswell John Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Carswell John, Jr. Annaghbane Donaghmore Down Carswell John, Sr. Annaghbane Donaghmore Down Carswell Joseph Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Carswell Joseph Killysavan Donaghmore Down Carswell Samuel Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Caulfield Francis Aughintober Donaghmore Down Causeby John Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Chambers James Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Clarke John Aughintober Donaghmore Down Clarke Solomon Drummiller Donaghmore Down Clegg Joseph Tullymore Donaghmore Down Clepon Jacob Killysavan Donaghmore Down Cochrane John Ringclare Donaghmore Down Cochrane Robert Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Collins James Moneymore Donaghmore Down Colvin James Aughintober Donaghmore Down Colvin James Maddydrumbrist Donaghmore Down Conery Edward Cargabane Donaghmore Down Conery Edward Maddydrumbrist Donaghmore Down Conkey John Killysavan Donaghmore Down Conkey Mary Killysavan Donaghmore Down Conkey Robert Killysavan Donaghmore Down Connell Owen Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down Connell Patrick Aughnacaven Donaghmore Down Connell Patrick Buskhill Donaghmore Down Connor Arthur Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Copeland Hugh Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Copeland Hugh Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Copeland Hugh Drumantine Donaghmore Down Copeland John Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Copeland Joseph Tullymore Donaghmore Down Copeland William Cargabane Donaghmore Down Copeland William Ringclare Donaghmore Down Corbett Robert S. Aughnacaven Donaghmore Down Couples Thomas Tullymore Donaghmore Down Cowan John Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Cowan Peter Cargabane Donaghmore Down Cranny Anthony Ballyblaugh Donaghmore Down Cranny James Corgary Donaghmore Down Cready William Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Creeley Eliza Cargabane Donaghmore Down Creeney Edward Tullymore Donaghmore Down Cully William Moneymore Donaghmore Down Cunningham Alice Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down Cunningham Mary Anne Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Cupples Thomas Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Davidson Hugh Killysavan Donaghmore Down Davidson William Killysavan Donaghmore Down Davis James Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down Devlin Cornelius Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Devlin Patrick Aughnacaven Donaghmore Down Digney John Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Digney Mary Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Dinsmore Adam Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Dinsmore Esther Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Dinsmore James Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Dinsmore Patrick Killysavan Donaghmore Down Dinsmore William Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Doherty Arthur Killysavan Donaghmore Down Doherty Terence Killysavan Donaghmore Down Dolaghan James Moneymore Donaghmore Down Donaldson James Killysavan Donaghmore Down Donnell Joseph Ballylough Donaghmore Down Donnelly John Ardkeeragh Donaghmore Down Dooley Margaret Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down Dooley Michael Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down Dooley Thomas Drummiller Donaghmore Down Douglas Alexander Ardkeeragh Donaghmore Down Downey Andrew Ringolish Donaghmore Down Downey Patrick Corgary Donaghmore Down Drake James Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Duff Joseph Ardkeeragh Donaghmore Down Duffy Patrick Tullymore Donaghmore Down English George Killysavan Donaghmore Down English Robert Killysavan Donaghmore Down English Samuel Killysavan Donaghmore Down Evans Isaac Cargabane Donaghmore Down Fagan Mary Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Fagan Patrick Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down Farrell Matthew Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down Fegan John Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Ferguson Susan Tullymore Donaghmore Down Ferris David Corgary Donaghmore Down Ferris Samuel Ballylough Donaghmore Down Ferris Samuel Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down Ferris Thomas Lurganare Donaghmore Down Ferron Daniel Ballylough Donaghmore Down Ferron Michael Corgary Donaghmore Down Fitzgerald Bridget Drummiller Donaghmore Down Fitzpatrick Anne Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Fitzpatrick John Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Fitzsimmons Mary Ringclare Donaghmore Down Foster James Tullymore Donaghmore Down Fulton David Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Gallaher John Ardkeeragh Donaghmore Down Geddis John Killysavan Donaghmore Down Geddis William Killysavan Donaghmore Down Gibson Margaret Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Gibson Samuel Tullymore Donaghmore Down Goodman Edward Ardkeeragh Donaghmore Down Graham Arthur Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Grahan John Buskhill Donaghmore Down Grattan John Annaghbane Donaghmore Down Grattan John Buskhill Donaghmore Down Grattan William Annaghbane Donaghmore Down Greenaway Francis Lurganare Donaghmore Down Greer Thomas Buskhill Donaghmore Down Grimes Catherine Drumantine Donaghmore Down Hagan Hugh Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Hamilton Henry Corgary Donaghmore Down Hamilton John Ringolish Donaghmore Down Hampton John Ringolish Donaghmore Down Hanlon Owen Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Hanway Edward Tullymore Donaghmore Down Harcourt John Aughintober Donaghmore Down Harcourt John Ballylough Donaghmore Down Harcourt John Maddydrumbrist Donaghmore Down Harcourt Joseph Drummiller Donaghmore Down Harcourt William Ringclare Donaghmore Down Harper John Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Harpur James Buskhill Donaghmore Down Harpur Joseph Corgary Donaghmore Down Harshaw James Ardkeeragh Donaghmore Down Harshaw James Ringbane Donaghmore Down Harshaw James Ringolish Donaghmore Down Hawthorn John Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Hazely George Corgary Donaghmore Down Higgins Arthur Cargabane Donaghmore Down Hill Patrick Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Houghey Rose Cargabane Donaghmore Down Hudson Richard Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Hughes Catherine Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Hughes James Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Innes Arthur C. Ballyblaugh Donaghmore Down Innes Arthur C. Ballylough Donaghmore Down Innes Arthur C. Corgary Donaghmore Down Innes Arthur C. Drumantine Donaghmore Down Irvine Hill Cargabane Donaghmore Down Irvine Hill Ringbane Donaghmore Down Irvine John Annaghbane Donaghmore Down Irwin Alexander Ballylough Donaghmore Down Irwin Alexander Corgary Donaghmore Down Jackson Robert Ringclare Donaghmore Down Jackson Robert Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Jardine Jonathan Cargabane Donaghmore Down Jardine Jonathan Ringbane Donaghmore Down Jardine Samuel Ringbane Donaghmore Down Jennings Peter Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Jones James Ballylough Donaghmore Down Jones James Drumantine Donaghmore Down Jones William Ardkeeragh Donaghmore Down Jordan Christopher Ballyblaugh Donaghmore Down Jordan Margaret Ringclare Donaghmore Down Keane Thomas Moneymore Donaghmore Down Kelly John Ballyblaugh Donaghmore Down Kennedy Edward Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Kennedy John Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Kennedy Timothy Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Kennedy William Aughintober Donaghmore Down Kenny John Ballyblaugh Donaghmore Down Kenny John Drumantine Donaghmore Down Kenny Mary Anne Ringolish Donaghmore Down Kernaghan William Ballylough Donaghmore Down Kernahan Sarah Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Kerr Margaret Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down Kerr Robert Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down Kettleday Ellen Killysavan Donaghmore Down Kidd Elizabeth Ringolish Donaghmore Down Kidd Isaac Ringclare Donaghmore Down Kidd Issac Ringbane Donaghmore Down Kidd Issac Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Kidd James Ringolish Donaghmore Down Kidd John Ardkeeragh Donaghmore Down Kidd John Cargabane Donaghmore Down Kidd John Ringolish Donaghmore Down Kidd William Buskhill Donaghmore Down Kidd William Ringclare Donaghmore Down Kinley Laurence Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down Larkin Arthur Ballylough Donaghmore Down Larkin James Drummiller Donaghmore Down Larkin John Drummiller Donaghmore Down Larkin Patrick Ballylough Donaghmore Down Lawley John Ringolish Donaghmore Down Ledlie Alexander Aughintober Donaghmore Down Ledlie Alexander Moneymore Donaghmore Down Leggitt James Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Lindon John Lurganare Donaghmore Down Lindsay Robert Annaghbane Donaghmore Down Little David Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Little John Buskhill Donaghmore Down Lockhart James Tullymore Donaghmore Down Lockhart William Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Looney Margaret Killysavan Donaghmore Down Loughlan Sarah Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Lowrey James Cargabane Donaghmore Down Lyons John Tullymore Donaghmore Down Lyster Hugh Moneymore Donaghmore Down Lyster Ralph Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Mackay James Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Macken Patrick Ballyblaugh Donaghmore Down Macken Thomas Ballyblaugh Donaghmore Down Magaw Joseph Drumantine Donaghmore Down Magennis Arthur Ballylough Donaghmore Down Magennis Bridget Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Magennis Catherine Drumantine Donaghmore Down Magennis James Lurganare Donaghmore Down Magennis John Drummiller Donaghmore Down Magennis Patrick Drumantine Donaghmore Down Magennis Sarah Drumantine Donaghmore Down Magill Isaac Aughnacaven Donaghmore Down Magrath Francis Maddydrumbrist Donaghmore Down Mahood John Aughintober Donaghmore Down Main Rep. Joseph Ardkeeragh Donaghmore Down Malcolmson James Ardkeeragh Donaghmore Down Malcolmson Thomas Ardkeeragh Donaghmore Down Malcolmson Thomas Cargabane Donaghmore Down Malcomson Thomas Ringbane Donaghmore Down Malone Charles Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Malone James Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Malone Michael Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Marshall Andrew Aughnacaven Donaghmore Down Marshall Andrew Buskhill Donaghmore Down Marshall Andrew Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Marshall Archibald Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Marshall Hugh Aughnacaven Donaghmore Down Marshall Jane Ringclare Donaghmore Down Marshall Jane Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Marshall John Cargabane Donaghmore Down Marshall John Ringbane Donaghmore Down Marshall John Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Marshall Joseph Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Marshall Margaret Ardkeeragh Donaghmore Down Marshall Mary Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Marshall Matilda Ringclare Donaghmore Down Marshall Samuel B. Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Marshall Samuel B. Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Marshall Thomas Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Marshall William Ringolish Donaghmore Down Martin Hugh Buskhill Donaghmore Down Martin Hugh Ringclare Donaghmore Down Martin John Cargabane Donaghmore Down Martin John Ringbane Donaghmore Down Martin John G. Ringolish Donaghmore Down Mathers Isaac Corgary Donaghmore Down Mathers Issac Ballylough Donaghmore Down Mathers Issac Drumantine Donaghmore Down Mathers William Drumantine Donaghmore Down Mc Alindon Henry Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Mc Alindon Mary Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Mc Alindon Patrick Aughintober Donaghmore Down Mc Alindon Patrick Moneymore Donaghmore Down Mc Alister Patrick Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Mc Alister William Buskhill Donaghmore Down Mc Allister Edward Ardkeeragh Donaghmore Down Mc Ardle Francis Ballylough Donaghmore Down Mc Ardle John Ballylough Donaghmore Down Mc Avoy Anne Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Mc Avoy John Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down Mc Avoy John Drummiller Donaghmore Down Mc Cague Alexander Corgary Donaghmore Down Mc Camly Daniel Ballylough Donaghmore Down Mc Camly Luke Ballylough Donaghmore Down Mc Cann Edward Killysavan Donaghmore Down Mc Clane Margaret Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Mc Cleland John Killysavan Donaghmore Down Mc Cleland Thomas Killysavan Donaghmore Down Mc Clelland Margaret Moneymore Donaghmore Down Mc Clory Edwaard Aughnacaven Donaghmore Down Mc Clung William Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Mc Clutchey John Corgary Donaghmore Down Mc Comagh George Ringolish Donaghmore Down Mc Comb Joseph Killysavan Donaghmore Down Mc Comb Moses Ringclare Donaghmore Down Mc Conly William Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Mc Connell James Ringclare Donaghmore Down Mc Cormick Alexander Buskhill Donaghmore Down Mc Court Catherine Ardkeeragh Donaghmore Down Mc Court Hugh Ballylough Donaghmore Down Mc Court Hugh Corgary Donaghmore Down Mc Court John Ballylough Donaghmore Down Mc Court John Corgary Donaghmore Down Mc Court William Cargabane Donaghmore Down Mc Cramp John Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Mc Cready Alexander Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Mc Cullagh Annabella Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Mc Cullagh James Ballyblaugh Donaghmore Down Mc Cullagh Samuel Ballylough Donaghmore Down Mc Cullagh Samuel Drumantine Donaghmore Down Mc Cullagh Thomas Ballylough Donaghmore Down Mc Cullagh Thomas Drumantine Donaghmore Down Mc Donnell Rev. John Ballyblaugh Donaghmore Down Mc Dowell Anne Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Mc Dowell Joseph Ballylough Donaghmore Down Mc Elroy Thomas Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Mc Gaffan Anne Ringbane Donaghmore Down Mc Gaffan Hugh Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Mc Gaffan John Ringbane Donaghmore Down Mc Gaffan John Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Mc Garry Mary Moneymore Donaghmore Down Mc Garry Michael Moneymore Donaghmore Down Mc Garry William H. Killysavan Donaghmore Down Mc Gaw James Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Mc Gaw Thomas Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Mc Gill Eliza Cargabane Donaghmore Down Mc Gill Isaac Ringclare Donaghmore Down Mc Gill Issac Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Mc Givern Bernard Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Mc Givern James Killysavan Donaghmore Down Mc Givern John Ardkeeragh Donaghmore Down Mc Givern Laurence Killysavan Donaghmore Down Mc Givern Thomas Killysavan Donaghmore Down Mc Ilray Samuel Drumantine Donaghmore Down Mc Ilroy Hugh Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Mc Ilroy Rose Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Mc Instrey James Ringolish Donaghmore Down Mc Instrey Thomas Ringclare Donaghmore Down Mc Kay Daniel Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Mc Kay Michael Buskhill Donaghmore Down Mc Kee Francis Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Mc Kee James Buskhill Donaghmore Down Mc Kee Robert Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Mc Kelvey Hugh Ringolish Donaghmore Down Mc Kelvey Thomas Corgary Donaghmore Down Mc Keon John Aughintober Donaghmore Down Mc Keon John Drummiller Donaghmore Down Mc Knight David Killysavan Donaghmore Down Mc Knight James Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Mc Knight John Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Mc Knight Joseph Tullymore Donaghmore Down Mc Knight William Annaghbane Donaghmore Down Mc Lean Christopher Aughintober Donaghmore Down Mc Lean Christopher Maddydrumbrist Donaghmore Down Mc Loughlin James Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Mc Mahon Patrick Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Mc Mahon Patrick Maddydrumbrist Donaghmore Down Mc Master John Aughintober Donaghmore Down Mc Master John Moneymore Donaghmore Down Mc Master Thomas Cargabane Donaghmore Down Mc Tamney Owen Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Mc Tamney William Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Mc Waters James Ringolish Donaghmore Down Mc Waters Mary Annaghbane Donaghmore Down Miscommins Alex. Killysavan Donaghmore Down Miscommins John Killysavan Donaghmore Down Miscommins Margaret Killysavan Donaghmore Down Miscommins Mary Killysavan Donaghmore Down Miscommins Ringan Killysavan Donaghmore Down Miscommins Samuel Killysavan Donaghmore Down Mooney John Ringolish Donaghmore Down Morgan James Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Morgan Peter Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Mulholland Anne Ballylough Donaghmore Down Mullen John Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Murdoch Alexander Aughnacaven Donaghmore Down Murphy George Maddydrumbrist Donaghmore Down Murphy James Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Murphy James Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Murphy Laurence Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Murphy Rosanna Ringclare Donaghmore Down Murphy Rose Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Murtagh James Ballylough Donaghmore Down Murtagh James Corgary Donaghmore Down Murtagh John Corgary Donaghmore Down Neill David Cargabane Donaghmore Down Neill David Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Neill Hugh Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Neill Joseph Tullymore Donaghmore Down Neill Mary Tullymore Donaghmore Down Neill William Cargabane Donaghmore Down Nugent James Tullymore Donaghmore Down O'Hare Anne Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down O'Hare Arthur Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down O'Hare Arthur Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down O'Hare Bernard Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down O'Hare Bernard Derrycraw Donaghmore Down O'Hare Catherine Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down O'Hare Catherine Drumantine Donaghmore Down O'Hare Cecilia Tullymurry Donaghmore Down O'Hare Charles Moneymore Donaghmore Down O'Hare Daniel Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down O'Hare Daniel Derrycraw Donaghmore Down O'Hare Daniel Maddydrumbrist Donaghmore Down O'Hare Denis Ballylough Donaghmore Down O'Hare Edward Ballylough Donaghmore Down O'Hare Edward Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down O'Hare Eliza Maddydrumbrist Donaghmore Down O'Hare Francis Derrycraw Donaghmore Down O'Hare Hugh Derrycraw Donaghmore Down O'Hare James Corgary Donaghmore Down O'Hare James Derrycraw Donaghmore Down O'Hare James Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down O'Hare John Aughintober Donaghmore Down O'Hare John Ballylough Donaghmore Down O'Hare John Derrycraw Donaghmore Down O'Hare John Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down O'Hare John Lurganare Donaghmore Down O'Hare John Maddydrumbrist Donaghmore Down O'Hare Laurence Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down O'Hare Michael Derrycraw Donaghmore Down O'Hare Michael Drumantine Donaghmore Down O'Hare Michael Maddydrumbrist Donaghmore Down O'Hare Michael Tullymurry Donaghmore Down O'Hare Owen Corgary Donaghmore Down O'Hare Owen Lurganare Donaghmore Down O'Hare Patrick Ballyblaugh Donaghmore Down O'Hare Patrick Corgary Donaghmore Down O'Hare Patrick Derrycraw Donaghmore Down O'Hare Patrick Drummiller Donaghmore Down O'Hare Patrick Maddydrumbrist Donaghmore Down O'Hare Rose Derrycraw Donaghmore Down O'Hare Susan Drummiller Donaghmore Down O'Hare Susan Lurganare Donaghmore Down O'Hare Thomas Derrycraw Donaghmore Down O'Hare William Ballylough Donaghmore Down Patterson Mary Ringolish Donaghmore Down Pogue Hugh Ringolish Donaghmore Down Pollock Mary Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Porter John Aughnacaven Donaghmore Down Porter John Ringclare Donaghmore Down Porter John Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Purdy Robert Killysavan Donaghmore Down Quinn Anne Ardkeeragh Donaghmore Down Quinn Rev. John C. Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Quinn Rev. John C. Glebe Donaghmore Down Quinn Rev. John C. Maddydrumbrist Donaghmore Down Rafferty Catherine Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Rafferty Charles Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down Rafferty Charles Lurganare Donaghmore Down Rafferty Daniel Lurganare Donaghmore Down Rafferty Mary Aughnacaven Donaghmore Down Rafferty Philip Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down Rafferty Terence Ballylough Donaghmore Down Reavy Elizabeth Lurganare Donaghmore Down Reavy Francis Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Reavy John, Jr. Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Reavy Mary Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Reavy Patrick Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Reavy Patrick Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Reavy Patrick Lurganare Donaghmore Down Reavy Patricvk Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Reavy Susan Ballylough Donaghmore Down Reavy Thomas Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Renton Adam Drummiller Donaghmore Down Rice Catherine Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Rice Elizabeth Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Rice John Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Rice Patrick Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Rice Stephen Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Robinson Rose Killysavan Donaghmore Down Rooney Daniel Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Rooney William Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Rorke Robert Drummiller Donaghmore Down Ruddick James Ringclare Donaghmore Down Ruddick John Ringclare Donaghmore Down Russell Robert Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Sandes Charles Ballyblaugh Donaghmore Down Sandes Charles Corgary Donaghmore Down Sandes Hugh Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Sandes Margaret Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Sandes Matthew Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Savage Arthur Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Savage Francis Lurganare Donaghmore Down Savage James Lurganare Donaghmore Down Savage John Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Savage Mary Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down Savage Mary Drummiller Donaghmore Down Savage Mary Lurganare Donaghmore Down Savage Richard Lurganare Donaghmore Down Savage William Lurganare Donaghmore Down Scott George Ringolish Donaghmore Down Scott Hugh Ringolish Donaghmore Down Scott William Cargabane Donaghmore Down Sergison Jane Glebe Donaghmore Down Shanes Hugh Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Shanes Jane Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Shanks James Killysavan Donaghmore Down Shannon James Tullymore Donaghmore Down Shannon Jas. Tullymore Donaghmore Down Shannon Rep. John Tullymore Donaghmore Down Shannon Rose Anne Tullymore Donaghmore Down Shean William Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Simpson Martha Ringolish Donaghmore Down Skillen James Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Small Robert Tullymore Donaghmore Down Smith Denis Corgary Donaghmore Down Smith Denis Moneymore Donaghmore Down Smith Francis Ballyblaugh Donaghmore Down Smith Isaac Ballylough Donaghmore Down Smith Isaac Corgary Donaghmore Down Smith James Aughintober Donaghmore Down Smith Joseph Derrycraw Donaghmore Down Smith Robert Corgary Donaghmore Down Smith Rose Corgary Donaghmore Down Spears James Ardkeeragh Donaghmore Down Stephenson Henry Drummiller Donaghmore Down Stephenson John Drummiller Donaghmore Down Stephenson John Lurganare Donaghmore Down Stephenson Samuel Ballylough Donaghmore Down Stephenson Stewart Drummiller Donaghmore Down Sterrit John Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Strain Francis Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Stretton James Moneymore Donaghmore Down Stretton John Moneymore Donaghmore Down Tate Joshua Tullymore Donaghmore Down Taylor Andrew Killysavan Donaghmore Down Taylor James Killysavan Donaghmore Down Taylor John Killysavan Donaghmore Down Taylor Joseph Killysavan Donaghmore Down Taylor Samuel Killysavan Donaghmore Down Telford James Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Telford James Tullymore Donaghmore Down Todd Hugh Ringclare Donaghmore Down Todd James Ringclare Donaghmore Down Todd Ralph Annaghbane Donaghmore Down Tole Joseph Aughnacaven Donaghmore Down Tole Patrick Buskhill Donaghmore Down Tole Peter Aughnacaven Donaghmore Down Tole Peter Buskhill Donaghmore Down Traynor Bernard Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Traynor Margaret Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down Traynor Patrick Carrickrovaddy Donaghmore Down Trimble Moses Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Turley Henry Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Waddell William Tullymore Donaghmore Down Walker Jane Killysavan Donaghmore Down Wallace Catherine Drummiller Donaghmore Down Walmsley William Drummiller Donaghmore Down Walmsley William Lurganare Donaghmore Down Walsh James Killysavan Donaghmore Down Walsh James Maddydrumbrist Donaghmore Down Walsh Thomas Corgary Donaghmore Down Weir David Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Weir John Cargabane Donaghmore Down Weir Joseph Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Wilie Christopher Killysavan Donaghmore Down Wilie David Killysavan Donaghmore Down Wilie Edward Killysavan Donaghmore Down Wilie James Killysavan Donaghmore Down Wilie Joseph Killysavan Donaghmore Down Wilie William Killysavan Donaghmore Down Williamson Annesley Knocknanarny Donaghmore Down Williamson Jane Ringolish Donaghmore Down Williamson Stewart Killysavan Donaghmore Down Wilson Martha Ringolish Donaghmore Down Wilson Robert Ardkeeragh Donaghmore Down Wilson Robert Ringolish Donaghmore Down Woods David Aughintober Donaghmore Down Woods David Ballymacaratty Beg Donaghmore Down Woods David Ballymacaratty More Donaghmore Down Woods David Killysavan Donaghmore Down Woods David Maddydrumbrist Donaghmore Down Woods David Moneymore Donaghmore Down Woods David Ringclare Donaghmore Down Woods David Tullymore Donaghmore Down Woods David Tullymurry Donaghmore Down Wright Hannah Corgary Donaghmore Down Young James Tullymore Donaghmore Down Young Mary Anne Ringolish Donaghmore Down Young Robert Aughnacaven Donaghmore Down Young William Cargabane Donaghmore Down Young William Ringolish Donaghmore Down